Tracker (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

The Storm


DYLAN: All right, let me
know when you see it.
I've got nothing.
You check the battery?
Come on, Kat, I already did.
And I checked the switch.
- Got it.
All right, next one.
We should go out further
before we drop another.
Holy crap.
Look at that storm out there.
It's gonna be a monster.
What the hell?
Do you see that?
VELMA: We've got a
job if you're interested.
Pretty big reward.
Keep it warm for me, will you?
I've got a friend who needs my help.
- Her daughter's missing.
- We're here if you need us.
I know.

Lizzy. I came as fast as I could.
Come here.
Thank you for coming.
- Any word on Katie?
- No.
Sheriff Woods expanded the search grid,
but there's no sign of the boat.
Or Katie, or Dylan.
It's been nearly two days,
and there's nothing.
I don't even know why I called.
You called because I'm
gonna help you find Katie
- and her boyfriend.
- But what if
No, you can't think like that.
You know she's out there.
You can feel it, right?
That's why you called me?
All right, if she's out there,
every minute counts.
[SOFTLY]: Yeah.
Let's get to work, come on.
I want to get one thing straight:
I am paying you a fee.
Please, we'll talk about that later.
No, we'll talk about it now.
Five grand, okay?
So Katie and her boyfriend,
they took a boat out
to set storm trackers.
Yeah. They left late Friday afternoon.
I talked to Katie right
before they went out.
There was a big storm coming in,
and they wanted to be ready.
I saw her storm chasing site.
It's pretty impressive.
And terrifying, if you're her mother,
but she loves it.
They take risks?
The most dramatic stuff gets the clicks.
They leave out of the marina?
- No, they keep a boat up at the point.
- Why?
Sheriff Woods is always
giving them trouble,
saying that Katie's storm tracking
is pointless risk-taking.
But what he doesn't get is
she loves it, risks and all,
and she's good on the water.
She can handle herself.
Tell me about Dylan.
Third generation waterman.
Surf, scallop diving.
He basically grew up in the water.
That's good. Increases their chances
in case something unexpected
happened out there.
What do you mean?
Well, I followed the storm track,
and there are a lot of places
the boat could have landed,
if in fact they were out on the
water when the storm hit.
The sheriff said they were.
Is there anything else you can think of
that might explain her disappearance?
I don't think so. But Rachel might.
She's the third person in
their storm-chasing team.
She-she works down at
the surf shop on Main.
- Rachel.
- Yeah.
Okay. Okay, uh, text me
Katie's cell phone number,
and Dylan's, if you have it.
I need to get to work here.
Let me know if you
hear from the sheriff.
I will.
if Katie's out there, I'll find her.
- Hey.
- Just checking in.
You don't ever just "check in."
- I don't?
- No.
And now's not really a great time.
- Oh, that. Yeah.
- Thanks.
You really going through with it?
Oh, I'm doing it. I stayed up all night
writing my resignation letter.
- Wish me luck.
- Yeah, good luck.
Anything from Russell?
Nope. I checked with my contact
who has a line on that Horizon,
the private military
contractor he's with.
And he either won't tell me anything,
or he doesn't know anything.
Why, you got something?
No. I just got to Sandy Point.
What's in Sandy Point?
A place my family used to go.
Your family took vacations?
Uh, well, my dad called
it "research trips."
There's a beach here.
I learned how to surf.
That's not why I'm here though.
A family friend's daughter went missing.
Well, I'm gonna have some free time.
If you need help with
the job, let me know.
Will do. Thank you.
Colter Shaw.
Katie's mom hired me to help find her.
So how long have you been storm chasing?
Three years. Katie and
I started together.
Dylan joined us last year.
But you didn't go on this last one?
No, I was at their place,
where we base out of,
plugging in data.
What do you think happened out there?
I know everyone thinks they capsized,
but I think something weird happened.
We were in touch by marine radio.
I have this program that
uploads our conversations
so we can cut them into footage.
I was talking with Katie,
but she got cut off. Listen.
Stormbase Five, Stormbase Five,
this is Juno, over.
RACHEL: Juno, this is
Stormbase Five, over.
KATIE: We dropped the cams, but
Do you have the location of
the boat when that came in?
It was right here.
Got it. What time did she radio in?
I know the storm would have
reached their location at 2:52.
So 20 minutes later.
They would have had
time to come to shore.
Could have had a
problem with the engine.
- Any distress call?
- No.
I'm gonna need a copy of that audio.
I'm gonna give it to a guy,
have him analyze it
- and clean it up.
- Sure.
Cameras still on those buoys out there?
I think so.
Can you locate 'em for me?
I think it's 200 yards out.
All right.
We attach a GoPro to every buoy.
Must have lost them all in the storm.
All right, we'll circle around one
more time before we head back,
see if we missed anything.

What is it?
Do you have kelp beds out here?
Looks like something
might be caught up in one.
Here we go.
Oh, my God. It's Dylan.
WOODS: Mr. Shaw.
Hey, Sheriff Woods.
This is Deputy Kelman.
Any sign of the boat?
No, but if we find anything,
I'll be the first one to let Lizzy know.
Look, Mr. Shaw, we know
you're here to help,
but me and my team, we have this.
Well, you might be dealing
with something else.
Yeah, how's that?
Dylan looked like he'd been in a fight.
Probably hit his head going over.
Someone cut up his dry suit.
Why would someone do that?
Release any trapped air.
Help the body sink.
Well, there's no sense
jumping to any conclusions.
There's a lot of stuff that can happen
to a body in the water.
Especially in that storm.
But if somebody intentionally
cut up his dry suit,
we could be dealing with a murder.
Mr. Shaw, I'm not sure what
kind of place you think this is.
Is this the part where you tell
me to mind my own business?
Not at all.
There's just no reason to jump
to Dylan being murdered.
I've seen all kinds of strange stuff
that I thought was one thing,
and then it turned out to be another.
Well, from what I saw, it looked
like they had plenty of time
to get back to the shore
before the storm hit.
I think someone else was out there,
and intercepted the boat.
Mr. Shaw, I'd appreciate it if
we focused on finding Katie.
The summer folks will be coming soon.
There's no reason to
get people stirred up.
Right now, I got to
inform Dylan's parents.
We can talk about
this later, if you like.
Deputy Kelman?
Did you know Katie and Dylan?
Sure, my little brother
was friends with Katie.
Went to school together.
- I should go.
- Why is that?
Your boss doesn't want you distracted?
He's just looking out for the
best interests of the town.
By pretending that someone
didn't cave in Dylan's skull
or cut up his dry suit,
help the body sink?
You saw Dylan's body.
That look like something
that happens in a storm?
Look, all I'm trying to do is find
out what happened to Katie.
Okay? Maybe give her mom some hope.
At the very least, peace.
And I'm not trying to put you
in a bad spot with the sheriff
but if you know of anyone
who might've had it out
for Katie or for Dylan,
that information will stay
between the two of us.
There was a little thing with
the Sampson brothers.
Xavier and Bo.
Katie and Dylan got into a
fight with them on the beach.
You know what about?
They can be pretty territorial.
So they got into a fight
because Katie and Dylan
were on the wrong beach?
Didn't make a lot of sense.
Dylan used to run with
the Sampson brothers.
At least he did, back
when I first got my badge.
If there was a beef,
I thought the Sampsons
would've given him a pass.
What did you do?
Nothing much. Let 'em
off with a warning.
Do you have any idea where I might
find these Sampson brothers?
Bo Sampson?
What do you want?
Looking for Katie Hawking.
She was out on the storm
with your friend Dylan?
Yeah, I heard about that.
Shame. Dylan was a good dude.
What were you two fighting about?
Was he someplace he shouldn't have been?
What? No, that wasn't about territory.
That was because his chick
was getting in our business.
- Katie?
- Yeah.
Yeah, she had his head
all turned around,
but it's all good, we sorted it.
- What the hell is this?
- COLTER: Xavier?
Your brother was just
answering a few questions
I had about Katie and Dylan.
Why don't you get out of here?
We don't need all that, do we?
XAVIER: Oh, yeah?
What are you gonna do about it, huh?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I don't want any trouble.
I will defend myself, though.
You start swinging,
- I'm gonna do what I have to do.
- Please.
COLTER: Yeah? Well,
that's up your brother.
What are you gonna do?
- Your call.
- BO: Come on.
All right, let him go.
Get the hell out of here.
Thanks for the info, Bo.
You boys have a good day.
Hey, Bobby, what do you got?
Took a major clean-up,
but listen to this.
KATIE: Stormbase Five,
Stormbase Five, this is Juno, over.
RACHEL: Juno, this is
Stormbase Five. Over.
KATIE: We dropped the cams,
but there's someone coming.
Wait, what?
- Dylan, what are they doing?
Someone else was out there with them?
Sure sounds like it.
And whoever it was knew enough
to remove the cameras from the buoys.
Listen, can you trace those
phone numbers that I gave you,
see where she might've
gone a day or so prior
to getting out on the boat?
Come on now, C. Of course I can.
Just give me a minute.
COLTER: Anything out of the ordinary?
BOBBY: Hmm. Surf shop,
Lizzy's restaurant
Hold on.
What do you got?
BOBBY: A building on the docks.
It's been empty for about six months,
but Katie was there a couple days ago.
- Dylan there, too?
- Yeah, they both were.
Went in the middle of the night.
Give me a location?
You got it.



It's not Katie.
I'll let you know if I find
out anything more, Lizzy.
All right. Did you ID the body?
Name's Haley Thomas.
Went missing from Spokane,
Washington three years ago.
Any connection to Dylan or Katie?
Not that I could find.
I looked at the report from Spokane PD,
she was a party girl.
I saw a camera
in front of the building
where I found the body.
It was the exact same kind of camera
that Katie and Dylan used for
their storm-chasing videos.
You think they put that up?
It's only thing I can think
of that makes sense.
Maybe they were trying to
figure out who was responsible.
Question I have is how'd they
even know the body was there?
Maybe Dylan knew.
Or maybe they saw something
they shouldn't have seen.
What exactly was Dylan
doing with the Sampsons
when you first started?
I booked him for possession.
He used to run stuff in during
the summer for parties.
It could get pretty heavy,
especially with the summer
folk wanting to cut loose.
They bring in girls like Haley Thomas?
It's possible.
So maybe the fight that Katie and
Dylan were having with the Sampsons
had nothing to do with beach territory.
Or-or storm chasing.
Maybe it was about
that run-down building.
I'm guessing you checked the camera
before you called in the body?
SD cards had been removed.
Katie never mentioned
the name Haley Thomas?
No, why?
I think she was trying to
figure out who killed her.
She was always about
this town and its secrets.
There's lots of rumors
about drugs and sex
and I don't know summer people.
Rich out-of-towners.
Place sure has changed.
So you think someone figured
out what they were up to?
And they killed Dylan as a warning.
Maybe to keep him quiet.
Did Katie and Dylan live together?
Yeah. I have a key to their place.
When was the last time you were there?
Not since the first night
they went missing.
When she was young, did Katie have a
like a secret hiding
place she would keep
I don't know, a diary, drugs,
anything she didn't want you to find?
Katie wasn't into drugs
and we told each other everything.
Oh, come on, you never
took a snoop in her room?
Of course I did, a few times.
There's a couple places.
Okay. Tell me.

You do this?
No. I'm guessing the Sampsons.
You found something, didn't you?
Yeah. Not sure what it means yet.
Burner phone. How'd you find that?
Cheat code from Katie's mom.
So Dylan was still dealing?
I don't think so.
I think whatever they stumbled upon,
they started to realize they couldn't
trust anyone in this town,
including your sheriff.
If they'd come to me,
I would've done the right thing.
They didn't.
Well, if you think for a moment
that I don't want to help
find Katie, you're wrong.
I can help, if you let me.
Check this out. This app right here?
This is for recording phone calls.
Let's see if we get lucky here.
DYLAN: Hey, Mr. Talbott.
You think about what I said?
That's Dylan.
DYLAN: We know where the body is.
TALBOTT: I am warning you, drop this.
Don't call me again.
You want to tell me
about this Talbott guy?
Vince Talbott.
Owns a big house in town,
vacations here every summer.
I'm guessing the Sampsons
and Dylan supply his parties,
drugs, girls,
- whatever he's willing to pay for?
- Maybe.
Dylan knew that Haley Thomas
died at one of Talbott's parties.
So he and Katie were trying
to make him come clean?
And when he didn't, they
planted those cameras.
- I should call this in.
- No.
Let's figure out who's
connected to Talbott first.
I don't know.
You want to help Katie,
this is how you do it.
Where are you going?
Kick over a few rocks,
see what slithers out.
You sure do know how to pick 'em.
You find something on Vince Talbott?
Yeah, shady rich financier,
who nobody
and I mean nobody knows
how he made his money.
And he's under federal investigation.
What for?
Racketeering and sex trafficking.
My guess, he's cleaning house or
houses, since he has four of them.
And he has four ex-wives.
Well, I'm at his house
here in town right now.
I'm gonna push on him a
bit, see who pushes back.
He's not gonna be there.
My source gave me some
pretty reliable intel
on where he goes when he
wants to keep a low profile.
Doesn't matter.
I think he's connected to
some guys here in town.
Need to make sure.
Well, my, uh, FBI contacts want
to know anything you find.
So let me know. Good luck.
MALE VOICE: Can I help you?
Yeah, I'd like to speak
to Vince Talbott.
- My name's Colter Shaw.
- What's this about?
Like to talk to him about
a former employee of his.
I think he'll be interested
in what I have to say.
- Sorry. Mr. Talbott isn't available.
You need to leave the
premises immediately.
Oh, no, I was just trying
to get some information
about, uh, Dylan Fisher,
his girlfriend Katie Hawking.
Those names ring a bell at all?
- Leave now.
- Right now?
I just got here. You can't be ser
What are you doing, man?
I'm just, I'm asking questions.
Message received. I think
you answered my questions.
Now you have a good day, gentlemen.

I better not have taken
a shot for nothing.
Ooh, sorry, guy.
Another 30 seconds
and I would've had it.
Are you serious?
Nah. I'm just messing with you, man.
Of course I got it. [CHUCKLES]
You let him hit you?
Said you needed time.
I did and I was able to
piggyback off your cell
and hack into the house's Wi-Fi,
which connects to every
device on the network.
Who'd he call?
Xavier Sampson.
I'm tracking his phone.
Give me a sec for the location.
Send it.
On its way.
- REENIE: Hey.
- He's not at Sandy Point.
- Hope your lead's good.
- Of course it is.
In fact, I'm just about to
have a chat with him.
You're with him?
- Reenie?
- Come on, Colter.
I live to watch men like this squirm.
- Be careful.
- Don't worry.
I'm just gonna have some fun,
press his buttons, and
speed up the process.
Hi, I'm looking for Vince Talbott.
- Over there.
- Got it, thank you.
Vince Talbott.
I'm sorry, do I know you?
What can I help you with?
Oh, I have plenty of good
lawyers, Miss, uh, Greene.
Oh, I'm not offering my services.
What's this about?
Sandy Point, Oregon.
You own a property there?
I have many properties.
Oh, I'm aware.
Is there something you want from me?
An explanation.
But I'm guessing there's
no real explanation.
- So how about I cut to the chase?
- Please.
Haley Thomas.
I'm not familiar with the name.
She came to one of your
parties in Sandy Point.
You had your fun.
Maybe it went a little too far.
She never left.
Probably thought you had
that all taken care of.
Huh? Threw some money at the problem.
Called in some favors. It was like
she never existed.
And you just went on your way.
Party time's over, Vince.
I thought you just
might like to hear that.
'Cause you're going down
for what you did to that girl.
Be very careful, Ms. Greene.
Smart, charming woman like yourself?
There's no telling what might happen.
Oh, there it is.
Ah. Nice.
You know, you're not the
first rich, powerful man
who thinks the rules don't
apply to him to threaten me.
I just thought you'd like to know
the lay of the land.
I don't even know what that means.
But here's what I do know.
You're going down, and I'll be sure
to be there when it happens.
It's a date.
Pleasure meeting you, Ms. Greene.
How'd it go with Talbott?
You should've seen his face
when I mentioned Haley Thomas.
So he's involved?
Yes, definitely.
Well, stay away from him.
He's dangerous.
Gladly. I feel like I need to go
home and take a shower.
He's got major Epstein vibes.
- What the hell?
- What?
Xavier Sampson and the sheriff
are having a little meeting.
COLTER: He made me.
- I got to go.
- You don't want to do that.
- It's already done.
- You're coming with me or
- Or-or what?
What, are you gonna shoot me?
Is that what your brother
- and Sheriff Woods want you to do?
- Shut up.
Who killed Dylan? Was it your brother?
Just move.
Sheriff Woods and your
brother, they want you to,
what, clean up their messes?
Why, is it so you can prove yourself?
I don't have to prove myself to anyone.
No, you're right, you don't.
Where's Katie? She still alive?
Whatever your brother did,
it doesn't have to land on you.
You have no idea what
you're talkin' about.
I know what I'm talking about.
Your brother, he asked you
to take care of Katie, right?
But you couldn't do it.
Because you're not that guy.
Right? You never will be that guy.
Now you can shoot me right
now and prove me wrong,
but I'm guessing you want
to do the right thing.
I don't know if she's alive or not.
She was already, like,
banged up and bleeding.
So I I couldn't shoot
her, I just left her.
Bo, she could still be alive.
Where'd you leave her?

- Katie.
- Colter?
Yeah, your mom sent me to come find you.
Nice wrap job there.
Take a look?
How long you been out here?
I don't know.
Two days, I guess?
- Why didn't you phone for help?
- My phone was in the boat.
What the hell happened out there?
Talbott He must've sent
the Sampsons after us.
Dylan tried to get away
but Xavier killed him.
I jumped overboard.
Got away until Bo caught up with me.
I thought he was going to kill me.
But he just ditched me on the shore.
Hoped I'd die, I guess.
And you made your way here.
It was as far as I could get.
I was hurt pretty bad and I
needed to figure out a plan.
Well I'll give you a plan.
We're gonna get you out of here.
- Fast.
- Fast? I don't know.
- Slow, steady maybe.
- Well, I'll take it.
What is it?
I'm guessing it's the Sampsons.

Bo tell you?
You're you're screwed, man.
You don't even know.
Where the hell is she, huh?
- Hi.
- Hi. I got good news about Katie.
- Is she okay?
- She's better than okay.
Okay, can I see her?
Well, she's still a little banged up.
But as soon as she's
done being patched up,
- they're gonna bring her home.
- Oh, my God.
- Thank you.
- Yeah. You're welcome.
Is that coffee I smell?
Oh, yeah, I just put on a fresh pot.
I sure could use some.
- Yeah, come in come on in.
- Thanks. Thank you.
Lizzy, it's okay.
I've got Katie. She's safe.
- That's what I figured.
- Woods.
- I'm at Lizzy's.
We're all excited to see you.
You bring Katie to me.
You got 15 minutes
or I put a bullet in your friend.

You can let me go.
We're not gonna tell anybody anything.
- It's not our business.
- Katie made it her business.
All of this is her fault.
She was just trying
to do the right thing.
Well, now I got to clean it up.
That you, Shaw?
Kelman, what's going on?
I got a call from him.
Had some idea about how I was
gonna help him take you down.
That didn't work out so well, did it?
Cuff him.
Sit him down on the sofa.
Hey, where's Katie?
Squad car. Handcuffed in the back.
What do you want to do with her?
- I'll take care of this.
- No.
No, no, no. She's just a kid!
She's just a kid! What are you doing?
- Drop your weapon.
- Hands in the air!
Down on your knees, now! Now!
Put your hands behind your head.
Katie's safe. She's on the way.
I don't even know what to say.
Thank you so much.
Kelman? Thank you.
Nothing to thank me for. You were right.
That old building where you
found Haley Thomas's body?
Traces back to a cousin
of Sheriff Woods.
Not sure why he kept her in the freezer.
As long as Woods had that body,
Talbott couldn't turn on him.
And Katie and Dylan found out?
I think Dylan knew, and told Katie,
and Katie wanted to bring them all down.
When they found out about the cameras,
they used the storm to get rid of Dylan,
make the whole thing
look like an accident,
- Katie got away.
You should go out there and make
sure Woods knows this was you.
What about Talbott?
I have a friend taking care of Talbott.
Are you okay?
- Yeah?
- I'll be fine.
Thank you.
You're a survivor.
You saved yourself.
Hey, Vince.
This the date you had in mind?
I have nothing to say to you.
Oh, I'm sure the strong, silent
type will be a big hit in prison.
AGENT: Watch your head.
- COLTER: Hey.
- Hey.
Feds just picked up Talbott.
He had his jet booked.
He was planning to leave the country.
That's great.
Yeah, and they've got a lot more on him,
so he'll be going away
for a very long time.
Thank you for the assist on this one.
Oh, uh, by the way, Russell surfaced.
You found him?
No, actually, he found me.
Sent me a selfie of him at a
bar on the beach in Argentina.
- Really?
- Yeah,
asked me if I wanted to join
him for dinner in Buenos Aires.
I told him that I would
have to pass on that.
I'm kind of busy.
Well, I owe you.
You helped me bring down Talbott,
so whatever you need,
you just, you just ask.
Talbott was pro bono, okay?
Nothing better than
taking down rich creeps
who think money can buy
them out of anything.
Consider it my public service duty.
Anyway, it's been a really
long couple of days.
Told my jerk boss off, quit my job,
watched Talbott get arrested.
You know, uh you're more than welcome
to join me up here for a couple days.
I'm gonna take some time and relax.
- Uh
- I'm serious.
I'd love to, but I
I'm gonna head home and
pour a big old glass of wine.
You know, order in, watch some trashy TV
under my weighted blanket.
Figure some stuff out.
Okay. Okay.
Well, when you're done figuring,
you know where to find me.
I sure do, don't I?
Yes, you do.
Thank you.
All right.
Oh, Lizzy, hey, look
How's Katie?
She's pretty shook up over Dylan.
I can't imagine what she went through.
She'll be all right. She's tough.
Like her mom.
I don't know if I would
call myself tough.
Oh, come on. You've been
tough your whole life.
- Even as a kid.
I remember a certain someone
giving Russell a black eye.
- I did not.
- And a bloody nose.
He was being a jerk,
and said that I couldn't
beat him to the docks.
And then he accused me of cheating.
For the record, Russell made
me lie to Dad about that.
I had to make up some story
about him saving a seal,
- or something like that.
- I bet that didn't fly.
No, it did not. Good times, though.
Were they really?
For me they were, yeah.
Well, my parents were going
through a divorce back then.
Yeah, I-I remember that.
You know, there was something
weird going on with our parents.
- My mom and your dad.
- They worked together.
Yeah, not that.
They were having an affair.
Well, I didn't know that.
Lot I don't know, actually.
It's like I have all these pieces
and none of them fit together.
But that's not the weird part.
Last year, when my mom passed away,
I was going through her stuff,
and most of it was junk,
but there was this file
box under her bed.
Inside it were all these
research papers and journals.
Very personal ones.
At first, I didn't know what this was,
and then I realized it
belonged to your father.
It was his work.
Why would she have something like that?
I asked myself the same thing,
and then, I had this
memory of him visiting,
right before he died.
- He came up here?
- Yeah.
And you saw them together?
My room overlooked the driveway.
And I could hear shouting one night,
so I looked out the window,
and my mom and your dad were
having some kind of argument.
And then they stopped and hugged
and she carried this box into the house.
Did you know he worked
for the government?
- Doing what?
- I don't know.
You still have that box?
Maybe there's something in there
about what he was doing.
No, I don't.
I-I didn't know what to do
with it, so I called Dory
and she had me send it to her.
- Dory has it?
- Yeah.
She didn't tell me that.
[SIGHS] It's all in the past.
I mean, maybe we just leave it there.
You know, it's funny,
that's the same thing
Dory keeps telling me.
"Leave it in the past."
But if you really want
to go down this path,
maybe you should talk
to your mother about it.
She had me believe that my brother
was behind my father's
death, kept us apart.
I don't know why I even
brought up the box.
Something just didn't seem right.
No. Thank you.
Maybe all that time,
they were protecting you.
Protect me from what?
What are you gonna do now?
- Right now?
- Mm-hmm.

Ooh, a storm is threatening ♪
My very life today ♪
If I don't get some shelter ♪
Ooh, yeah, I'm gonna fade away ♪
War, children ♪
It's just a shot away ♪
It's just a shot away ♪
War, children ♪
It's just a shot away ♪
It's just a shot away, yeah. ♪
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