The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e13 Episode Script

El club

I'm terrible.
I can't do this anymore.
It's over.
If I died all of a sudden, like Pela,
my parents wouldn't even notice I'm gone.
I'm sick of being ignored by everyone.
They're from Lore.
I never knew Pela kept these.
[Óscar] Ever since Dad died
you go around doing whatever you want .
-[Lorena] So?
-You're selfish, Lorena.
Always looking out for yourself.
Mom, I'm not leaving.
I don't want you to be alone, Mom.
[Berta] You, me, misery
and a couple of glasses of wine
You know where this is going, right?
-We weren't expecting you back so soon.
[Gina] Is there something
between you and Lorena?
[Flor] We made out once.
Well, you know what? She can go
to fucking China for all I care.
A reporter called asking about
the construction of the new sports center.
These coming elections,
you'll have an opponent.
I really like you.
-I've been discharged from the hospital.
I want to go back home,
to live with you and Júlia.
[Berta] Enric,
you can't get rid of the team.
[Enric] A deal is a deal. We agreed
that if you didn't qualify for the OkLiga,
you couldn't continue.
There's no place here for you.
[taping noises]
[Terrats] What are you doing?
Something's wrong with the Wi-Fi.
I can't load the website
that has my SAT scores.
Can you do that after you lend me
a hand? We're in a hurry.
[Berta] Yeah, sure.
[Terrats sighs]
What if I can't get used
to living with my mom?
I know it's stressful
for the three of us, but
we'll find a way to make it work, okay?
[sighs tiredly]
Are you okay?
You've been tired these past few days.
Yeah, I can't sleep well.
I can't seem to catch a break.
Can't the doctors discharge your mother
after I win the elections?
[phone rings]
Aren't you going to answer?
No, it must the girls,
and I'm not in the mood right now.
Have you been to the doctor?
[Terrats] Yes, stop asking.
I had some blood tests done.
I don't know, maybe all those
hormone injections messed me up.
Hey, stop worrying about me.
[Terrats] Who's the adult here, huh?
You or me?
[spray can]
What's up, blondie?
Are you afraid of me?
Hey, I don't bite.
So, this is the famous ballot box.
Did you put in that order for cava?
For the end of the season party?
And to celebrate the election results.
Should I take this to the gym?
By the way, we need to talk about
the bar's lease after the results are in.
Is that a threat, Enric?
Are you going to kick me out
for openly supporting Terrats?
Caesar once said,
"I love treason but hate a traitor."
So, yeah.
[Lorena] Check out this meme about Enric.
Fucking Putxi.
Who do you think is going to win?
Enric or Terrats?
-I don't know.
-I'm sweating bullets.
We're the ones who have fought
tooth and nail for the girl's hockey team.
How come our opinions never matter?
It's very unfair, dude.
-It's bullshit.
-Hey, bro.
I suppose you'll be voting
for Terrats today, right?
I don't know, Lorena. The Terminator
is too tough on us, you know?
Come on, man. Seriously?
You're one of the few
old enough to vote,
aside from Flor.
I know. Don't worry about it.
We'd rather have Terrats as president
than that prick Enric.
Now leave me alone,
I've things to take care of.
Oh, right, 'cause you're so busy
playing poker.
Okay, get out.
[Lorena] Check this out.
I got another meme from Putxi.
Damn, how does
he make them so quickly?
You look sad.
What's wrong?
Remember the first day
I came to practice?
It's hard to forget, believe me.
You were out of your mind.
You quit figure skating
to play hockey.
You in hockey,
and me in figure skating.
Who would've thought
we'd end up together?
Yeah, but that never bothered me.
We've always been friends.
Yeah, but
I've been thinking
these past few days, about
About how to say this, because I
What is it?
This isn't working out.
We're not a good couple.
We're too different.
Hey, what are you talking about?
Of course we make a good couple!
I'd like to be the person
you want me to be, but I can't.
Hey, you don't have to be
the person I want you to be.
I like you just the way you are.
I know you hooked up with Flor.
I'm sorry, Gina.
You should've told me.
I'm sorry, you're right.
You live in your own world,
and that's fine, you know.
Deep down, that's what I like about you,
you're a free spirit.
-Gina, come on.
-But I'm not
and it hurts.
You know what?
I always wanted it to work between us.
And I made an effort
to be open minded.
But I can't, Lorena.
I can't do this anymore.
[doorbell rings]
[singing Gaudeamus igitur]
Dude, I got into classic literature!
My SAT score was great!
I knew you could do it, Lluc,
you just needed a passing grade.
"You just needed a passing grade."
What about you?
I don't know, man.
I haven't been able to look at my score.
Woah! Woah! I got a high score!
-I'm getting into med school for sure.
This is great!
What was that for?
What? Didn't you like it?
What do you mean?
No, nothing, nothing.
It's just
-Would you go out with me?
Like on a real date.
Instead of hooking up
every once in a while.
Wait, now you're looking
for a girlfriend? For real?
I really like you.
Yeah, but it's just
Maybe I misled you at some point or
No, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
It's just not the right time
for me to date anyone, you know?
It hasn't been for a long time.
I mean, could you imagine
the two of us together?
We wouldn't be a good match.
I'm always so serious and you
I don't know, Lluc, your life is chaos.
Well, in any case, congratulations
on getting into med school.
I guess being responsible all the time
has finally paid off.
I'll catch you later.
Hey! Why don't you stay over?
We could celebrate
that we both got what we wanted.
No, it's okay.
I'm meeting with the guys.
I'll see you later at the sports center.
We're going to watch
the results of the elections.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Vegan crepes with raspberry jam
and whip cream for the lady.
Woah! Thank you.
You need to eat a super breakfast
before work.
Where did you get all of this?
The fridge is practically empty.
From Grandma's fridge, obviously.
Where's Gina?
Wasn't she here with you?
Well, she was, but she left.
We broke up, Mom.
Oh, Lorena. I'm sorry.
What happened here?
Nothing, I just I messed up.
[Sílvia] Oh, it's okay.
Don't worry,
I'm sure you'll get back together.
Besides, how could you mess up?
You got a great score on your SATs,
you can make it into INEF next year.
You can go to college
in Barcelona and
[Lorena sighs] Yeah, I know.
The next four years of my life
are already planned out.
Wake up early, go to class,
study, exams
[Lorena] Great
Meet new people
[Lorena ] I don't know, Mom.
My life doesn't make
any sense right now.
Or maybe it's just me.
I can't make heads or tails of anything.
[Enric] Good morning, family.
[gate closes]
It's nice to see everyone together.
I actually wanted to talk to both of you.
What's up?
[Enric] How would you like to train
one of our peewee teams?
What do you mean?
The girls' team won't be here next year,
but you've proved your worth.
You made it far with the girls.
What do you say?
You just don't get it, do you, Uncle?
The girls didn't get far because of me.
They were the ones playing out there.
But of course, you can never see
what's in front of you.
You seem confident
about winning the election.
[Enric] Oh, come on, Santi, not you too.
And to think I came here to make amends.
Look, '98, a great year.
You can't make amends.
Look, Enric, I'm doing my thing now,
and so are you, as usual.
And by the way,
I still haven't received a single penny
from our grandparent's house.
Oh, don't be so stubborn.
I'll give you your share as soon as I can.
Trust me.
We've always made a good team.
I'm not on anybody's team,
especially if I'm being threatened.
Really? No one's team?
It sure seems like you
and your new friend are doing well.
I wouldn't get my hopes up
with Terrats.
You don't know her.
Terrats is well, Terrats.
And I'm a Ricou.
Tell her I know exactly
who she's been talking to,
and that they're all back
on my side now.
I wasn't born yesterday.
Is that all?
I have a good memory.
You better hope your gamble
pays off in the end.
Wow, a lot of people showed up.
What do you think's going to happen?
For our sake, I hope Terrats wins.
-No offense.
-No, no, it's okay.
-I'm not voting for Enric either.
-Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
Did you close the bar
so you could vote?
My mom's there. I didn't think
anyone would be here yet.
-Yeah, it's not a bad turnout.
-How are you?
Nervous. I can't find my cell phone.
I'm going to the hospital to pick up
my sister, they let her out today.
-Today's hectic.
-Cheer up, it's going to go well.
-You think? See you.
I can't stop thinking about Lorena.
-I know, hockey means everything to her.
Oh, no, no, no.
It's not because of the team.
I feel like the worst mom ever
for not letting her go.
-Go where?
-Around the world.
-I don't know when.
Stop asking so many questions,
She feels trapped in this town,
and I feel like letting her go to college
in Barcelona won't solve anything.
[Youssef] Don't worry, she'll come around
once she meets new people.
No. She's different.
She needs space
to live her life intensely.
She's like her father,
and I'm holding her back here.
Weren't you the one who you told me
that Laila had to make her own path?
-Hi. To him.
[knock on door]
Oh, councilman.
How are the elections coming along?
Don't tell me you're here to vote.
Listen, Enric, I'm sorry,
but we're going to hold
a public tender for the sports center
using an external commission team.
I thought it was a joke when I heard
you were going to be councilor.
Another corrupt politician,
I thought to myself.
Word has gone around, and the party
doesn't want to be associated
with corruption or favoritism.
It was Terrats, wasn't it?
We can't risk people knowing
that we agreed to give you
the new sports center project.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you
where you can stick
your progressive and transparent
government values.
I've already bought the materials,
I hired the architects,
and now you're saying
the project isn't mine?
Make a good offer, you might still win.
Don't worry about it.
[Berta] Hey.
I was doing some shopping.
Reminiscing about the good old days?
Hey, you know what?
I can get into med school,
I got a good score.
That's great. I'm happy for you.
I hope your "happiness" isn't contagious.
-[Raquel] What are you saying?
-You don't sound too happy, Raquel.
I already said I was happy for you,
I don't know what else to tell you.
Oh, well, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware
I had to beg for your compliments.
Whatever, Berta.
That's great, I'm happy for you.
But the SATs aren't everything.
-Yeah, I know that.
-[Raquel] I don't think you do.
Everyone's busy with their lives,
no one cares about the team anymore.
Hey, I had to work hard to get this far.
So, forgive me for living my life.
It's not our fault you haven't figured out
what you want to do with your life.
Excuse me?
You don't know anything about my life.
Oh, I'm sorry, is your life
not good enough for you?
[Berta] Grow up, Raquel, not everyone
can be looking out for you all the time.
Learn to be by yourself.
The rest of us have real problems.
You're right, the rest of us
don't have real problems, just you.
But hey, don't worry, you and I
don't have to hang out anymore.
-[Montse] Hey, neighbor!
What's up?
It's a good thing we ran into each other,
I have good news for you.
Do you want to tell her, or should I?
You tell her.
-You sure?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What is it, guys?
I convinced my boss
to let me go to Lisbon.
We managed to sit down
and talk with María.
Really? But, how did you do that?
Well, I took a look at several interviews
that María had with the press
and something didn't add up.
We can get her to testify
in front of the judge and win,
-I'm sure of it.
-Oh, Montse.
You're amazing, you're the best.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
Well, I should go home.
We'll talk soon.
Are you coming to the sports center
this afternoon?
I don't think so. We're just going
to watch a movie and call it a day. Right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We've had a couple of stressful days,
so we're going to take it easy.
[Germán] Besides, it'd be weird.
It's not my team anymore.
Of course. Right, right.
-Okay, we'll talk soon. I'll call you.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
[Montse] Hey! What's up, buddy?
Go ahead.
-Look at this.
These were white.
Do you really want to argue now?
I have too many things on my plate.
You should thank me
for washing your clothes.
Excuse me? What about all the years
I washed your underwear?
But it's different now,
we're separated.
Okay, Santi, listen to me.
I've been looking for an apartment
for when I come visit during the weekends,
and they're expensive.
Between Anna's case and everything else,
I don't think we can afford it.
What I mean is
I didn't want to bring this up
because you're redoing your life,
-and Júlia visits all the time
-Hey, hey, wait a minute, stop.
What do you mean
she comes all the time?
No, no.
I don't have a problem with it.
I really don't mind. But we should
try to get along, don't you think?
We have to live together
now that things have changed.
-All right, then.
-All right.
[door opens and closes]
[keys drop]
-[Sílvia] Hello.
I brought leftover sandwiches
from the bar for lunch.
That's really nice of Youssef.
Lorena, can you stop eating like that?
-Like what?
-Like that. Standing up.
I mean, come on.
You're just like your dad.
Come here, I have something for you.
[Sílvia] Here.
-[Lorena] What's in the box?
-Open it.
You used to write them for your dad
when you were little.
I sent these to him
while he was traveling, right?
That's crazy.
He used to tell me that
once I was old enough
I could travel with him.
Sometimes he'd be gone
for more than six months at a time.
Do it. Travel.
What are you saying?
[Sílvia] I don't want you to stay here
because you feel bad.
Look, when your dad and I
were together,
I never once asked him
to stay with me.
I knew he would've stayed if I'd asked,
but he would've been miserable.
[Sílvia] And you're just like him.
A real piece of work, right?
No, you're
you're a free spirit, Lorena.
If I keep you locked up
instead of letting you go,
I'll ruin your life.
Thank you, Mom.
You're the best mother in the world.
-Some things never change.
-I know.
Like when we used to come back
from a party. Remember?
Yeah, but they have to be somewhere.
What a day.
First my cell phone, now the keys
I'm all over the place today.
[Olga] Hi, sweetie.
Did you hear us?
Yeah, I've been waiting for you.
I made lunch.
-Yeah. Come in.
There are my keys.
Wow, Berta, this looks great.
All right, take a seat.
I made something special.
[Terrats] Paella?
[Berta] How do you know I made paella?
[Terrats] I raised you.
I know you like to make paella
on special occasions.
-And I know you work hard on it.
-[Berta] Yeah.
-[Terrats] Okay.
-[Berta] Let's try it out.
Hi, girls.
I voted this morning.
It was either come here or stay at home.
Same here. I was just telling Gina.
I would've gone crazy at home.
We just got here.
[Laila] It sucks not being able
to have a say in this.
When you look at this place,
don't you get the feeling
that everything happened
so long ago?
Like everything we've experienced
was just a dream.
Yeah, dude.
I don't feel like I'm part of it anymore.
It's all over, isn't it?
[Lorena] Hey, girls!
Are you also here to harass Enric?
[Laila] We won't give him
the satisfaction of staying home.
He might win today, but I want to make
sure he remembers our faces.
This sucks.
-It really sucks.
-[Flor] Shall we go inside?
-[Lorena] Gina.
What you said to me this morning
really hurt me.
But I want you to know
that I loved every moment
we spent together this past year.
[Lorena] I'm going to travel this summer.
I'd love it if you'd help me
get that ticket on
-What was it called?
-One World Ticket.
[Lorena] Yeah, that one.
I talked to my mom
and she's okay with it.
I wasn't sure where to get the money,
but my mom said
I could ask my grandma.
So now I don't have to sell the cottage.
[Lorena] You know?
I mean, it's all I have left of my dad.
Lorena, I'm so happy for you, but
[Lorena] What? We'll talk every day,
nothing will change.
I can't be just friends
after having been together.
[Lorena] What do you mean?
We won't talk every day.
I won't help you get ready for your trip.
We can't pretend
like nothing happened, Lorena.
I'm going to catch up with the rest.
See you later.
[Cris] Stealing someone else's
spray paint?
What's your deal?
You have enough money
to buy your own.
Not bad for a beginner.
I've actually done this before,
but not like this.
You're nothing like your friends, huh?
Especially that cow, Berta.
I guess not.
They said we'd be friends forever,
but once they get the chance,
they forget about me.
It's 'cause goalkeepers
aren't really on the rink.
You're waiting at the goalpost
for your minute of glory
while they stick together,
leaving me to fend for myself.
This isn't your first time smoking, is it?
You know what's worth a damn?
A phone?
I stole it. It's Terrats'.
Terrats' phone?
Yeah. The Terminator.
It was in the locker room.
I can get a lot of money for it.
It's still new.
Besides, I love seeing Terrats angry.
I can see you've never had her
as a coach.
I mean, it would be awesome.
She's crazy.
It's fun to screw with her.
Hey, you want to mess with her now?
This one or this one?
Don't worry, I'll stay at home. Forget it.
No, no.
I just think these parties are boring,
you know?
It's not like we're going to the Òscars.
But we should get going,
the polls are about to close.
Are you embarrassed
to be seen with me?
No, no. Of course not.
It's just that
Well, you could wear something
a bit more modern, you know?
Look, come here.
Auntie. Hey, could you help us out?
[Terrats] Yeah, one sec.
[Berta] What are you doing?
The Wi-Fi's being slow today.
[Berta] What are you doing?
I just received an email
with some test results.
[Terrats] There
Shit, this can't be.
What? What is it?
Is it bad, Júlia?
Um Yeah
-What is it?
-No, no. It's
-I'm pregnant.
-Wait, what?
[Berta] How do you know?
Well, because I tested
positive for hCG.
[Berta] But how do you know
it means you're pregnant?
I've become sort of like a specialist.
That's the pregnancy hormone.
This can't be right.
I told my doctor he was crazy
for ordering this test.
I thought you stopped
your IVF treatments.
Um Yes, I did, but
[Berta] Congratulations!
Auntie! This is great!
You're going to have a baby!
Yeah, but I can't wrap
my head around it.
I can't This isn't good.
This wasn't part of my plan.
I mean, I've been going out for drinks
and running these past few days.
I haven't been taking care of myself.
So, what?
Are you the Virgin Mary, or what?
You hooked up with someone
without using protection.
No, no, no, no. I
I did one last treatment, but then
Well, I didn't tell anyone.
This is so cool.
This is amazing.
I'm going to have a baby cousin.
Or two, maybe.
-This is so cool. I'm so happy.
-[Terrats] Yeah
Come on, dummy. Help me.
I'm tired of Dad asking us
to do the chores.
You haven't even picked up a broom
in months, quit whining.
Why are you so tense?
-And how can you be so calm?
-[Anna] What?
Enric is about to get rid of your team,
and all you can do is fold clothes.
Is that what you think?
That I don't care?
[Emma] I don't know, Anna, I guess.
All I'm saying is that if I were you,
I wouldn't be here doing nothing.
Listen, we did all we could,
and I feel just as bad as you do.
But we can still do
something about it, right?
I feel like it'll be our fault
if we lose the Minervas.
[Anna] This sucks.
We were the only team that had to prove
that we deserved to stay.
I know.
It's very unfair.
I know. Life isn't fair.
You can't always get what you want.
Are you saying that
because of the trial?
No, because of everything.
Growing up sucks.
Things get complicated,
or they don't turn out how you wanted,
or some jackass decides to ruin your life.
-Did you just call our uncle a "jackass"?
It totally sucks.
And what are we supposed to do
when things go wrong in life?
[Anna] You fight, Emma, you fight.
You have to face your problems,
one way or another
Is it mandatory to wear
something so ugly for sex?
Is it mandatory to be a dumbass?
[Emma laughs]
Hey, we had just folded that!
Oh, too bad, now you can
fold it again yourself!
And this concludes the voting process?
-Yes, sir.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
We've got this. It's done.
Thank you, thank you so much
for your support.
Hey, where's Terrats?
I don't know,
I suppose she's on her way.
-Is it over?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Where will the counting take place?
-At the bar, in front of everyone.
That way no one can say
there was any tampering.
-May the best one win.
-Of course.
Food will be served afterwards,
so stay for a while.
-Don't leave early.
-Don't worry. I won't leave.
Oh, excuse me.
Where are the girls?
I dropped off Berta at the entrance.
[Anna] They're at the bleachers.
You're our last hope.
Hey, it's going to be fine.
I'll meet you there, okay?
Come on, girls.
I'm not going through this sober.
[Flor] I got this from some guys
on the boys team
in exchange for Putxi's pot.
What is it?
[Flor] Gin with lemon soda.
I wasn't going to bring
just lemon soda, dummy.
So, yeah. To us, girls.
And for being together once again.
I really wanted to see you girls,
even under these circumstances.
It's so unfair, right?
-He only cares about money.
-[Lorena] Yeah.
He's always talking
about the value of sport,
but the truth is he doesn't care.
Well, at least you have a spot
at Olímpic next year.
No. Not anymore.
What? You left?
Yeah, they only care about winning;
that's not what hockey means to me.
Girls, this can't happen again.
When was the last time
we saw each other?
-Between graduation, finals, the SATs
It's a lot.
What happens if Enric wins?
Would this be over?
Will we forget about each other,
just like that?
[Laila] No.
No one gets me like you girls do.
My happiest moments this year
were with you girls.
[Berta] Inside and outside the rink.
I don't want this to end.
[Flor] Cap
[Lluc] Minervitas!
We were looking for you!
They're counting the votes.
I'm so nervous.
It's going to take a while.
The secretary is sorting
and counting at a snail's pace.
I voted for you.
Good job.
I'm sure that was hard to do.
Has anyone seen Raquel?
-[Óscar] No.
[all babble]
They're taking too long.
I'm sure you'll win.
This is taking forever, right?
Yes. Well
This is stressing me out, damn it.
That makes two of us.
Hey, hey. They're finished.
[Judge] Okay,
this was a close race,
but in the end
the members have decided
with 150 votes
that the presidency will go to
Júlia Terrats. Congratulations!
[applause and cheering]
-[Terrats] I won!
-I knew you would.
Hey, Santi, I
I need to talk to you after this.
-[Anna] Youssef!
-[Terrats] I did it!
[Terrats and Anna talking]
-[Man 1] Congratulations.
-[Terrats] Thanks.
I hope you're happy after all the lies
you've spread about me.
Congratulate me, Enric.
Be glad your gamble paid off, Terrats.
[Youssef] Come on, who wants some?
It's on the house!
Here we go!
-[Anna] A toast, to Terrats and the club.
-No, just the club.
[Anna] And to the girls' team!
For the female division!
Hey, the club would suck
without you girls.
Losing you won't be good for the club.
Besides, you could teach
the higher ups a thing or two.
Couldn't you have said that before?
Hey, it's not like we have a say
in what goes on in the club.
We're all on the same boat.
[Anna] Hey, we won. We get to stay.
We won.
Terrats won, damn it. We're staying.
No! No!
Your aunt won!
[cheering and laughing]
-[Berta] We skate
-[All] Together!
-[Berta] We play
-[All] Together!
-[Berta] We win
-[All] Together!
[yelling and laughing]
[Anna] You came.
-We get to stay, we won.
-I know.
I came to congratulate you.
I'm here by myself.
I wanted to see you.
Hey, hey, hey.
Why are you drinking water?
-That's not how you celebrate.
-I'm low on iron.
I shouldn't be drinking.
What? Oh, come on, man.
We have to celebrate!
-Youssef, open a bottle of cava, please.
-Right away!
-Santi, I wanted to talk to you.
-I wanted to tell you that
-[Núria] Júlia!
I forgot to congratulate you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
What did you want to tell me?
Um No
-[Montse] Hello, neighbors.
-[Núria] Hi, Montse.
-Thank you, Montse.
-I'm happy for you.
Have you seen Germán?
-No, I haven't.
-He said he would be here.
Hi, Mom.
Hi, you're Berta's mom, right?
-Hello. I'm Lluc.
-I'm Berta's friend.
-Pleased to meet you.
[Lluc] What do you think?
The club does these things sometimes.
They're weird like that.
[Lluc] This is what happens when they let
weirdoes throw a party.
-Would you like something to drink?
-[Olga] No, no, no. I'm good.
[Lluc] And well, this is where
we spend most of our time.
You like him.
What are you saying?
We are like night and day.
Go hang out with your boyfriend,
I'm fine.
[Lluc] Yes, that's right.
The rink is here and the locker rooms
are on the right side.
Yes, the right side.
[moaning and panting]
[Anna] Oh, Germán.
[Germán] I needed this.
Hey, where were you?
Nothing. I was running some errands.
Well, we're all here now.
We can all celebrate together now.
Come on.
-Look who's here.
We won!
[Lorena] A toast! To Enric!
I think it was back in '97.
No, that year we won 14.
In '96.
You hadn't been born yet.
He's too young.
-Hi, Montse.
-I was looking for you, my love.
You finally came.
Yeah, I felt like coming.
Like you guys, right?
A party never hurt anyone, especially
now that we have something to celebrate.
[Montse] Come on, let's toast.
Yes, a toast. To
To a great hockey season,
and to your trial, may it go well.
-I hope so.
-It will.
Trust me, I know exactly what to do.
[Putxi] Emma, we've worked on this.
-You know the song.
-Putxi, no, no.
[Putxi] Listen. Bernat.
Take the mic.
It's going to be insane.
-You're going to crush it.
-[Putxi] Come on, it's okay.
Hey, you know these people.
Fuck. I hate you.
I hate you so much.
-Come on, you guys grew up together.
-[Putxi] You'll do great.
Hey, guys, guys.
This will blow your minds.
Gather around everyone.
Prepare to be amazed.
Okay. Are you ready?
-[Putxi] Yeah? Okay. And
Always forward, never looking back
Always forward ♪
We’re like wild beasts
We’re unstoppable ♪
Always forward, never looking back ♪
Nothing can stop us
When we’re together ♪
Because we know what we’re made of ♪
Everything’s in our favor
So we can dream, and dream ♪
When we’re together
And help each other out ♪
Nothing can stop us ♪
If we help each other out
If we help each other out ♪
Always forward, never looking back
Always forward ♪
We’re like wild beasts ♪
We are playing with your heart ♪
Nothing can stop us
When we’re together ♪
Because we know what we’re made of ♪
Everything’s in our favor
So we can dream, and dream ♪
When we’re together
And help each other out ♪
Nothing can stop us ♪
And help each other out ♪
Together, together ♪
Together, together ♪
Emma Ricou.
[All] Emma! Emma! Emma! Emma!
Emma! Emma!
-[Emma] Hey, congratulations!
-Thank you.
-Do you need something?
-[Emma] Yes.
I wanted to tell you that I left Olímpic,
and that I would like
to come back to Minerva.
There's going to be
lots of changes, Emma.
You know, I want loyal
and committed players,
who would do anything for the team
If I remember correctly,
you abandoned them.
I'll see you at the party, okay?
[Berta] Hey, girls.
Should we begin in style?
All right, let's do this.
Yeah. It'll be nice to be able to play
without the fear of being shut down.
We deserve this.
Come on, we're going
to crush it this season.
What's up, girls?
-What's this?
-What are they doing here?
We just signed them.
All of them?
We'll put the female division
where it belongs this season.
[Terrats] That's why, starting today,
we are going to give it our all.
We'll become a strong
and competitive team,
a well-established team
in the world of hockey.
And that's why we need
the best of the best.
Does that mean that not all of us
will play next season?
Only the ones that prove
to be the best.
Sorry, sorry.
I'm going to the skate park to
Fuck, I can't
Save it for the game, dummy.
Damn it.
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