When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

When the Devil Calls Your Name
Kelly, my heart hurts so much right now.
I'm going to die.
Luca, stay there. I'm coming.
Hey, stay there
Episode 13
Luca, open your eyes.
Luca, open your eyes.
Luca, open your eyes.
Open your eyes!
Is anyone here?
Is there anyone here?
Please help us here.
What am I supposed to do?
What should I do? Luca, open your eyes.
Noona is here.
Oh, no
What to do? Luca
Why do bad things always happen to me? Why?
What did I do so wrong? What did I do so wrong?
Oh, what did I do wrong? Luca
Luca, please.
What can I do? Luca
Those who break God's will shall go back to nature.
Those who break nature's will shall go to the hell.
All those human beings who have been sacrificed shall return to the right place.
Is it God's will? Isn't it God's joke?
This should have been executed a few days ago. It's his fate.
By being spared a few days ago,
the child's fate started anew.
They're only gods to you, not to me.
They have no right to reverse that.
Everything is God's will.
It is cowardly.
They do stuff like that and jabber about being the principles of nature?
I will execute God's will.
So, you killed that child, too?
Get out of the way. Now you'll pay for it too.
Yeah. Everything is my fault.
Since I will accept the boy's punishment as well, please!
That will become extinct.
That is also God's will.
I'm begging you, sir.
You must accept it.
Execute him!
If you must punish me
I will face it head-on.
If I must be punished
You'll have to get past me first.
You can't.
Aren't you afraid of the punishment of the gods?
It is already too late.
What are you going to do?
Is this it?
The result of you throwing me away and being obsessed with humans. Is it just this?
Why are you like this?
Luca. Luca.
Get up. Huh?
Yi Gyeong, why is he like this?
Why, Yi Gyeong, I said why?
Luca, get up, it's Dad. Luca.
You said
You said nothing would happen.
You promised. You promised!
The gods were persistent.
It is the cruelty of the gods.
I'm going to kill you.
Don't forget.
I am your only salvation!
That contract is your soul's.
It's a lifetime contract for the soul.
Let's change it.
Let's change it.
I don't need a lifelong contract.
Let's change it to saving Luca. Change it.
You can no longer alter the contract.
Please change it. Please. I'm begging you.
Please change it. Please.
Please, let's change it.
You only have one thing to do.
One thing that's left for you to do.
Yes, a wish.
Yi Gyeong's wish is left.
I'm going to tell you a really incredible story.
Do you want to hear it?
There are more people who fall into the devil's temptation than we can imagine.
They find the devil themselves and sign the contract.
Seo Dong Cheon's first wish
was to save his dying son.
Yi Gyeong.
Let's sign a contract.
Sign a contract with me.
Your soul
With your wish, we can save Luca.
I told you I'd solve it all.
If you give your soul to the devil, it makes your wish come true.
Four wishes come true.
I can solve all your friend and oppa's problems.
You can succeed and become rich. Just one
Just use one wish for Luca.
You are a nice person.
Can you do it, Yi Gyeong?
Contract Terms
Conract Terms
Kim Yi Gyeong.
Kim Yi Gyeong. Can you hear me? Hey, you can't hear me? Damn girl!
Your soul isn't a big deal, is it? Give me your soul.
Aren't you going to change your unlucky life?
Do you want to save Luca?
Sign it. Sign it right now!
Sign it right now!
It's too heavy a request to grant a grace period.
Your soul will be taken immediately, and there will only be one wish granted.
Wish List
Yi Gyeong. Let's save Luca first.
I will fulfill the rest. I will fulfill all of your wishes.
I just want to be ordinary.
No one will be unhappy because of me.
No one will be sad because of me.
Just ordinary.
You can't.
1 Save Luca
Party B
Address: 79-gil, Dopyeong-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Kim Yi Gyeong
Are you all right?
Patient, are you all right?
Luca, Luca, oh Luca!
- Are you all right, Patient?
- Quickly put him in a room.
No sign of trauma. No significant abnormalities.
He was definitely covered in blood.
Don't worry too much. Let's track his progress for a while.
Kelly came
Luca, are you awake?
You're very lucky.
- Kelly
- On the street
you need to watch for cars.
You lied again. Today, either I die or you die. Let's settle that.
Your contract is complete now.
Also, I promise that nothing will happen to endanger Luca again.
Promise? You made that one before.
There is a contract between us and a contract between Yi Gyeong and me.
Luca is now in my contract.
So, believe that God cannot intervene again.
I believed you. Because I believed, what happened?
Now I also can't believe in God.
Be understanding, so I will save you.
If not me, who else is there?
Who else has the power now to stand up against God?
If it isn't God, who else can you trust?
Don't forget. I saved you at every desperate moment.
It wasn't God, it was me.
Congratulations on your lifetime contract, Pal.
Your soul is now yours, forever!
Incompetent fool.
You started it.
Your greed initiated this contract.
Bear in mind, it's not you this time.
You didn't save Luca by selling your own soul.
Thanks to Yi Gyeong's wish, Luca lives.
You just handed over and sold her soul for your measly life contract.
The devil took my soul.
He tricked me.
He took my soul so that I could easily take Yi Gyeong's soul away.
It is a ruse of the evil devil.
Because I don't have a soul.
I cannot help it.
Now I don't have a soul.
Don't make excuses. Your soul is unscathed.
What are you saying?
The moment you hardened your heart against Yi Gyeong
you got your soul back
You were the butt of his joke again.
Let's end everything today. Both the relationship and the cursed contract.
All right, now
let's end it.
What was just done to Yi Gyeong is completely of your own volition.
It was done out of your own selfishness.
That's why Ryoo is so elated. He won the bet with god.
He won the bet with god.
It's not a big deal to sell a soul, just
no tears.
- Tears?
- Yes. tears.
You say I have a soul.
- Hyung!
Don't run.
Don't run, man.
You said I had a soul?
I to Yi Gyeong
You are saying I sold Yi Gyeong's soul?
By your unscathed soul. By your volition.
You brokered a contract with the devil.
- I couldn't do anything else to save Luca
- You couldn't do anything else?
Always an excuse. At any moment there is always some way.
I was in a panic. No, I'm terrified now.<
I finally feel scared.
For them it's just a speck of dust.
What is it for us?
The contract with the devil was terminated.
But I still can't escape from the evil around me.
I'm glad to see you, Ahjussi.
It's been a long time.
- Yi Gyeong.
- I thought there might be a reason.
That day you disappeared without a word.
If you took the money,
I thought you really needed it.
When I went to prison, during the time I was there,
I was worried about what you would do when you returned.
♫ Even when I can't understand ♫
♫ I will say I understand very well ♫
I fall forward and get a lump on the back of my head. I fall backward and break my nose.
Because I think you might be somewhere, I thought I was not alone.
Now you appeared in front of me.
You appeared looking much better than I thought you would.
Why am I not elated?
Why am I not happy?
Yi Gyeong, I am sorry.
I wanted to see you.
And, good bye, Ahjussi.
No matter how I much I struggle,
will I ever be free of this cursed contract?
The contract with you is now complete.
It wasn't God who saved you from every desperate moment but
it was me.
If I can't get free from this cursed contract,
then do I need to rely on evil till I die?
Luca's fate, my soul, and Yi Gyeong's soul
I am sorry this is all I can do for you.
It's disappeared, I heard.
The video had disappeared overnight.
Did you hire someone else to do the job?
Is it the same video?
It's like a miracle, I was told.
By any chance
No. But I am glad.
I am here. Have you been well?
- Victimizing the victim twice.
- The court needs to reflect!!!
They are still saying I am not a victim.
My wife and daughter were gone overnight.
Have you been well?
You stupid idiot. Where have you been?!
Hye Yeon, why?
Why? Why? Why?
Why? Why? Why?
To make you a judge,
our whole family had a hard life. But you sell yourself out for pocket change?
How dare you come here?!
Will your presence here bring back the dead?
How dare you?!
How dare you?!
How dare you?!
Do you think we are living because we can't die?
I waited to see you one more time. Fine, I'll die for you now.
I'll die in your sight, bastard!
What are you trying to do?
What are you trying to do?
They are all dead. Calm down. Be calm.
I was wrong.
I was wrong. I am sorry.
I am sorry.
Father. Gyeong.
You came, Gyeong. Come in.
I've waited for you to wake up for a very long time
to accept your apology. Apologize.
You should apologize if you can see me.
I am sorry.
Yi Gyeong, what's with you? This is his first day back.
Get down on your knees and apologize for the things you've done to me, and
for the things I've gone through while you were unconscious, all of it.
What's with you?
What do you mean? Where were you when he was beating me?
When I was laying on the floor covered in blood,
you were the one who sent the police back when they came.
Did I want that man to be my father?
Hold it in, hold it in. Why do I have to be the one who holds it in all the time? For what?
For your favorite son Gyeong Soo?
It was all because of me, Yi Gyeong.
I was scared you and Mother would leave.
I'll kneel down. I'll beg for your forgiveness, uh?
That man did wrong, so why would you beg for forgiveness again?
Do I have to forgive you if you beg for forgiveness?
You did nothing when you saw the truth, so why now?
You were a coward bastard. You turned a blind eye when you knew everything.
You are misfortune itself. I don't even want you to live as a decent person.
Live quietly and repent for the rest of your life.
And that man, he'll never change.
So you both need to wise up and don't let him do that to you again.
And don't look for me again.
Uh, Kelly. Kelly.
She's totally changed.
Yi Gyeong, your brother's article won't get published. I talked to Reporter Um.
Isn't it better to clear off that sort of dirty past?
You wouldn't want that for your family—
I don't care anymore if that sort of article gets published or not.
I can fly by myself.
How about this one?
That's for Ra In's drama.
I'll wear it.
Just what do you think you are doing? So impudent.
Don't be impudent yourself.
- What?
- A songwriter who reached the top through plagiarism and washed up singers,
with a kid who can neither sing nor act, how will you manage this company with those people?
No one else brings you income at Soul other than me now.
It's you who should be nice to me.
- What did you just say?
- Let go.
Talk to me first.
Hey, country bumpkin. Why are you wearing my clothes?
Ra In, come talk to me.
- You seriously
- Hey!
What am I?
Why give my clothes to her?
- Because you are not qualified.
- What?
You have no talent yet you don't practice or even try, but a leading role?
Isn't this why people say the world is shity?
It's Si Ho's broadcast. I'll make a better stage for you.
Then set my concert next month at the biggest hall in Asia as we talked about before.
Okay. That needs some preparation.
You lied again.
It's not a lie. I'll do it, but give me some time. If you give some time—
No. I don't believe you anymore.
Hyung, what is this about my broadcast being canceled?
It's not confirmed yet.
What do you mean? Why give my stage to this country bumpkin?
How many years has it been since your debut?
It's been ten years.
Ten years. You stuck it out for a long time.
You check your fan club's board every day, don't you?
You have no clue what other people say about you, and
you only want to hear you are the best, right?
You have no fashion sense and your songs are made by machine
yet you want to be cocky for being a star.
This is your car, right?
It's my car.
It's still your car, right?
Well, it's still
The change of ownership hasn't exactly been completed.
Why don't you give it to me now?
Hyung, no. No.
It's unexpected. You came back on your own.
Should I have run far away?
I see you are not fearful.
The fear is still the same.
I lost my goal and meaning. I have no thoughts.
I'd like it if someone gave it to me.
I don't want to live nor die like this.
You are not a subject for my fury.
I am not kind enough to find your meaning to live either.
If I am not interfering with your fury, let me lay here.
My wife thinks I went to work.
I see you collected the poor child's soul.
You are the one who made it happen.
Is that child now becomes like the other people without souls?
That child asked for a wish just like the other humans.
Just like the other humans. I don't think so.
I see a devil lies, too.
What are you?
Leave it alone.
If a person succeeds overnight, it could change his preferences.
That's all I thought.
I might be crazy, but you are definitely not Mo Tae Kang.
Who are you?
I am the one who is against God and ridicules human conscience.
Whatever the answer is, it's not the one you want.
You are a female human.
I tried, but—
Your wounds are not
- my business
- I'm not asking that you acknowledge my effort, but
I am getting sick of
But can I ask that you at least be civil?
this play.
I wanted revenge.
You're a woman who didn't know anything except yourself.
You are impatient and always fretting. I wanted to make you hate yourself.
I wanted to hurt you as much as I have suffered.
I wanted to see you suffer too.
You said you wanted revenge?
You are lying.
Show your ugly side now.
You monster or whatever, where is he?
Did you devour him? If you did, why have you been hanging around me?
Do you want to gobble me up, after playing with me?
Why? Because I said you are a monster, are you angry?
If you are angry, try doing as you please right now.
Grab my neck, choke me and toss me.
Show your filthy face, you devil.
This is boring.
Let's stop.
Yes. let's stop.
PD Ha. I know this is ridiculous.
Whatever has happened recently is all weird.
Does Mo Tae Kang have anything to do with it?
It's because I saw something very strange yesterday, huh?
You know what he is, don't you?
Hey, have you heard everything, huh?
You know you hear everything now.
You're watching, right? Come out!
Talk to me, huh?
You're watching everything. Come out.I need to talk with you.
Hey. Fishcake's son.
I knew you were a faithful slave. It was like this a long time ago.
Did you summon me? For what?
You lied to me again.
You made me believe I don't have a soul.
Deceiving me that I don't.
I've never deceived or coerced you.
Damn it, you wench. Your soul is not a big deal.
Didn't you hear? Sign it.
Sign it immediately.
I've seen how far human cruelty can go.
What did you want to confirm while saying you were taking my soul and giving it back?
That I am right. That God is wrong.
Because of that, I will win.
I really thought I didn't have a soul.
I thought you didn't have a soul. You asked that Luca's life be spared.
Whether or not you have a soul, would you have let Luca die?
Okay, for sparing Luca's life, I should be grateful
But in trying to prove God is wrong, you know you have used me and us.
It was God who used me for such a measly bet.
It was God who brought humans into this measly bet.
In the end I proved it and I won.
If a way exists,
I really want to kill you.
There's another human here whose fear has disappeared.
Don't blame yourself. You've done a great job.
She has escaped her unfortunate fate.
So now find as much happiness as you want.
Your soul is free until you die.
You're already happy and you're going to be happy all the way.
All right. Until I die, I will live my whole life with this sickening pain.
You don't tell the truth. Do you care about Seo Yeong?
A devil who cares? That's amazing.
Seo Yeong asked me about your identity.
She asked if all the weird stuff that happened recently was because of Mo Tae Kang.
She asked if you a devil? I said I didn't know.
It wasn't for your sake but for hers.
Be thankful that my soul remains in me.
It's only that I got bored of her.
Is the devil lying again?
Even the devil is someone who lies.
There isn't anyone who is happy because of you.
It's the same even for Seo Yeong.
So don't ever blabber again about happiness to me with that mouth.
I'm going to leave Sang Woo.
Because I love you, that's why I'm going to leave.
Why? I am going up to that high place.
I'm going up. No, because I must go up.
Yoo Yoo Yoon Hui.
I'll do well. I'm going to do well.
I'm a woman who sold her soul. I can't do anything except succeed.
Ra In, was it perhaps Mo Tae Kang to whom you talked about selling your soul?
A video?
Yeah. They've all disappeared.
It's not you who did it?
- Why would I?
- Huh?
No, I—
What does the video of you and your boyfriend have to do with me?
Are you angry with me? Because I've always been burdensome to you.
Whether you're fighting with your boyfriend or in a video with him,
that's your business. I'm not interested.
What are you doing?
I don't like it here. I'm moving.
Why are you throwing that out?
It's disgusting. It doesn't match me.
What exactly is it? What happened?
Since that day, you're like a different person.
Nothing has changed.
It's not Kelly.
It's not the Kelly I liked.
Do you still believe in miracles?
I'm sorry to keep asking you to see me.
Not at all.
You told Luca that he shouldn't be here, didn't you?
What did you mean?
I don't think he should be near me.
Everything happened because of me.
I'm sorry.
I will arrange a plane ticket.
She said I could have this guitar.
I got lucky, didn't I?
You are the beginning of everything.
This miracle started because of you.
I hurt.
Where? Huh?
What's wrong with you? Did you tell Doctor Kim?
Your father sold his soul for you. To save you.
And Seo Dong Cheon became Harib.
Harib is Seo Dong Cheon.
I'm sorry that I keep getting sick.
I'm sorry.
♫ No one can achieve it ♫
♫ Even if you run closer and closert ♫
For what are you sorry?
♫ toward the front ♫
♫ it seems like you can't even get halfway tnere ♫
♫ I'm already standing in tne gloomy darkness ♫
♫ Somewhere in my dream of wanting to fly ♫
♫ How far far away ♫
Thank you
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
You need to leave.
♫ I call you and call again ♫
Return hone.
♫ Don't turn back to look ♫
♫ Come back to me ♫
Can you give me some of your time?
This is really the devil's drink.
Who the hell are you?
I'm just looking for my son who has been gone for a long time.
I'm just an old guy.
So what is going to happen to Yi Gyeong?
Is that how she will live forever? Without a soul?
The pain comes.
When that pain passes and becomes a memory,
something more awful probably cames.
I think it's too cruel for it to end like that.
It won't end that easily.
A human is not a vain thing like that.
Why would God make an absurd bet with evil?
Because God trusted humans,
I mean that goodwill.
No! That's not it!
This is so frustrating. Old man, if you cause it, then you need to accept the responsibility.
You can't say, "It's all God's will," irresponsibly. Where is God? God?
If He trusted humans, then He needs to leave them alone.
Why freaking test them?
- Freaking?
- Yes, freaking.
Yes, that is freaking.
Ryoo, him too.
If he has unfinished business with his father, then he needs to talk to him.
He runs away and collects people's souls instead.
That's all the parent's fault.
Why take it out on me?
Then do I tie up a grown child and lock him up in a room?
He's much bigger than me, mind you.
What can I do when he can't control his anger?!
You should've spared the rod and taught him.
"How dare you defy me?"
That won't make him a decent human.
Who is hitting whom?
Who are you to tell me to hit him or not?
Then do you raise your child with beatings?
Why would I beat my child? She's the apple of my eye.
Is your child precious and not others'?
If you are going to fight, then go out and fight!
- We are leaving now!
- We are leaving now!
Why didn't you turn the light on?
I signed it, so you only need to take it to the court.
I added a few lines.
This house and the savings account
you can have them all.
You selfish bastard.
You really are a bad bastard.
So, you go ahead and live like a decent human being.
Going somewhere?
I see you spent some money. But the thing is,
can it all really be erased?
What's with you? What do you want from me?
The best friend. You have a best friend who is well off, right?
Right. Hold each other's hands and go ahead and erase it until you die.
- Gyeong.
- You still have that cellphone, right?
It's all in here. The songs you used to sing to me from ten years ago.
Give it to me.
Gyeong. Let's go somewhere to talk.
No? Then how much? I"ll buy it.
The Liver and Gallbladder, the flashy return.
It's the revival of a great singer with a misfortune.
How are you going to handle the copyrights?
So that's the problem. I met with President Jin.
That old man completely became an alcoholic.
I purchased everything for small change.
They all became our company's, so don't worry about it.
What will you do with the old music you got out of the trash can?
Well, I saved the old music from the trash can and I can't say.
The pre-orders are coming in like a tsunami.
Now there are no obstacles
and I've got the copyrights.
And Seo Dong Cheon is dead.
Hold on, that dead Seo Dong Cheon had no blood relative legally, right?
Then all remaining rights for the Liver and Gallbladder are
left to me Lee Choong Ryeol, of course.
What? Did I get something wrong?
Nothing is wrong, but it won't work out the way you want.
I'll block it. I, Harib will block it.
No. You won't be able to block it.
Harib will crash now.
Harib will be known as unscrupulous bastard who coaxed a newcomer saying she is his muse for his own ambition,.
Soon your work for the past ten years will be proven to be plagiarized.
♫ The fragments of an idea ♫
♫ are gathered at my feet ♫
If you bother me once more, I'm going to throw this to the world.
♫ I wonder if the yellow balloon in the sky ♫
♫ wants to turn on the light and sit?♫
Gyeong. Exactly what do you want.
Please quit music. And
I am certain there is a way to get your soul back.
I will make sure to get back for you your past, your music, and your soul.
Don't get it wrong. You aren't giving them back to me. I will get them back.
- They were originally mine.
- It's more like a song Harib plagiarized.
This is far better than the moment an original song is released. Our Kelly is swiftly spreading her wings.
And at the event at the moment that a Liver and Gallbladder album is released, we will say, "Ta Da!"
Please, also leave Soul Entertainment.
I'll pay you well for all of your shares of stock.
It can't be Lee Choong Ryeol. It can never be that bastard.
It can be you but not CEO Lee Choong Ryeol.
What's the difference between you two?
Right. Our Kelly finally now knows the nasty taste of the real world.
You've grown up. You've grown up and you're just my style.
What's the matter nowadays?
[1 year earlier]
Why are you avoiding me? Do you want to end it?
Do I have the right to say it first?
That's cowardly. Why can't you be honest?
If I am honest, will you acknowledge it?
What are you talking about? What can't I acknowledge?
- That's enough. Let's stop.
- What can't I acknowledge?
Never mind. Answer your phone.
What? What? Why are you pretending to be friendly all of a sudden?
Are you hungry, huh?
Were you sent this time?
I guess up there it's pretty urgent.
What is this? Did you come alone? Do you think you can take me all by yourself?
Is it now? Are you saying you're taking me now?
One at a time.
It's really been a long time. Glad to see you.
By your unscathed soul.
By your volition. You brokered a contract with the devil.
Now Harib will crash.
What exactly do you want?
Please quit music.
I will get back for you your past, your music, your soul.
Why did the thief come to the house?
Chief Kang.
Do you know where he keeps the souls he has recovered?
If he's taken them, wouldn't he keep them somewhere?
I can't say.
Even if I know, I can't tell you.
I need to find out. Do you know, Chief Kang? Do you know?
Tardigrade. (The most resilient micro-animal able to survive extreme conditions.)
- What?
- I see you still have hope.
Hope is good.
Foolish reluctance to give up and hope are the same words.
I don't like talking out of both sides of my mouth.
I feel ashamed of it because it's acting like you.
I don't need a contract for life.
Finish by taking my soul. As for Yi Gyeong
just leave the child's soul alone.
I think I finally understand what it means to have no souls and no tears.
It means that we can't empathize with other people's feelings. Even if I am are alive, I am not a human.
Having no tears is not an obstacle to living.
What's the problem with a cold heart incapable of empathizing with the feelings of others?
You're free of desire.
You know that too, don't you? It's quite comfortable.
Do me a favor. Give Yi Gyeong's soul back.
I'll give you a problem. Make a guess.
It's very useful to help you get rid of your foolish reluctance to give up.
Now, Luca's ife.
Yi Gyeong's soul.
Which is more important?
For Yi Gyeong's sake, can you throw your son's life away?
It's easy to do.
Please leave.
Don't shed any tears.
For both my sake and that of others.
There isn't anything left around.
There is no one here.
The matter of existing next to a human without a soul; a human is simply an object.
We have such a cursed contract.
I understand now but there's nothing I can do.
Without a soul, there's nothing left but to talk with a devil.
I made that happen to Yi Gyeong.
I understand your feeling.
If i had known them a little earlier, just in case.
I would have chosen to put back and restore my child's life.
But now that's all over and done with.
I have two years left.
There are too many meaningless days left.
There must be a way to return Kyeong to old her who got trapped into a ugly contract because of me.
Although it may cause both pain and suffering,
it's not going to happen like that.
Our existence isn't that futile, is it?
Do you happen to know a way?
Human will. I have heard sometimes one returns even without a soul. Sometimes.
But the problem is we don't know when it will happen
and how we can use the will.
Sometimes, for a brief time when you are reminded of the past, there's a breeze passing by.
That will be the hardest time.
Even though my soul was returned, it's strange.
Sometimes I remember.
Chairman Seo Yeong Mo. He chose the path of committing suicide.
I wasn't going to leave him alone so that he could die an easy death.
We should find a solution, for each of us in our own way.
Get out of the way!
Get out! Get out!
Yoo Ram.
Yoo Ram. Yoo Ram.
Yoo Ram!
Yoo Ram! Yoo Ram!
Dad, why have you come here so soon?
I couldn't see you.
Dad, are you hurt?
No. I'm not hurt a bit.
Didn't you know I am Superman?
Now, let's go.
If this is God's punishment, isn't it too cruel?
We need to find a solution,
for each of us in our own way.
When the Devil Calls Your Name Preview
Are you the devil?
It's because of me. I made Kelly this way.
Don't be too attach to me. It's annoying.
Return Kelly and Dad to the way they were.
You really took after your dad, being stubborn.
What are you doing?
If you think I am in your way, stomp over me to pass.
I'm giving you a final warning. Don't interfere with my life anymore.
I'm leaving. The chairman didn't kick me out. I'm leaving voluntarily.
You're a very high maintenance woman.
There's nothing you can do.
I will not tolerate what you guys are doing now.
Blame me as you did. Ignore me as you did!
That's really how Dad looks.
How do you kill a devil?
Kill me! I said to kill me!
♫ Everything will pass ♫
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