The Interest of Love (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Can we meet right now?
When I was in college,
there was a girl whom I liked.
But one day, her cousin visited me.
That was when I found out
how incredibly rich they were.
He told me to break up.
My pride was hurt,
and I was going to end it.
But whenever I saw her,
I couldn't bring myself to do it.
So I slept…
with her best friend.
Sleeping with someone
isn't a big deal these days.
But back then, I thought
it was the worst betrayal.
So what did you get from doing that?
An irrevocable…
-Who is this?
-Mr. Jeong?
It's Section Chief So Gyeong-pil.
I see.
But why are you answering her phone?
What about you, Mr. Jeong?
Why are you calling her at this hour?
By any chance, are you with her right now?
There's probably a reason for that, right?
Su-yeong and I are in a relationship.
I see.
So what?
So tell me.
Why are you answering
Su-yeong's phone at this hour?
Put her on the phone right now.
Sure thing.
The phone you have called is turned off…
Are you sure you won't regret it?
I won't.
Yes, Jong-hyeon.
We'll talk after work.
You're here.
Why did you leave
all of a sudden yesterday?
Is it true?
-Let's talk outside.
-Answer me!
-I'm asking you a question!
Tell me.
You already know the answer.
What are you doing?
-Let me go!
-Mr. Jeong!
What? Is there something
between you and Su-yeong too?
Did you sleep with her too?
Who knew Ms. Ahn
and Mr. Jeong were dating?
Mr. Ma, you saw them
eating lunch at the park, right?
Is that when it began?
Then what about Mr. So?
What do you think?
The great Ms. Ahn dated Mr. Jeong
and saw Mr. So on the side.
Let's open for business.
The clients are waiting.
Hey, you.
Make sure you keep
Mr. Kim of the Sindo branch quiet.
If word gets out,
the Youngpo branch will be humiliated.
He wouldn't do that.
We all work for the same bank.
What's going on at this bank, anyway?
One person pretends
as if his mistress is his wife.
Another one gets married, has an affair,
and becomes an online community star.
And now a dirty scandal that got physical…
We need to perform
an exorcism or something.
I want an explanation.
He misunderstood, right?
Mr. Jeong misunderstood you.
No, it's true.
I slept with Su-yeong.
Is that why Mr. Jeong punched you?
I sent him a voice recording.
I saw in the morning that
he had called me over 20 times.
I thought he'd take it the wrong way,
so I let him know
that this was all Su-yeong's idea.
I didn't think he'd go even crazier
after hearing the recording, though.
What did you record?
Do you want to hear it?
Are you sure about this?
Don't change your mind and blame me--
It won't happen.
There's more.
So do you want to hear the rest?
You crazy bastard!
You scumbag.
Why did you…
Why am I a scumbag?
Do you think…
you're any different?
How is my behavior any different
from what you tried to do to Mi-gyeong?
Jeez, why did you hit me
where I got punched earlier?
What are you doing?
What do you think you're doing?
What do you mean?
Did you and Gyeong-pil really…
Did you have feelings for him?
Did you just smirk?
Is this funny to you?
Ms. Park.
Are you and Sang-su all right?
I mean, Mr. Jeong asked Sang-su
if he slept with Ms. Ahn too.
That's not true, of course.
Right, Sang-su?
We have nothing to do
with what just happened,
so don't get us involved.
She's right, Sang-su.
Don't get involved in this.
I always knew Gyeong-pil
would get himself in trouble one day.
But this is just so random…
-I'll get going now.
Why are you so shocked?
Why do you look so blown away?
How could you do that to me
for someone like her?
Why are we the ones
who have to feel this way?
Do you still like her?
Do you still like Su-yeong?
Are you really okay
with what happened today?
Say something!
No, it's true.
I slept with Su-yeong.
Are you sure about this?
Don't change your mind and blame me--
It won't happen.
This looks good.
Let's go ahead and proceed.
Mr. Ha?
Yes, sir. I'll have everything prepared.
So guess what I did?
I destroyed it myself.
Did you think I'd be gone?
I thought about it all day,
but I still don't get it.
Why did you do that?
Why are you doing this to me?
Did I do something wrong?
You didn't do anything wrong.
No, I was wrong.
No matter how angry I was,
I shouldn't have acted that way
in front of everyone.
There must be a reason.
There must be a reason why you did that.
You wouldn't just…
do something like that.
I'm sorry.
happens to us now?
You're looking for a place.
Study for your exam…
and find someone
who is a better match for you.
Then you can start over
and live a good life.
Live a good life?
What happened at the bank…
I said we'd talk after work.
Live a good life?
Can I join you for a drink?
Thank you for before.
When my wife got into an accident…
you took her to the hospital.
Don't mention it.
Are you close to Su-yeong?
I like her.
Is she…
giving you a tough time?
No, it's not that.
She grew up a little too early.
It's our fault.
Who knows what burden
she carries in her heart?
I may be her father,
but I don't know what's on her mind.
Still, she's a kind
and warmhearted person.
She'd rather get hurt
than see others in pain.
Yes, I know that.
Come with her next time.
I'll cook something good.
Yes, I'll do that.
Goodness. Wake up and come out.
-Wake up!
-Mom, this is breaking and entering.
Then you should've answered your phone.
I ran over because you didn't pick up.
Where did you get this?
That's not important right now.
Your cousin sent it to me.
Everyone at the bank knows.
Is this why Sang-su dumped you? Is it?
Tell me.
Turn it off. Right now!
-Let me go!
-Mr. Jeong!
It was like a movie.
They looked good on the screen.
When something like this happens,
I should be informed immediately.
I shouldn't have to hear
about this from the director!
Burying your head in the sand
won't make this go away!
And what were you doing, Mr. Noh?
It was before we opened,
so only our staff members…
Mr. Kim from the Sindo branch was here,
but I never thought
he would record a video of it.
The important thing is that
Mr. Ma said he'd make sure
to keep Mr. Kim's mouth shut, so--
The problem is that
he didn't keep his mouth shut!
You should be glad that I intervened.
What if HQ had found out about this?
How humiliating would that have been?
Everyone, listen up.
Mr. Jeong caused all this.
It's all on him.
are you telling us to fire him?
He was already fired this morning.
If anyone asks what happened
at our branch, that's what you tell them.
That Mr. Jeong completely lost his mind.
How dare some hiring-service staff
disgrace our bank like this?
Is this something
to get fired over, though?
What do you suggest, then?
Should we blame Mr. So or Ms. Ahn?
No matter what we do,
we'll end up disgraced.
It's better to get rid of him
instead of one of our own.
When you're at the bank,
just focus on work, okay?
I can't believe they fired him right away.
He was with us for so long.
We're not all the same,
even if we work at the same bank.
Mr. Jeong wouldn't have wanted
to stay here and work anyway.
Anyway, why did Ms. Ahn
take a half day after the mess she caused?
She's interviewing
for a position transfer.
My gosh.
She's really scary, isn't she?
She makes a fool out of two guys,
then carries on with her business.
I'm going to HQ for training.
Ms. Ahn Su-yeong? Come in.
Ms. Ahn Su-yeong.
You applied for a transfer
last quarter as well.
You're in a permanent position.
Is there a reason
you constantly apply for a transfer?
There's no longer
a big difference in bonuses anyway.
You asked the same question last time.
Although a lot of employees
wish to transfer positions,
it's not easy to do so.
How about trying harder
in your current position?
What do you think is the reason
you keep failing the interview?
I'd like to ask the same.
I check all the boxes
in terms of test scores,
performance, and attendance.
I wonder what keeps me
from passing the interview.
When the bank is short-handed,
we're told to offer help
including off-site work
wine and dine duties.
So, I wonder why you won't
acknowledge our efforts.
Are you here to complain?
No, I'm purely curious.
I want to know why…
I couldn't fit
in the boundaries the bank drew.
-Is it true?
-I already told you.
You even saw the video.
Is it true that Ms. Ahn made a scene
by two-timing her boyfriend
and sleeping with Mr. So?
If Mr. Ha had hooked you up with her,
you might've been in the video instead.
Mr. Kim.
Why did you record that video?
Just because.
I shared it because I thought it'd be fun,
but your branch manager got mad,
so I had to take it down.
Are you worried
about getting tangled up in all this?
Don't worry. Everyone blames Ms. Ahn.
She had an affair with a section chief
while dating a security guard.
If I had known she was like that,
I would've hit on her too.
Hey, isn't that a little gross?
Why? I wouldn't date her.
-A one-night stand would be enough.
-Watch it.
She used to act so high and mighty.
You really dodged a bullet.
I told you to watch it.
Is there something between you two?
Did you two sleep together?
What's your problem?
It was just a joke.
Come on.
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
Doors are closing.
Doors are closing.
Did your interview go well?
I'm glad it went well.
Why are you following me?
And why are you smiling?
Why won't you ask me anything?
I know you're curious.
I know you're angry
and that you despise me.
Everyone's bad-mouthing me
and wants answers,
but why aren't you the least bit curious?
How could you…
How could you be so indifferent?
Hey, Sang-su got himself in trouble.
He grabbed Mr. Kim
of the Sindo branch by the collar at HQ.
It was vicious,
and he did it in front of everyone.
Mr. Kim got absolutely furious
and asked if there was something
between Ms. Ahn and Sang-su.
What is he talking about?
We work at the same branch.
The jerk took a video and shared it.
He deserved to get grabbed by the collar.
I'm glad Sang-su did that.
-Yes, I agree.
So Ms. Ahn's scandal
has nothing to do with Sang-su, right?
Let's just go have lunch.
Of course, it doesn't.
I heard what happened,
and I could see why he got mad.
If you'll excuse me,
I have to go eat lunch with Mr. Ha.
-Okay. Go on.
-Thank you.
Don't go inside.
They think we're having lunch.
I heard you grabbed his collar
while everyone was watching.
Why did you do that?
What are you going to do now?
You keep making messes
that I have to clean up.
You don't have to.
It's hard not to.
Don't do it.
Don't cover for me, Mi-gyeong.
Go get lunch on your own.
I have somewhere to be.
I really didn't want to ask you this.
Then don't.
What do you think you're doing?
-Why are you still so immature?
Because people never change.
-Did you really do it?
-Darn, I lost again.
You knew Su-yeong was dating Mr. Jeong.
And you knew who Sang-su liked.
-So how…
How could you do that?
Gyeong-pil, you're the worst…
both as a boyfriend and a friend.
You're not being honest with yourself.
Shouldn't you be happy right now?
You even came to me and said
you were having a rough time.
Sang-su and Su-yeong
can never be together now.
I'm just saying it's okay to be happy.
Are you saying you did this for me?
Of course not.
I heard you had
a position transfer interview.
-Did it go well?
It went well?
Did you know Mr. Jeong got fired?
You dated Mr. Jeong,
led on Sang-su, and slept with Gyeong-pil…
I really can't figure you out.
I liked you so much.
I never asked you to.
I never asked you…
to like me or understand me.
You said you'd keep liking me
to make me uncomfortable.
But I want
to feel comfortable for a change.
So go ahead and hate me.
Let me ask you one question.
What on earth…
did Sang-su mean to you?
Why won't you ask me anything?
I know you're curious.
I know you're angry
and that you despise me.
Everyone's bad-mouthing me
and wants answers,
but why aren't you the least bit curious?
Why are you here?
You wondered why I wouldn't ask anything.
I was afraid.
It didn't matter if it was true or not.
I was afraid you'd use that as an excuse
to keep your distance from me.
What I'm afraid of the most…
is not seeing you, Su-yeong.
Don't come here anymore.
I'm going to come tomorrow.
And I'll keep coming.
I'm going to face you while I suffer.
So I'll see you…
We're now departing.
Please board the bus for Miryang.
Hey, Sang-su.
Weren't you going on a trip?
Your door is unlocked too.
What's with the mess?
If I say I'm on a trip,
people won't bother me.
And there's nothing to steal,
so I don't need to lock it.
People heard our marriage fell through
right after the wedding,
so the realtor can't list this place.
Have you eaten anything?
Does it look like I have an appetite?
-Do you want more?
-I have no appetite.
Do you want to hear something strange?
After the divorce,
I thought I could be with Jeong-eun
and pick up where we left off.
My wife…
Well, she's not my wife anymore.
I keep thinking of Ji-eun
because I feel bad for her.
But then, I can't leave Jeong-eun again.
Love feels like
some kind of punishment
for something I did wrong.
That must be him. Can you get the door?
Hey, what took you so long…
Can you give me something to eat?
I'm hungry.
Slow down, or you'll get sick.
How are you feeling?
Your dad won't let me do anything.
Is there something going on?
There's always something going on.
What's the matter? You look worn out.
What does it feel like to forgive someone?
Dad left you for someone else.
But you forgave him.
I want to know
what went through your mind.
Should we go back to Tongyeong?
You came here because of me.
Should we just
leave everything behind and go back?
What's going on?
You can tell me.
I'm tired.
I'm just tired.
Mom, I need some water.
Why aren't you saying anything?
You're the one who wanted to talk.
I don't believe you.
No matter how many times
you tell me that it happened…
I don't believe you.
Actually, no.
Even if it did happen…
I still like her.
That's some profound love.
You're capable of being
that understanding?
Is that…
what it looks like to you?
Does it look like I'm not angry?
I don't understand any of this,
and I really want to kill you.
But I don't believe it. I'm not buying it.
It doesn't feel real.
Do you need a reality check?
You would've been done for
if it hadn't been for me, you punk.
If you dump Mi-gyeong for Su-yeong,
do you think people will congratulate you?
Do you know what Mi-gyeong's dad is like?
He won't let this slide.
That's the reason?
You did it for me?
Tell me the real reason.
Why did you take things this far?
What do you want?
Oh, do you want to talk about Mi-gyeong?
You want me to have a good reason.
That way, you'd feel better, right?
If I had gotten rid of Mi-gyeong for you,
you could've gone
to Su-yeong quite happily.
Sorry to disappoint you,
but there's no philosophical reason
as to why I sleep with women.
You bastard.
Su-yeong is the one who called me first.
I know you don't want to admit
the woman whom you love so much
only amounts to this.
But Sang-su…
you need to get yourself together.
Jong-hyeon, I know you can do it.
I believe in you. You got this!
Don't come here anymore.
I'm going to come tomorrow.
And I'll keep coming.
I'm going to face you while I suffer.
So I'll see you…
I can't come next week.
Why not? We see each other
only once a week.
He's right. You need to come.
I'm a bit busy.
I hear the bank is having issues.
And there's a dirty rumor going around.
Hyeok-jin says it's your branch.
But it has nothing to do with Mi-gyeong.
I never said it did.
Anyway, why hasn't Sang-su called?
Since he turned down dinner,
he should be the one to contact me first.
It's a busy season for bank clerks.
He'll call when things settle down.
What are you going to do?
-About what?
-About Sang-su!
Do you still plan on staying with him?
He told me straight to my face
that he doesn't want you.
He's involved with that woman
in the video, too, isn't he?
I have a sixth sense for things like this.
Don't say a word to Dad.
Where's your pride?
This is my pride.
Are you eating well these days?
You sound like such a typical mom.
I am your mom.
I thought you were my brother.
Don't get hurt too badly.
It's okay to feel desperate,
confused, and troubled.
All of that is okay.
Just don't hurt too badly.
Wounds to your heart tend to last long.
Take some facial masks.
You look terrible.
What happened?
I called, but then a nurse picked up.
I just got here too.
Is Mi-gyeong all right?
Don't worry. This happens once in a while.
She doesn't want her parents to know.
Please stay with her
until she's done getting her IV.
Actually, is something going on
with Mi-gyeong?
This happens
when she's particularly stressed.
By any chance,
is there a problem between the two of you?
Why are you here?
Just lie down.
It's nothing. This happens sometimes.
Excuse me, can you take this out?
No, you should finish it.
Please take it out.
Let's go to your place.
Shouldn't you eat porridge instead?
I thought…
I could eat this.
You look distressed.
A little.
I'm sorry…
for causing you pain.
I think…
I was…
disrespectful to you…
back then at Han River.
When you said it was okay
that I wasn't 100% ready yet…
I used that as an excuse.
Anybody can see
that you're a wonderful person.
And your background was…
a little too much to handle at times.
But despite that background,
you grew up to be a great person…
and I thought
it wouldn't hurt to be with you.
I had some pretentious thoughts like that.
I took advantage of your feelings…
for selfish purposes.
I knew I didn't like you
as much as you wanted me to.
But I thought that someday…
it would reach 100%.
That's how I deceived…
and me.
I'm sorry. I mean it.
I don't want you to hurt because of me.
Please don't be hurt, Mi-gyeong.
The ramyeon is cold now.
I'm going to leave now.
Let me take you.
It's okay.
I can take this car.
What are you doing?
Why are you dumping these?
I have to make money.
I'm giving up everything to work.
-This has nothing to do with our breakup!
-Why do you care?
Why do you care
if I take that exam or not?
What happened to us?
Why did you do that?
Because I was poor?
Because I had no future?
You said you trusted I'd do well,
but did you lose hope in me?
No, it's not that.
It is. I was pathetic.
That's why you did this.
Then why did you want to stay together?
Why did you say I could move in with you?
You never loved me, did you?
Be honest.
It was pity, right?
You felt sorry for me.
Sympathy. Compassion.
Something like that, right?
Were you happy when you were with me?
You always said things were fine,
but were you really happy?
You never looked happy
when you were with me.
You laughed more
when you were with other people.
Are you talking about Seon-jae?
There's nothing between us.
I know that. It's not because of her.
It's just…
It's just that our love came to an end.
And what you felt for me
wasn't love either.
No, that's not true.
Don't use me as an excuse.
Don't you dare assume anything.
I'm sorry, Jong-hyeon.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Let me ask you one last time.
Is it true?
Did you really sleep with him?
a real bitch.
I think that's enough to fool him.
Should we stop now?
Why go this far?
Why did you offer to help, Mr. So?
Was the person you liked in college…
Ms. Park?
You're offering to help
because she's stressed out by me.
Well, does it matter?
I needed that too.
An irrevocable reason.
Do you think it'll work out between us?
I can handle anything that comes my way.
No matter what it is.
I wasn't going to come.
But I still came because this could be…
our last time seeing each other.
Let's decide with this coin.
Thank you, Sang-su.
Can you promise me one thing?
Promise me that
you won't give up on the exam.
What did you want to tell me?
That I liked you.
That I wanted to ask you out.
I'm going to put my feelings…
and happiness first.
Subtitle translation by: Eunsook Youn
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