Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 36: Broken Table]
You'll move out?
Is it
because I brought up marriage?
Is that really it?
Let's talk about it later.
Let's go. It's cold.
Were we wrong?
Look at Yu-mi's face.
-It keeps going wrong.
That's not what I meant to do.
What do you want to do?
What do I do?
[Should I wait here?]
[Only if I tell her how I feel]
It's so humiliating,
but I don't want Yu-mi to misunderstand.
No, that will be hard.
I'm sorry, but Woong's highest priority is
[Priority List 1: Goo Woong]
always himself.
[-We can't make him say]
[what would hurt his pride.]
[Yu-mi. I'm leaving now.]
[I'll leave the key on the table.]
Ms. Kim.
Let's talk in the meeting room.
[Woong. I have a meeting.]
[I'll call you later.]
Cheering writing
is your advantage.
It's a bit stiff this time, isn't it?
Yes, a bit.
I will write it more cheerfully.
Is everything okay with you?
Yes, everything is fine.
But lately, you looked down.
Oh, because it was a difficult theme.
When I'm stuck,
that's the look on my face.
Then shall we change the plan?
No, it's just that I'm not good enough.
It's okay. I'll work it out.
Ms. Kim. I got a call from SNC.
They got email without attachment.
Oh, no. I must've forgotten.
Excuse me.
What's wrong with it?
What? Is it broken?
Do you exercise in the park?
The weather is nice,
so I'm starting again.
What about you?
I should.
You should come to the park.
The weather is perfect for running.
Okay. Bye now.
By the way,
he's not waiting for you today.
-Your boyfriend.
He was visiting my house that day.
He must be very gentle.
The green onion in his hand
was very memorable.
And that he gave me his jacket.
Sometimes he's very gentle,
but sometimes he's not.
Is that so?
Bye. See you tomorrow.
[It was weird.]
[She had always lived alone,]
[but it felt so weird.]
[I broke the table leg
while changing the light bulb.]
[I fixed it temporarily.]
[But don't put anything heavy yet.
It might be dangerous.]
[I'll apply for repair
and change it for you.]
[I know it's your favorite. I'm sorry.]
You mean the table for two?
Yes, the 325TD one.
I just need to replace one leg.
It's discontinued.
We can't provide a repair service.
You can't?
No. We can't repair just one leg,
but if you want the same one,
I can check if we have it in stock.
How much is it?
One sec.
It is 1.5 million won.
Did you say 1.5 million won?
-What is it this time?
-What's going on?
I'm so sick of emergencies.
[Woong cannot afford the table
with his balance.]
What? That's ridiculous.
He doesn't even have 1.5 million won
in his account?
[No, his current balance is]
[Current account balance]
[1.32 million won.]
[Account information]
[1.32 million won.]
How can there be only 1.32 million won?
He had about 10 million
just a few days ago.
[It all went out for the office expense
and loan interest on 15th.]
Then how about buying something cheaper
with a similar design?
It's just one leg broken.
-No again?
You know what?
This is the most expensive item
in the house.
This table?
Yes, I followed my cousin when she was
buying furniture for marriage.
I got carried away and bought it.
I got it for getting promoted.
Is this a good brand?
It doesn't even match the house.
Now that I heard it,
it suddenly looks very good.
When I move next time,
I'm only taking this with me.
Take me with you too.
[There's no other way.
Let's use the credit card for now.]
What? No? Again?
Why not?
[All his credit cards are maxed out.]
Reason. Let's ask Yu-mi to wait
until he gets paid next month.
Are you telling her to use
the broken table for a month?
It's so humiliating and I feel bad,
but I'm sure she will understand.
He has no other option.
He has no money.
What about Woong's pride?
[Priority List 1: Goo Woong]
[Our highest priority is Woong.]
[If he was going to lose face,]
[there was no point in moving out.]
[Hello? Why aren't you coming?]
I'm sorry, but you got some money?
You think I have money?
I haven't even paid you back yet.
Can you pay me back some of it?
I'm in a rush.
I'll give it back to you next week.
Maybe 2 300,000 won?
[That will do.]
Send it to me now. Sorry.
[No, I'm sorry.]
Ki-young. What's up?
Oh, right.
[It's hot. Slow down.]
Woong. It's so good.
-It's so good.
It's fantastic. It's the best choice.
Who is it?
Yu-mi. It's me, Woong.
Woong? Did he just say Woong?
It must be Woong. Why did he come?
Oh, yes. Woong's here.
What? Is he moving back in?
Did he regret it after moving out?
If he's here now,
it means he's sleeping over.
Can I go in?
Of course. Why do you even ask? Come in.
I was going to call you,
but I saw the lights were still on.
Yes, I got off work early today.
-Were you having dinner?
-Did you have dinner?
-Not yet.
That's great. Let's have dinner together.
-Come in.
I'll just put one more set of chopsticks.
Close the door.
Come in.
I called someone to take the table.
It'll be a hassle for you
to get rid of it.
-It's this one.
-Not the chairs?
-No. Leave the chairs.
I thought you were going to
apply for the repair.
I couldn't because it's discontinued.
So I ordered a new one.
You ordered a new one?
It's quite expensive.
I ordered the same one.
It'll be here tomorrow.
Can you wait until tomorrow?
Woong. You don't have to do that.
Why would you
I can't do that.
-I'm really okay.
Bye. I have to walk them out.
You're leaving?
I stopped by on the way to work.
They said they're only available now.
Stay for dinner.
I have to go.
Oh, I'm paying cash for the table
when it gets here.
So I'll transfer it to your account.
Do you mind?
Don't send me the money.
Fried dumplings and spicy noodles?
It's the best combination.
Bye, Yu-mi.
I'll call you.
Don't send me the money. I'm serious.
I broke it. I should take responsibility.
That's antique.
The leg was creaking anyway.
It was about time to get a new one.
I was going to buy a new one anyway.
Should I cancel it?
Do you want to get a different one?
I can cancel it now. You can get what
That's not what I mean.
Don't send me the money.
If you do, I'll get really angry.
Don't send me the money.
I need your signature.
I'll be right there.
Shall we meet this weekend?
[That was when something strange
happened to Love.]
What's wrong with me?
What is this?
[Julie Bank:
Goo Woong sent you 2,000,000 won.]
[Episode 37: Breaking the Gourd]
[You should never wash your blankets
on cloudy or rainy days]
[like these past few days.]
[That's why]
[I have been pushing off
washing my blankets.]
[But luckily, today]
is a beautiful day.
Darn it.
Did you just curse?
You must've heard wrong.
Hurry up and start the washing machine
and clean the room.
Don't push it off again.
Darn it.
[The house is messy again
without Woong around.]
[How can it fall apart so quickly?]
[The refrigerator is empty too.]
I need to go food shopping today.
Should I make some fried tofu rice balls?
They're Woong's favorite.
[Delicious Fried Tofu Rice Balls]
If Woong isn't here to eat it
I don't even need to buy much
since I'm eating alone.
The wind is so cool.
The weather is so nice today.
[The weather is really nice, Yu-mi.]
I want to go somewhere nice.
Right. Let's go somewhere nice.
The weather is so lovely today.
What about Samcheong-dong?
Yu-mi loves it there.
If you go to Samcheong-dong,
you have to go to
the churros place, the noodles place,
and the bakery!
Okay. Next time,
we should go out on a date.
[Woong, what are you doing?
Did you have lunch?]
[Let's go to Samcheong-dong
for noodles on Saturday.]
[My classmate
is getting married on Saturday.]
[He said it was at the end of the year,
but I got a call.]
A wedding?
[He said it was at the end of the year,
but I got a call.]
[In Jongno.]
[Do you want me to go with you?]
[Let's go to Samcheong-dong
after the wedding.]
Are you going to Young-gu's wedding?
Young-gu's wedding?
Yes. It's this Saturday. Are you going?
I'm not sure.
I was thinking about it. Why?
Are you going with Yu-mi?
I asked you first.
If Yu-mi's going, I won't go.
You know she doesn't like me.
-If that's the reason why--
-No, I wasn't planning on going.
I was just going to send them
some congratulatory money..
Young-gu is close with you, not with me.
I'm not going to go.
[Okay. Let's go together.]
Is Yu-mi doing well?
-Are you getting married?
Why aren't you talking?
Are you teasing me? You know my situation.
You've become twisted, Goo Woong.
You're right.
I've become twisted these days.
Right, so consider it.
Give me a call when you make up your mind.
You're here early. Let's go.
I'll introduce you to the groom.
Hey. Is Sae-yi here too?
I didn't even think of it.
She could be uncomfortable around me.
I heard she wasn't coming.
Don't worry. Let's go.
Yes. Right now?
I need to go up
to help the groom with something.
-Right now?
Do you want to go and eat first?
By myself?
Can you keep Yu-mi company?
Hurry back.
It won't take long. Go ahead and eat.
Let's go. You must be hungry.
I am.
Oh, my. You and I are similar.
What? What do you mean?
You're making a mountain on your plate.
I didn't have breakfast today.
But my mountain is a bit higher.
You should go ahead and eat first.
I'm going to get some steak.
Oh, okay.
Don't be like that. it is what it is.
Did Woong come today?
Yes, he did.
He went up to help Young-gu.
[They must be Woong's friends.]
[Don't inhale the food. Eat nicely.]
Did Sae-yi come today?
I doubt it.
She doesn't go to weddings.
Why doesn't she go to them?
Sae-yi has always been a bit haughty.
Wait. Isn't that Sae-yi?
That's not her.
It's not?
Hold on.
Are you waiting for her to come?
It's not that.
Be honest.
Were you Team Sae-yi in school?
It's been so long since I've heard
anyone say "Team Sae-yi".
There were so many people on Team Sae-yi
in our major.
Woong's the one
who was truly on Team Sae-yi, not me.
Do you think Woong still likes Sae-yi?
I doubt it. I heard he has a girlfriend.
What kind of person is his girlfriend?
Is she haughty too?
Why? Because Sae-yi's haughty?
You know people's preferences
don't change.
Why don't you ask him?
How can I ask him that?
How much did you give?
A hundred dollars.
-Stop lying.
-A hundred dollars
is the perfect amount.
Where did she go?
Hey, Louis.
Oh, hey!
My gosh. Hey. It's been a while.
It really has been.
You guys changed a lot.
So did you.
I was wondering where you went.
Why are you out here?
Did you finish eating?
Yes. The buffet here is really good.
You should go and eat. You must be hungry.
It's fine. Let's go to Samcheong-dong.
Why? I can wait. Take your time and eat.
Louis is still inside.
No, it's fine. Let's go to Samcheong-dong.
Let's go.
I think we could walk there.
It's only 500m away.
-Hey, Woong.
What do you like about me?
Tell me.
You ask such silly questions sometimes.
Gosh. Don't change the subject.
What do you like about me?
Let's have dinner together.
Are you rejecting me?
No, it's not that.
It's really late,
so every place is closed.
They'll be open until nine.
What time is it now?
What time is it? It's
Seoul time.
[On the day her relationship
with Woong started,]
[Love cell installed a big gourd
in the middle of the village.]
What is this? Isn't it a gourd?
-A gourd?
Whenever you get mad at Woong,
throw a bean bag at this.
Really? Can we do that?
Of course. That's why I put this here.
I see.
nobody threw a bean bag at the gourd.
I'm going to go shopping!
Hey! Fashion cell, no! Stop!
Lullaby and good night,
Fall asleep my dear Yu-mi ♪
Give me food! I'm hungry!
[Because Yu-mi was happy.]
[The first person to throw a bean bag
was Emotion cell.]
You didn't make it, did you?
Oh, this?
Someone gave it to me.
I'm so mad at you, Goo Woong!
That's a lie, isn't it?
Sae-yi gave you that yuzu preserve!
Emotion, what are you doing?
You should throw some too.
Love said we should throw these
if we get mad at Woong.
I feel a lot better now.
-Should we?
-Let's do it.
This will be fun.
Do we have any more?
We can just cancel the hotel and go home.
Suit yourself.
-We have to go now.
Even if we leave now, we'll be home late.
You're sulking over that
and want to go home?
You sulk so much!
Do you know how expensive the hotel was?
Are you rich?
She even got clothes to come to Gangneung!
Are you kidding me?
[After that, every time they got mad,]
[they would throw bean bags at the gourd.]
Guys! That's enough!
Woong didn't cancel the hotel!
You said you were just friends.
[Even on that day Woong yelled at Yu-mi.]
Why would you yell at Yu-mi?
Want to die, Goo Woong?
-Woong is so mean!
-Why you
-You're so mean!
-You're so mean!
-You shouldn't do that!
-That's right!
move out this week.
[Even on that day he suddenly said
he was moving out.]
[Even on that day he sent her money.]
[Julie Bank:
Goo Woong sent you 2,000,000 won.]
You're so mean!
Who asked you for money?
Are you the only one who has pride?
I have pride too, you poopy-face!
So that's why you're so annoying!
That's right!
[The gourd didn't break.
It didn't even have a crack.]
Woong's the one
who was truly on Team Sae-yi, not me.
Do you think Woong still likes Sae-yi?
[Even in the moment when Yu-mi found out]
[that Woong used to like Sae-yi]
He couldn't draw a line against her
because he used to like her.
That's what it was, you jerk!
I'm so disappointed in you, Goo Woong!
[A bunch of cells went
and threw bean bags,]
[but the gourd didn't break.
It didn't even have a crack.]
Gosh, I'm exhausted.
Are you sure that even breaks?
It'll only hurt our arms.
Do you think that it would break easily?
Hysterius. What brings you down here?
I came down because I was so annoyed.
Hey. Did you think it would break easily
when Prime cell was the one who made it?
Of course, it's a different story
if I give it a try.
-That's right.
-That's right.
Gosh. Don't change the subject.
What do you like about me?
How is that important?
Oh, we need to go that way.
Let's go.
How is that not important?
What? Why is it still okay?
Break! Break right now!
My gosh. What is that thing made of?
Where should we go?
-Where should we go in Samcheong-dong?
You said you wanted to go somewhere.
Let's go get some churros.
I'm craving churros.
Here you go. Enjoy.
Thank you.
Is this the place?
It's the best place in Samcheong-dong.
The churros here are the best
in the country.
Is the line always this long?
I told you it's the best in the country.
I guarantee it. Let's go.
It's the best in the country.
What do you think?
What should we have?
The original is good,
and the chocolate is good too.
The line isn't moving.
It's because they make it on the spot.
But the line is really long.
This? It won't take long.
It'll take 15, 20 minutes, at most.
It'll be our turn in no time.
I don't understand people
who wait in line to get food.
Isn't it a waste of time?
do you want to get something else?
No, we don't have to.
You said you were craving these.
We can go somewhere else.
There are a ton of good restaurants here.
Do you want to do that, then?
The line is really long.
Let's go.
My churros!
My churros!
I came all the way here to eat this!
Goo Woong, you punk!
What's so hard about waiting in line?
Oh, no. It might break!
What is this? It still hasn't broken?
How is this possible?
That will never break.
It's strong.
[She loves him a lot,
so it will never break.]
[Woong, it was really nice
to be out on a date after so long.]
[Too bad we didn't get to try
the churros.]
[We have to go
to the bakery together next time.]
[You must be tired. Get some rest.]
[Sweet dreams.]
[Okay. You too.]
My gosh, that reply
is so long.
Can't he stop texting short?
I sent him a long text, isn't it
only right to send a long one back?
My gosh.
I really hate Goo Woong these days.
What is that? What's wrong?
No way.
It didn't break because I threw it, right?
I only tapped.
[Text messages are really no big deal.]
[Okay. You too.]
[Why am I so angry?]
[Break up.]
[Break up.]
[Episode 38: The Breakup Card]
What's wrong with me again?
Gosh, what is wrong with me these days?
[Break up.]
[Break up.]
It broke open.
She should be somewhere around here.
Where did she go?
That scared me.
Emotion. This is the Breakup card.
-What are you doing?
I'm going to use the Breakup card today.
[See? The gourd broke open.]
[No wonder I've been feeling so weak.]
It's time to break up.
Love, don't be like this.
You're scaring us.
This is so unlike you.
What is "like me"?
You saw that the gourd broke open.
If they stay together
[Okay. You too.]
[The stress will drive Yu-mi
to the brink of death.]
Love, don't be like this.
This is too sudden.
We should discuss this with the others.
Yes. Doing this suddenly
just because of that--
The gourd broke open.
What other reason do I need?
It's all over!
But Love You're Love.
You must protect love.
Isn't that your job?
That's right. Loving with all my heart
[until the gourd bursts open.
That is my job.]
[Once it bursts, I must make sure
we turn around. That is also my job.]
[Hey, Yu-mi.]
Hey, Woong. Where are you?
Me? I'm in the office now.
Are you busy now?
[No, I just got here. What's up?]
I'll come to your office now.
Can you come out for a minute?
I can get there by 11 a.m.
How does that sound?
[Sure. Is everything okay?]
I'll call you when I'm there.
[The weather is too nice.
Too beautiful for a breakup.]
Don't you agree?
It's such a beautiful day.
Why today of all days?
Who cares about the weather?
She won't even need to say much.
We'll just fling the Breakup card at him
and walk away.
[There he is.]
Here it comes. The Breakup card!
Gosh, I can't watch this.
You said you wanted to stay home
and take it easy. What's up?
Anyway, this is nice.
I'm happy to see you.
You haven't had lunch yet, right?
It's almost noon now.
Let's go eat something nice.
No, I'm--
Right, a new restaurant just opened up
in the area. The food there is so good.
You like aged kimchi.
I wanted to take you there anyway.
Let's go.
What happened? Did she throw the card yet?
See it for yourself.
What's holding you up?
You said you'd end it right away.
Let's do it
after they finish their lunch.
I feel bad.
It'll be their last lunch together.
Let them have their lunch.
Then we'll throw the card at him
and leave.
-Isn't the food good?
Hey, why are you picking at your food?
I've eaten quite a bit.
Right, the toasted rice tea is free.
It's really good.
Hold on.
[They're done eating.
I'm going to throw the card now.]
Try this tea, Yu-mi. It's so good.
What is it?
You look upset.
Did something happen?
Are you not feeling well?
You don't have a fever.
[Hey, what's with you?]
This is not how you felt yesterday.
What's wrong with you today?
Yu-mi, are you not feeling well?
Let's get going if you're done.
Are you not going to throw it?
I really can't do it
while I look him in the eye.
[Let's say it while walking.]
[Keep your eyes ahead.
Yes, this would be much easier.]
My gosh, it's so hot today.
Time's flying by.
Aren't you hot?
Do you want some iced coffee?
I have something to tell you.
[Are you really going to throw it now?]
What? Is she hesitating again?
What's wrong, Love?
I thought
you had already made up your mind.
You said it was over
because the gourd had burst open.
I'm Goo Woong.
[You're the one who's cute.]
[What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?]
Actually, I was curious.
You didn't reply.
My phone broke. I'm getting it repaired.
I see. I knew it.
I thought
I got dumped.
[What are you doing?
Stop reminiscing about the past moments.]
[Just throw it. Do it!]
Let's go.
I can't do this.
Guys, I need some time to think.
I think
we need some time to think things over.
[An hour ago]
Hey, your phone's ringing.
-Isn't it your phone?
Hey, Yu-mi.
[Hey, Woong. Where are you?]
Me? I'm in the office now.
[I'll come to your office now.]
[Can you come out for a minute?]
[I can get there by 11 a.m.
How does that sound?]
Is everything okay?
[I'll call you when I'm there.]
Okay, sure.
[Danger detected.]
What? What is it today?
[The results from the analysis
of Yu-mi's voice,]
[there is a 95-percent chance
that she'll use the Breakup card today.]
[The low voice and the curt tone.]
[That is what the accumulated data
is telling us.]
But why? What did Woong do wrong?
How did their last conversation go?
Pull up the data.
[Woong, it was really nice
to be out on a date after so long.]
[Too bad we didn't get to try
the churros.]
[We have to go
to the bakery together next time.]
[You must be tired. Get some rest.]
[Sweet dreams.]
[The most recent text from Yu-mi
sounds so sweet.]
That's right.
No. No way.
[Maybe it's because Woong sounded like
he couldn't care less in his reply.]
[Okay. You too.]
Come on! Woong always sends short replies.
Why would she suddenly be upset over it?
That makes no sense.
Why would she suddenly want to break up?
The analysis is wrong.
Yu-mi's voice sounded fine to me.
[Data never lies.]
[The Breakup Card]
[There is a 95-percent chance]
[that Yu-mi will throw
the Breakup card at him today.]
I do not trust the data.
But if
If she's really coming to see him
to break up with him
I think it'll make me angry.
I have to step out.
Where are you going?
Yu-mi is coming to see me.
I may have lunch with her.
All right.
Why does he look so serious when
he's stepping out to see his girlfriend?
[SLW Studio, Unity World]
[She just unilaterally decided
to do this?]
[I mean, if her feelings were hurt,]
[why did she not even hint at it?]
[Yes, I know.]
[It's not like we tell her
about Woong's feelings.]
[So I don't think
we can blame Yu-mi for this.]
Still, this is wrong.
If she wants to break up
because of his short reply--
[This is an announcement.]
[This week's priority list
has been updated.]
That's not important now.
Okay, let's see it.
Woong's priority list never changes.
[This week's list is different.]
[11: SLW Studio, 10: Meat Dumplings]
[9: Louis, 8: Ugi, 7: Dad,
6: Bow Wow Time]
Don't tell me
Yu-mi got pushed out of the top ten list.
[No. Yu-mi is at number one.]
[2: Goo Woong, 1: Yu-mi]
[Priority List]
You said you wanted to stay home
and take it easy. What's up?
[The moment I sensed a looming breakup,]
[I realized something
that I had forgotten.]
Anyway, this is nice.
I'm happy to see you.
Isn't the food good?
Hey, why are you picking at your food?
I've eaten quite a bit.
Right, the toasted rice tea is free.
It's really good. Hold on.
My gosh, it's so hot today.
Time's flying by.
I have something to tell you.
I think
we need some time to think things over.
[Who my number one priority is.]
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Are you Goo Woong?
[Yumi's Cells]
[It's not easy for someone
who's used to spending]
[so much time
with her boyfriend to suddenly be alone.]
[It shows.]
[How did you stop yourself
when you wanted to call her?]
[I wonder what Woong is up to now.]
I want to know what he's up to.
I miss him.
[I said we should think things over,]
[but I don't want to be alone again.]
[Am I just afraid
that Woong would leave me?]
[Tell me the details.
What exactly did she say?]
Ripped and synced by
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