The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

(Episode 13)
(Personnel Information)
(Father, 61, A real estate agent,
CEO of Lee Corporation)
He's my husband's top priority
right now.
There's a rumor he's planning
to build a shopping center
on the Myeongdong land
my husband recently bought.
His name is Logan Lee.
He's a Korean American,
and except for the fact
that he's extremely wealthy,
there's no other information
about him.
You don't even know
what he looks like?
No. My husband has
never met him either.
He's trying to set up a meeting,
but it keeps getting canceled.
If you can get close to him,
my husband will have no choice
but to hire you.
Is this the information
you have on him?
I took a photo of it secretly
in my husband's study.
Act like you got this information
through Attorney Lee.
That way he won't suspect you.
Can you do it?
I passed the bar exam
before I reached 20.
Who does he think he is?
Ordering me around all the time
Are you okay?
Ms. Oh.
Wait a minute.
Did you come to see me?
You must've had a lot to drink,
Attorney Lee.
Come on! Don't call me like that.
I'm a man who has a lot of pride
in my name.
Next time, call me Mr. Lee Kyu Jin.
Kyu Jin. Call me Kyu Jin.
Go on and call me.
Kyu Jin.
By the way,
you must be in a bad mood.
I heard you cursing
from all the way over there.
I am indeed in a bad mood.
This is so infuriating.
I went to my mom
and sang and danced like an idiot
to borrow 30 million dollars.
And I invested all that money
in Chairman Joo.
But suddenly, that jerk called
Logan Lee or whatever showed up
and he's messing with us
Wait. Be quiet, Kyu Jin.
Ms. Oh.
You give me butterflies.
What an idiot.
How more stupid can he get?
30 million dollars?
- "A real estate agent."
- "A real estate agent."
Say, "I've been a real estate agent
for over 10 years."
"I am a real estate agent"
"for over 10 years."
- "Myeongdong is"
- "Myeongdong is"
"Korea's number one
shopping district."
"Myeongdong is Korea's
number one shopping district."
Hello, Mr. Logan Lee.
I'm Yoon Hee Oh.
The only person Logan Lee contacts
is his secretary.
You must meet that secretary
and persuade him.
I'm sorry.
It's him.
Excuse me!
You're Logan Lee's secretary, right?
Hello. My name is Oh Yoon Hee.
Can I briefly meet Mr. Lee?
You can't meet him
if you don't have an appointment.
Wait. But this is really urgent.
This is really important to me.
Just for 10 minutes? Or 5?
Or just one minute, please?
Send this woman out.
But it'll only take a second.
Do you think I'll give up so easily?
My life is on the line too!
I got scared for nothing.
Hey, Su Ryeon. It's me.
I didn't get to meet him yet.
I'm sorry for putting you
through all that trouble.
Don't say that.
I'm packed with confidence
right now.
Logan Lee? I'm going to meet him
at all costs.
Okay. Call me if you have
any good news.
Good news?
When did you come home?
Who are you talking to so brightly?
Ro Na's mom?
We had something to discuss
about our kids' school.
I told you I don't like her.
Didn't I tell you to stay away
from her?
She may have approached you
Why would she intentionally approach
to someone like me?
I'm not even familiar
with the school affairs.
Didn't you say you had
an important meeting today?
He canceled it again!
Why is it so hard to meet that punk?
Does he think he's the boss
since he's richer than me?
It's not serious.
I'll sort it out soon.
I'm sorry, Ro Na.
I really have to meet someone.
Don't wait up for me and go to bed.
Hello. I'm back.
Let me meet Mr. Logan Lee. Please.
I really have to meet him. Please.
Come with me, Ms. Oh Yoon Hee.
Thank you so much for your time.
I'm Yoon Hee Oh.
What's your state of business?
I'm here to set up
a meeting between you
and Mr. Joo,
the president of J King Holdings.
Did he send you here?
If that's the case, I really
don't have anything to say to you.
Please escort her out.
- Please leave.
- No, wait. I can't.
I don't No, no.
No, I can't go like this.
I I must bring you to Mr. Joo.
Please help me.
My My life depends on this.
You are the only one person
who can help me.
Oh. Wait.
You know Myeongdong?
Myeongdong is a number one
shopping town in Korea.
Here is the The estimate
investment profit
I memorized it all. Why
Myeongdong is Korea's
leading commercial district
with high symbolism.
You can speak in Korean.
He understands enough.
Really? Thank you.
Okay, since we're here now,
I'll just tell you the truth.
Joo Dan Tae duped me
and I lost a lot of money.
To recover what I lost,
I must work at J King Holdings.
I won't cause you
any trouble at all.
You just have to meet him for me.
If you help me this time,
I will make it up to you.
Please help me. I beg of you.
Then why don't we set up
a meeting for tomorrow?
At last, we finally meet, Mr. Joo.
I may be the Logan Lee
that you were looking for.
Logan Lee?
Quite a view you got here, Mr. Joo.
What do you say?
Are you interested in
interviewing me now?
I almost fell completely
for your trick, Ms. Oh.
How am I to believe that
he's Logan Lee?
I've never laid eyes on him yet.
Yet you, brought him to me?
You will really regret saying that.
He wants to know that
you are really Logan Lee.
Prove yourself?
Prove myself?
As you wish.
(Logan Lee)
You have a very respectable
employee, Mr. Joo.
Now can we get down
to some business?
Oh, just so you know,
he understands Korean pretty well.
You can speak freely.
How pretty.
You look like a woman being loved.
Does it seem so?
It's always nice to receive flowers.
Have a seat. I wonder what it is
you want to talk about.
Open that first.
I think it's a present.
Shall I?
I knew it was you.
The one who killed my daughter.
What's the matter, Seo Jin?
It's nothing.
Isn't this the ring
you wore that night?
At Hera Palace's
first-anniversary party.
It looked so nice on you,
so I remembered it.
It's because you were too conscious
of your ruby ring.
My gosh, I wonder
how much it must've cost?
You're so dolled up today,
Ms. Cheon.
Did someone get you
the exact same ring?
Give it to me.
Oh, dear. Are you
all right, Seo Jin?
That's a lot of blood.
That's such a sharp ring.
Thank goodness you didn't scratch
your face.
You don't want a scar
on that pretty face.
Why are you shaking so much?
You found a ring you lost.
You should be pleased.
What are you talking about?
I never had a ring like this.
You got the wrong idea.
Why are you so worked up today?
Is there a story behind this ring?
Just say what you came to say.
Why did you want to see me?
I'm thinking of hosting a party
for the Hera Club members.
Seok Kyung and Seok Hoon
were made school ambassadors,
and I haven't thanked you
properly yet.
You wanted to see me to talk about
a congratulatory party?
You're the expert
when it comes to throwing a party.
Shouldn't the lady of the penthouse
be able to deal with that alone?
I have some urgent business.
I must leave.
Yes. Run to him.
To Joo Dan Tae.
I knew we'd get along great.
Okay, so
I would have to talk further details
with Ms. Oh here, right?
(Yangjae Flower Market)
Do as you wish.
Oh, are you free this weekend?
I'd like to invite you
to a party at Hera Palace.
It would be an honor.
I'd love to see
the Hera Palace myself.
I hear from Ms. Oh here that
there's a marvelous fountain there.
I'll make sure
it's the best party ever.
I'll be looking forward to it.
Talk to you again soon.
Shall we get talking now?
About the reason you insist
on working at my company.
I need money.
I was going through
the job ads and saw
that you were looking
for people with work experience.
So I did some digging.
What exactly would Mr. Joo
of J King Holdings want?
Fortunately, Attorney Lee Kyu Jin
opened up pretty easily
about Mr. Logan Lee.
Attorney Lee told you?
Are you usually this good
at getting to people?
That's how I persuaded Logan Lee.
The reason you met him today
is purely down to my ability.
It had nothing to do with you.
If you want to sell
the Myeongdong plot,
don't forget you need me.
You don't look it,
but you must have lots of skills.
Very well.
Then make sure that Logan Lee
signs the contract.
But that's where it ends.
Once the contract's signed,
I don't think I'll have
to see you again.
Perhaps by then,
you will be the one clinging to me.
Will I?
That crazy wench.
Su Ryeon. Cheon Seo Jin's here.
Is she? Did you do as I asked?
Don't worry.
I hid it well.
What's wrong?
I told you not to come to my office.
Why did you not take my call?
I was in an important meeting.
This ring. Did you send it?
What were you thinking?
What are you talking about?
Why would I send you that?
It wasn't you?
This ring with
a bouquet of flowers
were sent in your name.
That ring. The day after
Min Seol Ah died,
I threw it in my trash can.
That was months ago.
And someone
sent it to me in your name.
They know what we did.
We're being threatened!
Keep your voice down.
People can hear you.
Don't be afraid.
Min Seol Ah killed herself.
She didn't.
You know that too.
The threatening letter with the eye.
That person is after us.
Director Min died in prison.
I told you I dealt with him.
It's not Director Min.
The blackmail letter, flowers,
and this ruby ring
were all sent by your wife,
Shim Su Ryeon.
Why on earth do you suspect her?
Why would she do that?
To reveal what we did to Min Seol Ah.
Don't you get it?
Your wife is trying
to hang us out to dry
to get revenge on us!
Your wife definitely has
something to do with Min Seol Ah.
Perhaps Min Seol Ah
is your wife's secret lovechild.
Don't talk such nonsense!
- It's not nonsense!
- Her daughter's dead!
- What?
- The child at the charnel house.
It's the baby she had
before we married.
The charnel house?
How could he hide his sick daughter
in the hospital all this time?
I'm sorry for not telling you.
By any chance, was she a child
born from an affair?
Then that child
wasn't yours?
Su Ryeon and I both had partners
before we got married.
We both had children.
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
aren't Su Ryeon's.
I married Su Ryeon
when they were newborns.
They grew up thinking
she's their real mom.
I had no idea.
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
aren't Su Ryeon's children?
What happened to her ex-husband?
He died.
Before their child was born.
I suspect
your husband.
- What do you mean?
- This ring.
You said you threw it in
your trash can.
Who else could've found it?
If your husband knows about us,
wouldn't he want to blackmail us
with Min Seol Ah?
It can't be.
It won't be him.
He's a fool,
but he's not such a lowlife.
Do you still trust Ha Yoon Chul?
Then shall we check
who sent the flowers?
(Joo Dan Tae, Cho Sang Heon,
supported election funds)
(Joo Seok Hoon, Joo Seok Kyung,
Cheong Ah Arts High School)
(Oh Yoon Hee)
(Real estate investment club)
(Little Hera Club)
(Seol Ah's disappearance)
Oh Yoon Hee was also there
on the night
when the lighting ceremony
took place.
At Hera Palace?
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
She entered and caused a ruckus
in Cheon Seo Jin's lesson room.
She was caught on camera,
and Cheon Seo Jin's husband
Ha Yoon Chul's a witness.
Oh Yoon Hee.
Her daughter replaced Seol Ah
and got into Cheong Ah Arts High,
and they both moved into Seol Ah's
old Bosuk Village apartment.
(Oh Yoon Hee)
This completes everything.
The people who were
at Hera Palace that night.
The suspects around Seol Ah's death.
What are you doing, Eun Byeol?
You might trip.
Dad. I have to memorize everything
for the mid-term.
My poor daughter.
- Hello.
- Hi, Ro Na.
Do you like it here?
- All your friends are here too.
- Yes.
Okay, then.
Do you feel better?
Did I ask for your concern?
Who said you can touch my things?
Your hands are grubby!
Do you want to get on
my dad's good side?
Eun Byeol. Why are you
being so nasty to your friend?
"Friend"? Who's my friend?
I never made friends
with a beggar like her.
Can't there be separate elevators
for lower and higher floors?
How much longer must I put up
with seeing her gross face?
It's so annoying!
Eun Byeol.
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Eun Byeol. Eun Byeol!
Did you find out?
A man placed the order to a florist.
The phone number was Dr. Ha's.
I took care of the
medical malpractice suit for him,
and yet he's playing
this childish game?
Are you insisting on being
a loser to the end?
Eun Byeol, what's wrong?
Stop where you are. Let's talk.
I don't want to!
What's the matter?
Don't you get why she's so agitated?
You should've let her rest.
Why stress her out with the exams?
I think you're the one
stressing her out.
Is it my fault again?
Eun Byeol's my daughter
and I know her best.
So don't bother a student
who's worked up about her exams.
I don't expect you
to act like a husband.
At least try to pretend to be
a father like others do.
My exercise books. Where are they?
- Eun Byeol.
- Where are my exercise books?
Did you throw them away?
- Do you want Ro Na to beat me?
- What?
Why were you so nice to her?
Do you not know I hate her?
I can't even stand sharing
the same space with her,
but why are you so nice to her?
She's your classmate.
Why? Do you feel pity for Ro Na?
Does she concern you because
she's your first love's daughter?
Do you feel pity because
she doesn't have a dad?
What What is this nonsense?
Mom told me everything.
That you're seeing Ro Na's mom.
- Eun Byeol.
- You abandoned me and mom
to go to your first love?
Is that why you're being nice
to Ro Na?
What's wrong with you?
Don't listen to your mom.
The one I love the most
in this world is you, Eun Byeol.
You liar!
You smiled at Ro Na earlier.
You're not on my side.
It's a misunderstanding.
Please listen to me!
Mom is all I have.
Do you know what she did for me?
She made Min Seol Ah
Go and bring me my exercise books!
Or else,
I will die like Min Seol Ah.
What has become of you?
When did your life become
such a wreck?
You're so annoying.
You're a coward
and you don't have the right
to be a dad.
Get out!
I can't stand the sight of you,
so leave!
Why did you tell her about Yoon Hee?
You didn't have to hurt her
like that!
Why? It's not like I made it up.
Eun Byeol knowing the truth
will help her beat Ro Na.
Are you doing this to make her
more competitive?
You really give me the creeps.
Look who's talking.
You acted like you wanted
to end things neatly,
yet you did all sorts
of nasty things behind my back.
You must be happy
to know my weakness.
But if you want to keep seeing
Eun Byeol later on,
just shut your mouth and lay low
until we sign the papers.
How could you be so brazen?
Shall I expose what you did
to the whole world?
Do it if you have the guts.
You'll be the one
who will be more humiliated.
Are you up for that?
Let's just play fair
until we get divorced.
I don't think
backstabbing me like this
is the right thing to do to someone
you lived with for 17 years.
My gosh.
Stop instigating me anymore.
I won't tolerate it.
The blackmail letter, flowers,
and this ruby ring
were all sent by your wife,
Shim Su Ryeon.
Your wife is trying
to hang us out to dry
to get revenge on us!
Will this be enough?
Is there anyone else
you want to invite?
There is one more person.
His name is Logan Lee.
He's an important guest,
so you must put in extra care.
Isn't he the person
you said you must meet?
Did you finally get in touch
with him?
I'm glad.
I'm curious about
what kind of person he is too.
And there's one more person.
The resident in Unit 4502.
Do you mean Yoon Hee?
Can I?
I don't like it,
but she's connected to Logan Lee.
I have no choice but to invite her.
She might be helpful to you one day.
Don't be so sensitive
and be nice to her.
She strangely creeps me out.
I just can't read her.
Then I'll send her the invitation.
I'm excited to gather
with the Hera Club members.
It's been a while.
Why don't we get some new dresses
for you tomorrow?
That punk Logan Lee has quite
a fancy taste.
I was worried about
what I should wear.
(Yang Mi Ok)
Yes, Ms. Yang.
Mr. Joo will throw a party
on the weekend.
And tomorrow, they will go shopping
for new dresses.
I see.
Okay. Thank you.
Why do you seem so carefree,
Ms. Shim?
What are you thinking of?
How do I look?
You look splendid.
You look amazing,
no matter what you wear.
You look beautiful, ma'am.
Everything looks perfect,
so I don't know what to recommend.
You should choose.
I'll wear whatever you want.
Try this on too.
You must wear the best dress
there is.
Since you need to stand out the most
at tomorrow's party.
We'll take all the dresses she wore
up to now.
Go try it on.
I'll take that scarf too.
Yes, ma'am.
What is it?
It's nothing.
You look utterly beautiful,
mother of Min Seol Ah.
What are you doing here?
How did you know I was here?
I know everything about you.
Where's that happy face?
Why do you look so scared suddenly?
Well. You ignored my warning
and seem very excited to throw
a party with your husband.
Mind your own business and get out.
Ma'am? Can I go in?
I'll give you a hand.
It's okay, I can wear it alone.
I have
changed my mind.
Why don't we reveal the fact
that you're Min Seol Ah's mom
at you and your husband's party?
It'll be more interesting
with a bigger audience.
Like a surprise party.
Isn't it the perfect timing?
I'll tell them when the time comes,
so stay out of it.
I warned you that you'll pay
if you get in my way.
Tomorrow is the day.
You can't negotiate your way
out of this.
And since everyone who knows
Min Seol Ah will be gathering,
isn't it the perfect chance?
Please give me some more time.
There's something I must do.
I'm not considerate enough
to care about your own issues.
I'm already being punished.
I'm not happy.
Are you finished changing?
What are you doing?
Get out of here.
What's wrong? Hey, are you okay?
I'm okay. I just felt dizzy.
I guess I'm feeling tired
from preparing for the party.
I'm sorry.
I'll quickly get changed
and come out.
Okay, then.
Don't forget.
It's tomorrow.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
Why did you gather us this time?
My heart almost dropped because
I thought something happened.
I think the person who is
impersonating Min Seol Ah
is Bae Ro Na.
Bae Ro Na?
How else could that shoe
suddenly disappear?
Isn't she the only one
connected to Min Seol Ah?
You're right.
Bae Ro Na lived in
Min Seol Ah's house.
After Min Seol Ah died,
she was even accepted in her place.
And she even moved to Bosuk Village.
Everything seems fishy.
Isn't it strange she came after us
to live at Hera Palace too?
Are you saying she did all of that
on purpose?
What if she has been possessed
by Min Seol Ah's ghost or something?
Stop it already.
It's just your speculation.
You don't even have proof
Ro Na did it.
We just have to create the proof.
How? Do you have an idea?
Just leave it up to me.
Ro Na. What are you doing?
Are you studying English?
- You got everything wrong.
- Give it back.
- Give it back to me.
- No way.
I got it.
Wait. There is no group chat room.
She probably deleted it already.
You've done enough.
Stop looking at her phone.
This dog
Wait. Are they the same dogs?
Was it really Bae Ro Na?
Did she pretend to be Min Seol Ah
and threaten us?
Are you still going to deny it?
See for yourself.
Min Seol Ah and Bae Ro Na are holding
the same dog.
Do you call this coincidence?
See? I told you it was Bae Ro Na.
My gosh, this is shocking.
Things just got really serious.
That brat totally toyed with us.
Bae Ro Na. I treated her
like a friend.
And she betrayed us like this?
I sent your secretary
the documents regarding
the Myeongdong land this afternoon.
Did you see it?
Oh, no, not yet. That's not
my priority at the moment.
I met with Mr. Joo because you
desperately asked me for a favor.
That didn't mean that I was going
to sign the contract right away.
A contract is made in between
two people. So
wouldn't it be nice to know what
kind of people I'm dealing with?
Of course, I understand.
With that being said
What kind of a person are you,
Ms. Oh?
What do you mean by
"what kind of person"?
I heard you were admitted into
the Hera Palace
in a very dramatic way.
You bought some old,
beat-down apartment
and made some big money out of it?
Did Chairman Joo tell you that?
There was a situation.
I wonder what that situation was.
That apartment was being sold
much cheaper than the market price.
A young girl
died in that apartment.
It was suicide.
And you still decided to go
with the purchase because
Of course, I didn't know at first.
strangely, that house didn't feel
haunted to me.
I met that girl once
and she was very kind.
Did you guys know each other well?
A little.
If she had parents,
she wouldn't have died like that.
(Hera Club, Oh Yoon Hee,
Little Hera Club)
Did you
really mean
what you said about Seol Ah?
(Moved to Hera Palace after
Seol Ah's death)
(Daughter Bae Ro Na was
number 1 on the waiting list)
(Mr. Logan Lee, you are invited
to Hera Club's private party.)
(From Joo Dan Tae and Shim Su Ryeon)
Wait and see.
It'll be a party
you'll never forget.
What are you doing here?
Ms. Oh?
What's wrong with your face?
Is something wrong?
The people of Hera Palace
are trying to kill me.
I'm so scared.
Please help me.
Please help me, Ms. Oh!
I'm certain she said,
"people of Hera Palace".
I'm sure of it.
Whenever I wear this scarf,
it means
I will have you.
Why was Seol Ah
at Hera Palace that day?
No way.
What if she didn't commit suicide?
What if she was killed?
No, that's absurd.
- Mom.
- Hey, Ro Na.
Ms. Shim must've sent us these.
She sent us all that?
Did she send this for you?
It's so pretty.
It's something you'd see in a movie.
Show up with confidence.
Don't be intimidated.
You're going to be
the star of today's party.
Ms. Shim has amazing taste.
- Mom, try it on.
- It's so beautiful.
Go ahead and try it on.
How am I going to wear
something so pretty?
The color and design are
both amazing.
Why did she send me so much stuff?
Mom, try this on.
- Does it look nice?
- You're glowing.
You're like Hera, the deity
who has both fame and fortune.
You're flattering me.
This is really nice.
I need to talk to you.
Can you meet me
at the community room at 6 p.m.?
(Can you meet me
at the community room at 6 p.m.?)
Ro Na.
(Can you meet me
at the community room at 6 p.m.?)
Mission clear.
One drink won't be enough
on a night like this.
Chairman Joo and Ms. Shim
really put in a lot of work
in organizing today's party.
They hired hotel chefs,
and they're all special dishes.
Is Logan Lee that important?
Could he possibly be
more important than you, honey?
Ms. Ko, are you serious?
Don't you know who Logan Lee is?
He's the son of James Lee,
the most successful
Korean American ever.
Ms. Ko, you don't know much
for someone who graduated
a prestigious university.
This is why you should read
the papers every once in a while.
Honey, you should use
this kind of opportunity
to help me gain more connections.
That's why I dressed up today.
Not everyone can do stuff like that.
Chairman Joo was able
to connect with Logan Lee
because he's that competent.
There's a reason why
they live in the penthouse.
There she comes, the penthouse lady.
My goodness. Hello, Ms. Shim.
That dress looks new. It's gorgeous.
Your scarf and dress
look great together.
My husband got them for me.
It's a special day today.
Chairman Joo has amazing taste.
I'm upset that my husband isn't here
to keep me company.
- Where's Chairman Joo?
- He went to greet Logan Lee.
He'll be here soon.
I should wait outside.
- First impressions are important.
- Of course.
Ms. Cheon.
You're wearing the same scarf
as Ms. Shim.
Ms. Shim got her scarf
from Chairman Joo.
But I doubt Dr. Ha got it for her.
Did you buy it yourself?
- Why did you have to buy that one?
- Stop it.
We ended up wearing the same scarf.
I don't like wearing
the same thing as others.
I thought it'd be the opposite.
I thought you didn't care
about that kind of stuff.
I'm fine,
so you can keep wearing it.
I'm sure you took the time
to pick out the scarf.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Did you see how flustered she was?
She suddenly fled to the bathroom.
Do you think she chose
the same scarf on purpose?
She acts like she has a big ego,
but she tends to copy people.
Seo Jin.
You always got what you wanted.
The same goes for Joo Dan Tae.
Su Ryeon.
Do you think you'll be the owner
of the penthouse forever?
- Welcome.
- It's nice to meet you.
I'm glad you're here.
She's my wife.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
My name is Logan Lee.
It's an honor to meet you.
I'm Su Ryeon Shim.
Thanks for coming tonight.
You guys look like a lovely couple.
I'm jealous, Mr. Joo.
If I knew this was going to be
this kind of scene,
I would've brought a partner myself.
My goodness,
Ms. Ko, he's so funny.
We can't have you feeling lonely
since you're an important guest.
I invited a partner for you.
Come inside.
What? How
Chairman Joo, did you invite Ms. Oh?
Yes, I invited her.
How could you invite her
without our permission?
This is unlike you, Chairman Joo.
She's not here
as a member of Hera Club.
She's here as an employee
of J King Holdings.
I got hired as an employee
for his investment team.
Thank you for inviting me
to such a nice party.
It's my first time
coming to a party like this.
It's really amazing.
Hi, Logan.
You're looking great today.
That suit looks nice on you.
Thank you.
You look splendid yourself.
What does this all mean?
What's going on?
Am I the only one who doesn't know?
When did Ms. Oh
become your employee?
Congratulations, Ms. Oh.
My husband told me
you're a very competent employee.
I heard you helped my husband
arrange a meeting with Logan Lee.
- What?
- Ms. Oh, you did that?
What? How? Are you close with him?
The night is young,
so I'll tell you later.
I'm starving because I'm surrounded
with so many delicious foods.
Can we eat as we talk?
That sounds nice. Come this way.
We'll have a lighting ceremony
by the fountain after we eat.
Mr. Lee wanted to see it.
Yes, I hear it's the signature
of Hera Palace.
Gosh, look at you all dressed up
thinking it's a date.
What are you guys doing here?
Where is Seok Hoon?
Did you come running
because he asked you to meet?
You're unbelievable.
I have nothing to say to you guys.
Is running away a habit of yours?
Do you want me
to call Seok Hoon for you?
You'll regret it.
He can be really scary, you know.
Seok Kyung, why are you doing this?
Did you really think
I was your friend
just because I was nice
to a lowlife like you?
Seok Hoon and I had a bet.
We competed over who'd be able
to fool you better.
Did you really think my brother
actually had feelings for you?
My goodness.
What did you just say?
Stop acting like you're naive.
We know you threatened us
by pretending to be Min Seol Ah.
What are you talking about?
I pretended to be whom?
You're really brazen.
You give me the creeps.
She'll obviously act innocent,
so there's no point in asking.
Look at her putting on an act.
Let me get to the point.
I refuse to go
to the same school as you.
So apologize for what you did
and drop out of school.
Then we'll forgive you for this.
Why would I do that?
What did I do wrong?
What a crazy psychopath.
You stole Min Seol Ah's sneakers,
didn't you?
I can't believe someone like you
goes to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
You really bring down the quality
of our school.
Do you have nothing better to do?
Are you scared that I got accepted
to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Is it because
I might be better than you?
Is that why you're doing this?
Why would we be scared of you?
Who do you think you are?
Don't get so worked up.
She'll eventually us the truth.
Where is Seok Kyung?
She left earlier.
Our tutor is about to come.
You have a way of surprising people.
How did you convince Chairman Joo?
He's very picky about his employees.
You're so full of surprises, Ms. Oh.
I heard you brought Logan Lee.
You're amazing.
How did you do it?
Let's just say my sincerity
got through to him.
Where did you learn English?
Your diction was pretty good.
I studied a little.
If you want, I can introduce you
to an English-speaking teacher.
I'm really good at listening.
I'm just bad at speaking.
Don't drink too much.
You're the host of tonight's party.
Isn't Dr. Ha coming?
I invited him.
He won't come.
Their family is a complete mess
I thought you guys made up.
He sent you a bouquet and ring.
You should be easy on him.
Married couples sometimes
fight and lie to each other.
It's normal.
Right, honey?
I don't know.
I never lied to you about anything.
You know I'm a lousy liar.
Excuse me.
What was that?
You're really amazing, Ms. Shim.
You know
how much I respect you, right?
You're always so elegant and kind.
Not only are you an amazing wife
who supports her husband,
but you're also a great mother.
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
are very smart,
and you're even throwing a party
to celebrate the fact
that they became school ambassadors.
You have no idea how jealous I am.
I mean, they're not even
your biological children.
How did you manage
to raise them so well?
What? What do you mean
they're not her biological children?
Ms. Cheon, are you drunk?
Didn't you know?
My goodness.
I thought everyone knew.
I'm sorry, Ms. Shim.
the world has changed.
There's no need to keep it a secret.
I always thought of them
as my own children.
I raised them like my own.
You should be careful
about what you say.
It's not good to keep secrets.
There's no need to keep it a secret
if you're confident about it.
To be honest, you didn't seem like
their biological mother.
You were always too brave
in certain situations,
which isn't always easy
for a biological mother.
Is that so?
No parent is perfect.
I guess I should try harder.
That kind of stuff
doesn't come with effort.
Motherly love is an instinct.
Are you enjoying the party?
The lighting ceremony
will be held soon.
You should do it then.
Tell everyone that you're
Min Seol Ah's mother.
Say it loud and clear
so I'll be able to hear you.
If you don't do it, I'll have
no choice but to get involved.
What are you doing?
Why did you have to say that
during an event like this?
What about you? You bought
the same scarf for your wife.
And you keep smiling next to her
as if you love her dearly.
Are you having fun?
Is this exciting for you?
Why are you seeing me
if you love your wife that much?
I didn't get her that scarf.
Don't you know
how important this party is for me?
You don't need to make things
uncomfortable like this.
Have you lost your mind?
I don't know.
You suddenly feel like
a different person.
Tell me.
Tell me how much you love me.
This isn't like you.
- Don't you know how I feel for you?
- No, I don't.
So prove it to me right now!
Do it now!
You've had enough to drink.
You're already drunk.
I'll wait for you at the villa
once the party is over.
There are a lot of eyes watching,
so you should go inside first.
You little jerk.
How could you do that
even on a night like this?
Are you guys animals or what?
I never liked you from the start,
you darn piece of trash.
So you knew?
But this is the last time
I'm going to let you hit me.
You've done enough.
What did you say, you jerk?
You're a loser who can't get over
your inferiority complex.
You have no right to be her husband.
If you have any conscience,
you should let her go.
You don't know how to love a woman.
You son of a gun!
You darn jerk! I'll kill you!
You punk!
What are you doing? Stop it now!
- You jerk!
- My gosh.
My goodness.
Stop it now.
You fools, that's enough!
You dumb jerks! Come here!
Logan Lee! Logan Lee is here!
What about the lighting ceremony?
Will you take responsibility
if the doesn't sign the contract?
Get out of my way.
I'm going to kill that son of a gun.
- Get off each other!
- You jerk.
My gosh,
will you please let go already?
No wonder Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
were always so hard on her.
I always found it so weird.
No wonder she wasn't very interested
in their studies.
Now I get why Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung
always looked so gloomy.
I know, right?
She always pointed out
her kids' faults so easily.
I totally get everything now.
I know, right?
Ms. Cheon.
Oh, cheers.
Su Ryeon, is it true?
That thing
that Seo Jin said earlier
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Why are you sorry?
She's the crazy wench.
Who is she to expose
your private life like that?
Joo Dan Tae must've told her, right?
Those worthless scumbags.
Must you give birth
to be called a mom?
Who's the one who raised them
all this time?
Don't mind what Cheon Seo Jin said.
The whole world knows
how hard you tried.
I'm okay.
I mean it.
It must've been so hard for you
all this time.
(Fake Min Seol Ah)
(Bae Ro Na)
(You should drop out of school!)
Where is Chairman Joo?
We have guests.
My husband isn't answering either.
Is something wrong?
I'm already being punished.
I'm not happy.
Honey! What is wrong with your face?
- It's nothing.
- What happened?
Why are you here?
You should've dressed up at least.
You're a total mess.
I've changed my mind.
I won't get divorced.
I won't get divorced
until the day I die.
I don't care if you meet
someone else.
But instead, be my miserable wife
for the rest of your life
and die.
I'm sorry. Something urgent came up.
Enjoy the party.
- Dr. Ha
- What was that?
What on earth?
- My goodness.
- Oh, dear.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Something came up.
No, it's fine.
You can start the lighting ceremony
yourself. Please come this way.
- Let's go.
- Wow, it's an honor.
- Shall I?
- Please.
I've also prepared a special gift
to welcome you tonight.
Okay. Shall we all
count down together?
- 9, 8, 7,
- 9, 8, 7,
- 6, 5, 4,
- 6, 5, 4,
- 3, 2, 1!
- 3, 2, 1!
(The one who killed)
(Min Seol Ah)
What is that?
(The one who killed Min Seol Ah)
(is in here.)
(The one who killed Min Seol Ah
is in here.)
(The Penthouse)
This is proof that Shim Su Ryeon
has been threatening us.
Since she's Shim Su Ryeon's
I'll get a divorce.
Let's sign our divorce papers.
You didn't know your mom
hit on my dad?
I'm going to drop out
of this school.
The one who killed Min Seol Ah is
This is Min Seol Ah's phone.
Join me to avenge Seol Ah's death.
What are you doing here?
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