The Following s01e13 Episode Script


Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
You don't want to do that, Claire.
Take me to my son.
What's next, Joe? Enjoying my family.
I really do believe that you will love me again.
Mom! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Joey.
It's not gonna work, Joe.
The FBI discovered the camp.
It's what you thought, a boot camp where they studied and trained.
So our military cult peeps, they're all part of Freedom 13.
- The militia? - Mm-hmm.
Joe Carroll is associated with Daniel Monroe? So what are the FBI gonna find there? Everything.
The illegal contraband could easily trace back to Daniel.
He's a friend, Joe.
This is precisely why I won't be asking you to kill him.
Agent Weston, tell us where Claire is.
I don't know anything.
You know everything about me.
Roderick? Isn't that what they call you? Ryan, I want to introduce you to someone.
This is Sheriff Nelson of Havenport.
Whatever we can do to help.
_ If Joe Carroll is here, we're gonna find him.
I got roadblocks set up on every road coming in and out of town.
They're doing full-on car searches.
Still waiting on those property records.
I'll call the courthouse, see if I can't get them to hustle up a little bit.
Thank you, Sheriff.
I know it's been a long night.
That's okay.
We never get this kind of excitement around here anyway, so I'll be right back.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How you doing? Knock me down, I get back up.
Mitchell could use your help in the computer lab.
It's in the back.
She's going through the police dockets.
Will do.
Yeah, Bennie.
I'm checking on those property records.
There's a whole army of FBI folks here today.
That's classified, Bennie.
Excuse me, Sheriff.
What can I do for you? You need to put your hands up.
Excuse me? You heard me.
Hands up.
Shouldn't you be in the hospital right now near death? I'm right here, and you need to put your hands up now.
Well, that's not gonna happen.
Hey, hey! Stop right there! Hey! He's got a gun! Hey! Stop! Hey! I'm a federal agent.
I'm a federal agent.
Stop the sheriff! All the deputies are being put in holding until they can be thoroughly vetted.
We need to figure out who's in this cult and who's not.
I want a full report of every single person that worked in this office, civilians, too.
You okay? He was right in front of me.
We'll get him.
Roderick's real name is Tim Nelson of Crowley, Virginia.
His mom is a retired mayor, his father was an army colonel, died in the Gulf War when he was a child.
He went to Winslow University, graduated 2004, political science major, minor in literature.
I'll give you one guess who his faculty advisor was.
How does someone like that become a sheriff in a town? Hell if I know.
I mean, the guy won awards.
We're questioning everyone in the office.
Maybe it will turn something up.
So we've made Roderick.
I think the cult's gonna try to make a move now.
We need to lock this town down.
I need you to keep a close eye on them for me.
Claire hates me.
I'm the last person who should be watching her.
I stole her son, Joe.
I'm sleeping with her husband.
I'm not winning her over anytime soon.
Does she know about us? No.
That will stay between us.
It's more fun that way.
There's nothing in the news about Daniel Monroe's death.
They're keeping it quiet.
No news is good news I suppose.
We have a problem, Joe.
We're royally screwed.
All right.
National Guard's en route.
Meanwhile, the State Police are manning the roadblocks.
Coast Guard is monitoring the waterways.
We've got two choppers in the air, DC's sending more.
So what about the Sheriff's residence? It's a small apartment in town.
It's basically empty.
It's a fake home for his fake life here as a sheriff.
He's at his real home with Joe.
So where are we on property records, real estate reports, the foreclosures in the last year.
I mean, we're looking for a pretty big piece of property here.
It's gonna be rural, hidden away.
Here comes the press.
Media blackout, folks, until we know what we're dealing with.
The agent saw my face, Joe.
He recognized me.
How was I supposed to know he was just gonna walk into the station? If you'd dealt with him properly in the first place-- I put him in the hospital! Look.
We have an escape plan.
We need to execute it.
We divide ourselves up, we leave the house in small groups, all of us.
Roderick, you have to calm down.
We are in trouble here, Joe, and it's your fault! I told you to leave Daniel Monroe alone.
Oh You didn't have to kill him! The FBI found Daniel Monroe.
I didn't have a choice.
But that's what led the FBI here in the first-- Look.
I fixed the property records and hid this place, but it's just a matter of time now.
They will find us! We need to leave now.
It's not time yet.
Not time? I don't understand, Joe.
Is there something I don't know about? No.
Of course not.
What is it, Joe? Is there something you're not telling me? Roderick, you-- you are clearly getting paranoid.
We have a long history together, you and I.
You can trust me.
Joe, if there is a different plan, some other vision that you have for us, now is the time to tell me.
I have done everything for you.
I have dedicated my entire life to you.
I'm the one that's out there every day watching things for us while you sit here day after day writing a book, wining and dining a wife that's never gonna want you back.
Unh! Heh.
It was all a lie, huh? You used me? You used me?! You need to pull yourself together.
Or what? You gonna kill me? You gonna kill me like you did Daniel? Joe! Joe, you're gonna want to see this.
Ryan Hardy's on the news.
The FBI has reason to believe that Joe Carroll and his cult of followers are somewhere in the vicinity of Havenport, Maryland.
So at this point, you don't have an exact location? We're narrowing it down, but in the meantime, we're willing to make a deal.
If any follower or acolyte of Joe Carroll is willing to cooperate with the federal authorities, they will be given full immunity from prosecution for any crimes that he or she may have committed.
They need to contact the Havenport Sheriff's Office with that information, but keep in mind that this is a one-time, one-day, first-come, first-serve deal only.
What is it? Ryan's holding a press conference.
I know there's doubt among you, but I'm speaking to that one person that simply made a mistake by following Joe.
There's still time for you.
You can turn back and be completely exonerated if you'll just help us.
Well, the FBI are clearly desperate.
We on the other hand are not.
So Emma's bad? What about Jacob? He's my favorite.
We play video games together.
He's nice.
Sweetie, I'm so sorry, but we can't trust any of these people.
But you know what? We have each other, don't we? We're gonna leave real soon, I promise.
Okay? Unh! Mom! Mom! Aah! Aah! What are you doing? Mom! Mom! No! Please no! You can't do this! Don't do this! Joey! - Mom! - Joey! No! What's going on? Why did he take Joey? What's happening! We had a disagreement.
I'm handling it.
How?! He left! I will find Joey, I promise you.
Well, where is he taking him? - What is he-- - Claire! I've said I will find Joey.
I will fix this.
Now you need to calm down because I am having a really bad day.
I'll go myself.
The FBI's all over town.
You can't risk that.
I should go.
Joey knows me.
Uh, Jacob, you know Michael and Ethan? Yeah.
We've met.
Jacob has developed a very strong rapport with my son, so he'll be going with you to find Roderick.
He's a wanted man.
There's no place for him to hide in this town.
He'll try to run, he'll use back roads with smaller roadblocks.
He's got multiple fake IDs.
Well, I want you to start with Ryan Hardy.
If anyone knows how to find Roderick, it will be him.
Yes, sir.
We'll monitor the sheriff's station closely.
And please bring my son back and kill Roderick.
He's betrayed us.
Make him suffer if you can.
I was supposed to get off an hour ago, but Kerry didn't show up for her shift.
I'll call you when I get off.
Damn, Tim.
You scared me.
What did you do? Everyone's looking for you.
I need your help, Betty.
Who told you to hold a press conference? You have no authority to offer a deal, grant immunity.
I know that.
I'm just trying to get one of them to come forward, get them to talk.
It could work, Nick.
There's always dissension in a cult.
If just one person is questioning their commitment, that's all we need.
All I'm asking is that you run stuff by me.
We're working towards the same goal here.
Now you tell me.
A waitress from a diner in town was seen getting in the car with the sheriff a few minutes ago.
Why don't I just pull over up here and you can take my car? I told you, Betty, they are wrong about me.
This is all one big misunderstanding.
There's police up ahead.
What should I do? Act natural.
Call me Brian.
Hey, there.
What's going on? Can I get some IDs? Step out of the car, sir.
Aah! Drive.
Jacob! I know you're going to look for Joey.
I'll bring him back, Claire.
I know you care about him, I do, but he's just a little boy, he's a little kid, he doesn't have a choice in this, so please if you find him, please don't bring him back here.
Take him far away, take him somewhere where the police can find him because he doesn't belong here.
You know that.
I am doing what Joe wants.
You killed those men.
No other option, Betty.
This is not happening.
I'm afraid it is, Betty.
Oh, my God! No, no! Drop the gun.
Freeze where you are.
Get down on the ground! Don't shoot! Drop the weapon! Drop the gun! - Drop it now! - Get down! - Freeze! - No, no.
He tried to kill me.
I surrender.
- Get down.
- I surrender-- I want to cut right to the chase.
I made a rather impulsive move earlier.
It's a character defect, gets me in a lot of trouble.
Needless to say, I want to make a deal.
A deal requires you to have something that I need.
Where's Joe? Oh, he's somewhere.
He is really mad at me.
See, I took a little insurance policy from Joe to protect myself from him, from you, from anybody else who might want to kill me.
His name is Joey Matthews.
That ring a bell? You expect me to believe that you have Joe Carroll's son? You don't have to believe me.
Call Joe, ask him yourself.
You got a number handy? I had a phone on me when you arrested me.
Get that phone.
Why'd you take Joe Carroll's kid? I told you I'm impulsive.
Hello, Joe.
I take it from this-- this call that, uh, that you have Roderick in custody, Ryan.
Staring right at him.
He's about to tell me where I can find you.
If, um-- if that indeed were true, then I suspect we'd be having this conversation in person, Ryan, so clearly, this call is about something else entirely.
Well, he has been telling me a very interesting story about Joey.
Is it true? Would you, um-- would you please tell Roderick that if anything untoward should happen to my son that I will personally peel the skin from his body? Wow.
Things really aren't going your way, are they, Joe? What's that? Let him sweat.
What do you want? It's simple.
I'll give you the boy, and you give me my freedom.
He knows that's not gonna happen.
Let me make this as clear as possible.
Under no circumstances are we negotiating with that killer.
He just murdered two state troopers.
So you're okay with the kid dying? Because I'm not.
Of course no one's okay with him dying.
How do we know this isn't a trap set by Joe? That's a risk I'm willing to take.
This is my call, Ryan.
I'm not sanctioning a deal.
We'll find another way.
Don't talk.
You take me to Joey, I cut you loose.
Knew I could count on you.
Come here.
Get in here.
Come on, come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Ryan, you'll never get out of here.
Give him the hat.
And the jacket.
Now, now.
You know, there's a camera at the end of this hall.
Already took care of it.
How you want to play this? Once I know Joey's safe, I'll escort you out of town past the roadblocks.
After that, you're on your own.
Get in.
Get rid of your gun and your cell phone.
Not happening.
You want that kid dead? Ticktock, Ryan.
Keep on wasting time.
And the weapon you took off the agent, if you please.
Which way we heading? North.
Yes, Emma.
What is it? I just Come.
Everybody's sort of freaking out, you know, with the FBI so close.
We're safe here.
Are we? For how long? I mean, everyone's worried-- Everyone just needs to calm down.
Now is there anything else? I'm worried about Joey.
Whoa, whoa.
You need to stop this.
I do realize that I may have given you mixed signals regarding certain aspects of our relationship.
It's called sex, Joe.
Yes, Emma.
It is sex.
That's all it is and nothing more.
Joe, I am not some sniveling schoolgirl.
I know exactly what it is.
Then you should also know that it has its proper place and time, and clearly, this is not it.
Now is the time for you to worry about Joey's life since you were so neglectful of it earlier.
Are you blaming me? Joey was with your wife.
You have had one job since the beginning, and that was to watch over my son.
Claire tried to kill me.
She wouldn't let me get anywhere near-- What is wrong with you? - No, Emma-- - No! So he's inside the house? Why don't we go see? Come on now.
We're at the location.
Ryan and the suspect are inside.
We're at the road's turn.
I'm gonna get closer.
Hang tight till I advise on the kid.
Waiting for a go.
Have your men ready to move on my orders.
Now I've drunk the Ryan Hardy juice.
This your place? No.
Don't worry.
I don't think the owner will mind us being here.
Where's Joey? Hey.
Come here.
It's okay.
I got you.
You're safe, all right? Come here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Get back! Drop your weapon! Okay.
You all right? You good? Stay right here.
Right there.
Can't be our guys.
They're waiting for my call.
It's Joe's people.
Cover me.
Get back.
Get back.
Stay back.
Stay back.
Stop shooting at the house, you idiot.
You're gonna hit the kid.
There's at least a couple of them out there.
Yeah, it's Weston.
We got shots fired.
Carroll's followers are on scene.
Anytime you want to show up.
They stopped firing.
Means they're coming.
I want you to take Joey, find someplace safe for him.
You're gonna go with Agent Weston, okay? Cover the back of the house.
I got you.
You ready? Go, go! Come on.
Come on.
Here we go.
Keep going.
Stay right here.
I'm just gonna check the house, okay? Come right back.
I promise.
Unh! Aah! Aah! Hey, squirt.
Where you been, huh? Your mom's been looking everywhere for you.
Joey's gone.
That way.
Let me go.
Mom said you were one of the bad guys.
That's crazy talk.
I'll tell you want, okay, we can ask her.
Let him go, Jacob! Get down, get down, get down.
Stay where you are! Throw out the gun.
This can end right now.
I got to bring him back to Joe.
He's counting on me.
Joe doesn't care if you live or die.
Jacob he's just a kid, man.
You got to do what's best for Joey.
I know you care about him, Jacob.
He doesn't deserve this.
Let him go.
Please let me go, Jacob.
Jacob, come on.
Nobody has to get hurt here.
Come on.
You can end this.
You can end it right now.
It's up to you.
You okay? You're Ryan Hardy.
Mom said you're one of the good guys.
Come here.
Breaking news from Havenport, Maryland, where we've just learned that the FBI has, in fact, rescued Joey Matthews.
Now Joey, who is Joe Carroll's young son, had been taken from his Richmond home several weeks ago.
The FBI is not commenting on the circumstances surrounding the rescue as Joey's mother Claire is still missing, but the FBI does believe that Carroll Can you turn that off, Aaron? are in the area, but there are no further details at this time.
Residents of Havenport are being asked-- And you cry.
My son is safe.
Our son is safe, Joe.
And we have Ryan bloody Hardy to thank for that.
Yeah? Hey.
Mind if I come in? What happened tonight? Emma, please.
Nothing has to change.
You can still hate me.
I just want to make sure you're okay.
What happened tonight? We're gonna die soon.
I can feel it.
Not now, Claire.
I know you're upset.
Yes, and I am processing those feelings using the therapy of words, so Joe, I'm here.
Through lion eyes Joe! I want to make a deal.
Just wasn't there I'm listening.
Even though I care Did I hurt you bad? I'll stay.
I'll do-- I'll do everything you ask under one condition.
No, no.
You're not gonna hear me out? You want me to give up Joey.
It's not the life I want for him, and I know it's not the life you want for him, so I will stay, I won't fight you, but it's just-- it's just gonna be you and me.
You-- you'd be okay with that? Eventually, yes.
Why should I believe you? You don't have to.
Time will be the truth.
I loved you once, Joe.
Maybe I can learn to love you again.
I mean, at least-- at least let me try.
If I give up Joey.
My love for you My love But you're scared of me.
Just give me some time.
My love for you My love My love for you My love My love My love for you My love Unh! Ohh! Aah! Ugh.
- Unh! - Ohh! Ohh! Aah! Aah! No, no! No! Get off me! No! Ooh! Ohh.
No! No! No! Get off me! Get off me! Get off me! May I speak to Ryan Hardy, please? Can you push in here? Hang on.
Yeah? Hello, Ryan.
Well, well.
How are you? Not terribly well, actually, Ryan.
I'm sorry-- I'm sorry to say that our, uh-- our story has taken an unexpected turn.
What happened? You don't sound so good, Joe.
It's, um It's bad, Ryan.
It-- it-- it's really, really bad.
It-- it's a complete rewrite, but if we have to, we have to.
You know, it's a nuisance, but there we are.
Suffice to say, Ryan, it, um-- it has not been a very good day.
What happened? Where's Claire? Oh.
Ha ha ha! Yes.
It has transpired that-- that Claire is no longer our leading lady.
She will not be riding off into the sunset with me.
Sadly, it is time for Claire to die.
Hey, Ryan.
There's a woman here.
She says she's part of Carroll's cult.
She saw the news.
She wants to talk.
I'm not armed.
You don't need the guns.
I checked.
She's clean.
Just the same, who are you? Melissa.
I want to turn myself in.
I saw you on the news.
Please help me.
Bring her back.
Thank you.

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