Where's Wally (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Australian Blunder Down Under

# Oh-wee-oh, where do you go?
# Oh-wee-oh, where do you go?
# Where do you go, Wally? Oh-wee-oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world,
catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world,
catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-wee-oh, anywhere you go,
I'll find you
# Oh-wee-oh, anywhere you go,
I'll find you
# Oh-whoa-oh, where do you go,
where do you go?
# Where's Wally #
# Where's Wally #
Wow! Arf's new doghouse looks great,
Wizard Whitebeard!
Wow! Arf's new doghouse looks great,
Wizard Whitebeard!
Yeah! Just like
WorldWide Wanderer HQ.
Ha! Yes, I've spared no detail,
right down to our Wanderers' secret
knock. Try it for yourself!
right down to our Wanderers' secret
knock. Try it for yourself!
Hi, Arf!
Hi, Arf!
Just a few final adjustments
and we will be
Has anybody seen my hammer?
Oh! Ah! I must have left it inside
when I was making my lunch.
Oh! Ah! I must have left it inside
when I was making my lunch.
Mm! Pimento loaf! My favourite!
Mm? Uh
Don't worry, Wizard Whitebeard.
Mm? Uh
Don't worry, Wizard Whitebeard.
We'll get your hammer for you.
Don't move a muscle,
young Wanderers!
I have just the thing
to fetch it for us!
Ha! No, not you, Arf.
Ha! No, not you, Arf.
The Boomerang key!
It has the power to fetch
any object you ask it to.
Likemy hammer.
Likemy hammer.
That's amazing!
So this key can fetch
anything you ask for, huh?
So this key can fetch
anything you ask for, huh?
Hm. I don't know about you, Wally,
but I certainly could use
some lemonade!
Let's see what else it can fetch.
Did you see that, Fritz?
(CHITTERS) Uh-uh! Uh-huh!
With that key's
magical fetching ability,
the whole world will be ours
for the fetching.
Anything you want - whoosh!
That key will bring it to us.
Anything you want - whoosh!
That key will bring it to us.
(CHITTERS) Ha ha ha! Cake!
Fish and chips!
Pizza! Oh-ho!
Pizza! Oh-ho!
Just think of it, Fritz.
We'll never have to get anything
for ourselves ever again!
Hee-hee! (CACKLES)
Hee-hee! (CACKLES)
Uhh! Whoa!
Huh? Who's this?
Huh? Who's this?
Oh, that's my old friend
Wizard Lariat!
She's the one that let me borrow
the Boomerang key many years ago
when I sprained my beard trying to
open a very stubborn jar of pickles.
when I sprained my beard trying to
open a very stubborn jar of pickles.
(GASPS) Wonders!
Lariat lent me this key
and I never returned it!
Oh, how could I have forgotten?!
Oh, how could I have forgotten?!
Don't worry, W-
Don't worry, Wizard Whitebeard.
We'll return the key for you.
Oh, thank you, young Wanderers!
A wizard always returns
a borrowed key.
A wizard always returns
a borrowed key.
But where does Wizard Lariat live?
Ah! For that, let us ask
You know it, you love it!
You know it, you love it!
The Wander Glo-ooobe!
By strip'd staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird!
I summon magic, wild and weird!
Spin, O Magic Globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go!
Australia! The Land Down Under.
Australia! The Land Down Under.
Yes! And you'll find Wizard Lariat
deep in Australia's Outback!
The Outback? An area in the middle
of Australia filled with wildlife.
The Outback? An area in the middle
of Australia filled with wildlife.
But not many people, you see.
Kangaroos, koalas, platypuses
Kangaroos, koalas, platypuses
I can't wait to see
all the cool animals in Australia.
BOTH: Wander!
Well, Fritz, it looks like
we're heading to Australia.
Wenda, say g'day
to Melbourne, Australia!
OK. Now all we need to do
is find a way to get to the Outback
OK. Now all we need to do
is find a way to get to the Outback
and find Wizard Lariat.
Right, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, Wenda!
All aboard the Wanderer Express
with non-stop service
to Australia's Outback!
Next stop - Wizard Lariat!
Whoa! Look, Wenda!
Kangaroos! And kangaroo babies!
They're called joeys.
And they live
in their mothers' pouches
And they live
in their mothers' pouches
until they're big enough
to hop on their own.
Ha! Good hopping, little joey!
I have an idea on how to get
that key from those Wanderers.
And there! Done!
Aw, you look like the cutest little
joey in the Outback, Fritzy.
Let's see you hop!
Ah! Yah-ha-ha!
Aw! Perfect, Fritz!
Now it's time
to blend in with those kangaroos
and get that Boomerang key.
Yeah! (GRUNTS)
A-ha! Yaah!
Hey! That joey
took the Boomerang key!
Hey! That joey
took the Boomerang key!
Ha ha-ha-ha!
That's no joey
It's Fritz!
Yes, yes! Uhhh!
Aw, come on!
Fritz! Steer the kangaroo this way!
Fritz! Steer the kangaroo this way!
Come on, Mama!
Uh-oh! Odlulu!
Hm. Wenda, quick! To the windmill!
Got it! Good thinking, Wally!
Thanks! Now I'll just keep this
in my hat for safekeeping.
Wait. Where's my hat?
Wait. Where's my hat?
A kangaroo hopped off with it.
And Fritz!
This isn't good, Wally.
The magic suitcase was in your hat.
Without it,
we have no way of getting home.
Without it,
we have no way of getting home.
Huh. If you need to find
that kangaroo for Fritz,
and we need to find it for my hat,
maybe we should work together?
maybe we should work together?
BOTH: Work together? As a team?!
Right. We both want the same thing.
It kind of makes sense.
I think we can find that kangaroo
a lot faster
working together than working apart.
Maybe you're right.
What do you think, Odlulu?
Maybe you're right.
What do you think, Odlulu?
(SIGHS) Fine.
But only because Fritz
is going to miss me
out there on his own.
Now let's find that kangaroo!
Buthow do we find that kangaroo?
Buthow do we find that kangaroo?
I'm not really sure,
but I do know someone
who might be able to help.
but I do know someone
who might be able to help.
To Wizard Lariat!
This is the place,
but I don't see anyone.
Just great.
Got any other ideas, Wanderers?
Well, maybe
ALL: Whoooaaahh!
ALL: Whoooaaahh!
G'day, Wanderers!
ALL: Wizard Lariat!
One and the same! Coo-we!
Sorry about ropin' ya like that.
Sorry about ropin' ya like that.
I was just 'out back'
cookin' on the old barbie
when I saw your stripes
and got a little excited.
I just love visitors.
Especially Wanderers.
I just love visitors.
Especially Wanderers.
Ah! Yellow and black stripes.
Never seen those before.
What class of Wanderer are you?
What class of Wanderer are you?
I'm Odlulu class.
Od-what-what class?
It's a long story.
So, what brings you to the Outback?
Great spiny devil lizards!
It's my Boomerang key!
Ya know, I lent this to Whitebeard
when he sprained his beard
and couldn't fetch anything
for himself.
and couldn't fetch anything
for himself.
I told him to stay away
from those stubborn pickle jars.
Well, whaddya say
we get in out of this heat?
You must be starving!
You must be starving!
ALL: Whoooaaah!
How about some Lamington cake?
It's an Australian specialty
made with sponge cake,
chocolate, and coconut.
made with sponge cake,
chocolate, and coconut.
Fritz would have loved this.
I'm sensing something's wrong,
You didn't come here just to return
my Boomerang key, did you?
You didn't come here just to return
my Boomerang key, did you?
No. We're looking for a kangaroo
who accidentally took
Odlulu's ferret and my hat.
We thought you might be able
to help us find her.
Well, why didn't you say so?
Of course I'll help.
There must be something around here
that can help you find that roo.
There must be something around here
that can help you find that roo.
Snorkel? No.
Didgeridoo? No.
Yeast and vegetable spread?
Yeast and vegetable spread?
Definitely not.
This is getting us nowhere.
MALE VOICE: Well, maybe you could
use the Talk To Animals key.
MALE VOICE: Well, maybe you could
use the Talk To Animals key.
Did you say something, Wally?
I didn't say anything.
VOICE: I did.
ALL: Ohh!
Y-Your dog can talk?
Bubbling billabongs! Of course!
Bubbling billabongs! Of course!
The Talk To Animals key!
Thanks, Bruce.
All you do is wave the key
over the Outback critter like so
All you do is wave the key
over the Outback critter like so
And the animal's barks,
yips, growls, and chirps
instantly become words.
instantly become words.
ALL: Whoa!
There are plenty of animals
in the Outback.
You can ask them
if they've seen your roo.
Thanks, Wizard Lariat.
This is amazing.
Thanks, Wizard Lariat.
This is amazing.
I'll hold it!
Well, what are we waiting for?
Hoo-roo, Wanderers!
Hope you find your kangaroo!
Hope you find your kangaroo!
How are we supposed to use
the Talk To Animals key
if there aren't even
any animals to talk to?
if there aren't even
any animals to talk to?
What's so funny?
Look! It's a laughing kookaburra.
I know. I'm not in
a laughing mood right now.
I know. I'm not in
a laughing mood right now.
We need to find Fritz.
But we could use the key
to ask it some questions.
Oh ho ho!
Oh ho ho!
Excuse me, have you seen
a kangaroo wearing a hat?
A kangaroo? In a hat?!
A kangaroo? In a hat?!
Ha ha ha ha!
That's the funniest thing
I've ever heard! Ha ha ha ha!
All she's doing is laughing.
Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Er, so
Have you seen any kangaroos?
(LAUGHS) No, miss.
But you might ask my lizard friend.
But you might ask my lizard friend.
Has big eyes, sees everything.
Don't ya, mate?
G'day, Mr Lizard.
Have you seen a kangaroo in a hat?
Oh, I should have mentioned
Oh, I should have mentioned
He doesn't talk much. (LAUGHS)
These animals aren't helping.
We need to move on.
Oh-ho-ho! Just remembered,
I saw some kangaroo tracks!
Oh-ho-ho! Just remembered,
I saw some kangaroo tracks!
Wouldn't it be hilarious
if they were from the same kangaroos
you're looking for?
if they were from the same kangaroos
you're looking for?
OK, everyone.
Let's follow these tracks.
LIZARD: You're welcome.
LIZARD: You're welcome.
See, Odlulu? It all worked out.
All we need to do
is work as a team
All we need to do
is work as a team
and we'll find
that kangaroo together.
I found them!
Uh, Odlulu?
Those aren't kangaroos.
Fritz! Fritz!
Fritz! Fritz!
Huh? Hey, these aren't kangaroos!
They're like kangaroos
that got shrunk in the wash!
That's because they're wallabies.
That's because they're wallabies.
Wallabies. They're cousins
of the kangaroos. But smaller.
I tried to tell you
before you ran off.
I tried to tell you
before you ran off.
And now we've lost
the kangaroo trail, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, Wenda!
Right here, Wenda!
Maybe these emus can help. Odlulu?
Hey! I have so many questions.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
What's it like not to have feathers?
How fast can you run?
What's it like not to have feathers?
How fast can you run?
So many questions!
Great. Another chatty bird.
Bird? You met other birds?
We're looking for a kangaroo
wearing a hat. Have you seen her?
We're looking for a kangaroo
wearing a hat. Have you seen her?
Oh, yeah. Had a strange-looking joey
in her pouch.
Not a very cute little thing.
He's not a joey.
He's a ferret.
Ferret? What's a ferret?
He's a ferret.
Ferret? What's a ferret?
Is that a bird?
I love learning new things.
Love the stripes. Make my eyes spin.
What were we talking about again?
Kangaroo with a hat?
Right. Long gone by now, I reckon.
Right. Long gone by now, I reckon.
Can you fly us there?
Nope. Can't fly.
But we can run!
Yep! Fastest birds in the Outback!
Hop on our backs
and we'll get you there in no time!
Hop on our backs
and we'll get you there in no time!
I guess we're riding birdback!
I guess we're riding birdback!
Ha! The only way
to ride in the Outback!
Ohh! Ahh! I think
my emu's going the wrong way!
Ahh! Ooh! Arggh!
Ahh! Ooh! Arggh!
Come on, emu! Turn around!
Ugh! Yuck! Unh-unh! Yuck!
Ugh! Yuck! Unh-unh! Yuck!
Only grass?!
Only grass?!
No pizza? No doughnuts?
(SIGHS) I miss Odlulu.
Ah! Odlulu!
Well, it was about this tall.
And about this wide.
And was probably hopping a lot.
Kangaroo in a hat, you say.
Kangaroo in a hat, you say.
That's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard.
But didn't you see one
hop past earlier?
Don't put words in my bill.
Wait, I think I did see one.
Don't put words in my bill.
Wait, I think I did see one.
But I wouldn't call what she was
wearing a hat. It was more of a cap.
Hm. I thought a hat and a cap
were the same thing.
Hm. I thought a hat and a cap
were the same thing.
Hat? Cap? Who cares?
Where's the kangaroo?
And where's my Fritzy?
BOTH: Hopped off that way.
Did you fall asleep in the sun?
Did you fall asleep in the sun?
They went that way.
Towards the scrubland!
Great! Let's go!
No, no, no. They went downriver.
I'd bet my last eucalyptus leaf
on it.
I'd bet my last eucalyptus leaf
on it.
All right, downriver it is.
When was the last time
you saw a kangaroo go downriver?
When was the last time
you saw a kangaroo go downriver?
Earlier today.
That's what I just said.
They're not even listening to us.
I don't know why a kangaroo
would even wear a cap.
I don't know why a kangaroo
would even wear a cap.
Although I did like
the red and white colours.
(GROANS) That's it!
I'm going downriver.
Odlulu, wait!
Odlulu, wait!
Don't worry.
I'm sure she'll be fine.
Right. As long as she stays
away from the crocodiles.
Right. As long as she stays
away from the crocodiles.
BOTH: Crocodiles?! Odlulu!
Huh. Is it just me, or are humans
always arguing with each other?
I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more.
Fritz! Fritz!
Why are you slowing down?
Why are you slowing down?
Keep running!
We have to get downriver!
Ohhh! Why didn't I bring
the Talk To Animals key with me?
Hm. Well, then, I guess it's time
Hm. Well, then, I guess it's time
to row, row, row my boat
down the stream.
Odlulu, come back!
Odlulu, come back!
Oh, no! Now she's out on the water
all by herself!
Fritz? Fri-itz?
Uh, Wenda? What do you know
about crocodiles?
Uh, Wenda? What do you know
about crocodiles?
Let's see. They're large reptiles,
they spend most of their time
in the water,
and they have one of the strongest
bites in the world.
Do they also like to blow bubbles?
Yes. Why?
Do they also like to blow bubbles?
Yes. Why?
Because I think the crocs
are heading straight for Odlulu!
That's not Fritz!
That's so not Fritz!
I'm starting to think
this might have been a bad idea.
A really bad idea!
Wally! Wenda! He-eeelp!
OK, we've only got
one shot at this, Wally.
OK, we've only got
one shot at this, Wally.
Grab onto me. Ready?
Hold onto your stripes! Jump!
BOTH: Whooooaah! Uhh!
BOTH: Whooooaah! Uhh!
Wait! Don't eat us!
Ohhhh. Eat you?
I was just yawning.
I was just yawning.
(YAWNS) What are you doing
in our river?
I'm just trying to rescue
my best friend.
He's out there, somewhere.
Probably hungry and scared.
Probably hungry and scared.
That sounds just awful.
And I'm looking for my hat.
That sounds pretty bad too.
And I'm looking for my hat.
That sounds pretty bad too.
What's a hat?
Have you seen a kangaroo with
a red and white thing on her head?
No, but I hear there are a lot of
kangaroos near the cattle station.
No, but I hear there are a lot of
kangaroos near the cattle station.
I'd give you a tug,
but I'm so tired and hungry
..I just don't have the energy.
Wait! We have a bunch of snacks
from Wizard Lariat!
Snacks? Oh, we like snacks.
Snacks? Oh, we like snacks.
Good thinking, Wally.
Open wide!
OK, crocs,
that's all the snacks we have.
Let's head to the cattle station.
Come on, mates! Let's give
our new friends here a pull!
Come on, mates! Let's give
our new friends here a pull!
Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
I've always wanted
a crocodile-powered tugboat.
I've always wanted
a crocodile-powered tugboat.
Stroke! Stroke
OK, let's start looking
for kangaroo tracks.
Um, Wally, Wenda,
I just, you know
Um, Wally, Wenda,
I just, you know
Thanks for saving me back there.
Even if that croc was just yawning.
It's OK. We understand.
You're worried about Fritz.
It's OK. We understand.
You're worried about Fritz.
We'll find him, and my hat.
But we'll find them together.
Yeah. What are teammates for?
Right. Together.
My hat!
And Fritz!
Yeah, but those kangaroos
are pretty fast.
We'll never catch them on foot.
Right, but we can't let them
get away.
This might be our only chance,
This might be our only chance,
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, everyone!
I give you
the Wally Outback Hop-anators!
I give you
the Wally Outback Hop-anators!
Outback what-anators?
I used these bouncy springs
and some rope I found.
I used these bouncy springs
and some rope I found.
Pretty good, huh?
They're amazing, Wally!
Now we can keep up
with the kangaroos.
Let's do this!
This is almost too much fun!
This is almost too much fun!
Ha! Now I know why
the kangaroos do it!
Oh, Odlulu!
Oh, Odlulu!
I'm coming, Fritzy!
We need to corral Mama Roo
into the cattle pen.
Let's do this, team!
Keep her between us, Wenda.
No problem.
Aaah! Waaah!
Oh, Odlulu! Ha ha! It's really you!
Ha ha ha!
Oh, dear. I am so sorry
for the mix-up.
And I see by your stripes
that this is probably yours.
Thanks for taking care of my Fritzy.
It was my pleasure.
He was a good little joey.
Doesn't like eating
his vegetables though.
Doesn't like eating
his vegetables though.
Ha. I know. We'll work on that.
Well, mission accomplished.
And we did it as a team.
That's nothing.
I was on a boat pulled by crocs!
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