Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

The Final Festival

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
[Episode 13]
Young man, we're here.
I'm sorry, but could you go around the block one more time?
Okay, then.
I don't care who you are.
I don't care if you're Ahjumma
or a zombie, even.
So, let us
stay together.
I only see you ♪
What's your answer?
I'm hungry.
Huh? Should we eat somewhere first, then?
I'm tired.
I want to rest.
Could you take me home?
Young man, what should we do?
Well, sir. I'm so sorry, but could we go around just one more time-
That's enough.
Are you rich?
Whenever, whatever ♪
Sir, could you open up the trunk?
Oh, yes, yes.
[On Eun Yu]
What? I feel like I just saw something really strange.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Thank you.
Do you want some ramen before you go?
(A line from a Korean movie hinting at spending the night)
Do you want to heat up water? I'll put this away and come down.
The kitchen is over there.
Shouldn't I say hello to your parents?
They aren't here.
- Both of them?
- Yes.
I came back alone from the US.
Have you been living alone all this time, then?
Your jaw is about to drop.
Then, there's no one else but the two of us here-
That's what you mean.
- I'll put this away.
- I'll boil the water.
What's going on?
What? I feel I just saw something really strange again.
It's nothing!
Oh, okay. I'll carry this.
Okay. Thank you so much. It's the first room on the second floor.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
Gosh, that scared me.
[Which band member did Mom love?]
[Which band member did Mom love?]
(For panic disorders)
Hey, be careful! Be careful! Be careful!
What did you put in the eggs that they ignited like this?
Why are you getting so angry?
You're scarier than the fire.
You live alone. You can't even make something simple like this?
What have you been eating all this time?
How did the eggs ignite like this?
Come on.
Be careful from now on. Are you okay?
I like that sound.
Did you know?
You crave veggie pancakes on a rainy day because
the frying sound is similar to the sound of rain.
Yes, I heard that, too.
My mom used to make veggie pancakes on rainy days, too.
Did your parents, too?
- No.
- Huh? Why not?
You're supposed to have veggie pancakes on a rainy day.
I was the only one who could hear the rain in my family.
All done.
Wow, it looks amazing. Thank you.
Hey, it's incredible. It's so crispy.
You didn't try to go to the US because you craved veggie pancakes, right?
No way.
Why did you suddenly want to go to the US, then?
I realized that my mom's first love was my dad.
- Hey-
- No.
Don't ask. I won't answer.
That's it for today.
I'll eat all around the edge.
Hey, eat slowly. You'll get indigestion.
The edge is the best. Go ahead and tear it!
The edge part is mine, I said.
Hey, the edge is the best part.
Hey, let's share. I haven't eaten at all today.
I'm hungry. Let's share it. Seriously!
Let's share it, I said.
You'll get indigestion like that. I told you to eat slowly.
I want to try it, too! Give me.
Give me, I said!
Move, move!
Are you a coda, by chance?
How did you know that?
The only one who can hear the rain in your family.
I heard they call people like you a coda.
No, I'm asking how you knew that word.
Did the word not exist in '95 yet?
Well, the thing is, I learned from a deaf friend in the US.
Ask me.
Ask what?
Don't you have any questions?
Should I?
How strange.
People usually ask me a lot of questions when I say I'm a CODA.
At first, they're curious. And then they empathize with me.
After that, they sympathize, feel friendly, concerned, worried,
et cetera. All of those things.
It's because the ones who ask want to hear that you're miserable.
That way, it proves that they're happy.
I feel less affectionate about humanity.
That's just how people are.
They want to comfort someone rather than being comforted.
Don't worry.
You know how people get excited when they find interesting contents,
but they turn it off immediately if it's not what they want.
It's similar to that.
You can leave now. Thank you so much for today.
Would you be okay alone? Isn't it scary?
Why ask? Will you keep me company all night if I say yes?
Huh? A-All-night?
It's not that
Gosh, look at yourself. You're already a pervert.
You're a pervert.
You said I'm a pervert.
Are you really?
Am I a pervert?
No. Can you really find a way for me to go back?
It'd be difficult.
I know.
It really isn't simple.
I know that, too.
- You do?
- Yeah.
You're not talking about just going back to the US.
You're talking about a way to approach someone in the US.
I'll figure it out with you.
If I go back, I'd never be able to come back.
That's why I'll take my time figuring it out.
I'll do my best to find a way and delay it as much as I can. That way
I could be with you for a long time.
The lights are turning on ♪
Someone's day is ending as usual as the afternoon is passing by ♪
In the shaking train, I'm ♪
I'll do my best to find a way and delay it as much as I can.
That way, I could be with you for a long time.
My heart and the moon collide ♪
I wonder if there was a night like that in the days past ♪
[No Caller ID]
No way.
- Hello?
- Buonasera.
- Master?
- Did you enjoy your trip?
Gosh, you scared me. Hold on.
Why are you asking in the past tense this time?
You're definitely very quick.
Looks like it's almost time to end the trip.
End the trip?
Does that mean I'll go back to the year 2023?
Soon, on the night with two moons, the door that connects the two worlds opens.
That's the only day you can go back.
When is that?
I'll make sure it's bright inside La Vida Music so you don't get lost. Well, then
Hold on. Hold on. When will there be two moons?
That's coming soon.
Hello? Hold on! Master!
Soon, on the night with two moons, the door that connects the two worlds opens.
That's the only day you can go back.
The left hand only supports.
The festival is over.
Don't ever come to see me again.
You and I live in different worlds, anyway.
Se Kyeong.
You're going to school early. Are you a model student now?
I'm an old man now. I wake up early for no reason these days.
I'm sorry.
- Did you pray that I become an old man?
- No.
For running away without telling you at the festival.
I see. Is that why you came here?
Yes. To apologize sincerely and work up my courage to confess.
To be honest, Yi Chan, I
I know. You like Ha Eun Gyeol.
How did you know?
You think my eyes don't work?
I don't know if you'd believe me, but I wasn't planning to use or deceive you.
To be honest, I have a situation I can't explain-
Thank you.
- Out of the blue?
- Yeah.
Thanks to you, I've been excited and had fun like every day was a festival.
I had fun passionately without any regrets.
Although I lost the bet, I can tell an amazing story now.
Aren't you angry?
No. Since you ran away, it ended up as everyone's festival.
Instead of it being about a couple.
You were perfect until the end.
What a shame. I knew I should've chosen you.
It's too late.
Hey, aren't you cutting me out too fast?
Didn't you know? I'm a cold-hearted man.
Did you even like me?
It's open-ended- My gosh. Don't touch me quite yet.
I didn't touch you. I hit you.
Let's keep it open-ended, then.
[Watermelon Sugar]
What are you doing?
I'm looking for the right curse word for you.
When will you move your stuff in the practice room?
Everyone else has already done it.
What disloyal bastards.
What did you expect?
It was a temporary band we put together in a rush for the festival.
Ha Yi Chan. Oh Ma Ju.
The principal wants to see you.
Did you cause trouble again? Again? Again? Again?
Gosh, seriously.
What? Why are you guys coming out of there?
What? Why am I having a bad feeling about this?
Did we get caught having a fight with the Jindo Dog Gang?
- Is everyone here?
- Yes!
- Have a seat. Have a seat. Have a seat, I said.
- Okay.
So, according to the rumor, you completely destroyed the stage during the festival.
There's another one of you, right?
The one who goes to Seowon Arts High School.
What was his name
I'm sorry!
We deserve to die.
No, no, no. It's okay.
I can deal with that student separately.
Geez, we're in trouble!
You can sign this first.
[No! We can't drop out!]
We can't drop out!
[We can't end up as middle school graduates]
It's an emergency. It's an utter crisis.
After school I mean, after cleaning, come to the practice room immediately.
What's wrong with you guys? Huh?
What's going on?
[Application for the 6th Nationwide Youth Band Competition]
What's that?
It's an application for the Nationwide Youth Band Competition.
Men should be ambitious and perform on a big stage.
Sign the application form.
Enter the competition and destroy the stage again.
you must defeat Ilyoung High School, no matter what it takes. Okay?
Is Ilyoung High School that impressive?
Our principal and Ilyoung's principal grew up together,
but they're sworn enemies.
They compete with the Seoul National University acceptance rate, but we're always behind.
It's also true that their band is pretty good.
By telling us to defeat them, he's basically telling us to win first place.
Let's do that, then. I don't see why we can't.
I thought he was Yi Chan's son.
It's not only about the performance.
You have an original song, right?
No way. You don't have one?
Well, the thing is, we do covers. We don't have an original song yet-
What will you do, then?
Hey. You need an original song to enter the competition.
What will you do now?
What have you been doing?
They have plenty of original songs, apparently. But you-
We have an original song!
That's what happened.
We can just write one. What's the big deal?
I thought he was really Yi Chan's son.
My son is right.
Let's write an original song.
Yi Chan, you must've bought a vending machine.
One that gives you original songs if you put a coin in it.
How will idiots like us write an original song in a month?
We pulled it off.
We had a month to practice for the festival, too.
Don't you remember?
Close your eyes and remember.
Think about all the sweat and blood we shed all this time.
And our fiery breaths.
As a result, we were rewarded with a passionate, screaming audience.
All the passion and love we received from the female fans.
Don't you want to experience that again with our own song, not a cover?
How about we go on an overnight songwriting camping trip next weekend, then?
Songwriting camping trip?
We'll decide on the concept for our song
and we can rally for unity to celebrate our comeback.
What do you think? Are you in?
That sounds pretty good.
- Let's go!
- A songwriting camping trip
Let's just go!
I'm sure we idiots could make a stone tower, at least. Right?
Okay. Manager, get us lodging and train tickets today.
Yes, sir.
Okay. Train tickets and lodging.
By the way, we should tell Se Kyeong and Cheong Ah, too. Right?
We need a stylist and a photographer to be on a big stage.
So who wants to tell them-
Ha Eun Gyeol can tell them.
That's the end of the meeting.
Let's eat tteokguk. It's on me.
Ma Ju, please grab my bag.
Aren't you going to fight?
- Why aren't you guys fighting?
- Why aren't you?
- How strange.
- Why aren't they fighting? How weird.
- We can do it. Okay?
- We just need you to focus.
- We're Watermelon
- Sugar!
- Watermelon.
- Sugar!
I need to tell you something.
Well, to be honest-
Do I have to be ordained as a priest?
Why is everyone confessing to me?
You're too late, you bastard.
Se Kyeong came in the morning and told me everything.
What? W-What did Se Kyeong tell you?
She said she likes you.
Must be nice being handsome.
are you okay?
Would you be okay if you were me?
Do you want to just punch me?
I was going to, anyway.
Be good to Se Kyeong.
I'll be watching you.
If you make her cry, you'll be crying blood.
Okay. I will.
We'll continue to be friends, then, right?
Stay out of my sight for a while, you bastard.
For how long?
Three minutes.
The 18-year-old dad was way cooler than I thought.
Why? Come with us.
Is it because of Yi Chan, by chance?
It's not like that. I'm busy preparing for the exhibition.
I told you. Se Kyeong didn't choose anyone at the festival.
This is your chance. That's why you should come
I know you've been trying hard to set me up with Yi Chan.
But I'll manage myself from now on.
Don't be like that and go camping with us.
I'll help you.
It's my life.
Not yours.
I can do it myself. Don't you trust me?
Let's study sign language now.
The 18-year-old mom is getting stronger.
Cheong Ah, let's go camping together.
You didn't even come to the festival.
Make sure to come. I'll be waiting.
No! Gosh
I thought the band would get disbanded, but it revived.
Everything else is going well, but I
Looks like it's almost time to end the trip.
What are you doing here?
Well, my teacher keeps telling me to play in front of everyone.
Everything else is going well, but I
I said I don't want to. I'd rather die.
For some strange reason, I
So I'm playing hooky. You didn't see me.
I want to stay here a little longer.
Let's go.
No, I won't go back.
Don't you know what playing hooky means?
I didn't say go back to class.
Let's run away together.
It's not time yet.
Not today.
We can be together for now.
- Just be honest with me.
- About what?
You said you fell for me at first sight. That was a lie, wasn't it?
I'll give you three seconds.
Tell me when you started liking me and why in three seconds.
- One.
- It was after you came back from the US.
- What?
- When I ran into you working in Hongdae.
To be honest, I was happy.
It wasn't love at first sight. I grew to like you while fighting with you.
- What's wrong?
- That's the real me.
That's the real me, I said!
I don't want to! I don't want to go!
Let go of me!
Will you keep acting like this?
Yi Chan, does our band need a designer or not?
You said she already said no.
You said she refused to go camping, too.
That's why we should persuade her in person.
She doesn't want to go. Why persuade her more?
And Yoon Cheong Ah
doesn't listen to me.
Make Ha Eun Gyeol do it! Make him do it!
Hey, hey, hey. He doesn't see her often these days, either.
And she's always at the academy because of the exhibition.
- Geez, come on!
- The desperate ones need to work hard.
Go ahead and do it if you want!
Okay. I'll do it. You can just interpret.
- Hey.
- I can't do sign language.
You think I can? I'm barely on a toddler level-
Oh, it's here.
I got paged. Paged.
I'll check the message for a second. Wait right here.
Don't move. Seriously.
You think I won't move?
Get out of the way!
I'm sorry, sir. She'll move soon. Very soon.
You'd only go this much faster. This much.
Thank you. Have a nice day. Thank you!
Hi, little buddy. Have you been well?
Tell me about loneliness ♪
This must be a feeling like a wind blowing ♪
I'll tell you about sadness ♪
That must be a feeling like a sleeve that's getting wet in the rain ♪
Guys, the teacher told us to eat. We have an interim assessment in an hour.
Gosh, I don't want to.
Let's go, guys.
I'm stopping right now ♪
Which way should I go? I'm actually afraid ♪
If only I had you to hold my hand warmly ♪
I would've leaned on you without a word and face the night approaching ♪
Drink it.
You must be thirsty without a drink.
You don't have to be so alarmed. I didn't put poison in it. Just relax and
Hold on, hold on! Hold on, buddy.
Hey, hey, hey. Where are you going? Hey!
Talking to her won't work.
Wait, hold on.
You go to that art academy there, right?
I see you often because I go to an academy nearby, too.
I'm an 11th grader at Dongwon High.
And you're an art student at Seowon Arts High- Hold on, hold on.
Would you like to talk at a quiet cafe if you're free?
I'll get you a parfait.
To be honest, you're exactly my type.
Hey. Do you think I'm a joke? Why do you keep ignoring me?
Just tell me if you don't want to.
Why do you keep ignoring me like that?
- Are you serious-
- Hey, hey, hey. Don't.
She can't talk.
- What?
- She's deaf, I mean.
What? She really can't hear?
Hey, is it for real or not? Hey!
- Come here, come here, come here.
- Who are you?
- It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
- Come here, come here.
What are you, in elementary school?
Do you really have to be that childish?
Open up your notebook and write this down.
"A handsome hyung taught me a true lesson today.
It was so moving.
After listening to him, I realized I was trash.
I should be a good person from now on."
Won't you write it down?
Don't cross the line.
I warned you nicely, okay?
I'll kill you if you mess with her again.
Why did you have to choose someone like her and get us into this mess?
She walks around with headphones to confuse people. How was I to know?
You're right. How would you have known?
Gosh, I told them not to cross the line. But they moved the line.
Hey, hey, hey!
I'm alone on top of the clock's hand that stopped ♪
Please, please, please, please, please!
[5th place]
Okay, I'll try one more time.
- Wear this one.
- I bet it's made for me.
It suits you. You look so pretty.
Looks good, right?
What's this?
Come here.
I'm the frog prince.
I'm a princess.
I'm really competitive.
But I am, too.
Watch this.
Eat it.
- It's tasty.
- It is.
You have to smile prettily for 15 minutes.
- I have to do this for 15 minutes?
- Yeah.
Are your eyebrows this thick?
Mine are very strong.
You have handsome eyebrows.
I picked this up while moving your suitcase but didn't get to give it back.
Can I ask you why you need this?
Does this have to do with the reason you hate cello to death?
Or the reason you ran away to the pool?
Or the reason you can't find a way to go back-
Mom forced happiness on me
and I displayed unhappiness with my entire body.
We were like a sword and a shield.
I was in front of a doctor when I woke up.
I had an exhibition of unhappiness like I used to.
And they gave that to me.
Since then, it has become my best friend.
Does that answer your question?
What tortured you so much?
Do you want me to do it again? In front of you, even?
Gosh, forget it.
If I do, they say I'm spoiled, childish,
and I'm just mentally fragile.
Do you still want me to show you?
Do you want to see who's unhappier?
Welcome. I heard you're a pretty good cellist.
I came as my mom told me to because I didn't want to argue.
What kind of club is this?
Well, it's kind of a social club.
You know, a social club for networking where successful people can support each other.
So, we're the Barbie dolls who got invited to the network pool our moms created?
So, what would we usually do?
We'd bribe the contest judges and sneak out pieces to play for the college entrance.
Moms do that part.
We just need to look pretty like dolls.
Until when?
Until we conquer the world?
We need to do that much to satisfy our moms' vanity and ambition.
Oh, didn't she tell you to become friends with me?
I'll take a photo with you. Although I'm only No. 1 in the country.
Smile like a pretty doll.
You should show gratitude to your mom.
One, two, three.
I know it's sad, but you have to be mature and overcome this.
Don't let people say you became No.1 because your friend committed suicide.
You can't lose grip.
Instead, make sure to remember this feeling.
So you could think back to it when you convey sadness in music.
I can't hear.
I can't hear sounds.
I can't hear anything, I said!
The otolaryngologist couldn't identify the condition, so I befriended the psychiatric medicine.
Mom, who wanted to compensate for her failure through me, befriended alcohol.
It's a typical story like that.
It's a pathetic story of a mentally weak mother and a daughter.
Should we leave now?
Won't you be honest with me?
You blocked her path, started a fight, threatened her, and mocked her!
You were mugging her, but you got caught, so you're framing us!
- Seriously.
- Shut up!
Aren't you done writing yet?
Hey, you can't be like this.
You don't want to contact your parents and don't want to write about what happened.
You can't be so uncooperative.
Ahjussi, she doesn't understand the situation.
Her ears are blocked, so she can't hear. How could she testify?
Hey, do you want to die?
Do you want me to kill you?
You must be happy that you can hear.
What did you hear so clearly that you're spitting out trash?
Who are you, and why are you butting in?
I'm the grandmother of this kid.
He said to just warn and release them unless you'd put them in jail.
Who said that?
Kang Chang Shik.
Who's Kang Chang Shik-
You mean Chief did?
I used to feed him at my boarding house and became a police officer.
He was skinny enough to ride on a leaf, but I made him look normal.
And this is how he's returning the favor.
He hasn't called you to warn them and release them?
No, not yet.
I can't do that yet since the testimonies don't match.
The exit is behind you.
The lady at the shoe store saw it.
I searched all the stores nearby and found a witness.
W-Well, it's not that.
I was just trying to talk to her-
Hey, hey, Be quiet. Be quiet!
He's done testifying.
Let them go now.
It's past dinnertime. They must be hungry.
Come and eat at my house since we got to meet like this.
You didn't have to find a witness.
You watched the show "Chief Inspector" too much.
Witness, my foot. I was lying.
What? Grandma, that's a false statement.
Why did you think you could-
Because of you.
You don't get violent for no other reason.
It's one or the other. To achieve justice or to help someone.
Do you like her?
She's pretty.
Forget it if you pity her.
Looks like she lives in a cold and lonely world on her own.
Don't even get started if you think you'd just hurt her.
I don't want you to suffer.
I had fun today, thanks to you. Bye.
You know
There's no scale to compare who's hurting more.
There's no judge to determine that, either.
No one has the right to judge someone else's pain.
You're not obligated to be acknowledged, either.
you're hurting, you're hurting.
And only you know how much you're hurting.
I won't force you to be happy.
I won't measure who's unhappier with you, either.
Sometimes, I just
want to be your prescription.
Instead of that medicine, I want to
become your best friend.
If only we could've been together dreaming the same dream ♪
Go all the way around so far, at the end of this road, I sing a love song ♪
And if you're able to shine on your own again,
I want you to shine with all of your might.
I want that time to come as soon as possible.
I don't have a lot of time left.
Our small dreams ♪
I'll protect you until then, so you don't let go ♪
What took you so long?
I told you to fly like a missile.
Hey, what happened? Why did you go to a police station?
And what's with that wound?
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol.
What do you get paid for, exactly?
- What?
- The Jinsung family
must pay you handsomely.
Are you happy as long as your pocket is full?
How about Yoon Cheong Ah? You don't care about her?
What are you talking about? Try to help me understand.
You don't care even though she didn't come to the festival.
You don't care even if she refused to come to the songwriting camp.
And you don't care if she's harassed on the street or not!
What kind of person are you?
Cheong Ah
got harassed on the street?
I'm about to do something big. You'd better help me.
Hey, hey, hey. Something big? Are you thinking of taking revenge?
If you can't even do this much for her, you're not even a human.
Hey, Yi Chan. No, don't do it! Control yourself!
I'm sorry, Yi Chan. Everything I said last time was a lie.
I was trying to get out of the way, so you and Se Kyeong get back
Cheong Ah, this is Eun Gyeol. Could you come to the practice room now?
You need to stop Yi Chan!
I'm sorry.
I asked Eun Gyeol because I thought you wouldn't come if I asked you.
You wanted to be friends with me first.
You said you liked me first, too.
You can't make my heart flutter and just ditch me.
How could you not come to the festival?
How could you not join the camping trip?
How could you be so mean?
I was going to sing for you at the festival.
But you didn't come to the festival
and if you can't come to the camping trip,
I'll have to do it here.
Watch carefully.
This is a performance just for you.
Would you believe me? ♪
In my dreams ♪
You're an enchanted princess ♪
I always try to reach you ♪
And face all sorts of hardship ♪
But I'm always determined ♪
To save you again ♪
I put my hands together and prayed ♪
So I get endless courage and wisdom ♪
If I pass the magic castle and swamp, ♪
I see you far away in the dark cave ♪
Try holding my hand now ♪
I can feel our bodies floating ♪
Don't be surprised when we fly freely in the sky ♪
The world that will unfold in front of us ♪
Hold on.
Will I see the light when the morning comes after the long night? ♪
When will the cold wind coming through the windowsill stop? ♪
You're my love ♪
You came to my world where I was left behind ♪
You'll ignite a small light in me ♪
You're precious to me ♪
La-la-la-la. I'll always be with you ♪
When morning comes, the warm sunshine will shine on me ♪
[Cheongyrangri Station]
Geez, don't they know what time it is?
Gosh, seriously
By the way, is Yoon Cheong Ah really coming?
Yes, she told Eun Gyeol yesterday.
Why are you so happy, by the way?
Well, the more I see her, the more I like her.
Gosh, I'm so sick of it.
- Is she really coming with Ha Eun Gyeol?
- I don't know. Probably.
Gosh, seriously.
I'm sorry we're late!
What's with you guys?
Are you two dating, by chance?
What? Did you guys know?
I had a feeling when Se Kyeong left in the middle of the performance.
And I figured it out when Ha Eun Gyeol left without joining the after-party.
How about Yi Chan? How about our Yi Chan?
Is he getting drunk on the water somewhere again?
Start the music!
Here comes the designer!
What? Did you guys know?
Yes. I had a feeling when he was freaking out after getting the guitar pick.
I found out when he flipped out when Cheong Ah didn't come to the after-party.
Am I the only stupid one? How come I'm still on the ground?
You're all too relaxed. You practiced the greeting, right?
At ease.
Say hello to the designer.
Hi, friend.
How are you?
- Wow.
- Hi, guys.
She understood.
Hey, it's time to board the train.
Okay. Move, move, move, move!
Okay, let's go. Make sure you have everything.
Come this way. This way!
- Shall we go, too?
- Okay.
[Cheongyrangri Station]
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
Let's check just once.
It tickles. What's the deal?
- You try it, you try it.
- Do it.
We're here on this shining stage ♪
This is what I get for choosing you.
My fans left me. How will you compensate for this?
I'll be good from now on.
Whatever. Just keep your promise.
What promise?
My promise to find you a way to go back?
- Not that.
- Not that?
W-What else is there?
You promised to delay it as much as you can.
I think I missed my chance to die because of you.
I no longer feel like giving up on my life because of Mom.
I changed my mind after eating the star candy.
So I want to try living. And I might as well make it fun.
I'll kill you if you rush it.
If you give up on working hard or disappear like last time, I'll kill you.
Where's the restroom?
Oh, that way.
I like her.
It's not time yet.
Not today.
We can be together now
[1 Missed Call]
[No connection]
No way. How is this here
[No Caller ID]
Is this Master, by chance?
I knew you'd greet me warmly.
Gosh, when did I fall asleep again?
This is a dream, right?
I'm not sure. But the dreamy trip is coming to an end.
Does that mean I'll go back to the year 2023?
Soon, on the night with two moons,
- the door that connects the two worlds
- Gosh, whatever.
I'm not interested in going back yet. I'll go back when I want to. Bye.
H-H-Hold on.
You only get one chance to go back.
If you lose that chance, you might be stuck in the past forever.
Would you be okay with that?
I-I-I'd be stuck forever?
Don't worry.
I sent a helper just for you.
A helper? What helper?
A travel companion and a helper who'll come back with you.
Pardon? Does that mean there's another time traveler?
Who's that? Where are they right now?
How could I meet them?
They might be closer to you than you think.
Coming soon.
Oh, hold on. Ahjussi. Master. Hello? Hello?
Gosh, why isn't it working?
Geez, please work. Please work.
No, no, no, no, no
The time traveler Master mentioned was
The helper Master mentioned was
- You?
- You?
[Thank you, Jeong Gyu Soo Lee So Hee and Kang Yi Seok, for your special appearances]
These shining moments ♪
I can give them all to you ♪
So we don't lose our little dreams, I will ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
How could you be a time traveler?
Have you been flirting with my mom the whole time, then?
I'll make sure Cheong Ah becomes someone to lead the Jinsung family.
I haven't achieved my mission yet.
- I have the most difficult task left.
- What is it?
You've heard of White Nights, the legendary rock band, right?
He's the frontman of that band.
Is there a magazine with an article on that band?
Yi Chan, help me. Come pick me up.
What are you people doing in this house?
What brings you here?
I want to learn about my mom.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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