All That Glitters (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

I am a little bird
I want to soar
I love you.
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't you think I look like a big boss?
Big boss, my foot.
A big boss who owns more than
ten Muay Thai gyms, no?
The thought of that
makes me feel like
the most powerful person in the world.
You don't look like a boss.
More like a groom.
A groom on the way to marry Xiaomei?
I should've proposed to her
before I went overseas.
Then I'd be a groom now.
Oh, no!
What is it?
It suddenly occurred to me
that I should propose to her today.
No better time than today.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
She might not even remember you.
I beg your pardon?
Xiaomei must be all dressed up,
waiting for me to pick her up.
Do you know I've been waiting for you?
I won't leave you again.
I'll stay by your side forever.
I also want to
make dinosaur peng for you forever.
Done daydreaming?
What did you daydream about?
Get in the car.
Xiaomei, I'm back.
What happened to your voice?
You caught a cold?
No. My throat feels a bit dry.
You're manning the shop alone?
Where's your mom?
She's gone out to deliver coffee.
When did you come back?
Last night.
Congrats on your graduation.
Can't you take a hint?
The female lead today isn't you.
Don't fight for the spotlight.
Where's the female lead?
You're talking about my mom?
But of course.
Our male lead here
is dressed to the nines
to impress the female lead.
I even became his chauffeur
and drove him here.
He got out of the car
before I even parked it.
Such a romantic gesture.
How could the female lead be missing?
Mom has such bad timing.
Why did she have to
deliver coffee at this time?
Jintiao, wait for a while.
She'll be back soon.
No worries, Zhenyu. Go back to your work,
I'll sit and wait.
You're-so-Pretty, I'll come in and help
Is Jintiao really dressed to the nines?
You bet.
He's wearing a fake designer suit
bought in Thailand.
The sleeves and pants are
a little short for him. You know why?
He bought a kid-size suit
because it was discounted.
Liu Mu, you know I can hear you, right?
Is that so?
-Oh, come on
-What's the matter?
The old lover just got here,
but the new lover is here too.
Director Fu?
-Director Fu!
Little Belle, you're awesome,
I only said "hi" and you knew it was me.
I already knew it was you
from your footsteps.
You're good!
I sense a murderous vibe.
What's wrong?
This place has a murderous vibe.
Here's the murderer!
Who are you calling a murderer?
I didn't mean that.
I just feel that you give off
a menacing aura.
You'd do a good job of playing a murderer.
You're Fu?
How did you know? Who are you?
-I am
-Eh? Director, you're here!
Little Belle!
You're here for filming?
Who's the actor behind you?
Xiaomei, it's me.
Huang Jintiao?
Director Fu, you cast him as a triad boss?
He does look the part.
No. I just came back.
Where did you go?
I told you I went to Thailand.
Is that so?
You want dinosaur peng, right?
Give me a moment.
Director Fu, I watched
the episode you directed yesterday.
What's the drama title again?
The Fatal Strike.
Oh, yeah! The Fatal Strike.
Now that's a fatal strike
to Jintiao for sure.
So, you think I did a good job?
Oh, come on.
I want to win the Best Director award
at the Star Awards.
I've even thought of my acceptance speech.
First, I'll thank my parents.
Then I'll thank my boss.
Lastly, I'll thank my darling Daisy.
Is Daisy your girlfriend?
Daisy is my puppy.
Honestly, I don't know
if you did a good job or not.
But last night's episode was really funny.
Last night's episode
was so emotional and tragic.
You should've cried your eyes out.
The male lead kept spitting
as he talked and got all worked up,
I found that so funny.
I know you put a lot of effort into it.
Today's coffee is on the house, okay?
On the house?
-Can I have two pieces of toast too?
-And also two eggs?
-No problem.
Take a seat. I'll serve you
the food when it's ready.
Little Belle, you're the best indeed.
I'll treat you to a show tonight,
9 p.m., Channel 8.
You directed tonight's episode too?
I, Zhang Fu, produce the best work.
-If you miss any of it
-Oh, my.
You'll beat yourself up.
Eh, Musen? When did you get here?
Auntie, I've been here a long time.
You just noticed me?
-Have you had breakfast?
I'm waiting for You're-so-Pretty
to make toast for me.
Zhenyu, prepare another set
for Director Fu.
How about preparing one more set?
Why? One for you and one for Director Fu.
There's also
Eh? Huang Jintiao, you haven't left?
Zhenyu, one more set for him.
And also one dinosaur peng.
Jintiao only likes
the dinosaur peng you make.
I'm not free.
Director Fu will want to chat with me
when I take this coffee to him.
Tell him you're busy then.
I can't neglect him.
Director Fu knows
a lot of industry secrets.
He knows which Ah Ges and Ah Jies
are not on good terms.
Director Fu, here's your coffee!
Thank you, Little Belle.
Why the long face?
He's thriving while you're
already defeated before fighting.
I'm not defeated!
Want me to give you a mirror?
Then you can see how dejected you look.
Arrange a meeting with that director!
I'll fight it out with him.
We'll see who gets defeated!
So what if you're a better fighter?
You're wooing a woman,
not fighting in a boxing match.
He managed to make Xiaomei laugh
with only his words.
That's a smart move, get it?
I want a duel with him!
What are you doing?
I'm calling the TV station
to ask that director out for a face-off.
Look, women hate violence.
If you beat that director up,
you can forget about
having dinosaur peng again.
For the past six months,
thinking of Xiaomei is the only thing
I've done besides training.
The thought of her kept me going
no matter how tough it got.
I didn't sleep last night,
because I was happy and thrilled
at the prospect of seeing her.
I couldn't wait for daybreak to come.
But what?
But Xiaomei didn't even recognize me.
She didn't remember I went to Thailand.
In the past, no matter how busy she was,
she'd personally make
dinosaur peng for me.
But now
Liu Mu, what do I do?
When it comes to wooing a woman,
what's yours is yours.
You can't force love.
Why don't you look for someone new?
Your Miss Right could be someone else.
I, Huang Jintiao, am a faithful man.
I love only Xiaomei!
I won't fall for any other woman.
So don't ask me to find someone new.
Get it?
Okay! You don't have to yell.
Hello. Yes, Aunt?
You and Director Fu hit it off.
Why don't you ask him
to recommend you to the TV station?
To sell coffee at the TV station?
Good idea.
I'll get to see celebrities all day.
Not to sell coffee but to act.
You have such fine acting skills.
It's a shame you aren't an actress.
What are you talking about?
I know you were putting on an act,
but Jintiao doesn't.
Aren't you being too cruel to him?
Musen said Jintiao
couldn't sleep all night
because he was excited
at the prospect of seeing you.
That silly lad.
It's been six months,
but he's still so silly.
No, he's become even sillier.
He dressed up like a triad boss.
He wanted to surprise you, that's why.
Surprise? More like a shock!
Though Jintiao is simple and honest,
he's a genuine person.
That's the thing.
The more genuine you are,
the more you are at a disadvantage.
You may treat others sincerely,
but they remember what you said or did,
as if they'd been noting it down.
If one day they're upset with you,
they'll not hesitate to turn against you.
That's why someone like him
is so precious.
Why do you keep speaking up for him?
Because he's really a good guy.
Okay, stop trying to put in
a good word for him.
I didn't take his calls or read his texts
so he'd give up on me.
But he didn't give up on you.
Exactly! That's why I had to
be harsher to him.
-That's enough.
I'm not getting any younger.
You want me to be a laughing stock?
Come on, you're not that old at all.
Take care of your own matters first.
When are you and Musen tying the knot?
Why? Eager to marry me off?
Marriage is a form of security to women.
I admit I was wrong about Musen.
I didn't expect him to be so capable.
Others might not be as successful as him
even after striving for ten years.
He's already driving a luxury car.
Most importantly,
he treats you very well.
But when a man has a successful career
and becomes rich,
women will throw themselves at him.
That's the test he has to face.
Test, my foot.
Men can't resist temptation.
Keep an eye on him.
But don't keep a tight rein on him.
The gold he gave you
cost at least S$80,000 to S$100,000.
He can give me all the gold he wants.
Nothing wrong with a woman
accepting and spending money
that a man makes.
But we mustn't let others think
we're greedy.
You're not married to him after all.
But it's different once you marry him.
What belongs to him belongs to you too.
Then other people
won't have anything to say.
I don't have anything
to say to you either.
Oh, yeah? Then I'll continue.
What are you going to say?
I'm going to tell Musen
to marry you soon, as I can't keep
my grown-up daughter by my side.
You gave me a fright!
I was afraid you couldn't hear me well.
I can hear perfectly well, okay?
Oh, right! It's Uncle
who's hard of hearing, not you.
Where's Uncle?
You're here.
I'm not asking you
for the inheritance from my dad.
Why were you so startled?
How's your health?
-Same old, same old.
-That's good.
Your dad only left behind a pittance.
I doubt you care about it anymore.
He's making big bucks
and driving a luxury car, you know.
Oh, Jiahui says you have dozens of
subordinates working under you now.
I do have a bit of status in the company.
But I'm still working under my bosses.
I don't call the shots.
As his name suggests,
Congming is smart and loveable.
Shouldn't be hard for him to find a job.
Always talking nonsense.
Never mind if you won't help us,
I shan't trouble you.
Congming has decided
to help out at the store.
Congrats, Uncle and Aunt!
You have a successor.
I asked you here to talk about Jiahui.
I know. About her moving out, right?
She discussed it with me.
So she lied to you too?
She's not living alone.
She's cohabiting with someone.
Aunt, getting someone to split rent
isn't cohabiting.
It's co-living.
She's cohabiting with a man.
Whoa Aunt, you're really savage.
In order to stop your daughter
from moving out,
you'd even sully her good name.
She already made my blood boil!
Now you too?
Ming, tell him.
Tell him about your sister.
I overheard her talking on the phone
about finding an apartment.
And what? And then she asked
the other person
to view the flat if he was free,
and she'd sign the tenancy agreement
if he liked the place.
She said, "Don't worry about the deposit
and rental. I've already paid."
Hear that?
A man is sponging off her.
You can't prove the other party is a man.
Jiahui told the other person
that the homeowner was aware
and was all right with
a man and a woman living together
so long as there was
relevant documentation.
It must be a man,
or the homeowner wouldn't have said that.
Jiahui would never do something like that.
She doesn't listen to me nowadays.
If I raise my voice,
she gets even louder than me.
I know she still listens to you.
Help me get to the bottom
of this, won't you?
Jiahui sees you as her older brother.
She'll listen to you.
Tell her to move back home.
We're family after all,
let's not live apart.
And tell her this,
if she does anything embarrassing
and lets a man live off her,
she'll no longer be my daughter.
Whoa Mom, wouldn't that
be a good thing for her?
Okay Stop arguing.
Not to worry, Uncle and Aunt.
If she dares cohabit with a man,
I'll catch her and bring her back, okay?
Lin Jiahui!
Lin Jiahui.
Show yourself!
Or else, you'll get it from me!
Why are you shouting?
What are you doing here?
-Surprised to see me?
-Of course.
Lin Jiahui won't answer my calls.
She texted me to say she'd be here,
but she's nowhere to be seen.
She's too scared to come see you.
She got you to come here?
I can't believe her.
What are you doing?
Calling her. I want to tell her
not to be a coward.
Don't bother.
You want to see her? I'll take you there.
Come on.
Eh? Sis Zhenyu.
Why did you bring him here?
You can't hide from him forever.
You have to face up to it eventually.
Can you cool down?
What's wrong?
He's shooting daggers at me. So scary.
Lin Musen, you agreed not to
lose your temper when you saw Jiahui.
Talk things over calmly.
Come on in.
Be careful, Sis Zhenyu.
I'd love to talk things over calmly,
but the sight of her angers me.
You're really something, Lin Jiahui.
You claimed you wanted to be independent
and be free of your mom's nagging.
What a pack of lies.
-I didn't lie to you.
-Then why were you afraid to see me?
I knew you'd be like this.
You sound like you want to hit someone
I caught you red-handed, huh?
Lin Musen, cut it out.
She's cohabiting with a man.
It's true I caught her red-handed.
Don't put it like that.
Hear her out first.
Let me ask you, You're-so-Pretty.
You knew about this?
Don't deny it.
You even know where she's staying.
You must know everything.
I'm not denying it.
Jiahui came to me and confided in me
about her troubles.
Troubles? What troubles
could she possibly have?
She's fallen for a guy, but she knows
her family will be against it,
including you.
So she took action first
and cohabits with him?
We're not cohabiting. See for yourself.
There are two rooms here.
We're renting one each.
We're housemates.
A man and a woman alone in the house?
Anything could happen.
You think all men are gentlemen?
-He respects me.
-Respect, eh?
When a man loses control of himself,
you'll know what "respect" is.
Sis Zhenyu, did this person
lose control of himself with you?
You're in the mood to crack jokes?
Just wanted to cool things down.
Is that right?
You're in danger, you know that?
You think you're safe in the room?
What if he loses control of himself
and barges into your room?
I wouldn't do such a thing.
I've seen you before.
You're that boxer.
-Here to see me?
Take a look at this car for me.
This car is pretty new.
What's wrong with it?
Nothing wrong with it
I want to sell it. Will you take it?
I run a used car business.
Of course I'll take it.
Let me take a look.
This car's in good condition.
Changing your car so soon?
Nah. I just can't afford it anymore.
You're kidding, right?
I'm serious.
I lost my job.
You quit after landing a better job?
I guess you can say
I was ordered to resign.
No different from being fired.
Why not? Making a mistake gets you fired.
You're so smart.
No way would you make mistakes.
I'm not smart at all.
I'm brainless.
So, will you take the car?
Sure, if you're selling it.
What price are you looking at?
Hm, you make the call.
You trust me that much?
Who else can I trust?
You're a good friend
who won't take liberties with me
even when I'm drunk.
How dare you take advantage of my cousin!
-What's going on?
Bro Musen wants to hit him, Sis Zhenyu!
Lin Musen, don't be so confrontational!
He deceived Jiahui.
Some brother I am if I don't beat him up!
Don't be so impulsive.
You haven't even got your facts straight
but you were already yelling
and hitting him.
Susakong, you okay?
I'm okay.
-I can't say the same for his hand.
-None of your business.
-What happened to your hand?
-I'm fine.
You know his name is Sun Wukong?
It's Susakong.
I don't care if his name is
Sun Wukong or Susakong.
How did you end up cohabiting?
Don't put it so distastefully.
Jiahui, go downstairs for a walk.
-I'll talk to him.
Hey, where are you going?
Who said you could leave?
She said so.
He used the wrong technique
when he threw a punch at me.
He hurt his muscle.
Rub his hand for him.
He Jianzhi.
Is my car worth so much?
I don't want you to suffer a loss.
I'll feel bad.
Even if I wanted to absorb the loss,
my business partner
would never agree to it.
Relax, I'm only making a smaller profit.
So what mistake did you make?
I shouldn't have asked that.
You can ask me anything.
You're my friend.
A true friend.
My mistake
was to have an extramarital affair
with my coward of a boss.
He asked you to leave?
You know why he asked me to leave?
He must've been worried about
being found out
and it affecting his career
at the law firm.
When he came back from Thailand,
he realized his wife didn't know anything.
It was just a false alarm.
He probably felt he couldn't
give me the necklace for nothing.
So he asked me to stay behind
and do over time.
When all my colleagues had gone home,
he closed the door to the office.
That scumbag!
I'm sure he didn't expect me to say,
"If you dare touch me,
I'll have you up for sexual harassment."
What happened after that?
He was scared witless!
He didn't dare to touch me at all.
I don't know why,
but I used to be quite into him.
But ever since he ran away from me,
I've been repulsed by the sight of him.
Why didn't you expose his misdeed?
You think too highly of me.
He's a law firm partner
while I'm just a legal assistant,
I'm no match for him.
Forget it.
You're better off without
that kind of company and boss.
Any plans?
I plan to take a long beach vacation.
Then I'll make plans
when I've had enough fun.
Want to go with me?
There will be sunlight, the beach,
and a bikini-clad girl.
What are we waiting for, then? Let's go!
We owe it to Susakong
that Jiahui wasn't taken away
by that perverted client.
Jiahui told you that?
You suspect it's a story she made up?
I know she wouldn't do that.
She wouldn't dare.
I'm glad you know your cousin well.
Granted, Susakong helped her.
She didn't have to be with him
out of gratitude.
So immature of her.
She's not being immature.
On the contrary,
she struggled and suffered.
She knew her relationship with Susakong
would meet with disapproval.
But you can't control your feelings
when you fall in love.
But how could she be with someone
of unknown background
and who fights for a living?
Then why did you fall for me,
a woman who can't see?
That's totally different.
How so?
That's love for you.
Love came knocking at the door
after he went to her rescue?
We're not in a TV drama, you know.
Of course not.
But what happened after that
made me believe
the love between Susakong and Jiahui
could well be predestined.
Thank you, Mr. Tan.
I should thank you instead
for recommending such good stuff to me.
No problem. I'll send you the info later.
-Sure, thanks. Bye.
Jiahui said Susakong
had been looking for that man.
He came to Singapore to work
so he could look for him.
Why was he looking for him?
To exact revenge.
You're kidding! You think
we're in a period drama?
He caused Pat's death.
She was approached by someone
in the street one day.
That person praised her for being pretty
and asked if she was keen
to become a model.
She claimed to be a coach
at a modelling school
who could recommend her
to go for training at the school.
I didn't approve of Pat becoming a model.
She was too kind and guileless.
I was worried she couldn't adapt.
But she went for classes behind my back.
I found out later she'd borrowed
from a moneylender.
I was livid and asked her
to withdraw from the course,
but she refused to.
We quarreled several times.
In the end, Pat broke up with me.
You cared about her.
She didn't think that way.
She thought I was standing in her way.
She said she didn't want to
continue working at a shoe store,
looking at other people's feet every day.
She wanted to make a name for herself
while she was still young.
What happened after that?
She was approached by
a modelling agency after her training.
In a hurry to pay off her debt,
she signed a contract with them
without thinking twice.
The boss of that agency
was him
No wonder he looked at me
with an odd expression.
It's like the first time I saw you.
You reminded him of Pat.
So Pat became a model?
That's putting it nicely.
But to put it bluntly,
she was an upscale prostitute.
The modelling agency she joined
was an escort agency in disguise.
It even had connections to the underworld.
Pat was forced to serve clients.
We'd already broken up then.
I only
found out about all this later.
One day,
Pat called me out of the blue.
She said she was going to Japan for work.
She wanted to work there for a year
and return to Bangkok
when she'd made enough money.
Then she'd start a small eatery.
As she was talking to me,
she suddenly started weeping.
She wouldn't tell me
when I asked her what happened.
She said she felt she'd let me down.
She said
before she left for Japan,
she'd like to apologize to me in person.
But I could feel she was hiding
something from me.
She just chose not to let me know.
That was the last time I saw Pat.
Six months later,
I came across a news article
about a Thai girl who died in Japan.
I had a bad feeling all of a sudden.
I hoped it wasn't Pat.
But the next day,
the papers
published her photo.
What happened to her?
She was found on the ground in an alley.
By the time she was sent to hospital,
she was already dead.
Cause of death was a heroin overdose.
The Japanese police
arrested Justin Pholdee.
But he was released
due to lack of evidence.
It's so unjust.
I swore
I'd hunt him down
to avenge Pat's death.
He knows I'm looking for him
and he's been avoiding me.
I asked around
and found out he'd come to Singapore.
I spent two years hunting him down.
Two years!
I've finally found him.
Susakong, now that you've found him,
what will you do?
You say you want revenge.
Surely you don't
Stay out of this.
This has nothing to do with you.
You don't know anything.
Thank you.
His eyes looked frightening.
Surely he isn't thinking of
committing murder?
He asked me to stay out of it.
I know you want me to stay out of this.
But I feel obliged to
remind you of something,
or I'll feel uneasy.
You're in Singapore.
I don't know how
you're going to take revenge.
But over here,
murder is punishable by death.
I know you want to avenge
your late girlfriend.
I get that.
That scoundrel deserves death.
But we're not in ancient times
where you could just draw your sword
and fight someone to the death
for revenge.
If you kill him,
you'll have to pay the price.
I'm sure Pat wouldn't want you
to seek revenge for her
and ruin your own future.
I know you feel indignant.
But I believe everything
in this world is meant to be
Where are you going?
-Hey, my bicycle!
That's my friend.
Out of the way!
Watch out!
Look out!
-Hey! What's wrong with you?
-So sorry.
You really killed him?
You killed him?
Why are you so foolish?
You'll be sentenced to death!
I advise you to turn yourself in.
no matter where you go,
I'll hunt you down and kill you.
Get it?
I got such a fright!
I thought you'd really killed him.
I was raging.
I really could've killed him.
It was you.
You made me come to my senses.
I recalled what you said.
It was because of you I came to my senses
and avoided making a huge mistake.
I think the person who made you
come to your senses
was Pat.
That was how Jiahui
and Susakong got together.
Kopi Gah Dai, why are you so quiet?
What do you want me to say?
Your mom was also against
our relationship.
But her objection was futile.
You said even if the whole world
were against our relationship,
you'd still want to be with me.
But of course.
You were right.
Talk to Susakong nicely later.
Talk to him nicely? You must be kidding,
I'm going to give him a stern warning.
If he bullies Jiahui or lets her down,
I'll fight it out with him
even if he's a Muay Thai expert.
I'm sorry.
What are you apologizing for?
You did something wrong?
You'd better come clean with me.
What did you do?
I brought you stress and trouble.
You also have your problems.
You have to get past Bro Musen
and my family.
I'm only afraid of not being
able to give you a good life.
I'm just a poor chap.
You won't be a poor chap forever.
What I care about
is whether you're true to me.
I'm absolutely true to you.
Look at me.
Who am I?
You're Lin Jiahui.
I am Lin Jiahui.
-I'm not a replacement for someone else.
-I know that.
Pat is not around anymore.
I won't take you for her.
You can think of her. I won't be jealous.
Hang on. Maybe just a little jealous.
It's only natural for a woman
to feel this way.
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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