Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13
Where will the explosion be? Tell me!
It already happened,
Shalamzar is a fiery ruin, now.
Arslantas escaped, Hadhrat Melik.
That traitor is the cause of all this.
I will kill him myself.
Hadhrat Melik!
Arslantas would not kill Hace.
I was with the Batini.
I know what happened.
They gave him something.
He is not himself,
don't blame him for this.
Get Hace to a healer.
Stay out of my business.
Soldiers, take Hace to a
healer, his wound is deep.
He needs medical attention.
We must find Arslantas
before Melik Tapar.
Or he will kill Arslantas.
The steel warehouse,
the mint, and many more
important facilities have
become ruins, Hadhrat Emir.
Our only consolation is
that there was no loss of life.
We couldn't find the explosives, and
we couldn't protect the Sultan's steel.
And we lost many important facilities.
Many will see this as an
opportunity and come to collect debts.
Like Faysal of Baghdad.
He will surely come for us.
We owe him a great debt.
We are surrounded on all sides.
Those damned Batini.
They turned our
city upside down.
The situation of my
people, and our lenders
and most of all, the
wrath of Sultan MelikShah.
How will I answer to the Sultan for this?
My Sultan, unfortunately, the
explosives were used in Shalamzar.
How can this be?
Did I not order them to search everywhere?
It is obvious that their
security is compromised.
In an important city
like Shalamzar, no less.
They made us focus on
Isfahan, and blown up Shalamzar.
What's the situation?
How many people died?
Thank Allah, there were no casualties.
The reports say
the mint, the grain storages, and
What is it?
Is it the steel depot?
Unfortunately, my Sultan.
The steel you had brought
for the western conquest
has been lost.
I told you to protect
the steel with your life!
Who will protect you from me, now?
Summon llteber, now!
If the explosives went off
Hace must have failed
to capture the Chief Da'i.
Damn that demon! May that
traitor find himself under the dirt.
It is quite possible that
you are right, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
My Sultan
My Sultan. My Sultan
Hace Nizamulmulk has
taken a dagger wound.
He's been brought
here badly wounded.
What are you saying, Kamac?
Prepare the medical room, now!
What is this situation?
He has been stabbed
near the kidney, my Sultan.
He lost a lot of blood.
We'll do what we can.
The rest is up to Allah.
You cannot leave us, Hace.
By your leave, my Sultan.
We will capture
who did this together,
we will take revenge from
these who attack our state!
Send word to the realm!
Get the best healers we have!
Who would do this?
I asked the soldiers, it was Arslantas
Nizamulmulk's private
soldiers, Sencer's best friend.
He arrived at the meeting point
disguised as the Chief Da'i
struck our Hace.
Melik Tapar and Sencer
are going after him.
First, he shot Sencer and escaped.
Now he attacked Hace under
the disguise of Chief Da'i.
The soldier we trusted
have sold us to the Batini.
He will be punished as a traitor Batini!
No one can save him now.
He will be brought here for execution!
We blew up Shalamzar.
We will take that city.
We took down Nizamulmulk,
so we will take the state.
We have played such a trick on
them that they all hate each other now.
How can we succeed without
getting rid of Nizamulmulk?
Foxes are plotting to
take over the wolf's post.
We will use those foxes for our plan.
You ttacked the man who has
been a father to you all these years.
You've done enough, Arslahtas.
It's time to get rid of this
poison you're affected by.
He killed my father.
He took me from my
mother and brother.
I only took my revenge.
Now, I will go and get my family back.
You cannot stop me.
They are using your
family to poison you!
I will save you from this poison.
Then, we will take revenge from
the Batini who did this to you.
Melik Tapar is after you, Arslantas.
He will kill you
where he finds you.
You will die for no reason,
because of this poison.
Your only choice is to surrender
to me and get rid of this poison.
I surrendered to the truth.
Stand aside.
You will be saved, brother.
You will be saved.
Melik Tapar and his
soldiers are approaching.
They will intercept us
no matter where we go.
You take Arslantas.
I'll hold them off.
Send word to Bozkus and Ayaz.
Tell them to come quick.
I'll give you a chance, your ♪
Karadag (Black Mountain) ♪
shall not come crashing down! ♪
Your tree that provides the ♪
shade shall not be cut down ♪
Your tree that provides the ♪
shade shall not be cut down ♪
Your beatiful river that flows ♪
like blood, shall not run dry! ♪
The dagger pierced his kdney.
I cannot stop the bleeding.
More rags!
The tip of your wings ♪
shall not be broken! ♪
The tip of your wings ♪
shall not be broken! ♪
Ya Shafi! (The One Who Cures)
May AL-QADEER (The Powerful) ♪
not leave you to the hands ♪
May AL-QADEER (The Powerful) ♪
not leave you to the hands ♪
My MelikShah.
I know he is like a father to you.
It's natural for you to worry.
But your private soldiers, who
see you as a father, are in shambles.
They are the reason all these happened.
You have been merciful to them.
But they never wised up.
is the time for your wrath.
When Arslantas is brought here
..I'll handle it.
The situation is complicated.
We are surrounded on all sides.
We need someone strong to help us.
Emir Taculmulk.
He is skilled enough
to overcome anything.
My son, Berkyaruk.
I have one son on my side.
Perhaps it's time for the
other one to join me, too.
He is a good Emir where he is.
I suggest you leave him as he is.
But the decision
is yours, of course.
My Sultan, Emir llteber
would like to see you.
Let him in.
You may leave, Terken.
My Sultan.
I trusted you with my steel.
I warned you about the explosives.
And yet, the explosion in
Shalamzar destroyed all the steel.
You are just as incompetent
as the enemy is treacherous!
You are right, my Sultan.
To make up for my mistake
How can you ever make up for your mistake?
The destruction of the steel has
disrupted our preparations of conquest!
Many innocent people lost
their belongings and homes!
It is my duty to pay them back
for what they lost, my Sultan.
All I ask from you is a little time.
My patience for incompetence has run out.
No mercy from now on.
No mercy.
Relinquish the seal of the
Emir that we had given you.
My Sultan
You will pay for the losses
of the people and the state.
Until then, we will keep
your seal of the Emir.
If you cannot pay us back
you will not see this seal again.
And you will lose your head.
What are you doing here?
Didn't I tell you to get Hace to Safety?
I told the soldiers to do it.
Arslantas is with me, Hadhrat Melik.
I came here to save you the trouble.
How dare you protect a traitor?
He is not a traitor.
He is a loyal fighter whose
mind has been poisoned.
It's not right to kill those whose
minds have been poisoned.
He struck Hace.
We need those who made
him do it, Hadhrat Melik-.
If we can make
Arslantas talk,
he will give us important
information about the Chief Da'i.
Give him to me,
and I'll make him talk.
I cannot.
They struk him wnere he's weak.
He lost his mother.
You know better than all how it is
to miss your mother, Hadhrat Melik.
But I do not use the fact that I never
knew my mother to betray my state.
Do you disobey my orders for a traitor?
To do what's righty
I will disobey your orders.
What kind of a man are you?
He shot you, he struck Hace!
How dare you protect him?
They used his weaknesses.
It's easy to kill him.
But I choose to save him.
I will stand against anyone
to protect the innocent.
We will settle this one on one.
Our Sultan trusted you for nothing!
You do not deserve his trust!
You're the one who
doesn't deserve his trust.
Our Sultan would support
me, if he were here.
He wouldn't!
My father would never support you!
He is our father, too.
He would.
If he's all our father, you
are betraying your father.
I am a true son of his.
You failed to learn from him.
No matter what you do,
I will not give you Arslantas.
Get him!
Go after him, don't return
without finding Arslantasl
Just as we were about to give the lamp
and reveal Terken Hatun's treachery
Nizamulmulk has been gravely wounded.
We will tell Tapar. He will do whatever
needs to be done on a matter like this.
He's the only one who
can help us on this.
Tapar may act with anger.
If Terken Hatun suspects something,
she would take precautions.
She would eliminate the evidence.
Terken Hatun would know
about it before Tapar can act.
The palace is full of Terken Hatun's spies.
Then, Nizamulmulk must recover soon.
You're right.
But we cannot trust the healers
in the palace for his recovery.
There are those who see his situation as
an opportunity to take over his position.
I’m afraid that those who
attempted Seferiyye Hatun’s life,
will set the same game against Hace.
What are we going to do then?
It’s Turna Hatun who
can relieve our anxiety.
If she takes care of NizamuMulk,
he will heal quickly and
our fears will not come true.
Emir llteber came to the
palace to see the Sultan.
He will probably take Turna to Shalamzar.
Then we have to stop
him before he Leaves.
Come in.
Hadbrat Emir.
There are some documents
that you have to look over.
Let me see.
These are the documents
that should go to Hace.
Why did you bring them to me?
You know about Hace Hadhrat.
These documents need to be checked.
You are the most highly
placed person after him.
I thought that it would be
good if you could check.
You thought well, Sabbah.
Hadhrat Hace's wound will keep
him on the bed for some time, I guess?
Our state needs a Hace, for sure.
Our Sultan will definitely
choose a Hace deputy.
You are right.
Who do you think will suit the best?
Hadhrat Emir
if I thought someone
else would suit better,
I would take these documents to him.
But I think we have to
take good care of this.
As you know, many
people will want that position.
You are right.
I will make my preparations, so
our state will be in good hands.
No doubt.
Why do you want me to stay in the palace?
We are worried about NizamiilMulk.
You know that we doubt about
the palace's doctors, Turna.
You will investigate our palace's
doctors until NizamulMulk gets up.
terken Hatun might use the
opportunity of his absence and
try taking the law in her hands.
As you can understand,
healing of NizamulMulk is
important for the state
and the issue of Kandil.
Don't worrry.
I will do my best for Hadhrat Hace.
We saw our enemies better.
Hace has been a father to
Arslantas for many years.
But they poisoned his conscience
and they made the son hit his father.
I wonder how he is doing right now.
When he saw him laying
on the ground in blood
he didn't even care
about that Chief Da'i.
His face was the face of a
father who was hit by his son.
He will get better, with Allah's
consent, over many wounds like this.
And we have the issue of Shalamzar.
Why did Batinis blow that place up?
We will understand when we
see the places that they blow up.
Ayaz, go to Shalamzar
and check there.
And bring us information.
He will wake up soon.
We will set off fast.
Melik Tapar will go and
tell everything to Sultan.
Sultan's soldiers must
be after us right now.
We are now probably sentenced
to death in our Sultan's eyes.
We have to be cautious.
We won't surrender before
we learn where Chief Da'i is.
And we will not give Arslantas.
Where are we going to go
if soldiers are everywhere?
There is only one place that we can go.
One place that preserves our hope.
And until we go there
they shouldn't catch us.
How dare Sencer abducts Ansiantas?
Doesn't he know that
it's sentence is death?
He is participating in the betrayal!
He says that Arslantas
was poisoned by Batinis.
He will make him speak
and catch Chief Da'i.
He said that it is unfair to
execute him before he is conscious.
That traitor looked like a
Batini and stabbed Hace
Nizamulmulk, my AtaBey.
If we tolerate this, everyone will
use the excuse of poisoning of Batinis.
It is time to show Sencer his limits.
Or We won't be able to control him.
Send a note to the
soldiers you sent after them.
They must deliver it to Sencer.
If he doesn't bring Arslantas to us
..I will assume that he is also a traitor.
Let's see if he is going
to escape from my will.
Make an investigation about
the explosion in Shalamzar.
Collect all the clues.
We know that Queli is involved,
my Sultan. I'll start from there.
Did you drop your sword during a fight?
I didn't, my Sultan.
Then what are these bruises?
Did you
did you fight with Sencer?
Not with Sencer, my Sultan.
It happened during a fight.
How is my Atabey, Kamac?
Is there any news?
Doctors are still taking
care of him, my Sultan.
-We have to cushion.
- Give me a towel.
Send news to our spies.
They will raid the patrol force's of
Byzantine and make them speak!
They will learn how they placed
explosive substances in the barrels.
As you wish, Hadhrat Melik.
He wants water.
Let's stop there.
Do you think you can gain me?
Leave me and go take care of NizamulMulk.
That NizamulMulk saved
you from captivity and
made you a valiant
of the state, didn't he?
You would be a slave right
now if it wasn't for him.
My mother told me the truth.
NizamulMulk planned everything.
If NizamulMulk hated your
family, would he let you live?
He would kill you there.
I guess they also poisoned
your mother's conscience.
How dare you talk about
my mother like this?
Arslantas, calm down!
Calm down!
Our Sultan MelikShah sent this.
If you don't come back with Arslantas
our Sultan will give you the
worst sentence because of betrayal.
Tell our Sultan
I am not trying to save a traitor
I am trying to save a valiant
with a poisoned conscience.
He can punish me
the way he wants then.
I will find Chief Da'i.
Until that time, I will not surrender.
I don't want to hurt you.
But I will have to hurt
you if you try arresting me.
Now you can fulfill your
duty and go back
..or you will have to
take the consequences.
He is risking death and
protecting you against the Sultan!
It is for you!
For your mother!
To expose what that Chief
Da'i did to you!
Don't you still understand
why he doesn't hand you in?!
Sultan's furor will be on us.
He can even raid our tribe.
Observe the tents from outside,
If something happens, let us know.
We will set off now.
Let's go.
My Arslantas!
My son!
Give my son back to me!
My Arslantas!
Where is my son?!
My s--
Since when do you disobey me?
When did you find the courage in
your heart to make me come here?
Arslantas also came
You told me theft I would never
be kept away from my sons.
I lied to my son because of you.
I convinced him that
NizamulMulk abducted us.
Now your son is a soldier of our da'wah.
You should be proud of him.
As you obeyed me for Rustem until now
you will obey me for Arslantas now.
You fooled my Rustem
and took him into your hands.
Do not disrespect him!
You are talking to Hadhrat Sayyiduna!
You sent my son to death!
Isn’t this suffering enough for you?
How cruel are you?
You forgot the da'wah of Great Imam
and you are now questioning my decision!
And you are doing this with a courage
that you don't know where it's coming from.
The fire of motherhood
gives me this courage!
You are right.
You are carrying
the heart of a mother.
This is the reason of your painful prayers.
My duty is to help you and
make you forget your pain.
Are you
going to give me
my Arslantas back?
I will give you a bigger pain to
live in and bigger wounds to carry.
You will suffer so much that you
will forget the grief of losing a child.
I’m your mother.
How doesn't your heart bleed?
You are not my mother anymore.
It is time to give you a good lesson.
Please, don't!
MelikShah talked about
calling Berkyaruk to the palace.
Berkyaruk is MelikShah's first son.
He is the most powerful
nominee of the sultanate.
If Berkyaruk comes to this palace
He won't breathe and take
a step, know that TaculMulk.
Then we have to
take action right away.
A private soldier doing these things
to NizamulMulk gave us an opportunity.
Our Sultan is angry.
I told everything to our Sultan.
We will keep this issue on the air,
NizamulMulk's private soldiers
have to be passivated so that
NizamulMulk's order
will be able to be ruined.
And we will place our own men there.
Thus, NizamulMulk won't be able, to find
his power even if he heals and gets up.
the position of Hace is an
important position for our state.
Our Sultan will not want to
keep it empty for a long time.
And I think we should use this opportunity.
You are right, TaculMulk.
I will do my best to make
him assign you as Hace.
We have to take the law in our hands
before NizamulMulk gets up and
Berkyaruk comes to the palace, TaculMulk.
Why did you stop us?
What do you want from us?
We want your lives, gold
and your souls.
I beg you, don't.
We are just migrants.
We are migrating to a plateau.
Let us go.
No. We will give you a lesson,
the all Seljuq will then learn.
You will know that our
swords rule everywhere.
Stop! Stop!
Let us go!
Don’t touch us.
Be careful! I beg you!
Kill the child, take the woman!
She will entertain us at night!
Please, don't!
- Get down here!
Don't touch us, please!
You say that your swords rule everywhere
but you haven’t met my sword yet.
Who are you?
I am one of the most
important men on these lands.
I can see.
I can see that from here.
It will be a great
pleasure to behead you.
Tell me your last words again.
It will be a great pleasure
to behead you, I said.
Beheading you will give
me more pleasure, be sure.
Bring me my daggers.
Don't be afraid.
These infidels will not be able to
harm you as long as wie are around.
My Bey, may Aliah bless you.
You saved our lives and honour.
I haven't seen a valiant man like you.
You told us that you
are an important man.
Give us your name, my Bey.
Who are you?
I am the son of such a father that
you will hear my name a lot.
You Are you Sultan
MelikShah's son Berkyaruk?
Did you come back?
We keep receiveing reports
from our soldiers, my Sultan.
They still haven't found Sencer.
I received no reply to my message, either.
He planned everything
and went somewhere hidden.
No matter where he
hides, he will come here.
As if Arslantas' treachery wasn't enough
now, Sencer dares to
save him from the state.
You said you would personally deal
with the private soldiers, my Sultan.
I will decide when Sencer
and Arslantas comes here.
Hace's situation will
also affect my decision.
In the absence of Nizamulmulk, I fear
that state business may be disrupted.
It's not clear when he will recover.
My Sultan
you should gather the council
and choose a new Hace.
You're right.
State business cannot state.
The realm is in unrest.
Gather the
- My Sultan!
I've been tending to Hace
I brought you news of his condition.
The head healer says Hace
is regaining consciousness.
Thank Allah, his
situation is no longer fatal.
Thank Allah.
You have brought great news, daughter.
Thank you.
Let's go see him.
You are meddling with
important matters, Turna Hatun.
My sons.
Sharia is the first step of the truth.
But do not take it lightly.
Do not think that you
can leave Sharia behind,
just because you think
you have found out the truth.
Sharia is of such importance that
if it is destroyed, everything
built on it is also destroyed.
No, truth will be left.
Be cognizant.
Judge every word
every action
from the eyes of the sharia.
Those who leave the truth
behind for deeper meaning
those who leave the sharia
in search of deeper truths
will be left with no meaning
with no truth.
There is a group called the Batini.
The Batini
is a mirror that shows
you things upside down.
It turns the truth into lies,
and the lies into truth
It shows reality to be unreal.
It gives you poison as medicine, and says
that poison is the root of all medicine.
Welcome, sons.
You are always welcome here.
Thank you, Hadhrat Hemadani.
There is no place where
I can protect Arslantas.
I brought him here so that
his heart can find respite
and so that he can
be safe from his enemies.
You did good.
Heart will find respite
in the thought of Allah.
You worked so hard for the state
and just as we were about to victorious,
those you call your son betrayed you.
That's why I'm devastated.
Sencer has become a rebel.
He doesn't bring us Arslantas.
He acts on his own.
Have we been wrong in our fatherhood?
Or have our sons betrayed
us of their own volition, Hace?
I know that look.
If you could get up
you would do anything to mend things.
Then, it will be as you say.
If Sencer listens to me
..and comes back to the
palace with Arslantas
I will wait for your recovery
to decide what to do with them.
My Sultan.
Sencer returned the letter you sent him.
He wouldn't surrender until he helps
Arslantas recover and finds the Chief Da'i.
We used to hold him in such high regard.
Look what he's done.
He blatantly disobeys my orders.
He is insolent enough
to return my letter.
The arrow has left the bow.
Send soldiers everywhere.
Find Sencer.
If he resists arrest
they shall do what must be done.
Send word to Taculmulk, he
will go to Sencer's tribe tomorrow.
He shall post soldiers there.
Whoever may know Sencer's
location shall be brought to the palace.
Then, Sencer will understand
how serious we are.
He will come here by his own choice.
My leg! My leg hurts!
What happened?
A snake bit me!
Many a snake will Bite you, son.
Many a poison will find your veins.
Day will come, when you will
succumb to your weaknesses.
For they will attack
your weaknesses, surely.
But you must be careful on that day.
See the snakes that bite you
so that you can keep your
heart pure, and your eyes open.
One day, if such a poison
strikes you that you cannot fight it
do not falter.
I will always be by your little heart.
I will always be a heartbeat away.
Turna Hatun.
Yes, Ustadh Khayyam?
Sencer sent this to you.
He's in Isfahan.
Where he waits for you
is written in the letter.
The Sultan looks for him everywhere.
Does he have no fear, coming to Isfahan?
I told him about Hace's condition.
But he wouldn't listen to me.
He wants to hear it from you.
I need to take care of Hace here.
What if someone hurts him when I leave?
What if Sencer gets caught because of me?
keep an eye on Hace. Don't worry.
If you don't go, Sencer would do
something even more
dangerous to see you.
He would get caught then.
It would be best for
you to go to him, now.
They poisoned me.
They made me commit suc'h crimes
Now, Hace is not here to
help me with the posion.
I struck him with my own hands.
He told me snakes would bite me.
How can I live with this shame?
The poison was not in your
body, but in your soul, son.
With Allah's grace, you're healed from it.
Years ago, I saw the
man who took my mother.
Now I remember
I had forgotten.
How can that be?
There is a time for every
truth to come out, son.
That information was always in your mind.
But there was a curtain between it and you.
It's just like the clouds
coming between us and the sun.
The sun is always in the sky.
But the clouds can make it unseen.
With the name of Allah,
that curtain has been drawn.
When the clouds parted, the
truth showed itself like the sun.
I am full of regret.
How can I be rid of this taint?
How can I be rid of this pain?
Joyful is those who can
repent for their mistakes.
The tears of repentance wipes
away the poison of the soul.
It clears the heart.
Don't beat yourself up over mistakes.
No matter how severe our mistakes are
next to the mercy of
Allah, they are nothing.
Our Peygamber Efendi (Pbuh) says
"If you were incapable of sinning"
"Allah would sweep you away,
and create new people"
"who can sin and repent."
You made a mistake.
And you have repented.
It is time for you to get back up.
For the traitors that did this to you
are a threat to all Muslims.
You and your brothers
will stop them with your
might, and your reason.
Strengthen your mind and your might
with your faith.
We pray for those who
fight for this cause.
Don't De afraid, it's me.
Are you here to tell me
what I can and cannot do?
Why are you saying that, Turna?
You said they would trick me.
That I had a pure heart.
What's wrong with having a pure heart?
I did not mean to tell you what to do.
I said what I said to protect you.
So that you wouldn't come to harm.
You care about me that much?
Of course I do.
I care about you
more than you can imagine.
I’ll put this where it belongs.
I wish we could forget about the
world, and just converse like this forever.
But, dark clouds are over us.
Sultan MelikShah is furious with you.
Why don't you give him Arslantas,
why are you standing against the Sultan?
The Batini poisoned his mind
using his brother and his mother.
We must help him
before the Sultan finds us.
Tell me, how is Hace's situation?
His wound was very
severe when he came here.
He is just recovering.
I am taking care of him personally so
that those in the palace won't hurt him.
It eases my worries that
you're taking care of him, but
do not misunderstand me
I'm also very worried that
you are in the palace, Turna.
I fear that someone will
be offended by your kidness.
Many snakes reside in the palace.
Protect yourself from them.
Don't worry, Elcin Hatun and
Gevher Hatun are helping me.
They protect me in the palace.
Whenever I feel bad,
I look around for you.
My heart wants to take shelter with you.
But you’re always away.
Always in danger.
Whenever I'm in danger
..I put a hand on my heart
and I feel you close to me.
When you want to take shelter with me
put a hand on your heart.
You will hear my voice
every time your heart beats.
Don't worry about me.
I will come for you soon.
Go back to the palace.
This man is a Byzantine patrol,
we caught him around Queli.
He insists on silent.
I'm sure I can change his mind.
You couldn't handle
the man who beat you.
So you're taking
anger out on prisoners?
Some fighter you are.
Now you'll see what kind of fighter I am.
Speak! How did you plant
the explosives into the barrels?
I didn't see any explosives.
Speak, you son of a mutt!
Two days ago we stopped
caravan carding fish fom a search.
Commander Andreas was with us
but I didn't see any explosives!
The commander of a castle would
not bother with searching merchants.
He was with you as you
planted the explosives, wasn't he?
It's time to tear down Queli.
Open the door!
Turna Hatun
the palace has a head healer.
Why did you bring the
news to the Sultan?
Head healer was busy with Hadhrat Hace.
They personally asked
me to deliver the news.
I did not waste time.
If you're planning on gainin
our Sultan's admiration
to make him forgive your
father, your efforts are in vain.
You are the daughter of an
incompetent Emir who failed our state.
Since you're here regarding
the pregnancy of Gevher Hatun
tend to that business and nothing more.
This is my final warning.
So that you know.
Turna Hatun must not be warned
but be congratulated.
Also, I asked Turna Hatun
to help with Hace's recovery,
so that he can be healed swifly.
What's going on, Elcin Hatun?
Why would you care about
Nizamulmulk's recovery?
Why would you be waiting so
impatiently for him to, heal?
Is there something
you need his help with?
I don't need his help with anything.
Hadhrat Hace is an
important person for our state.
We are not happy that he's wounded,
unlike some who would like to
..take over his position.
This palace is home
to eagles, Turna Hatun.
Your delicate constitution cannot
endure the storms that visit this place.
Don't try anything just because
you have a few people to rely on here.
Those you rely on are
walking on eggshells as it is.
The silence Elcin Hatun
is not good news, Firdevs.
She is hiding something.
They're up to some hidden goal.
First, Seferiyye Hatun
..then, Nizamulmulk's recovery.
Did they find out about
the poison in the lamp?
We made the Byzantine dog
we captured speak, my Sultan.
He did not see how the
explosives were planted.
But, Andreas was there when
the barrels were being searched.
There is no proof that
Andreas planted the explosives.
But it's clear that he was involved.
That is enough reason to take his head.
My Sultan
we must respect our diplomatic
relations with the Byzantine Empire.
I will take his head diplomatically.
Send a letter to Emperor Komnenos, Sabbah.
Andreas has been involved
in too many shady plots.
Either he will take the Commander's head
and prove to us that he
respects the peace between us.
Or I will take the Commander's head
and prove to him
that I am ready for war.
Either he will do as we ask for peace
or we will do as we
want and get ready for war.
That is our diplomacy.
Yes, my Sultan.
There is very little poison here.
It cannot have run out so quickly.
What we feared has come to pass, my Hatun.
they found out about the poison when
Turna Hatun was checkin on Seferiyye Hatun.
And they only took some of the
liquid so that we wouldn't realize it.
And they need Nizamulmul
to reveal what I did.
That Elcin snake
is trying to end me in the eyes of our
Sultan with the help of Gevher and Turna.
But they won't end me
I will end them.
-Why are you so angry, my Efendi?
- MelikShah.
He demands Andreas' head from the Emperor.
Else, he will take it himself.
He ordered me to send
a letter to the Emperor.
If his head is gone,
someone will replace him.
We don't know if we can make
deals with his replacement.
Tell Behram to send news to Andreas.
He shall know about MelikShah,
so that he can take precautions.
What about the letter to Constantinople?
If we don’t send it, we
would gather suspicion.
But we won't send it immediately.
We'll delay it for two days.
So that we can buy Andreas some time.
As you wish.
The person I'm waiting for
couldn't come soon enough.
I need them to take
Shalamzar, I'm out of patience.
I almost forgot, my Efendi.
This came for you.
Elcin and Gevher Hatun found
out about the poison in the lamp.
This can be troubiing for us.
If MelikSnah finds out what I did to
Seferiyye Hatun, he would not forgive me.
He would be furious.
We must deal with this as
soon as possible, Nizamulmulk.
Tomorrow, I Will go to the Kinik
tribe on orders of our Sultan.
If you'd like, I can
kill Nizamulmulk before I go.
Give the order, and I will do it.
We will not kill him.
Nizamulmulk will keep breathing.
But he will be incapacitated.
He will look, but he will not speak.
We must do this, Taculmulk.
Or they will end us all.
This will buy us time
and pave the way for you to become Hace.
What do you have in mind?
We will shoot Elcin Hatun with her own bow.
We will not touch her
when we have pawns.
Endless, eternal worlds emerged within me.
They had no beginning and no end.
As my soul withered
away in nothingness
I was eaten away
by darkness from within.
We give thanks to the on
saved you from slavery son.
It is only his way that leads us to truth.
As the world ceases to exist with but a
breath, and revives with another one
the Great Imam works
only to bring out the truth.
Faysal, welcome, my son.
Come, sit with me.
I've been waiting for
this moment for so long.
I thank the Great Imam for reuniting us.
How are you, father?
Do you tire yourself?
My knees hurt from time
to time, but I endure it, son.
My faith in our cause keep me healthy.
I'm with you from now on, father.
You saved me from that damned orphanage.
My own mother and father left
me on the doorstep of a mosque
and you took me in like I was your son.
For years, I worked hard
and trained to be worthy of you.
And now I'm here to work on
the cause, to be in your shadow.
Our time has come, Farsalah.
For the Batini state that we will build
you will take the first step.
I have destroyed Shalamzar,
you will rebuild it.
You will first control Emir llteber,
then you will control Shalamzar.
But, most important of all,
you will retake Daru’l Hijre.
The Seljuks attacked that place.
Why would we want it back?
They did find it.
They did attack it, but
they failed to find our deepest secrets.
They are so well hidden that
they could never find them.
Only you can recover them for us.
Emir llteber could never repay
me after all the destruction.
As payment of his debts, I will take
the most valuable lands in Shalamzar.
Take this ring.
We will face the enemy
ambush in the future.
A thousand dangers await us, son.
Take this ring, so that it can protect you.
May it bring you luck on our way.
My protection is right here, father.
Your place in my heart has
protected me many times.
The love I have for you in my heart
is enough to make the enemy
bleed, to make their heads roll.
How are you now?
I'm fine, I'm better.
I feel like puss has leaked from my heart.
the fire of remorse burns me.
How can I make up for the evil I have done?
You're back to your true self.
That's what's important.
How is he?
I've got news about him.
He's fine.
Don't worry.
Now, tell us where the
Chief Da'i kept you, Arslantas.
That's the only way to rescue your mother.
We believe she has important
information about the Chief Da'i.
As we rescue your mother, we
will also capture that charlatan.
I was passed out as I was
taken to and out of his cave.
But I was half-awake when I
was taken to the prisoner cave.
I heard a waterfall.
Bring paper and ink.
We passed through a river, three
hundred steps after the waterfall.
Then, we went uphill through a meadow.
I smelled oleaster.
That's all I remember nothing more.
Waterfall sounds
must be KizilOrman.
And the river must have
been south of the waterfall.
Oleander would be found
in Karatepe.
Get ready.
We'll be there by dawn.
Let me come with you, Sencer.
Let me save my mother from them.
Let me make up, at least
a little, for my mistakes.
Stay here, Arslantas.
The Sultan is searching for you everywhere.
If you get captured, your
life would be in danger.
We will bring your mother back.
Don't worry.
You will never be parted again.
If anyone knows where the
traitor called Sencer is, tell me!
How dare you call my son a traitor?
Your son rescued the traitor
Arslantas who stabbed Hace.
He disobeyed the orders of our Sultan!
If my son did something like
that, he must have a reason for it.
He is not a man who
would disobey the Sultan.
Get your soldiers and leave!
Sencer is not here.
Sultan MelikShah ordered
me to arrest Sencer's relatives.
You will be tied up
and taken to the palace.
Arrest her.
So, you are also disobeying the Sultan?
Take their swords, do not
have mercy on those who resist!
Hand over the swords.
It seems that Emir
Taculmulk is here for blood.
Sultan MelikShah would never
order you to tie a woman's hands,
and take her to the palace.
You are doing this out of fury for us.
Tell it to the Sultan.
Arrest here.
No one but Hace can
take me from this place.
I would never go to Sultan
MelikShah' palace without his word.
And I would never surrender to you.
Hace is on his deathbed.
Do you not respect me?
I do not even consider
a tyrant like you a man.
Get out of here.
How dare you, woman?
How dare you, Taculmulk?
Get your swords away from my father!
Knowing that the swords on
my neck will take my head
I will cut you down here, Taculmulk.
You know what happens
to a tribe if their Bey
sheds the bloood of an
Emir, don't you, Korkut bey?
The whole tribe would bleed.
That is true.
Only to spare the innocent
I will sheathe this blade.
But know that we do not fear you.
Arrest Sencer’s mother and Korkut Bey.
Tie their hands, and take them.
MelikSah cannot send his
army anywhere without weapons.
Now, great chaos is spreading
through the Seljuk lands.
With God's help, we lighted
the touch paper of this mess.
And soon, Seljuk lands will
be in your powerful hands.
One-eyed monster is in the castle.
You, the man who changed my
fate, I hope you brought good news.
I came here with bad
news, Commander Andreas.
We received an important
information from our men in the state.
MelikShah found out that you were involved
in the issue of explosive substances.
I don’t know.
We heard that one of
your men was caught.
MelikShah sent'news to Constantine.
If your Emperor doesn't punish you, he
will come here himself and behead you.
We informed you before
your enemies took action.
Now your future depends on you.
I know. Emperor will not
want to draw MelikShah there.
He will behead me because of that.
But I am not going to wait
here for death to come.
We Will kill MelikShah.
There is no other way.
We can't get rid of this
trouble by another way.
But, Commander Andreas,
it is impossible.
Can't swords cut MelikShah's flesh?
Send news to the spies in Isfahan.
They will follow MelikShah if he leaves
the palace and they will let us know.
go now.
Seljuq will fall out with each
other after MelikSha's death.
And the Emperor will forgive
me because I will have killed him.
He will forgive me.
MelikShah will see Bashulu
Hatun when she is brought here.
We have to prevent it from happening.
Careful, Hace.
Don't get up when
you are in this situation.
We will find a solution.
If they expose the secret
whe I am in this situation
it will be like a fireplace.
The order we worked
on for forty years will
collapse in a day, Ustadh Khayyam.
You will now go and wait
for Bashulu Hatun's arrival.
Do your best and find a way
of saving Bashulu Hatun
from Taculmulk the moment they
step in the palace.
What is Togan going with Aydogdu?
What happened Aydogdu?
I encountered Togan when I was
observing around the tribe, Sencer.
TaculMuik raided the tribe..
he arrested my father
and Bashulu mother.
What are you s Togan?
How dare he?
Sultan MelikShah ordered him to.
He is trying to threaten me.
It will be a disaster if my
mother goes to the palace.
She is upset enough.
I don't want her to deal with us.
Didn't my mother resist?
She tried but..
But what?
But wnat Togan?
Taculmulk slapped Bashulu mother.
If Sencer goes there angrily,
he might kill Taculmulk.
Let's go there fast!
What did you do to my aunt?
The poisonous mixture is ready, Firdevs.
low you will give this to a girl that you
trust and are sure that she won't talk.
She will secretly put this into a mixture
that Turna Hatun prepared for NizamulMulk.
Be cautious.
Do not cast doubts on you.
Who threw that dagger?
I did!
My son
It will be your head's turn, Taculmulk.
You will pay for slapping my mother.
Get ready to pay for your betrayal!
Catch him!
Why are you pulling in your
horns and running, TaculMulk?
How dare you slap my mother?
I did what our Sultan said.
Did our Sultan tell you to
slap a woman, you dastard?
Enough, Sencer.
He is now punished.
He will die if you beat him more.
Not yet!
Did you slap my mother with this hand?
If you ever raise your hand to
someone I love, I will rip your arm off!
Tell your Sultan..
...he shouldn't threaten me
over an innocerft woman.
You were already, in trouble.
Now it will get worse because of a dog.
Sultan's furor will be stronger now.
I won't care no matter who
stands against me, mother!
I can paint the world with blood for you!
No one can raise their hands against you.
No one.
You can't go back to the tribe.
Take my mother and Kokut
Ata to Hadhrat Hemadani.
We will save Arslantas' mother
and come back InshaAllah.
Alright Sencer.
Let's go.
Your visitation enlightened
my dark days, trader Faysal.
I am not going to stay here for long.
I will collect the debts
and come back to Baghdad.
The way must've tired you.
Come, sit and rest.
The city is like a mess.
You are telling me to
sit down and rest when
all otner traders
escaped to other cities.
I am not here to be consoled,
I am here to collect my money.
As you said, our city is
going through hard days.
Your words are hurting us on these times
when we need our friends
the most, trader Faysal.
This upsets me either.
But friendship and business
are two different things.
If I don't take my money from
you, debitors will come at my door.
I lost too much. Not only
the folk, but also Sultan's
damage must be afforded by me.
Or Sultan MelikShah is going to kill me.
If you don't pay me right now,
Caliph of Fatimi will kill you and kill me.
Because he is the one who you owe.
I gave you indentures to
him in exchange for goods.
How could you give them to him?
If Sultan MelikShah thinks that I am
working with Fatimis, he will kill me.
Then pay your debts to me
..neither Sultan MelikShah will hear
about this nor the Caliph of Fatimi.
How can I pay that much?
Corn storehouses are ruined.
Traders are leaving the city.
My vault is also empty.
It is not possible for
me to pay that amount.
Then I will take these documents to Sultan
MelikShah and amend my debts from him.
In the end, these lands belong to him.
I will pay my debt.
Indentures are here.
I want to take my money and leave.
Give me some time.
If the Caliph of Fatimi who
I owe didn't push me this much
I wouldn’t push you as well.
But I have to.
Can't you talk to him?
It wo0n't be nay good.
But as a favor, I can do something
Since we've been friends for many years.
Thank you, my fridnd.
I want places in Shalamzar trading lodge.
But, most importantly, mine.
I need places to mine.
You will take the biggest step
for the Batini state we will build.
You will first take llteber in
your hands, then Shalamzar.
Daru’l Hijre is the most important
location, you must take it back.
The current mines
and the former home of the
Batini, where Daru'l Hijre was.
I can understand the mines
but if I give you Daru'l Hijre,
Sultan MelikShah will destroy me.
I will mine for precious ores there.
The Seljuks have nothing to gain from this.
But if you refuse to give them to me
Sultan MelikShah will take
your Emirship from you forever.
And if the Fatimid Caliph gets involved
you will never get
out of this situation alive.
Hadhrat Sultan MelikShah!
How did this happen?
Sencer's mother and Korkut
Bey disobeyed your orders.
As I was bringing them,
Sencer intercepted me.
The rest is before your eyes, my Sultan.
Such insolence, my Sultan!
Sencer attacked an Emir of the state!
And just for obeying your orders.
Sencer must have been driven mad.
What did you do to
make him do this to you?
First, his mother was being
insolent in the tribe.
She said horrible things.
Then, Sencer stopped me.
I kindly warned him,
but he attacked me.
You had all those soldiers,
you couldn't stop him?
I fought him until the
end, my Sultan, but
What kind of resisting is that, Taculmulk?
He beat the colour out of you.
Today, he does this to an Emir
I fear that tomorrow, he may try
something against you, my Sultan.
I am out of patience.
I will capture Sencer personally.
And I will punish him personally.
This Sencer thinks
he's the state, my Sultan.
He has authority over the soldiers.
The soldiers who go to arrest
him, come back empty handed.
These private soldiers would
revolt against you, my Sultan.
Send word.
Until a second order, all private
soldiers must cease their operations.
May it be easy my hanim.
- Are the headers not here?
- No.
They are busy with Hadhrat Hace.
- When will they come?
- Why are you looking for the healers?
Are you sick?
You're busy, but I'm
coughing very badly.
I cannot sleep at night.
I came to ask the healers for
medicine, but they're not here.
I cannot wait any longer.
There's something for coughs
over here, wait a moment.
Take a soonful after every meal.
It will heal you in a few days.
May Allah be content with you, my Hanim.
May whatever you touch turn to gold.
Did you do it?
It was so easy.
She is so stupid.
Like I said
keep your mouth shut.
Or we'll take your head.
I would never speak.
Don't worry.
Commander Andreas.
We have news from
our spies in Asfahan.
MelikShah left the palace,
he's going east
Then, MelikShah
shall receive a surprise.
What is it, Elcin Hatun?
You seem worried.
InshaAlian, nothing's wrong.
Vizier Taculmulk, he went to Sencer's
tribe on orders from our Sultan.
He arrested the tribe's
Bey and Sencer's mother.
What about Sencer?
Sencer saved his
mother from Taculmulk.
And he brokt Taculmulk's arm.
Sultan MelikShah went
after Sencer persppally.
If the Sultan has gone
personally, he must be furious.
What if he kills
If Sencer broke that
scoundrel's arm
...he must have a good reason.
Go, tell Nizamulmulk
about what happened.
He must get back on his feet
if we are going to save Sencer.
We're close to Karatepe.
It's a wide stretch.
It may take us time to find the place.
We will move without the horses.
Let's go.
They won't let Sencer live, Hace.
How will we save him?
I'm so afraid something
bad will happen to him.
I must get up soon.
I must stand between
Sencer and MelikShah.
Something horrible will happen otherwise.
Have a spoonful of this.
It will help you recover your strength.
Help me!
Can anyone hear me?
Help me!
Hadhrat hace!
My Allah, how can this be?
There is poison in this
I poisoned him
I poisoned him with my own hands
When Faysal brings good
news from Shalamzar
there will be no Seljuk
state left, and no Hace.
What about Sencer?
He's as troublesome as Nizamulmulk.
We've handled everything.
Sencer will be destroyed by the Sultan.
His end is near.
Hadhrat Sayyiduna.
Nizamulmulk's man,
Sencer, he's coming here.
- How did he find this place?
It seems he healed
Arslantas and made him talk.
He's coming here to rescue
Arslantas's mother, and to capture me.
Shall we send the fida'i
after him, Hadhrat Sayyiduna?
No need.
If he's here for Arslantas's mother
we will give her to him.
Not alive, of course.
How did this happen?
Hadhrat Sayyiduna.
The fida'i told me.
Sencer is coming this way.
Your mother escaped the dungeon! How?
How can she escape?
Tell me, do you know anything about it?
I refused her and my brother
for you, Hadhrat Sayyiduna.
I would tell you if I knew anything.
She knows my face, she
knows many of our secrets.
If Sencer is coming here
we must find your mother before he does.
Else, many of our
secrets would be revealed.
Gather the fida'i.
We must find her Now!
Alive or dead, you must catch her!
The game is over traitors!
The Chief Da'i, you charlatan.
The game is not over, Sencer!
It's only beginning
I will go after him.
You fight the others
We should escape.
Attack, fida'i!
My Sultan.
You may think yourself an eagle, but
you cannot escape my claws, Sencer.
I am after the Chief Da'i, my Sultan.
Let me go.
What if he's a decoy again?
What if it's not him?
Go after that charlatan, now!
Let's see if he's the real thing.
You will answer for your crimes.
How dare you rescue the traitor Arslantas?
How dare you disobey my orders?
As if that's not enough,
you attacked my Emir.
Your Emir overstepped his bounds.
How dare you claim to
know the bounds of my Emir?
I am a soldier of this state.
I helped this state more than that Emir.
I know who is who, not you!
You and that traitor you
rescued will pay for this!
We are not to blame, my Sultan.
Arslantas was poisoned
but he s recovered now.
We found the Chief Da'i thanks to his help.
I do not care what you have to say.
You disobeyed me, that is your crime.
If I'm the one who's guilty
why did you send your
soldiers to my tribe, my Sultan?
Why did you harm the
innocent people in my tribe?
I am the state and you
are a soldier of the state.
Your duty is to obey me,
even if it means your death!
This state taught me to do what's
right, no matter who I'm against.
I have only acted to honour my duty.
I regret nothing.
Now, you tell me you are the
Sultan, that you are the state.
And I ask you
does your Sultanate allow
a woman to get slapped?
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