The A List (2018) s01e13 Episode Script

The Last Dove

[yelps] Midge!
What are you doing? You made me jump.
Where is everyone?
At the party.
On the cliffs.
The hunt's not over.
Yeah, it is. Petal won it.
But I'm the last dove. Nobody found me.
OMG, I think everybody forgot
you were still out there.
[laughter in the distance]
[indistinct chatter]
[Midge screaming]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you ♪
Who are you ♪
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home!
What are you waiting for?
Just do it! Get it over and done with.
Go on, do it!
[grunts softly]
[Amber] No.
Not yet.
Bring them back to camp.
Why didn't Amber finish it?
[Alex] Maybe she couldn't.
She passed out when Petal resisted her.
What if she doesn't have enough power
left to control us?
What if she brought us back here
first to torture us?
[door opens]
Hey, Mia.
What do you want, Dev?
Or what does Amber want?
'Cause you're her puppet now, right?
It's not how you think it is.
It feels warm.
Don't fight it.
Join us and there's no pain.
No worry.
No fear.
No confusion.
You'll love it.
You'll love Amber.
It's you I love.
Can't you see?
There must be a part of you
that can still feel that.
You're nothing to me anymore.
Amber is everything.
[door closes]
that's not Dev. That's Amber.
But he still had this in his pocket
from repairing the boat.
We're breaking the lock and getting out.
They're scared.
Not much fight left.
I'll see them soon.
You're tired.
I can feel it, too.
We all can.
It hurts.
We just need to rest.
Then I'll be stronger than ever.
[pop song playing]
There are demons in here ♪
They live off your fear ♪
The end is near ♪
The end is near ♪
In this world gone mad ♪
We're spinning out of control ♪
In this world gone mad ♪
The light is lost to the shadow ♪
In this world gone mad ♪
Once we're inside,
there's only one way out.
[Alex] And only one way in.
We can defend it.
[Petal] Night, night.
Mags, are you there?
Mags, it's okay.
It's just us.
It's so cold.
So dark.
Amber messed with my mind.
Made me feel like Midge in the coma.
Like I was at the bottom of the sea.
You have no idea.
Believe me, I do.
So, how do we stop her?
[pop song playing]
She is so cold she burns ♪
They say that she glows ♪
I see her solitary goal ♪
She is so far gone ♪
There's a chemical on this island,
not found anywhere else: animosine.
It boosts the way in which
plants communicate.
When Midge was injured,
animosine entered her bloodstream.
And created Amber
when you treated Midge's brain injury.
This is what I've been working on in here.
A formula to reverse the process
and bring back Midge.
Will it work?
It's never been tested.
For all we know, the animosine
is the only thing keeping Midge alive.
There's a chance it could kill Midge
and Amber.
That's a chance I'm willing to take.
How are you gonna get close enough
to Amber?
[Petal] Mia.
[imitating Amber] Come to my party.
I know where you are,
but I'll let the others go.
So long as you come.
[laughs in normal voice]
That was a funny trick.
Looks like I'm gonna walk right in.
[Alex] Petal.
[Petal] Hey.
I need you to stay with Harry.
[chuckles] Don't go.
I have to.
But you'll be okay here.
Amber wants me, not you.
Which is why she won't be expecting me.
If we don't come back
remember us.
Okay. I'll get her talking,
then it's on you.
First party in ages
and I've got nothing to wear.
[both crying softly]
I got your invite.
So glad you could make it.
Although, of course,
you won't be here long.
[Mia] Rude. I've only just got here.
Finally got your king.
Shame you had to mind-wipe him.
He came to me.
He asked to be with me.
I understand him in a way you never could.
You only care about yourself.
Why else would your little friends
allow you to come to me alone?
No one cares about you.
[Mia] You do.
You threw me a party.
Typical. You think this is all about Mia.
This isn't for you.
You think I'd want you to join me?
We're going for a walk.
To the cliffs.
Alex, now!
-What did you think you were going to do?
-Let me go.
Don't resist me, Alex.
-[voices whispering indistinctly]
-[Amber] I can take your hurt away.
Alex, you can fight this!
-Always the fighter, aren't you, Alex?
-[whispering continues]
Pushing against the crowd.
Battling with your feelings.
[echoing] No!
Don't you want the struggle to be over?
You tried to control me before.
You weren't strong enough.
That's true.
But guess what?
I'm stronger now.
[whispering continues]
[arrow flying]
[Luka] That was a warning shot!
You only get one.
Mia, run!
Catch her!
-[Mia grunting]
-I thought you'd left us.
-I did.
Why did you come back?
Because I'm an idiot.
I need to get the others.
They're waiting at the lab.
Not anymore. I found 'em.
Told them to head to the boat.
We can catch 'em.
Only had the one arrow.
[Petal] I want Alex.
She's meeting us at the boat.
She's meeting us at the boat.
Come on.
[Luka] Go.
I got this.
Let's go, hero!
I've been looking forward to this.
Oh, come on.
You said further instructions. Where are
the further instructions? [sighs]
Howdy, partner.
[Dave growling] Let me in!
[Mags panting]
We're the dream team remember?
[Harry] Come on, Mia!
Wait for me and Luka.
As long as you can.
But if they come for you,
promise me you'll go.
Harry, promise me!
What are you gonna do?
I'm going back for Alex.
I can't leave her.
[footsteps approaching]
You came back
for her.
Look at her.
She doesn't care about you anymore.
Why are you doing this?
I know you're Midge.
I know she's still inside you.
You might have trapped her,
and squashed her,
but she's still a part of you,
and that is who I'm talking to right now.
I'm not Midge!
Midge is dead!
Midge was pathetic!
She was nothing like me.
No one cared if she was there or not.
Nobody cared when she fell!
You didn't even look at her.
-I'm sorry.
-Why would you?
She was nothing.
And now you're nothing, too.
'Cause now you're the lonely girl
without any friends.
And you're gonna take her place.
Now. Walk.
Please, it doesn't have to be this way.
It does.
Walk to the edge and then jump.
Row, row, row your boat!
[engine sputtering]
[sputtering continues]
[engine starting]
I told you to jump.
So jump!
Make me.
Go on, make me.
That's what you do, isn't it?
Only you can't.
I don't know how or why,
but you never could.
No wonder you're obsessed with me.
You played with my head,
made me see things
that weren't really there
took everything from me,
but I'm still here.
[creature growling]
[Mags breathing heavily]
-[indistinct growling]
-[all groaning]
[growling continues]
[growling continues]
you can't make me do anything.
Throw her over the edge!
Kayleigh, throw her over the edge!
I said, now!
[Mia] Alex!
[all exclaim]
We did it.
Where are we?
[Mags] It's okay, Dave!
[exclaims] Everything's okay!
They're coming!
She's gone.
I can feel it.
Midge is gone.
Midge is gone.
-[bones cracking]
What have you done?
You have no idea.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you ♪
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