The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

May This World Be Full of Love

Kanon, what happened 2,000 years ago?
Exactly what you said would happen.
Humans were too weak, Anos.
I was killed by one
of Master Zelga's followers
and they formulated a plan
to destroy you 2,000 years later.
It was beyond all reason.
A mistake made by all of humanity.
I had to correct that mistake.
Evansmana has the power to cut even fate.
I cut through your fate of reincarnating
as the Demon King of Atrocity.
That is why my name was forgotten?
It took time, but history was rewritten
and the fictitious Demon King
Avos Dilhevia was born.
I didn't think you'd realize
that it was me though.
You intend to be slain
as the Demon King of Atrocity by humans.
Humans will kill demons
until the end of time.
One day, you will have no choice
but to kill humans in return,
just like 2,000 years ago,
though you wished for peace
more than anyone else.
The cause is the hatred for the Demon King
that Master Zelga put into Ask.
If Avos Dilhevia is slain,
the curse should be lifted.
Humans killed you. Is this something
you should sacrifice yourself to achieve?
I still want to believe.
I am the Hero.
I have a responsibility
to correct the mistakes of the people.
Like you promised,
you gave your life for peace.
It's wonderful.
This world is so wonderful now,
but Demon King Anos,
I still haven't shown you human kindness,
the true peace you wished for.
2,000 years ago,
human lovers heading to their deaths,
in hopes of reincarnating together,
would split a holy shell to make
two necklaces and put them on one another.
To you, this is Michens's Necklace.
You bid your beloved farewell.
You have prepared
for this over a very long time.
Words won't make you waver now.
If you want this back,
take it back by force.
I thought you'd say that.
I will do what I intend to do
to protect you.
I will not allow it
to protect you.
Giya Greyas.
The Hero is only an illusion.
That's one!
I've never met anyone so great.
I never wanted to kill.
Rio Edlam!
Yet I was tormented
by the hopes of the people.
I closed my eyes to the lives
being cast away meaninglessly.
At the bottom of this never-ending hell,
all I could do
was fight until the bitter end.
Four! Five!
You have only one essence left.
You have no chance of victory.
I can lose as many times
as it takes. I only need to win once.
I told myself that someday,
I would need to risk my life for peace,
but that the time wasn't right.
But that's not true!
There are people who I need
to save right in front of me!
I can't wait for that someday!
Right now, I want to save
every last person I can from suffering!
If I don't think that now,
then even when someday comes,
I won't be able to save anyone!
You really are a difficult one.
King Avos!
The Demon King of Atrocity!
Look! That sword!
That holy power!
The Hero Kanon?
Don't look at me that way.
It isn't very Hero-like.
But why?
It's all in keeping with your plan.
Now the humans' hatred will fade.
Comrades! Retreat at once!
I forbid you from retaliation against
the humans until I return to this land!
Live until the day the Demon King returns!
At the bottom of this never-ending hell,
all I could do was fight
until the bitter end,
both now and then,
one man reached out to help.
Anos, it was you.
and only you.
You were the only Hero in my eyes.
The Demon King has been slain!
The war is now over!
We shall await the return
of the Demon King at Dilhade!
Do not be fooled!
He is not the Hero Kanon!
He is a demon!
Kill all demons!
All 10,000 Zexias! Self-destruct!
Slay the demons!
It's all over!
There is no reason to fight any longer!
Silence! This is an act of justice,
the iron hammer which we humans must drop
upon the demons
who stole everything from us!
Yes. Kill.
No! No one stole anything from you!
That hatred isn't yours!
-The time for retribution is now!
2,000 years of hatred
will not be quenched with one death!
Not until all demons are annihilated,
until they are all crushed underfoot,
until they are all wiped out,
this war shall not end!
Kill all demons!
This is Ask?
The holy spell
that shall annihilate all demons.
My name is Zelga.
General Zelga?
I am saddened that you, the Hero,
would reincarnate as a dirty demon.
I am saddened as well.
You did away with your humanity
to become a spell
with the sole intent of killing demons.
I will cut you free
from yourself and your hatred!
My form is holy magic incarnate.
It cannot be destroyed with a holy sword.
This is the demon judgment spell, Zelga.
You have no right to judge us.
Pitiful servants with no master.
Unfortunately for you, we still believe.
Anos will be back.
My direct descendants, twins blessed with
the favor of the Demon King of Atrocity,
the time to unleash the secret art
of the Necron Family is now.
Not scared?
Of course not.
I am you.
And you are me.
Return to your true form.
-Dino Jixis!
-Dino Jixis!
What insolence.
Anos will surely return to defeat you.
You think extinguishing his essence
is enough for my Demon King to die?
So you have even lost your ability
to reason? Pitiful demons!
I shall give you a taste
of even greater despair!
Oh, no, you don't.
We've got to stop him.
Stand down!
You can't!
Not yet!
There are too many!
We can't hold
Well done.
You held up very well.
How can this be?
You think extinguishing my essence
is enough to keep me from resurrecting?
This defies the laws of reality!
The origin spell Agronemt.
It uses the enemy's attack as
an origin point to restore one's essence,
except it only works with
an attack that you've received before.
Very well.
I can now slay you with my own hands.
In fact, I thank you for resurrecting
yourself, Demon King of Atrocity!
Hear me! People of Azecion!
The fathomless darkness
has returned to swallow this land,
but be not alarmed!
Raise your hopes and prayers!
Light shall overcome the darkness!
The darkness!
Stay away!
You fool. If you draw out their hope
by force, their hearts will never return.
I sacrificed my body in order
to slay you. My resolve is sacred.
The holy power of justice!
Feel its wrath!
Come, my friend.
Together, we shall end
the chain of hatred.
Peace to Azecion and Dilhade.
Enough of your repulsive delusions!
Zoray Dipt!
You may have resurrected,
but the wound is deep.
You have almost no mana remaining.
This body is akin to a natural law.
It cannot be killed or destroyed!
You think becoming a natural law
is enough to make me obey you?
Fan Union!
Lord Anos!
Sing a requiem for this pitiful ghost!
When will the time come
For this long night to end
The Demon King once called Atrocity
Fell into a long, lonely slumber
He drew his sword to defend us all
In his bloodstained hands
He held our lives
You dare mock this holy spell?
Feel the rage of all humanity!
Our unending hatred!
That is what Ask is!
I never wanted to fight anyone
I killed
And I killed
Hurry and run!
I can't hold it back for long!
I take it that you will not mind if we
evacuate the wounded warriors of Azecion!
But if you don't escape now,
you'll die too!
2,000 years ago, our great Ancestor
fought for the sake of all demons.
After witnessing this spectacle,
I am not so blind
that I cannot see
who is false and who is true!
The Ancestor's will is clear as day!
We, the descendants of the Demon King,
will prove our allegiance now!
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
The power
Of love
Will always be stronger than hate
He entrusted the future with his hopes
That we could all understand one another
And drew his sword to defend all life
You impudent demons!
Can't you see, Zelga?
Humans and demons have joined hands
and are trying desperately to live.
The age has changed.
The world is at peace.
Peace? You destroyed
any chance of that 2,000 years ago!
This is revenge! It shall not end
until all demons are destroyed!
You are a foolish man.
You had far more than hatred left to you.
You are the fool!
Zelga is a natural law!
Hatred shall never fade
from the hearts of humanity!
The annihilation of all demons is fate!
cutting through that fate
is the role of the Hero.
Evansmana should not be able
to cut through my destiny!
I destroyed that law.
Humans didn't hate demons.
You hated me.
Keep your personal battles to yourself.
I'll join you in the depths of hell.
You shall not!
Soon, the long night will be over
The Demon King shall awaken
From his lonely slumber
Please, I only wished for one thing alone
Show me the brilliance
Of the morning light
Please, I only wished for one thing alone
That the world be filled
With love
Don't scare me like that!
I really thought you'd died!
I was worried!
Don't cry.
I would never die.
Welcome back.
It's good to be back.
I will fulfill my promise.
What's this?
I've made you my spell.
You will no longer be used for wrong.
You have to look after
10,000 Zexias, after all.
Thank you, Anos.
I love you.
I'm home, Mom.
I was so worried!
I heard there was a war!
Was it all okay, Anos?
Yeah. I took care of the war
This girl
You didn't
Anos, you got another wife?
I'm Anos's
Oh, right! He said,
"I've made you my spell."
"I've made you my spell"?
You! That's one hell of a pickup line!
What if we told them
she has 10,000 daughters?
They'd lose it.
Am I a grandpa?
Could you come in
and tell us a little bit more?
Sasha, Misha,
you're staying for dinner, right?
Can we have mushroom gratin tonight?
Of course! I thought you'd ask for it,
so I made plenty!
We've got three lovely daughters-in-law
and 10,000 granddaughters!
We're going to be busy!
Yeah. We are.
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