ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Mandora, the Evil Chaser

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Careful, Snarf.
Butterflies scare easy.
So we have to be super,
super-duper quiet.
Butterflies, ho!
[grunts] Wait.
Gotcha! Never mind.
Gotcha! Never mind.
I like that one!
Never mind. Whoa!
[Snarf] Ho!
- [groans]
- [Lion-O] Gotcha!
You're mine now, punk.
[butterflies laughing]
Wow! Looks like we're both good at
catching butterflies. [rumbling]
Whoa! Sweet. A thing.
I love things.
That's metal. Definitely metal.
[male voice 1] Help us.
[voices clamoring indistinctly]
That's scary voices.
Definitely, scary voices.
[male voice 2] Just pull
the red lever.
- [male voice 3] It's right over there.
- [male voice 4] It's red.
Hmm. "Open this now."
Well, who am I
to second-guess a wall.
- [Snarf exclaims]
- Hmm. Who
[all grunting]
- [all yelling]
- [tires screeching]
[creature grunts]
Thanks, hot stuff.
You're welcome!
Boy, Snarf, it sure feels good
to be helpful.
- [Snarf gulps]
- [distant whooshing]
Whoa! A cool motorcycle.
Whoa, a cool motorcycle person.
- [engine revs]
- [beeps]
[tires screech]
Whoa! A cool
motorcycle landing.
[straining] My eyes can't go
any wider. There we go.
- [communicator beeps]
- Calling the Interplanetary Control Force.
I've recovered
the downed prison satellite,
but the inmates
have been released.
What kind of sick freak
would just let them all go?
[laughing nervously] Hi.
I'm Lion-O.
Mandora. Intergalactic
Evil Chaser, first class.
You know,
your picture's upside down.
Whoa! Whoa! What?
- Snarf, help.
- [Snarf exclaims]
[Mandora] Stop right there.
As a Snarf, you are beholden to the
Interplanetary Policing Charter of 40008.
- [beeping]
- Hmm. You know Snarf?
You're under arrest for the biggest
jailbreak in the known universe.
See what you've done!
Even Molly Lava is free now.
Not that a criminal like you
would care about that.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I think you're mixing me up
with someone else.
I'm not a criminal.
I'm an evil chaser, like you.
Like, ooh! Do you know
these guys, the mutants?
- [creature laughing]
- Super evil, and I'm always chasing them.
Evildoer, halt!
Don't worry, Mandora.
I'll get him.
- [groans]
- [Lion-O grunts]
- [Mandora] Hmm.
- Oh, come on!
All I did was cheat
on my taxes.
Oh, well,
that's not so bad, right?
You don't think the galaxy should
have good roads and schools?
You deserve to rot!
- [creature groans]
- I mean, yeah, rot.
- [Mandora] Hmm.
- [handcuffs clicking]
- [creature yells]
- You stand guard, Snarf creature.
- [electronic scanning]
- [crying]
We did it! One more bad guy
off the streets.
- Go team!
- [Mandora] Hmm.
Go team, go!
Hmm. I guess you're not
a criminal.
- [handcuffs click]
- You're just an oaf.
[voice repeating]
[voice singing]
That's right. I'm an oaf.
I'm the biggest oaf
you've ever met.
Guess what, oaf,
I need a deputy.
And you're the only warm body
in my field of vision.
You're going to show me around
in this backwater rock,
and help me track down
all the criminals you set free.
Deputy Oaf!
[all cheering]
All right, I'm ready!
Now you're ready.
[engine powering up]
[laughs evilly]
[upbeat music playing]
[engine revs]
M-M-M-Mandora ♪
- She's an evil chaser ♪
- First class ♪
she's firing a laser ♪
- Real fast ♪
- Mandora ♪
- When you know space crime ♪
- Space crime ♪
you can see her face ♪
But only the bottom half ♪
Calling all you
space law-breakers ♪
Looks like you made
some big mistakers ♪
Boomerangs and slick guns
and face lasers ♪
You're gonna wish
that she had tasers ♪
Just watch 'em charge ♪
[guitar solo playing]
M-M-M-Mandora ♪
M-M-Mandora ♪
She's got her list
and she's checking it twice ♪
So you better only hope
you ain't on it tonight ♪
and her sidekick Oaf ♪
Mandora and Lion-O ♪
Mandora, can we pretty,
pretty please ♪
Be officially awesome
friends? ♪
[Mandora] Good job, Snarf.
[all grunting]
Well, you made my job
marginally easier.
Which is actually
the highest compliment
I've ever paid anyone.
Thank you, oaf.
Ha-ha. Yeah, nice job, oaf.
You're just jealous that she
doesn't consider you an oaf.
[scoffs] Kid, do you know
what that word even means?
Of course, I do!
Unless, I don't.
Snarf, what does oaf mean?
I mean, I know what oaf means,
but Hmm.
[whispers] I just want to double-check.
[Snarf grunts]
O-A-F. Oaf.
[machine] Oaf, noun.
An uneducated, clumsy person.
I'm not clumsy!
That's it. I need to prove to Mandora
that I'm not what she thinks I am.
Hmm. Bug Man, check.
Cyborg, check.
Burly Warrior, check.
Molly Lava. Probably headed
to the nearest volcano,
you little molten menace.
Aw, that tiny little cutie?
You think Molly Lava,
destroyer of worlds
and stealer of ice cream
is cute?
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Uh, quick question here.
Uh, if I were to say, I don't
know, capture this criminal,
- it'd prove I'm not an oaf, right?
- I suppose so. Yes.
But, as a deputy oaf,
you just don't have the
qualifications necessary to
- [engine revs]
- [Lion-O] Sorry, Mandora! I'll fix it!
[grunting in anger]
I know stealing is bad, Snarf,
but if we get there first,
and capture Molly,
she'll see what not-oafs we are.
[exclaims and sighs]
That ice cream was super-duper,
But now, it's time to
[in evil voice]
fulfill my evil destiny!
We're almost there.
- [electronic beeping]
- [Lion-O] Hmm. We just got a reading.
There she is. Faster, Snarf.
La, la, la, just climbing
Some rocks ♪
Before melting everyone
In lava ♪
Hmm? [shrieks]
I swear I saw her here.
Maybe, over here.
[Lion-O] I lost her.
- [tires screech]
- [engine stops]
- Hmm.
- Looking for me, handsome?
- Evildoer, halt!
- No.
- [liquid splashes]
- Ah, man, that really never works.
[Lion-O] Whoa!
Behold my true power!
Now, watch me
destroy your planet!
Oh, so that's why
you're not cute.
What did you do, oaf?
Don't worry!
I've got it all under control!
Don't move a muscle.
I'm coming to save you.
Oh, no, you're not!
[grunts] I'm trapped!
I'm coming, Mandora!
[grunts] Got your arm!
[Molly Lava] Oh, yeah?
Oh, man. Not enough. Thunder.
Still no good. Thunder!
Gonna scorch ya.
I'm gonna burn you up.
[Lion-O grunts] Whoa!
[gasps and laughs]
[engine revs]
- [Molly Lava groans]
- [Lion-O] Chop, chop, chop, chop!
- [Molly Lava] My arms!
- Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop! [vocalizing]
[grunts] Yeah!
- Gotcha!
- Uh-oh.
[Molly Lava grunts]
- [Molly Lava laughs]
- [Lion-O yelling]
Time to destroy another planet.
I told you,
you weren't qualified, oaf.
I'm not an oaf, Mandora.
I'm Lion-O,
the Lord of the ThunderCats!
King of all Thundera!
That guy was a king?
He sacrificed his life
for the sake of the planet.
That dummy!
That incredibly brave,
apparently regal dummy.
I could cry right now,
but I don't show emotion
while I'm on duty.
Looks like it's down
to me and you, Mandora!
- [laughs]
- Bring it!
With pleasure.
Oh, I feel kind of funny.
- [yells]
- Helicopter shield sword move!
[crying] Goodbye, my big,
beautiful lava buddy.
[chuckles] Not too bad
for an oaf, huh?
You may be an oaf,
but you're one incredibly
tough oaf.
[Molly Lava shrieks]
You know what, Lion-O?
I've been in the field
a long time,
and I don't think
I've ever seen anyone
as brave as you were today.
You're not a deputy oaf.
You're an officer oaf.
Junior officer oaf.
With restricted privileges
and duties.
Oh. By oaf, do you mean,
officially awesome friend?
- No!
- Hmm.
[chain rattling]
If I ever need help
from an oaf,
I'll know who to ask for.
Whoa! What's going on here?
We're hugging?
[joyfully] We're hugging!
- That means we're best frie
- [handcuffs click]
Even though you
did a great job,
that doesn't discount the fact
that you stole my motorcycle.
The law's the law,
and I've gotta take you in.
[engine revs]
[chuckles] You're right.
- I did do a good job.
- [camera shutter clicks]
M-M-M-Mandora ♪
M-M Mandora ♪
Can we pretty, pretty please
be officially awesome ♪
Friends? ♪
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