The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e13 Episode Script

Life and Death

Previously on The Mob Doctor As long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
That's the deal.
What are you doing here? Did you kill my dad? I swear to you I did not kill your father.
Who the hell is this guy? It's me, dad.
What do you need? The money I borrowed belongs to the Nogales Cartel.
You're in a lot of trouble.
I floated the message to the cartel that you're willing to pay off Luke's debt.
There's something you're not telling me, Al.
They've already taken punitive measures.
They've ordered a hit on Luke.
Trapani lied about the cartel.
There is no truce.
Trapani never even passed on your offer to pay Luke's debt.
If they find out you killed their man without trying to negotiate, this is going to get ugly fast.
Where's Constantine? Help! Somebody, help! Help!! - Watch your back.
- Get out of the way.
multiple gunshot wounds and unresponsive.
All right, this is where we take over, folks.
We'll take it from here.
He's hypotensive to 87 systolic.
Expanding hematoma.
Must have nicked the carotid.
Pressure's down to 55.
We need to tie off his artery right now.
Move him.
3, 2, 1.
Hang two bags O-neg.
wounds to the thigh and shoulder.
Heart rate's 130.
GCS is 6.
Be right back.
Take over.
- Grace.
- It's my mom.
She's lost at least Recurrent loss of consciousness.
All right, stop.
First, we got to move her, get her hooked up.
On my count.
I got your page.
Robinson, Mrs.
Devlin is your patient.
She got bullet wounds to her chest and thigh.
What do you want to order? Chest, hip, and femur films.
Type and cross for four and prep an O.
- Come on, mom.
- You need to get cleaned up.
- No, I'm not gonna leave her.
- You need to go.
I'm sure the police want to talk to you.
Right now, this is how you help your mom.
We need to get him to the I.
, stent his carotid.
Gonna be a long night.
Excuse me, doctor.
I need you to sign the run sheet.
Clear here.
Pack the gauze.
Nate, it's me.
Somebody shot up the bakery.
What? It was like a fricking massacre.
Gus, Gio, Stavos They're all dead.
Why are you answering Constantine's phone? He's here at the hospital.
So is mom.
Mom? There was a drive-by at the house.
They were both hit.
Mom is going into surgery.
You need to get here.
I'm on my way.
Devlin? Agent York.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother.
I spoke to the paramedics.
He said you were there when she was shot.
Did you see anything? No, I-I was inside.
I heard gunshots, and then I-I raced outside.
Did you see or hear a car speeding away, anything that could help the investigation? No, I'm sorry.
I need to go.
Devlin, we believe that Constantine Alexander was the target.
An hour before he was shot, at least four of his men were killed at his workplace.
It seems the shooter was looking for him, and one of his own men pointed him to your house.
I-I really I understand you manage Mr.
Alexander's diabetes.
Yeah, that's right.
Had he mentioned if anyone had threatened him, either personally or professionally? No.
I need your cooperation here.
Wh-when we're together, we talk about his blood sugar levels and his diet.
That's it.
What about your brother Nate? What about him? We both know Constantine took Nate under his wing.
My mother is being prepped for surgery right now.
Will you excuse me? Suction.
Bone fractured distal to the greater trochanter.
Side biter.
Your brother's here.
How's your mom? Well, they transfused four units, but, uh, pressure's still borderline.
What does that mean? The doctors are repairing the damage, but the bleeding is still a problem.
Is she gonna be okay? I don't know.
That took longer than it should have.
What happened? I mean, if you hadn't been there, she probably wouldn't have made it this far.
You really slowed the blood loss.
She's in critical condition.
Her femoral artery was punctured.
We stabilized the fractures and repaired the artery.
Well, that all sounds good.
Yeah, it's just, with this kind of injury, the 24 hours after surgery are pretty critical.
I'm not leaving the hospital until she's stable.
If you need anything, I'm here.
Thank you.
It's ironic, isn't it? What is? The two of us doing all this work to save the life of a known killer.
Don't hold back, doctor.
This man spent years in prison, cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now that he's out, who knows what he's up to? My guess he's not selling bibles.
Constantine Alexander is our patient, and he's in critical condition.
Our job is to get him out of it alive.
Of course.
I wasn't suggesting otherwise.
I was merely pondering the reality Watch your catheter.
You don't want to break through the wall.
It's in position.
Deploying the stent.
All right.
Stent's in good position.
Bleeding is stopped.
Of course, I can't help but wonder how his shooting reflects on our hospital.
Excuse me? Our patient was found shot on the doorstep of Dr.
Devlin's home.
I don't have to spell it out for you.
No, you don't.
But perhaps you should find a hospital where the doctors are more to your liking.
I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking.
And I think you've done enough pondering for the day.
The Nogales Cartel that's who shot mom? I think so.
Constantine killed their guy after he came after Luke.
- Luke? - Constantine's son.
So going after Constantine was payback? Looks like it.
Constantine stopped by our house.
Do you know why? All right, you got to stay away from him.
An FBI agent was just here asking me questions about him, and then he asked me about you.
Me? Yeah, they're keep tabs on his organization, including me and you.
How's she doing? The same.
Constantine made it through I.
He's being prepped for the O.
You text me if anything changes If she wakes up, anything? Is your mom okay? I'd like to scrub in on Mr.
White, I can't just do nothing.
I understand.
But not today, Grace.
This man was shot on your doorstep.
You two know each other.
I'm his doctor.
His doctor? I treat his diabetes.
It only makes sense that I'm involved in his treatment here.
Only if I were to okay it, which I'm not gonna do.
You think I don't notice all your mysterious disappearances and your unusual patients? I turn a blind eye because I care about you and it was easier not to ask questions.
Now that your life has so publicly found its way into my hospital, my O.
, I can't allow it.
Not anymore.
Constantine Alexander is my patient.
You'll stay away from him.
I heard your mother's in recovery.
That's great news.
Thanks? Nate, you and I want the same thing To catch whoever shot your mom.
It's probably the same person or persons who shot up Constantine Alexander's place.
Do you have any leads? The bullets we recovered from both crime scenes are Aguila 9mm from Centurion Arms.
You know who uses those? No idea.
The Nogales Cartel.
I never heard of them.
Nate, I know you work for Constantine.
The blackmail, insurance scams, the extortion of the bars on Pilsen Street.
Yeah, I heard you were keeping tabs on me.
You heard that? From who? It doesn't matter.
You can't prove anything.
Actually, I can.
And it all adds up If you help me with this investigation, it all goes away.
Think about it.
Grace, I came soon as I heard.
How's your mom? Uh, she's in recovery.
And Constantine? Surgery.
Don't you worry.
He's gonna pull through.
He's a real tough guy.
The toughest guy I know.
But you know that better than anyone, huh? What do you mean? It's okay, Grace.
I know what he did for you.
Sorry? What What he did for me? To protect you and your mom when you were a kid.
I was there when Constantine took care of business Quick, decisive.
Your deadbeat dad never saw it coming.
If you ask me, after what he did to you guys, I think he got off lucky.
You just keep the faith, Grace.
Constantine will be fine.
I'll call you later, huh? I just work here.
How would I know anything about the shooting? You're friends with Dr.
I have a lot of friends.
Actually, I don't, but that doesn't really matter here.
Look I know Grace is a good person and she's only involved with the outfit on the periphery.
But right now, she's not thinking clearly.
As a friend, tell her to talk to me.
Why would I do that? Because I can protect her or I can prosecute her.
Quintero, help me help your friend.
I got to get back to work.
Just one more question What can you tell me about Grace and Franco Leoni? There's nothing to tell.
They broke up years ago.
So they used to date.
The bureau appreciates your cooperation.
Grace, I think I screwed up.
That FBI guy cornered me and asked me a bunch of questions about you.
What did you say? I kind of mentioned you and Franco used to date.
He caught me off guard.
I'm so sorry.
Look, um Whatever happens to me, just know that I love you and I-I never meant to take your friendship for granted.
Please, please, don't talk like that.
Is Constantine out of surgery yet? Yeah, about an hour ago.
Why? I-I just need to talk to him.
Is that the smartest thing for you right now? Probably not.
The men who did this to me, the ones that murdered my friends in cold blood They're gonna pay for this.
This all happened because of me.
I'm so sorry.
Don't blame yourself.
You're my son, and I would do it again.
Come here.
I want to tell you something.
You're Grace Devlin.
I'm Luke.
Nice to meet you.
Uh, may I talk to Constantine alone? So, is your mother all right? She's in critical condition.
Don't worry she's gonna pull through this.
She's a strong woman.
Trust me.
Why, 'cause you've always been so trustworthy? What does that mean? You know, my father was an abusive drunk.
He destroyed my family.
And you have managed to hurt me more than he ever did.
You can't mean that, Grace.
Al Trapani just came by.
He thought I knew.
He told me he was there when you did it.
When I did what? When you killed my father.
And you believe him? Just for once be the man you pretend to be.
Spit it out.
I mean, you got something to say, just get it out.
I was 6 years old when I saw your car pull away, and I convinced myself that it wasn't you.
You got it all wrong, Grace.
Oh, my God.
Stop it.
Just stop.
I didn't kill your father.
I couldn't have.
And why is that? Deep down, you know why.
Your mother, she never wanted you to know, maybe with good reason.
But love me or hate me, I'm your father.
That's the reason why I was at your house last night To finally tell you.
Alexander how are you feeling? Better, doc.
Devlin, why are you here? His phone, um, dropped in the E.
I was just returning it.
And saying goodbye.
Hey, Grace.
How you feeling? I've been better, but I'm a survivor You know that.
- Ma.
- Huh? Constantine just told me something About you and him and me.
Oh? He told me that He told me that he's my father.
Yeah, right.
I mean, he probably hit his head when he got shot.
Come on.
That's not true.
I was married to Alan for two years.
He was very cruel, and I was so lonely.
But When I found out I was pregnant with you You lied to dad? I had to, Nate.
He would have killed us.
You know that.
He died years ago, mom.
Why didn't you tell us after? H-how do you t-tell somebody something like that? I didn't want to hurt you, Grace.
You know, when I found him dead, I, uh I thought something was wrong with me.
I mean, what 6-year-old girl is glad when their father is murdered? What? And now I find out he's not even my dad.
Oh, Grace.
I'm sorry.
I'm just gonna get some air.
I'm so Grace, I'm so sorry.
Did a great job, doc.
You saved my life.
So, how's it look? The carotid stent is functional.
You should be out of here in a couple weeks.
I wanted to talk to you about Dr.
Go ahead.
You're gonna ruin her career or worse.
I know who you are, I-I know what you do, and I-I know about your arrangement.
So you know who I am, and yet you talk to me like this? You care about Grace, don't you? Well, don't worry about her, doc.
I'm not gonna let anything happen to her.
The only way that works is if you leave her the hell alone.
I'll be back to check on you later.
Hello? Grace? Oh, thank God.
Franco, I thought you said it wasn't safe for us to contact each other.
Uh, it's a disposable phone.
I heard about the drive-by.
It's all over the news.
Yeah, my mom and Constantine were hit, but they're alive.
Are you okay? I'm not hurt.
That's not what I'm asking.
Are you okay? Not really.
Look, there's something you need to know.
Agent York was here, and he's been questioning everybody.
And Ro let it slip that we used to date.
That's not good.
How long before he figures out you've been covering for me? All right, listen to me, all right? Now, if he comes to you, you can't let him catch you in a lie.
You got to remember the three most powerful words "I don't know.
" Say it.
I don't know.
I can't handle this.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can, you just got to focus on getting through today, all right? Okay.
I miss you.
I miss you, too.
I should know these things.
I don't want any of this to change the way you feel about me about Grace.
Alan was my dad, though, right? Of course he was.
I forgive you.
And Grace will, too, when she's done freaking out.
All right, I'm gonna go find Grace and calm her down.
Mom? Mom! Mom, are you okay? Get a doctor! Help! Help! Someone, I need help! My mom needs help! Grace, where have you been?! They paged a code blue on your mom.
They're working on her now.
Mom! Give me the paddles.
Grace, stop.
I need two amps of bicarb.
Give me the paddles! Hey, she went from v-fib to asystole and never had a rhythm after that.
Did you try vasopressin? She threw a lipid embolism.
There was nothing we could do.
I'm really sorry.
She's gone.
I've been looking for you.
We were just talking.
And then Out of nowhere Sometimes, when a long bone shatters, it, uh It showers pieces of the marrow throughout the body.
And one of those pieces got lodged in her lung.
So her doctors screwed up.
It's just not that easy to predict, you know? That's why the 24 hours after surgery are so critical.
God, Grace.
Shut up.
Mom's dead.
Nate The things I said to her were really ugly.
And she died thinking that I hated her.
Grace mom knew you loved her.
That's that's what we were talking about, right before She knew.
I promise you she knew.
I just went after her.
You know, I didn't think about it.
I just was so mad.
You had a right to be angry.
I'm not angry at ma, though.
There's something I have to do, okay? Grace I'm so sorry to hear about your mother.
The last thing I would have ever wanted was for Daniella to get hurt.
Well, she was.
And all of it, the blood and the the bodies, it all goes back to you.
Don't do this.
Please, just listen.
I let myself believe there was something good in you, and I was wrong.
I'm gonna tell the FBI everything I know.
I just don't care.
It's over.
I won't stop you if that's what you want to do.
But just know Stavos left me this message yesterday.
I didn't get it until you gave me my phone.
We have a problem.
Trapani lied about the cartel.
There is no truce.
Trapani never even passed on your offer to pay Luke's debt.
If they find out you killed their man without trying to negotiate, this is going to get ugly fast.
An hour after he sent me this message, he and half my crew were gunned down executed.
It was Trapani who set me up.
He didn't negotiate with the cartel.
He sent the cartel.
Why would he do that? Why do you think? He saw an opportunity to seize power, and he took it.
Why do you think he told you about me? Trying to drive a wedge between us.
Grace, the cartel may have pulled the trigger, but Al Trapani is the one who's responsible for your mother's murder.
And if you want the bloodshed to end and you want justice, then you and me are gonna have to take him down.
What would I have to do? No way.
That's insane.
You're the only one who can contact the Nogales cartel without involving Al Trapani.
Yeah, of course they'd like to hear from me, so they can find me and kill me.
All I'm asking you to do is use your Miami contacts to set up a meeting between me and Tiago Enriquez.
He's cartel's lieutenant here in Chicago.
This is crazy.
Why do you think this guy will even meet you? Because I'm authorized to speak for Constantine.
'Cause I'm his daughter.
So you know.
Will you make the call? Grace, I'm just a real-estate guy who screwed up.
-I shouldn't even be here.
-And I'm a surgeon.
We're both out of our element.
I am asking you to help.
How can I say no to my sister? What's that? Grace Devlin's phone records.
So? Looks like you two are a lot closer than I thought.
Until you left town a month ago, you spoke several times a day.
The calls are highlighted.
She's Constantine's doctor.
I was gaining her trust.
She has his ear.
Cut the crap, Franco.
You used to date.
Isn't that right? Yeah, a long time ago.
You just failed to mention it? It wasn't relevant.
It ended the day I was recruited.
You told her she was being investigated, didn't you? You lied to me, Franco.
She's not just Constantine's doctor.
She's under his thumb, and she aided and abetted outfit activity.
I don't know.
Well, then, let me tell you what I know.
I know you still got the hots for Dr.
Devlin and I know you two started up again recently.
She helped me with my investigation.
That's it.
Then how do you explain CSU finding her fingerprints all over your safe house You know, the motel room the bureau set you up in before you took off? I'm reporting you to the Attorney General's office.
They're gonna press charges.
I need your gun and your badge.
If you're going after Grace, you're wasting your time.
Well, that's not your call to make.
I checked the back parking lot.
There's no sign of him.
He's late.
We're not in a rush.
When I told him we wanted to meet at the police station, he didn't seem too happy.
Yeah, well, we need to be safe.
You're sure he listened to Stavos' message? Yeah, it's the whole reason he agreed to meet.
Here we go.
Enriquez, I'm Grace Devlin.
Constantine Alexander's daughter? That's right.
And this piece of crap is Constantine's son? Yeah.
Al Trapani Seems he played me against Constantine.
Is your father as pissed off as I am? Yeah, that's why we're here.
What do you propose we do about it? Constantine is willing to forgo retaliation and give you free access to the West Side Eisenhower Expressway.
It's worth millions.
It's not his to offer.
Al Trapani controls the expressway.
In exchange, you'll agree to a truce and you'll forgive Luke's debt.
You'll take the hit off of Luke, and you'll put it on Trapani.
And you're telling me Constantine's got enough juice to take over the West Side from his hospital bed? Well, he owns enough aldermen to shift city council votes.
He's got enough soldiers on the street to crush anyone who won't play ball.
And the CPD will turn a blind eye, thanks to every cop he's got in his pocket.
If I agree to this and Constantine doesn't keep up his end, we'll come after the both of you.
You understand? You have my father's word and mine.
It's done.
Not yet.
Which one of you shot my mother? Now we're done.
Does the patient need Insulin? No, his sugar levels are fine.
I just gave him a sedative.
Can we have a moment, please? Of course, doctor.
So, what happened? It's done.
Enriquez will take care of Trapani in exchange for the Expressway, and Luke will get a free pass.
That'll give us the breathing room we need until we're ready to make our move.
What do you mean, "ready to make our move"? What do you think? Why don't you tell me? After the ambush, the cartel they could have taken everything away from us.
We had to trick them into a sense of security.
All war is deception, Grace.
And a war with the cartel is one we can't lose.
But we're not losing 'cause we're not fighting.
That's the deal we made.
There is no deal.
There never was a deal.
It's all a tactic, an illusion.
You used me? Well, if you knew the plan, you wouldn't have done it.
And there is nobody that could have pulled this off like you, Grace nobody.
I don't want any part of this.
You don't have a choice.
Don't you see? You're my blood, my family.
What is in me is in you.
I'm tired now.
I need to rest.
I'm gonna need all my strength for the fight ahead.
How's Constantine? Is he okay? Yeah, he's He's doing good.
Can I see him? Oh, he's He needs his rest right now.
I'm done.
Yeah? Constantine, the organization I don't want anything to do with it anymore.
What about you? I made my decision a long time ago.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Finger on the trigger, baby come on, take me down I drug your name across my wrist just to hear the sound want to feel the metal, hot, smoking on my lips take me low and take me high I just need a hit let's melt into the shadows until there's nothing left my blood spreads like a fire with your breath across my neck I'm not looking for a lover to be gentle through the night won't you be my killer? Keep me in your sight bang, bang, bang bang, bang, bang are you sure you're ready for this? It's you and me now.
Mexico, here we come.

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