Thunderbirds (1965) s01e13 Episode Script

Vault of Death

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Siren wails) Firefly to Mobile Control.
I'm going in.
You've got only one chance.
Here we go.
Good shooting, Virgil.
This could be the greatest report of the year.
And we can't do it! Why are they so touchy about having their pictures taken? Mobile Control from Firefly.
Returning to Thunderbird 2.
I'm returning to Thunderbird 1.
Right, Joe.
Get on that camera.
- What are you going to do? - Get that story.
Thunderbird 2 ready for lift off.
Clear to go.
See you at base.
When Thunderbird 1 takes off, start shooting.
Right, Joe.
Cover the take off.
(Alarm rings) The automatic camera detector! Someone's photographing the ship! - I told you guys, no pictures.
- Listen, buster, let me do my job.
No pictures! - 'Please destroy them.
' - You're crazy! The crazy fools.
- Ned, stop the truck! - No deal, Joe! I'm not losing the best news story I've ever had.
What's going on? I've electromagnetically wiped the video tape.
The entire recording is blank.
I'm sorry, but we must protect ourselves.
So long.
He's just bluffing.
It's not possible.
He wasn't bluffing.
And it IS possible.
There goes your story, Ned.
Calling Thunderbird 2.
Take off from danger zone delayed.
Now FAB.
- I'll fill you in later.
- FAB, Scott.
Will radio base.
It was good to hear from you and I was delighted to receive your invitation.
However - (Bleeping) - Go ahead, Virgil.
'Rescue operation successful.
' Scott delayed on take off.
Good work, Virgil.
Keep in touch.
Now but I'd like to say that your scheme to move the Empire State Building strikes me as daring and imaginative.
Redevelopment of obsolete areas is vital, but so too is the preservation of national monuments and institutions.
The Empire State Building is such a monument.
Calling Thunderbird 1.
Picking up radar reflection of surface vessel.
- So what? - Its speed is phenomenal.
'It could be the Sentinel, the Navy's new vessel.
' Speed 200 knots, sir.
Ask missile control for a report.
(Radio) 'Unidentified object approaching.
Height 2,000 feet.
'Air speed 5,000 mph.
' OK, Scanners.
It's on my screen.
- Give me its course.
- 'Yes, sir.
096 magnetic.
' - You know what this means? - I'm afraid so.
Any report of military aircraft in this area? Last report indicated this whole area was green.
Stand by interceptor missiles.
Get clearance for launching.
Calling Thunderbird 1.
I'm changing course.
We don't want to lead Sentinel back to base.
I'll do the same when I'm closer.
'Resume course for base when you're out of range.
' It's changing course.
What's its new course? (Radio) '075 degrees magnetic.
' That's a course to New York.
What is it, Clayton? It's too fast for an aircraft and too slow for a missile.
(Radio) 'Message from Control, sir.
'"No aircraft scheduled.
Treat craft as hostile.
"' Sound battle stations.
All missile launchers to be at go.
(Klaxon blares) (PA) 'Attack stations.
Trigger interceptor missiles.
Ten seconds.
'Seven Six Five 'Four Three Two ' - 0ne Zero - Fire! Missiles! Calling Thunderbird 1.
Under missile attack.
Virgil, switch on the jammer.
Try and throw them off course.
(Virgil) 'It's too late, Scott.
' - Take evasive action.
- FAB.
It's no good! They're still coming.
Gain altitude, Virgil.
Pull her up! Are you 0K, Virgil? Come in, Thunderbird 2.
I'm still here, Scott.
Boy, that was close! Feels like I've got some damage on my tail.
(PA) 'Trigger interceptor missiles for second attack.
Five seconds ' (Clayton) Changing jammer frequency.
- (PA) '0ne.
' - Fire! - Here we go again! - Get that jammer working.
I'm catching up.
They've changed frequency.
They're coming straight for me! Hold present altitude, then climb one second before impact.
More height, Virgil! More height! - Calling International Rescue.
- Scott, how's Virgil? 'I can't get through to him.
'I can see him on fire in the distance.
' I've called Washington.
It should stop.
(Buzzer) Washington, sir.
Emergency call.
'Sentinel Commander.
Stop attack.
'Unidentified craft is a Thunderbird machine from International Rescue.
' Clayton, destroy missiles five and six.
Calling Thunderbird 2.
Come in, Virgil.
'Virgil, are you 0K? ' Virgil, pull her up.
Can you hear me? Come in, Thunderbird 2.
'Virgil, you're crashing! Pull her up! ' Virgil, get a grip on yourself.
Pull out of that dive! How does it look, Virgil? The engines are running smoothly, but the tail's giving trouble.
- Can you make it? - I'll let you know.
Here it is.
Virgil's trying to bring Thunderbird 2 back.
It's badly crippled.
Gordon, Alan, stand by to fight the fire.
What are his chances, Brains? Ah so long as her reactor plant isn't damaged, they're good.
- Is the reactor damaged, Virgil? - I can't tell.
Instrumentation has suffered severe damage.
(Coughing) How much further to base, Scott? Just another ten minutes, Virgil.
Just another ten minutes.
You'll make it.
I know you will.
(Kyrano) Mr Tracy? Have some coffee.
Your boys will be safe.
You'll see.
What did you say, Kyrano? Father asked if you would like coffee, Mr Tracy.
Oh, no, thank you.
I'm going to Landing Control.
If they arrive at all, it'll be soon.
You're ready.
- Two minutes.
- I can hear them.
We're nearly home, Virgil.
Nearly home.
Undercart down.
Flaps down.
Banking for final approach.
Easy does it.
He's down.
- The wheels! They've collapsed! - 0h! The wheels have gone! I can't hold her! I'm gonna crash! Release foam.
Section B.
- How are you, Virgil? - Welcome back.
What happened to Thunderbird 2? Quit worrying about that.
She's damaged but she'll be 0K.
Nothing a few weeks work won't fix.
A few weeks! Supposing she's needed? Let's hope she's not.
Now, relax.
You need a lot of rest.
You take care of yourself and we'll take care of Thunderbird 2.
How's it going, Brains? Ah, well, slowly, Tin Tin.
L-it's gonna take some time.
(Scott) Boy, what a mess! we'll work hard to get it right.
Trying to keep everything secret is the tricky bit.
We order each part from different aircraft corporations.
It's only when they all arrive here that the jigsaw only fits together.
I guess I worry too much.
It is good that you are eating again, Mr Virgil.
It's your marvellous food, Kyrano! Thank you, sir.
Hi, Virgil.
Got your TV switched on? No, sir.
I've seen enough TV! But this is special.
They're moving the Empire State Building.
Today? Today and, furthermore, right now.
This, I must see.
'You are witnessing one of the greatest engineering feats ever ' That's Ned Cook, the guy I stopped filming us.
He'd do anything for a story.
In a few moments, we'll show you a construction job that leaves the pyramids in the shade.
Today, the Empire State Building is going to be moved 200 yards.
Not piece by piece, but as it stands, all 1,250 feet of it.
We'll explain how this task will be done.
'The move is necessary because its surroundings have been demolished 'to make way for modern development.
'But we couldn't have the old Empire State knocked down.
' - I'd like to have been there.
- Me, too.
'Hydraulic jacks were placed in tunnels under the building.
'The jacks were raised and up she came! 'Next, a track was laid under the building, running to the new site 'Now all that remains is to move the building inch by inch 'to its new site.
'It took ten years of planning and two of building to get this far.
' Any minute now, the powerful atomic engines will start to move the load.
Wait for it.
(Klaxon blares) 'The signal's been given.
' She's moving.
Yes, she's moving! This must be the most breathtaking moment I've ever experienced.
Hold everything.
Something's gone wrong.
The ground is cracking under the track.
It's like an earth tremor.
The atomic motors are shutting down.
This is dangerous.
The ground around the building is crumbling.
In the tradition of NTBS, we will stay in the danger zone to bring you up-to-the-minute pictures.
Crazy fool! He should get the heck out.
Like you said, anything for a story.
It looks like it's all right, folks.
The subsidence has stopped, but we won't see the Empire State move again today.
We've just been ordered off this site by the police.
There is a very real danger that the entire building could collapse soon.
We'll be on the air Aaagh! Joe, are you 0K? Yeah yeah.
I'm all right, Ned.
The whole area's subsiding.
We've got to get out of here.
'We have grave fears for the safety of Ned Cook.
'We hope to bring you reports of minute-to-minute happenings 'once we get another reporter in position.
' She's coming down on top of us! They couldn't have stood a chance.
'As a result of this tragedy, 'the Empire State Building has crashed into rubble.
It is no more.
' (Cook) 'Help.
Can you hear me? Help.
' - That's Ned Cook's voice.
- He's alive! '0ne moment.
That was Ned Cook's voice.
' How can anyone be alive under that? Well, they'll never get them out.
We could do it.
We've got to get Thunderbird 2 there.
You forget, Thunderbird 2 is out of action.
We can't do anything.
'Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no more transmissions.
'Ned Cook is trapped under the ruins, 'and is in touch with us via his radio microphone.
'We will use this channel to maintain contact with him.
- 'Ned Cook, can you hear me? ' - 'I can hear you.
'The ground collapsed, then the building came down on top of us.
'It's a miracle we weren't crushed.
'We're sitting in a hollow about ten feet wide.
'We're not hurt, but I can hear water seeping in.
' Of course! Th-that's the answer.
The answer to what? L-I've been trying to figure out why that area should suddenly collapse.
- Underground rivers! - Underground rivers? Brains could be right.
Many cities have rivers running beneath them.
If there was a river running under the, uh, Empire State Building, that could've caused the trouble.
So, water will seep in and Ned will drown.
If only we could get along that river.
It might be possible with Thunderbird 4.
We can't airlift it without Thunderbird 2.
- Then I'll go all the way by sea.
- Thunderbird 4 is a scout craft.
- She's got to be airlifted.
- I tell you, I can make it! Your suggestion is not only dangerous it's impractical.
You'd only arrive in time for Ned Cook's funeral.
I'd like to get that Sentinel Commander That's it! Sentinel took us out, they can put us back in action.
I get the picture, and I like it.
- Scott, go to New York.
- Yes, sir.
Gordon, launch Thunderbird 4, then proceed to the position where the Fleet exercises are going on.
I'll get them to rush you to New York.
- Yes, sir! - Good luck.
- What can I do? - Go back to bed.
Thanks, Washington.
That's great.
- 'It's the least we can do.
' - Calling Thunderbird 4.
'Gordon, the Sentinel will pick you up and take you to New York quickly.
' FAB.
This is Thunderbird 1 of International Rescue calling New York.
Come in, Empire State Site Control.
(Sirens) Site Control to Thunderbird 1.
Boy, are we glad you guys are around.
Any news of the men? We've drilled a hole to supply them with air, light and food.
'But the water level is rising.
' Listen carefully, I want the entire area cleared.
Already done.
This site is unsafe.
It could give way any time.
I'll be there in under 30 minutes.
I'll need detailed plans of the underground river systems.
Calling Thunderbird 1.
I've made contact with Sentinel.
I'm being taken aboard FAB.
What is your estimated time of arrival? - 24 hours, I'm afraid.
- '0K, Gordon.
Do the best you can.
' I never knew 30 minutes was such a long time.
Yeah, it sure does drag.
Hey, can you hear something? It's them, International Rescue.
(Loudhailer) 'This is New York City Police.
'This area is dangerous due to earth subsidence.
Keep clear.
Keep clear.
' I, er, I've been studying, ah, Manhattan island, Mr Tracy.
L-i-its base is solid rock.
Underground streams do exist, but they've never been considered a threat.
Does that wash out your theory? No, it's possible that over the last, ah, 100 years, the minor streams have eaten away the rock until th-they've become rivers.
So? Well, no recent surveys have been carried out.
It's gonna be a difficult task to locate the river.
I see.
Already it's touch and go whether we'll arrive in time.
Now we could be delayed further (Bleeping) Go ahead, Scott.
'0K, Father, I'm here and I'm set up.
Here's the situation.
'Ned Cook and his cameraman are still alive, but the water is rising.
'We've calculated they'll be underwater 'about the time Gordon arrives.
' Right, Scott, here's what you do.
Pass breathing apparatus down to them until Thunderbird 4 gets there.
Hello, Ned.
How are you feeling? Whatever happens, you stay with it.
That's easy to say, but it's been nine hours! (Scott) 'We're doing all we can.
' Sure, I'm sorry.
This waiting is getting me.
We're so helpless.
And the cold - 'It's freezing.
' - Is it still rising? (Cook) Yeah, it's coming up faster now.
At this rate we have less than 10 hours.
We'll be under around 10am.
Calling Sentinel.
What's your ETA? We calculate 10:05am, Scott.
'That's gonna be pretty tight.
Can you get more speed? ' Afraid not.
We're at maximum speed.
Answer negative, Scott.
Ten hours it is.
OK, Gordon.
I guess that's it.
Hey, how about that breathing gear? It's on its way from the navy yard.
Well, that's something.
The water's rising faster, Ned.
We're not going to drown, are we? Hold on, Joe.
Those rescue guys know what they're doing.
We'll get out.
(Scott) 'Any increase in the rate, Ned? ' Yeah.
We'll be under by nine.
That means Gordon will arrive one hour too late.
The breathing gear's going down now.
- What capacity are they? - Two hours supply.
The safety time's cut to one hour.
That allows for no setbacks.
Five more hours! Is there no way we can get more speed? Afraid not.
We're tearing the motors apart now.
The water's coming up faster still.
I reckon we've got two hours left.
- 'Just two hours.
' - You'll have to use your gear.
It's sure cutting things fine! We won't have much air.
I know! But we can still do it, and we will.
- We'll have to use the air soon.
- 'Hold on, if you can.
' It could mean the difference between life and death.
Joe's in a bad way.
This freezing water is getting him.
We can't hold on.
It's up to our mouths We'll have to glug The masks! Put the masks on! Can you hear me? Are you 0K? Ned, come in! It's 0K.
We've got the gear on.
Now we've got to sit here and wait for our air to run out.
We're slowing down.
What's wrong? We're approaching coastal limits, it's crammed with shipping.
We must reduce our speed.
Is it quicker in Thunderbird 4 UNDER the shipping? - Much quicker.
- 0K.
I'll do it.
'Sentinel to Control.
We're approaching New York.
'I'm using Thunderbird 4.
' - FAB, Gordon.
What is your ETA? - '20 minutes.
' I hope I can find them.
'Me, too.
They'll be out of air soon.
' Calling Mobile Control.
'Moving towards East River estuary.
' Thunderbird 4's coming, Ned.
How's the air going? Fast.
Will your buddy get here? Yep.
He can make it.
(He's got to make it.
) (Scott) 'Any luck, Gordon? ' Negative.
No sign of an entrance.
Hey, wait.
I've picked up something.
I've got it.
He has to navigate the river.
He won't make it.
Ned, look for that underground river at your end.
That water's coming in from some hole.
'Thunderbird 4 is on its way.
' - Joe can't make it.
- 'He's got to.
' Snap him out of it.
Swim around and find that entrance.
I've found it, Scott.
I'm moving upstream.
We're in luck.
It's big enough for navigation.
(Scott) 'Keep at it, Ned.
Thunderbird 4 is on its way.
' Sir, there's a message from Central Control.
It's pretty serious, I'm afraid.
Things couldn't be much worse than now.
What's their problem? The subsidence is spreading.
The Fulmer Finance Building is in danger.
It could go over, too.
- Fulmer Finance? Which one is that? - That one.
Lucky everybody was evacuated from that area.
That's not the point, that building's gonna collapse on the rescue hole.
It'll start a tidal current like an avalanche.
'Tell International Rescue they've got two minutes before it goes over.
'The geologists reckon that anything can happen after that.
' Thanks.
I guess you heard that.
Calling Thunderbird 4.
Gordon, do you hear me? Loud and clear.
No sign of them yet.
You've got to locate them within the next two minutes.
'Another building's about to collapse.
' The impact could cave in the area.
Leave the frequency open and they can try to guide me to them.
I wonder where the heck they are? The air level gauge reads "Empty", and Joe's in a bad way.
Don't panic.
There'll be air left.
(Cook) We've found it! There's just enough room to get through.
Come on, Joe.
Swim! That tower's gonna give any moment.
I wouldn't like to be under her when she goes.
Any signal from them yet? - Afraid not, Scott.
- We must find them! I've come to a dead-end.
It's rock.
Hold it No, it's a sharp bend.
The tunnel goes off to the right.
(Faint, laboured breathing) They're close.
If only they can hang on just a few more seconds.
(Scott) 'You've got to keep going.
Search for Thunderbird 4's beacon.
'Ned! Joe! Swim! ' Joe, they've found us.
Joe Come on.
We've got to swim (Cook) 'Swim, Joe.
'Come on Swim! ' I can't see them, Scott.
I can't see them.
(Gordon) 0K! I've got them.
Ned, this is Thunderbird 4.
I'm opening hatch.
'Swim into hatch.
' I've got them.
They made it! Right, get the heck out of there! Gordon! She's falling! Down! (Drum roll) (Fanfare) (0pening music) Good evening.
Welcome once again to The Ned Cook Show.
As you know, Ned has not missed a performance in the last 167 weeks.
A few days ago, Ned was involved with his cameraman in a disaster from which there seemed no escape.
But, true to his unique record, Ned is here tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ned Cook! (Audience cheering) Thank you.
Thank you, friends.
I've made the show, and what a show we have for you.
First, I have something to say.
I am alive due to the action of an organisation that is dedicated to the task of rescuing people who normally would certainly die.
I refer to International Rescue.
I want to thank the people behind that great organisation.
No one knows where they come from.
But come they do, and help they bring.
I only hope my words will reach those gallant people.
'International Rescue, on behalf of Joe and myself, 'I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
' (Cheers and applause)
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