Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

The Culprit's Name

Aleister Crowley!
Well, hello there.
Don't go stealin' my prey!
You're just my type.
Truly pointless.
Both you and the werewolves are.
You are a locomotive.
I am a wrecker.
Do you understand?
Farewell, you ugly monster!
I've come to return the favor from earlier.
Be careful. His chains—
Oh, I was watching.
He's just like Baiken Shishido.
By the way, I believe we agreed
that you'd return the diamond.
Tightfisted, I see.
I have a question for you.
About the rest of Master's body
Is it safe?
It's safe. The professor's got it locked up.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't been cut up.
We're done here.
Our base is in London.
We'll be waiting for you,
so come get it back.
Tch! Does he have unlimited ammo?
Why in the world aren't
you wearing underwear?
I'd rather not tell you.
You're fighting to avoid my poison.
But this poison has a weakness
Once you're bitten, you build up a tolerance.
The second time won't go like the first.
You're not sure what to do.
You're not sure if I'm telling the truth.
Now, then
Why don't we give it a try?
This fight is over.
Well I don't know about that.
We'll have to finish this next time.
No! I'm ending this here!
Was everything you said earlier the truth?
See you soon.
I'll finish her next time!
Fear not. You won't die immediately.
You friggin' fraud
I'd prefer to be called a magician.
Master, are you done with whatever
you wanted to confirm?
I am.
In that case, let's get right
to explaining the mystery!
I'll actually be doing that
with Vera and Shizuku.
You have another job to do.
The village Please save them.
Don't worry.
We will.
That's enough!
I've identified the culprit in both the
Heulendorf and Wolphinhel murders.
I've come to tell you who it is!
What's she talking about?!
The Culprit's
What's she doing here?
It was all done by one individual.
I'm sure you're watching.
Please come out.
Surely you've achieved your goal by now.
I-It can't be!
Allow me to introduce you to
Louise of Heulendorf, also known as Nora
from Wolphinhel, and also known as
Wh-What's going on here?!
Isn't it obvious? Your daughter
was replaced with an impostor.
It happened a year and a half
ago, when she went missing.
When did you figure it out?
The moment I opened the
door to Louise's room.
A werewolf's therianthrope form
couldn't fit through that window,
and its human form couldn't
have climbed through it,
which means it likely jumped
through in its wolf form.
But how could a wolf have
carried the girl away?
The state of the chimney was also suspicious.
If a wolf had come down through it,
there would have been soot everywhere.
Which means no one infiltrated that room.
And yet, one girl and one wolf
were unaccounted for.
Which meant there was only one
logical explanation
A werewolf had taken Louise's place.
The impostor Louise then planned and
staged her own kidnapping.
As I went around the village,
I learned that the werewolf named
Jutte greatly resembled Louise.
I began to wonder if Jutte
might still be alive.
Then, that night, a werewolf
appeared in Heulendorf.
I knew instantly that the werewolf
was not Alma, but the impostor Louise.
Its bites matched those of
the impostor Louise, after all.
The real Alma must have been killed
right after we visited her.
We found her body underground.
Next, I was quite surprised to learn
that there were girls being killed
in the werewolf village as well.
And then, last night, Nora was also murdered.
We found an underground
passage at the murder site.
When we followed the trail of blood,
we found an open space.
That was where the murder
actually took place.
Someone had dipped the victim
into a lake, put clothes on her,
shot her dead
and then carried her outside.
So just who is this murderer?
It's a human! It must be!
No, that is the one impossible solution.
There was a portion of the passage where
thousands of tineid moths lived,
and they gave us quite the welcome.
They were attracted by the lamplight.
Once we left the cave,
we were covered in scales.
But there wasn't a single scale on Nora's
body when it was discovered.
There's only one way to avoid being
covered in scales in that narrow cave,
and that is to walk through
without any light.
The only one capable of doing that
would be a werewolf, with its superior
senses of hearing and smell.
Thus I concluded that the killer in
both villages had to be a werewolf.
And we found one other rather curious
thing in that open space.
There were signs that someone lived there.
On the wall, there were eighteen months'
worth of tally marks designated "probation."
But those carvings only reached
the height of Tsugaru's thighs.
The walls of the cave were
quite large and wide
Which meant that there was
a significant possibility that
the one staying in the cave could not stand.
Someone who couldn't stand, who
disappeared a year and a half ago
There is only one person that could be.
Precisely. The real Louise.
But by the time we found the cave,
she was already gone.
Louise and Nora were close in age.
I thought that if Nora had been killed in the
underground cave where Louise was staying,
then perhaps the one who was
killed yesterday was not Nora,
but Louise.
The picture then came into focus.
Jutte, who was able to escape to the
werewolf village, changed her name to Nora,
then later took the place of Louise,
and kept going back and forth between
the villages, playing both roles.
That would've been possible
between these two villages.
There are five reasons why.
First, the two villages never
interacted with each other.
Second, the underground passage we found
connected the two villages in a much shorter,
faster route.
If traveled at the pace of a werewolf,
it would likely take just one hour each way.
Third, the human villagers
and werewolf villagers
were active during
opposite times of day.
Fourth, Louise lived her
life isolated from everyone,
and Nora lived on her own as well.
Fifth, there is an underground
lake in the underground cave.
Werewolves have an acute sense of smell,
but if they bathed in the lake to
rid themselves of their smell,
the others would be none the wiser.
And when we returned to Heulendorf,
Louise's corpse was found.
The injury was in the
same location as Nora's.
I realized instantly that the
same corpse had been reused.
Nora dug up the corpse, then devoured
the flesh above the gunshot wound
to make it look like a werewolf attack.
I didn't eat her flesh.
I just bit her.
I'm not that heartless.
Oh, I do beg your pardon.
Regardless, you tampered with the
corpse and carried it to Heulendorf.
It would appear that we passed
by each other a number of times.
It got pretty close.
I thought you'd noticed me in
the underground passage.
And that's why you hid away
Alma's corpse and the shotgun.
With the help of my part-time assistant,
Vera, we dug up Nora's grave.
The coffin was empty.
Now, everything has been solved.
The culprit in the Heulendorf
case is the impostor Louise.
The culprit in the Wolphinhel case is Nora.
They are the same person
and their true identity is
Jutte, who survived for all this time.
Thus ends my deduction.
Shizuku, your master truly is amazing.
I'd say you're the amazing one here.
The revenge you were able to exact
deserves a round of applause.
As do your tenacity,
attentiveness, and boldness.
This all began thirteen years ago.
A werewolf named Rosa escaped from this
village and fled to Heulendorf.
A few months later, she gave birth to Jutte,
and they began living their
lives as a human family.
But eight years ago, Louise found
out Jutte's true identity.
She made her accusation, and the mother
and daughter were burnt to death.
But Jutte survived!
She escaped to the werewolf village.
My mother showed me how to get there.
I think the smaller corpse they found was
a fox that happened to be in the tower.
Jutte changed her name to Nora and
then began her life as a werewolf.
But this was the village that
almost killed her mother.
There's no way she could like it.
She hated both villages,
and formulated a plan to turn
the two villages against each other.
First, a year and a half ago,
she switched places with Louise.
Nora returned to Heulendorf,
kidnapped Louise,
and kept her prisoner
in the underground cave.
Louise didn't resist. She said
I had every right to do it.
She even said she'd support me in my revenge.
Louise was sick of her own village, too.
You may not believe me, but
I do believe you.
That cave seemed rather cozy for a prison.
I even thought it might have been
Louise who thought up the plan.
We actually came up with the plan together.
We had a strange relationship.
And thus, Nora began her double life.
It appears that for the first six months,
you spent your time trying perfect your
role and gathering information,
but then one year ago, you started your murders.
You targeted only young girls,
and let hatred grow in each village.
And at the end, you faked a
kidnapping to make yourself disappear.
Everything looked like it was going smoothly,
but the next day, something
unexpected happened.
An extremely talented detective
named Aya Rindo appeared.
Nora figured that she needed
someone to blame for these crimes,
and she chose to sacrifice Alma.
She impersonated Alma and
turned into a werewolf,
caused a ruckus and ran away again.
She returned to Wolphinhel and
saved Shizuku from the river.
You placed Shizuku onto a cart and
purposely had the werewolves find her.
Once her trial started, you snuck
back into the underground passage.
You erased Louise's scent
and then shot her dead.
You carried her to the surface, put
your own blood on her to confuse the scent,
and then shot the nearby
tree with the shotgun.
That was to clear Shizuku
from suspicion, wasn't it?
I wanted to thank her for the tea.
Now that everyone thought you were dead,
you carried Louise's body to Heulendorf
and had the humans find it.
You left the cover to the
hidden well open and showed them
the way to the werewolf village.
And then the two villages clashed.
Is your deduction finished?
Just as your plan is.
You didn't actually reach the ending, then.
And what do you mean by that?
Goodbye, Granny Regi.
I'm leaving this place.
Y-You mustn't!
Vera, I'm sorry for getting
you caught up in this mess.
Apologize to Kaya for me, too.
I actually loved both of you.
W-Wait, Nora. Wai
Please come back! I'll forgive
you for everything you've done!
Why are you taking her from us?!
She actually came back to us alive!
We'd almost reached it! Our final destination!
The Kindsführer!
You don't mean
Tsugaru Shinuchi.
What are you doing here?
My master told me to wait here
and capture you when you came.
Unfortunately, Tsugaru
Aya's going to be angry with you.
Have you heard of the Kindsführer?
The ultimate werewolf, wasn't it?
Ever since I started living
in the werewolf village,
any time I'd casually jump or run around,
everyone would make a big deal about it.
It's so stupid.
The one who gave birth to me is the
woman they exiled from the village.
I have no idea how powerful I am.
Let me through, or I'm going
to have to kill you, too.
Is that always the look on your face?
A monster needs to look like they're having
more fun when they're killing someone.
As it stands, you almost look like a human.
Gunter and the other Blutkralle failed
because they got close to
you without being prepared.
Instead, I'm going to carve away at
you little by little with my claws.
Until your body looks
like a torn-up old rag.
Now, that's more like it. You're starting
to sound like a monster.
Onions, maybe? They're still dogs, after all.
No matter how powerful a dog may be,
they become quite defenseless when they're
shaking the water off their bodies.
Tsugaru You're quite the fool.
Why, thank you. Playing the
fool is actually my job.
Hello there, Master.
How's the battle going up there?
It has stopped.
It seems that the folks from Heulendorf
are preparing to head home.
So, what should we do with
this naughty little girl?
Let her go.
Sorry, what?
Nora, I apologize.
There was an error in my deduction.
And they call me an expert on monsters
I am the culprit, though.
But your motive wasn't revenge.
You were helping the werewolf girls escape.
You kidnapped similar-looking girls from
the human village, crushed their faces,
and made it look like it was the
werewolf girls who were dead.
You sacrificed one so another could escape.
If the werewolves are obsessed
with producing strong descendants,
the priestesses were the
vessels to see that through.
The girls in that village were
being used for optimal breeding.
If you are the Kindsführer,
I can only imagine the cruel fate that
awaited you when you became a priestess.
That's why it was necessary for you to leave
the village before you turned thirteen.
You wanted to do everything you
could before your time was up,
and you managed to free three
from the village's customs.
That was your true motive.
But it's true that I killed those humans.
So I will accept my punishment.
The detective made an incorrect deduction.
It's natural that the culprit
should be released.
Not to mention,
considering my physical predicament,
I find myself sympathizing
with women in cages.
Thank you.
Where will you go now?
I want to go
somewhere fun.
You should travel around for a while.
There are plenty of monstrous
people out there.
Like you?
I'm nothing more than an opening act.
Goodbye, Shizuku.
If we meet again, show me how to make tea.
I will.
Good grief, that was a mess.
My deduction was wrong
and we let the culprit escape.
That was the worst night I've had since
I lost the rest of my body.
Master, can I ask you something?
It took you quite a while to make
your deduction this time.
Were you trying to
teach them all a lesson?
Well, not that it really matters to me.
The human village and the werewolf village
I wonder what's going to happen to them now?
Nothing's going to change.
You make it sound like you've already seen it.
Well, I have seen quite a bit.
Now, then What shall we do about our fight?
Victor mentioned that
your body is in London.
Let's head back and regroup.
Oh, right. I heard this in the
town at the base of the mountain
Apparently mountain climbers around
here have a certain thing they like to yell
I see. Well, give it a try.
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