Theodosia (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

The Eye of the Needle

[crowd chanting] All hail Aapep!
All hail Aapep!
No more rules.
The world is going to burn.
I am sick of you
telling us what to do,
you annoying old hag!
[gasps] Well, I never.
Alistair, do something.
Yes, Mother.
[rock music]
[thunder booms]
Whoo! [Laughs]
[people clamoring]
This is mine.
- Mine, mine!
- Hey, give that back.
Aapep is king!
[indistinct shouts]
Whoo! Yeah!
- [grunts]
- Smash it to pieces!

Happy days in the Penny Arcade!
- [whimpering]
- Help me, help! Ahh!
Hey. Get off that. It's mine.
No, no, no, no. Please.
Please. No, no, no, no.
[both struggling]
[soft mysterious music]

[exciting mystical music]

[crowd chanting] All hail Aapep!
All hail Aapep! All hail Aapep!
What is that?
You can see the magic?
So this is what
it's like to be you.
Why aren't we going crazy
like everybody else?
It's the amulets.
They're protecting us
from Aapep's magic.
I hope Henry's
still wearing his.
We need to find him.
You're going to the
obelisk, aren't you?
The Chief Serpent has
the Staff of Osiris.
It'll be dangerous.
I have to go alone.
Henry's our friend too.
We're coming whether
you like it or not.
[crowd chanting] All hail Aapep!
Well, then we'll need magic,
and lots of it.
Oh, what a time to be alive!
Chaos forever!
[crowd chanting] All hail Aapep!
[energy sizzling]
[dark music]
Reports are coming
in from New York,
Paris, and Cairo.
Chaos is spreading.
Once people have had
a taste of freedom,
they'll never go back.
Why be an ant when
you can be a lion?

What about his sister?
She'll come for the staff.
She won't try anything
while we have her brother.
Isn't that right, my friend?
All hail Aapep.
- There's a good boy.
- Lock him up.

[crowd shouting]
Steal the exhibits.
We can take what we want.
Ah, give it to me!
So much to choose from!
[indistinct chatter]
I want that.
- No, no, no.
- Stop!
What on Earth do you
think you're doing?
Clive, you're all right.
Never thought I'd be
so happy to see you.
Let the visitors
do what they want!
There is no rules now!
All hail Aapep!
In the name of Osiris,
lord of the everlasting,
of Hathor, mother of
pharaohs and Eye of Ra,
cast the magic from this shabti
and banish it
beyond the darkness.
All hail Aapep!
Trust me, Clive,
I feel your pain.
I'll put you up here
out of harm's way.
- Hye, get me down from here.
- Ow! Ow! Watch it!
Let's go!
There's one more
thing we need, okay?
Whatever it is,
we need to hurry.
Take everything. Just go!
The world has gone bonkers.
I saw it in here.
It just a small
statue of Mertseger.
Okay. What's it look like?
Six inches high,
carved from marble,
- shoulder-length hair.
- Oh.
You mean like half
the statues in here?
Gonna need a bit more.
- She's wearing this
- This big flowy dress
with wings and crocodile feet.
Just just keep searching
until you find her.
Mertseger doesn't
look like that.
Hey, what are you doing?
- Guys, I'm sorry.
- There's no statue.
I need you to be safe.
- No, Theo, wait!
- Theo!
Quick! The door!
- No. No, no, no.
- She locked us in!
All hail Aapep!
[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music]

No more rules!
We need to find another way out.
How could she do this to us
after all we've been through?
I'm really worried
about her too.
What if something happens
to her or or Henry?
I don't think I
could handle that.
We're gonna get
out of here, okay?
Help help me look.
[light suspenseful music]
There's just no way out.
Keep looking.

Will, we could
break down the door.
[scoffs] Let's do it.

[rock music]
Whoo! Yeah!
Let's go! Mine, mine.
Ah! No, no!
All hail Aapep!

[crowd chanting] All hail Aapep!
All hail Aapep! All hail Aapep!
[thunder rumbling]
[indistinct chatter, shouting]
- Take that!
- Take that!
[low percussive music]

All hail Aapep!
This is worse than I thought.
I hope I'm not too late.
All hail Aapep!
Okay, time to disappear.

[shouting continues]
[investigative music]


- Three, two, one.
- Okay. Again.
Sorry, chair, I promise
you it's for a good cause.
Three, two, one.
Three, two, one.
One more time.
Three. Both: Two, one.
[chair clatters]
[low rattling]
Report in from our
brothers and sisters
in Washington, D.C.
The obelisk they had
built is working.
- And the White House?
- It's burning.
The government has
collapsed. Same as here.
Aapep will be pleased.
Has there been any
sight of the girl?
No, master. She won't come.
She knows her magic
is no match to yours.
She's here.
I can feel it.
[dark music]
I'll tell the guards
to be extra vigilant.

Don't touch it!
[indistinct whispers]
The magic of Aapep
flows through the staff.
It is too powerful now
for anyone to touch.
Even myself.
Open this door right now!
You can't keep me
locked up like this!
Let me out of here!
We're never getting out of here.
Let's think what Theo would do.
She'd use a spell.
[shouting continues in distance]
Hear me, ancients.
Oh, great Hathor,
show us the way out
of this infernal tomb.
You're not serious.
[clicking, clanking]
Did I just
[laughs] [dings]
[soft mysterious music]
No way.

We did it!
[breathing shakily]
[suspenseful music]
Hear me, ancients.
Ra, god of all that is light,
may the world be witness
to your infinite wisdom.

Oh, thank goodness you're okay.
I was hoping for more
of a welcome than this.
Oh, wait.
[shimmering tone]
Open this door right now!
You can't keep me
locked up like this!
[uneasy music]
You can stop
shouting now, Henry.
- Let go of that!
- [grunts]
What have you done to him?
Turned him into bait.
You walked straight
into our trap.
[shimmering tone]

- Theo?
- You're okay now.
- What's going on?
- You're safe now.
You're safe now. Okay.
Give me the staff!
It belongs to me.
You're in no position
to make demands.
[door clanks]
Ra, god of all that is light,
let the world be witness
to your infinite wisdom.

- [yelping] No!
- [grunting]
Put everything back,
you thieving scoundrels!
- Lady Throckmorton?
- Oh, sorry. Sorry.
Just stopped a scoundrel
walking out with a big vase
that was wedged in the lift.
That's why the lift came down.
I can't do magic. Wait a minute.
Why is the magic
not affecting you?
What on Earth are
you babbling about?
Look! It must be her necklace!
Where did you get this?
Well, if you must know,
it was it was given to me
by my late husband, Harold.
He found it on a on a
dig at the Great Pyramid.
Did he know it
protected against magic?
Oh, don't be ridiculous!
The whole world seems to
have gone quite insane.
Yes, it has!
Stop the thieves
until we get back.
- Yes.
- Quick!
- This way to the good stuff!
- [gasps]
Do not even think about it!
[soft music]
I'm sorry for getting
you into this mess.
It's me who's in the wrong.
I should've just
listened to you.
- Well, yes, you should.
- I'm I'm too bossy.
Not always?
Yeah, when's the
last time I ever
did something that
you suggested?
Okay, you're bossy, but
you're a big sister.
It kind of goes with the role.
You know, the truth is I
have no idea what I'm doing.
That makes two of us.

I can't do this alone.
I need your help, Henry.
Otherwise I don't
- Come here, sis.
- [sniffles]

[door clicks]
I've decided to let you
go on one condition.
Oh, here it comes.
The followers of Aapep have won.
Chaos reigns over the planet.
I was gonna banish
you into the Duat.
- It's the Egyptian underworld.
- It's very scary.
Aapep could use someone
with your skills.
- Thanks!
- Not you.
Let's hurry this up.
It's either join us
or die, isn't it?
I say no.
You might want to reconsider.
[dark music]

[shimmering tone]
It's Will and Safiya!
Leave them alone!
I am not going
through the sewer.
So how do we get
past those two guys?
How do we even know
she's in there?
- You're right.
- She's probably taking
a sightseeing trip
down the river.
No need to be sarcastic.
[crowd shouting in distance]
Okay. Now's our chance.
I told you we didn't
need to use the sewer.
[soft suspenseful music]

Run! It's a trap!
They can't hear you.

What's it doing?
Creating chaos.

That's easily fixed.
- Don't touch that! Please!
- Don't touch that!
There's only one way
you can save them.
Join us or they will perish.
[dramatic music]
No, no, no.
Something's not right.
Where is everyone?
Let's not stick
around to find out.
If you touch it,
you'll turn to dust.
Prepare the initiation ceremony.
What's going on?
Your friend has made
a wise decision.

What have you done?

Will you, Theodosia
pledge allegiance to Aapep
and do all in your power
to serve him from
this day forth?
I will.
Remove your protective amulet
and let the chaos magic in.
Don't do it, Theo!
You can't become one of them!
They're total losers!
Just look at their stupid robes!
- Theo.
- Well, you know what they say.
If you can't beat
them, join them.
- No!
- Theo!
Feel the power of Aapep,
and embrace the
freedom of chaos.
[dramatic music]

All hail Aapep.
All: All hail Aapep.
It's over.
She's gone.
What do you want to do
with the rest of them?
Throw them in the Duat.
Hey, that wasn't the deal!
Open the portal.
Yes, master.
Get your hands off me!
You can't do this to us!
[shimmering tones]

- No!
- No!

I see you, Theodosia.
I see your power. Now use it.

- No, Theo!
- No, Theo!
Let them go! Or else?
What are you doing?
[energy crackling]
The Eye of Horus and
I have a connection
deeper than you will
ever understand.
Seize her!


Come on, Theo,
let's get out here.

[gasps] I can't control it.
Let the power of
Aapep flow through me!
- Hey, snake face!
- Leave my sister alone!

- Okay. Nice one, Safiya.
- Everyone, grab something!
No, it's okay. I've got this.

[grunts] Look out!
You look different
this close up.
Oh, yeah? Different how?
You look like

Miss Krait! [Yelps]
Throw them in the Duat!
Both: Run!
No, no! No!

As I thought, you're not ready.
You can't wield so
much power alone.
She's not alone!
- Will, get back!
- You could get hurt!
I'll be even more hurt
if you refuse my help.
Okay, put your hands over mine.
Don't make contact!
[triumphant music]

It's over.
It will never be over.
We will live to
fight another day.
- Don't let them escape.
- Turn the staff this way.
Yeah, let 'em have it.
Your compassion is
your greatest weakness.
I know. She's such a wimp.
Do it, Theo!
Kick them, Henry! Now!
[both screaming]
[breathing heavily] Thanks.
- Did I hurt you?
- Not a scratch.
Ow! Okay, maybe a couple.
- It's not closing.
- Why won't it close?
It has to, or they
could get back out.
That would be boring.
- The locking spell.
- The locking spell.
Yes, that's it.
Hear me, ancients.
I beseech thee, Osiris,
giver of breath,
to the inert one.
In the presence of Thoth,
grant access only
for Ra himself.
The staff turned to stone.
I don't think you'll ever
use that staff again.
It's sealed them in.
I'm not feeling anything.
I think the connection I
had with the Eye is over.
[soft music]
The obelisk.

The magic, it's fading.

You did it, Theo.
We did it.

[bright sweeping music]

In your face, Serpents of Chaos!

Whoo! Whoo!
Oh sorry.

Get back!

[both babbling]
No, it's mine! [Grunting]
[indistinct murmurs]
What happened?
[gentle music]
What are we doing on the floor?
I have no idea.
Why have I got these?
I suggest you put them
back where you found them.
- I wasn't wearing this.
- What happened?

Would you like the last
piece of cake, dear?
No, honey, you have it.
Let's both have it.
[laughs softly]


Ooh! [Chuckles]
- Boop!
- [laughs]
- Love you, darling.
- I love you too.
So not everyone
turned back to normal?
- I cast the spell on Clive.
- Only I can undo it.
Are you sure you
want to do this?
Look, I know he's annoying,
but we can't just
leave him like this.
It's not nice being a Shabti.
I should know.
Well, I discovered my magic
when I found the Eye of Horus.
And now that it's gone,
what if I can't even
do magic anymore?
There's only one
way to find out.
[light clinking]
Hear me, ancients.
In the name of Osiris,
lord of the
everlasting, of Hathor,
mother of pharaohs
and Eye of Ra,
cast the magic from the shabti
and banish it
beyond the darkness.
[mysterious music]

Looks like it's working.
How did this happen?
Don't touch the exhibits!
Put that down!
- And there he goes.
- Back to his best.
Looks like there's more
to your magic powers
than the Eye of Horus.
You are quite the mystery,
Theodosia Throckmorton.
[soft music]
We should go check
on Mum and Dad.

[bird chirping]
They don't remember a thing.
No one does, except
your grandmother.
I convinced her
it was a gas leak
that made everyone go loopy.
It's like the whole
thing never happened.
Maybe it's for the best.
Well, I mean, like how
you two could forget
that I locked you
in the storerooms?
Mm-mm. No. Never gonna happen.
- Like, ever.
- [sighs] I'm really sorry.
[both laughing]
From now on, we work as a team.
Okay. Always.
Thank you, Theodosia.
I can rest now and
join my daughter
in the fields of Aaru.
But be alert.
Aapep and his followers
will never give up.

Now that everything's over
what are we gonna do for fun?
- Penny Arcade?
- Let's go.
- What? Now?
- Come on.
Let's all celebrate together.
Well, why don't you
take Theo's double?
I mean, you got on so well
when you invited her last time.
"Uh" [both laughing]
- To the Penny Arcade!
- What?
Oh, I was talking to her
double the whole time!
[dark mysterious music]

[indistinct whispering]

[exciting music]

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