The Assassins (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

The New Sultan

Paradise Dream
In one day,
You entered paradise and saw me.
I can't believe it!
After Hassan Al-Sabbah and his followers'
victory over the strongest armies on earth
The world recognized the power of the
Mountain Sheikh and his believing followers
The Sultan and his minister
recognized the strength of Alamut Castle
A regular fighting army
Defeated the Franks.
And conquered lands
where no Muslim had reached
Was defeated by a group of 300 men!
Why? Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Why? Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah?
He decided he won't fight again.
Imagine a believer
from Alamut Castle
With a dagger and faith
Capable of toppling a well-established
nation with an army and wealth
Why would he enter big wars
and lose soldiers and gear?
When he could topple
an army by killing
Topple a nation by killing a
king or a caliph or a sultan
Hassan began his new approach.
Assassinating influential
state figures and officials
Assassinating influential
state figures and officials
You don't need to
fight a nation to defeat it
But you can cut its head.
He filled the hearts with
terror from Alamut Castle.
And its master
Sheikh of the Mountain
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Episode 13
"The New Sultan"
Come sit!
The minister and the sultan died
And Omar became naked
What's your name?
I am Sahban
Do you know who I am?
Who doesn't know Omar Khayyam?
Do you know that the
Nizam Al-Mulk was killed?
I was informed
And Malik-Shah
Sultan of the earth
Is dead!
Yeah, I knew
Do you know Hassan Al-Sabbah?
No, I don't know him!
He's ruling the world
from the top of Alamut Castle
From the top of the castle?
Yes, from the top of the castle
The top of the castle
The world is changing
around us, Sahban
Old meanings are changing
Changing means
Changing means
New meanings are
coming in their place
This is philosophy!
You're a philosopher!
- Me?
- You're a philosopher.
- I'm a philosopher?
- Yes.
No, no, no, I am
Not important
So, what's important then?
What's important is
that this new world
Is dangerous
It's dangerous because we don't know it.
We have to escape!
Let's escape, you and I.
Why should I escape with you?
And escape from whom?
From everything, Sahban.
From everything.
I am.
I'm a child of this ancient
world that is changing.
I am a man of the
murderer and the murdered.
I am a friend.
Of Nizam Al-Mulk and
Hassan Al-Sabbah !
Look, I appreciate this philosophy.
But if we escape, where will we go?
Anywhere but Isfahan!
Where we can live in peace.
Any place where we can live in peace.
- Let's go!
- Let's go.
Let's go, Sahban!
Just in case we're thirsty.
And how is the Seljuk state
after Sultan's death, Zakwan?
The division and infighting
between Berkyaruq.
His brother Muhammad Tubar, Mahmoud,
and their fourth brother, Ahmed Sinjar.
In a fierce fight for rule.
Hasn't it been settled yet?
And it won't be settled
in the near future.
Glory be to the One who does
not ignore the call of the oppressed.
Our master's prayers
are not hindered by skies.
A prayer for all the
oppressed, oh Zaid.
A prayer for all the
oppressed, oh Zaid.
The women, our master.
Turkan Khatun hided the news
about Sultan Malik-Shah's death.
So her son Mahmoud could succeed.
And she imprisoned
her eldest son Berkyaruq.
But his followers
freed him from prison.
And the wars started.
And I think Berkyaruq
is the most brutal.
Quite like his father.
But the rest of the news
Muhammad and his brother Sinjar.
Have aligned against him.
And then they reconciled.
And soon another conflict
arose between them.
Who is the Abbasid caliph with?
Whoever wins.
Whoever wins.
He will be with him.
But he hates all four of them.
And how is Ibn Al-Hafiz in his castle?
Fully in control.
And as reconciliation occurs.
His castle and all the
castles will be in danger.
All the castles.
Except for Alamut, Zakwan.
You are welcomed,
Zakwan, in Alamut castle.
Send our regards
to Ibn Al-Hafiz.
Get Zakwan to his chamber.
And honor him as a guest.
Is there no barrier between
our master and the skies?
Is there no barrier between
our master and the skies?
This is not something you should
say to strangers or guests, Ibn Sihon.
- Our master, I
- Secrets of the castle can't be revealed.
Not even the castle's
most significant secret, Zaid.
My personal matters should
not be discussed or hinted at.
Because my status is your secret.
Understood, our master.
And I apologize.
I want you to be silent
and keep the secret, Zaid.
Like Barzak Amide.
Why did I run away with you?
Companionship, my brother.
But do you even know me?
wine, conversation and
fear of the future gathered us.
Then we're brothers in trouble.
What trouble?
Life is trouble.
Yes, sir, but I am a
poor traditional masseur.
And you are a scholar,
philosopher, and a poet.
And you.
You are Omar Khayyam.
You are Omar Khayyam.
are you a masseur?
Do know that your
job is the greatest?
You are doing what poets,
philosophers, and scholars couldn't do.
None of us could
clean even one human!
But where are we going?
Do you have anyone
in Isfahan to miss?
No father, mother, or wife.
A small water jug, a
small donkey, and a loofah.
Your load is light.
And this donkey surely
got a rest from you.
So where are we going?
Who is the successor of Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Al-Hussein bin Al-Sabbah?
Or Zaid bin Sihon or Barzak Amide?
Mawlana Al-Hussein,
your son, our master.
Surely your son
should be the first.
Who said?
Who said?
I was questioned in my solitude.
Who would you
choose after you, Hassan?
I feel that all three are my sons,
without preference or discrimination.
So I entrusted my choice to God.
To decide among you.
Where are you going?
None of your business.
Who are you?
I’m Kadjar.
Bring them!
I'm so sorry, Alinar.
From the inspirations of my lord
Nizar, peace be upon him, he said.
Ever since the disagreement of
Malik-Shah's sons over the rule.
It is a bright time
for us and our dawah.
No longer is it a time of
hiding and secret dawah.
Isfahan has become a
capital without a sultan.
I want the believers to
appear openly in Isfahan.
Dawah should be public.
I want all who oppose
our dawah to be brutally killed
In the largest squares
and streets of Isfahan.
So it serves as a lesson.
I want fear to fill hearts.
But, this may stir the spirit of hatred
and revenge among the people for us!
And, instead of being
oppressed victims.
We will become despised tyrants!
To be a hated tyrant
is a beautiful thing, Zaid.
It emboldens the weak
to achieve their desires.
And as people joined us out
of sympathy and pity at first,
Now they'll join us to
be close to the powerful.
Now is the time
for things to change!
And whereas people used to
shelter the believer in their homes,
Showing him compassion.
I want them to wish to
be like him and fight with him.
The dispute between Malik-Shah's
sons is a golden opportunity.
That will put people in the service of
the mighty giant who appeared in Isfahan.
Preparing for the resurrection.
The Resurrection of believers and the
restoration of the throne and caliphate.
And then,
Time will have come full circle,
Time will have come full circle,
The resurrection will have happened
and the legislation will be raised.
And the followers of my Imam
will be the masters of the earth.
As he told me in
his holy, noble voice.
And know, oh, my son Hassan, that
you are the holder of the key to paradise,
The man of the resurrection by which laws
will be raised and justice established.
And the Mahdi Imam, the
Awaited One, will appear in you.
In you?
Praise be to Allah.
I only dream of the day
when you will be my wife,
And be behind one door,
and we share our life together.
My obedience here is
the basis of everything.
Because I love you.
What's wrong?
Alinar's threats are true.
Kadjar, the beautiful Armenian,
Was killed hours ago.
She left her room and
was spotted by a guard.
And orders were issued to
kill her and the guard.
It's dangerous, Nurhan!
You're my only friend here.
Kadjar is no more,
She's gone now.
I think that's a sufficient
warning for all of you.
I think that's a sufficient
warning for all of you.
Try to preserve your lives.
No one even knows
that you all are here,
Except me and our master.
Just the two of us.
And no one else will see you
except the chosen one from heaven.
Any deviation from the
place you've been assigned to
Destined to kill!
I advise you to
always be at your best.
I advise you to
always be at your best.
And in a gentle state,
Your faces always smiling.
And remember, Alinar has
only two jobs in the castle.
She turns you into damsels,
Or kills the disobedient among you.
Where's the sweet smile?
Where's the sweet smile?
Oh, the winemaker,
to you the complaint.
We called you even
if you didn't hear.
And a drinking buddy,
I aimed at his seduction.
And a drinking buddy,
I aimed at his seduction.
And I drank the
arrack from his palm.
Oh, the winemaker,
to you the complaint.
We called you even
if you didn't hear.
And a drinking buddy,
I aimed at his seduction.
And I drank the
arrack from his palm.
And I drank the
arrack from his palm.
Oh, the winemaker,
to you the complaint.
We called you even
if you didn't hear.
Hello, hello.
To Omar Khayyam.
We knew about your
entrance in Merv, we are happy.
Don't worry.
Your presence will
embellish our palace.
And it will keep you
away temporarily,
From the terrifying wars
of Malik-Shah's sons.
Thank you for the greatness
of the ruler of Merv.
Is there a celebration
here or what?
Omar Khayyam.
Omar Khayyam.
Who's with you?
My friend, master.
So he's a scientist.
Or a poet.
Or a philosopher.
- Me?
- All of it.
All of it.
Our master Sahban
is more poetic than me.
More philosophical than me,
and more understanding than me.
To this degree!
He hided in Isfahan as
a masseur for seven years.
To escape from the
questions of knowledge.
But he's modest like that.
Yes, I am modest.
Listen, Omar!
I love thrilling stories.
And fun.
And sense of humour.
You will live with me here.
You and your friend Sahban.
You will live in a place
worthy of your rank.
And only one thing
is required from you.
To make a large observatory,
Just like the one
you made in Isfahan!
I want to see the
stars at high noon.
- My master's command!
- And I have another request,
Always be present,
And at my command.
And at my command.
So I can enjoy your company,
And your poetry,
And your thrilling stories,
You and your modest friend.
Be of good cheer, Sahban.
We're both now masseurs,
In the palace of the
Great ruler of Merv.
This is the aftermath of wine,
But surprisingly it
didn't turn out bad at all!
In the name of Allah,
there is no might nor
power except with
Allah, the High, the Great.
In the name of Allah,
Oh Generous Lord,
In the name of Allah,
I feel like I know you.
It's easy,
To know people by their features,
But it's hard for
one to know himself.
Can one really know himself?
Of course!
Many people,
Can know themselves,
And those who know themselves,
Know their Lord,
This isn't some
street sweeper's talk.
The street sweeper,
Is just like anyone else,
He has a heart, mind,
And instinct,
But the most important
thing is to have sound instinct.
You're better than a lot of people.
May God bless you,
That's your good opinion
There are no scholars left. And the
mosques are filled with strange people!
The Esoterics and arrogant ones,
delivering sermons as if they own religion.
The condition has
become difficult,
People have always been different,
Different religions and doctrines,
Different religions and doctrines,
Different ways and sects,
A big ocean,
And unfortunately, many
people drown in it,
Every sect believes they are right,
Every party is pleased
with what they have.
The dispute among the sons
of Malik-Shah won't last long,
This time is ours,
This time is ours,
I want each one
to receive a message,
According to his
nature and thinking,
Berkyaruq is ferocious,
Muhammad is stubborn,
And Sanjar, despite his
young age, is all cunning,
Their busy fight against
each other is enough,
We are action, not reaction,
Who has a stronghold
closest to our castle?
Then the closest ones are
first in terms of kindness.
In the name of Allah, the most
Merciful, the most Compassionate,
From Hassan Al-Sabbah, the
servant of Muhammad and Ali
To the Great Prince Berkyaruq,
son of Sultan Malik-Shah,
We could reach your chamber,
But we prefer peace.
So if you want our support against your
brothers, we will be of great help to you.
But if you're playing mind games
There's nothing between your head
and our daggers but the blink of an eye.
Yes, my lord
Who is responsible
for guarding my room?
Me , my lord.
I didn't become a knight
in the Seljuk army
just to take part in a
war between brothers.
Long live the Sultan!
Are we now fighting under
the banner which sultan?
Return to the kitchen now.
Where is the sense in all of this?
How can the brothers let our
greatest power and army be wasted?
The death of Malik-Shah opened
the door to ruin and division.
and greed
and women as well.
Turkan Khan, Malik-Shah's
wife, started all the disputes.
Turkan Khan, Malik-Shah's
wife, started all the disputes.
She was the one who made the Abbasid
Caliph recognize her son Mahmoud
and kept Berkyaruq,
the eldest son, in prison.
We freed him
and we've defeated her
and her son several times.
Now Sanjar, the third
son, has entered the fight.
Instead of fighting the Esoterics,
we're fighting each other.
If it were up to me,
I'd kill all three of them.
Berkyaruq, Muhammad and Sanjar
And the state would
be united again.
Or they reconcile, Yahya.
All parties benefit from
the brothers killing each other
But it's in our interest
for them to reconcile.
But it's in our interest
for them to reconcile.
One, two
And your armies are outside?
Afraid of your elder brother?
We wouldn't have come here in
the first place if we were scared.
We're here in our rightful place.
Our father's palace, and our grandfather's,
and after, the
brothers' house.
After we were the
strongest nation on earth…
The brothers
fighting themselves!
You started it, Berkyaruq!
Me? How?
Me? How?
I was imprisoned, powerless
My followers
fighting in my name, faithfully.
At the same time, my
brothers are fighting against me.
However, I forgive you all!
I'm also their elder brother!
Our elder brother
So, the rule is yours?
Then whom?
Do you think you can govern a
state that stretches to India and China?
Maybe I live longer than
you and even Muhammad
Maybe in my rule, the state
will exceed its current boundaries
And you know worthiness
And you know worthiness
is not always for the eldest.
And I remind you, my grandfather
Alp Arslan was not the eldest.
I know what led us to this.
Could women's schemes
do this to our state?
And who are these women?
You all know, to meet
here, all three of us,
how many thousands died?
War is easy!
And destruction is easier.
War is easy, and
destruction is easier.
But building and reunification
that is what's hard.
I am the Sultan.
And I am sure that you
don't want to be mere followers.
I know.
I am ready to pay the price.
That price?
What? Gifts from the
Sultan to his brothers?
Gold or slave women from those
who are around you all the time?
The countries that you choose.
Aside from Isfahan, the capital, and
The Two Holy Mosques, and Baghdad.
The rest divide among you equally.
For the sake of the spirit
and bones of Malik-Shah,
I extend my hand in peace.
My brothers and his sons,
We sacrifice for a state
that deserves our sacrifices.
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Temporary Loyalty.
Loyalty not assured.
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq!
News of the brothers' truce
must reach all the cities.
The people must know that
the state has a Sultan.
They are killing
people in the streets.
How did they manage this?
And why were the people silent?
My lord, the state's preoccupation with
internal battles was their opportunity.
The priorities were elsewhere and Isfahan
remained for quite time without a Sultan.
So they spreaded.
How many are they?
They do not exceed 800.
800 could do this in Isfahan?
The Sultanate's
most important city!
Where are the people?
Where are the men of Isfahan?
My lord, the people are afraid.
The public are not made for war.
Gather the elites
of Isfahan for me.
As you command, my lord.
But our number
today is quite large.
I was informed today at
dawn, there will be a mass
declaration of faith here
in the camels square.
That's why the believers
are numerous today.
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