The Unit s01e13 Episode Script

The Wall

Cer: Previously on the unit He won't do that again.
Someone with your experience makes mid 6-figures in the private sector.
We have to find ways to provide for ourselves.
How? Real estate.
You lost all our money? I'm choosing not to tell jonas because a distracted soldier is a dead soldier.
And this will be plenty distracting.
hurt or nothing from you.
Did max lay a hand on her? You know that will not happen again.
I asked you to come here, so you came here for me.
That's over.
Wait a second! For me to tell you what you need.
I don't need you to tell me what i need.
I need it to be done! What the hell do you get out of me? I get a man who loves me more than his damn hobby.
You tell me that makes me a tramp.
Did you see the person tiffy met at this motel? No, sir.
Was it a man or a woman? I don't know.
Yes, your item.
A csz-1165.
Machine: I can't make it to the phone right now what? But if you leave a message, i'll get back to you as soon as i can.
What? No, let me get back to you.
Cynthia, i've got to see you about that job that job for jonas.
The security position you mentioned to me months ago.
Please call me back at home.
I've got to see you.
Why are we broke? I'm divorcing mack.
You guys threw the net over him good.
He's in the unit till they shoot his legs off or he's too old to play with the boys.
I'll divorce him then i'll disappear for a few months.
And then we can run into each other.
We can meet at some function and we'll date.
Things in common, old friends.
A few months, maybe a year, we get married.
I'll go back to the base as your wife and why now? That's a very good question.
Here's your answer.
He's re-upping for another tour, and i won't.
And i want to know why my husband is and if he's gonna be at the christmas table.
Jonas: I didn't say, "what were you thinking?" I said, "were you thinking?" And i got my answer.
I was gonna tell me before i figured it out.
I made a mistake, and i'm fixing it.
$40,000! And our friends' money? I got their money back.
Did you get our money back? I'll take another job.
won't fix this! If you retire what?! The fact the money problems came to light the fact that the money problems came to light what does that do to my career? Can't control my wife.
Same thing.
Can't pay my daughter's tuition.
Same thing.
But it was my mistake.
Your mistake and our burden! Don't you think i know that?! How do i earn my money? I do not make cornflakes for a living.
I earn my money at the risk of my life, out there, letting the scum of the earth shoot at me.
You know that's how i make my living.
That's why my bosses pay me and you wish it away.
Situation enemy forces.
Razlan dragovich former yugoslav army general wanted for crimes committed during the balkan civil war.
Made a name for himself as an ethnic cleanser.
Personally commanded the bosnian serb forces, wiped out the muslim population of one sizable town, went on to obliterate 3 islamic bosnian villages.
Dragovich continues to command a sizable militia and receives assistance and support from the local government, particularly in the form of intel.
Friendly forces.
The united nations command consists of a regiment of the french foreign legion commanded by a colonel jean-marc leclerq.
Who is one mal hombre in his own comic book.
European forces, africa, and the middle east.
He's the go-to guy.
United nations and nato want to drag dragovich's ass back to the world court at the hague to try him for war crimes.
Only problem it's a greased pig contest.
This guy dragovich is a houdini.
Forces have failed.
Dragovich unfortunately is something of a local hero.
He receives substantial if tacit government support.
Your mission is to assist seems to me guerilla, too.
That they are.
To assist the u.
Forces in the capture of our mr.
In the event that the assistance is insufficient to bring dragovich out? In such event, you shall effect capture independently with minimum friction.
Now our friend leclerq, as you say, is down 0 and 2.
He's gonna want to save face, so if you do come in, make sure you give him the win.
All right.
You've got money troubles, you've got marriage troubles.
Yes, i do.
And this is gonna wipe 'em both out.
Sam gregory is retiring.
He's the head of middle eastern operations.
Jonas has arabic and farsi.
Wait, wait, wait.
He is one of 5 guys in the world who can do this job in the world.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
He does not have to come on as a shooter.
I promise you, they are gonna offer him this job.
He goes from the unit to blackthorne as co-director.
In 5 years, his sweat equity will have bought him In addition to his salary, in 5 years, he's one of the owners.
It's a short list.
3 possible candidates.
He will call them today.
you're the young girl who thinks she's gonna have a 20-inch waist for the rest of her life.
I told you, i'm not interested in any job as a mercenary.
Do you know what you are? You are addicted to poverty.
This job? This salary? In 5 years, you can own the company.
It will work while you sleep.
You don't have to jump out of airplanes.
You think you'll be jumping out of when you're 50, 55.
The money will work when you can't, and we'll be together, and happy and rich.
You ingrate.
I kept my side of the bargain.
I've seen you through, but you want to stand there you want to stand there and pout at me and ruin our lives so that you yes, ruin our lives, so that you can have 6 more years at the prom.
Well, i'm glad to have you here, and i'm glad to have your assistance.
You up to speed? Yes, sir.
Dragovich uses this as a garage.
He used to use this building, but it was shot to hell in an earlier attempt to flush him.
The new garage is poorly constructed, and its doors are in the back of the compound.
The garage doors, not more than 10 feet to a fence, opens wide to allow the vehicles out.
Gotta figure they're gonna run, that's the way they'll use.
No, this is excellent.
However, this mission, as envisioned by the u.
, is, in effect, to knock and serve the warrant.
He has no escape.
We have an overwhelming superiority of forces, so we will ask him, as a reasonable man, to surrender.
And as a reasonable man, i'm sure he shall.
Sergeant blane, i know that your assignment is to assist in this mission, but you are much too valuable to be relegated to a supernumerary position, so might i impose on you and ask you to be by my side tomorrow with the plan at the ready? In effect, i want you to be my second in command.
Vive la morte, vive la guerre.
Vive le sacre legionnaire.
Welcome aboard.
I'm glad to have you here.
The same.
J'y serai.
"I will be there" leclerq.
Yes, sir.
My family arms.
More like aristocracy.
Before napoleon.
Oui, mon colonel.
Where's serena? In her room, hon.
Thank you.
Come on, serena.
We're going over to my house.
Don't be more than a couple hours.
Where are you off to? I'm going to see a divorce lawyer.
What? Mack promised me he'd leave the unit and he re-upped.
Did you talk to him? Oh, they left.
I'm gonna use the time he's away and put the new thing in motion.
Maybe first you should talk to someone in the unit, tiffy.
You should talk to someone in the unit.
Colonel ryan? I already talked to him.
You talked to him.
Yes? And? Well, he's got a lot on his mind.
I know, and i don't want you rushing into something big like he did.
Because of what? How about that for out of the clear blue sky? The old man got hitched.
I guess when they fall, they fall.
Jonas: I'll be at the gate with leclerq.
You head up surveillance, decide where everyone goes or whether you want them elsewhere.
Your mission, your plan.
You fellas seem to get along, boss you and the colonel.
Well, we had a lot in common.
Bob: What was that? You guys go to high school together? Jonas: No.
It seems we've both seen lawrence of arabia.
What's the hidden meaning behind your comment, son? Well, we were told to watch out for the guy.
Well, you live long enough, you get a reputation.
People say you're difficult.
Just means you aren't dead yet.
Carlito, you think you can find us a couple observation positions overlooking the compound? Here and here and here may work well.
Bobbo and me will go take a look, give you a straight-up yes, no or maybe.
Off you go, then.
I'd take sacajaweer on the scout here, but he'd stand out a little bit in this neighborhood.
I stand out in any neighborhood.
So, you're supposed to blend in.
Speaking of which, i'm gonna tell you what, though.
Grey: Yeah? And what is, when you see indians, be careful.
When you don't see any indians, be twice as careful.
Who said that? Helen keller.
Now who are we talking aut? Leclerq.
Lissy, unlock the door.
Lissy: No! No! I'm not kidding.
What is the trouble, lissy? You tell me what the problem is so i can help you, darling.
Does your mama keep a spare key? You know where she keeps it? Lissy: It's on my mother's dresser, but you'll never find it.
Jen: Lissy, come out of there! You're scaring serena! Jen: Lissy, come on.
Come out! Mommy's gonna be home soon.
Coffee's for closers.
How's the hand of god this morning? Ain't the hand of god.
Just the process server.
And, funnily enough i got him in my sights.
I could cancel his birth certificate right now.
The french are here to take him into custody.
We're here in reserve.
Happiness is a greenlight.
I thought it was a bacon-cheeseburger.
I didn't get that memo.
Coming up on it.
Roll up, show the pretty blue flag, avon calling, come out and play.
What's the view from the skybox? When there's no drama, there's no drama.
Jonas: I got you.
Betty boop standing by.
Bring enough power to bear, and one may succeed without violence.
French vehicles incoming.
They take up blocking positions at the corner, positions at the gate.
In two, leclerq walks on up and bids the fortress surrender.
Leclerq, you may need this.
Oh, yes.
Thank you.
Hang on.
Hold on.
They're going for the smash-and-grab.
Call it off! Call it off! It's coming down, fellas.
Call it off! Call it off! Call it off! Jonas: Move out! It's his leg.
No! No! Relax, relax.
Williams: Boss, mack's hit.
Jonas: Where? He caught a ricochet in his leg.
Aah! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Come on! Get in there now! Go! What are you doing? You're letting them get away! My mission.
My call.
We're quitting? Come on! We have civilian casualties.
You took a simple arrest and turned it into a firestorm! I trusted you! And you're gonna let them fortify the place because you're afraid of some bad press? You're clipping my wings, colonel.
???? Liss? What? What did you? Lissy? I cut my hair.
Kim: She locked herself in.
What started this? I don't know.
I asked her to finish her sandwich.
She didn't want to.
I asked again.
She bolted from the table and locked herself in the you cut your hair off because you didn't want to finish your sandwich? Leave me alone.
Why would she do something like this? I think she found this.
Jonas: They finally took us to the cleaners.
I must be getting old.
You run.
Why? I brought my adversaries to a standstill.
You run because because you have no room to maneuver.
You're trapped.
Local government's helped me before.
Before, you hadn't killed u.
Before before the local government lose the paperwork, so you misspelled a few words on the extradition order.
How's mack? He's still shot.
You've committed a homicide against god and everybody.
You fired on the u.
Where do i run? We don't gotta care about the where we'll run.
We'll get you before you get there.
We'll intercept you en route.
En route where? Outside the city.
He takes the route away from the u.
Now, when do i run? Asap.
And when is that? I asked, when is asap? Today? This evening? Under the cover of darkness? No.
All too soon.
Sooner's not better than later? If you've got an escape plan on the shelf, you gotta dust it off and prime the system.
So when? Tomorrow.
Why tomorrow? You have time to evaluate your enemy's situation, determine the most important segment of the breakout the initial route.
So i run tomorrow.
Early or late? Early.
They're on the inside, want to get out.
We're on the outside, want to get in.
Dragovich's goons are all watching the front.
Back door's unattended.
We can't get to him, but we can get to his car.
You lied to me.
Naive, little newbie kim sees her friend go into a motel room, middle of the day.
Oh, is she a security risk? Is she shacking up? No.
You tell me she was coming to the aid of an abused wife.
Is that what you said? I was trying to protect you.
Is that what you said? 'Cause in my youth, we called that a lie.
I was trying to you go on about honor and faith and how a good military wife acts.
You sleep with the colonel and you drag me into a real estate scam.
And the man who sends our husbands out into the storm, the man who decides which of them goes on what missions.
Guy's got all our lives in his hands, and you're sleeping with him.
And the two of you are screwing me.
And i never want to see either of you fools again.
[Indistinct conversation.]
Prepare to move.
[Gunshot, glass shatters.]
Go home.
You can't tell bob.
Unlike you, i don't keep things from my husband, and he doesn't keep things from me.
You tell him, he's at risk, knowing.
Is that supposed to be something else i don't know how to do? Protect my husband? I can handle this myself.
You've done a great job so far.
I love him, and he loves me.
Who's that? Our colonel tom? Yes.
Our colonel tom, as you said.
Here's a "sitrep" for you, tiff.
The colonel's a man, spends his life planning covert missions, getting off on the thrill.
It's a thrill he loves, tiffy.
He is not gonna sacrifice his career for you.
He just showed you that because i believe he just got married.
Officer sleeps with an nco's wife, army'd kick him out.
Sleeps with the wife of a man in his covert command, the law of the pack is, they kill him.
I'm begging you not to tell.
Doesn't matter if i tell, which i will not, because somebody will, which will put my husband at risk, and thank you.
Now i believe i have things to do.
You can't toss me away like this.
You love me.
This person you've married is an accessory for your career.
I know that.
I know that.
We can have a great life together, tom.
We can be happy, baby.
You know that.
How do you know? Because we've never been anything but happy.
All right.
All right.
Say it goes on.
Say you are married, whatever that means.
Whatever's between you and me, that doesn't have to change.
That can't change.
And you know that.
You know that, tom.
Stay away from me.
It's coming down, boss.
It's coming down.
Cars are rolling.
Hey, boss, look.
That's all for today, friend.
All for today.
We have everything under control.
Have your men reorient their weapons.
Thank you, sir.
Now, hand over the prisoners.
These men are in the custody of the united nations.
Is that like a "get out of jail free" card? Stand down.
Aw, come on.
You don't mean that, boss.
Stand down.
You killed my wife, you pig.
Come on.
You must be mrs.
Colonel tom ryan.
Well, i suppose that's right.
Well, i'm tiffy gerhardt.
I'm one of the unit wives.
I just came by to oh! Moving.
They say one of the most stressful activities is moving.
Oh, are those for me? Oh, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Ah! And i believe these are yours, mrs.
[Speaking french.]
The dragovichs have not escaped.
I would hardly call it an escape to avoid violence, we had fixed him in place.
He has no escape.
I'm sure he will surrender.
I'm gonna knit me a little comforter that says, "i got shot trusting the frogs.
" You just got hit with the seeing eye round.
Tell that to my wife.
You tell her.
You'll see her before i do.
I ain't getting home till next week's medevac flight.
Bob: You want some chewing tobacco or a copy of moby dick or something? And oh, no! Oh, man! I am going, yet again, to miss my wife's birthday.
What'd you get her? Mack: Oh, man.
I'm gonna miss her birthday, stuck with a bunch of froggies.
Yeah, yeah.
You should have stayed in school and got your doctorate in nuclear physics.
Stuck with a bunch of froggies.
That's fantastic.
That's great.
Not now.
The answer is no.
I can't see you now.
No, colonel.
If i could have one moment.
Just one moment.
I know you're probably on your way to visit the gallant american observer who was accidentally wounded in your triumphal assault.
Listen, i'm sorry your man was hurt.
Our man was shot, yes.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Let's talk.
So, what was it you wanted to say? I would like medevac transport for him today.
Well, i'm sure your people on u.
Aircraft, immediately, to landestuhl, rhinemain, air base.
Well, under the charter, your armed forces are responsible for medevac to your bases, from the u.
Indeed they are, and they've assured me they will provide same, 1600 next tuesday.
Then? We'd kind of like to go home now, sir.
On your u.
That is, if you can spare the plane.
And if i could not? Sir, i can't believe that you're suggesting that i would disseminate a copy of this video showing your unilateral and unwarranted and botched assault on the compound, and the resulting and unnecessary loss of life and injury to my teammate in retaliation for your failure to give me your aircraft.
Stand at attention when you're talking to me, soldier.
I ain't your soldier, and i ain't in your chain of command, and i ain't in your army, and as far as i'm concerned, you're about from a real bad state of health, and if you want to try that case right now, go ahead.
And that would be worth your career? ??? Molly: Against Don't you need to get dressed? I am dressed.
Are you listening to me? blackthorne income.
All blackthorne income, not just the middle east.
I understand.
Which means no more jumping out of airplanes.
How's mack doing? Is he coming tonight? Where's my tie? In 5 years, we'll be equity owners.
Where's my tie? I got it cleaned.
It's in the hallway.
My purple heart.
You know where my why aren't you dressing? Why should i? What's wrong, baby? You re-upped.
Honey, i have not re-upped.
Did you read this all the way through? "Notification of departure date "from the 303rd logistical unit pending notice of permanent change of station.
" But i saw i haven't listened well, you say? But i have listened.
I haven't re-upped.
And i am, as per your wishes, leaving this unit.
That's why i'm leaving the unit, tiff.
I'm keeping my promise.
We'll live a normal life, all of us.
I got feelers out to the rotc for a job transfer 5 miles from your folks.
Happy birthday.
Just give me 10 minutes.
Tom: You got that bottle of scotch i gave him, right? Ok, keep him happy.
Blane, that's her.
She's lovely.
I'm molly blane.
Colonel, got something for you.
Oh, yeah.
Dragovich's guys? Shot their way out.
That's a shock.
Ambushed by u.
Took leclerq as a mm-hmm.
Looks like they kept him a while.
I'm sure they had a little talk.
Dragovich where is he now? Best intel puts him in france.
Can i bid on this job? You are a lucky man, colonel.
That i am, mrs.
That i am.
Congratulations, sir.
Oh, thank you, mack.
So, how are you holding, old timer? Top, when i start complaining, you'll be the first one i call.
Something for you to see.
Read the funny papers? Dragovich escaped, killed leclerq.
How about that? Mm-hmm.
What's a veteran got to do to get a drink around here? I just learned something from mack that's going to make your life, i think, a little simpler.
I don't think i'm interested.
Bartender, whatever you've got your hands on, start pouring, and i'll tell you when to stop.
He says, "it's a recipe for disaster," so i say, "honey, it's not a recipe.
It's a whole cookbook.
" [Laughter.]
Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me.
I have been asked on behalf of the men of the very real alpha team of this most non-existent of commands, the 303rd logistical studies unit men: Here, here! To present, on our behalf, and to the colonel's lady, one of our necessarily few, as we are non-existent, battle honors.
So bear with me.
The french, we note, are absent-minded.
They'd have lost world war i and ii, if it wasn't for our help.
Men: Hoorah! They lost my respect over the films of jerry lewis [men laugh.]
And they lost this here antique flag which we now present to you, in the hopes that you will turn it into a barbecue apron should you choose to indulge in french cooking.
And now, sing it the french national anthem.
* every little breeze seems to whisper louise * * the birds in the trees twitter louise * * every little rose tells me it knows * * i love you, i love you * * every little beat, every beat of my heart * * seems to repeat what i felt from the start * * each little sigh tells me that i adore you, louise * [cheering.]
The vienna boys choir.
Bravo! All right! Yeah! [Laughs.]
i thank you for this honor.
We all have secrets.
Most secrets are not shameful.
They're just private.
The secrets of marriage are private.
The secrets of combat are private.
We women can't know them.
We can only be close to them in being close to you.
And as in a marriage, you men honor us by trusting us not only to keep your secrets but to respect them.
I thank you for this, and i will do my best to uphold the honor and the traditions of the men and the women of the unit.
I salute you all.
To the unit.
All: The unit.
[Glasses clinking.]
Mmm! Ahh! I, um i l l you know, only those of us who have lived through it can tell each other how it feels.
Brothers in arms.
Sisters in arms.
Sisters in arms.
Tom ryan now, it ain't what it looks like, but it sure as hell is what it is.
Men and women of the unit colonel and mrs.
Tom ryan hold on now.
Am i in or out? Am i in the unit or am i out? Molly? You're definitely in.
And being as such, and being an ex-newbie myself, i would like to thank you, mrs.
Ryan, for your speech.
And i would also like to thank my sister, mrs.
Gerhardt, for her speech.
Only those of us who have been bitten by the snake can tell each other how it feels.
I need a drink.
Me, too.
I'll second that.
Come on.
Door's locked.
There's no key.
Does anybody have a key? I will defeat that lock in less than a minute.
Wait a second, wait a second.
How long does it take to recite the ranger creed? Gentlemen, ladies, i'm here to tell you i'm gonna defeat this lock before you guys can recite the ranger creed.
Any amount of money on the sergeant major.
Take the keys to my wait.
$500? Any money on top? Get that booze out, sensai.
Yes, lad, yes.
This booze is coming out! You ready? I'll mark count.
Unit men: "Recognizing that i volunteered as a ranger, "fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, "i will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, "honor, and high espirit de corps of the rangers, "acknowledging the fact that a ranger is a more elite soldier "who arrives at the cutting edge of battle "by land, sea, or air.
"I accept the fact that as a ranger, l" Gentlemen and ladies, the bar is open.
Now before us are liquors of a various after he made the master sergeant a bacardi, he propositioned the chaplain's wife.
Oh! Oh! [Laughter.]
Oh! I'll tell you one better than that.
When lissy was born, ryan shields bet matt $100 that he wouldn't have the guts to Casualties! Check on the women! Jonas: Check on my wife.
Ladies, everyone ok? Top.
You're hit, top.
You're bleeding.
You're hit.
Give me your gun.
Check outside.
Make sure that's all of them.
How about that? Cync by xxy
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