Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e14 Episode Script


[Mighty Eagle whistling]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
For catapultin'! Slingshottin'!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip'n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, dodgebird
Borb tennis -- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, and Chuck ♪
Flyin' fast
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life you'll be glad
you had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[campers laughing and shouting]
[Lynette on PA] Attention campers.
Care packages incoming.
[gasps] Whew!
Please exercise caution. Or don't.
I don't really care.
[Stella grunts]
Sweet! New issues of Dung Beetle Bird!
He's a sparrow who gets bitten
by a radioactive dung beetle
and becomes Dung Beetle Bird!
What did you get?
New basketbird ball.
A tail feather comb. Yay!
Ugh! Check out the losers getting
all excited about their sad little gifts.
So pathetic.
Look, that one didn't even
get anything. Ha!
Neither did you.
That's not the point, sis.
If I did get one, it would be cooler
than some dumb butt comb.
Come on, let's laugh
derisively at the yellow one.
[all laughing]
[gasps] Flying boat!
Flying boat incoming!
Look out, non-flying boats!
[boat horn blaring]
[breathing heavily]
[all groaning]
That's gotta be the biggest
care package I've ever seen!
That's no care package. That's a boat!
That's no boat.
That's a yacht.
Ohh! Robin!
Mummy finally sent us a yacht!
Then she spelled our names wrong,
because it says "to Chuck."
-[all gasp]
Wait, what? Him?
Whoa, Chuck!
Your parents sent you a yacht?
I had no idea your family
were yacht cheeple.
I didn't either. I didn't think I knew,
or maybe I did. Did I?
But none of that matters
because we're having a yacht party!
-Oh boy!
-Yes! All right!
-All right!
Yacht party! Let's do this, friends!
Um, what are you doing?
Obviously I'm going
to my friend's yacht party.
Yeah, but we're not friends.
What do you call it when someone's
mean to you for no good reason?
I think the word
you're looking for is jerk.
Charles-- Can I call you Charles?
If you're gonna host a yacht party,
it needs to be perfect. N'est-ce pas?
I never really thought about it before.
But yes, I guess it does!
Exactly. Well, then you've
gotta have a buffet.
A buffet?
And I can hook you up with one
from the private dining hall.
There's a private dining hall?
Of course! It's exclusive,
but I'm thinking I could
pull some strings for a friend.
Chuck, where are you going?
Didn't you hear him?
I gotta go! I need this yacht party
to be perfect. I'll be right back!
I'm sure this is gonna turn out great.
[campers laughing and chomping]
Wow! You weren't kidding.
This is easily in the top five
fanciest dining rooms I've ever been in.
Top one, counting ones I haven't
been kicked out of!
Have you met Darcy?
He's another member
of our exclusive dining club.
Wow, even Brenda's fancy in here.
Good day, sir.
Before our luncheon selection,
may I interest anyone in a hot towel?
Don't mind if I do!
Mmm! One hundred percent cotton-y!
The buffet is served.
Oh, that's a buffet.
Back home, we call this
an "eat till it hurts."
[Chuck chomping and chewing]
You were so right! This is amazing!
My yacht party's gotta have one.
I knew you'd agree!
I'll have Brenda pack this up immediately.
Now, let's head over there, shall we?
I don't know.
[swallows] Red hates you,
Stella wants to pound your beak,
Bomb is kind of "meh," and me, well…
[Chuck belches loudly]
Duly noted, Charles.
Don't be hasty.
Allow me to show you what else
I can bring to the party.
[door whirring]
[dance music playing]
Just imagine you and I on the yacht,
the wind in our hair feathers,
with DJ Dinners, a masseuse,
and a mini-putt course.
-[glass shatters]
-[Brenda groans]
-And the pièce de résistance, this!
Ooh! A hot tub!
What? No. It's caviar
from my private stash.
[caviar splashes]
[Chuck laughing]
That was my entire caviar supply
for the summer!
You… you…
You know what would be perfect?
Bringing all of this to the yacht party.
-[dance music playing]
-Yo, yo.
-What do you say?
-I want it all. I need it all!
I can't throw my party without it!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You're welcome!
If I can come to your yacht party.
Ahoy, mateys! Welcome aboard
the SS Awesomeness!
-Oh, cool! Sweet!
-Chick'n awesome!
-Oh, yeah.
[snaps fingers] You're welcome.
What do you think you're doing,
Yeah. What is he doing here?
Well, I kind of, sort of
told him he could come
in exchange for letting us use
all this cool stuff.
You what?
You guys! It's a big boat!
And I got everything we need
to make this party perfect!
Wonderful. Then we're all agreed.
And I invited some people, too.
-[birds laughing]
-[Chuck grunting]
[dance music playing]
[Red grunting]
[objects clatter]
[Stella sighs]
[both] Chuck! These jerks
are ruining the party!
What? We're ruining the party?
We didn't bring a bunch
of uninvited guests!
[Neiderflyer] Or anything else,
for that matter.
Charles, these cheeple
aren't yacht cheeple.
They clearly don't belong.
He's just using you for your yacht.
Can't you see that?
Can you see this?
-That's it!
-Bring it on!
[Red grunting]
Just try it, Neiderjerk!
Chuck, you need to do something!
Oh, you're right! I do have to do
something! I'm just gonna--
[Chuck yelps and sobs]
Where's he going-- Whoa!
-What the--?
[all shouting]
Uh, what are you doing?
This yacht is tearing us apart!
Get rid of the yacht,
get rid of the problem.
What? That makes no sense.
The yacht's
not the problem, Neiderflyer is!
-Actually, that's the problem.
[birds gasp]
We're heading for camp!
Did I mention I have no idea
what I'm doing here?
I've had enough!
I can't believe anyone would
ever give you a yacht.
It should belong to someone
who deserves her, like me.
And now it's all mine.
[laughing maniacally]
Party's over, Neiderflyer.
[all grunting]
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
[all screaming]
[chuckles nervously]
Oh! Look out!
Chuck! The dining hall!
-We're going to crash!
-Everybody abandon ship!
Okay, bye!
-Look out!
-What's happening?
Go! I have a plan!
Then we'll do it together.
Chuck's yacht, Chuck's friends.
And… hit the brakes!
Boat's don't have brakes.
Crud. That was my whole plan.
-[Darcy] Haw-haw!
Darcy, what are you--
The anchor, of course!
The brakes of the sea! Hang on, everybody!
[all grunt]
All right, Chuck!
[Chuck yelps]
-[dance music playing]
I'm okay!
-Whew! [chuckles]
Oh! Chuck!
My yacht! My beautiful yacht!
For the last time, it's Chuck's yacht.
You're both wrong.
Yacht got sent to the wrong bird.
But the label says Chuck on it.
Actually it's for
Cornelius Chuckington the Third.
Hmm. Guess the label got wet.
We'll get this out of here for you.
Eh, I was always more
of a submarine kind of bird.
Still, it is a shame about the party.
You know… It's yacht gone yet.
-[all laughing]
How do we turn the bubbles on?
Don't worry, cheeps. I got this…
-caviar bubbling]
-[laughter continues]
Not my caviar! Ugh!
[theme music playing]
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