The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e13 Episode Script


[theme music]
[music continues]
[marching band music]
[clock chiming]
[instrumental music]
(Jonny) I sure would hate to have to
carry groceries up those steps.
(Hadji) Or take out the trash.
Wasn't your father investigating the crystal skull
found in a pyramid like this?
Yeah, pretty neat, huh?
Ah, all these weird stories about its strange powers.
There must be a reason why it's called Skull of Doom.
It sure gives me the creeps.
You don't believe everything you hear, do you?
[Bandit growling, barks]
See, Bandit agrees with me. Heh-heh. Right, boy?
The medieval exhibit's
got some great swords and armory. Come on.
We should let your father know where we are.
I'll race you. On your mark, get set--
- Go! - Hey!
[dramatic music]
This might do it. Race, try the infrared setting.
'Maybe that'll make a difference.'
Yeah, let's hope so.
[Bandit growling]
Dad, we're gonna look at the armor
in the medieval exhibit, okay?
Where's Hard Rock?
He likes all the dull stuff. We left him upstairs.
Alright, just don't touch anything at the exhibit.
When you're finished, get Hard Rock.
I don't understand.
The legends say it gets its power from light.
- Let's try the ultraviolet now. - Right.
That thing gave me the creeps before
now it gives me the ultra creeps.
Come on.
This is incredible.
Those markings never appeared
with any of the other light settings.
How odd. These markings aren't Mayan, but Celtic.
- Something familiar here. - Familiar?
I never thought I'd say it
but Professor Angus McDougall may be right.
Here it is.
'McDougall has long insisted that the staff he owns'
'is related to the Crystal Skull'
and both are of pre-Celtic origin.
He claimed that these are all part of some..
some mysterious cult ceremony.
I never took him seriously until now.
The Skull of Doom?
I think we may be getting close to something.
Get a load of that.
Wow! How'd you like to try one of those on for size?
Don't worry, Bandit, no one's home.
I wouldn't have wanted to mess with this guy.
It'd take three of us just to pick up his sword.
Must be a power failure. Let's get back to the lab.
Bandit, you lead the way.
The lights are out there too.
[gasps] What's that?
(Jonny) 'The skull!'
It's alive! The legend, i-it's true!
And it's coming after us.
[dramatic music]
(Benton) 'Hard Rock, where are you?
Someone's taken the skull!'
Bandit, come back.
Dad, this way.
[intense music]
Your dad will have the lights on in a second.
- Which way did they go? - The Hall of Armor.
[Bandit growling]
(Race) 'Good. Now I can get them.'
You boys stay back.
[Bandit barking]
[both gasp]
[Bandit continues barking]
(Race) You're not getting off
that easy, tin man.
Look out!
What happened?
Well, Hard Rock, two men dressed like druid monks
clobbered me and stole the skull. Where've you been?
Unforgivably fascinated by the museum mineral collection.
They got clean away. Maybe dad will know what to do.
I want you to pick up Professor McDougall.
He's expecting you.
I need to talk with him about translating
those strange glyphs that were
inside the skull.
It might be the key to all of this.
(Jonny) 'What a strange place
for a professor to live.'
Well, your father said McDougall was something of an eccentric.
Keep an eye on things. We won't be long.
No problem, Race.
This is just like those Sherlock Holmes stories..
foggy narrow streets.
Looks like he was expecting us.
That might be why he left this open.
Ha ha.
Professor McDougall?
Maybe up there?
I don't like this fog. You don't know what's out there.
[gasps] You mean like that?
The guys at the museum.
Come on.
But what about Race and Hard Rock?
There's no time.
Professor McDougall.
[man groaning]
Come on.
You won't take McDougall by surprise twice.
We're friends.
Who, oh, so you are.
We're in great danger, lads. They've taken the stuff.
[dramatic music]
Let's find out what these guys are up to.
Jonny? Hadji?
They may have seen the professor's visitors.
I'm afraid you're right.
'This is a good view of the alley and rear exit.'
Professor, you call Dr. Quest and tell him what's happened.
'He must come as soon as possible.'
[dramatic music]
Careful. This pile of crates could go over with a sneeze.
The skull and staff are finally in my grasp.
At last, our destiny will come to pass
and tomorrow the power of the skull shall be unleashed
so we may rule the world.
[men cheering]
It's Zin! He's got the skull!
We've gotta tell the others.
Take care of that.
To the river. We have a rendezvous with destiny.
Let's get out of here.
(Jonny) This way!
Looks like trouble.
I think we made a wrong turn.
Oh, no!
Zin's getting away!
Go, Bandit!
(Hadji) Jump! It's our only chance.
Jonny, get in, quick!
- Hadji, they're getting away. - They won't escape us.
Sim sim salabim.
[dramatic music]
You little runt. I'll take care of you.
(Race) I wouldn't do that
if I were you, brother.
Thanks. I had an itch there.
You just don't seem to learn.
This should get you into the swing of things.
I'd recognize those markings anywhere. That's Zin's boat.
With Jonny and Hadji in tow.
We've gotta get some transportation fast. Come on.
Your fog isn't covering us anymore.
Zin will see us when he stops.
It looks like that's going to be now.
Sim sim salabim.
No oars. How do we stop this thing?
[thud] What was that?
It must have come loose off its mooring somewhere up river.
We must not be delayed.
[dramatic music]
- Now what? - We follow them, of course.
Is this the fastest we can go, Race?
Sorry, doc, with a fog this dense this is the best I can do.
(Benton) 'I'm glad Jonny had the sense
to activate the homing device'
on his communicom watch.
I just hope we're not too late.
I gather something is not encouraging.
That's correct. Something horrible can
Something that could endanger the whole world.
We don't have much time, Race.
Got the message. I'll do my best.
[engine revving]
We can't lose Zin. He's up to something.
Jonny, maybe we should wait for your father.
No, we can't wait.
If we lose Zin now, we may never see him again.
That's bad?
I wonder why there's no guards.
I think I know!
Have a seat.
We've gotta do something quick.
I hear you.
Sim sim salabim.
There it is. Looks like a couple of guards.
Take the wheel. Keep on the blind side of the pier
'behind the hydrofoil.'
Can you fellas tell me which way it is to London?
I couldn't have done better myself.
- 'They've got to be there.' - My kind of place.
[men chanting]
That doesn't sound like a pep rally.
[Hadji gasps] 'Wow!'
Thousands of years ago, before kings ruled England
'before Rome conquered the native tribes'
'the ancient powers of druids ruled our land.'
'And now with these'
the ancient invincible powers will be felt again.
The druids shall rule the world
and I will rule the druids.
Tomorrow, as the sun rises at Stonehenge
the world will witness our awesome power and shudder.
We will be invincible!
[all cheering]
We've gotta get out of here and tell dad.
What do you have, boy?
- No, Bandit, come here, boy. - We must keep searching.
You go that way, I'll check the dining hall.
Hard Rock, check that way.
Quick, get out of sight!
Bandit, am I glad to see you.
Lead us back to dad, boy.
Nothing in that direction. Hmm.
[Bandit barking]
[both screaming]
Walking tin man! How interesting.
Is that the best you can do?
- You guys alright? - Zin's here.
And he's planning something big.
- We got to get to dad. - What about Hard Rock?
Don't worry. He'll take care of things.
That does not inspire confidence.
[dramatic music]
Hard Rock, lead him into the arms room.
Hard Rock.
Here goes nothing.
I think you'll get the point.
The power pack! It's on his back.
This calls for some finesse.
Ah, I didn't know you could throw like that.
You should hear me sing.
We've gotta find Dr. Quest and get out of this place.
(Zin) 'And now with these'
the ancient invincible powers will be felt again.
I can't let Zin do this.
My dear, Quest. How good of you to join us.
You'll be privileged to witness my greatest discovery.
A weapon of unlimited power.
[grunting] You don't know
what you are doing, Zin.
How dare you? Bring him.
They've got Dr. Quest.
It'll take time to get through those iron gates.
We don't have to.
Zin said they were going to be at Stonehenge for sunrise.
We've got to move quickly, come on.
The hour of our glory has arrived
and you shall all share in it.
'As the sun rises our power will be revealed.'
Zin, stop while you have a chance.
Silence! You should feel privileged, Quest.
You will witness something
that no one outside this circle will see.
Unfortunately you won't be able to tell anyone about it.
Take him away.
We don't have much time. The sun is just about to rise.
There it is.
Someone's coming.
Let them. They are too late.
Argh! The fool doesn't know what he's doing?
(Zin) 'Finally absolute power
will be mine.'
[all gasping]
[dramatic music]
Zin, stop!
It's not what you think.
You'll destroy this continent.
No, Quest, with this power I'll rule the world.
[music continues]
[all screaming]
[music continues]
Ah! I can't get out.
Zin, you must stop it. It's a doomsday device.
You've got to place the staff in the hole in altar.
I can't reach it.
Then maybe I can.
There's no way I'm going to be able to man this thing.
Just a few feet more.
Hard Rock, be careful.
Come on, Hard Rock. You can do it.
Put in the energy hole. Quick, before it's too late.
Hard Rock, Hard Rock, are you alright?
Oh, that was quite a light show Zin put on for us.
- I don't see him anywhere. - You think he made it?
I'm sure we'll see Dr. Zin again, son.
I'm in no hurry to see him again.
How about you, Bandit?
[theme music]
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