Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e13 Episode Script

Sí, quiero

We're going to ask the Swiss
for more money for the water.
"Due to your absurd proposition
of demanding double
you have obligated us to cancel our contract".
How did you get here?
I'm a bandit.
If they see you, they'll shoot to kill.
I've come to find the father of my child.
You said you loved me, you pig!
Almudena, they've arrested him.
- And how do they know it was him?
Because they saw them arguing.
The new one is mine!
- Trujillo.
A feather.
Surely this belongs to the victim.
The only way to get out of here,
is feet first.
Haven't you noticed that no one
is happy in Tierra de Lobos?
Lobo may be many things, but he's
not a murderer of women.
Then go to Lobo's house and help me
find a spur with a missing point.
I don't understand what happens to me with you.
- I do.
Cesar Bravo gets executed tomorrow.
I want you to advise them, not to kill Cesar.
- And why would I do something like that?
Because I'm going to marry Felix.
Promise me that you'll forget about me.
That you won't come looking for me when you get out.
I've destroyed him.
- If it weren't for you he'd be dead.
You still don't know the Bravos.
He'll manage to escape and come back.
Cesar Bravo won't leave that prison alive.
I bring you a message from Tierra de Lobos.
Here Father. If something happens to me, open it.
Can I ask what you're doing?
Why have you given the priest a letter filled with
old stories that no longer interest anyone?
Where is the photo, Lidia?
I saw a blue feather like that one.
At the Blue Goose.
She's alive?
- The pregnant girl.
I took the money and left. I had no idea
what they were planning on doing.
I only want to make you happy.
- Do it. Please make me love you.
You have a daughter, right?
I'm giving you an opportunity to see her again.
Kill Cesar Bravo.
Does anyone else see her dead?
Or is it just me?
Someone's gonna have to pay for all this shit.
I don't doubt it.
What have they promised you?
- What?
What have they promised you,
in exchange for my death?
My freedom.
Of course.
- My daughter needs a father by her side.
And do you dare?
To the freedom of the Bravo brothers!
- "Ole!"
And to us who proved their innocence.
You know what's fucking with me?
Not being able to lock up Lobo and his men for life.
Well that doesn't sound
like much to ask, does it?
I'm buying.
- Another round.
A toast to Cesar.
Because we'll be having him here real soon.
- To Cesar! - To Cesar!
I bring bad news from the prison.
What happened now?
Your brother is dead.
They've killed Cesar.
Trujillo, you can go.
You've earned it.
Say hello to your daughter.
Come back anytime. We'll miss you.
It seems, another
prisoner killed him.
Father frees him from the gallows,
and a prisoner kills him.
It was his destiny.
- Will you girls be quiet?
Come out here you
son of a bitch!
Is that a Bravo?
- You coward!
You killed Cesar Bravo,
without staining your hands. Lobo!
Try that with me!
I'm right here!
What is this scandal?
You damn coward!
Come On!
Come out here you son-of-a-bitch!
- Has that guy lost his mind?
Sir don't get your
hands dirty with this.
I'll take care of him.
Let him.
Just don't hurt him.
-I said NO!
Come on!
He just lost his brother,
have some compassion.
Come out here, you son of a bitch!
- Sebastian.
Lower your rifle.
Get away or I'll shoot you.
- Get away, or I'll shoot you!
Lower your weapon.
Look at me.
Lower your weapon.
You guys set him up.
And YOU'RE going to pay for it!
- Easy boy. Look at me.
There's nothing you can do now.
Roman, your brother is dead.
- He's dead!
No more death, Roman.
Calm down, relax.
Relax boy, relax.
Now give me the gun.
Look at me.
Good boy.
There you go.
Go on home, Luis,
nothing has happened here.
Thanks to Anibal.
If he hadn't intervened,
we'd have another death.
And now that everyone knows Cesar
Bravo had nothing to do with that girl.
People are talking.
And they're nervous.
Cesar Bravo was killed by another inmate.
Do you intend on blaming me?
But understand that everything's been very strange.
-It's been strange, yes.
The woman, or the prostitute
that set him up
It's strange that she can't seem
to say who paid her.
Maybe fear has made her lose her memory.
In the end, if you find anything out,
you will let me know.
I'm the first who would like
to see this cleared up.
And now, if there's nothing more
you would like to say to me.
Good night.
What's going on, are you siding with the Bravos now?
- Sebastian was going to shoot to kill.
He was threatening him!
- He was out of his mind, he just lost his brother!
Besides you were
never in danger.
Are you justifying him?
- No, Sir.
I'm just saying that we
needed to disarm him.
That's not your decision
to make, Anibal.
The next time you defy me, it will
be you that receives a bullet.
Poor thing.
This isn't a real burial.
Without a priest, without a gravestone.
Without a body.
Whatever you need,
no matter what
here I am.
Be careful.
He's dead, Trujillo.
Take him.
-No, no wait!
It looks like a mortal wound, but I
was very careful not to kill him.
Only you can heal him.
I'm sorry.
Of course.
Everyone is sorry.
What are you doing here?
- Forgive me, I didn't mean to bother you.
Well, you're bothering.
needed to come.
To feel him close.
I can't keep him out of my mind.
He's dead.
If it wasn't for you,
he would still be alive.
Do you think I don't have
that in my mind every minute?
Out of here.
I loved him.
me too.
How long do you think it'll take
for Almudena to arrive?
I'm sure she's on her way Father,
don't be angry.
She's distraught,
you need to understand that.
Have I said anything?
Crying will do you no good.
I know what you did, father.
- I did what you asked me to.
He was pardoned, thanks to me.
You sent him to that prison.
It's as if you killed him
with your bare hands.
Almudena, my child.
As long as you live under this roof,
you will respect me.
I am going to marry Felix,
don't you worry.
But it's so I can leave, and not
have to live here with you.
I 'll come to your parties
and smile
And every time I smile,
you'll know that I hate you.
I hate you with all my soul.
Eat, or your food will get cold.
Soul of Christ
sanctify me.
Body of Christ.
Soul of Christ
save me.
Soul of Christ
sanctify me.
Body of Christ.
Save me.
Body of Christsave me.
Strengthen me!
Look at him.
He's distraught, consumed,
He's a tadpole, a wreck.
- I understood you the first time.
So what do we do now?
Cesar Bravo?
I have the material you ordered.
- Take them away.
There's no money.
Mr. Bravo paid for everything in advance.
In a few weeks, we'll bring the rest.
Where do I unload?
- You can unload next to the pump.
What are we going to do with all that, now?
- Do with what?
If we leave it there,
it will rot.
We have to put our hands to work.
With the bottling equipment,
we can start working the spring.
It would be absurd to throw
everything away.
I'm going to the brothel.
Don't come looking for me.
- Roman.
And now what?
Do you know how to cut wood?
Do you know how to
satisfy two men at once? - Huh?
So there.
Come with me.
Not you, Anibal.
Please take this letter to
the post office, immediately.
I forgot one of the wedding invitations.
- How is Almudena?.
She'll be alright.
If you'll excuse me?
I wanted to see you before I left.
I brought you a present.
So you'll feel happy in the mornings.
Thank you.
What happened.
I didn't.
Believe me, I thought Cesar was guilty,
when I brought him to the prison.
I know you don't love me.
But this wedding is the best thing for both of us.
It's the only was your father and mine will leave us alone.
With what I make and the dowry,
we won't have to depend on anyone.
Maybe someday, we'll end up
understanding one another.
You're right.
I only ask one thing.
That we will leave far from here.
Very far.
Swear it to me.
- We'll live wherever you want.
You have to live.
You told me to wait.
You have to come find me.
What is he looking at?
His demons
or his angels.
One never knows.
Body of Christ.
Sanctify me.
Body of Christ.
Sanctify me.
Wait for me me
One month later.
Girls I just found out.
They're bringing an orchestra
for Lobo's daughter's wedding.
and fresh fish for the banquet.
And chocolate.
It seems you know everything.
And who are you
going to sit with?
With Lobo or with the help?
That's part of the job.
They want us, but well hidden.
What are you looking at? Huh?
Pour me another drink, Rosario.
Roman you've been locked up
in here for a month.
Why don't you go outside and
get some air?
You can go home,
get some sleep and rest.
Don't worry, I'll pay you
what I owe you.
Pour me a drink.
I've got a headache. Come on!
I appreciate you very much.
But you're scaring
away my customers.
You're giving my business a bad image.
- All I want is a drink! Bloody hell!
What, what's wrong?!
What are you looking at?! What?!
Rosario. I told you to
pour me another drink.
It's over.
Leave out that door
Don't fuck with me.
Don't YOU fuck with me.
(Knocks over chair)
Have you seen Roman lately?
Laying around in the gutter, distraught. Poor thing.
I tell you, La Quebrada
will be Lobo's in two days.
And no one can do anything?
All this injustice,
makes me so angry.
Good afternoon.
How are you feeling, Miguel?
- I'm very well.
Elena, I wanted to speak with you.
I have a proposition for you.
In Casa Grande we need help.
Lidia isn't what she used to be.
She's starting to lose her strength.
I thought you might take her place.
You and your son could live there comfortably.
In a short time, you'd have some savings.
I know you need the money
and I want to help you.
Look I think I may have given you
the wrong impression, but.
I don't need your help.
Forgive me.
I didn't mean to offend you.
No, noI appreciate it.
But my place is here in my home.
Of course.
You're a very special woman.
Maybe someday you might consider,
going for a ride with me.
Easy, easy.
- No, no, listen to me.
I saved your life. I stabbed you
in-between the ribs and the heart.
I'm sorry but it
had to look real.
It was almost too real.
How long have I been here?
A month.
I have to go get her.
- Easy easy. You can't, Cesar.
Everyone thinks you're dead.
We have to tell Roman.
Bring some water.
Help me.
Get up.
I need a horse.
If you leave now, you'll die
along the way.
Be careful
(Almudena's voice)
Promise me that you'll forget about me.
That you won't look for me when you get out.
It's a shame not to celebrate
the wedding here in town.
Our church is so beautiful.
With its stained glass windows
and archways.
Father, after what happened it's better,
they marry at Lobo's ranch.
And what happened?
Are you referring to the Bravos?
We should've got rid of them
before hand.
And you should all
be more grateful.
Excuse me.
Can someone take
me to Casa Grande?
Yes, of course.
But with a new moon,
I wouldn't advise it.
Come with me.
Let's see if we can find you a carriage.
If you would be so kind.
And with whom do I
owe the pleasure?
Carlos Saldana.
I'm a friend of Antonio Lobo.
But it's been many years
since we've seen each other.
I hope he's been doing well.
Yes, of course.
He wants me to take care of
security at the wedding.
Watch out that nothing or no one
interrupts the festivities, got it?
There are still two days until the wedding,
so clear out of the back patio.
Are you asking me or telling me?
I am ordering you.
That's not my job.
- Your job is to do what I tell you.
And when there aren't enough men,
you have to lend a hand.
Well find someone else.
Or do it yourself.
You going to hit me?
Come on, if you want to so badly
Pack your things and get out of here.
You' fired!
What are you looking at?
Get out!
And who invited him?
If it wasn't for your daughter getting married,
I'd never see you again.
Carlos, old man, I'm very
happy to see you.
I couldn't miss your
eldest daughter's wedding.
You should've warned us of your arrival,
we could've picked you up.
Well, a hug, right?
- Of course.
So few, that were invited,
confirmed that they would attend.
Of course, a wedding in winter
doesn't motivate anyone.
- It's for the best.
I hope no one shows up.
Almudena, you're getting married the
day after tomorrow, and you can't avoid it.
So you should look for the bright side.
You haven't even opened
Felix's letters.
I'll read them later.
How long are you going to be like this?
You have to be reasonable.
Don't you understand that
nothing matters anymore?
I don't want to live without him.
Cesar's dead.
You're getting married in two days.
Leave her alone.
If you need anything, we're downstairs.
How did you manage
to get in here?
I am a bandit.
You're not going to make it
in your condition.
Let me go with you.
-No, Trujillo.
You've already done
so much for me.
Thank you, my friend.
If your wound opens up
put this on it.
Thank you ma'am.
I owe you a life.
But I don't know how I'll
ever repay you.
Just make sure that no
one kills you again.
This will protect you.
Thank you.
I can't do any more.
You can't run the bottling
machine by yourself.
I'm part owner of all this.
Well sell.
Who are you fooling here?
Good morning.
- Hello Miguel.
What are you doing here?
- I brought this for you.
It's from the Swiss.
Remember how Cesar asked
the Swiss for double?
Too bad they didn't bite.
Well they've accepted.
The Swiss have agreed to double.
We have our contract back.
What good is it to get more money?
You can't do it alone. Look at yourself.
I can't let all of this go to waste.
Cesar would never allow it.
I have to find Roman.
Roman is a drunk.
But this.
will change his attitude.
You don't have to
pack everything now.
I want to leave as soon as this
absurd wedding is over.
I can't stand being in this house.
I'll miss you very much.
You'll come to see me right?
- Of course.
You'll never be free from us.
Have either of you ever seen
father's friend before?
You're not thinking of
Yeah right, old and crippled.
I mean, if he's such
an old friend of father's
then it's strange we
never heard of him.
I know you will get
better gifts than this.
But I know you've always like it.
That way you won't have to steal
it from me anymore.
I don't want anything of yours.
Take it.
That way you'll have something
to remind you of this house.
You are to blame as well.
Between all of you,
you killed him.
You're just as guilty as he is.
Very well.
I'll give it to Felix.
If you ever want it, it'll be there.
Why are you taking
it out on him?
He doesn't deserve it.
And Cesar deserved it?
No. But you have no right to treat
him that way, do you hear me?
Open your eyes, Nieves.
Anibal is the same or worst than father.
-That's not true.
Anibal has always been there.
He taught you to ride, wrapped your arm when
you fell off the tree, or don't you remember?
Anibal is the most noble
person in this house.
And he's always protected you.
So don't ever treat
him like that again.
Good news, Roman.
The Swiss have accept double.
Cesar's plan worked.
That's great.
Look, with a few shipments we could
hire some labor to work on the bottling machine.
Get out of here.
- Roman, I can't do this by myself.
I need you to come back to La Quebrada.
- La Quebrada?
And where's that?
If Cesar were here.
he'd want us to finish through with the bottling.
- But he's not!
You don't have to act like that,
much less with Jean Marie.
- Just leave me alone.
Another bottle.
I give up.
You win.
At least I tried.
You can sell your part.
We'll get two tickets to America.
And start a new life.
I don't understand why father has invested
so much in fixing up the house
when it's going to be the
saddest wedding in history.
Almudena's smart,
she'll come around.
I don't know.
I heard you before.
Before when?
Before, with Almudena.
You defended me.
You love me.
And where did that come from?
It's true.
You love me,
but you keep denying it.
But you love me.
Think what you want
if that's what you've perceived.
What are you doing here?
I was thirsty.
I thought I made it clear
that you were fired.
Speak with Mr. Lobo,
I have many things to do.
What's going on?
- Sebastian has to go.
I told him to pack his things and leave,
but he's still here.
Sebastian isn't going anywhere.
- He under-minded my authority
in front of my men.
And he disobeyed a direct order.
It's funny that you are
speaking to me about obedience.
I need men that follow
my orders without thinking.
If you don't fire him, where does that leave me?
- Where you've placed yourself.
Either he leaves, or I do.
Don't make me choose.
Come on Roman. HEY!
- What are you doing?
Getting you to wise up,
you look like a beggar.
Come on man, life goes on.
- Shhhhh
What do you want?
I can't stand to
see you this way.
It has been a
pleasure meeting you.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
I knew that your daughters
were going to be beautiful
but not that beautiful.
Should I serve some coffee?
- No, thank you.
I have a lot of work to do
- You won't have a cup of coffee with me?
Since I got here, you haven't stopped.
Some might think you were trying to avoid me.
No, no, you're right.
Lidia, we'll have coffee in the den.
Forgive me, but with all the wedding plans,
I just haven't had any time.
I was worried you wouldn't get the invitation.
Did you bring it with you?
How many years has it been?
- Well.
20, at least.
20 years.
A cigar?
Of course.
Things change a lot
in 20 years.
And so do people.
Are you better?
Here, take it.
Put this on, before you catch a cold.
- I don't need your help.
Very well.
I'm leaving.
Cesar was much smarter than you.
And look how he ended up.
At least he knew how to hurt Lobo.
Working hard, making money
changing things.
That's what this town needed.
I hate this town.
Get it?
Well then leave.
The sooner the better.
Why are you trying
so hard to help me?
Can't you see that
everyone I love dies?
Come here.
I'm glad you're back,
I can't wait to get out of here.
We'll leave as soon as
we're married right?
Yes, if that's how you want it.
And the canary?
The what?
The canary that I gave you.
Well he's
Ask Tata.
I think she took him out on the patio.
I see.
And, can we go for a walk?
Of course.
Please stop.
Wait, wait, wait, wait
What's wrong?
What are we going to do now?
Do it, again and again and again.
You're so dumb.
I don't know if this is what
Don't say anything.
Hey, hug me a little.
Little brother
You wanted the business to work?
Well it's going to work.
I don't know Lola.
I just don't know.
Yes, Jean Marie.
You and I aren't
accomplishing anything here.
Give me some money,
and I'll get the tickets to America.
We're going to need more wood.
What do you think?
With a little luck, and if we tighten our belts
by the end of the
year we should be ready.
Come on, the Swiss are waiting!
Yes, let's get going, let's go
And you
It seems you've pulled yourself together.
It almost looks like you did it out of spite.
- Lola., Lola
I love you too, Lola.
No. I told you, I don't like any of them.
- Well, the blue dress then?
And if you're not putting on
mom's pendant, I'll wear it.
If I'm pendant-less, even better.
- Child, you're insipid.
What are you doing?
I'm leaving.
What do you mean, you're leaving?
I don't know.
Wherever my horse takes me.
Why are you leaving?
- Because there's nothing left for me here.
All day, standing in your father's shadow.
You've always said it.
And you're not going to the wedding?
- I'll send my regards when it's over.
I don't believe you.
You can't leave.
- No, no, let him go.
He won't leave.
Do you care?
Say what you want,
but you're not leaving.
You love my father and you
can't stay away from this house.
I can now.
There's only one thing
that can possibly keep me here.
And what's that?
Tell me that you love me.
And I'll stay.
You aren't going to leave.
We both know this.
I want you to stay.
Roman, listen to me.
- No.
- According to my calculations, this has to work.
- No.
My calculations are never wrong.
You can't put the bottling machine here
if the pump is here.
The pump is up - the pump is down!
I'm fed up.
Look it won't hold the
weight, Jean Marie.
It will hold the weight,
you just need to listen to me.
Look Jean Marie,
there's nothing left to see.
That's not right,
because this has to go here.
Listen to him.
No, no, no.
This can't be.
You're not dead!
You son-of-a-bitch!
Can't you wait until
Almudena's married?
You don't need me anymore.
Are you serious?
You know I don't like bluffing.
Mr. Lobo.
Sebastian,wait outside.
Cesar Bravo, sir.
He's alive.
He's back.
He's at La Quebrada.
Are you sure?
We have to stop him from
coming near the wedding.
You can't let him
leave La Quebrada.
No sir.
I've already made my decision.
You can't leave now, Anibal.
- I'm sorry.
I've done that man enough harm.
Sebastian, as of now,
you're the foreman.
Notify the men to prepare
their weapons and horses.
Yes, Sir.
Thank you, Sir.
You're alive
and in one piece.
Cesar, you don't know how
bad it's been for me.
I should've known that
they couldn't stop you.
What are you going to do with that?
I'm going to get Almudena.
And I'm going to kill her father.
Cesar, you have nothing
to worry about.
We found her.
The girl who was pregnant.
What are you saying, Roman?
That she wasn't pregnant,
or dead or anything.
And she confessed the truth?
Did she blame Lobo?
No, not that.
Where are you going?
I already told you.
To get Almudena and
kill her father.
You're alive.
You're a free man,
with no charges against you.
Are you listening to me?
Yes, Roman.
I've already told you
what I'm going to do.
Can't you see that woman has
brought you nothing but problems?
Don't go, Cesar.
For what reason?
Almudena is getting married tomorrow.
- Lola!
Fuck, Lola!
He was going to find out anyway.
At noon.
At Lobo's chapel.
I'm going.
Cesar, Cesar, listen.
It's not worth it.
Get back, Jean Marie.
Cesar, it's not worth it!
Jean Marie, cover me!
- Three.
Cesar, I am glad
you've come back.
But as soon as you get back
the problems follow.
Cesar Bravo, don't come
out of your cabin.
I think someone
knows you're back.
(Wolf howling)
You're really beautiful honestly.
Even though you don't
want to be you are.
That's true
and a little smiling wouldn't hurt.
This is something old.
It was mom's pin.
And since I loaned it to you.
They say it brings good luck.
It's alright.
I'll put it on.
the bird has died.
Go on now.
Give me some time alone.
Let's go.
We're trapped. They'll kill us
before we get to the horses.
I'm going.
What do you mean, you're going?
The window, quick.
Cover it.
Roman, the cartridges.
Drinks on the house, in honor of
Mr. Lobo's daughter's wedding.
He gets us drunk, so we'll shut up.
- So we won't say what he did to Cesar Bravo.
I told you not to come
here stirring things up.
Pour me a glass.
What's wrong father?
Lobo wants all the
money we owe him.
Working and keeping quiet
is all I've done my whole life.
And now
I don't understand.
He's given me a week to comply.
- This can't be.
We'll explain, and he'll give us more time.
- Yes, he'll understand.
What would he understand?
I've begged him.
I've gotten down on my knees.
Good Lord!
He'll take my house, my store.
My whole life.
I'll be back soon father.
I would help you.
But you know how I am, I also owe
Lobo money.
He's an incredible son-of-a-bitch!
I don't care.
I'm already old and will die soon.
But my family
I don't know what to do.
What is my daughter going to do..
and my grandson?
I don't know what to do.
That vase, over the piano.
I'm sorry Elena, but Mr. Lobo
can't see you right now.
Please understand,
this is a bad day.
I won't keep him, and it's really important.
Please tell him.
He's already insisted.
Honestly, it can't be today.
I'm begging you.
Lobo has told my father that he must
repay what he owes in one week.
If not, he will throw
us out on the street.
Mr. Lobo!
Don't worry mom.
You'll see how everything
will work out.
(Door opens)
Have you seen Mr. Saldana?
I noticed, his
things aren't here.
But it seems strange that he'd
leave without saying goodbye.
He left very early this morning.
I know you invited him, Lidia.
What are you trying to prove?
That you're better than me?
Enough with all the lies
I am sick and tired of pretending.
I can't sleep at night, thinking of
how all this is going to end.
Well, well, well, well.
Very well.
Go and tell everything.
Go tell the whole world, Lidia.
But don't forget
that, if I fall.
you will fall with me.
They've told me what you wanted to do,
and there's no time, it's impossible.
For God, nothing is
impossible, Father.
This is crazy!
Everything is ready Sir.
You will surround the
bride's carriage.
And one man will fall behind.
You will keep your weapons ready
and extra ammunition.
I want you to pay attention to everything
and everyone.
Only the family can get near Almudena,
are we clear?
Don't fear anyone.
And if there's any doubt
shoot first
and ask questions later.
Get moving.
Where's Anibal?
- Nieves.
He's gone.
He's gone for good.
Let's go sweetheart.
Getting him to stay was easy.
All you had to do was tell him the truth.
What you feel.
Go find him.
Go after him.
But I can't, it's your wedding.
Go find the man you love.
Don't let the same
thing happen, like me.
(Doors slams)
Where is Nieves?
"The sacrament of marriage is"
She's indisposed.
"between a man and a woman"
"It was granted to men, to
flee from fornication"
"Guarded to respect the sacred marriage."
"Before God, if there is any impediment"
"for which this marriage should
not be consecrated"
"if there is something between you,
that would impede this marriage"
Are you alright?
Where's the wedding?
Cesar, if you kill him, he can't speak.
Where's the wedding?
Go fuck yourself.
Where's the wedding?
- Aaargh.
At the church in town.
Mr. Lobo changed it
at the last minute.
Please don't kill me.
Mr. Felix Saavedra.
Do you take Miss..
Almudena Lobo
as your lawfully
wedded wife
and as is dictated by the Holy Roman and Apostolic.
Catholic Church?
I do.
Miss Almudena Lobo.
Do you take
Mr. Felix Saavedra
as your lawfully wedded
before all these witnesses..
as dictated by the Holy Roman
and Apostolic Catholic Church?
(Bells chiming)
Long life to the married couple!
Long life!
Easy there!
You're too late.
Almudena is now a married woman.
She's my wife.
Deal with that man.
At the moment
this man has committed no crime.
What will you do now Lobo?
Send me another pregnant woman?
Will you condemn me to death,
or will you send another man to kill me?
Or will you keep fooling this whole town?
So that your law will be satisfied.
You burn their businesses.
You steal from them.
You take their water.
But I'm not afraid of you Lobo.
Are you going to believe this bum?
You're a fucking asshole.
(Cocks gun)
You're going to shoot me
in front of my daughters?
Is that what you're going
to do, Cesar Bravo?
One of us will die today, Lobo.
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