The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Gaitei kinmu

Are you serious?
So, what will you do?
You are a gardener that maintains
our flower garden, are you not?
What a shrewd man he is.
How ironic.
No matter how hard I worked
with the pen or the sword,
I only became better than average.
But my appearance surpassed
that of anyone else.
The things you really want
will rarely be yours.
I struggled with this back in the day,
but now, I understand my role.
A sweet gaze, a sweet voice
I'll use whatever tools I have
to my advantage.
I know that
I'm just a child flailing
in the palms of the Emperor.
As you will, My Lord.
I'll manage the rear palace.
I'll do anything.
This is the only way
to choose my own path.
I don't need this much, Big Sis.
Sure, sure. Take this, and that.
Oh, take this too.
I won't be using lipstick.
Don't be ridiculous!
You should make yourself look presentable.
Only courtesans dress up
to go to work, you know
I want to mix my medicine herbs Ouch!
Hey, you got a good job in the court.
Don't you want to become
a person worthy of that position?
You have to be grateful for
what you're given in life.
Otherwise, even the best customers
will run away!
Big Sis Meimei's words are persuasive.
She's old enough to
consider retiring as a courtesan,
but she remains popular because
she has the intellect to
entertain her guests with song,
chess, and go.
You packed heavy!
Big Sis Pairin, Big Sis Joka.
I'm glad you got a nice job.
Go earn a lot, you hear?
It'd be helpful if you could bring
some high-paying guests.
Find a rich, good husband, okay?
Someone with a lot of vigor, okay?
My new workplace, or rather,
the workplace I'm returning to
is the rear palace inside the court.
It's an all-women's world made to
bear the Emperor's children.
I was only supposed to be a lowly maid,
but I got noticed for solving the
serial deaths of the Emperor's children.
I got promoted to become
Lady Gyokuyou's attendant,
then got roped into all kinds of
tricky business as a food taster.
Many things happened
and I was dismissed from my position.
I didn't think I'd be
serving the court again.
I got lured by the plant worms,
but it might've been
a thoughtless decision.
Of course, I'm extremely fortunate
compared to others.
I'm a bit worried about
leaving behind Old Man
to do live-in work again,
but the rules will be less strict
than they used to be,
so I won't be considered "missing"
like before.
Old Man said, "Do as you like," but
What did he mean by that?
I'm home.
Wow, you got a lot of gifts.
What should I do?
I definitely need my bowls and mortars,
and I need my notebook.
I can't bring even less underwear
You probably shouldn't bring those things.
If you bring those things
even though you're not a physician,
they'll think you're plotting
a murder by poison.
Don't look like that.
You decided this yourself.
It's too late for take-backs now.
If you get permission in small batches,
there are some things you can bring.
Get ready and go to bed.
Tomorrow's your first day.
What is this? You haven't done this
in a long time.
I thought you weren't a child anymore.
Well, it's cold.
I'll miss you, you know.
It'll be okay. This time, I can come home
whenever I want.
That's true. Come back anytime, okay?
I don't have a mother.
But I have a kind father,
a nosy grandmother,
and many lively older sisters.
I can come home anytime I want.
I'm sorry for the wait, Sir Jinshi.
Please take care of our girl.
We made sure she's all moisturized
and supple.
Don't forget, Maomao.
I know. High-paying customers, right?
All right, off you go!
What a stressful morning.
All right, let's go.
Be careful.
I'm off.
She's beautiful!
I've never seen her
at the Verdigris House.
It's your fault, Sir Jinshi.
- They're all looking at us.
- That's because you're
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Good work, all. Can we go now?
Yes, sir!
Apothecary. Put your regular
freckled face on while you're here.
All right, sir.
Hey, did you hear? A rear palace manager
bought out a courtesan
from the Verdigris House!
The Verdigris House?
That's where the Three Princesses are,
The Verdigris House?
What is he doing?
Where are we?
- This is my house.
- Why?
This is your new workplace.
Sir Gaoshun.
I had assumed that I would be
returning to the rear palace
You've already quit once.
It would be hard for you to return.
You will be working
at the outer court this time.
The outer court
The rear palace, where you were,
is the inner court.
The outer court is just outside of that.
It's home to many government offices.
I'll show you around later.
Welcome home. You must be freezing.
I'm the attendant, Suiren.
You must be Xiaomao.
Yes, ma'am.
There are separate buildings
for the office and living quarters.
Beyond this point is Young Master's room
Young Master?
You're probably fine.
This is about the same size room
that I was using in the Jade Pavilion.
Now if this had a stove and a well nearby
Seems like
this room is too fancy
for a live-in maidservant.
- Xiaomao?
- Yes, ma'am!
I don't intend on you
being a servant here.
I said you'd be working
at the outer court, no?
You'll be taking the court lady exam.
The court lady exam?
Clothes made out of cotton?
What special treatment I'm getting.
Good morning, Ms. Suiren.
Good morning, Xiaomao.
You're up early. Good on you.
I'm here to help.
No, I'm almost done here.
Can you just help carry these?
Yes, ma'am.
- What about the other attendants?
- We have none.
The office is fine,
but we can't have people
for his private rooms,
let alone his meals.
So you do everything on your own?
We've had new girls in the past,
but there's been incidents,
and we have to let them go.
Was he drugged with an aphrodisiac?
Or theft?
No one would enjoy
finding underwear they've never seen
in their wardrobe.
And instead of using thread,
it was woven with hair!
He has it rough, doesn't he?
He sure does.
Wake up, Young Master.
It's time for breakfast.
He's being seductive for no reason
Now I get why only Sir Gaoshun
and Ms. Suiren can enter this room.
A woman will get hot and steamy
from his sex appeal,
and a man might try and do something.
How unfortunate that he attracts
all these sinful thoughts.
He's like an insect in heat.
If I collect this eunuch's smell
and make a love potion, it might sell!
If you're fine with it,
I'll make them prepare a new room for you.
What is he talking about?
I'm confused, but maybe it's a chance
to get a stove and a well?
If you want to say something, just say it!
I can probably find access to a stove
Then, perhaps a stable with a well nearby.
- A stable?
- Yes, sir.
No. I won't get you that.
All right. Let's start the tour.
Yes, thank you.
Sir Jinshi had to stay home.
He's always wasting time at the
rear palace, so I thought he had no work,
but apparently, he's a very busy man.
There are many soldiers on
the eastern side beyond this point.
So avoid this area if you can.
I understand.
The palace I was shown around
was very large,
with so many buildings
and departments that
I couldn't count them
on my fingers and toes.
Could I really memorize them all?
I have terrible memory when it
concerns things I have no interest in.
This is the Director of Waters.
This office deals with all irrigation
businesses like rivers and embankments.
I see
The rear palace had more ingredients
that I could make medicine with.
My guess is that Old Man transported them
when he worked there.
If you become a court lady,
this will be your workplace.
Yes, sir
A court lady, huh?
Hello Xiaomao. Perfect timing.
Can you carry the charcoal to the office?
Yes, ma'am.
Excuse me.
So this is Sir Jinshi's office
It's not flashy, but everything is
high quality.
Just how high-class is
that "Young Master"?
Observing the newcomer, huh?
Bad vibes.
A court lady for the outer court
is basically a clerk.
They have certifications,
a good family, and a good education.
They're not like the palace women of
the rear palace with diverse backgrounds.
With such position comes pride.
That's why
they don't need to clean.
It's not their job, after all.
Just who do you think you are?
They must be well-fed to grow this large.
Hey, I'm talking to you! Why does someone
like you work directly for Sir Jinshi?
I guess staying quiet would
upset them even more.
Does this mean you are jealous
of my position?
Cut it out, will you?
I worded it wrong.
Can't be helped.
You think I'm getting special treatment?
Of course not, right?
Why would a heavenly maiden like him
pay any attention
to a plain girl like me?
You think that the man you respect
so much has such bad taste?
In a place with plenty of abalone
and boar meat,
he would eat a scrawny piece of chicken?
That would mean he's got
a "unique preference" for girls.
That's not for me to understand.
So that's his taste, huh?
I see, a "unique preference"
Of course not!
Then, why were you hired?
This is the reason.
I experimented with burn medicine
the other day,
so my arm is in a pretty bad state.
It stings!
The beautiful heavenly maiden
also has the heart of one.
He even provides someone like me
with a way to feed myself.
Let's go.
A "unique preference"
Are you always getting caught up
in fights like that?
And what did you show on your left arm
All right, then.
I'll be off to clean the next place.
And how's your studying going?
Scatter, scatter
Scatter, scatter
Quiet, all right?
And finally, the day of the exams arrived
Why did you fail?
Why did he think I'd pass?
Maomao became Jinshi's
personal room maidservant.
What shall we do?
What shall we do, indeed?
The area beyond this point is forbidden
for people like you.
Can't she tell me before punching me?
The scent of sandalwood
and a particular bitter aroma
The Board of Military, huh?
Next episode, "The New Pure Consort."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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