The Flash s01e13 Episode Script

Tina, is That you

- Who is it? - Barry? Barry, are you there? It's Tina.
Tina? - Can I come in? - Yeah.
It's 2 in the morning.
- I couldn't sleep very well, Barry.
- I could.
I was.
I need to talk to you about something.
I'm listening.
Well, lately I've been having these feelings.
You know, special feelings.
Feelings for you.
I've never been able to express them, but they're there.
They keep me awake at night, tossing in my bed.
They crowd my every waking thought.
I can hardly concentrate on work anymore.
Barry, what I suppose I'm trying to say Damn it, Barry, I love you.
I'm glad I've said it.
I Tina, I had no idea.
Really? - I thought it might have crossed your mind - No, no, no, I mean I didn't know you felt the same way I did.
After all these months we never said anything or did anything.
Well I guess we better sit down and talk about this, huh? Calmly.
Quickly, so we can move on.
No! No! No, please! No! No! - Are you all right? - I'll be fine.
You go get that hooligan.
Give it up.
- Tina? - I'm full of surprises tonight, aren't I? I despise you and everything you stand for.
But remember, I made you the Flash.
I can speed you up.
I can slow you down.
I can let you live and I can make you die.
Tina! No! Those meditation tapes just aren't working.
- Another restless night? - Try sleepless.
I've had maybe an hour's sleep a night for the last week.
- When I do sleep - The nightmares.
Only they've gotten much worse.
Weirder somehow.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
- Do you want to try biofeedback therapy? - I will try anything that might work.
Okay, I've got a great new machine.
It's meant to be very effective.
Take a seat.
What may be happening is your accelerated metabolism causes your brain to go through periods where it can't produce the alpha waves needed to relax and fall into a good, sound sleep.
The principle here is that if I learn to monitor my brain waves I can teach myself how to relax.
- Except I've modified the process.
I spent three years in biofeedback.
So for me, reaching the alpha state is as easy as closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.
Now, if I can transfer my alpha waves to you, it can only improve the results.
Damn it, I love you.
I despise you and everything you stand for.
No! What is taking so damn long? Dr.
Lagro, please report to the fourth floor nurses' station.
- Mr.
Allen? - How is she? Well, Dr.
McGee regained consciousness during the EEG, which is a good sign.
The best thing to do is let her sleep.
We'll know more tomorrow morning.
I suggest you go on home, get some rest yourself.
Rest? That's what started this thing in the first place.
- Excuse me? - It's a long story.
Listen, I'll stop by in the morning.
Thank you, doctor.
- Yeah, Maintenance.
- What is with you people in Maintenance? This hospital is a shambles.
- Dr.
McGee, you're up.
- I'm up, but where am I? Central City Hospital.
You suffered a bad shock yesterday.
There is nothing wrong with me.
The last place I want to be is this bloody bed! - Excuse me? - What's wrong, you got wax in your ears? - I said I want out of here.
- I'm afraid that's not possible.
- What the hell is this slop? - This is your breakfast.
Oh, tea? Am I'm supposed to like tea because I'm English? Why not crumpets and Yorkshire pudding? I want coffee.
Strong and hot.
- Now you cut that out, Ms.
- That is Dr.
I earned my title, Gladys Gillis.
Now, I don't like this setup one bit, understand? And I especially don't like you.
- How you feeling? - I'm feeling fine.
How are you? - Great.
What happened here? - Oh, a little accident.
The nurse slipped as she was bringing in my breakfast.
I brought these for you.
- Oh, Barry, they're beautiful.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
And thank you for rushing me here last night.
I must have had you scared out of your wits.
Yeah, you did, actually.
There it is, doctor.
All over the floor.
I hope you didn't hurt yourself.
That was a nasty spill.
What spill? She attacked me! Dr.
McGee, Gladys says you were behaving rather belligerently.
I'm sorry if I upset you, dear.
Sometimes I can be a bit crabby when I first wake up.
Yes, I am good.
I am very good.
And so humble.
- Really, you should apply for sainthood.
- Hey, come witness my miracle.
- What was the problem? - A manufacturing defect in one of the microcircuits.
The same board put out the fax machine last week.
Hard to think that a $2 part put Tina in the hospital.
- How's she doing? - I just phoned her.
She seems to be okay.
She'll be back in a couple days.
- That's great.
- Yeah.
- So you're on for tomorrow night? - Tomorrow night? What is this, a convenient memory lapse? Sabrina's roommate from college, from Chicago.
Another blind date? Oh, come on, Julio.
Let's look at the record here.
Last month, it was Maxine, the manicurist.
Topics of conversation were my cuticles and her snow-dome collection.
Then there was Gwen.
- Divorced four times in six years.
- Okay, so she had a run of bad luck.
Yeah, so have I, all right? No more reincarnated Babylonian priestesses.
- No more birthday-party clowns.
- Cookie made good balloon animals.
Cookie! Look, I am not that desperate, all right? Look, Barry, Lisa's different.
She's an architectural designer.
You've got a warehouse apartment she could turn into a palace.
I don't need a palace, all right? But I do need you off my back.
Come on.
I swear, Julio, this is your last chance, all right? If this one's a wash never, ever again.
- You got it.
It's a deal, all right? After tomorrow, you're on your own, okay? No complaints.
I must be crazy.
All available units, burglary in progress.
Fur Exchange on Lotus Drive.
All available units, burglary in progress.
Fur Exchange on Lotus Drive.
We better jam.
That bell's been howling five minutes.
Oh, relax.
Central City's got the slowest cops in the state.
Hey, what happened? The Black Rose gang.
You ladies are at the top of my list.
Especially you.
You're wanted in three states for murder.
Nice body.
- Too bad I gotta put holes in it.
- It's no good, Harley.
He's the Flash.
He's faster than bullets.
- She's right, you know.
- She's never right.
All dressed up, no place to go.
Oh, brother.
Give me a break.
What the heck is this? It's a giant fur ball.
I'd hate to meet the cat that coughed that up.
Let's search them.
All right, well, you're the married guy.
I guess I better do it.
Ladies, sorry about this, but we're gonna have to frisk you.
Frisk this.
Look out, Murph.
Get down! Tony, you all right, man? This is Unit 234.
Suspects have escaped.
They're armed and dangerous, heading north on Keystone Drive.
Do I have to do everything? Any available units, immediate backup needed at Fur Exchange.
See Officers Bellows and Murphy.
Repeat, any available units immediate backup needed at Fur Exchange.
See Officers Bellows and Murphy.
- Pick it up! They're right on us! - Waste them, Shauna.
Shoot to kill.
- All right! - Yes! All right! Yes! - Harley, what are you doing? - Stop! Hit the brakes.
Not till he's under the wheels.
Get Get Harley.
Too late.
Same here.
Come on, Janie.
This is Joe Kline, the voice of the city.
She died as she chose to live, violently and criminally.
Harley Lydon, leader of the nefarious all-woman Black Rose gang killed last night in a chase with police after an attempted robbery at the Central City Fur Exchange.
I'm here at Big Ed's Tattoo on the Central City wharf.
Rumor has it that the Black Rose women frequented this parlor.
- Any comment, Big Ed? - They'd come around once in a while.
But I was close with Harley, if you get my meaning.
I'm the one that give them their tattoos.
You know, the black roses.
But I ain't seen them since then.
You think the death of Harley Lydon will put an end to the crime spree around here? I hope that puts them off the street forever.
I hate to see girls like that go bad.
You know, I'm thinking of coming out with a special commemorative tattoo in honor of Harley.
I'll be getting one of those.
The Black Rose gang.
I wonder if they're open to a new leader.
- I just want to get out of here.
- Yeah, well, I just spoke to the doctor.
He said he needs you here one more day for observation.
Another day? This is deadly.
Tina, what are you drinking? - Coffee.
- Coffee? I thought you were strictly a tea drinker.
Well, I changed my mind.
Barry, I don't think I could stomach another meal here.
- Could you bring Chinese food tonight? - Tonight? No, I've got a blind date.
Julio set it up.
I gotta tell you, I'm not looking forward to it.
Well, Barry, if you don't wanna go, no one's forcing you.
I know.
So why don't you call Julio and tell him you're not going? Well, I can't very well do that.
I promised.
- We made a deal.
- Look at you.
You're making a fool of yourself over this woman.
- What? I've never even met this woman.
- Well, that's exactly my point.
If you want me to have respect for you, call Julio now and cancel.
Hold it.
Wait a minute.
We're talking about a date.
What the hell is the matter with you? You didn't think I was being serious, did you? I was just teasing.
- You were? - Yeah.
I'm sure you'll have a lovely time.
- Damn it, I can't believe Harley's gone.
- Shauna, you're making me more nervous.
- Is that possible? - Yeah, so cool out.
Don't you tell me to cool out! You weren't tight with Harley.
Not like I was.
We went back to reform school together, Harley and me.
I mean, we were kids, we took care of each other.
Holster them, girls.
It's just the lunch wagon.
Now listen, I don't know how long you can stay here.
The cops keep sniffing around.
Reporters keep calling.
You said this place could stand an atomic bomb.
You can't take a little heat from the cops? Hey, not forever.
This ain't Father Ed's Home for Wayward Girls.
It's okay, Ed.
I can't stay down here much longer.
- It's like we're buried or something.
- Hey, a little respect.
They buried Harley today.
In the pauper's field.
What's a pauper's field? That's where they put you when you die an outlaw.
No tombstone, nothing with your name on it.
You gotta make your mark while you're still alive, Janie.
Anybody gets in your way, you send them to the pauper's field.
Look, Shauna, let's split town, okay? I mean, we put enough money aside.
- And we could just - No! The Black Rose has a score to settle.
- With who? The Flash? - Yeah.
- I wouldn't mess with that guy if I was you.
- You wouldn't, huh? - No.
- Well, this is personal, Ed.
I don't know, Shauna.
The Flash is trouble with a capital T.
Oh, yeah? Well, I want him dead.
With a capital D.
McGee, where do you think you're going? I'm blowing out of this hellhole.
Away from your ugly face.
- That's it.
I'm calling an orderly.
- You listen to me, lady.
No one tells me what to do or keeps me where I don't wanna go.
Got that? You're a sick woman, Dr.
You should be in that bed under a doctor's care.
Sedated, if you ask me.
You're the one who should be taking a snooze, Gladys.
Oh, I can't remember the last time I laughed so much in one night.
Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I was actually kind of dreading this date.
- Thank you very much.
- Oh, no, it's just that Julio and Sabrina have tried to fix me up before.
This is different.
A lot different.
So we gonna sit here in the car, or are you gonna ask me in? - You wanna come in? - I'd like to.
Come in.
Thank you.
- Oh, Earl.
- Hi.
- Come here.
Come here.
- He's so cute.
Cute? He's too old to be cute.
He's distinguished.
Earl, this is Lisa.
Well, I can see you've already met.
I always thought you could tell about people by the pets they keep.
What, I'm lazy, I whine when I'm hungry and I hog the bed? - I'll admit to one out of three.
- And which one is that? Guess.
Would you excuse me for a moment? - Sure.
Don't be gone long.
- Oh, I never am.
Too much garlic in those meatballs.
That's better.
What in the world? Barry, I'm so glad I caught you, darling.
Mother needs the invitation list for the wedding.
- Tina? - Barry, what's going on here? Oh, Barry, another one of your flings? Enjoy it because it will be over once we have our rings on.
Tina, is this supposed to be some kind of a joke? - I think I'll be going now.
- No, Lisa, wait.
Don't tell me, there's a good explanation for this.
But there is.
I think.
- Listen, let me at least drive you - No.
Thank you.
I am perfectly capable of hailing a cab.
I think you two have some wedding plans to discuss.
- No, we don't.
Lisa - Barry, drop dead! Assuming I'm awake here could you please tell me what the hell you're trying to do? I hope you learned a good lesson here, Barry.
A lesson? What lesson? You can't go on using me and treating me like dirt.
You may be the Flash, the hero of Central City but you forget, I made you what you are.
Well, this city's gonna hear from me.
Tina, what are you doing out of the hospital? I checked myself out.
There's nothing wrong with me.
What are you staring at, you mangy bag of fleas? Tina! Listen to yourself.
Look at what you're doing.
- This isn't you.
- Yes, this is me! Where are you going? Look, getting rid of that tart was only my first piece of business tonight.
- Don't you think you should be in a hospital? - No, I don't.
And you can't keep me there against my will.
Now, just be reasonable, all right? You listen.
If you do anything to stand in my way l'll go to every television station and newspaper in this city and let them know who the mystery man in the red suit is! And I'm not talking about bloody Father Christmas! Bloody? Mama.
The stuff on the wall is strictly for tourists.
You have lovely skin.
A canvas like that deserves the classics.
How about Venus on the half shell? - I was thinking of a rose.
- A nice English rose.
- And I know just where I'd like to put it.
- A black rose.
- I want information.
- You want information, try 411.
They can't tell me where the Black Rose gang is.
You don't want an illustration, leave the premises.
I already told the cops all I know.
Look, I can offer you something the cops can't.
What would that be? Your life.
Central City is quiet tonight as police widen the dragnet in their search for the remaining members - Turn that clown off! - Shauna Duke and Janie Jones - What are you doing? - You can stay here and pay back Harley if you want, but I can't take it.
Holed up like a couple of scared animals.
You wanna leave? Go.
But who is gonna watch your back? - Who is this, Ed? - What does it look like? A lady with a gun in my back.
Drop it, or I'll blow your head across the room.
That would be a stupid move.
You need me.
Together we can tear this city apart.
I don't believe this.
A Black Rose wannabe.
You ran into bad luck the other night.
I'm here to change that.
Oh, yeah, bad luck.
- In a red suit.
- The Flash? If it wasn't for him, Harley would still be alive.
Work with me, and you won't worry about him again.
- What can you do? - I can do anything I want to him.
I can speed him up.
I can slow him down.
I can let him live or I can make him die.
This is Tina.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Tina, yeah, it's me.
This is the 10th time I've called.
Please call me.
I need to talk to you.
Still no sign of her? No, no.
I've been to her house, I've been to the lab I don't know, you know, that accident with the biofeedback machine I think it's altered her personality or something.
- I'm worried about her.
- Yeah, it's a little scary.
It's a lot scary, Julio.
So, what was in that package she sent you? What package? - The one I put on your desk for you.
- Oh, this package.
Barry, I really hate to have to talk to you like this but I'm too embarrassed to return your phone calls.
I'm sorry about behaving so horribly last night.
But you must realize that wasn't me talking.
Not the me you know anyway.
I spoke to Dr.
He says I should go away for a couple of weeks and rest.
By the time you get this, I'll be at my sister's.
Barry, I hope I didn't ruin anything between you and Lisa.
And if she's still talking to you, please give her my apologies as well.
I hope you can forgive me, Barry.
I'll make it up to you.
I promise.
Well, see you soon, okay? Bye.
So now you know where she is.
Just call her sister's.
It's not that easy.
Her sister lives upstate.
No phone.
- Well, Tina seemed fine on the tape.
- I know.
You didn't see her at my place.
She burst in, she kissed me full on the mouth she wrecked my evening with Lisa, and it was like she was getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
Look, I know you're concerned about Tina, all right? But I'm sure she's gonna be fine.
Besides, there's nothing you can do about it, right? - Right.
- Right.
So I had Sabrina call Lisa and explain to her that you and Tina aren't planning a June wedding.
Therefore, Lisa has agreed to meet your raggedy self at Carlos and Toshiro's at 1 p.
I'm now going to cover my head for your assault.
Thank you.
Julio, for once you have my permission to meddle, okay? I'll be there.
Now remember, once we're inside, kill the power quick.
Then we have a chance to beat the alarm.
Listen, McGee, don't get comfortable giving orders.
You're nothing but a grunt till you pass your audition.
And if you don't pass your audition, I guess we'll just have to kill you.
In spite of what you heard, I don't have eight children in Pittsburgh l'm not after your money and I don't eat broken glass for breakfast.
Well, then I guess we have nothing in common.
Listen, I'm really sorry about last night, okay? Oh, me too.
I should have given you a chance to explain.
Okay, well, since we've both offered our humble apologies how about you and I pick up where we left off? - Yeah? - Okay.
Because where we left off was getting pretty interesting.
I promise, nothing is gonna interrupt us this time.
Except a bank robbery.
- Go inside, call the police.
Stay there - No, Barry, wait a second.
I'm fine.
Nobody move.
You twitch, you die! Fill the bag! Fill the bag! - Did you see that? - Just grab the money! Oh, my bag's full, I'm getting out of here.
Janie! You roses need pruning.
Flash, watch out! Let's go! - My God, what have they done to me? - Hey, Flash, go get them! Mom, he's a fake.
Stop the car! We need a hostage.
- No! You guys, no! - You're coming with us! Let's go! I don't know what this is about, but I have friends in the Central City P.
Like Barry Allen? - Tina.
- Oh, she remembers names too.
- What is this? - This is called a kidnapping.
Any more stupid questions? I have heard of jealous women, but this is crazy.
- Crazy? Are you calling me crazy? - No.
Tina, listen to me, I just met Barry.
To be honest with you, I have no interest in him at all.
As a matter of fact, I find him I despise him.
- Oh, really? - Yes.
I think he's boring.
He's dull, he's obnoxious.
Just let me go, I'll forget this whole thing ever happened.
Oh, so now I'm not only crazy, but I have bad taste in men too.
The way you slowed down the Flash, that was really good, Tina.
Ink your pen up, Ed.
I'm ready for the black rose.
Yeah, but this time, I get to choose the place where it goes.
- Right, girls? - Wait a minute.
She only made the Flash drowsy.
I want him asleep for good.
Till then, you don't get any skin art.
Understand? Fair enough.
Killing the Flash will be easy now that we have the bait.
- What kind of bait is she? - She's a friend of the Flash.
A good friend.
- How do you know? - I know.
That's why you need me.
- Any luck on the dart? - Yeah, I just ID'd the contents.
It's a superconcentrated form of insulin.
An injection would case a rapid but brief slowdown.
Witnesses claim the Flash tried to stop the robbery.
My theory is that whoever this new member of the Black Rose gang is has figured a way to slow him down, at least for a couple of minutes.
- Any luck on the prints on the gun? - I got two good ones right here.
Great, that's perfect.
Look, do you mind if I go to Sabrina's? She's real upset about Lisa.
No, go ahead.
Go ahead.
I'll stay here and run the prints.
- Are you doing city, state or federal? - All of them.
- That'll take all night.
- Yeah, I know.
Well, all right.
If anything comes up, call me, okay? You bet.
My God.
- Crime lab.
- Listen, Barry, and listen well.
Tina, where are you? What's going on? What's going on is we've got Lisa and she's getting on my nerves.
- "We"? Who's "we"? - Look, that's none of your concern.
If you wanna see her alive, come to the old Central City power building.
Don't do anything until I get there, all right? I'm warning you, Barry.
Do as I say unless you wanna see your girlfriend disappear forever.
Tina! Let's get ready.
He'll be here in a second, and I mean that.
Okay, I'm here.
Now what? I keep telling you guys, he can outrun bullets.
Tina, listen to me.
Listen to me! Remember the biofeedback machine, the accident.
Something happened.
You are living out my nightmares.
You've got to let me help you get back to normal.
What is normal? You? That's a laugh, running around in your red suit.
Why are you so worried about me? - You have a new love in your life.
- You don't even know what you're saying.
This isn't the real Tina.
But she's still inside you.
Well, maybe I don't want her there.
If we don't end this, someone could get hurt or killed! Is that what you want? Is it? No.
Of course not, Barry.
I'm so sorry.
What have I been doing? How could I have said and done such horrible things? It's okay, all right? Now just take me to Lisa, okay? - Yeah.
- So I can get the two of you out of here.
She's in here.
Don't worry, we didn't harm her.
I know.
So long, sucker! You wanted the Flash, you got the Flash.
- Yeah.
- Tina, I think you've earned your rose.
I read about you in the Chicago paper.
- No one was sure you really existed.
- They're not really sure here either.
It's no use.
They ripped out the phone.
Come on, let's get going.
We gotta get our stuff to Big Ed's.
I wanna get out of town tonight.
She said something about Big Ed's.
The tattoo place on Lydia Drive.
Yes! Get out of this stuff.
It'll kill you.
It'll put them out of their misery in a few minutes.
Call 9ll.
We have an emergency at the powerhouse in Helltown.
We need police and paramedics now.
- Big Ed's.
- Please send police to Big Ed's on Lydia.
Tattoo parlor, yes.
Thank you.
Please hurry.
Wait here for the police.
Step on it, Ed.
I wanna be in St.
Louis by dawn.
You think when Rembrandt was doing the Mona Lisa he had chicks bugging him to hurry up? - Mona Lisa.
You mean that stripper in Helltown.
- You like it? - Love it.
It should have been more three-dimensional.
You know, I needed a more sculptured, round surface.
I wish you chicks weren't blowing town.
I'm gonna miss you.
Look at this.
I'm getting misty-eyed.
- What was that? - Someone up top.
I'll ring the buzzer when I get rid of them.
What do you want? The Black Rose gang.
Where are they? I don't know what you're talking about.
So unless you want one of those added to your chest you'll tell me where they are.
That's Ed's signal.
All clear up top.
Let's split.
You go ahead.
I've got things to pack.
- I'll be up in a minute.
- All right.
Tina, you've been a very bad girl.
- Let me go! - It's time to tame the shrew! It's him.
Step on it.
Let go of me! Put me down! All right, get out of the car! - Put your hands up.
- A little car trouble, ladies? Gee, I'm sorry we don't offer free front-wheel alignment.
It looks like you dented your license plate.
Isn't that a shame? You'll have time in the slammer to care of that.
- Make some new ones, huh? - Hey, Murph, you hear that? - Yeah.
- Open up the trunk, please.
What are you doing in there? What, you're impersonating a spare tire? Would you believe I dropped my keys in the trunk and the next thing I know? - Get out of there! - Come on, let's go.
- Move it! - Come on.
- Turn around.
Hands up.
- You can't hold me here forever.
- You could have killed me if you wanted.
Any step of the way, you could have revealed my identity, but you didn't.
Now, look around.
Your work is here.
Your life is here.
Oh, damn you, Barry! The biofeedback machine's been repaired.
Now, if we can both reenter the alpha state at the same time we'll re-create the moment in the dream when it all went wrong.
You're crazy.
It will never work.
Well, it's the only chance we've got.
- Get this thing off me.
- Tina, shut up! You're gonna sit there and you're gonna go through this, all right? Relax! Tina, I'm not your enemy.
I'm your friend.
Barry, I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Barry.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's all right.
It's all right.
I'm just so glad you're back.
Well, here's to my first visit to Central City.
Hopefully not your last.
Well, how could I stay away? I was kidnapped saw a bank robbery, met the Flash.
Isn't there something else might bring you back? As a matter of fact, there is.
Where is that golden retriever anyway? Come here.
Oh, that's my cab.
I gotta get to the airport.
- Tonight? - Tonight.
- You have to get to the airport? - Yes.
- You have to fly tonight? - Yes.
- Come on, I'll drive you home.
- You'll drive me to Chicago? - You bet.
- I don't think so.
She's back! - Just kidding.
- I'm glad you can laugh about it, Lisa.
Actually, I wanted to catch you and apologize.
Oh, it's okay.
Barry explained everything to me.
- I gotta go.
You take care.
- Okay.
Bye, you.
Bye, you.
Did I interrupt something? Just my life for the last few days.
Barry, do you think I should turn myself in to the police? Well, no one was really hurt, you know.
And when you stop and think about it, you did help me collar the Black Roses.
- I did? - Well, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, if I hadn't gone after you I never would have found them, right? Yeah, well, how about this? You've been very good about keeping the secret of mine and I will keep the secret of yours.
But you are gonna have to get rid of this little souvenir, though.
Don't worry, I can zap it off with my micro laser in the lab.
That seems a shame.
It's kind of cute, don't you think? No, I don't.
- But please, do me a favor, Barry.
- Yeah? Next time you have a sleepless night, why don't you try a nice warm glass of milk.

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