Wind Breaker (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

For A Friend

-I have no idea what you're tryin' to say.
-I mean, I can't help it.
Furin's Four Kings
are all right in front of my eyes!
Who's what again?
Huh? Don't call them "what"!
The head of the Jikoku Team,
The head of the Komoku Team, Mizuki-san.
The head of the Zojo Team, Momose-san.
And the head of our Tamon Team,
They're the core members of Bofurin.
Thanks for gathering here, guys!
So all of you here
are gonna be leading Bofurin.
But before we begin,
I need you guys to know.
I'm sure some of you've noticed
but I've successfully transplanted
the seedlings for this year!
Sugishita over there
has been helping me out a ton!
We've planted a lot this year,
so we'll be having a feast!
Look forward to an amazing
barbecue party this summer!
Umemiya, do you have to
bring that up at this time?
But I finally finished planting,
so I wanted everyone to see!
At least greet all the grade captains
who are lining up for you.
I didn't plan to do something
so grandiose, though
But, well, I guess I can do one thing.
You guys.
I'm counting on you.
There is little I can do alone.
Much less keeping an eye
on everyone in this school.
So I'd like to ask all of you to help.
I want you guys to watch and help
all of our friends here and there.
I'm counting on you guys.
Yes, sir!
So, for now, gather up with the guys in
your team and get to know each other.
So you became the grade captain
of our first year, yeah?
That hurts! You smacked too hard!
You know each other?
Yeah, from my first day in town.
You were so pumped up
before the session even started!
I knew you would become the grade captain!
Don't start spoutin' random stuff, man.
Huh? Come again?
I heard you won against Togame too, huh?
I can hear him now.
The second-year captains
are the same as last year.
Oh, you don't have to do that.
So Sakura's the grade captain
for the first years?
I'm counting on you guys too, Nirei, Suo!
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir!
But if you run into any problems,
just rely on your seniors.
We're like your big brothers.
We've got your back!
You guys help them too, okay, Kaji?
Tell them things you wished
you knew in your first year!
Yes, sir.
For the most part,
you deal with things on your own.
There isn't much I can do.
Plus, I'm not your big brother
or anything.
I'm a single child.
Yeah, I know that much.
That's not really what you meant, right?
Don't you have some better advice, senpai?
Oh, they're back!
So what was it about?
It was a meet-up event
for the grade captains!
I'm so touched!
What? So the Four Kings were there, too?
Yeah, they were.
For real?
How nice.
I'd love to hear about
the Four Kings' virtues.
Yes! Makes you curious, right?
Hey, since we're not patrolling today,
how 'bout we drop by Muscle Power?
Oh, yeah! Let's do it!
I'll pass.
Nope, he's not here.
It'll be a pain if we go
too deep into the town.
I know.
You guys looking for something?
If you are, we'll help.
Oh, yeah. Great timing.
We were just looking for you people.
it looks like you guys are not it.
That symbol Is that
Blue dragon skeleton on a white jacket.
It's KEEL.
KEEL? The heck are they?
I don't know the details myself,
but they're not a very big group.
However, just like the ones we just met,
there aren't any good rumors about them.
And those guys were lookin' for us?
But I don't know those people.
From the way he phrased it,
they were looking for someone in Furin.
Hey, are you okay?
Dear! Dear! Come, quick!
You Hey, you!
Thank goodness! Are you awake?
Are you okay, Anzai-san?
For now, come to our place and rest.
Well, about that
I was chased by a dog!
A bear-like large dog about
this size was chasing me,
so I was hiding over there.
But then I got so relieved, I fell asleep.
Anzai-kun, where do I have
to go to meet that bear?
I'd love to spar with it!
Tsuge-chan, it wasn't a literal bear.
Hey, you.
If you're gonna lie, tell a better one.
Yeah, it was so obviously a lie,
even Sakura-san could tell.
Yeah, that Sakura-kun who's so gullible.
Okay, let's take this outside, you punks!
No really! It's nothing!
I got something to do after this,
so I should get going now.
Thanks, ma'am! I'll come
by next time for your monja!
Huh? You're leaving already?
You should rest a little more.
I'm fine, really.
There we go.
Did something happen between you and KEEL?
What are you talking about?
He's so easy to read.
Oh, are you talking about beer?
Come on, guys. No alcohol
until you're over 20!
See ya, ma'am! I'm going now!
See you guys at school!
If you're leaving, take this
I was hoping to give him
some freshly made ones
We're always getting help
and protected by the Furin kids.
We can't thank you kids enough.
Go ahead and order
anything you want, kids!
For real, ma'am?
I'll have a cheese mochi mentai!
But we haven't done anything.
Are you sure?
Why, of course!
You Furin kids are like my own sons!
Hey, Suo.
How did you know Anzai-kun
was involved with KEEL?
It wasn't like I was completely sure.
But judging from the KEEL guy's wording
and Anzai-kun's state,
I simply thought there
might be a connection.
But well, I suppose I was right.
What should we do?
If Suo-san's prediction was right,
that means Anzai-kun got
those bruises from KEEL!
That means we must save him!
Sakura-san! A classmate is in trouble!
Wait, hold on a sec!
Even if he did get involved with KEEL,
he didn't say a thing to us.
That means he's got his own plans.
Besides, we don't even know
for sure if he wants our help.
has one or two things
they don't want to talk about.
Even so, he's still our friend
from the same class.
If there's something we can do,
don't you want to lend him a hand?
I want you guys to watch
and help all of our friends.
I'm leaving.
What? Wait, Sakura-san!
We're not done talking
Oh, you're leaving too?
Then take this with you.
Sakura-chan can be bashful at times.
Down to his core and every part of him.
But the monja's so good.
Nirei-kun, it'll be okay.
Hey, are you all right?
Are those injuries their doing too?
This is nothing!
What about Nagato?
I failed.
I couldn't bring him with me.
That group is seriously dangerous.
At this rate, Nagato's going to cross
a line he can't come back from.
Say, how about we talk
about this with the guys at Furin
We can't do that!
But we can't do that.
Furin The Bofurin
They're the group that protects the town.
This is my personal problem.
I won't drag the others into it.
Then I'll go with you next time!
Don't be stupid! It's too dangerous!
Don't worry! Just leave it to me!
I can do it on my own!
How can he say it's okay
with a face like that?
With all those injuries
What's "okay" about any of this?
Tell me more about what
you guys were talking about.
Who are you?
I'm from the same class
as that guy just now.
Tell me more about this thing.
Anzai and I have been friends
since we were little.
And we used to play together often
in this park ever since then.
And in between,
a boy named Nagato joined us.
Anzai and I were pretty naughty.
We did reckless stuff and got hurt often.
Nagato was a very quiet and kind boy,
but he still went along
with all our crazy ideas.
We all went to different high schools,
but I thought we'd remain best friends.
Oh, Anzai, it's you!
Long time no see!
Though it hasn't actually been
that long since graduation.
Oh, that face
You got into a fight again, didn't you?
You never change.
Nagato's gonna be mad again.
He'll be like, "You had a fight again?"
Now I kinda want to see Nagato, too.
I got these injuries from
a group named KEEL
Today I saw one of them
try to steal a bag,
so I tried to catch them.
It was outside the town,
but I couldn't just leave it be.
I grabbed his arm
and took off the hood covering his face
Who do you think it was?
It was Nagato.
Nagato was not the type of guy
who would do that!
That's why today Anzai was supposed
to bring Nagato here so we could talk,
but he came back alone
completely beat up.
When I asked him,
he wouldn't tell me the details.
He said it's dangerous,
but he's trying to solve this on his own,
saying that it's his personal problem,
so he can't get Furin involved.
So that's why he didn't say anything?
Why are you crying?
My childhood friends are suffering,
but I can't do anything.
All I can do is look on.
It's so frustrating.
It's frustrating that I'm so powerless.
I just have to drag that
Nagato guy here, right?
But Anzai said Furin's job is to protect
the town, so he couldn't involve you guys.
Well, you know, it's that.
Things will work out.
We're in the same class, after all.
And I'm a lot stronger than you.
You can just say, "Just leave it to us."
Just leave it to me.
You're a nice guy.
Thank you.
It's not like that!
You were crying, so I had to!
Then I really do have to thank you.
Now that I feel kind of relieved,
I feel like I'm starving.
Huh? I ain't giving you any.
Yeah. I'm not asking for it.
That being said
how should I handle this?
-Good morning, Sakura-kun!
-Good morning!
No, for real!
I tangled with a bear and
it took everything I had to escape!
Don't lie to us. Come on, who hit you?
We promise we won't laugh. Just tell us.
I bet he'll just deflect the topic
no matter what I say to him.
Sakura-kun, did you talk
with Anzai-kun yesterday?
Huh? What are you talking about?
You're an open book, Sakura-chan.
Hey, is Anzai here?
I'm here! What's up?
Oh, hey.
Who's that?
He's Tochimoto-san from class four.
What's this? A love letter?
Who on earth puts a love letter
inside a brown envelope?
When I was on my way to school,
a guy asked me to hand you this.
He had a hood on, you know.
Looked really creepy.
Hey, wait!
I said, wait!
You little
Hold up!
What's your problem? Move out of the way!
I heard what happened from the girl
you were at the park with yesterday.
Huh? Why would Tsuchiya tell you?
That doesn't matter right now.
That came from KEEL, right?
Hey! Wai
What a bunch of scum.
This is none of your goddamn business!
What now?
Tell me everything, Anzai.
It was two days ago.
I encountered a guy
who was stealing a bag.
So I grabbed him and took off his hood.
But he was
my childhood friend, Nagato.
He punched me and ran away,
leaving the bag he stole.
That's why I went back there yesterday.
To check what happened to him.
Hey now, this isn't enough, you know?
Didn't you give me the same excuse before?
I'm sorry.
Man, what a pickle we're in, eh?
But if you aren't got enough, so be it.
Let's do that again, shall we?
One punch for 1,000 yen.
With ten punches,
I'll say you brought back 10,000 yen.
Let's start.
1,000 yen.
2,000 yen.
3,000 yen.
Whoa, what's this?
Let's go, Nagato! Hurry!
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
This has nothing to do with you.
I have decided to stay here.
Don't stick your neck
where it doesn't belong!
After that, I somehow managed to run
back to the shopping district.
And the rest you know.
After all the crap they did to him,
he still decided to stay?
Why's that?
I don't know.
was crying!
When he broke his leg
when we were playing,
when we got lost and felt
we wouldn't make it home,
Nagato was kind and quiet
But he was strong!
I don't know what happened to him,
but he was crying.
That's all the reason I need.
I will
get him out of there!
I see.
Let's go.
Why are you coming with me?
This is my personal problem!
Plus, KEEL's really
a group of dangerous thugs!
I can't involve you
involve Furin in this
What are you saying?
It doesn't matter who I'm up against.
And I'm not planning to go
as a member of Furin.
I promised that girl.
that I will drag that
Nagato guy out of there.
Involving me, you say?
Stop talkin' like
you're the center of the universe.
This is my problem.
I see. So that's what's going on.
You guys Why?
You did this yesterday,
and just earlier as well.
If you wanna hide it,
you should do a better job of it.
Aren't we pals, man?
Why you didn't tell us anything?
But I mean
Furin's job is to protect the town, right?
It's not like we're all here
because we're Furin.
Not saving people in need
goes against my virtue, that's all.
Yes! I'm going because I want to help!
It's just like what they're saying.
We just want to save our pal.
You guys
Come on, we'll leave you behind
if you don't hurry.
Sorry I had to wake you up
from your sleep,
but if you're the only one behind
when the whole class runs off to help
I imagine Umemiya-san is going to be sad.
So Sugishita-kun said
he'll be coming, too!
Huh? What are those guys doing?
Where are we going again?
The abandoned Senkan shipyard, apparently.
That must be KEEL's base.
Based on the picture, it doesn't look like
we've got that much time to spare.
I know.
No matter what you say, I'm going!
I'm also part of the group!
Make sure you keep up.
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