Undead Unluck (2023) s01e13 Episode Script


[Tatiana's Dad/Tatiana's Mom]
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday dear Tatiana ♪
[Tatiana's Mom giggles]
[Tatiana's Dad/Tatiana's Mom]
Happy birthday to you ♪
[both clapping]
[clicks off]
[Tatiana] Boom!
[Anno] Unrepair, the Negator Fuko
and company were seeking--
was a member of those called
the Negator hunters.
These hunters came to this ship
to capture or murder
the Negator Chikara who
was caged to be sold
as an auction item.
But Andy and Fuko intervene
just as Unrepair was about
to complete the mission.
They clash with Unrepair both
in battle and in ideology.
In a brief moment of opportunity,
Fuko suffers a wound
from Unrepair's attack.
Wounds inflicted by Unrepair
won't heal until he dies.
Chikara--seeing that Fuko is facing death
by shielding him--
remembers his mother's words
in her final moments
and fights back his fears
to resolve himself.
He uses his ability Unmove
to stop all he sees.
Andy smiles seeing
this sudden bravery
from the boy attempting
to save Fuko's life.
But elsewhere there's another
who cares deeply for Fuko
and her battle is
about to begin.
-[Tatiana] Ba-goom!
-Creed, Feng!
It's fine. We can handle it.
What is it now?
So sorry I'm late, Fuko!
You just leave these two
to me, okay?
And I'll leave the other two
in your capable hands.
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
20 millimeter rounds ain't
even makin' a dent, huh?
That's one hell
of a power suit you got!
[Tatiana] Da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, boom!
[Tatiana] That grenade
came out of thin air!
That's his ability?
Well, what's he negating?
-[speaking Chinese]
-[Tatiana] Whoa!
No way!
They cracked
the black metal armor
Mr. Nico made?
Is this their Negator power?
It's strong.
Tatiana, can you hear me?
What is it, Zombie?
[Andy] Listen and try not
to freak out.
-[Fuko Izumo groans]
Fuko's been badly hurt.
-Unrepair got a good hit on her.
[Tatiana] That means
Any wound inflicted
by Unrepair won't be able
to heal until he's dead.
If he was tellin'
the truth back there,
Fuko's only got an hour left
at the most.
Before that happens,
we're gonna take him out!
[Tatiana snarling]
Huh? What's the matter?
Did Rip get one
of your little buddies?
Aww, my condolences!
Cool your jets, Tatiana.
[Tatiana] This is the guy
that killed Ms. Gena!
True, but fighting
among members
-is strictly forbidden.
-[Tatiana] I know, but--
-That one's got a quick temper.
-[Tatiana gasps]
Stop this now.
Is it hot in here?
[Tatiana] I'm sorry, boss!
Please, I don't want
to kill Mr. Billy!
Fine, you win.
I give up.
How noble.
[Tatiana snarls]
I need to see you out back,
Get it right.
It's Undead to you.
'Kay, ball brat?
Ooh, they're gonna fight!
All right,
why'd it have to be here?
[Mico] Who do you think'll win?
-You should stay back.
-Uh, right.
[metal clanging]
I'll be up front with you.
The others may
have accepted you,
but I still don't recognize you
as one of us, got it?
This is revenge for Ms. Gena!
[Tatiana] You were totally
clueless about her feelings
and ended up stomping
all over them!
[Mico gasps]
[Tatiana] 40 years.
40 years of you being oblivious
to the feelings she had for you!
I was well aware.
I knew that Gena was in love
with me and yet
I killed her anyway.
That's the cold truth.
No denying it.
[Tatiana] And that's all
the more reason
to never forgive you!
-[Andy gasps]
[Tatiana] [gasps]
[blow lands]
[Tatiana gasps]
I thought I told you
to stay back!
[Tatiana] He saved Unluck
From me.
If Undead hadn't protected her
I would have
Hey, Tatiana.
You gotta calm yourself down.
The next quest
will show everyone
if those two are cut out
to be in the organization.
And besides, I'm sure Gena
wouldn't want
you fighting anyway.
-[Tatiana] But
-Now's my chance!
[Tatiana] [gasps]
[Andy] Right, then,
where should I strike first?
-[both groaning]
[Tatiana whimpers]
-[Tatiana screams]
-[Andy] Whoa!
What the hell?
I didn't do anything yet.
Yes, you did!
You are the worst!
[control] Three minutes
to compulsory release
of UT area.
One kilometer evacuation radius
is advised.
Undead, listen up!
Take Unluck and get out
of here now,
or else that girl is dead!
[Fuko] Huh?
[Nico] That armor doesn't
protect Tatiana!
It restrains her!
Once her ability's released,
it's capable of wiping
an entire town clear off
the map!
-Grab the PCs and run for it!
-Are you serious?
Emergency alert!
Initiate relocation of UMA
and artifact storage
to level four!
[alarms blaring]
If you're on floors five
and below,
get to a higher level on
the double or you're toast!
You dimwits better protect all
the data with your lives!
[Mico] Don't worry,
my precious little PC!
-I got you!
-[Boh] Criminy, you're fast!
Hey, Top, I need you
to collect the stragglers!
Yep, I'm way ahead of you!
[Tatiana crying]
Ah, I'm scared!
Listen, Tatiana!
Calm down!
It's okay!
I'm sorry you saw
that grossness!
Hey, wait a minute.
Just what exactly
are you callin' gross?
[Fuko groaning]
[Tatiana] What's with you two
clinging onto my camera?
What are you doing?
You heard what Mr. Nico said,
I've lost control!
[control] Three minutes
to compulsory release
of UT area.
[Nico] That armor doesn't
protect Tatiana!
It restrains her!
Once her ability's released,
it's capable of wiping
an entire town clear off
the map!
Undead, listen up.
Take Unluck and get out
of here now!
On the double or you're toast!
[Tatiana] Hurry up and run!
It was me!
It's my fault!
[Tatiana] Huh?
I'm the one who killed
Ms. Gena, not Andy!
See, it was my unluck
that killed her!
It's not his fault!
Andy was only fighting
to protect me!
That's all!
[Fuko crying] So
If you have to hold
a grudge against someone
It should be me!
I'm sorry, Tatiana.
I promise I'll do my very best
with Andy in the Union
in honor of Ms. Gena!
[Tatiana gasps]
So please,
I want you
to tell me everything
About Ms. Gena.
About you, too!
I want us to be friends!
[Nico] It stopped.
[Andy] Hmm.
[Tatiana] Pan, pan, pan,
pan, pan, pan ♪
I'm pa-panda,
a pan-panda ♪
-Not a bread bear but a-- ♪
-[door creaks open]
Hi there.
Do you mind if I come in?
Wow, there
are so many cute ones.
[Tatiana] Yeah, they're mine,
not yours.
I would never!
-They're special to you, right?
-[Tatiana grunts]
Listen, I'm sorry about
the other day.
I was hoping we could shake
and patch things up.
[Tatiana] I can't.
As you can plainly see, I'm--
Please, it's fine.
I want to shake
your hand exactly as you are,
and I want you to shake mine,
as unlucky as it is.
And someday
When we're free
of our Negator powers
and our bodies are normal
at last
Let's go out together hand
in hand, okay?
[Tatiana] Okay.
Thanks for this.
Don't look at me.
I didn't do squat.
-You good there?
[Chikara] Wait, I just realized
if I release my power,
we'll die!
Sorry, I--
I was useless after all!
What the--
Killing Unrepair
is our highest priority now!
Sorry, but it doesn't look like
I can come back you up.
[Tatiana] No need for it.
Zombie, get to the top deck.
[Tatiana] Just do it!
She treated me normally
in spite of my body.
She didn't laugh or pity me
or anything like that.
She's the first female friend
I've ever made in my life.
You won't get away with this.
I won't let you hurt someone
so special to me!
I'll pulverize every
last one of you!
UT area voluntary release!
Hold on, Fuko!
I'm gonna save you!
Hey, are we really
leaving already
without taking anything?
Hmm? Like this?
I swiped anything I thought
you guys could use.
You sure got
some sticky fingers.
I'll divvy it up later.
Wait, so what about
Creed and Feng?
[Latla groans]
What's that?
Exposing your core
all on your own?
Don't think I'll hesitate
to pump you full of lead!
A few shots slipped through
the cracks.
This little game is ours.
-[Feng, in Chinese] It's no use.
-[in Japanese] Huh?
[Creed] You got another
barrier in there, huh?
In that case
I prefer to hit things
head-on, but oh, well.
Poison gas.
You'll be dead in three minutes.
Solids don't work.
Let's see how gas does.
Now, have fun choking
to death in that ball of yours!
[Anno] Tatiana is
a self-targeting
compulsory activation type
of Negator
She was born in Russia
to a normal family
and lived a very normal life,
but on her fifth birthday
it took a sudden turn.
Happy birthday,
my sweet Tatiana.
Is this strawberry cake?
That's my most favoritest
cake ever!
-[Anno] That was the day
[Anno] The ability
transferred to her.
[Anno] She found herself surrounded
by the blood of her parents,
crushed to death along
with their home.
Police rushed to
the scene while
the dazed and
confused Tatiana
went on the run,
but she didn't get
far before
The mafia captured her.
And now for the main
auction item of the night!
This right here's a little
Negator girl from Russia
who negates the touch
of any and all things!
[Auctioneer] You need to feed her
through this specially-designed tube
but still,
since she repels any kind
of outside stain,
she makes the perfect trophy
for any collection!
Now, the bidding will start
at 100 million!
-[celebrity 1] 150 million!
-[celebrity 2] 160!
[celebrity 3] 200!
200 to the man up front!
How about three?
-[all screaming]
-[rapid gunfire]
-[screaming continues]
Every time I come to one
of these,
I think being blind's
maybe not so bad.
What in the hell are you--
[body thuds]
Are you Tatiana?
Please kill me.
Just put your gun in my mouth
and fire.
That'll do the trick
and then I can die.
Nothing good will ever come
from living with
a body like this.
I can't play dress-up.
I can't hold a stuffed animal.
I can't even eat
my favorite cake.
I want to hurry and
see Mommy and Daddy
And tell them that I'm sorry.
Is that so?
In that case, open wide.
-[gun cocking]
Yum! I call 'em
long cake bars.
They're made by Yours Truly!
Your ability produces
an untouchable barrier starting
from your hair and skin,
but when you open your mouth,
it creates a hole in
the barrier, right?
I read it in your file.
It said you're usually fed
liquid food through a tube,
but I thought you might
like these a little better.
How are they?
What other flavors
did you make?
All righty.
It's at maximum compression
for now.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you, Mr. Nico.
You can keep the thanks.
Just give me data.
[Anno] With the help
of Nico's restraints,
Tatiana was able to contain
her ever-growing barrier,
and she learned to control
her new body's manipulators
with her brain just
like actual limbs.
Just know there's a lot
of force in there.
Releasing that suppression
will have a big recoil.
It'll be one part weapon
and one part total disaster,
so just be careful, will ya?
[Tatiana] Mr. Billy, what does
he mean by "weapon?"
Well, you see,
your power doesn't simply
harm people at random.
And there may come
a day when you use it
to protect someone special.
If and when that time comes,
let your power loose
of your own free will.
We're on the top deck!
I'll destroy everything before
I let that guy get away!
[Andy] Huh?
[Tatiana] No more.
You people hurt
someone special to me!
You won't touch her again!
I won't let you!
Do you see Unrepair?
Yep, I see him all right!
And it's all thanks
to your ability!
[bones crunching]
Now it's our turn!
Let us handle the rest
from here!
[Kairi Yagi's
"know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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