The Devil Judge (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

The Hunger Games

Judge Kang, please.
Please don't come here, Judge Kang.
Judge Kang, please don't come here…
Please don't come here, Judge Kang.
Judge Kang, please don't come here…
Don't come here, Judge Kang.
No! It's dangerous.
Don't come here!
Put that down.
You know,
I wish you were lonely like me,
Young Master.
Perhaps then you'll stay by my side
when you have no one left.
Help us!
Mister, not him! Mister!
Damn it.
-Are you all right?
Get out.
-Are you all right?
Thank you.
-This way.
-Thank you.
It's been a long time.
It's me. Don't you remember me?
Long time no see, you jerk.
Get him!
I will…
make sure you die
in the most lonely, pathetic way.
A death that suits you.
Does it hurt a lot?
That's too bad.
You'll need to go save
Judge Kim Ga-on too.
Try the Hyeongsan-dong slums.
I told you, didn't I?
That I wish you were lonely to death.
Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon.
It's me, Kang Yo-han.
What's your business?
Ga-on is in danger.
-Find him.
At the Hyeongsan-dong slums. Now.
Your life is just as pitiful…
as mine.
We were almost there.
Now you just needed to live your life.
Your call cannot be
connected at this time.
Elijah's not picking up.
Excuse me.
It's okay as long as you're not hurt.
What were you doing there anyway?
Well, I receive a strange call.
And instructed me to go there
if I wanted to save Professor Min.
What are you on about?
I just spoke to Professor Min
this morning.
He's recovering well at the hospital.
Is he?
Then that Jukchang bastard
lied to lure me out.
Anyway, how did you know where I was?
Well, I just…
heard it on the police radio.
My fellow Koreans, the deadly virus
was once again discovered
in the slums of Hyeongsan-dong.
We can overcome this once again.
No matter what crisis we face,
we will prevail.
Judge Kang.
Judge Kang, get up.
Judge Kang, you must get up.
Judge Kang.
Judge Kang, get up.
Judge Kang.
Judge Kang, you must get up.
Judge Kang!
Judge Kang.
How are you feeling?
We stopped your bleeding for now.
Are you all right?
We are being attacked.
I was worried about you too,
so I tracked your location
and found you here.
But we can't get a hold of
Ms. Han So-yoon.
You two, find Ms. Han So-yoon.
Why wouldn't you pick up?
Geez, you scared me.
Why are you yelling at me? I was sleeping.
Listen to me carefully.
No matter who comes to visit,
don't ever open the door.
Stay in your room at all times, all right?
All right.
where the new variant was discovered,
is a slum community.
The Government and the SRF
are now safely relocating
its residents to the Dream Base…
How did you know this is my favorite?
It's delicious.
Where did you get it?
You and I have similar tastes.
Well, it's delicious.
You're home.
You're late, Judge Kang.
There were a group of suspicious men
outside, apparently.
Thank goodness the Chairwoman dropped by.
She told me you'd asked her to.
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Let me do that for you.
I wish you were lonely like me,
Young Master.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You go to your room.
I need to have a chat with the Chairwoman.
Oh no.
Not when we just started to
get to know each other.
She's quite interesting.
I think she and I click
because we're similar.
Aren't we similar?
We're both smart, ruthless,
and a little broken.
This is only the beginning, Young Master.
Still, let's not cross the line.
Goodness, look at me.
Maybe I was being too friendly.
I do apologize, Miss Elijah.
Goodbye, then.
What's with that woman? She's weird.
By the way,
why are you sweating like that?
Did something happen?
What is this?
Isn't this blood?
It's all right.
It's all right now, Elijah.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You said you're not hurt.
I'm sorry, Su-hyeon.
About what?
For making you see me like that
when Cha Gyeong-hui died.
No need to apologize.
I'm not that much of
a respectable cop, anyway.
I know Kang Yo-han's ways aren't right,
and that it's a crime
for a judge to do such things.
But I just can't bear it.
I think I'll lose my mind
if I don't do this at least.
I know I have no right to be with you,
and I've always been so pathetic
in front of you too.
And I know I'm shameless
when I say I can't live without you.
But I just can't go on without you.
You're such an idiot.
I can't bear it any longer.
How long must I put up
with your stupid talk?
-Do you still not get it?
Who cares about rights?
I have no idea what's right or wrong
or what this world is coming to,
but please.
Please don't get yourself
into danger like this.
Don't cry,
don't bring misfortune upon yourself,
and don't ruin your life like this.
That's all I ask for, Ga-on.
As long as I have you,
I should get going.
I need to check how things are going.
And you stay here like a good boy
because who knows
when you'll be attacked next? I'm off.
-Yes, bye…
Jukchang was his name, was it?
He's very good at what he's doing.
Yes, he's bold and daring.
He's really quick at getting things done.
I told you. Those with nothing to lose
always do a good job.
Chairwoman Jung, what about
Judge Kang Yo-han's supporters?
Did you take care of them?
Yes, I got almost all of them
on the emergency bus.
Since it's the people who matter the most.
So you know that
it's the people who matter the most.
You're done with
the emergency announcement, are you?
Thank you for your work.
Judge Oh
has reassured our citizens
by instilling confidence.
Let's give her a big hand!
So how serious is the situation?
I was told it's a highly fatal variant.
This is a residential area too,
so I'm worried…
Don't you worry about that.
We're currently enforcing
emergency measures nationwide.
Then instead of just broadcasting,
I should be out there
helping the relief work--
We should…
leave that to the experts. Right?
Of course.
I see. All right.
Then I'll be leaving now.
Judge Oh, just get ready for it.
For inauguration as the presiding judge.
Let's have a drink to celebrate later.
Due to the emergence
of the Hyeongsan-dong variant,
the Dream Base migration project
has been progressing faster than expected.
The Social Responsibility Foundation…
Get some rest and don't overwork yourself.
-Then I'll leave you to it.
-Thank you.
…will also fund the R&D for a cure.
If you wish to make a donation,
please visit the SRF's official website
for more information.
We welcome your participation.
Are you all right?
Where did you hurt yourself like that?
It's nothing.
Don't worry.
I'll stay healthy.
Until you can stand up
on your own two feet and kill me.
What are you talking about?
-You think I'll ever worry for you?
-Up next,
President Heo Joong-se
will be addressing the nation.
His statement will concern
the Government's position
on the Hyeongsan-dong variant,
so may we ask for
your full attention, please.
-Mr. Go.
Judge Kang, how are you feeling?
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Did you manage to find Ms. Han So-yoon?
What about the other supporters?
I think they were taken by the SRF guys.
They're dragging people away,
using emergency relief as an excuse.
This is a state of emergency
with lives at stake.
From now on,
all media including newspapers
will be under state control.
A 10 p.m. curfew will also be enforced.
This morning, our government arrested
the ring of malcontents
who have been spreading
false propaganda to breed social unrest,
and is now investigating their background.
-We can't get a hold of Ms. Han So-yoon.
-Did you manage to find her?
I think they were taken by the SRF guys.
Despite that tragedy
you suffered ten years ago…
Yes, every time I see Judge Kang,
my eyes tear up.
Judge Kang!
Are they telling me to just bear it
because my future isn't so bright?
So this is your way, is it?
How will you confront those
who move this world
if you'll push out even those
who are beside you?
That's my way of doing things.
And that will never change.
You know what kind of bastards
we're up against.
And they're probably now
in high spirits too.
Who knows what they will do next?
I never deluded myself
into thinking that I'm justice.
I'd been merely making decisions.
Judge Kang Yo-han
is driving this country toward
violent madness.
All actions against emergency quarantine
and relief measures
will be considered murder,
and will be punished
by the maximum penalty allowable by law.
What if they end up pointing
that sword at you?
Turning crises into opportunities
is how those who move the world operate.
And I just couldn't stand their hypocrisy.
It was revolting.
Monster, did you say?
You have no courage to accept your pain.
You think this battle is a joke, do you?
You need to stop.
You are ruining this world.
Fellow Koreans, do not be afraid.
We will prevail!
We will overcome this crisis
and prove to the rest of the world
that we are the most outstanding nation.
So please believe in me
and our government!
promise me one thing.
Just promise me one thing.
That you won't harm the innocent.
That you won't harm the innocent.
I'm sorry, Yi-sak.
I don't think
I can keep that promise.
The SRF, with tremendous responsibilities
to stop the spread of the variant
to other parts of Seoul
is carrying out emergency rescue
and relief aid by migrating
the residents of Hyeongsan-dong
to the Dream Base village.
The SRF, who is working
closely with the government…
Judge Kim.
Those are all downright lies.
Do you know
what's really happening out there?
What's this about all of a sudden?
It's all chaos
because of the virus variant.
They are dragging people away
like they are animals.
That news?
It's all fake.
-The Foundation manipulated it.
-How can that be?
I saw it and experienced it
for myself at the scene.
It's Jukchang and his army's doing.
They are beating innocent people
with steel pipes.
You were a victim?
Do you know what scares me even more?
No matter how hard I think about it,
I arrive at the conclusion
that the discovery of the variant itself
is a lie.
Hold on.
Are you sure you're in your right mind?
By raising the wind over
this "highly fatal variant,"
they deployed Jukchang to the frontline,
who is no more than a hooligan.
Without any PPE,
and hardly wearing a mask too.
Think about it.
Jukchang was the ringleader
of Heo Joong-se's private organization.
Now, he's a criminal
with an electronic tag,
and he's at the forefront
of a national emergency operation.
Judge Oh.
You're being used.
Your videos are everywhere
on the streets--
I'm sorry,
but I think you've been highly wrought up.
I don't know what excessive force
was used at the scene,
but are you telling me to
actually believe all that?
Don't you think you've gone too far?
-Judge Oh.
-At a time like this,
we need to stay calm and restore order.
And I'm only assisting that.
You're not at the court.
-Is something going on?
-I heard you were hurt.
I'm fine.
Before that, do you know
what's happening right now?
As long as you're fine.
We'll discuss that later.
Come in.
Have a seat, Judge Kang.
I don't have bad proportions,
but this outfit just doesn't flatter me.
It's just so drab.
This is where improvements
should come first.
What did you do to the country?
What do you mean?
I'm protecting our country
and our people from the pandemic.
Forcing out the poor from their houses
by rounding up your private army, is it?
Is that what you're talking about?
But what am I supposed to do?
Should I leave all of our
ten million Seoul citizens to die,
to uphold the rights of some 10,000?
Isn't 1,000 a bigger number than one?
Can't you do the math
when you even passed the bar exam?
Besides, people will be happier
once this crisis subsides.
Why? Because now that Seoul's cleaner,
their housing prices will go up.
That's what humans are.
Are you sure
the virus has re-emerged?
Wow, I didn't know you were such a psycho.
Hey. How could you make such a joke
when we're discussing
state emergency here?
I'll cut to the chase.
Stop this madness, right now.
Give it up.
What if I say I can't?
I will summon you to the Live Court Show
and expose all of your schemes.
Until the angry citizens turn
this place into a sea of fire
and drag you out by the collar,
like a dog.
Honestly, psychos tend to
go to the extremes, like this.
You think it'll work hounding me like this
when you have no proof?
Don't make me laugh!
Our people are terribly
frightened right now.
So whose words
do you think they'll believe?
Here's me, who's telling them to stay home
because strangers are dangerous,
and there's you, telling them to take
to the streets to help strangers.
Who do you think they'll choose?
I see the small popularity
you enjoyed with the public
has gotten to your head, but wake up!
Those who rave about you
and those who made me president
are really no different.
They're all the same. Did you know that?
Now listen to me
because I'm about to say something wise.
Those who gave birth to me,
gave birth to you, you bastard.
Got that?
All right, so you want to test your luck.
You look great in yellow.
This area is off-limits.
Please stand back.
-Judge Oh?
-Are things all going as planned?
Open up the gate.
My fellow Koreans, the deadly virus
was once again discovered
in the slums of Hyeongsan-dong.
We can overcome this once again.
No matter what crisis we face…
My fellow Koreans, the deadly virus
was once again discovered
in the slums of Hyeongsan-dong.
We can overcome this once again.
No matter what crisis we face,
we will prevail.
-Ms. Officer?
-Yes, ma'am.
You said to call you at any time
if I remember anything, right?
About Joseph,
who used to work at the cathedral.
Well, someone told me that they saw a man
who looks like Joseph
in a neighborhood in Seoul.
But they're not too sure either.
That's okay.
Please tell me all that you know.
You're here.
Why are you out here?
I told you to be good and stay home.
I thought you might be home now.
Shut up. Let's go in.
About what happened earlier…
What do you mean?
Like anything ever happened.
I won't apologize. But…
I thought maybe I got the order wrong.
You know I'm a real coward, right?
I was scared to death all day.
In case that made things
awkward between us.
In case it drove us apart.
In fact, I've been like that all my life.
What if…
we start dating,
then have a fight over something
trivial like everyone else,
which causes misunderstandings,
jealousy, heartache…
and eventually result in us breaking up?
Then what?
Because you're all I have.
If I lose you, I'll have no one left.
So I thought, as long as we stay friends…
As long as we stay best friends,
I wouldn't be lonely ever.
I'm such a loser, aren't I?
And selfish too.
But I can't hold it back anymore.
I don't need anything else.
Let's fight over the trivial things
like everyone else,
misunderstand each other,
get jealous, and get hurt.
Because I just want to love you
for the rest of my life.
I love you a lot, Su-hyeon.
Kang Yo-han…
What if he does have something against us?
The quarantine authorities,
the media, the police and the prosecution.
They're all under our control,
are they not?
If we say there's a virus,
there is a virus.
So how will he prove otherwise?
It's not like he's going to carry
around a microscope to prove it.
Still, I just don't have
a good feeling about this.
If I could,
I'd bury him somewhere in secret.
But that would turn the country
Chairwoman Jung, if you have
any good ideas, share them with us.
If he still doesn't get our warning,
we'll have to get rid of him.
That's exactly how I feel!
But if we do that--
So let's start
by getting rid of his stage.
His stage?
Stars only shine bright
when they're on stage.
Without their stage…
they are just an average person.
Ga-on, wake up. Quick!
Our government has decided to disband
the Department of Live Court Show
and newly establish
the Department of Emergency Court
to respond to the current state emergency.
The Emergency Court will handle cases
on obstruction
of emergency quarantine and relief aid,
production and circulation of propaganda,
and illegal demonstrations and protests.
The Court will be presided by
Judge Oh Jin-joo,
and the associate judges will be nominated
from those judges
with a strong view of the state.
-This is crazy.
-That's all I have for now.
Su-hyeon, we need to stop this.
They're deceiving
the entire country right now.
There's just Judge Kang who can stop this.
Ga-on, not Kang Yo-han.
I know all these are very suspicious,
but how are we supposed to trust him?
I'm telling you, he's dangerous.
-Just wait.
Just wait a little more.
I'll expose Kang Yo-han's true face.
I'm almost there, Ga-on.
Su-hyeon, please.
Please trust me on this one.
We need to stop this.
Let's check him
after handling this situation.
All right?
Will it be possible?
We'll have to try even if it isn't.
I'll round up
the supporters one last time.
We do have one with access
to the control room.
Judge Kang.
Let me call you back, Mr. Go.
Will you just sit back and watch?
The innocent are being beaten
and dragged away like dogs out there.
So will you just sit back
and watch like this?
Say something.
Is anyone in?
-Who is it?
-Hello, may I ask you something?
Do you know this person, by any chance?
Not really, no.
I see. Thank you.
Is anyone in?
Is anyone in?
Congratulations, Judge Oh.
Or should I say, Presiding Judge
of the Emergency Court.
Let's keep this up until
you're our Chief Justice.
We'll make it all happen for you.
If you will,
how about you do a proper job with it?
Judge Kang still enjoys
great popularity despite everything.
And I'll need to surpass him
as the new presiding judge.
Do you not remember
Kang Yo-han's acceptance speech?
You know, his "I am the power."
You're saying your intro needs
more impact, are you?
That's right.
Seeing is everything
when it comes to public image.
But it's not something a single
certificate of appointment can concoct.
It's high-handed personnel administration.
In fact, I just stole my mentor's seat.
So what can we do for you?
Would you like to do
an inauguration speech?
At the very place
where Kang Yo-han once stood.
With Kang Yo-han and Kim Ga-on
in the background.
Do you think
Kang Yo-han would agree to it?
I'll convince him.
I'll tell him
that we can't just let him go like this
and we should at least hold
a farewell special for him.
Also, I'll tell him
that I will honor his legacy.
So you want a coronation.
With Kang Yo-han passing
his crown over to you.
Don't you think it'll look pretty?
I think it'll get stellar ratings too.
With this much attention
and the exclusive broadcasting rights…
This is driving me mad.
I've never directed a show
with such viewership,
so must we let it end like this?
Does that mean we're fired too?
I hear they're launching
an Emergency Court.
Hey, would you watch something like that?
It's not like
it's an emergency court martial.
Hello, Judge Oh.
I truly appreciate it, Judge Oh.
No misunderstandings.
I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Please accept it.
I know it's come to this
due to the state emergency,
but I'm sure the Live Court Show
will be back once we come around.
So let's tell people that
you are leaving it to Judge Oh until then.
That will help you
with your return later--
You need stooges, do you?
Ms. New Presiding Judge.
Judge Kim, let's not do this.
Let's do it.
Judge Kang!
But you better do a good job
with the camera work.
So I don't lose face.
Don't you worry about that.
I'll bet my career on it
and do an amazing job!
Is anyone home?
-Hello, I'm from the WAIS.
Is Mr. Jung Joseph?
No, not here.
Then have you ever seen this man in your--
No! Don't you know
we're in a state of emergency?
Is anyone home?
Mr. Jung Joseph?
I'm Yoon Su-hyeon from the WAIS.
Don't you think
this will get us killer viewership?
I mean, everyone will be
in their homes, watching TV.
-Are we stopping by to eat first?
They have been taking a long way around.
You're right.
That's strange. She never
mentioned anything like that.
Do they want to stop by
the restrooms, perhaps?
Hello, Judge Oh!
We have some time to spare, right?
Let's grab something to eat.
Sure, all right. Let's do that, then.
She wants to grab something first.
-Check the commercial breaks for me.
-Yes, sir.
You can't come in here.
What is it?
-What's going on?
-My goodness!
We're ready to go live.
Where do they want to take us anyway?
I don't see any restaurants around here.
I'm sorry, Director.
But you'll have a hit show this time.
I promise.
Yes, of course…
What is going on there?
What is all this?
What are all these people doing?
We should show them
about what's really happening.
Count me in too.
Judge Oh.
Judge Kim.
I saw it.
I know my ignorance
can't serve as an excuse.
I'll do anything.
I'm up for whatever I can.
Will you really do whatever you can?
Yes, Judge Kang.
It'll look more natural now.
You're right.
After seeing this,
I can't call myself a journalist
if I don't report it.
Gather around!
-What is it?
You go and get our cameras, hurry!
I'm sorry, guys.
I'm sorry about the change of plans.
But please believe in me.
We're glad to have you on our team.
Now let's go do our trial.
Put these on first.
Time for you to take to the stage.
Let me take it from here.
I'll be counting on you.
Is the camera team on the rooftop?
Yes, sir.
All right, be careful.
Team A, you focus on the judges.
Teams B and C,
get a close-up of the scene.
Teams B and C, get close-ups of the scene!
And I'll be following Judge Kang.
When is the generator truck coming?
-We were in a rush, so…
-But the sun's about to go down!
I said I'll assume full responsibility.
One moment.
Fellow Koreans!
We're currently at Hyeongsan-dong,
at the scene of emergency relief.
What is that?
As you can see, this is the truth.
Oh my, is that all real?
All the footages you saw to date
are all lies.
The government has been
hiding the truth from you
-to commit state violence.
-What are you airing right now?
Are you in your right mind?
Well, you see…
Enough of your nonsense.
Stop it right now!
Right now!
Contact Jukchang
and tell him to deal with
Kang Yo-han right now.
Do you understand?
What are you doing? Get to work
if you're getting paid from the country!
Yes, sir.
My fellow Koreans.
Please launch your Dike app,
and cast your vote.
Chuck it at them!
Your neighbors are dying,
even as we speak.
Will you continue to
just sit back and watch?
The government has been blinding you.
Now open your eyes.
Open up!
Stop the show!
-You still haven't opened it? Move!
-There's no answer.
Open up!
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Please continue.
Director, this way.
Be careful.
Judge Kang…
They just stoned Judge Kang.
They just stoned Judge Kang!
Judge Kang!
You ought to go to hell!
No! Please stay put, Mister.
Kang Yo-han!
Come down here.
Come down here!
Come down here!
I said come down right now!
Come down here!
Kim Choong-sik!
It's time for you to come down.
Come on down.
Then just cut off all the power
in that area!
Cut it off!
Cut all the power off!
I'm not joking. Just do it.
Smash all the TVs and kill all those guys
at the broadcasting station!
-You can still watch it on the Dike app.
They must have cut off power
in that area too.
You're right.
Are the lights ready?
All right, in your positions.
-What are they doing?
-Oh what?
Let's take out our phones too.
-Let's do this.
-All right.
-What is going on?
-Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Like that will help!
As if that will help!
Turn the lights on, on my signal.
Turn it on!
…cannot prevail against the light.
Now number two. Get ready.
cannot prevail
against the light, everyone!
What is this?
Damn it, that tenacious bastard…
-Good work.
-Thank you.
-Get some rest.
-Thanks for your hard work.
How did you get here?
No… Su-hyeon…
No, Su-hyeon! No…
Are you hurt?
Su-hyeon, no…
I told you not to get hurt.
Why did you get hurt?
Don't cry.
Don't get yourself hurt, Ga-on.
Ga-on, I love you.
I love you.
No, Su-hyeon!
Help her, please!
It must be hell.
I know because I'm down there too.
If anyone tries to stop this trial,
they are the offenders.
We should cut off the tail first.
Don't tell me you're still not over him.
To get people to fight,
you needed the blood of a sacrifice.
That's what Kang Yo-han truly wants.
I'm asking whether you're sure
who it was that killed Su-hyeon.
It will be a life for a life!
I propose the death penalty.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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