The Longest Promise (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 13=
I'll drink
one last sip!
I must defeat Bai Xuelu!
I will defeat Bai Xuelu
and stay here.
You actually
wanted to be my first disciple
even when you're dreaming?
Why am I all tied-up?
Cultivating Hall?
(Last night,)
(I was going to kiss Master indirectly.)
(After that, I was hugging him.)
(He became the white beast again.)
(Oh no.)
(What happened last night?)
Master White.
Just drink up, Master White.
This is called indirect kissing.
Oh no.
This is so embarrassing.
He's not going to silence me, is he?
No, I have to escape.
This is great.
Where are you going?
First, I skipped
the exam yesterday.
Second, I ignored the lesson.
Third, I hurt my classmate.
Fourth, I indulged myself in alcohol.
Fifth, I disrespected my master.
I'm a heinous sinner.
You can punish me however you want.
Just don't chase me off the mountain.
Of course, I will punish you.
Didn't you say you wanted to become
my first disciple last night?
Not at all!
I said something wrong
after I got drunk.
I didn't know my own place.
I still have a long way to go.
I want you to look into my eyes.
Don't think of anything else.
Just listen to your heart
and tell me.
Do you wish to be my first disciple?
Very good.
Since you're sincere,
let us give this a try.
are you encouraging me
to be your disciple?
I'm not encouraging you.
I'm giving you a reminder.
The skill difference between
you and Bai Xuelu is too far apart.
If you truly wish to catch up
to her from the back,
you will face unimaginable difficulties.
And, I won't be lenient toward you.
I will only keep a closer eye on you
and keep testing you.
Can you endure that?
I'm willing to give it a try.
All right. It depends on
your performance now.
Thank you, Priest.
Thank you, Priest.
After all I've done to prevent it,
I still saw the scene
that I didn't want to see.
You actually let her
spend the night in the hall
and encouraged her
to be your first disciple?
Right now, I have four
first disciple candidates.
Qing Gang has a mission to accomplish.
Bai Xueying doesn't want to study.
The only ones who truly wish to study
are Zhu Yan and Bai Xuelu.
And Bai Xuelu
is the candidate chosen by High Priest.
Taking her as my disciple
is just the first step
of High Priest's plan.
He's treading carefully
and wants Bai Xuelu
to be my first disciple
so that he can force me
to return to Jialan one day.
I see.
So, you have no choice,
and you don't want to
be manipulated by High Priest.
That's why you can only
put your hopes on Zhu Yan
and hope that she becomes
your first disciple.
The most important attribute
I see before I take them in as
my first disciple is their heart.
Most people
use magic techniques
to get their ways.
For example, Bai Xuelu.
She only wants power.
Only Zhu Yan
is sincere in learning.
I still think that it's inappropriate.
For you and her.
I've thought about it.
If the situation I'm worried about
does happen in the future,
I shall face them together with her.
If that's the case,
it's almost impossible for Zhu Yan
to be your first disciple.
Although she doesn't have
a solid foundation,
she's not afraid of setbacks,
and she can think on her feet
and overcome ordeals.
I thought to myself
that a miracle might happen.
If so, I shall look forward to it.
God of Dragon.
Yuan, if one day,
the God of Dragon loses its control
while waking up
from its slumber,
you must stay away from it.
(Father of Merfolk Zhi Yuan)
Because us from the side branch
with the dragon lineage
will be summoned by
the true dragon lineage.
we will be suppressed by it.
It will endanger our lives.
(Huangquan Waterfall, Jiuyi Mountain)
(God of Dragon,)
(I, Zhi Yuan, the merfolk,)
(have answered your call.)
Darned Xingzun
and Kongsang people.
God of Dragon,
what can I do for you?
I'm going to head out there
and kill all Kongsang people,
especially the Six Clas
that followed Xingzun to trap me here.
None of them will escape!
God of Dragon!
God of Dragon!
God of Dragon!
God of Dragon
harbors deep hatred
for Kongsang people,
the world will change
when he wakes up from his slumber.
I'm afraid it would only take a moment
for it to happen.
And, the Six Clans
have to face his wrath.
If that happens,
I'm afraid only the Dragon Blood Jade
can save Princess Zhu Yan.
How could I think of it that way?
I hope you will learn something
in Jiuyi Mountain
so that you could protect yourself
in the future.
Priest is going to teach us
Wind-manipulating Spell
at the Star Gazing Plaza.
Before this, it was only theory.
This time, it's a battle practice.
What a shame.
Those who had committed mistakes
can only withstand
their punishments here.
Stop right there!
I'll stay here and help you out.
Me too.
No need for that.
You guys can head to class.
I'll help you out after class then.
Go now. Don't be late.
Although I miss the chance
to listen to Priest's teaching,
I can practice the chant
for a hundred times.
Wind, obey my will!
Wind, obey my will!
(Why don't I)
(use the chant of
Wind-manipulating Spell)
(and give it a try?)
Wind, obey my will!
Wind, obey my will!
Princess Zhu Yan, you do
live up to your name
as the lousiest student indeed.
You can't even
control a mere leaf.
That's all for today.
Please practice
after heading back.
Priest, thank you for your teaching.
We shall take our leaves.
I followed the book's instruction
and recited the chant perfectly.
But why can't I do it?
What is that the case?
You've already learned its theory.
it depends on your enlightenment.
I will demonstrate it
to you once.
Observe closely.
I created Wind-manipulating Spell
after sweeping the bottom
of the Emperor Valley daily.
I cannot control the leaves
by themselves.
I control it through observing
the wind's direction
and borrowing its strength.
Try to imitate what I've done
and observe closely.
Your shoulders mustn't be too tense.
If you're not relaxed,
you won't feel the wind.
Raise your hand.
This side too.
Relax your shoulders.
Zhu Yan,
what were you thinking?
When you feel,
you need to use
the five aggregates and six senses
to feel.
Why didn't you observe the wind?
Observe the wind?
Can wind even be seen?
Remember this.
Wind has life too.
It's ever-changing,
yet predictable.
When you reach a certain level,
you'll be able to see it.
I feel like I understood something,
yet I don't.
All right, time's up.
I've used
the same amount of time
to teach you and the others.
As for the rest, you can
figure them out yourself.
You're leaving already?
Priest, I haven't mastered it yet!
How do I observe the wind?
You did it!
Yan, you're amazing.
One month is up.
we shall choose
the first disciple for Priest.
This disciple
shall be the 287th first disciple
of Jiuyi Mountain.
After one month of training,
there are four candidates
who have the right
to contest for the position.
(Bai Xuelu)
Bai Xuelu, 15 points.
Qing Gang, 12 points.
Zhu Yan, eight points.
And Bai Xueying, five points.
Those whose names are called
shall duel each other.
Qing Gang.
I've already received a military order.
I have to leave the mountain today.
I, Qing Gang, forfeit.
Permission granted.
Bai Xuelu.
Bai Xueying.
I'm unskilled.
I'm afraid I cannot
bear the responsibility.
Please pardon me for forfeiting.
Permission granted.
Zhu Yan.
Princess Zhu Yan,
do you have anything to say?
I'm willing to duel Princess Xuelu.
She doesn't know her own place at all.
How dare she
didn't Father tell us
to leave the mountain in advance
and avoid dueling each other?
But now, the situation
isn't under my control.
If I forfeit now,
Zhu Yan will win without contesting.
If the first disciple was chosen
because everyone else has forfeited,
I'm afraid
Jiuyi Mountain and Priest
would be disgraced
when people hear about this.
Yan is no match for you.
You must go easy on her.
Do not hurt her.
Don't worry.
I know my limits.
I won't harm your bestie,
Princess Zhu Yan.
These are the rules.
The person
who can push the other off the stage
or render her unable to fight
before the alarm rings
will be the victor.
If no one is victorious
when the alarm rings,
the person with the higher points wins.
The match begins now.
(She actually improved this much?)
(No, I need to win.)
Why can't Yan move her hands?
This artifact
contains the power of frost.
It counters the Crimson Clan.
Why would she have that?
You promised me
you won't go too harsh on her!
Yan, you should admit defeat!
(wind has life too.)
(It's ever-changing,)
(yet predictable.)
(When you reach a certain level,
you'll be able to see it.)
A desperate struggle.
What a joke.
Ride the cloud
and soar through the sky!
Princess Zhu Yan actually mastered
the Cloud Ascension Spell?
That's the best wind magic techniques
one could learn.
Your Supreme Majesty,
please allow this competition
to be held fairly.
The match is over.
From today onward,
Priest will take Zhu Yan
as his first disciple.
As for the other students,
the semester has ended.
Please pack your belongings
and prepare to leave the mountain.
I shall obey.
Bai Xuelu.
I don't need your pity.
(Zuowang Palace)
High Priest, please
give me one more chance.
Before this, you said confidently
that Zhu Yan
was no match for you.
Since you couldn't keep your promise,
you should return
and hone your temper.
Your Supreme Majesty,
I've let you down.
I'll definitely reflect upon my actions
when I head back.
I shall obey High Priest's commands.
However, Zhu Yan once forfeited
the exam in the Star Gazing Plaza.
A person like her
has become the first disciple
of Jiuyi Mountain.
I'm afraid
the public might not be convinced.
You don't need
to worry about that.
Leave now.
High Priest.
You once said you didn't want
to call him your master
in the Star Gazing Plaza, right?
High Priest, please pardon me.
I said that brazenly
as I didn't know about
the height of the mountain.
Now, I know how tall it is.
Its peak is unattainable,
just like the path to mastering
magic techniques.
I've decided to train here.
Please let that be
water under the bridge.
You don't need to be so fearful.
Since you've defeated
all your opponents,
you've earned the right
to become the Priest's first disciple.
I just want
to give you a reminder.
From now on, you must
practice caution with your words.
Yes, High Priest.
However, you need
to memorize the Disciple Commandments
written by the first High Priest
of Jiuyi Mountain.
Yes, High Priest.
However, I don't know
where to find it.
It's right here.
You need to find it yourself.
Of course,
in order to show your sincerity,
you cannot use any magic techniques.
But the Hall of Books
will be closed for maintenance
in three hours.
More importantly,
the scrolls in Jiuyi
are just like the mirror.
They're easily covered with dust.
You need to wipe the dust off
after you read them.
And you need to change the water
whenever you clean one scroll.
Only then, it can show
the sacredness of the hall.
You shall do so until
you find the commandments.
(I'm new to magic techniques.)
(And I don't have a solid foundation.)
(I'm afraid it might be
extremely difficult)
(for me to locate a scroll.)
(And, I need to wipe
the dust off the scrolls)
(and change the bucket of water
every so often.)
(This is literally impossible.)
I will not force you
to find it.
Since you're not sincere
and you do not have courage,
even if you are
the Priest's first disciple,
you won't achieve anything great
in the future.
If so, I can only find another candidate
for the Priest.
Make up your mind.
I'm willing to give it a try.
Your Supreme Majesty,
according to the rules
of Jiuyi Mountain,
since ancient times,
the Four Grand Marshals
will hand the commandments
to the new disciples.
No one has ever let the new disciples
search for the commandments themselves.
No one dares to insult
or be disrespectful to the sect
for the past thousands of years.
Since she does things unorthodoxly,
you cannot blame me
for teaching her a lesson
on your behalf.
Your Supreme Majesty,
why are you punishing Zhu Yan
for Bai Xuelu's incompetency?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I know you've chosen Bai Xuelu
as your candidate.
But Zhu Yan
appeared out of nowhere.
That's why you've decided
to take Zhu Yan as your disciple
in order to go against Bai Xuelu,
whom I preferred.
Even if Zhu Yan couldn't find
the Disciple Commandments,
I'll only announce to the public
that I'm removing her from her position
as the first disciple.
I will never take
Bai Xuelu as my first disciple.
Very good.
You've grown up, huh?
You dare to talk back to me now.
I dare not do so, Your Supreme Majesty.
I just hope that you won't
interfere with the decisions I make.
Your Supreme Majesty, Priest.
I shall take my leave.
(I've been searching for written books.)
(But I've forgotten that
the first High Priest)
(was an avid painter.)
(Therefore, the Disciple Commandments)
(shouldn't be recorded in words.)
(It should be a painting instead.)
(Disciple Commandments of Jiuyi Mountain)
I'm not
an understanding master.
It'll be tough if you train under me.
I'm not afraid of hardships.
It'll be lonely.
It won't.
In the past, there were only dead bodies
in the valley.
That's why you were alone.
But from now on,
I'll be keeping you company, Master.
Since you're my first disciple,
I will expect you to obey
my strict rules.
If you don't do a good job,
you might be punished.
Don't cry by then.
From today onward,
you'll be my master.
I thought you were angry at me.
What are you doing here?
Your Supreme Majesty, I know you did it
for my sake.
I dare not be angry at you.
But now,
my mother has passed away.
I don't wish to return to Jialan.
Your Supreme Majesty,
please allow me to serve the gods.
Back then,
you were just the Crown Prince.
Although you were talented and
mighty at both the pen and the sword,
you were still a child.
you've already become the top practitioner
of the magic arts of Yunhuang.
If only your mother
could look at you now.
I believe
that she'll be proud of you.
I can even imagine
the way she smiles
when she looks at you.
You're her only offspring.
She didn't fight for power
because she was a kind person.
But if you and I
don't fight for it now,
who else will remember
the grievances
she suffered back then?
Who else will help you and your mother
to take back
what was stolen from you two?
But back then,
I rushed back to Jialan
because of my selfish desire.
I even sent a letter to her
who was still in the palace.
That's how my mother was
My mother
is gone now.
It's pointless
no matter what I do now.
And, I don't have a reason
to Jialan now.
Your Supreme Majesty,
today is your birthday.
Let me offer you a cup of tea.
Snow cake.
This was your mother's favorite snack
before she passed away.
is my birthday.
Ever since my mother entrusted me to you,
you had put all your attention on me.
You helped me to improve
and planned my life for me.
You have already
forgotten about yourself.
However, Your Supreme Majesty,
you should have your own life too.
You should have your own joy
and interests in life.
I don't want you
to forget about the person named Shi
the person named Shi Yu because of me.
I will forever
be grateful to you.
Not only are you my uncle
and my master,
but you should also
be yourself.
Now, you cannot understand
how it feels like
to be an elder.
If there's no longer anyone
you care for
in the world,
it's pointless
to live.
Let me
be alone for now.
Yes, Your Supreme Majesty.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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