The Chef Show (2019) s01e13 Episode Script

Skywalker Ranch

[upbeat salsa music playing]
[ship horn blares]
-[Roy] span style="style2"Everything I can see is the ranch?
-[Jon] span style="style2"Yes.
[Roy]span style="style2" I feel like Simba,
span style="style2"and I've seen everything I can see.
[Jon] span style="style2"Everything the light touches
is George Lucas's.
-[Roy] Hello.
-[woman] Hey there.
-[Jon] Nice to see you again.
-Yes. Good to see you.
-I'm Roy.
-Nice to see you.
-All right.
-This is Roy Choi.
First time here.
We're going to be cooking
down at the inn.
The ranch was nice enough
to invite us to to come visit you
and take a little tour of what you have.
Can I start showing you
whatever we've got?
We don't even have a menu planned.
We're just going to, like, cook freestyle
based on whatever we find.
[Lyn] I've got lettuce here.
I've got two beds of arugula.
Here's our squash.
-Could we cook squash blossoms?
-We'll serve them raw in the salad.
-[Jon] Okay.
Walk this way
so you don't have to go through the mud.
[Jon] I noticed your strawberries
you keep under lock and key there.
[Lyn chuckles] Yeah.
They do get attacked from all the birds.
-Then I had the deer over here yesterday.
-I was in there over the weekend.
[Lyn] So, yeah. Look at these.
-The peaches here are gorgeous.
-[Roy] That's so beautiful.
[Jon] Wow.
[Roy] Wow, that's good.
And then I do have the raspberries
-if you'd like to try some.
-[Jon] Yes. Let's look over there.
[Lyn] They're absolutely beautiful.
What's great is they don't spray anything
on them, so you can just eat it.
[Roy] Just eat it raw.
[Lyn] Yeah.
-[Jon] What is this?
-[Roy] Lemon verbena.
And if you just take a couple of these
in a butter sauce right at the end
-and just put it in
-It just lightens you up. Yeah.
It's a refresher.
-It just makes you go, "Okay."
-[Roy] You've got red radishes there.
-[Lyn] Yes.
Funny the insects don't eat the fruit,
but they eat this.
[Lyn] Well, that's one of the secrets
is I plant radishes.
And the tomatillos, too, are a great one.
That's why you see tomatillos everywhere.
They take the bugs.
The bugs are eating all the leaves
of the radish and the tomatillos,
and then they're leaving
all of the lettuce totally without holes.
[Roy] It's an investment.
You're producing a whole other crop
to give, rather than to push away.
-I really like that.
And that's why I have a bed of wasps,
but I want them left,
because everything has its part.
I just love that philosophy.
Don't shoo nature away.
-Give them an alternative.
-[Lyn] Bring it.
-[Jon] Can I take a bite of this?
-[Roy] Yeah.
-Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Please. [chuckles]
-No, there's
-Oh, it's so good.
[Lyn chuckles]
-Mm. Tastes like tomatillos.
-[Lyn laughs]
-[Jon] Does it?
[Lyn] Uh, over there is the baby lettuce.
-Over here is carrots.
-[Jon] This is carrots?
Yeah, carrots that have been left.
They're a little bit too big.
-They're too big? Can I pull one out?
-[Lyn] Yes.
-This guy looks like he's ready.
-[Lyn] Okay.
-[Roy] Whoa!
It's almost like a daikon.
We'll use them.
This one's beautiful.
-[Roy] It's like lightsaber color.
-[Jon] Is there a little hose?
-[Jon] That's awesome.
-[Roy] Delicious.
And this is our herb bed.
You can see a gopher has been here,
because you see
how the earth is all moved.
-I'm missing lettuce, but that's where I--
-[Roy laughs]
Yeah. No, they're gone.
-[Roy] Gopher.
-[Lyn] Yeah.
I know it's a nightmare for you,
but it's so cute.
-[Lyn laughs]
-How he just takes these.
They crawl under there
and then come up and pull them down,
-like in a cartoon?
-Yeah. [chuckles]
-I thought that was just Bugs Bunny.
It doesn't bother me,
because I just keep planting. [laughs]
I have, over here,
all the currant tomatoes.
You can see these all need to get picked.
And so we have peppers here.
[Roy] Beautiful.
And you can see the gopher here.
He took this plant out. It's gone.
-This whole plant. And they--
-From underneath?
-So they suck it down? So, wait a minute.
If you were watching, you would see
this plant go into the ground?
You would. It is
First, you see it wiggling,
and then you see them pulling it down.
[Jon] What kind of pepper is this?
[Lyn] This is a Jimmy Nardello.
-Jimmy Nardello?
[Jon] Wow. A lot of flavor, huh?
So the difference
is how long they've been--
-[Roy] Peppers get redder as they--
-[Lyn] As they age.
I have to go through and pick these.
I've got tomatillos right there.
So you must make a lot of salsa here
with all the tomatillos.
I wish. Yes. [chuckles]
-I think they should. I don't know.
-I'll bring some home.
You guys should do
a Skywalker tomatillo salsa.
I have mentioned that.
I would think it would be awesome.
-Maybe you can invent it today.
-Or the one you always cook.
That would be awesome.
Because they have a lot of products
and you have a
-a million of these.
-Yeah. And all the tomatillos are ready.
-You should have a tomatillo salsa.
-[Lyn] I agree. I vote yes.
-We'll crack that today.
-[laughs] Thank you.
[upbeat salsa music playing]
[Roy]span style="style2" All this stuff is from the ranch,
and we're about as local as we can be.
I didn't want to come up
with a pre-menu or anything.
I wanted us to just look at this
and kind of absorb it.
For me, there's a lot of history here.
This is the kitchen in the inn
at Skywalker Ranch,
so I've been coming here since span style="style2"Iron Man,
doing sound mixes.
And we even mixed span style="style2"Chef here.
We were cooking
We would cook all the food from span style="style2"Chef here
while we were doing the mix.
This is the kitchen that I wanted.
This is my dream kitchen.
And to cook with you here,
it's a bucket-list thing.
I remember when you were here
mixing the sound on grilled cheese and
I could see the happiness,
even when you told me
I was sending you pictures.
We cooked a grilled cheese sandwich.
We cooked for the whole crew at night,
because they don't have dinner here.
Everything shuts down.
So all of us were around this table
cooking all the recipes from span style="style2"Chef.
It's like what we're doing on the show.
[Jon] All right, what are we doing?
[Roy] You wanted to start
with the hangtown fry.
-First ballin' dish of California, right?
-After the gold rush.
-First California cuisine.
-[chuckles] First California cuisine.
[upbeat salsa music playing]
[Roy] So what I learned
about the hangtown fry,
basically, it's like a Spanish tortilla
or like an omelet.
What I want you to start to do is bread
the oysters while I cut up the bacon.
-Always season your flour.
-Right. A little salt and pepper.
[Roy] Go ahead and mix that.
Okay, so what we're going to do
with these, Jon, is flour
[Jon] Okay.
[Roy] Shake it off.
Egg wash.
-Pat, shake it off.
-[Jon] Right. I can do that.
Shake it off
before you put it in the flour also?
[Roy] Shake it off on the flour.
Take it off.
[Jon] Egg and then breadcrumb.
-Dave's here. Are you a cook?
-[Roy] We need help eating.
-Not really. How are you doing?
-Hi, I'm Roy.
-Dave. Nice to meet you.
-[Roy] Welcome.
[Jon] Thanks for helping.
-What are you making?
-[Jon] This is called a hangtown fry.
-Your hat's perfect for this.
-Have you heard of this before?
No, I don't know this.
You don't? This is
the first California cuisine dish.
-Before Alice Waters.
In the gold rush, they would eat this.
This dates back to the 1850s.
[Dave] I'm from Pittsburgh, PA.
We don't have this.
[Jon] But you're from here now though.
Relatively. I don't know.
You live up here.
Still have a lot of Pittsburgh stuff.
Do you? What's a Pittsburgh dish?
-What's a Pittsburgh dish?
-Fries and a sandwich, right?
Kielbasa, we have a lot of that. Pierogis.
Big on pierogis back there.
I met Dave
when I was mixing span style="style2"Iron Man up here.
-That's right.
-And Dave was working on span style="style2"The Clone Wars
in secret up here at the ranch.
And I said, "Hey, if you ever need
somebody to do a voice, a cartoon voice,"
and I ended up being a character
named Pre Vizsla, a Mandalorian.
We put him in the show.
It was supposed to be a one-off.
And then it wound into, like,
a two-year commitment.
-Working with you--
-Because George liked the voice.
-Of course.
-See? Of course.
Jon's got great voices.
And then we killed you off.
Darth Maul cut my head off.
Only the strongest shall rule.
-[Jon] I go out strong.
-That's right.
[Dave] Millions of views on YouTube.
Me getting my head cut off
is pretty viral.
[Dave] Right.
[Jon] Dave is like a Padawan here.
He studied with George for
Knows the world and the work.
-[Dave] The history.
-"This darksaber was found--"
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
That's right. Obi-Wan Kenobi
had to give a whole speech
about, "This darksaber was found
in the ancient Jedi temple when I--"
You go right into the voice
that I recognize.
-Is that my voice?
-That is the voice, yeah.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, at last we meet."
[Roy] So we're just making a snack first
and then we're going to cook
for the whole team.
I wanted to cook span style="style2"Star Wars food,
-but all he said to me was, "Blue milk."
-Blue milk.
That's all there is.
There's not a lot of span style="style2"Star Wars cuisine.
There is one dinner scene.
-There is a dinner scene with Darth Vader.
-Jabba's lounge, they eat.
That's right. They eat a frog.
Anakin and Padmé have that fruit
when they're sitting at that long table.
-[Jon] The floating fruit.
-[Dave] It floats onto that fork.
There's a picnic.
They go on a picnic, so you've got that.
Darth Vader is standing there
at a banquet table with a helmet on.
So I don't know how
what was supposed to happen.
I was obsessed with that as a kid.
-I was like, "How does he eat?"
-In span style="style2"Jedi.
-Remember span style="style2"Jedi?
span style="style2"-They must get IVs.
-Oh, span style="style2"Empire, excuse me.
-When he captures Han Solo, yeah.
He must have to take
the helmet off to eat
or just through a straw.
Why would he be sitting at a table
with a plate in front of him?
-It's just purely theatric.
-[Roy] Yeah.
[Dave] Working with span style="style2"Star Wars,
you know that you'll never
make everyone happy,
-but you try to tell a story you like.
-That's what I do with food, to be honest.
-That's right.
-Even this recipe, like, um
I know it's really simple
and crazy weird, but
I tried to think,
"What was it like in 1849 or 1850?"
And then I think about,
"Why did this food happen?"
And then I try to make it delicious,
because it probably
wasn't that delicious back then.
So then I think about that
and pick it apart and pull it back around.
-Kind of similar.
-Yes. But Roy cooks food he wants to eat.
We're working on a show,
like, we want to see.
[Dave] We want to watch, yeah.
[Roy] So we're moving on
to the next thing.
Let's start with the salad stuff,
so start cutting all the tomatoes in half.
[Jon] Okay.
-That looks like the darksaber.
-[Dave] It does.
[Jon] You want that one
or a smaller one?
-[Dave] This one's cool. I like this one.
-[Jon] You like it?
And you like it down the middle, yeah?
[Roy] Yeah. We'll put
the little ones in there.
-[Dave] What about this?
-[Jon] You take the core out?
-[Roy] Yeah.
-[Jon] Take the stem out?
And if they're kind of big,
just cut them in quarters.
[Jon] What's the key to a hangtown fry?
[Roy] Scrambled eggs,
salt and pepper,
breaded and fried oysters,
caramelized bacon.
170 years ago,
they cooked everything in the same oil,
because you're out on the field,
coming out of the mine,
so you only have one pot.
Making the bacon, cooking the oysters,
and then cooking eggs back in there.
[Jon] What's interesting is watch
how effortlessly he does all this.
It looks like
he's just throwing stuff in a thing,
but he's really composing.
-[Roy] Done.
-[Jon] Is this it?
-[Dave] What has happened?
-[Jon] This is the hangtown fry.
What's the difference?
You've got two going?
I'm doing one open-faced,
-one over the top.
-[Jon] He has to do two.
Not that we have enough to do. We're going
to do pasta and salad and dessert.
-[Dave] Oh, my God.
-[Jon] Thanks for helping.
-[Dave] This is within my range.
-[Jon] That's it.
That's the whole thing.
That's how you start.
[Roy] This will be so fucking good.
Look at this.
You like the splash of color?
So the flowers are from up here, too?
[Roy] All the produce is from the ranch.
-You said you were going to do that.
-I'm impressed, too.
It's easy for me to say.
Roy's got to cook it.
-I've just got to cut tomatoes with you.
How do we do this, Chef? Tell us--
This is a hangtown fry.
I've never made this before, but
I made it the way I would make it,
so let's see if it's any good.
So I guess you've got to get
the whole bite.
[Jon] Get a bit of everything.
-Oh, get in here.
-[Dave] Get in there.
[chuckles] Very good.
[Dave] Wanna make sure
to get the whole flavor.
[Jon] They say the secret
to the hangtown fry
is who breads the oysters.
-That's the key.
-Who said that?
Recently, right?
Old Cookie back on the wagon train.
-This is the best for why I'm here.
-What, the eating?
-I'll give you the span style="style2"Star Wars knowledge.
-Why do you think I'm doing this show?
Exactly. [laughs]
-It's not bad, huh?
-[Jon] It's really good.
[Dave] Come in, Mindy.
-Get in here. This'll help the process.
-Come in.
Whose knives do you think these are?
These are her knives.
And I have my knives, too.
That's my slicer.
That's why it's a real lightsaber.
-This is hers.
-That's my baby.
I'll give you your baby. Here.
-No, no, no, no, no.
-No, I don't want--
We could just put that in the show.
This is a koa wood handle inside it.
-[Roy] That's so Boba Fett.
-[Mindy] It's too big to use sometimes.
-[Dave] It looks like beskar.
-[Jon] It is beskar. Beskar steel.
So you cook with a lot of ingredients
on the ranch.
-Oh, yeah.
-How long have you been here?
[Mindy] I've been here almost 16 years.
-So what do you do up here? What's--
-[Roy ]Everything.
I, um Yeah. I primarily do events.
We have animation events.
Mindy's always there.
-She makes--
-Yeah. All the writers.
-I've fed all the writers.
-We have big writers' rooms.
-We always eat with George at the end.
-I've done span style="style2"Star Wars live action,
-Clone Wars, Rebels, span style="style1"yes.
span style="style1"-Mm-hmm.
So what does
So what does, uh, Dave like to eat?
-What's his favorite? Do you know?
-Anything Mindy makes.
Remember the mac 'n' cheese and bacon cup?
Yes, that was really good. Yes.
[Dave chuckles]
[Roy] The next thing, Jon,
I want you guys to do while you're talking
is start to clean and slice
all the carrots, squash and radishes.
Take off all the stems first.
-[Jon] Yeah.
-[Roy] Put it here.
Try to slice them as thin as possible.
Since they're a rounded vegetable
like this, you can make a base, like that.
As thin as you can.
And then we're going to throw all those in
with the tomatoes as well.
-[Jon] Look at that.
-[Roy] You did it.
In there, you can rip all these leaves
and then I'll rip some basil
and then we're done.
I like cooking fast. Like stealing
the Millennium Falcon, you know?
We've gotta just get everything ready
and move on.
[Dave] When did you
first see span style="style2"Star Wars, Roy?
I think my parents took me
when it first came out.
I'm that old. So, um
If not, it was just shortly after,
because they didn't have VHS
or anything, so--
Right. Funny, you know,
it was in the theater for a year.
It had a one-year anniversary.
People don't realize that now.
When I was a kid,
I'm pretty sure we saw it
basically in that second run
later in the year.
Now they have a one-year anniversary
for how long they're filming.
-[all laughing]
-Wow, is that right?
Pretty much. On the big movies.
I'm working on span style="style2"The Lion King
for three years now.
-Going on three years.
-That's true.
I do remember span style="style2"Empire Strikes Back though.
-[Dave] Yeah. More vividly.
-Vividly, when I went, yeah.
I remember when I saw the trailer
for span style="style2"Empire Strikes Back,
I couldn't believe there was more.
Because it was not automatic
that you got sequels then.
-No, not at all.
-You know?
Now you go in and you hear they're
going to make three of these things,
but that was so new at the time.
Like, as a kid, it was such a gift
to go, "Wait, there's more?"
-[Roy] I know.
-[Dave] And then your mind just raced,
trying to understand
what that story could possibly be.
And we had a long time
between movies, too.
We had to wait a long time
to see if Han Solo got out
of that carbonite block as a kid.
[Roy] I know, that stuck with you.
That's why it sticks with us now
It does, yeah. It really does.
[Roy] I'll make the vinaigrette.
It's rice wine vinegar.
And then olive oil.
Pepper sauce.
So we have apple cider vinegar.
Do berries, tomatoes,
salt and pepper, basil.
Olive oil.
-I'm going to add vinaigrette.
-[Jon] Oh, that looks great, Roy.
[Roy] Salt and pepper.
Drizzle some olive oil in there.
Throw some of those radishes
in there, Jon.
[Jon] Some squash blossom.
-[Roy] Try it.
-[Jon] Oh, look at that.
Oh, that's so good.
[Roy] It's good?
It's ready to rock.
All right, we're done.
I'll put this in the refrigerator.
[Roy] Let's start to get the salsa going.
So char these.
This is going to be over meat.
[Jon] So we're going
to make sacrificial salsa, right?
-[Roy] Yes.
-[Jon] I usually cut them in half.
-[Roy] No, no, no, char them whole.
-Okay. Why?
-You have me--
-[Roy] We're moving.
-We're moving.
-I got you.
[Roy] Okay, have you
ever peeled garlic before?
Fifty percent of me is into this.
[Jon] He's Italian. What's the other half?
The other half is Scottish and Croatian.
-[Jon] We'll get to that next season.
-[Dave laughs]
-[Roy] Just peel them all.
-[Dave] Mm-hmm.
[Jon] They can be ugly.
They're going in the blender.
-[Roy] That'll work.
-[Dave] What are you doing over there?
I'm charring these tomatillos just
to give it, like, a little smoky flavor.
You're gonna do the same thing
with the peppers.
[Dave] Can I put them all around here?
-One area?
-[Jon] Go where it's hot.
-[Dave] Over the top?
-[Jon] And if they're skinny, go sideways.
Yeah, like that.
[Roy] Add a little bit of onion.
So then we have fried garlic and onions.
Want me to keep hitting this with oil,
[Roy] Uh no, no, no. Just char them
and put them in the bowl.
-[Dave] Then we just turn them randomly?
-Yeah, let it get black
and look for the ones that are raw on top.
[Roy] All of this is a building block.
I'm doing all the in-betweens,
and then, by the time you're done,
we're going to meet
at the fork in the road
and then everything will come together,
boom, boom.
You'll taste all of these layers.
That's like cooking, too.
Just stay focused on this job.
Practice the punches.
We'll get to the spinning kicks later.
[Jon chuckles]
-[Dave] Got to make the save there.
-It's nice. You're a goalie.
He's a goalie.
-[Roy] Oh, yeah?
-Yeah. Ice hockey.
-[Roy] Nice.
-You have to do a hockey-centric episode.
-Do, like, rink food, yeah.
-No teeth.
I stayed with a bunch of hockey players
once in Providence, Rhode Island.
[Dave] Oh, really?
And, uh, they would literally just
We'd be kicking it, watching TV and they'd
just hit each other out of nowhere.
And then a whole brawl would go out
and then roll over and we'd eat.
The goons, yeah.
And then it was just out of nowhere
every single time.
Salt and pepper.
[Jon] When that stuff starts
to look ready, throw it back in your bowl.
So you really want it
pretty black and done?
-[Jon] See that blistering like that?
-[Dave] Yeah.
[Jon] Like toasting marshmallows.
[Roy] Those look great.
Need a rough chop
on any of the big ones?
No, we're going right in the blender.
[Jon] Oh, with the oil, too.
This is new for me.
[Roy] Beautiful, guys.
Gonna let that steep just for a second.
Now we have this beautiful
kind of concoction here,
which already smells good.
Now I want you to gently put all of this
into that blender.
-[Jon] Basil?
-[Roy] We don't have cilantro,
-so we're going to improvise.
-[Jon] Oh, okay.
-You want the oil, too, yeah? Or no?
[Roy] Put that all in there.
Do you know, my dog's name
is Emerald Ackbar.
[Dave] Emeril Ackbar?
Emerald, like
Because my kids were fighting over
who was going to get to name the dog
in the car.
And I said, "If you can't agree on a name,
I'm going to name it
and I'm going to name it Admiral Ackbar."
And they said,
"Oh, I love Emerald Ackbar."
They were little.
They thought it was a good name.
-Emerald Ackbar.
-Emerald Ackbar is my dog.
[Roy] Yeah, you can put that top on.
Actually, can you cut a couple of lemons
and squeeze them in there?
Apple cider vinegar.
Pepper sauce.
Go ahead and just squeeze that
right in there.
-Now you got it.
-Am I getting it?
Your Padawan. Your trainee.
You're responsible for
-this over here.
-[Roy] I know. I'm very proud of him.
[Jon] Not green enough, Chef.
-Because we don't have cilantro.
-[Jon] We don't.
Pretty damn good. I'm gonna add
a little more salt and pepper.
-It's warm.
-That is good.
Okay. That'll be good.
[Roy] Go ahead and clean up.
Gonna move to the fruits.
-We've upgraded.
-What is that? Where did you get it?
We've upgraded since you're
-[Dave] Since I'm helping?
-[Roy] No, we need Vader now.
-You need Vader?
-[Roy] For the fruit bowl.
Now we're going to make our fruit compote,
so cut these up.
Just cut them up
into, like, halves or quarters.
-I'm going to make a whipped cream.
-[Jon] Okay.
[Roy] Apple preserves,
peach preserves, honey.
I'm going to add Skywalker cream.
-We've got the Death Star plum.
-[Dave chuckles]
[Dave] It's in the DNA here.
-This is all going up to the main house.
-[Jon] I think that's the plan.
We'll feed the firefighters and the chefs
and the staff here.
-They're working on span style="style2"Lion King.
-Oh, is that right?
-I gave notes. I screened it.
[Jon] I went in there.
Got out of their way.
Let them do their thing.
And I'll cook them some food.
You're taking out time
from writing span style="style2"Clone Wars now to be here?
Clone Wars, span style="style1"yeah. So I'll write
When we're done with this, after we eat,
I'll probably try to knock out
maybe the end of it.
-That's what I'm doing right now.
-Oh, really?
-If they're eating peaches, we know why.
-[Dave] The very end.
[chuckles] Yeah, they won't be
eating peaches. I can guarantee that.
So, Roy, we finished writing season one
of the show we're doing,
and he's doing span style="style2"Clone Wars now.
He's writing the end of that
-which is a surprise.
-[Roy] It's coming back?
-It's coming back.
-That was exciting.
-I'm not.
You're dead. Yeah, you're still dead.
But your memory lives on.
I mean, Obi-Wan died.
You could come back
Yeah, he can't though.
-But you can't.
-Can I come back as a ghost?
-What do they call it? A Force ghost?
-No. It doesn't work like that.
-[Jon] Why not?
-[Dave] You were greedy.
You chose power over your friends.
-You're talking about my character.
-Your character.
-Good. Make that clear.
-Are we clarifying that?
It's a bad soundbite.
[Roy] We're going to get this
a little bit tighter,
-but I want you guys to taste.
-[Jon] What is that?
-Oh, that's a whipped cream in progress.
-We're going to roast these fruits.
And then we're going to
smother all of this Skywalker cream
over the top.
What's that? Honey in there?
-Honey and preserves.
-Oh, wow.
-It's good, right?
-And you can get that to fluff up?
-[Roy] Look You see how viscous it is?
-[Jon] Yeah.
-[Roy] So we're getting there.
-[Jon] Wow. Honey whipped cream.
[Roy] I'm going to add a little bit
of this peach preserve in there as well.
-I'm going to add sugar.
-Oh, here we go.
So you're macerating it with sugar.
A little bit of sugar.
Add a little bit of honey as well.
Just a touch of that olive oil.
Salt and pepper.
Oh, that's fucking tasty.
A little lemon in there.
So good.
[Roy] In this cast-iron, I'm going to cook
the food a little bit and bake it.
And bake it, too?
[Dave] I like the focus over there.
-Roy would make a good background Jedi.
-[Roy] Thanks.
I appreciate it. That's the best thing
anyone has ever said to me.
Speaking of Jedi,
we'll use Darth Vader right now.
[Dave] Wow.
[Roy] These are cooking.
It's going in the oven.
So I'll show you
how to cut the tenderloin.
[Jon] This beef is from the cattle
on the ranch, is that right?
[Roy] Correct.
-[Jon] The wagyu?
-[Roy] Correct.
[Jon] I think it is, yeah.
Did they say how many of those
they have here?
I always see them on the hillsides.
-One less than they had yesterday.
-[Dave] One less than Yeah.
[Roy] Go ahead
and lay those flat on there.
Those are already kind of ready to rock.
Teach you how to clean the tenderloin.
This is all the silverskin here.
So, first, you want to try to pull as much
as can come off with your fingers first.
See all that silverskin coming off?
Your knife here.
Don't cut into the flesh.
Keep it straight and hold this tight.
Go a little bit at an angle. Just keep
taking that white part off, okay?
And try to get rid of all the white.
It's like I'm trimming a brisket again.
Then we're going to cut those.
If you want to come on this side
[Roy] And let's just go ahead
and we'll separate about ten to 12 bacon.
Tenderloin doesn't have a lot of fat,
so we're going to wrap them in bacon.
I'm fine being bacon separator.
Bacon is probably the best part.
-It's hard to compete.
-[Dave] Yes.
[Roy] Can you flip it over
and see how it looks on the other side?
[Jon] Uh-oh.
[Roy] Get rid of just that thick fat stuff
right there.
Beautiful. That'll work.
-It's good?
-That'll work, yeah.
Make them kind of small.
Make them about that size, Jon.
So, the bacon, we'll divide it.
We're going to wrap the tenderloin.
You just want one rotation.
Try to keep it tight.
And then you stick your skewer in.
Kind of like that. Okay?
[Jon] Want me to season this, Chef?
Or what--
Help him make these medallions.
-I missed the lesson, Chef, but I'll try.
-He'll show you.
-It's easy.
-What do we got?
Uh, put it like this
and then you just roll it.
-Try to tuck it tight.
-Tuck it tight.
-So you get this--
-Even with this big, old thing here?
-We're using the short ones.
Use the shorties.
[Roy] Okay. Cooking old school now.
From 1850 to 1950. [chuckles]
[Jon] So why do you say 1950, Chef?
Is this old school?
[Roy] That's old school.
Bacon-wrapped tenderloin, 1950s, 1930s.
Albert Einstein probably was eating this
at a banquet hall.
[Jon] Oh, okay.
Not enough.
I need a little more than that.
-You can custom cut one more.
-Here we go.
[Roy] Keep it tight.
-[Jon] Not getting better than that.
-[Roy] All right. So we're done here.
Uh, we'll clean up.
Do berries.
We're almost done, guys. Almost there.
So delicious.
Whipped cream.
Lemon peel.
I want you guys to try this.
It's not pretty.
I don't like to cook pretty food.
-[Jon] Delicious.
-[Roy] It's like a pie without the crust.
Low carb.
Should we chill the cream or something?
-That's going to fall apart.
-This is just the back of the house
[laughs] Leftovers.
-[Roy] That's good, huh?
-[Jon] Well done, my friend.
[Roy] Can you peel the garlic
and cut it span style="style2"Goodfellas style, please?
-Crush it?
-Not crush it. You want to slice it.
[Roy] Slice it real thin.
Should I do the old double bowl trick
where you bang them together?
[Roy] Oh, yeah, you can do that.
[Jon] Now let's see
how this is supposed to
-Just bang it around, Roy?
-Bang it around.
[Jon] There we go. Gives you a head rush
when you do that, too. [chuckles]
We're going to cut these
super, super thin,
like they did in span style="style2"Goodfellas
with the razor blade.
[Roy] Pasta in the water.
And the olive oil. Salt and pepper.
That kind of fries in the oil together.
I'm going to add butter. Clams.
White wine.
Start chopping parsley.
Rip the stems off and then chop the tops.
[Jon] Here you go.
Yeah, that's it.
You hold the tip.
Go through it like a clock.
You just keep moving around. Yeah.
How are you holding up with the cooking
over there? Fun?
[Dave] I'm hanging in there.
He was just gonna visit
and have a little food.
I've been enlisted.
It tastes better if you work, right?
That's the whole thing.
[Roy] Put the pasta in the pan, please.
-[Jon] All of it?
-[Roy] Yes.
-Oh, look at that.
-[Jon] Wow.
I'm going to add
a little bit of pasta water.
Can you cut the lemons in half?
-[Jon] How many? All of them?
-[Roy] Three.
Parmesan cheese.
What would your grandma say
about cheese on there?
-I think she'd be fine with it.
-She'd be okay?
It's not Italy.
[Jon laughs]
[Roy] I'll add some red chili flakes.
My grandma, she wanted people
to be happy and enjoy, you know?
Yeah. Sorry, Grandma Favreau.
-She was not a cheese--
-[Jon] Fish and cheese.
Not with the fish.
You asked her, she'd throw you a look.
[Dave] I like how it's all just by,
you know,
"That feels right. That feels right."
There's no measuring cup.
Just, boom, in there it goes.
See if it's any good
before I give it to you guys.
[Jon] Got to make sure it's good.
-[Dave laughs]
-[Roy] Good.
-[Jon] I would have gotten a bigger bowl.
-[Dave laughs]
[Jon] Thank you, Chef.
-It's good.
We cooked We cooked everything.
-And the pasta's cooked perfect, too.
-[Roy] It is.
Big, crusty piece of bread for that sauce.
-That's it.
-Don't know how much of this is making it
out of this room.
I know. I'm all silent over here.
I've gone dark.
[Roy] It's a little better
now that it's soaked up the flavor.
-[Jon] What do you think?
-This is why I drove down here. [laughs]
-[Jon] All Skywalker ingredients.
[Roy] Linguini vongole.
[Jon] We're cooking on some open fire.
So the bacon will now, um
slowly cook into the tenderloin
and then it'll crisp up on the edge
and then that's when you know it's done.
See how that fire's
getting a little better now?
-[Jon] Yeah.
-[Dave] Look at that.
[Roy] You can already see,
these smaller ones
These smaller ones are almost
already cooked. The bacon also.
-Should we get in there?
-[Roy] Get in there, Jon.
This one's almost ready.
-[Jon] Move them down?
-[Roy] Yeah.
Put them on the bacon side. Get the
That one looks good. Look at that.
Now you can see that one's probably ready.
Almost there, guys.
That's a new technique.
Can you bring me one of those platters?
-[Dave] Almost called you "Coach."
-[Jon] Yeah.
That's my hockey thing. "Yes, Coach."
That one's ready to go.
I'll have someone take it over. Thank you.
Yeah. You can give me the little guys.
Do you want to finish up here?
I'll get the table ready.
-[Jon] Here, Roy.
-[Roy] Hi.
-Hi, everyone.
-[man] Hello.
[Roy] So I made little sample plates here,
just to show you what we got.
Just the only thing The only, like,
build-it-yourself thing is the lettuce.
Got to put the lettuce down
and the tomatoes in
Actually, I'll switch spots.
All right, enjoy.
Thanks for having us.
-[Jon] Thanks for all your help, too.
-You bet. Good to have you guys here.
-Thanks for feeding me all the time.
-Of course. Anytime.
There's a lot of food.
That's what's been fun.
With Roy, we always cook for an army.
-And there's never any left over.
-That was great.
-[man] Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Now I'm going to go over there,
finish span style="style2"Clone Wars.
-Oh, okay.
-If I don't pass out from food.
Might take a little Jabba nap.
Yeah. [laughs]
[Dave]span style="style2" I got hired here basically because,
span style="style2"when I worked at Nickelodeon,
I talked so much about span style="style1"Star Wars
that a friend of mine
recommended me cold to the producer.
When they called from Lucasfilm,
I thought it was a practical joke.
I thought it was people in animation just
mocking my enthusiasm for the movie.
So I almost hung up on them.
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