Three-Body (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Such irregularity in the sun's movement
in the game
is beyond our comprehension,
just like the universe flicker.
It's incomprehensible.
I'm beginning to understand this game.
Maybe we'll know the reason
for the universe flicker
when we find the pattern
of the sun's movement.
Shen Yufei's right.
The answer is in the game.
Drive safe.
What's the matter?
That Sha Ruishan guy made so many
discoveries in a single gaming session.
Is it because he specializes
in astrophysics?
Of course.
Well, if that's the case, I think
you have a very capable helper.
Ye Wenjie.
She's an astrophysicist, and she has more
leisure than Sha Ruishan does.
Maybe she even likes chatting.
Just think about it.
Why did you advise Wang Miao
to meet Ye Wenjie?
I couldn't shake the feeling that she took
Yang Dong's death too calmly.
Did you find anything
about the reporter?
Ms. Ye,
sorry to disturb you at this hour.
May I ask when you're free?
I need to ask you a few questions.
I'll wait there for you.
Bye, Ms. Ye.
Endless drifting ♪
To the end of the dark forest ♪
The wind is like a hand ♪
Trying to keep time ♪
Who is the hunter with a gun ♪
Trying to devour the entire universe ♪
The light is like an eye ♪
That penetrates dreams ♪
Don't answer ♪
Who is eager to fill his eyes
with the starry sky ♪
The earth is no longer rotating ♪
You gave me a small universe ♪
In the arms of the universe ♪
Calling humbly
for the vast space and time ♪
The world aches dully ♪
=Episode 13=
Do you have any news clues to offer?
I want to speak to Mu Xing.
Is it because
you have some news clues for her?
Put this away.
Mu Xing,
why don't you just hire an operator?
What are you reporting this time?
Isn't it obvious?
Excessive emissions.
How did you get all those news clues?
There are always people providing clues.
The more people like me there are,
the harder it is to obscure the truth.
(M·X STUDIO Displays a real world)
People like you?
What are you guys trying to do?
To let more people see the truth.
There's nothing wrong in that,
but the focus of your reports
is a bit problematic.
A pharmaceutical company
has emission problems,
but you didn't condemn the regulator,
or urge the people involved to fix it.
Instead, you kept warning people
about the development
of science and technology,
turning them into enemies of science.
Why did you do that?
What people should guard against is the hazard
brought by science and technology,
not science and technology themselves.
Besides, I just showed people the truth.
- I didn't interfere in their choices.
- That's not true.
I think you obviously interfered.
Who are you guys exactly?
You don't have to ask that
when you replace "you guys" with "we".
Then who are we?
We are people who live on this planet,
enjoying the conveniences
science brings us
and enduring the hazards it causes.
I want to become
the one revealing the truth,
while you are the one
trying to obscure the truth.
If I wanted to obscure the truth,
I would've arrested you already.
You did arrest me once,
but pity you didn't give me
any useful clues the other day.
If someday you find some useful clue,
feel free to come and arrest me.
I read your reports.
You weren't always like this.
You used to be very objective
when stating the facts,
but now, your reports are obviously
misleading in a sinister way.
Just think about it.
Why did it come to this?
Sooner or later I'll find out
who you guys really are.
Alright then,
let's investigate together.
(There was an explosion
in a lab earlier this morning.)
(Several of the country's
top scientists were conducting an experiment.)
We're in charge of this thing now.
We'll tell the public that the scientists
died in an unfortunate accident
during the experiment.
What occurred is much worse.
(The cause of the explosion
is still under investigation.)
(Stay tuned for more details.)
The enemy has already
begun his massacre.
They're playing bridge
in one of their monthly get-togethers.
There's even a Nobel Prize winner.
They're getting more bold.
We can't just sit around.
We need to react.
(Incoming Call from Shen Yufei)
So the protection of the vulnerable
is still ineffective?
General Chang,
you can't predict the enemy.
You went too far.
Four scientists,
and one of them even won a Nobel Prize.
Every one of them had the potential
to make a breakthrough
in Three-Body research.
Did I ever get in your business?
So you guys had better stay out of mine.
I think both of us
should do Lord's bidding.
On the surface, we are on the same side,
but in fact, we are mortal enemies.
You people have been using Lord's powers
against mankind.
That's one way to put it.
We need Lord to come to our world
and mete out the long overdue punishment
to the sinners,
but you are being a hindrance,
so we are irreconcilable enemies.
Lord should not be used by you people.
You are not serving Lord either.
If you don't stop, we'll make you stop.
You think the Commander will allow that?
The Commander?
Wasn't it the Commander
who caused all this?
This is your car, right?
Sorry. I hit it.
I'm really sorry.
Your words enlightened me.
All I saw on the paper
was your theory.
It surprises me that you've put it
into practice to such an extent.
But there are still
many unsolved problems.
The matter of manufacture
will be settled sooner or later.
Like I said, your research on
applied physics is very realistic.
But my knowledge base is still too small.
Otherwise I wouldn't have disturbed you
and asked you so many questions
about the movement of fixed stars.
Thank you for coming here, Ms. Ye.
The theories I told you about
are available in books.
Your lab is a real eye-opener for me.
Let's just say
we're learning from each other.
I got another question for you.
Do you know flying stars?
Flying stars?
Are you referring to meteors,
or fixed stars
with unstable spin and orbital periods?
Fixed stars.
Unstable spin and orbital periods?
Fixed stars
with unstable spin and orbital periods?
Oh, this way, please.
I suddenly thought of a friend.
Every time he hears
the words flying stars,
he'll say that they're stars
aimlessly whooshing around.
That's one way to put it.
I remember that ten-odd years ago,
there were some foreign books and papers
concerning that, so we read some of them
and did some research,
but it was unfruitful.
If you'd like to know more about it,
I can recommend two books to you.
This is my office.
Ms. Ye, have a seat.
Sorry to trouble you.
Please write the names
of the books here.
Ms. Ye,
(Red Ginseng)
this is the red ginseng you gave me.
I make tea with it quite often.
It's pretty good.
Thank you.
You look much better now,
but this red ginseng is not good enough.
There used to be first-class wild mountain
ginseng near our workplace.
You may take the outlooks
of these books for reference.
The Structure and Evolution of Stars.
Stellar Movements
and the Structure of the Universe.
These two books
might not be easy to find.
They're too old.
The names I wrote are the original ones.
I think there are new editions now.
These kinds of materials
are easy to find nowadays.
This is a much better era.
When I was your age,
we needed to apply beforehand
to look up things in books.
It was quite an effort.
Many people
stayed in the reference room
for days without eating or sleeping
after they finally got into it.
I remember I once watched a documentary
about Two bombs and One Satellite.
The last generation of scientists
are quite admirable in terms
of both imagination and creativity.
Now we're living in peaceful times,
and the Internet is so highly developed,
but I still feel humbled.
The scientists contemporary with you
are the real legend.
You wouldn't have felt it that way
had you experienced it.
Ms. Ye, the other day you told me
something happened
when you were in the Construction Corps.
Afterwards, you went to another place.
What's that place like?
The place I went to
was named Red Coast.
Red Coast?
I read a book about Red Coast.
The author's the developer of Red Coast's
self-interpretation system.
I think he emigrated
to Europe afterwards.
Is what he says in the book real?
I know that book.
The author is somewhat irresponsible.
Many of the contents
of the book are not factual.
Then what really did happen?
I'm sorry, Ms. Ye.
I was being presumptuous.
Correcting them is what I should do.
At that time, I thought my life was over,
and I might even die in that room.
This is the person you want.
I've handled all the formalities.
You know the nature of this, right?
Do you have any idea how much trouble
I had to go through to transfer her?
It would never have been so difficult
if you could transfer her above board.
First, the project
is highly confidential.
More importantly, there are strict
confidentiality regulations.
With such a long isolation period, you may
forget about those with family members.
I almost had to forcefully move her.
Weren't the two people
doing pretty good?
They would rather stay
at the May Seventh Cadre School.
This kind of unconventional transfer
must not happen again.
Let me tell you something.
Your project itself is unconventional.
If something goes wrong,
I’ll accept the responsibility.
You really think you can
take responsibility for this?
You are a technical person,
but Red Coast is not like
other national defense projects.
Its complexity goes
far beyond the technical issues.
So you do know it's complex.
The country in the north is doing it,
and so are the western countries,
but you won't even give me any manpower.
How am I supposed to complete the task?
What do you mean by I
Are you okay?
Possible Energy Interfaces
in the Solar Radiation Zone
and Their Reflective Properties.
Was it you who wrote this paper?
If it wasn't her,
why would I have you get her here?
Where are we going?
Red Coast Base.
Lei Zhicheng was the political commissar
of Red Coast Base.
Yang Weining was the chief engineer.
If they hadn't moved me, everything
everything would've been
entirely different.
What were they researching
in the Red Coast Base exactly?
I know you specialize in astrophysics.
Did they come to you
because of your speciality?
That was what I thought at the beginning.
Yang Weining was a good guy.
Have a seat.
Shao Lin, this is Yang Weining.
He just became my graduate student.
This is my wife.
Hi, Mrs. Ye.
Have a seat.
What topic are you researching?
It's about experimental
and applied physics.
Oh, it's pretty similar to mine.
Your mentor
researches theoretical physics.
I want to devote myself to this era
and make some actual contributions.
Theories are the foundation
of application.
Isn't discovering the laws of nature
the greatest contribution to this era?
This is our home.
You may say whatever you want.
I feel theoretical research tends to
mess with people's minds.
Ye, you got yourself a good student.
Mrs. Ye, I bought you some fruits.
I I'll go wash them for you.
This graduate student is pretty good.
He's balanced and pragmatic.
He's got very good grades,
and excels at maths.
Pity his attitude towards science
is not sincere enough.
Well, I think he's very sincere.
He's pretty practical,
and he does want to contribute.
In the long run, people like him
are more likely to create value.
Science is science.
Truth is truth.
There's no in-between.
Okay, okay.
We never reached an agreement on this.
Since Yang Weining
was your father's graduate student,
he figured out a way to move you?
He was in charge
of the project in Red Coast.
Red Coast was short-handed,
and I got the right speciality.
Otherwise, in that era,
he wouldn't have been able to help me.
But even so,
he was taking great risks doing that.
He was really a good guy.
Political Commissar Lei.
Chief Engineer Yang.
Thanks, but I can manage it myself.
Get the supplies to the storeroom
for registration!
Come on. This way.
Ye Wenjie, I'm offering you a chance.
This is a national defense
scientific-research base.
Your expertise might be useful
for the ongoing research in there.
Chief Engineer Yang
will tell you the details,
but whether you can seize this chance
depends on you.
I've talked to
the military control commission.
Although Cheng Lihua
advocates sentencing you severely,
considering your actions,
I think you’ll get ten years or so.
If you perform well
during the ten years,
your sentence might be commuted.
But here is a research project under
the highest security classification.
Professor Ye
Ye Zhetai made a mistake,
and so did you.
Therefore, given your status,
if you enter the gate,
it's possible you'll never leave
for the rest of your life.
I want to go in.
Don’t be hasty.
The helicopter will take off
in three hours.
Take your time and think it through.
If you refuse our offer,
I'll get you back.
Let's go in.
You should be cautious.
Do you know what it means to go in?
I'm willing to stay here
for the rest of my life.
At that time,
apart from the underworld
which nobody knows if it exists,
the place I wanted to go to the most
was this sequestered place.
The Red Coast Base was so mysterious.
What did they research in there exactly?
(So many things were done with haste.)
(The earth rotates nonstop. Time flies.)
(10,000 years are too long.
We need to seize the day.)
(The future is bright.
The path is winding.)
(We need to harden our resolve,
dismiss our fear of death,)
(overcome all obstacles,
and fight for victory.)
(Those on duty in the Transmission
Department, attention, please.)
(The computer magnetic core storage
in the Transmission Department)
(displays a failure code.)
(Maintenance personnel
are to go and fix it immediately.)
(The computer magnetic core storage
in the Transmission Department)
(displays a failure code.)
(Maintenance personnel
are to go and fix it immediately.)
(Range of monitored frequency:
1,000 to 40,000 MHz.)
(Number of monitored channels: 15,000.)
(At 5:00 PM, there will be
a sanitary check)
(on the mainframe cabinet
between transmitters and receivers.)
(Please prepare ahead of time.)
(A routine work meeting will be held
after the transmission.)
Who are you?
(Department heads are to attend on time.)
(Comrades, we are conducting)
(glorious and steadfast
socialist construction.)
(Building and Protecting Our Great Motherland)
(We should harness from the work,)
(A Spark Can Grow Into an Inferno,)
(the power that'll help us
overcome any obstacle.)
(Today, we re-read
A Spark Can Grow Into an Inferno.)
(Under the guidance
of our great leader, Chairman Mao,)
(we'll surmount all difficulties
and triumph.)
Chief Engineer Yang,
there's a change in the shift schedule.
Have a look.
This is a large-scale
weapons research project.
If it succeeds,
the result will be even more important
than the atomic bomb
and the hydrogen bomb.
(The Monitoring Department
will now announce)
(the schedule of the next night shift.)
(Monday, Transmission)
This is the smell of machine oil.
It's pretty strong, but bearable.
You'll get used to it soon enough.
Chief Engineer Yang.
Your room isn't ready yet.
You may go in with me.
I'll just wait here.
You're a staff member now.
You can go anywhere
with only a few exceptions.
I'll just wait here.
Chief Engineer Yang,
take a look at this set of data.
Are you
The conditions here are poor.
There's no heating in the house.
I'm here!
When a fire is made in her room,
take her there to have some rest.
Take it.
Take it.
Put it on.
Let's go.
Testing Receiver No. 1.
Testing Receiver No. 2.
Testing Receiver No. 3.
Testing Receiver No. 4.
Testing Receiver No. 5.
Testing Receiver No. 6.
Testing Receiver No. 7.
Testing Receiver No. 8.
Energy unit report. Normal.
Coding unit report. Normal.
The People’s Liberation Army,
Second Artillery Corps,
Red Coast Project, 147th transmission.
Authorization confirmed.
Begin thirty-second countdown.
Target Classification: A-three.
Coordinates' serial number: BN20197F.
Position checked and confirmed.
25 seconds.
Transmission file number: 22.
Additions: none.
Continuations: none.
Transmission file final check completed.
20 seconds.
Energy Unit report: all systems go.
Coding Unit reporting: all systems go.
Amplifier Unit reporting: all systems go.
Interference Monitoring Unit reporting:
within acceptable range.
We have reached the point of no return.
15 seconds.
Counting down.
Begin transmission!
All units continue to monitor!
You feel itchy, right?
Every time it transmits,
my hands and face feel itchy,
and it makes me feel warm.
(Malfunction with Coding Unit.
The codes are problematic.)
Recheck it.
(The codes are problematic.)
Is there
any solar radiation interference?
Report. No solar radiation interference detected.
(Computer processing error message.)
Report. The electric current is growing.
(Maintenance personnel
are to check the circuits immediately.)
(I repeat.)
Malfunction with Amplifier unit.
Magnetron No. 3 has burnt out.
Backup Unit is in operation.
Checkpoint one reached.
Turn it again.
Circuits undamaged.
Transmission 147
of Red Coast Project completed.
Transmission systems shutting down.
Red Coast now entering monitoring state.
System control is hereby transferred
to the Monitoring Department.
Please upload checkpoint data.
All units should fill out
transmission diaries.
All unit heads should attend the post-transmission
meeting in the debriefing room.
We're done.
Where's BN20197F?
I don't know that either.
I think it's over there.
Over there.
There was a giant antenna,
and a powerful electric field.
The Red Coast was under
such a high security classification.
Were there many restrictions as well?
All those restrictions were necessary.
For example,
the leave-of-absence mechanism.
Every time I wanted to go out,
the approval process was easy for me.
Besides, when I first joined Red Coast,
my workload was really light.
I often climbed to the mountaintop
to see the sunrise.
You got up so early.
I used to get up early to work.
I've taken to it.
You start working so early?
All devices need double-checking.
You've always been a meticulous guy.
Professor Ye
Seen from here, the northern tree farm
is really pitch-dark.
I never thought
I'd come back in a month.
Previously, I looked up here
from down there.
And now,
I'm looking down there from up here.
Be careful.
I was scared of this place
when I first came here.
It struck me as bottomless.
Now it's growing on me.
This is the quietest spot in the base.
I can stay here for the rest of my life.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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