The Glory (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

-Look at this.
-What is it?
-What the hell?
-This whole thing is insane.
How could anyone do something so cruel?
Lee Sa-ra, this is the police!
-Oh, shit. Fuck!
-Open the door!]
People everywhere are
starting to talk about the news.
People are.
Hey, what's the point
of having a doctor
if you don't let me help?
Have you been waiting all morning
just to treat my cut?
Come on.
You know how I am.
I was so worried.
A little scratch had you that worried?
Yeah, it did. What, you gonna sue me?
Maybe I should sue.
You didn't want it treated.
Because it's so embarrassing.
Is my mother still calling
and texting you?
Uh, we don't need to talk about that.
We should talk about
all the good things, no?
Have you had breakfast yet?
I can make us something.
Uh, come on now.
-You think my cooking's that bad?
-Hey, don't do that, you know what I mean.
When it rains, your house feels like a cup
someone dropped a fizzy tablet into.
Don't change the subject.
Hey! Put that pan down and talk to me.
She showed up here,
soaked from the rain and shivering.
Then she fell asleep.
I called her mother,
but she couldn't get her.
I was just so worried.
Get up.
Why would you come here?
I had nowhere else to go.
Did you see what's online? About me?
Of course.
So did all my employees.
Do you want to leave me now?
There are more pressing matters.
We're going straight to the office.
The lawyers are on their way.
Thank you, babe.
I have to handle what's most urgent.
I just need to stop
our stocks from crashing.
I don't have time to decide
if I'm leaving you.
Can you please state definitively
whether or not you are
"Weather Forecaster A"
in this online post?
Do you have any information
about who could have written this post?
Read this carefully,
and point out any facts you can confirm.
Can you prove this is about me?
If you can't prove it…
it's not about me, then.
Are you saying
this post is about someone else?
What do you think?
If we take action, we'll just be putting
a spotlight on this whole thing.
Maybe keeping quiet is the way.
I understand how the public thinks,
better than lawyers.
Get through 48 hours,
and you'll be fine.
Wait for the warrant,
then you can do the urine and hair tests.
Even if you get sentenced,
you'll probably get probation.
So just keep your mouth shut, understand?
I know! Fuck!
I'm the victim here, okay?
Someone else did this to me!
So you need to get
more than these two assholes
to handle this, okay, Dad?
What the fuck were you thinking? Idiot.
Ms. Lee, we'll be conducting a few tests.
We need a urine sample.
You have a warrant?
If you don't have a warrant, no urine.
It seems like you know a lot
for a first-time offender.
I'm not giving you shit. Fuck you.
You wanted me to rush.
I'm surprised you showed up late.
You know, life's unpredictable.
Show me what you found.
Nothing was erased from this.
There's nothing to be examined.
This hard drive is totally new.
What the hell are you talking about?
We've used that hard drive for years.
Maybe somebody swapped it.
If it's erased, you can recover it,
but not if it's swapped out.
What are you trying to find?
Where are you?
Are you free today?
This isn't about Yeon-jin or Sa-ra.
I found out something very interesting
about Myeong-o.
You know that asshole Jae-jun?
I did everything for that bastard.
I drive for him. I keep him company.
I act like I'm his friend.
And you probably know
I didn't go to college.
But I basically went there.
Signed his attendance.
So it really hurts my fucking pride
to only be called a driver.
Get on with it.
You're pissing me off.
This sounds like Myeong-o's
threatening Yeon-jin, doesn't it?
If I were him,
I'd have spent all my time
becoming a director at Jaepyeong,
instead of fucking you.
That's where the recording ends.
It cut out in the middle.
Play it from the beginning. Play it again.
When he's talking about alcohol?
What's this?
"Savvy," "Sauvi"…
Fuck, I can't even read this.
Which one's the most expensive?
I'm not gonna drink a fucking cheap one.
Shit, whatever.
This one looks pretty good.
Pommard, Sauvignon and Almaviva.
Which one?
I have a dinner tonight. With Do-yeong.
What's going on?
Did that asshole take
a bunch of your booze, too?
Have you played this for anyone else?
Not yet. You're the only one.
Can you raise an eight-year-old?
Are you insane?
Whose kid?
You have a child?
But she's with Yeon-jin now.
What are you talking about?
You're talking about Ye-sol? Ha Ye-sol?
Jeon Ye-sol.
What? Join me.
That's an interesting way
to propose to someone.
Why would I not want to raise her?
Of course we should bring her here,
because she's your daughter.
Get in.
You know
you're a fucking asshole, right?
I know.
Are you making kimchi?
Little late this year!
Yeah. I've been so busy recently.
June 16th, 1987.
1:10 a.m. Yoon So-hee.
That'll be 43,800.
Wait, hold on. Are you wearing makeup?
Oh, no. Did I put on too much?
My husband is getting better.
He wants to stop drinking
and start working harder. I believe him.
Truly? Aw, that's great.
I'm so happy for you. Aw.
Let me tell you something.
He was never my favorite customer,
but I was starting to get worried.
It was weird he stopped showing up.
Where's Sun-a?
I haven't seen her around either.
Where is she?
With my mom.
Is that because of her dad?
That's good. For the best.
Oh, you overpaid! Here.
Uh, I'll just take this, then.
Hey, you don't have to do that! Come on.
You look pretty!
You should wear makeup every day!
Oh, come on, now!
Thanks, have a good night!
Hey, Gyeong-ran.
You gonna keep crying all night long?
Fuck. You're so goddamn loud.
Shh. Girl, if you scream again…
She must be crazy.
I can't believe she came back here.
You saw me with Myeong-o
when I met him at the boutique.
You recognized me, right?
Water, coffee or booze?
You could have told Yeon-jin you saw me.
Yeah, so?
Just get to the point.
Why are we both here?
You saw the post,
I think we both know
who did that to So-hee.
I came after So-hee.
-And after me it was--
-Shut up.
So what?
You want me to testify?
I don't. I'm asking you
not to do anything.
I've been watching Siesta for a long time.
That's how I know you used to live there.
But on October 20th you moved
to a small apartment across the street.
And that's when Yeon-jin
stopped doing her fittings at Siesta.
At the same time Myeong-o disappeared.
Who cares about that son of a bitch?
Why are you talking to me
about any of this?
Because I think you already know
Son Myeong-o is dead.
It's our chance
to release ourselves from their grip.
So don't get in my way.
No matter what you saw,
what you heard or what you know,
don't do anything.
We both know Myeong-o was…
murdered by Yeon-jin.
Right, Gyeong-ran?
-Hey, man!
-Whoa, look at all this!
Oh, shit! It's "Director Joo" now!
Oh, damn!
What do you need this for?
You trying to leave this job?
That'd be crazy!
I'm just looking!
Let's go eat. What food do you want?
Are you crazy? We're getting some beef!
Everyone keeps calling me crazy.
Ah, did I get mail
that got sent to the hospital?
Some people don't have my new one yet.
Come on, you couldn't bring them with you?
Those letters aren't
coming to the hospital anymore,
since the director found out.
My mom found out.
I wondered if she did.
Can you keep this between us?
Just tell me what's going on. What is it?
You really trying to leave this cushy job?
I'll tell you later, huh?
I swear I'll tell you everything later.
Want some drinks? Get day-drunk?
After you, my good sir.
Cheers, man.
Semyeong really is
the perfect place for day drinking.
We meet again.
I guess we do.
What's wrong?
Does how I play remind you
of someone you've faced before?
She's good at marking your stones
and protecting hers.
And she's so calm and quiet.
You end up being so entranced,
you don't even realize
your house is ruined.
I learned how to play Go from my father.
It's exactly the way I explained
when I taught Dong-eun.
She said she wanted to beat someone.
So, are you helping her?
I have no reason to stop her.
I don't understand.
What don't you get?
I don't know what the relationship is
between you two,
but if you care about her,
shouldn't you try to stop her?
Whatever she hopes to gain from this
can't be worth
the obsession she has with her past.
When you think about a victim
and everything they lose,
how much can they really expect
to get back in the end?
Maybe just their own honor and glory.
Enough to move on.
Some people get those back
practicing forgiveness,
but others get them through revenge.
And only then
can their lives really start.
Dong-eun's entire life
has been frozen since she was 19.
And I've decided to help Dong-eun
get her life back.
All she really wants…
is to finish what she started
and to finally find some happiness.
Don't misunderstand me.
I also want Dong-eun to find happiness.
I'm glad.
She deserves it.
That's not about Yeon-jin.
You trust some tabloid?
I'm almost home. Talk to you later.
Looks like she just recognized me.
He knows where I live. Oh my God!
Think your daughter's
only killed one person?
You're wrong. She's killed two.
It was good to see you just now.
I'm with the Post Daily.
You're Park Yeon-jin?
-Did you see the post about bullying?
-Some people believe that the "A" is you.
It's not about me.
-Are you formally stating it's not you?
-Will Jaepyeong release a statement?
You graduated from Sunghan High, right?
Did you see the video
of your classmate, Lee Sa-ra?
Please give a statement.
Hey, hey, stop!
Prove it then.
Do you… have some proof?
You have no idea.
What are you doing?
Jae-jun called to ask
about the security camera.
He wants to know
who changed the hard drive and why.
He took it with him
to have it examined by an expert.
You want to change the hard drive?
Please don't make me repeat it to you.
I popped in here yesterday,
and Do-yeong might drop by here soon.
I hear it's better to change it, right?
Do-yeong can just be so meticulous.
I didn't know that.
Well, now you do.
Don't mention this to Jae-jun.
The security footage is gone,
enough time has passed now,
and the body has been buried.
There's no way
that Mr. Shin is going to talk.
No matter what you may have heard,
you can't prove anything, Dong-eun.
What should I tell Jae-jun?
Just say it was me.
Let's do fittings here again.
You should bring my clothes over.
Ms. Kang Hyeon-nam?
June 16, 1987.
What a sad life.
Everything so unfamiliar and strange.
Like a tiny boat floating
on an endless ocean.
This is a heartbreaking life.
Yeah. When she was young,
she was bullied at school very badly.
I must soothe her.
She was born to such a terrible destiny.
This destiny is not yours. Whose is it?
Uh, I guess even a shaman
can't figure that out?
The spirit of the General tells me
to throw out
the ungrateful woman talking back!
Yoon So-hee. This destiny is hers.
Her name is Yoon So-hee,
and she was born in 1987.
Yes, General, show us what you know!
I'm tired.
Oh, I'm so tired and heartbroken.
My job is awful, and my family
is giving me so much trouble.
Be careful with documents this year!
You could get scammed.
Oh wow, you're incredible.
He wants to do it. He wants to do it.
The General wants to perform a ritual.
He's asking for a very,
very big ritual to be performed.
The ritual will have to be very big.
Is that okay?
Of course.
If this changes her destiny,
then I'll do it 100 times.
Do a big ritual. Something massive.
Oh, I'm sorry!
No need to help me. Just go.
Ugh, this is unbelievable.
-Didn't I read this guy's destiny already?
-Yeah, you did.
I want you to read his face.
Is he really destined for a short life?
-Who is this guy?
-Please, ma'am.
Can we just do a ritual?
I just need you
to give this asshole a push.
I need to go pray. You should go.
I may not be as powerful as I used to be,
but I'll get punished for that.
You would've been punished already.
Just think about
all the girls you've pimped out
-while using their destinies as bait.
-Watch it! You're out of line.
Hear me out, I just need a favor.
What about you?
You could use a bigger sanctum, right?
This asshole, he wants me
to give him a billion won.
And so I'm asking you right now
if that billion won should go
to this asshole or go to you.
You said his life is short.
A billion won?
Yes, hello ma'am?
What has Hye-jeong been up to?
She's ghosting me.
Yeah, okay.
For a while now,
she's been seeing someone, you know.
Who are you talking about?
Right. For the last few days,
Hye-jeong has been at Jeon Jae-jun's.
And she goes to work from his place.
Wait, what?
Baby, no matter how much I think about it,
I feel like I'm not good enough for you.
But thanks for everything.
I mailed the ring back to you today,
express delivery.
I hope you'll meet someone better than me
and be very happy together.
So, you are here.
Yeah. What?
I'm with Jae-jun now.
We're getting married.
Good for you.
Tell me why you called me over
to that plastic surgeon's.
Dr. Joo Yeo-jeong. That one.
He's the son of the director
of Joo General Hospital, right?
Is he really? Oh, I had no idea.
Oh, you're right. Same last name.
You think he's working with Dong-eun?
Shouldn't you know that already?
Because you're clearly
working with her too.
She had you get me there, didn't she?
What else has Dong-eun told you to do?
Did you come here just to ask me that?
I'm shocked that that's
what you're worried about…
…when everyone
is tearing you apart online.
-You better watch it.
'Cause I'm not under your thumb anymore?
You have no idea what I have planned.
Fuck off.
Fuck off?
Jae-jun's been ghosting you, right?
You should wake the fuck up, Yeon-jin.
Because there's a reason
Jae-jun is ignoring you.
I bought him this shirt.
It looks better on him.
Here, all yours. We done?
That's a nice boob job.
-Can I have a hair tie?
-Yeah. Here.
Ugh. Fuck.
My scalp's so itchy.
You look like you're on
some American TV show,
with that blonde hair.
It's as brassy as these bars.
Shut the fuck up, huh?
Where's everyone else?
They're not gonna come, honey.
-Yeon-jin, for sure.
-Why won't she come?
You don't know?
Right, you were too busy getting arrested.
Hey bitch, cut to the chase.
What are you talking about?
Someone exposed Yeon-jin,
but it got buried by a story about you.
An article about your art exhibition
being used for tax evasion.
It's too perfect to be a coincidence.
It's like she used you to bury her story.
Excuse me,
can I photograph some pieces?
It'll only take a moment, okay?
Come on, let's go.
Sorry I missed your text, ma'am.
Here's money for my HOA fees.
I was beginning to think you ran away.
I've only been seeing your mother
at your place.
There have been several noise complaints.
Can I ask you why,
when my mother first came looking for me…
Why didn't you tell her
that I was living there?
I think that there should be
at least one person on your side.
Families can be complicated.
They say that families
are determined by the heavens.
That said, you shouldn't try
to shoulder all that burden by yourself.
And sometimes,
even the heavens can make mistakes.
Don't be late next month.
How long has it been, man?
It's been three years
since I was a medical officer.
So, how have you been?
Well, how do you think I've been?
I spend all day with scary people.
Still, you're by far
the scariest guy that I've seen this year.
Give me the papers.
I've covered all my bases.
But it's still probably going to need
a little nudge from you.
When I first met you,
I figured the whole world
must feel like your playground.
Must be nice to buy houses and cars
like you're running
to the convenience store for milk.
So, when a guy like you
called me looking for a job,
I'll admit I was surprised.
Well, thank you again
for putting in a good word for me.
-When are you leaving the country?
-I'll leave after I train my replacement.
Your application might get rejected.
I heard it's up to the warden to decide,
but they're short-staffed.
You know, his case is pretty infamous.
And the warden definitely knows.
It has to be me.
I'm finally continuing my father's work.
Joo Yeo-jeong?
Doctor Joo?
Even now,
that day remains in my memory,
vivid as if it were yesterday.
The scent of his blood in my nostrils.
That slicing sound
as the knife pierced his throat.
The heat of his blood
as it dripped down my hands.
And even the look on his face
as the life left his eyes.
You know who I am, Dr. Joo?
I'm a little hurt you never wrote back.
Of course I know you.
You're the reason
that my entire life is a living hell.
I knew you'd recognize me
when we met again.
This place is nice.
But it's so boring.
I have a question for you.
Why'd you do it?
You said you remember everything
so vividly, like it happened yesterday.
Why did you kill the man
who saved your life?
How can you…
How can you live with yourself?
Oh, I'm having so much fun.
Will we see each other again?
3724, back away from the fence now.
No talking to visitors.
Back away!
I'll see you again.
And next time I do,
I'll show you the hell that is my life.
And then after that,
I'll introduce you
to the hell that you'll be living in.
Until that day comes…
take care of yourself.
We won't have any time
to drink that coffee.
The shaman said it would only work
if we do it at the time she told us.
You should dry your hair.
What are you doing?
What do you want in life?
What the fuck?
Whatever you want,
make sure you leave me out of it
from now on.
And you should buy a new phone.
Listen, man.
I made the shaman's work effective!
I blocked your evil energy!
Yeah, what?
On my way.
"Blocking evil energy," my ass!
It was sold? The funeral home?
To who? And when?
Oh, I really have no idea.
They only told me after the deal was done.
Anyway, about that body.
You should probably
take care of it pretty soon.
Are you serious right now?
How's your business nowadays?
-Lot of customers?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Sure, uh, all thanks to you.
Thanks for your concern.
Yeah, that's right.
That's all that you had to say.
Did you say anything else?
Of course not!
Because I'd get in trouble too.
I told him what you told me to say.
I'm just working
till the end of this month,
so now obviously
they're going to have to get rid of it.
Okay, good work.
Call me when you get their schedule.
Which recipe did you use to make this?
The one at the top of the search results.
Of course you did.
Where'd you go today?
Somewhere far.
Let me look at that cut.
If we had met
under other circumstances,
in a different situation,
what would our relationship be like?
Exactly the same.
I would have fallen for you,
no matter how we met each other.
Ninety-nine percent.
Why leave out 1%?
'Cause it couldn't get
any better than this.
Hmm. It's healing perfectly.
I'm holding you hostage.
Say that the noodles were good.
There's no way I'd say it wasn't good
when I know how hard you're trying.
Are you going somewhere, Ms. Moon?
Ha Ye-sol.
If you need me to,
I will apologize to you
until the day that I die.
Because you truly deserve
an apology.
Goodbye, Ye-sol.
Good work, Mom.
You did it. You got what you wanted.
I quit my job at the school.
I'm coming over, and I want you out.
Excuse me, Ms. Park?
I'm not doing interviews.
I'm from the police.
You're hard to get ahold of.
I know you check your text messages,
but you never returned my calls.
How can I help the police?
The night of October 19th,
can you tell me where you were?
A detective came,
asking about October 19th.
I told him I was broadcasting,
but what do I do now?
Did you know
they were starting an investigation?
You didn't check, did you?
Can you stop this or what?
No, I can't.
What the hell have you been doing?
Are you done?
For one second, let's not talk about you.
I'm retiring.
I want to move somewhere warm
and play golf all day.
I've heard Hawaii's pretty cool.
You decided to retire? In this mess?
Messy as it is,
I can retire on someone else's dime now.
Why should I leave, huh?
I'm not going anywhere!
Try to make me leave,
you fucking bitch! Try!
Why the hell did you quit your job?
You could have made so much money
if you just held out!
Do whatever the fuck you want,
because you could never be
a teacher anyways.
Fuck you, you stupid bitch.
And I see you. I see the way
you look at my boyfriend.
How dare you try
to steal my man, you bitch!
He left because he's a nice guy,
way better than you deserve.
But I swear if you were anyone else,
I would've slapped you across the face.
God, I never should have had you.
Everyone told me to get an abortion,
but I gave birth to you anyway,
and I gave you everything!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I'm just a terrible fucking sinner!
You're the one who destroyed
our relationship for a little bit of cash.
Get out!
Fuck you, you little fucking whore!
I should've killed you.
Kill me! Do it!
That's the only shot you have
at ever controlling me again.
I think you're scared of the fire,
aren't you?
I want a house in Hawaii and some cash.
From the kindness of your heart,
of course. It's only fair.
Since I'm not quite retirement age,
I need a healthy retirement package.
What makes you think
I'm actually going to do that for you?
Because Son Myeong-o's body
hasn't been buried yet.
What are you saying?
71-1 Seonghan-dong,
Jongno-gu. An unidentified body …
Let's go.
I repeat, a body has been found.
We need an officer at the scene.
Unit One is en route.
I'll never fucking forgive you.
And the reason
I'll never forgive you…
…is because you still can't see
that you were the first person
who betrayed me!
Don't laugh. Don't laugh at me.
Stop fucking laughing!
What are you gonna do if I keep laughing?
I have an idea.
You and I should die
in this shithole together,
right now!
Here! How's this, you bitch?
Tell me that you're sorry.
Beg me to forgive you! Do it!
Right now!
I wanna thank you, Mom.
Don't ever change.
You'll always be the same.
You'll always be my mom.
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