Tunnel (2017) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Where did this bastard go?
Park Kwang Ho!
(A pop song from 1985)
Hold on what's going on?
No way
No way! I'm back in the past?
Wait How did it happen?
But I didn't catch that bastard yet.
Hold on.
What happened to that bastard?
What the hell?
Where did he go?
He disappeared again?
Just like last time. Did he
go back to where he's from?
If I'm in the past
Yeon Sook!
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
That's my house!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook
Are you Kwang Ho?
Is that really you?
Yeon Sook
Why did you have to come back now?
Do you know how worried I was?
Where the hell have you been?
I almost thought you were dead.
But you are alive!
Yeon Sook
I came back too late.
Yeon Sook I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Yeon Sook!
[Episode 13]
What happened? Where have you been?
Yeon Sook, that's
And why are you dressed so strangely?
When will we get to meet our daughter?
What? How did you know it's a girl?
I thought you didn't even know
I was pregnant.
You went missing before
I could even tell you.
It's already been five months
since you disappeared.
Five months?
So the time passes at the same speed.
What are you talking about?
Yeon Sook.
You asked me where I've been.
Do you think you can believe what
I'm about to say, no matter what?
So where is it that you've been?
You want me to believe that?
I know it's hard to believe.
At first, I didn't believe it either.
Remember when I asked you about
an undocumented person?
Even his fingerprints aren't registered.
He has absolutely no records.
What do you think
this person needs to hide?
I was actually referring to Kwang Ho.
And what he needed to hide
was the fact that he's from the past.
Please stop this nonsense.
That whistle necklace
I know that's from your mother.
Kwang Ho told me that
Yeon Sook--I mean, your mother
gave it to him as a gift.
Is that true?
Detective Park
Detective Park is really
So in the tunnel that night
that bastard hit the back of my head.
- Oh, no.
- And then I went straight to 2017.
So I went to the police station.
- That bastard hit my head with a rock!
- Were you okay?
I couldn't do anything, you know.
That's how I lost the whistle.
And they don't even have
these cords!
No cords?
- Yep.
- But how?
It's about this size.
The size of my palm.
And with this
So anyway,
I went to the police station
You've been to the year 2017?
To the future?
You don't believe me, right?
So that's how you knew
our baby is a girl?
And that's how you found out I gave
this whistle to our daughter?
I get it. I wouldn't believe it
even if I were you.
I must sound like a crazy guy.
did you get to meet our daughter too?
Of course I did, Yeon Sook!
I recognized her right away
all because of that whistle!
That whistle saved our daughter!
And she grew up so beautifully.
She is nice too!
I mean I think that counts
as nice in the future.
Also, she looks just like you.
- Her name is Yeon Ho.
- Yeon Ho?
You gave her that name by combining
the syllables in each of our names.
Isn't it old-fashioned?
I think it's a pretty name!
I must have become an old woman.
Did you get to meet me too?
- What?
- Why?
I looked old, right?
Not at all.
You still looked beautiful,
my Yeon Sook.
Why does that matter?
You almost died!
Well, I survived, thanks to you.
Do you know how you look right now?
Forget Jung Ho Young!
Please think of yourself!
Professor Shin
This necklace
Why are you wearing this?
Who are you, really? Huh?
That necklace You know it, right?
When you saved me, you asked me
who I am after you saw that necklace.
Uh no, I didn't.
You misheard me.
You definitely--
No, you're mistaken.
Go to bed.
[Detective Park]
Your call has been forwarded
to the automatic voice message
But how did I get back?
Is there a trick?
Don't go!
Kwang Ho, don't go!
Yeon Sook, I'm right here.
This is so nice.
It feels great to be back, Yeon Sook.
Where's Jeon Sung Shik?
What gives you the right
to harass your colleagues?
Section Head, it's just that
I have something I wanted to report.
Among the seven cases Jung Ho Young
was charged for
You punk.
Why would you reopen
a case that's already over?
Don't you know the prosecutors
are done with it?
It's hard to say they were
all done by the same guy
So who is the killer?
You better know who it is
after stirring shit up last night!
- Well, we don't know yet.
- Damn you
Sung Shik.
Stop it.
And that goes for all of you!
I knew this would happen.
This time, Professor Shin was wrong.
There's no way that
the killer is a police officer!
You're adding fuel to the fire.
I'm just upset!
We're so close,
yet we still don't have him!
Team Leader.
This is the only lead we have.
Why don't we go through the list of
all residents who moved here in 2016
that fit the description?
Senior, what do you think?
Is no one here?
That's enough, guys!
You want to see me
having a meltdown completely sober?
You think we'd have dragged this
on for 30 years if it was an easy case?
Let's go through the list,
Lieutenant Kim.
We got Jung Ho Young.
I can smell we'll eventually
crack this case as well.
We all know you have
the nose of a dog.
So let's do it.
Right That's what I'm talking about.
So finally you guys have
become a family?
How come Rookie is not here
on such a peaceful day?
Yes, Professor Shin?
Did Detective Park come to work?
Kwang Ho? Not yet.
He's not answering calls. And I don't
think he came home last night.
What do you mean?
I think Detective Park is missing.
Kwang Ho is missing?
What do you mean?
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic
His phone is turned off.
When was the last time you saw him?
Weren't you with him?
Team Leader, what should we do?
Let's meet them.
Let's go, Kwang Ho.
I said, let's go!
You go ahead.
- That was the last time I saw him.
- So he's gone MIA since then?
Track his cell phone.
And get a copy of his call history.
He has nowhere to go here.
He disappeared suddenly
30 years ago too.
Something could've happened to him.
First, I'll report him missing,
and request the search party
You know that's not an option.
We need to do this on our own.
Who'd have known that the detective
who chased me in the tunnel was you?
It's funny how we go way back.
Funny? Is this funny to you?
But he couldn't have known about it.
Jung Ho Young saw this
when he visited him.
So the reason why he killed himself
was because of Mok Jin Woo's visit.
The victims' DNA must be here.
If only it was 2017,
I would catch him right away.
Yeon Sook.
Is there anything I can
use as an evidence bag?
- An evidence bag?
- Yes, a plastic bag would work.
What is that? Why are you
treating it so carefully?
It's the definitive evidence
that links us to the killer.
What? So can you catch
the killer right now?
No. There's nothing I can do
with this right now.
I could probably figure out
his blood type, at best.
But in the future, I can most definitely
catch the killer with this fountain pen.
So I'll need to keep this safe
until the DNA technology develops.
I'll be right back.
You're not going to eat anything?
I don't have time to waste.
No one in 2017 knows that
he is the killer.
I must catch him now to prevent
more people from dying.
I'll be back.
Kwang Ho, you're not going to
disappear again, are you?
Of course not. Don't worry.
And if something happens,
call me on my cell.
Your cell?
Oh, it's Hold on.
Huh? Where did it go?
Oh well, even if I had it with me,
it won't work here.
I'll find a pay phone
and call you whenever I can.
Be right back.
I don't recognize any face.
So Sung Shik was right--
they did disband the unit.
Then all the investigation records
must have been burned.
Even if I go in right now, no one will
believe that Mok Jin Woo is the killer.
So first, let's find the evidence
that he is the killer!
So first, let's find the evidence
that he is the killer!
How are you here?
Are you Park Kwang Ho?
Journalist Oh?
You you
I heard you're dead.
But you're alive?
Yes, I'm alive, you punk.
Great timing, by the way.
Come here.
How how did you survive?
What? You found the killer?
For god's sake, keep it down!
But I don't have
the evidence to arrest him!
So do me a favor. Find someone for me.
There was a survivor in this case.
A survivor?
Yes. The fifth victim, Kim Young Ja.
But the killer thinks she's dead.
If we find Young Ja,
we can arrest him right away!
My goodness!
Who'd have known there was a survivor!
But how come you're asking me?
I'm not a detective.
Ask the Team Leader or Sung Shik!
Oh, but Sung Shik has been
transferred to Gangwon-do.
I know. How would I call someone in
all the way from Gangwon-do?
You punk.
If you help me get the killer,
I'll give you the scoop. Fine?
- A scoop?
- Yes.
Imagine the big fat article
by you on the first page!
How does that sound?
Well, this is very
You punk. You're sounding me out?
Let's do this.
I told her she should
at least finish high school
but she had to run to Seoul.
Then where is she staying
in Seoul right now?
At her uncle's place.
She got a job as a bookkeeper
at a nearby factory.
Do you mind me asking the address?
Sergeant Park, you're not
going there right now, are you?
We don't have much time.
We should go now.
Geez! Fine, I'll pay for the gas,
so just come!
You know me too well now.
I'm starting to like you. Let's go!
You creep.
The last incoming phone call
was at 9:11 p.m.
But it was from a disposable cell.
A disposable cell?
Yes. And the phone was turned off
at 10:07 p.m.
Near Hwa Yang base station.
He's probably in that radius.
What? Then he disappeared
right after taking that call?
Team Leader, let's search
this area first.
Kim Seon Jae and I will search for
places he could go near the base station.
Tae Hee and Min Ha. You guys check
all the security cameras between
our department and the cell tower.
And nothing is certain yet. So don't
tell people Park Kwang Ho disappeared.
- Understood?
- Okay.
- Let's start looking too.
- Okay.
I'll go with you guys too.
You too?
Team Leader.
Professor Shin also knows
who Kwang Ho is.
Team Leader knows as well?
What do you mean?
He worked with Kwang Ho
30 years ago.
Team Leader knows about it too.
So it's okay.
So that's why you called him "Senior."
It's one surprise after another.
So you ended up finding out.
Yes, I got to find out.
And I have so much I want to know.
But he disappeared.
You're Kim Young Ja, right?
Who are you?
I'm a police officer.
Hold on!
Young Ja.
It's not your fault.
Why do you need to live in hiding
as if you're the guilty one?
You know he's the bad guy!
Young Ja!
Are you listening?
Young Ja, are you listening?
But that's not what people think!
Hey, Miss! Don't be like that!
All you need to do
is point out the guy!
- Will you shut up?
- It's just that
With my statement,
will anything change?
Yes. Everything will change!
With just one word from you,
we can catch the killer right away.
Or else more women will
have to go through what you did.
Young Ja. Please do us a favor.
Why would I care about them?
Just go!
Young Ja! Young Ja!
Miss! Please help us!
Why is that so difficult?
Hey, Miss!
What do we do now?
We should wait it out
until she comes around.
Hey, you go back.
I have somewhere to be.
Where are you going?
Hey! You
Gosh, he's not changed even a bit!
If it's near this area could it be
Team Leader.
There's no way, right?
He said he passed through here
many times, but it didn't work
Yes, Tae Hee.
Team Leader.
Something seems odd about
Rookie's whereabouts.
How so?
After leaving the police station,
he went to Hwa Yang University Hospital.
And there, he got in a taxi.
A taxi?
All right. Meet the taxi driver first,
and go back to the office.
He said Kwang Ho left the office and
went to Hwa Yang University Hospital.
And took a taxi from there.
Hwa Yang University?
Why did he go there?
Let's get back to the office first.
I'd be relieved if he
actually went back to the past.
To the past?
What do you mean?
Kwang Ho got here while chasing
the killer in that tunnel 30 years ago.
Kwang Ho believed that he could only
return once he solved this case.
He said he had to go back
so that Yeon Sook won't die
and so that you won't
need to grow up alone.
Like what Team Leader said
I'd be relieved to know that he
returned to the past through that tunnel.
But if that's not the case
Hey, Yeon Sook!
Is this why you called me?
To go on a ferry?
I promised to go on a ferry with you
on your birthday, but I couldn't.
For three people.
It is three people. Our Yeon Ho
is going on the boat too.
Isn't that right?
Kwang Ho!
Thank you.
Let's go, Yeon Sook.
And you too, Yeon Ho!
Let's go!
Seoul is so beautiful.
I know, right?
It's so nice to be out here
with the three of us, right?
I've done nothing for our Yeon Ho.
Well, you can be a good daddy
from now on.
Your stomach is so big!
Hello everyone. This is a teddy bear
popular with boys and girls.
Hold on.
- How much is it?
- It's 1,000 won.
- How much is this one?
- That would be 2,000 won.
- 2,000 won?
- Yes.
Yeon Ho, do you like this?
I'll be a good daddy to you
from now on. Okay?
Remember that, Yeon Ho.
Yeon Sook, let's get some good food
since we came all the way out to Seoul.
Anything you want.
How about something expensive?
Something expensive?
Let's do it!
Ah, it's so nice.
Thank you.
You said "something expensive."
But you brought us here again?
No, we will have something expensive
after we finish this.
While you were gone
I had the biggest craving
for strawberries.
I couldn't believe myself. I didn't
even know whether you were alive.
You went through a lot alone.
I'm sorry, Yeon Sook.
I bought dumplings from here
for our Yeon Ho.
Even after 30 years,
this place was still here!
- Really?
- Yes!
I want to see our baby's face too.
I think it was a good thing
I didn't tell her who I am.
If she found out, she'd have
a hard time right now.
It's nothing. Eat.
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
I'll pay. Let's go.
What? Why are you paying?
Hey, Miss. Why are you paying?
Yeon Ho.
Make sure you chew well.
Have as much as you want.
Help yourself too, Mommy.
[Park Kwang Ho's whereabouts]
Why did he go to
Hwa Yang University Hospital?
He doesn't know anyone there
except Professor Mok.
So what did you find out?
Where was he headed?
He said he dropped him off
by the tunnel.
Excuse me, you have
to take the change!
The tunnel?
But that's where he disappeared.
We checked the security cameras
from that time range.
But we didn't see him taking a taxi
back or coming out of the tunnel.
He couldn't have just evaporated.
Where the hell did he go?
He must have gone back!
But if he really did go back,
he'd have at least said bye to us!
With Professor Shin here,
he couldn't have just left like that!
He disappeared without a word
30 years ago too!
Back then, we all thought he was dead.
But he was actually visiting here!
That's what happened this time too.
He traveled to the past
through that tunnel!
It sucks that we didn't get
to say goodbye.
But maybe it's for the best!
He was supposed to go back
a long time ago.
Let's catch the killer.
We don't know
when there'll be new cases
Where are you going?
Kim Seon Jae!
Officer Park, can you show me
the security camera footage from Unit 1?
Hold on.
Detective Park asked me
to look into something for him.
And what was that?
Professor Mok Jin Woo's
personal background.
What? About Professor Mok?
Yes, like where he's from,
whether he lived here in 1986.
Things like that.
He said it was a very urgent matter.
So I looked up
Hwa Yang University's website.
And I even called my cousin
who works at the residential office!
Could you forward
that information to me as well?
[Team Leader Jeon Sung Shik]
So he did go back to the past.
If I had known he'd suddenly
disappear like this
it'd have been better for you
not to find out.
No, it's okay.
I've always wanted to know.
Who I am.
And what kind of people
my parents were.
Now I can finally move on to
the next chapter in my life.
I think everything is up to me
from now on.
Thank you for letting me know.
Lieutenant Kim, what brings
you here at this hour?
Can we talk for a minute?
About what?
Did you meet Kwang Ho last night?
Detective Park?
No, I didn't see him. Why?
Since last night, we can't reach him.
But I heard he was here last night.
You can't reach him?
Are you saying he went missing?
You haven't seen him?
I went home at 9:00 p.m.
If he came after that,
he probably missed me.
By the way, what's with
the cuts on your face?
Oh, you mean these?
I was organizing my books,
and they fell on my face.
Why? Does it look like I got
into a fight or something?
Thanks for your cooperation.
Cooperation? You're more than welcome.
By the way
Did something happen to Detective Park?
I'm still trying to find out.
I'll be off then.
Lee Jung Sook, 22 years old.
Kim Kyung Soon, 20 years old.
Hwang Chun Hee, 23 years old.
Seo Hee Soo, 26 years old.
Jin Seon Mi, 19 years old.
They were someone's daughter
and someone's mother.
All of these women were killed.
Don't you think we should catch
the killer and find justice for them?
Shouldn't we do that for
their families as well?
There's no one else
who can give a statement.
Young Ja, please,
I'm asking you.
My goodness, you really did all this?
You're up?
I'll do laundry for you from now on
since you're getting big.
Do you want strawberries?
- Strawberries?
- Come here.
- Here you go.
- Wow!
I know it's late,
but I hope you'll help yourself.
Who's calling so early?
This is Young Ja.
Yes, Young Ja.
All of those women
They did nothing wrong.
You know that, right, Detective?
Of course I do. None of them
deserved what was done to them.
I will give a statement
Thank you, Young Ja.
Thank you so much!
Yeon Sook, I'm going to
go get this bastard.
I can finally arrest him!
You're going to work today?
Yeon Sook, I'm sorry.
But I'll be back soon.
Do you have to go?
Can't you just stay in today?
I wish you could stay home just today.
Please, Kwang Ho
I'm sorry, Yeon Sook.
You always say that.
Yeon Sook
Hey, look at me.
Yeon Sook.
I'll be back really soon!
I promise.
Why are you crying?
I said, I'll be back soon.
You're beautiful even when you're crying.
And even when you're glaring at me.
Yeon Sook, don't worry.
I'll be back soon.
See you later.
[Sarang Orphanage]
[Office of Sarang Orphanage]
Here it is.
There are often people
like you who come here.
I heard my parents were
Park Kwang Ho and Shin Yeon Sook.
Who is this person?
[Mother: Shin Mi Hee]
Is that so?
Were your biological parents
all deceased at that time?
Yes, that's what I heard.
In principal, overseas adoption
is not allowed
without the permission
of the biological parents.
But back then, many kids' relatives or
social workers used to put them under
their documents and sent the kids
out for overseas adoption.
So this Eastern medicine clinic
is where I used to live?
Yes, the address is
written on that document.
[Gyeonggi Province, Hwa Yang,
Mooyoung dong, Mooyoung Clinic.]
What's taking him so long?
What took you so long, Journalist Oh?
Sergeant Park, I don't think
I can go to Seoul with you.
There's a new case!
There's a hostage situation!
I'm in a rush.
Please go on your own, okay?
This punk!
I mean, that case is basically over!
We got the statement,
so you just need to arrest the killer!
Hey, don't you think about
taking back what you said
just because I made you
go to Seoul alone!
Don't forget about the scoop!
It's mine, okay?
See you later.
[Mooyoung Eastern Medicine]
How may I help you?
You look so much like your mother.
Do I really look a lot like her?
I was secretly hoping
you'd stop by sometime.
A young man came by before.
He was looking for you, so I told him
about the day of the accident.
I don't know what the story behind it
was, but he was crying his eyes out.
He sat right where
you are now, for hours.
He must have been looking for my mom.
I'm so relieved that he went back.
Mom and Dad they must have
reunited by now.
Where can I find
the department of medicine?
- That way.
- Thank you.
Mok Jin Woo?
Yes, I have a few questions for him.
Where can I meet him?
He's a freshman, so he'll be
at his major requirement class
What's wrong?
His grandmother passed away,
so he is absent today.
So he's not in school right now?
I think he went home.
Can you tell me the address?
So Jung Ho Young killed himself
right after you visited him?
Hey, Park Kwang Ho!
Why did you go there
without telling us?
You sound too aggressive.
What are you getting at?
How is it that the last person
Jung Ho Young saw
before he killed himself
happened to be you, Professor?
Why do you look so surprised?
He came by because he was
worried about Kwang Ho.
Oh, I see
Feel free to contact me anytime.
Take care.
See you around, Lieutenant Kim.
Team Leader.
Why did Professor Mok come here?
Didn't you just hear me?
You didn't tell him about Kwang Ho
or the 1980s' case, right?
Why would I tell him that?
"Where do we come from?
What are we?"
"Where are we going?"
The title of this work by Gauguin
makes us think about a lot of things.
After receiving a letter about
his daughter's death
Gauguin decided to start on his
last painting and finished this work.
The source of existence.
In other words, finding out where one
comes from is very important.
If we live a life where
the sum of our past disappears
and everything is reset each day
we won't be able to learn a thing
from our past mistakes.
The sum of our past
makes us who we are today.
The same goes for killers too.
Who are these people?
How did they become killers?
Like I said in our last class
killers are not made overnight.
Behaviors that are precursors of murders
are manifested from very young ages.
And they gradually develop
over the course of a very long time.
What kind of family do you think
killers are born into?
Perhaps they're orphans,
or they have single parents.
That's a stereotype.
There are many
white-collar criminals too.
I think their parents must have
abused or neglected them.
I learned from the news that
most abusive parents were raised
in the same abusive environment.
I agree.
It's not always about hitting their kids.
There are many parents
that are emotionally abusive.
Or maybe the parents are also
suffering from mental illness.
All of your answers have a point.
Most of the killers had
unfortunate childhoods.
However, that by no means
justifies their crimes.
There are always killers who
come from normal families.
Just like a faulty screw
that sticks out.
What kind of a past would a killer
who put dots on his victims have?
It must be related to
Kim Young Ja's death.
Could I be mistaken about
the killer's personal traits?
[Mok Jin Woo's Personal Information]
Professor Mok was really
in Hwa Yang 30 years ago!
[Suspect Info:
1. Male, Age 40-50]
[2. Lived in Hwa Yang until 1986
3. Returned to Hwa Yang in 2016]
There's got to be more reasons
why he had suspected Professor.
Where are you going, Lieutenant Kim?
Oh boy
Team Leader.
Are you sure Rookie is okay?
Lieutenant's face says otherwise.
When will you explain
everything to us?
Gosh, I wasted a whole day!
I did jump 30 years in time
to catch that bastard, though.
So one day is not a big deal.
You think the fact that Kim Young Ja
was alive affected the killer?
That's right.
Do you think my speculation is wrong?
I don't get why he'd have started
killing again after 30 years otherwise.
I don't think you got it wrong.
Since he thought that
he committed a perfect crime
only to realize that
it was not all that perfect.
What's more
If the killer is someone
who puts dots in such an organized way
it must have been
all the more upsetting for him.
Where do you think
such a behavior comes from?
Unlike Jung Ho Young, this guy
doesn't kill for attention.
I don't think the reason why he put
those dots was to show off.
As a medical examiner, what do you
think is the difference between
Jung Ho Young
and the killer from the '80s?
If we take a look at Lee Seo Yeon,
Yoon Da Young, and Nam Joo Hee's cases
their strangulation marks are different.
Lee Seo Yeon was strangled many times.
But Yoon Da Young and
Nam Joo Hee were strangled once.
Normally, the killer's traits
are revealed by their MO.
Killing people for pleasure
and killing them with a motive
are two different things.
Oh, did you find out
who was looking for you?
Yes, I found him.
You were right.
Memories come back to you
when it's the right time.
That's great.
I did find him.
But he disappeared again.
[Lieutenant Kim]
Yes, Lieutenant Kim.
That's right. He must have started
somewhere he knew well first.
Somewhere he's familiar with.
After that, he must have gained
confidence because he didn't get caught.
So he must have ventured out.
Farther and farther away from his home.
Yeon Ho was right.
Serial killers have a tendency to
commit crimes closer to their homes
as they commit more murders.
I thought that the first murder site
was the closest to his house.
But it was the opposite.
I'm sorry.
For what?
For just everything.
Thank you, Lieutenant Kim.
For what?
For just everything.
The fact that
Detective Park was my father
I was glad I got to find out,
although it was too late.
I probably will never
get to see him again.
I got to find out who I was,
and whose child I was
That's enough for me.
Kwang Ho had told me the same thing.
At the hospital
He said it was good enough
that he found out you're his daughter
and to have seen your face.
She was Park Kwang Ho's daughter?
By the way, where have you been?
I was at Professor Mok's lab.
What for?
I went to ask his opinion on
whether he thinks Kim Young Ja's case
had triggered the killer.
And what did he say?
He agreed with me.
He said the killer must have found
it hard to accept that he made a mistake.
And he talked about
the strangulation marks.
- Strangulation marks?
- Yes.
He said that the strangulation mark
on Lee Seo Yeon, who was killed by
Jung Ho Young, and the marks on Yoon Da
Young and Nam Joo Hee are different.
Lee Seo Yeon was strangled many times.
Yoon Da Young
and Nam Joo Hee were
"strangled just once."
That's what he said.
Jin Woo!
Jin Woo!
Where did he go?
I need to find something
before this bastard gets back.
[National Forensics Bureau]
You've examined
Yoon Da Young's body, right?
Yes. Can I help you?
I have one question.
The strangulation mark on
Yoon Da Young's neck
I heard it was made by a single
strangulation by stockings.
Sorry? Who told you that?
Well, you're misinformed.
Whether a person is strangled
once or several times
it's the excessive pressure
that kills the person.
You can't tell how many times
a person was strangled from the marks.
What do you mean
It's impossible to tell that
a person was strangled once.
That's something only
the killer would know.
Who are you?
Finally, we meet.
Who are you? And why are you here?
Where have you been?
Busy killing people
and putting dots on them?
Is that funny?
Lee Jung Sook, Kim Kyung Soon,
Hwang Chun Hee, Seo Hee Soo.
Kim Young Ja, Jin Seon Mi.
Do you even know their names?
You're under arrest for the murder
of these women, Mok Jin Woo.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You don't know?
Do you not recognize me?
In the tunnel, you hit me with the rock.
Why? Are you shocked that I'm alive?
I'm not.
Mok Jin Woo!
Son of a bitch!
You bastard!
I've got to get him!
I've got to get him!
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
Kwang Ho is back?
We've been looking everywhere for you!
We thought something happened!
Let's arrest him first.
We'll have to make him confess.
And here we are again.
We have to release him in 48 hours.
We must find something in 48 hours.
I'm kind of in a rush. I have a lot
I want to tell you before I leave.
Do you really believe I'm the killer?
I left the fountain pen in the past.
Mok Jin Woo never stopped killing!
I'm here for Officer Park Kwang Ho.
Don't give up even if you
made a stupid choice.
Another woman must have died.
You've got to get the king
to win the game.
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