TrollsTopia (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Darlin' Dos - Bad Hair Day

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll
Dang. Is it normal
in "Troll, Troll, Bergen"
to go 20 minutes without
pickin' a Bergen?
No. But this is
"Troll, Troll, Bergen Deluxe."
- Troll, Troll, Bergen!
- Woo-hoo!
- Oh, my guh! Safe!
- Yay!
All right, I'm it, ya'll!
Troll. Troll. Tro
Uh! My stars! Poppy, your hair!
- Um. What about my
- Hush, hush, hush!
The texture. The body.
Ooh! The follicle integrity!
Oh, Poppy, when it
comes to hair stylin',
I consider myself a bit
of an amateur professional.
Will you let me do your hair?
Lemme check my calendar.
Hmm, no, doesn't look
like I'm scheduled
to turn down the greatest idea
I've ever heard. So, yes!
- Well, then, buckle up, girl.
- Whoo!
'Cause we're about to put
some woo-hoo in that 'do!
Come on ♪
Yeehaw! ♪
You'll be pretty as a peach ♪
When I'm thru with you ♪
Gonna give my girl
a down home 'do ♪
Imma do it up nice
Just the way we like ♪
A little extra sugar
A little extra spice ♪
I'm gonna brush
it, gonna fluff it ♪
Gonna get it standin' up
Like we do back home ♪
Like we do back home ♪
I'm gonna lift
it, gonna twist it ♪
Set it with a final spritz
Like we do back home ♪
Like we do back home ♪
Like we do back home ♪
So, what do you think?
- Wow! I mean, it's so
- Big!
Oh, I know! Bigger than
a Country Troll Mile!
Don't you love it?
Holly, I
love it!
- You don't love it.
- Oh Not exactly! Ah!
What I loved was enjoying
some BFF bonding with her
through hair care. Ah!
But you don't love the hair.
- Branch, it's so big!
- Poppy, not to get all "voice of reasony" on you,
but it's your hair.
Style it the way you want.
You mean undo Holly's do?
No, that would crush her.
Not to mention,
you'd be chancing yourself
- a Holly Darlin' Guilt Trip.
- Guilt Trip?
What's that?
The kinda trip where you ain't
gonna stop to pick out souvenirs.
You see, Holly is
particularly adept
at makin' a Troll feel real
guilty for wrongdoing.
I once forgot to
RSVP to her party.
When she unleashed
them six little words.
I'm not mad.
I'm just disappointed.
Well, there won't be any guilt
trips or hurt feelings today.
In time, I'll simply
grow to love my big hair.
So, I'm like 90 minutes
into this major jam sesh,
and I, like, start
feeling these emotions.
Like real, genuine
feelings and
Are you even listening to me?
Yes! Don't stop now.
Keep being vulnerable!
Eh, we can talk
about this later.
No! Come back!
Open up to me!
Um. Poppy? You're
obstructing my view.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh! Sorry!
- Um. Poppy?
- Sorry.
- Uh, Poppy?
- Sorry.
- Excuse me, Poppy?
- So sorry!
- Poppy.
- Sorry!
- Uh, excuse me!
- Sorry.
- Ahem. Can't see.
- Sorry.
Down in front!
My hair is just too big!
So you're gonna get it styled
the way you want
and just tell Holly
it was too big? Right?
You're gonna do what I said?
- Absolutely not.
- No, no, of course not.
I can't just change the hair or
Holly will know I don't like it.
But if I were to tell her
a freak accident happened,
like, I slipped on a banana
cupcake, slid uncontrollably,
and fell right into the mouth
of a hair-eating crunch clover,
I'd have no choice,
but to change it! Hmm?
- So you're gonna lie to Holly?
- I'm not gonna lie.
'Cause we're gonna make
that happen for reals.
Ugh! Well, that's
enough cupcake for me!
Guess I'll just
throw it wherever!
Ugh, why don't we just put the
cupcake right next to the plant?
Psh, yeah, 'cuz that's not suspicious.
Take two!
Take 47!
We did it!
And then the plant chomped
the whole hairdo right off!
So, you see, Holly, that's why
my hair is back to normal.
And not for any other reason.
Oh, no. Poppy, that
Ugh, that's just awful.
You loved that big hair!
Mm. It was very big.
Well, don't you worry.
This ain't your fault.
It's the fault of whoever
discarded that banana cupcake!
- And I'm gonna find 'em.
- Wait, what?
Gee, Holly, you don't
have to do this.
I don't think there's any way
to know who left that cupcake.
- It was Branch!
- Wha!
See, right there on the wrapper!
Oh! I'd recognize his adorable
little fingerprints anywhere!
That Branch is gonna get
the guilt trip of a lifetime!
- But
- Hyah!
No. No, no, no!
Mm. After a full day
of trying to understand Poppy,
there's nothing better than a glass
of finely aged groundwater seepage.
You've earned this, Branch.
You've earned this.
Branch! She's coming!
You've gotta get away!
Take only what you need!
What? Poppy?
Who's coming?
I see you've packed yourself
a bag, Branch.
Fittin', seeing as how
you're about to go on
a trip.
Wait, uh, Holly.
Let, let's just talk this over.
Tell me, Branch. Do you have any idea
how long it takes to get really big hair?
- Uh I, I mean
- Course you don't.
You're too busy
havin' yourself a good ol time,
droppin' cupcakes for
Trolls to slip on,
to even consider the commitment it takes
to get really, really big hair. Hmm!
Poppy loved that hair, Branch.
Poppy, tell him how much
you loved that hair.
- I
- She loved that hair!
And after years of being
nothing but a good friend,
you repay her by
takin' that away? Hmm!
Oh! Ugh!
The guilt! So intense!
Why didn't you love the hair, Branch?
Why? Hmm!
Oh. Ah!
I'm sorry that I made you mad!
Oh, Branch, honey.
I'm not mad
- Huh?
- Guh!
- I'm just disappoint
- No!
I told Branch to drop that cupcake.
- So that I would slip on it.
- Poppy?
The architect of your own do's
undoing? But, but why?
I didn't like the hair.
Sorry, Holly. It was just too big and
I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
But now I realize that's silly.
I mean, we're good friends.
And when good friends tell the truth,
it doesn't hurt their feelings.
Well, actually it
does hurt my feelings.
Real bad.
- Oh.
- But, Poppy, girl,
sometimes feelings get hurt.
I'll get over that.
It's your hair.
You're entitled to style it
however you please.
Huh. Thanks, Holly.
And, yeah,
I can style it however I please!
Uh! Maybe I'll get a mohawk!
Ooh, yeah,
as an amateur professional,
I'm gonna have to veto that one.
- It's so cold, it's so cold
- Branch!
Oh, Branch, I am so sorry
I got you guilt tripped.
Whoo! I gotchu good!
Tell you what, I'm gonna find
some way to make it up to you.
So, what do you think?
Well, Holly, unlike Poppy,
I have no problem telling people
exactly how I feel,
so you better believe
when I tell you
I love it!
Trolls! Trolls!
I just spotted them approaching!
So give it up for the Hard Rock
Tribe's most popular band! It's
Bad Hair Day!
- Bad Hair Day! All right!
- Branch?
Since when are you
such a huge fan of Bad Hair Day?
Uh, since you opened the door to
inter-tribal cultural exchange?
Trolls, Trolls, go, Trolls ♪
What's happening to my hand?
Totally normal the first time
you hear Bad Hair Day.
Just lean into it, man!
It feels like I'm gonna,
like I'm gonna
Demo called it "my rock-wakening."
- Oh!
- Poppy!
- Val!
- I still can't believe you got Bad Hair Day
to play here in TrollsTopia!
You really came through
on this one, Popsqueak.
Pound it.
Sure, whatevs.
'Scuse me.
Branch! Did you see how far
Val and I are coming along?
We've never been close enough
to fist bump before!
I mean, yeah, she
didn't blow it up,
but that just means there's another
milestone to achieve in our friendship!
But, yeah, whatevs.
Uh, okay. Anyway,
I wanted you to meet Petra,
my best friend from back home.
She follows Bad Hair Day
to all their shows!
Guilty as charged.
Your best friend? Val, how?
How did I not know about this?
I don't even have a personalized
gift basket to welcome you.
Good thing I have these
catch-all emergency baskets!
This one. No, no, no, this one.
Oh, here. No, here!
You must be that Troll
Val's told me so much about.
The one who got her
to go to Girls Night?
Eh, wasn't that big a deal.
We made friendship bracelets!
Okay, Poppy, you're at a
full on double rainbow.
Gonna need you to dial it
back down to a single.
Come on, Petra. You gotta see
Rock Hollow before the show.
What d'ya know,
Val Thundershock opening up,
introducing you to her friend.
It just shows how far
TrollsTopia has come
You're thinking you should've gone
with the other basket, right?
Yes! Petra, wait,
why don't you just take both?
Val? Petra?
- I'm tellin' you, V.
- Huh?
It's so obvious!
This TrollsTopia thing is changing you.
You're losing your edge!
What? No. I mean, okay,
I thought so too at first,
but it's not that bad.
Then how come you signed
your last letter "XOXO."
'Cuz they look like tiny
little skulls and crossbones.
- Hmm?
- Okay, fine, I see your point.
See! This place
is making you soft, mate.
You're Val Thundershock
for rock's sake!
You've gotta move back home
before it's too late!
You mean leave TrollsTopia?
Oh, no.
Look, let's go have
a true rocker hang.
After a little extreme fun,
I bet you'll be packing
your bags by sunset.
We want Bad Hair!
We want Bad Hair!
Petra's trying to get Val to leave
TrollsTopia forever! What am I gonna do?
- Well, maybe
- Yes! I have to follow them
and make sure Val doesn't forget how great
life here is so she decides to stay!
Great advice, friend.
- But I didn't
- Bye!
So, is there anything good
to smash around here, or what?
Hello, ladies.
What are we up to?
- Uh
- Uh
No ideas?
Well I have a few, come on!
How about we indulge in one
of Val's favorite desserts:
Klaus Von Frousting's
cupcake à la mode.
- Ooh.
- Which you can only get here in TrollsTopia.
Cute. But I brought Val a little
treat from the Hard Rock Tribe.
Cupcake à la 'splode!
Here, in TrollsTopia, the Dune
Huggy can race and embrace!
That was
- Bo-ring!
- Huh?
You wanna real thrill?
You gotta ride a
Rock Moto Critter!
- I get it. You can stop!
- Incoming!
- Okay!
Who's up for a song about what
makes TrollsTopia so great?
This is a place like ♪
No one's ever known ♪
We got a little
bit of everything ♪
And we get to call it home ♪
Different kinds of magic ♪
Different kinds of fun ♪
Different kinds of
voices in harmony ♪
So sweet every single one ♪
Yeah, you know
There ain't nowhere else ♪
Quite like it ♪
And never once
In our history ever was ♪
Nothin' better than knowin'
We're united ♪
If you love it here
Then raise your hair ♪
To TrollsTopia ♪
To TrollsTopia ♪
Look, Popsqueak, I have no idea
why you felt the sudden urge
to sing a song detailing the
virtues of TrollsTopia
But it was pretty awesome!
Oh, well, that's 'cuz TrollsTopia
is a pretty awesome place.
Actually, I've been wanting
to talk to you about that
I overheard something
earlier and
Val! You won't
believe what I got!
V.I.T. passes
to meet Bad Hair Day backstage!
No, this, this rocks too hard.
Brain can't handle
sudden thrillage.
Body shutting down. Ah!
Aw, sorry, "Ploppy",
only got two passes.
Guess it'll just be me and Val
hanging out hard rock style
while you're out here.
Thanks, mate.
Oh, I am getting backstage.
Look, I don't have a V.I.T. pass.
But from what I understand,
no Hard Rock Troll
can resist these
Cupcakes à la 'splode?
My favorite!
Now let me think,
which flavor should I choose?
Uh, think?
But the fuses are burning.
Oh, just gimme a second.
Or on the other hand
Heh. They're all the same!
Ah! Cupcake in the hole!
- Yes! First in line.
- Ugh!
Are you okay?
No, Branch!
Petra took Val backstage
and I just know she's talking
her into moving away!
Wait, no, I meant, are you
okay from that explosion?
Ugh! What am I
gonna do, Branch?
- Uh
- Yeehaw! We're goin' in!
Yeah. It's a tough one.
Wanna talk about it inside?
Val can't leave now.
We were just becoming friends.
I have to convince her to stay.
Poppy, look,
I love how much you
love your friends.
But sometimes
loving your friends
means letting them make
their own decisions.
- You think so?
- I do.
And sometimes
you have to let people go,
if that's what they want.
If that's what they
really, really want.
Bad Hair Day!
You're talking about you
and this concert, aren't you?
I'm talking about that,
but it applies to Val, too.
Get in there.
And thanks.
You're welcome.
Bad Hair Day!
Hello, TrollsTopia!
This first one's called
"Heart to Heart."
It starts with an
extra-long lead-in,
in case you need
to talk to another Troll
and get something
off your chest.
You know, like a
"Heart to Heart."
Hey, Val.
I'm gonna miss you
if you leave TrollsTopia.
But I support you,
whatever choice you make.
And, I get it if you decide
to go back home.
Dude, what are you talking about?
I'm not going anywhere.
- What? But Petra?
- I talked to Petra. She understands.
Yeah. When we were backstage,
she told me the Troll she's changing
into is the Troll she wants to be.
So, I guess I'm cool with that.
I mean, how could I
give up all of this?
Different Trolls
from different tribes
doing life together
in their different ways,
it could only happen
in TrollsTopia. Am I right?
Now, c'mon,
we got a concert to rock out to.
Bad Hair Day! Bad Hair Day!
- I don't believe it.
- Wow. She blew it up, eh?
That's a real milestone
in your friendship!
I know.
So, you wanna?
- Yeah, nah, way too soon.
- Right, yeah, I get that.
Voices in harmony ♪
So sweet every single one ♪
Yeah, you know
There ain't nowhere else ♪
Quite like it ♪
And never once
In our history ever was ♪
Nothin' better
Than knowin' we're united ♪
If you love it here
Then raise your hair ♪
To TrollsTopia ♪
To TrollsTopia ♪
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