Vinland Saga (2019) s01e13 Episode Script

Child of a Hero

Child of a Hero
My mother will die soon.
She said she wanted to return to her hometown.
I brought her here.
Our main army
defeated the resistance at Wessex.
It is only a matter of time until we conquer the land.
If all goes well, everything will be done before winter.
What happened to London?
And Canute,
where is he?
The besieging army that Canute was leading
was attacked by Thorkell.
We haven't heard anything since.
I heard rumors they engaged in battle at Marlborough.
It's possible they joined the local soldiers.
However, we are not yet sure
whether they got away safely.
He's my dear son.
As soon as you find out more, tell me immediately.
Yes, sir.
We're surrounded!
It can't be.
See? I told you so!
Calm down, men!
Listen well! Don't return fire. Don't touch them!
Messengers of Brycheiniog!
What a rough welcome!
So you speak our language, you barbarian.
I heard that you Danes were just like beasts
that can't talk.
Withdraw your troops, Asser.
Making trouble with the Danes
is of no benefit to Wales.
I respect your concern
for the future of the kingdoms of Wales.
But our values are different from yours.
What promise are you trying to make
with the prince of the Danes?
They're just barbarians! They have no morals!
What is he shouting about?
Are we going to fight or not?
No. This isn't going to turn into a battle.
Do you understand what he's saying?
No, I don't.
But they could have killed one of us with their first shot
if they wanted to.
They were trying to intimidate us
so that they could control the negotiations.
I see.
You beasts!
I watched your war with England closely.
You entered three cease-fire agreements
in the last ten years,
and violated them all!
We will not make the same foolish mistake as England!
We shall capture the prince and use him as a shield!
Even the king of the devils
must still love his own child!
Sorry, Askeladd.
No. It's just an act.
He's just making trouble to see how we'll respond.
These days, a sheep must wear a wolf's skin to graze.
I feel sympathy for them.
Are you going to tell them about your plan?
I could
but if they want to put up an act,
I can go along with them.
Look closely!
The man standing here
is none other than the son of King Sweyn of Denmark,
His Highness Canute.
His Highness will now address you.
Be silent and listen!
All right, Your Highness. Say something spirited.
It can be anything. Like, "I'm going to boil you
alive and eat you."
Make those rude scoundrels uncomfortable.
If it comes from you, their balls will shrink
and they'll let us through.
Your Highness!
His Highness dislikes talking in front of other people.
I shall do it instead--
No, Ragnar.
He may be young, but he's still a prince.
He has responsibilities he must live up to.
Everyone standing here now
is acting for the prince.
He is a gentle person.
He doesn't like unnecessary fighting.
That's exactly why
I'm asking him to do this.
To avoid an unnecessary fight!
Do you think you can handle succeeding
King Sweyn with your mouth clamped up like a clam?
You could never understand His Highness!
The palace is a fox nest where parents, children,
and siblings eat each other!
Do you have any idea how hard it was for
the frail and sickly prince to survive through that?
He silenced his heart, silenced his breath,
and made sure he didn't stand out.
That's how he survived!
And even after all that, he's still approached
by bastards like you who want to use him!
Don't step out of line.
It's not your place to try to control how he acts.
What's wrong?
What are you arguing about?
What does Canute say?
I'm going to tell them the plan.
Very well. I shall go too.
Guys! Wait right there.
I'm going to go talk to their leader.
You are correct.
I was worried about the prince,
and ended up overstepping my bounds.
Your Highness, please forgive me.
You loser. Are you really the same age as me?
That man is named Ragnar, right?
He doesn't know that fledglings all leave
the nest someday.
What he's doing is actually bad for the chick.
There are many things you have to do
to put your plan in motion.
The first is to make the chick leave the nest.
Yes. I know.
Stay back. I don't need any guards.
Don't make me say it again.
It would bring shame to our king if they thought
I can't talk without guards.
More! Get five times further away!
Tell the others too!
All right.
You said your name was Askeladd, right?
I understand your situation,
but you're putting me in a hard spot.
I heard that he's already agreed.
You're asking for permission for passage
through our country and supplies for your men.
I can't agree immediately.
We may be small, but our king also has a reputation.
What's in it for us if we help you?
I need to confirm that this is a transaction between
two parties of equal standing.
Or else my men will think that the king is scared
of only 100 Danes.
You're right.
It wouldn't look good for you
if you just agreed to our demands.
I apologize for not showing more consideration.
I'm the one who wrote the letter to your country.
I thought I wrote in the letter that I can't give details
about your reward
in order to maintain secrecy.
Yes. I read that.
Then may I ask about that secret?
Can I ask you something?
Depending on the reward I offer you,
would you consider joining us in the war, Asser?
Don't be silly!
I know that a small country like us
is no match for the king of Denmark!
Pardon me. I was just checking.
He's a weird guy.
-Askeladd, of course.
I didn't know he could speak Welsh.
I guess there's some things even you don't know.
Idiot. There's lots I don't know.
All I know is that he's from Denmark.
He's such a pain.
We've been together for decades,
but he never tells me anything.
Are you sulking about it? I thought you're a grown man.
Shut up! Are you trying to start a fight?
Calm down.
Who cares? He's a good leader.
And luck is on his side.
As long as he lets me make money,
I don't care where he's from. I'll follow him.
That's hard to believe.
But it's too unbelievable to be a lie.
He's Lydia's child.
Askeladd has inherited the blood of the great leaders
of the Roman Celts.
Then you're not a Dane?
I'm of mixed Danish and Welsh blood.
My father Olaf conquered the coast of Wales
in the past
and carried away Lydia as his concubine.
I was their child.
I had heard that the bloodline of the war gods
of Old Britannia had gone extinct.
Are you saying you're a descendant of Artorius?
was the commander of the Britannia army,
a country of native Celtic inhabitants of England
in the fifth and sixth centuries.
In 516,
he defeated the invading Saxons
and the English
at the Battle of Baden Hill
and brought peace to Britannia.
Legends about him were passed down.
He was the person that the legend of King Arthur
was based on.
Do you have any proof
of your story?
It's me.
When he was 14,
he visited Wales with Lydia and met me for the first time.
She was an unlucky person.
She was kept in my father's bedroom for a long time.
After she became sick, she was kept in the stable.
That's terrible.
But who would ever imagine
that the last remaining survivor of the great bloodline
is mixed with Danish blood?
That's exactly it, Asser.
It's because I'm of mixed blood
I blend in with the Danes.
In other words, Wales is going to have
an insider in the army of Denmark, me.
If I can make that rich boy into the next king of Denmark,
then I can claim a high position too.
If that happens,
I can conclude a treaty of non-aggression with Wales.
I won't let them
take even one step into this land.
My goodness! That's so bold!
You almost had me!
-Asser is laughing.
-He's confident.
I have one concern.
You were raised among the Danes.
Are you sure the blood of Artorius is stronger
than the blood of the Danes within you?
You'll just have to believe me.
Regardless of my blood
I hate the Danes.
Put your swords here.
You'll give them back, right?
I refuse.
I can't let go of my weapons!
We're just pretending to be their prisoners
while we pass through their country.
They'll return our weapons when we get to the border.
That way they won't lose face.
That's strange.
Why do your men follow your orders?
It's amazing, right?
That's because my men trust me.
Hey, Thorfinn. You too.
Don't mess with me, baldy.
You said trust?
He's different. You damn kid.
Don't get the wrong idea, conehead.
I'm not one of his men. I'm an enemy.
An enemy?
Fine. So be it. You two don't have to obey.
It's only the two of you. I'm sure they'll allow it.
All right! Let's start marching again!
I heard Asser captured them!
-I heard they eat humans!
-They look evil!
Asser is amazing.
Let me try throwing a stone.
Stop, you idiot!
They piss me off.
They're treating us like animals.
You better not look at us!
We're going to eat you!
Don't look, princess.
If there's something you want to say,
say it yourself.
Don't you have a tongue?
The reason I don't talk isn't because
I'm a coward.
I-- I'm cautious.
I have to be cautious.
I'm the prince.
I'm different from you.
My words have political repercussions.
Especially in a foreign country.
Without permission from my father, the king,
I can't enter a treaty of non-aggression,
or say words to make them uncomfortable.
I'm cautious.
Not bad for an excuse.
It looks like you're smart enough, princess.
How dare you!
This is the first time!
No one's treated me like this before!
Then it was a good experience, right?
Take it back! It's not an excuse.
You don't understand how hard it is to be
from the royal family!
Stop barking. Sit down.
I'm not barking!
I'm just declaring that I'm right!
Okay, I understand.
What's wrong with your attitude?
I can't believe His Highness is talking to someone
other than me!
I'm not your servant.
Askeladd! Can't you go any faster?
We're going to be trapped in the snow!
Enough already. He's such a pain.
We're going to cross the northern edge of Mercia
and head for the main army in Gainsborough.
We'll arrive in one week.
You mean we'll go through enemy territory?
If we get trapped in the mountains of Wales in the snow,
we'll be stuck.
What's wrong? Don't worry.
We're far away from the enemy's main camp.
But how are you going to get supplies?
The lords in the countryside aren't going to
help out a Dane!
It'll be fine.
I've thought about that already.
Men! We're changing directions! With haste!
We're changing routes all of a sudden?
Don't worry! Askeladd's decision isn't wrong!
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