The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Duet for Two

(music playing)
What shall we do today, my darling?
The world is our oyster.
Oh, you know it doesn't matter,
as long as we do it together!
-Duet together?
-I do!
(cracks knuckles)
(piano music playing)
We could sail a boat from here to Timbuktu
-Or stay ashore and just admire the view
-But it really doesn't matter what we do
-(bell dinging)
As long as I'm with you
We could climb Mount Everest
And ski back down
Or sip hot cocoa in a snowy town
But I know I'd only smile, never frown
As long as I'm with you
When I'm with you my heart is aflutter
You are my jam, I'm your peanut butter
Promise me we'll always be together
And if we ever were to be parted
You know that I would be broken-hearted
You're the tune I'm gonna croon forever
I could strike it rich
Become a millionaire
Or sing this song without a dime to spare
But I really wouldn't have a single care
For all my dreams come true
As long as I'm with you
-(cheering, applause)
Marvelous! Bravo! What a show!
Huckster McBackstabber,
the best music producer in the biz.
I've seen a lot of performers in my day.
You two have got what it takes
to make it big!
You'll be raking in so much dough,
your head will spin. What do you say?
Oh, it's very kind of you,
Mr. McBackstabber,
-but we don't duet for money.
-Yeah, we duet because it makes us happy.
Well, uh what if you could make
the whole world happy?
(gasps) The whole world!
-Uh, I don't know.
-Oh, but you must.
Ah, just look at these faces. Look at her!
What about this guy? Do you really wanna
deny beardy over here smiles?
Oh, no!
Oh, Mickey,
I don't wanna deny anyone of smiles!
Me neither! I suppose
we could give performing a try.
Wonderful! You're gonna make people
so happy,
and me so rich.
Now, if you'll just sign here.
-Let's make people happy! (laughs)
-Let's make people happy! (laughs)
And this is only the beginning.
Tomorrow, we take on the world!
(country music playing)
We could sail a boat
From here to Timbuktu
-Or stay ashore and just admire the view
-(camera shutter clicks)
(classical music playing)
-(pop music playing)
-We could climb Mount Everest
And ski back down
Or sip hot cocoa in a snowy town
-Ah, ah!
-(crowd cheers)
(new age music playing)
Now I'd only smile, now I'd only smile
Now, I'd only smile
Never frown, yeah
-(piano music playing)
-(cash register dinging)
(motors revving)
(music slows)
Uh, excuse me, Mr. McBackstabber, sir.
Do you think maybe we could take a break?
(sputters) What? And give up all this
fame and fortune?
We're not in this for the money.
Oh. Neither am I.
It's just all of these theatrics
This isn't us.
Oh, that's too bad.
Well, if that's how you really feel,
I'll just break all these
poor people's hearts.
Don't you worry,
I'll let 'em know you're selfish.
Oh, no!
We'll do whatever it takes
to make them happy!
Great! I got big plans!
You two are goin' solo!
-But we're a duet!
Not anymore!
-(dance music playing)
-(crowd cheers)
But but this feels wrong
without Minnie!
Whatever! She's doin' great!
Why, she was just saying how free
she feels
now that she lost some of
the, uh, dead weight!
All right. Now, get up there
and make me some money.
Get ready to smile your face off!
And now, for his first ever
solo appearance,
his girlfriend wants nothing to do
with him
Mikey Moose!
-(techno music playing)
-(Mickey sputters)
(discordant sounds)
(crowd cheers)
MALE VOICE: Are you ready?
Girls, are you ready?
Going solo
This isn't right! I need my Mickey!
-Where do you think you're going?
-I won't duet without Mickey!
Well, he performed without you.
In fact, he said, "Minnie who?"
He doesn't even remember you!
Now, get back out there.
-Well, this contract says yes!
Wait! Who's gonna perform this thing?
(sad piano music playing)
(singing) I could strike it rich
Become a millionaire
Or sing this song without a dime to spare
But there's nothing in the world
That could compare
To how I feel with you
-'Cause you're the apple of my eye
-You're my sweet potato pie
Tell me that you're never gonna
Say goodbye
For all my dreams come true
(sniffs) Ooh, what's that I smell?
A comeback?
As long as I'm with you
(theme music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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