Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

To Stay by Your Side...

Sorry, Jun.
I made plans to go home
with Misuzu and Carol today.
No problem, don't mention it.
Jun–kun seems chill.
Are you not sulking today?
I won't sulk over not going
home together anymore.
I'm not gonna become a dictator to Tomo.
What're you
Recently, or rather, for some time now,
he's probably already been
thinking of me as a girl.
Jun's so calm about it
that it kinda ticks me off.
I feel you.
I'm the one who's always freaking out.
It's like I'm somehow losing to him.
This is not a contest
but I would like to see him
running like a headless chicken.
How about smooching him?
How could you talk about sm–smooching?!
I'd have done it already
if it were that easy.
Perhaps if you watched
a kissing scene together,
the thought would be planted in his head?
I–Is that so?
"No Kiss No Life"
Christmas is around the corner.
"No Kiss No Life"
You could go watch this.
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"To Be Together"
Did you wait long?
You're looking pretty mature today!
Am I?
How do I look? Tell me.
Hey, I'm over here!
You're cute today, or pretty, I suppose.
You look special and I think it's great.
Sorry, I'm not used to this,
so I don't have the right words.
This jerk!
We'll be watching this today!
Are you serious!?
Come on, Jun. We're not kids anymore.
Don't lose your head over a little kiss.
S–Since when did you become so grown–up!?
Staring at the poster for a week paid off!
Don't go, Haruko!
Let's stop seeing each other.
But why?
It's because you're
someone I shouldn't love.
Forgive me, Keita–kun.
Grab his hand when the kiss scene comes up.
The effect will be instantaneous.
I'm ready for you, kiss scene!
Wait, whaaat!?
We mustn't, not here!
I can't hold back any longer!
I love you, Haruko.
Okay, come! Keita–kun!
Haruko, Haruko!
You're telling me
Misuzu watched this by herself!?
There's more than kissing on the menu!
If I held his hand now,
it'll be like ordering the full course!
H–Holy crap, he's really into it!
The film was p–pretty interesting, huh?
Yeah, it was unfair
to judge it without seeing it.
You were really engrossed in the film.
Is that what you like?
Are you that keen on bedroom rodeo?
I was never fond of these
love or romance flicks.
Cause I thought I could
never relate to them.
I wonder why I enjoy it now?
Maybe it's because I came to love you.
I'm the worst.
Oh right.
Here's your Christmas present.
Open it.
How is it?
I don't think I'm cut out for this stuff.
I made the right choice.
Say something!
I got you something too.
This is yours.
Did you knit this scarf yourself!?
I was told this was a trend,
so I gave it a shot.
But it's not good enough to wear in public.
You must be at a loss
about what to do with that
No one asked you to put it on now!
Honestly, I have nothing
to complain about Jun.
I know that he's calm
because he cares about me.
But it's also making me needy.
I want to surprise him.
I want him to love me more.
It's getting late, wanna head back?
I want to go to your place.
But it's already evening.
Looks like your folks aren't home again.
They should be back by night.
I see
I know! How about a game?
Nah, I'm good.
I see
Relax! We've been alone
in my room hundreds of
Can I sit next to you?
Beating around the bush just isn't my style!
I came here today to kiss you!
Why are you in a hurry to k–kiss?
Is that a no?
Not really
Maybe I'm
just lacking in girly charms?
Wha!? Jun!?
Is it happening!?
Are we about to make the bed squeak?
He made a fist!?
Is this something I don't know!?
Dude, what the hell!? You okay!?
Tomo you're extremely attractive!
I'm always thinking about kissing,
even touching y–you!
But I don't think we should
simply jump right into it!
I want to treat you right.
We can't do that yet.
Not when we aren't formally dating.
True, we haven't started going out yet
You mean we still aren't going out!?
Truth is, after I confessed,
I went straight to your parents.
Akemi–san gave us her approval.
Your old man, on the other hand
If you seek to date Tomo,
then do it over my fallen body!
That's the story.
Goddamn stinkin' geezer!
Telling him that he can't date Tomo
without beating you is too much.
So, why the long face?
Tomo, she really is my daughter
What are you on about?
Of course she's our adorable daughter.
Damn you, pops!
You must know what this is about.
What's this bull about
having to beat you first?
The hell made you say that to Jun?
Y es
How about giving me an actual answer!?
So I don't deserve to know, eh?
Have it your way!
hate you!
Happy New Year, Misuzu–chan!
Happy New Year.
Still radio silence from Tomo–chan?
She's not answering my calls
or reading my messages.
I wanted to have our
new year shrine visit together.
This started after Christmas?
It did.
Must be Jun–kun then.
Yes, it must be him.
I know what you're here for but sorry.
She still doesn't want to see anyone.
That so
B–By the way!
How about you challenge Goro now?
He's not himself at the moment.
Toppling him might be a walk in the park!
No thanks, I'm not in the mood either.
R–Right then.
"School day"
Wait a sec!
Buzz off!
Hold up, Tomo!
Do you know why I'm mad?
Because I didn't tell you
about what your old man said?
That's right. Why didn't you tell me?
You could've said it!
You only had to tell me to wait
and that you'd kick his ass!
I would've understood.
I can't ask you to wait.
You mean I don't have to?
Yeah. At this point, I intend to go for it.
However, I doubt I'll succeed easily.
Beating the old man
has always been my life's goal.
Which is why if my chances
continue to remain slim
Screw you!
With that mindset,
Jun will lose even fights he can win.
Long time no see.
How have you been?
You completely snubbed us
through the winter break,
so that means it's been two weeks.
Remember how you promised
to go skiing together?
I am really sorry about that.
So that's what happened.
Well, what are his chances?
H–He'll win!
Maybe not right away,
but with some hard training,
a few months make that years
–That's too long.
–Too long.
What are you going to do?
Beats me.
This is out of my control.
Are you fine with that?
I have nothing against a heroine
watching from the sidelines
while two men duke it out over her.
But are you really settling for that?
I'm challenging the old man today.
Jun, boy! Explain yourself!
Didn't you say you'd take me on anytime?
I take you'll accept it now?
Very well.
I had assumed that you
gave up on Tomo and fled.
I'm aware of how slim my chances are.
Which is why I'll do anything to defeat you.
With that out of the way,
I requested for some backup.
Y–You wretch!
Bringing Ake–Ake–Akemi into this is foul!
Jun must be facing him now.
Should I really sit back and wait?
Aizawa–san, I'll gladly listen
to any w–worries you have.
Is that so
He really went and challenged Goro–san.
Jun–kun's amazing.
He really
Wait, did you know about this?
Yeah, during the break he seemed
concerned, so I offered to hear him out.
I know that my odds of winning are slim.
Yet I feel that this fight is necessary.
Which is why for as long
as Tomo never abandons me, I'll
Never give up, he said.
He's very conscientious
so I thought he felt obligated to fight.
I'd like you to root for Jun–kun.
Aizawa–san, I'm sure you understand?
What the most effective way
of spurring him on is.
Excuse me, senpai!
I'm leaving early today!
Was that
Yup, that was Hurricane Tomo.
Looks like she's out of her rut!
That's great!
Yeah, I'm sure she's worked it out.
How about you give up?
You're currently not capable of beating me.
Not yet I'm not done.
You okay, dude? You're a wreck.
This is nothing
Why are you here!?
So I gave it a thought.
Jun, you want to date me, right?
I want to date you too.
And the only thing in our way
is my old man.
Conclusion: Beating him myself
is also an option!
How did you arrive at that!?
This is between me and him!
Hey now, I get that.
I'm not gonna steal your thunder.
I'll tap in once you're out for the count.
You can lose with grace,
cause I've got your back.
Her eyes are telling me she means it.
Is that so?
Oh, it's on. Leave it to her
to pile on the pressure!
Hey, Jun. From what I could see here, he's
Yeah, I know.
One more round, please.
You never learn.
There's something different
about the old man today.
Now and then he takes
big strikes that leave him wide open.
If that's intentional
He's testing if I'd notice.
This is it! This heavy right punch!
Considering the frequency,
it's on purpose.
I'll just have to make use of that!
It's simple.
In theory, at least.
A flimsy hit and run won't cut it.
What I need is to put
everything into a counter
that takes advantage of his own force.
I can't see anything less
being enough to defeat him.
It's not easy for me to pull off,
but for Tomo it'd be a piece of cake.
That's what this trial is about.
Every day, someone somewhere
is unfairly met with danger.
If that ever happens near her,
Tomo would be the first to act.
Once she's off, there's no catching up.
She'll be on her own.
I know how concerned you are, sir.
The thought of it leaves you worried sick.
I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for her.
Here I go.
I'm not like Tomo.
I can't risk my life for a stranger.
At best, I'd put my life on the line
for the girl I love!
Get him!
Jun won
Not yet!
Give it a rest!
I'll admit
that while it was brief,
my finger did touch the ground.
You win, Junichiro.
I beat the
Way to go!
You won! You frickin' won!
Stop, Tomo!
It hurts
Well done.
Hey, hey, hey!
I give up!
You beat my old man.
Which means we're good, right?
So, will you
W–Wait a moment!
I love you, Tomo! Please go out with me!
That was supposed to be my line!
Why'd you cut me off!? Why did you say it!?
Isn't the guy supposed to ask?
Nobody passed that law!
If that's how you wanna play, then I'll
T–The heck did you
You were cool.
The way you looked when you
took my old man down was super cool!
Watching you made my heart race
You better watch out!
From now on, I'll be the one making
your heart race even faster!
Guess the game is on.
I won't lose!
Last spring,
I poured my heart out.
Without everyone to support me,
this love would've amounted to nothing.
Tomo Aizawa
Am one incredibly happy girl!
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