The World of the Married (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Was it just
out of habit?
Was it an act of reconciliation
that was aroused by compassion?
Was it an apology for the torment
we caused each other?
Was it out of regret for all
the choices we have made in the past?
did we just let our loneliness surrender
to our momentary desire?
You should go now.
There's no need to rush your move
out of Gosan.
I'm saying
you should find a decent place to go.
Pick a place that treats you right
based on your work experience.
Don't rush to a place
that isn't good enough for you.
What's the matter?
Oh, my goodness.
What's going on? Why are you still up?
Jenny suddenly has a fever.
How bad is her fever?
I gave her a fever reducer,
but it won't get better.
Why didn't you pick up your phone?
Where were you?
I had a drink with Je-hyuk.
Sorry. I didn't know you called.
Let's go to the hospital
first thing tomorrow morning.
I'll go bring a wet towel.
I'm sorry, Jenny.
Daddy's sorry.
Let's pretend like nothing happened.
Just forget about it.
I'm going to do the same.
We both made a mistake.
This should never happen again.
I know.
I agree with you.
I'm sorry to ask you for such a favor
all of a sudden.
You don't need to be sorry.
But I have to say, this is quite sudden.
Can I know why?
Dr. Ji, is there something wrong?
I'm slowly getting sick of Gosan.
What do you think? Do you think
there might be a job for me?
I'm sure it'll be easy for you
to find a new place to work at.
Just give me some time.
I'll make some calls and ask around.
Do you have a certain place in mind?
It doesn't matter
as long as it's not Gosan.
Okay, Dr. Ma.
I'll be waiting for your call.
Hey, who told you
to accept minors late at night?
I'm sorry, sir.
Are you trying to make me
lose my business?
What if the cops came to check?
I'm sorry.
I'll ask him to leave right now.
Aren't you going to work?
We need to take Jenny to the hospital,
and Jun-yeong needs to go to school.
Oh, yes. You're right.
Are you ready?
Where is Jun-yeong?
Jun-yeong, are you ready to go?
Let me give you a ride today.
Have you seen Jun-yeong?
Is he not there?
Where were you, Jun-yeong?
I went outside for a moment.
You'll be late.
Hurry up and get ready.
I'll give you a ride today.
Do you smoke?
Okay, I'm relieved to hear that.
I trust you, okay?
Why did you ask him that?
He smelled like cigarettes.
Didn't you smell anything?
Did you have to ask him that now
when you're not even sure--
I'm his guardian.
It's weird that he won't tell us
where he went this morning.
And he smelled like cigarettes.
Isn't it normal for me to ask?
Let's check your ear.
That's a good girl.
My goodness, great job.
When did you give her a fever reducer?
Around two hours ago.
Her temperature was over 38°C last night.
Oh, dear. Let's see you open your mouth.
My goodness, how adorable.
You're very good.
Okay, we're done.
Be careful so this doesn't
develop into pneumonia.
Make sure the house isn't dry.
My goodness.
-Thank you.
Jun-yeong, a lot of people
are catching the flu these days.
Make sure you don't catch it.
Your break is coming up, right?
Why don't you come visit me one day?
Here you go.
Thank you.
There he is.
-What are you doing?
No, it's nothing.
Let's go to the snack bar.
Hey, is something up?
Did you go to work?
You called to ask me that?
No, that's not why I called.
I'm just asking out of curiosity.
doesn't smoke, does he?
What are you talking about?
He's too young for that kind of stuff.
And even if he does smoke,
I'd surely know.
Yes, I also didn't think he'd smoke.
I just asked to check,
so don't worry.
Okay, bye. I'll let you get back to work.
This needs your approval by today.
You don't have
any more patients today, Dr. Ji.
Thank you, Ms. An.
There's an opening in Busan.
What do you think?
Here's an attached file
regarding the specific conditions.
Take a look and let me know.
No, it's just that…
I'm worried it's a bit too far.
The working conditions aren't too bad.
Can you help me meet Jun-yeong?
His school break starts tomorrow,
so I think he'll have time.
But he won't answer my calls,
and he hasn't called back either.
Okay, I'll talk to him.
You can meet him tomorrow.
Okay, I'll hang up now.
Hey, by any chance,
will you reconsider
if Jun-yeong doesn't agree with it?
I mean, if he doesn't want you to leave.
Of course.
Jun-yeong's opinion
is most important to me.
I haven't gotten flowers from you
in a while.
You have such a hard time
every time Jenny gets sick.
I feel bad,
and I'm also grateful.
Whatever the reason, it feels nice.
It looks like she's doing well.
I'm relieved it's not anything serious.
She still needs to take medicine
for a week.
You must be hungry.
I'll hurry up and cook dinner.
Isn't Jun-yeong home yet?
He called and said he's
going to eat dinner with his friends.
Oh, by the way,
about what you asked this morning.
Apparently, Jun-yeong doesn't smoke.
I think you were mistaken.
He may complain a lot,
but he wouldn't do anything bad.
If he says he doesn't smoke, I trust him.
And even if he does smoke,
I'll just persuade him not to.
He's going through puberty.
Thank you.
You should also pay more attention to him.
I think we can start cooking dinner.
-Let's see.
Did it hurt a lot?
Hey, keep going.
-This is making me so angry.
-Go get that.
You're good.
-Hey, go!
-Oh, come on.
What are you doing?
-Are you kidding me?
-No, I'm not.
-Come on.
-Look at him.
Hey, look at that.
Get it already.
-No, go back! Retreat!
-Aim for the middle!
Get your guns ready.
-Is this the right one?
-Yes, keep going.
-Okay, nice.
-What's this?
Hurry up. Seriously.
My gosh, get inside!
-Over there. Try throwing it.
I misfired.
You're late.
Yes, I just
spent some time with my friends.
I heard your school break starts tomorrow.
Let's go meet your mom tomorrow evening.
I think she wants to tell you something.
Tell me what?
She's thinking about leaving this place.
But she wants
to discuss it with you first.
I'll go see you with Jun-yeong
tomorrow evening.
What's wrong? Does it not taste good?
I followed an online recipe.
No, it's not that bad.
Did you get new clothes?
It's pretty.
Great choice.
You always looked good
in that kind of color.
It's too late.
We're over now.
I've had this for three years.
What more would I expect from a guy
who didn't even know that?
I don't want to make a fool of myself.
Let's stop here.
I know it's too late.
I know I can't do anything
to change what's happened already.
I don't want to end it like this.
We were married, and now we're divorced.
But we never really dated each other.
We ended up getting married because our
families thought we'd be a suitable match.
We didn't go through what
other couples would go through
and we've ignored
what shouldn't have been ignored.
That's where it all went wrong.
I know this isn't the right order,
but I want to try everything
I never got to do with you.
And if you still want to end it,
we can end it then.
Were you always this clingy?
-Is it a turnoff?
-I'm not interested in playing your game.
I always thought
my job was to make money.
I never once cleaned
or cooked for you.
I didn't know this
but after having tried it myself,
I realized something.
You put in so much effort
to take care of me
and never made a big deal out of it.
Everything you've done
is what sustained our relationship.
This isn't a game to me.
There are so many things
I never got to do for you
because I was too indifferent and dumb.
But now, I want to make up for that.
All you need to do is just receive
what I owe you.
Just consider it as your chance
to take back
what you gave to me.
What's there to think about?
You have nothing to lose.
You're done.
What's wrong?
Aren't you interested?
I don't know.
He's acting like
a totally different person.
That scares me a little.
And I'm worried I might be wasting my time
with a relationship that's already over.
-That's how I feel.
-I think you still have feelings for him.
It's obvious how it'll end.
You should do everything you want to do
before you die.
That way, you won't regret anything.
Have some faith in Je-hyuk.
It looks like he's learned his lesson.
How's my condition?
Last year, the test results came out fine.
Your menstrual cramps
have worsened, right?
I think you have uterine fibroids.
But I don't think you'll need a biopsy.
It's nothing serious.
It's common among women our age.
I thought I was just stressed.
I guess my body
isn't like how it used to be.
I'm starting to feel depressed.
It really feels like I'm aging.
You can't fight time.
You just need to take medicine for now.
You don't need to get surgery
if it doesn't get worse.
It's almost time for lunch, right?
Thank you.
Hey, what brings you here?
She came to see you.
You're done for the morning, right?
Let's eat lunch together.
I also want to discuss something with you.
Judging by the tone of your voice,
it sounds like it's about something good.
I'm actually glad you're here.
I also have something
to tell you guys.
Did you make up your mind?
Pretty much.
What's going on?
Why don't I know what this is about?
Don't tell me you're also seeing someone.
Did you get yourself a boyfriend?
Gosh, don't be so lame.
Let's go. I'll tell you once we're there.
Let's go.
Hello. How have you been?
What? Jun-yeong did what?
Okay, I understand.
I'll be right there.
I'm sorry. Let's talk next time.
That's not important.
You should get going.
Oh, right. The director isn't here,
so I need to leave without telling him.
-Please tell him I left.
-I'll let him know.
Don't worry. Go take care of Jun-yeong.
Although we're no longer married,
we're always asked to come together
to discuss things regarding our child.
What is this?
When will the connection we made
as a married couple
ever come to an end?
I heard you got divorced.
Who is Jun-yeong currently living with?
I'm sorry if this is
making you uncomfortable.
But it's important for us to know
what kind of situation Jun-yeong is in.
Right now, he's living with me.
I heard
he fought with Hae-gang.
Did they get badly hurt?
Jun-yeong just got a small scar.
But Hae-gang's condition was a lot worse.
So his parents came earlier
to pick him up.
Judging by the circumstances,
we're assuming that Jun-yeong
assaulted him one-sidedly.
What are you talking about?
Are you sure?
We'd like to hear
what Jun-yeong has to say.
According to the kids,
Jun-yeong hit him first.
It happened on the basketball court
after the vacation ceremony.
So a lot of the kids saw what happened
on their way home.
Some kids even took a video.
Would it be possible to see my son?
Yes, I hit him first.
Why did you hit him?
You must've had a reason.
Aren't you going to tell me?
You need to talk to us.
Did Hae-gang say something
about your mother again?
Is that why you hit him?
Tell me.
What did he say?
I stole a bag of snacks
at the internet cafe.
Hae-gang saw that.
He threatened to tell the kids.
So I told him to go ahead.
Why do you live like a piece of trash?
Live a proper life, you jerk.
What did you just say?
-You jerk.
-What's going on?
-What's happening?
-Hey, stop.
Oh, my gosh.
-Hey, stop.
-You guys, stop it.
Jun-yeong, stop!
Hey, stop!
That jerk tried to lecture me.
It was so annoying.
I don't know if I heard you correctly.
You stole what?
Okay, let's say you hit Hae-gang
because you were angry.
But what's this about stealing?
Why did you steal?
It was an accident.
You guys also make mistakes, don't you?
Whatever the case, what you did was wrong.
You know you need to fix it
before it's too late, right?
How can you fix something
that's already gone wrong?
Isn't it too late for that?
You just need to sincerely apologize
and ask him for forgiveness.
Apologize to Hae-gang
and the owner of the internet cafe.
let's take care of everything one by one.
According to the principal,
Hae-gang's parents might gather the
school violence committee for a hearing.
Shouldn't we meet Hae-gang
and his parents first?
Why is everything so easy for you guys?
Is an apology all it takes to forgive?
Is that how it is for adults?
Jun-yeong, what are you talking about?
We can't let them gather the committee.
Tell them to go ahead.
-I don't care.
I won't go to school anymore.
I'll just drop out.
What's wrong with your attitude?
How can you say you're going to drop out?
We're not just telling you to apologize
for no reason.
You can tell me why you did such a thing
and what it is that you want.
You and I can talk about it step by step.
Let's go to your mom's house
and talk about it.
Why would I go there?
You can go by yourself.
Don't you want to come to my house?
No, I don't.
I have nothing more to say to you.
Why did you ask me if he smokes?
I didn't pay much attention to it
when you asked.
But did something happen?
The thing is, Da-kyung told me
that Jun-yeong smelled like cigarettes.
The smell
was probably from the internet cafe.
His clothes smell of cigarettes
if he stays there for too long.
Maybe this is because he can't adjust to
living with your family.
This never happened when he was with me.
The worst thing he ever did
was skip his academy lessons.
Right now, he's become
a totally different kid.
Are you saying he changed
because he started living with me?
Did something happen that I don't know of?
How do you expect me to know
when he won't tell me anything?
What is it?
It's Do-cheol.
Hae-gang got hospitalized.
He's going to get a medical report
and officially gather
the school violence committee.
What do we need to do?
Yes, I deserve to know.
How is Hae-gang doing?
You must've been shocked.
Anyway, thank you for telling me.
Okay, bye.
You're late.
He's like that because I told him off
for fighting with a friend.
I heard he hit Hae-gang.
I should meet his parents
and talk things out.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Settling things with the family
won't make the matter go away.
We can't just let him get away
with using violence.
And what about the fact
that he stole something?
Does he even regret
having done all those things?
So what? What do you want to do?
Do you want him punished?
I know it's going to be difficult,
but it might be better for him
and his future to get proper punishment.
-Don't you agree?
-He's going through puberty.
It's normal for kids his age
to make mistakes. It's not like
he committed a serious crime.
I made sure he understood
what he did wrong.
And he's regretting it.
Do you seriously think he's just
going through a phase because of puberty?
What matters is that this doesn't
happen again, right?
How is Hae-gang doing?
May I take a look at his condition?
Why do you want to see him?
I want to apologize to Hae-gang.
I owe you an apology as well.
I'm very sorry.
Do you think this can be handled
with a simple apology between the adults?
Is it because you think this
was just a small fight between our kids?
I'll bring Jun-yeong here
and have him apologize as well.
But I figured I should come here
and apologize to you first.
I'm very sorry.
Do you think
I'm using this issue
to get back at you for personal reasons?
What do you take me for?
That's not what I meant at all.
My son shouldn't have done what he did.
And I know there's nothing I can do
to fully compensate for Hae-gang's injury.
But I'm willing to compensate
and pay for Hae-gang's hospital bills.
It's only the right thing to do.
Do you think we don't have money?
How arrogant of you.
They were close ever since they were kids.
I really don't know why this happened.
It really breaks my heart.
Mrs. Cha.
Can you please forgive Jun-yeong
just this once?
I promise this will never happen again.
You know very well
that he's not normally like this.
You think he's not normally like this?
You know what?
Some parents think they know everything
about their children.
Did he tell you why he hit my son?
My son was considerate enough
to give your son advice,
but your son just hit him instead.
I heard.
It's my fault
for not educating him properly.
I'm not sure
if it's something you can fix.
Do you really think this was
his first time stealing something?
Apparently, kids in his class
kept losing things recently.
Did you know that?
You know being a doctor yourself.
Kleptomania is an illness
that requires treatment.
Shouldn't you take him to a hospital?
Do you have proof?
All the kids in their class
are suspicious of Jun-yeong.
It seems like they're all pretty sure
that he was the one who stole their stuff.
You really know nothing
about your son, Dr. Ji.
I apologize that my son hit your son.
But don't frame him
for something he didn't even do.
I won't forgive you for that.
Then what?
What will you do?
What are you going to do?
I thought you came to apologize,
but it sounds like you're threatening me.
We're not going to settle this issue.
Don't even dream of it.
We're going to make sure the school
violence committee handles this matter.
So you and your son
better brace yourselves.
Do you really think this was
his first time stealing something?
You really know nothing
about your son, Dr. Ji.
Are you sick?
Then I'll just enroll you
for math and English only. Okay?
Good night, Jun-yeong.
What about me?
Why do I need to live like this?
I didn't even do anything wrong.
Can you repeat what you just said?
The bag of snacks he stole
doesn't even cost that much,
so you don't need to pay me anything.
But you should make sure
he doesn't stay the night out.
I know it's important to earn money,
but I also have kids myself.
We always make sure
all the minors leave at 10 p.m.
But the part-timer
must've forgotten that day.
I saw him run out the next morning.
Hey, kid.
Your father came all the way here
to apologize on your behalf.
Live a decent life for his sake.
And just know that we have
CCTV cameras everywhere here.
My goodness.
I'm sorry, sir.
Was it that day
when you came home in the morning?
So you didn't just go out for a while?
You spent all night at the internet cafe?
I accidentally fell asleep.
I didn't do it on purpose.
Why did you suddenly go outside
at that hour?
I overheard you guys talking about
sending me abroad to study.
I left because I didn't want to hear it.
I didn't want to be home.
I don't plan on sending you abroad
against your will.
I don't want you living far away from me.
And your stepmother
didn't mean anything else.
She just thought it'd be best for you,
so I hope you don't get offended.
But let's not
tell your mom about this.
It'll only make her worry.
Are you worried that she might worry?
Dad, why did you
hit Mom back then?
It's over between you guys.
You fought like there was no tomorrow.
So why are you talking
to each other again?
Why do you make things so complicated?
Shouldn't you cut ties
now that you're divorced?
We may be divorced,
but you're still our son.
You can break up with your spouse,
but you can't do that with your kid.
I know we were the ones
who hurt you the most,
but your mother and I are the ones
who love you the most.
You're using me as an excuse again?
Don't you think you're being a coward?
At first, I noticed that Jun-yeong
was full of hatred.
I saw him leaving a scratch
on Chairman Yeo's car.
This all began…
because of
the divorce, right?
It's useless to find the answer
in the past.
If you want to solve this,
it's better to focus on the present.
The date of the hearing with the school
violence committee has been set.
I think you should convince them to settle
before the committee gathers.
Have you tried
talking to Hae-gang's parents?
Show up at the hospital on time
so we can visit Hae-gang.
Hi, Mrs. Cha.
It's me, Da-kyung.
How is Hae-gang doing?
Oh, I'm relieved to hear that.
I actually called to talk about that.
I don't think it'd be a good idea
for you to come inside with us.
You're not on good terms
with Hae-gang's mother.
That's more of a reason why
I should apologize.
Don't worry, Jun-yeong.
I'll take care of it.
Hello, Mrs. Cha.
Thank you for your time.
I'm sorry, Do-cheol.
I should've taught him better.
It's normal for guys to fight
as they grow up.
How could you say that
when the doctor told us
he could've had a facial fracture?
I'm really sorry.
I'll teach him well
so that he doesn't do this again.
I really hope you do.
I'm very worried about him
as a fellow parent.
Not all kids learn their lesson
even if parents try to teach them well.
There's a reason why we live in a world
with judges and police officers.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Cha.
We'd like to hear what you think.
I'm sorry.
I won't hit you again.
Forget that.
I want you to apologize
for treating me like I was crazy.
You were always annoying,
but you were never a complete wreck.
You never used to sleep outside
or steal stuff.
I told you to stop living that way
because I was worried about you.
But you told me I was lying
and that you never did such a thing.
You treated me like I was an idiot.
Hurry up and apologize.
It seems like Jun-yeong isn't ready
to sincerely apologize.
I think you should leave.
I'm sorry, Hae-gang.
Can you please forgive him
for my sake?
Mrs. Cha and Councilman Cha.
I'm very sorry about all this.
What are you doing?
You're making us feel uncomfortable.
Please get up.
I'll make sure
Jun-yeong never does this again.
I sincerely apologize
from the bottom of my heart.
Hello, Mrs. Cha.
Councilman Cha, you're here as well.
My goodness. Hello, Da-kyung.
I noticed before that
Hae-gang seemed to like this.
My gosh, you didn't have to come this far.
You didn't need to do this.
This is nothing
compared to how upset you must be.
Did you talk things out with Jun-yeong?
I'm very sorry.
Ms. Ji.
I think you should leave.
You're only making us feel uncomfortable.
People might think we made you
get on your knees like that.
Will you please leave already?
When you're really sorry,
you tend to be lost for words.
Jun-yeong's very sorry
about what happened.
Right, Jun-yeong?
It's my fault that this happened.
I suggested that he should study abroad
because I thought that'd be good for him,
but that must've upset Jun-yeong a lot.
I made him go through a hard time
because I wasn't considerate enough.
But if he even gets disciplined at school
for what happened,
it will make me feel guilty
for putting him through worse.
And I'd feel the same way
toward Tae-oh as well.
Please forgive Jun-yeong for my sake.
My husband and I will talk to Jun-yeong
and make sure this never happens again.
Gosh, you shouldn't be the one
apologizing like this.
My parents are also very worried
because of Jun-yeong.
More importantly,
they're sorry you had to go through this.
They're very worried.
It was just a fight between the kids.
Let's not take things so seriously.
We're close enough to brush it off.
Thank you.
We were able to settle things
thanks to you.
I'm not that narrow-minded, you know.
So if you're going through something,
just be honest with me.
You can talk to me like a friend.
Your father and I
will only feel comfortable
once you feel comfortable with us first.
Your test results will be out
in two to three days.
-Thank you.
-Okay, go home safely.
-Okay, Dr. Gong. Thank you.
-No problem.
How many more are there?
You have two more patients.
You must be tired since it's been
a while you've treated patients.
It's not that I'm tired.
I just feel upset that I had to cancel
-an important appointment.
-You mean golf?
It's a gathering among hospital directors.
Same thing.
How many days did Dr. Ji take off?
-Just until today.
Her son's future is on the line.
Cut her some slack.
Yes, I know.
Send in the next patient.
Okay, sir.
Your leave lasts until today.
Why did you come?
I'm sorry for worrying you, sir.
I'll treat the rest of the patients
starting from the afternoon.
Oh, okay. Go ahead.
Don't worry. I told him what happened.
Thank you.
I heard Da-kyung took care of it.
You know Mrs. Cha has a big mouth.
Everyone knows already.
Dr. Ji.
Can you start
treating a patient right away?
Yes, sure.
Let's talk later.
How is it, Dr. Ji?
How long did you have a stomachache?
It's been a while, but it got a lot worse
over the past few days.
You told me you also feel bloated, right?
Yes. The thing is,
I was once diagnosed
with irritable bowel syndrome.
Could it be the same thing?
You frequently get constipated
and have diarrhea.
It does sound like
irritable bowel syndrome.
First, try taking the medicine
I prescribe for you.
If things don't get better,
you can come again.
There's no chance that you might
be pregnant, right?
No, but I tend to have irregular periods.
You're done for today.
Make sure you take your prescription.
Thank you.
Don't ignore your irregular periods.
You should get a checkup at the OB-GYN.
Okay, I'll do that. Thank you.
Dr. Ji, we have quite a lot
of patients waiting to get treated.
Can you work overtime today?
If you're tired, we can tell them
to come back tomorrow.
Okay, I'll have to make up
for all the days I've missed.
But can I take a ten-minute break?
Sure, Dr. Ji.
Are you sure?
Are you sure you're not mistaken?
I'm sure.
Your ex-wife
probably knows about it as well.
I'm guessing that's why she apologized
to Mrs. Cha on her knees.
I asked Hae-gang's parents
not to raise an issue about it.
But we'll have to pay close attention
to Jun-yeong.
really don't know what to say.
It'll break my heart
if Jun-yeong doesn't turn out well.
I feel responsible for him as well.
Jun-yeong needs to grow up well
in order for me to also feel confident.
Wouldn't you agree?
Thank you.
But Da-kyung…
I'm the only person
who should feel guilty.
If you feel guilty as well,
it'll make me feel bad.
Do you think I wasn't determined
when I decided
to let Jun-yeong live with us?
So from now on, trust me and let me
take care of things regarding Jun-yeong.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
I don't want things
to be complicated anymore.
I think everything will be fine
once you're gone.
And that will also be best for Dad.
Mom, you can leave now.
Go wherever you want.
I'm okay with that.
Aren't you going home?
Yes, I should go.
I think Ye-rim might
get back with Je-hyuk.
Je-hyuk's pretty sincere.
He's become a totally different person.
I kind of felt like that might happen.
I'm happy for them.
It's a good thing, right?
What about you?
What about me?
You said you have something to tell us.
Ye-rim seemed to know
what you were going to say.
What is it?
thinking of leaving Gosan.
I'll tell the director
once I feel like it's the right time.
And I'll make sure to transfer my
patients' files to another doctor
so that I don't cause any inconvenience.
So don't worry.
That's what I'm worried about.
I'm worried about you.
Will you be okay
living away from Jun-yeong?
Jun-yeong wants me to leave.
I also don't understand
why he keeps pushing me away.
How was it for you
when your parents got divorced?
I'm not sure.
I was angry at both of them.
I couldn't understand adults.
I couldn't understand what was going on.
Here's what's funny.
I used to get angry at them
for not contacting each other.
But when they did contact each other,
I'd get angry at them for doing that.
So he's angry at both of us?
Because things are complicated,
and he feels confused?
You might be right.
If that's what it is,
I guess it's time that I leave him alone.
I'm sorry. I should go.
Hey, what's up?
Can we meet right now?
I need to talk to you.
There's something I need to tell you
before I leave.
I know.
This wasn't the first time
Jun-yeong stole something.
You know?
-Da-kyung told me.
She apparently talked things out
with Mrs. Cha.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
How do you plan to do that?
I'll try to talk to him.
I already hurt him enough,
so I should trust him and wait.
is a lot more serious than you think.
I know what you're worried about.
But just trust me with him.
I promise I'll raise him properly.
He'll become strong and honest.
I'll raise him to become
a happy person.
Are you sure
you can raise him well without me?
Why did Hae-gang say
Jun-yeong didn't go home?
Was he telling the truth?
It happened that night.
That night when we were together.
Why is everything so easy for you guys?
Is an apology all it takes to forgive?
Is that how it is for adults?
It's over between you guys.
You fought like there was no tomorrow.
So why are you talking
to each other again?
Why do you make things so complicated?
Shouldn't you cut ties
now that you're divorced?
You're using me as an excuse again?
Don't you think you're being a coward?
No way.
No way.
No, there's no way.
Where is Jun-yeong right now?
Go ahead. What is it that you need to say?
That day
when you stayed the night
at the internet cafe.
What about it?
By any chance,
did you come to my house that night?
Did you?
Dr. Ji disappeared?
The adults made mistakes,
and you were hurt by that.
And I'm partially responsible
for what happened.
Can't you give him some time?
Give him some time to breathe.
Just trust him,
and wait for him to come around.
Aren't you exhausted?
No, I'm happy.
We're really a family now.
You know what I mean, right?
What is it that's making you
feel so nervous?
What I can't stand
is that my son hates me.
Whether it's hate or resentment,
you should respect
how Jun-yeong feels about you.
Did something happen to Seon-u?
Where is she right now?
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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