365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Who Will Be The Next Victim?

(Episode 14)
- Ms. Lee. - It looks like you had
a good talk with her. Great job.
- Ms. Lee. - Don't worry.
I always keep my promises.
You should go on a trip for the time being.
I advise you to get out of Seoul.
For how long?
Can you elaborate on that?
When you're safe,
I'll call you again.
Your friend didn't come back yet?
We need to get going now.
(Hongwoon Express)
The person you have reached is unavailable.
You'll be directed to the voicemail box.
What are you doing?
Young Woong!
(Kim Se Rin)
It's called Munchausen syndrome.
You know, the disorder that makes you lie and pretend to be sick.
I was in a ramyeon box
when I was abandoned in front of an orphanage.
My parents were killed by robbers.
I was the only one who survived.
There's no cure yet.
I have three months at the most.
My gosh. Poor you.
She's buying people's sympathy by lying to them.
She thinks that's how people will love her.
I've done nothing wrong.
That wench was determined to set me up.
Well, it's not like a detective is a deity.
You could always make a mistake.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
You have a visitor.
Okay. I'll call you later.
Ga Hyeon, Young Woong is gone.
He just left his phone. And he disappeared.
I called the police,
but I can't report it since it hasn't been 24 hours yet.
Ga Hyeon, can you talk to the detective?
Can you ask him to find Young Woong? Please?
I met your older sister.
The one who died in a car accident.
Your dead sister.
Why did you lie to me?
Don't believe what she told you.
She has a lot of problems,
so she used to go to therapy and stuff.
You were the one who had therapy.
You said you were retaking the CSAT and your parents hated you.
They were all lies.
Are you
taking my sister's word over mine?
Okay. Fine.
Suit yourself.
I don't care about what you think.
Young Woong.
Can you
ask the detective to find him? Please?
Please, Ga Hyeon.
Young Woong
is at the police station.
You are here
to report Ms. Kim Se Rin?
That makes no sense. Why would he do that?
I thought about letting this go until I joined the military.
But after finding out that she downloaded a tracking app,
I couldn't let it slide anymore.
I only did that because I was worried about him.
She threatened me that she'd kill herself if I broke up with her.
I'm sick of it now.
I really can't live without him, Ga Hyeon.
It has to be that house.
I should have known when she moved next door to mine.
I found out she approached me with a plan.
Why do you think I went through the reset?
I've done a lot of things to meet Young Woong.
I can't give up like this.
Over my dead body. I can't.
Will you say you did this because of Young Woong?
Are you sure you can do anything?
Who do you think is next?
Next up
is you.
How does it feel?
Aren't you scared?
Well, all of you will die anyway.
But being the next one to die
must terrify you.
And if someone else gets terrified,
that will be such good entertainment for me.
You choose, Se Rin.
To whom must you say this to entertain me?
And think about what you should say to make it more fun.
Then, I'll tell you
how you can save yourself.
Why did you do it?
Why was it me?
You would have done the same.
The person you're closest to.
The person who will not doubt you.
You'd probably choose that kind of person.
You How could you?
Don't resent me.
You're scared of dying too.
You were at ease when you found out it wasn't your turn.
did Ms. Lee Shin tell you?
Did you sell me out and save yourself?
That's why I'm grateful to you.
Since I'm grateful to you, let me ask one more favour.
Tell the detective
to just send Young Woong home.
(Complaint, Choi Young Woong)
(Defendant: Kim Se Rin)
(Plaintiff: Choi Young Woong, Presenter: Ji Hyeong Ju)
(Complaint, Choi Young Woong)
It's all done now.
Detective Ji.
I have something to tell you.
I started
to date Se Rin after the assault incident.
But now that I look back on it,
something was strange about that.
Unless you want me to go crazy,
call him now!
Kim Se Rin.
Do you know where I should cut myself,
so I don't die and just get hurt?
I know it very well
because I needed that often.
If you don't want to end up like Bae Jung Tae, call him!
"Bae Jung Tae"? What do you mean?
Tell me! What do you mean by that?
That man asked her,
"What are you trying to pull?"
Who are you? What are you trying to pull?
No matter how many times I thought about it,
it sounded strange to me.
Are you saying
it was all your doing?
Yes. It was me.
You and the police
were all fooled by me.
Who'd believe an ex-convict?
Like I expected, everyone believed me
and put him behind bars.
Kim Se Rin.
Do you think you're an exception?
(Koo Seung Min)
Ms. Shin, are you in there? Ms. Shin!
Ms. Shin?
Who Who are you?
Ms. Shin. Ms. Shin.
Ms. Shin, you're bleeding. Are you okay?
Oh, no. You're bleeding. What should I do?
I'm so upset.
Shouldn't you report this to the police?
Seung Min.
I'm sorry,
but I'd like to be alone.
Ms. Shin.
All right.
I'll be going, then.
Thank you, Ga Hyeon.
It must be pretty tough because of that.
You always have to be the best.
You always have to live up to other people's standards.
That was out of the blue.
I wonder why
you've suddenly become curious about that.
Whom did Kim Se Rin betray this time around?
I know I'm late, but I'm willing to listen to the truth now.
"The truth"?
I like that you decided on this quickly.
What do you need me to do?
It may be difficult.
You may not understand.
But I'll make sure
to compensate handsomely for your work.
You have my word.
I want you to keep an eye on Se Rin.
Kim Se Rin?
She suffers from an anxiety disorder.
She's unpredictable.
I'm just worried
she might die.
Back then, I didn't understand what she meant.
But now, I do.
She was worried Se Rin would self-harm
and end up dying.
I beg you.
The other students feel uncomfortable about this.
I'm grateful that you like me, but let's just stay as friends.
What did I do so wrong?
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you doing this to me?
Young Woong!
Se Rin, please!
Why are you doing this to me?
Young Woong!
Young Woong!
Why are you doing this to me?
What do you want?
Why are you crying and making a fuss in public?
Why do you care?
Was he harassing you?
- What? - If he wasn't, then never mind.
You see,
I can't stand scumbags who harass women.
Can you help me?
She said he was stalking her.
He wanted me to frighten him a bit.
I called both of them just now.
- Se Rin. - I'm so scared.
Se Rin, are you there?
It's that house.
Did that scumbag do this?
You just need to scare him
so that he won't come back.
This is exactly why the police exist
and we pay tax. You should've asked Ji Hyeong Ju for help.
I thought you two were close.
(Young Woong, please come to my house right now.)
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Hey, hey.
What are you Stay still!
What's wrong with you? What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Se Rin!
- Young Woong! - Who are you?
Young Woong!
Who are you? What are you trying to pull?
You did well.
You should run
because no one's going to believe you.
- Do you really want to die? - Mr. Bae Jung Tae!
Then what about that written statement?
What about it?
I just wrote down what my lawyer told me.
He talked about my past crimes, the circumstances, and the witness.
He said claiming innocence would only worsen my sentence
and that it'd be better to just admit to it
and aim for a lesser sentence.
Everything he said was correct.
That's why I wrote it.
If you want, you can sue her for committing calumny.
You can request for a retrial as well.
That's fine.
At first, I was determined
to end her the moment I got out.
But now, I'm too lazy to do anything.
Do you know why Ms. Lee Shin helped you receive parole?
I guess she's paying me back
for keeping an eye on Kim Se Rin.
Was there anything else she asked you to do?
She didn't. I don't care about that woman or Zian Clinic.
I won't even think about going there.
I'm going to move back to the countryside and farm.
And I'll die when it's my time to die.
Young Woong, reported me?
No way. There's no way he did that!
Ms. Kim Se Rin, calm down.
Put the knife down.
Call Young Woong now!
Kim Se Rin!
Why are you here?
Call Young Woong now!
That guy isn't even your boyfriend.
You're just chasing him like a madwoman!
He even patted my head
and waited for my bus.
We even had meals together.
You always cause trouble.
And why do we have to clean up your mess?
I'm so sick of this!
Don't threaten us with your life.
You should really kill yourself.
Let go of me! Bring Young Woong here!
Call him now!
- Bring him here. - Move.
Bring him here now!
Young Woong!
Se Rin.
Se Rin.
Young Woong reported me.
I went back in time just to be with him.
It's just like before the reset.
No, it's more awful.
I was really happy with him.
I keep thinking about my previous life. I can't stand it.
I gave you a way out from all of this.
Why are you still here?
Is he more important than your life?
If you die,
your love will be useless.
Without Young Woong,
my life is pointless.
Ms. Lee, let me do the reset one more time.
Then, I'm sure I can do a better job.
Please give me one more chance. I'm begging you.
To do that,
you must survive first, right?
At first, I was determined
to end her the moment I got out.
But now, I'm too lazy to do anything.
I'm going to move back to the countryside and farm.
And I'll die when it's my time to die.
(Happy Correction, Happy Citizen)
(Happy Correction, Happy Citizen)
Did you sort everything out with Se Rin?
I guess it wasn't a happy ending
where you understood each other and made up with her.
Even you couldn't
forgive her that easily, right?
Does your daughter
know that she's going through the reset?
If she finds out that she's repeating
the same year over and over again because of your cruel hobby,
what will your daughter think?
"Cruel hobby".
I'll try to match your description.
I'll tell you
who's really next.
I won't let you have power over me anymore.
Ga Hyeon, you could save this person.
Are you sure you won't regret it?
(From Seoul to Haenam)
Sir, hold on!
Please open the door now. Hurry!
(Changsun Express)
(Sejin Hospital)
Her heart transplant surgery went well.
It was hard to find a donor who was a match to your sister.
But Ms. Lee made sure she had a donor.
Jeong Ae.
That woman over there.
Who is she?
My gosh. You don't believe me, do you?
Were you scared that I might get back at Kim Se Rin?
You're going home, right?
You'll be relieved once you drop me off at my home.
Then, give me a ride.
- Your younger sister - My gosh.
Let's not talk about our personal lives.
Coming home was pretty easy thanks to you.
Be careful.
And see you around.
I'll make sure we never cross paths again.
Please forget about me.
Are we good now?
Tell me now.
Choi Min Ho is Choi Young Woong.
You guys are tangled up like a ball of yarn.
let me go first.
There's so much we have to catch up with, right?
(Kim Se Rin)
(Kim Se Rin)
(Missed call, Kim Se Rin)
(Kim Se Rin)
The person you are calling is on another line.
You'll be directed to the voicemail box.
(Trustworthy police, safe country)
(You have a new voicemail. Press Call to listen to it.)
(You have a new voicemail. Press Call to listen to it.)
This is your first message.
Ga Hyeon, answer the phone.
I'm next.
I'll die.
I'm not lying this time. I'm serious.
Ga Hyeon, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Ga Hyeon, please save me.
(Recent Calls, Kim Se Rin)
Get a grip, Shin Ga Hyeon.
(Young Woong and Se Rin, our 1st day together)
(365: Repeat the Year)
Isn't fate so fascinating?
Why did you let her die?
I would like to make a report.
Bae Jung Tae got out yesterday.
The decision is yours, Ms. Lee.
What is this? What did you do?
That's not true, right? It's not, right?
This unexpected turn of event will make it entertaining.
- I won't let you slide for this. - I have high hopes.
Murder? I never thought that would happen.
We just had an argument. I didn't kill her.
- I really didn't kill her. - Answer my questions!
Whether you're the culprit or were committing another crime.
She died just now.
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