Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

What if the killer
isn't the third psychic?
No, what if there is no third psychic?
What? Explain so I can understand.
What if
everything Gwang-sik said was a lie?
What if there are only two psychics
and that silhouette never existed?
What if everything we've done so far
was dictated by what Gwang-sik told us?
And the silhouette was over there,
behind that pillar away from the shed.
He reached about here.
Yes, he seemed to reach about here,
so he's average in height.
- It means…
- He was the one
who saw the silhouette
and estimated the killer's height.
By doing so, he cleverly got himself
off the suspect list.
He does seem similar
to the silhouette I saw.
He was also the one
who accused Kim Seon-woo…
I saw the shaman with a knife in his hand…
…and the shaman of being the killer.
I'm certain of it.
What if
we've been played by him
this whole time?
You wait here.
If anything happens, honk the horn.
Detective Moon.
What brings you here at this hour?
Is Gwang-sik home?
He went out just a while ago.
Do you know where he went?
He just said
he was stepping out for a bit.
Did something happen to him?
Get out of the car.
Get inside and stay put.
Don't cause any trouble.
What about you?
I have to find Jeon Gwang-sik.
It's dangerous. Let me come with you.
It'll be even more dangerous
if you come with me,
so just stay home.
Ask Ok-hui to stay with you or something.
You're worried about me, aren't you?
But it feels too awkward
to talk to me nicely,
so you're being curt and rude on purpose.
Stay with Ok-hui.
Detective Bae.
Track Jeon Gwang-sik's location for me.
Track Gwang-sik? Why?
I think he might be the killer.
Call me when you have his location.
Excuse me.
You're clearly not Jeon Gwang-sik.
Did you kill him too?
You bastard.
Are you all right?
You're making me
suspect you all over again.
Again with that nonsense?
Gwang-sik is the killer?
I got chills.
Dr. Bong.
Who's there?
figured it out.
Are you all right?
Ok-hui, call an ambulance!
Gwang-sik, are you all right? Gwang-sik!
- Don't try to talk, Gwang-sik!
- This is Bong's Hospital.
This is Bong's Animal Hospital.
A man is bleeding here.
Please come quickly!
No, Gwang-sik!
Why do you have blood on your hand?
I don't know.
I'm not sure why.
What are you doing?
- Where's the weapon?
- Weapon?
Stop playing dumb.
What are you talking about?
Hey, Bong Ye-bun.
If you take even one step,
I'm going to kill you.
Detective, what do we do?
Is he dead?
Kim Seon-woo, that bastard!
What brings you here, Detective?
Where's Kim Seon-woo?
Mr. Kim?
He's in the bathroom.
You bastard.
It was you, wasn't it?
You killed Gwang-sik.
Detective, stop!
Let go of me. This prick is the killer!
Do you still think I'm the murderer?
Dr. Bong already checked me.
Dr. Bong,
am I the killer?
Did you see anything
that made you suspect me?
No, I didn't.
Then let's look at the evidence.
You do have evidence, right?
What are you doing?
I'm looking for evidence.
What's wrong? Are you scared or something?
You got a search warrant?
On what grounds are you searching my room
without a warrant?
I won't take this anymore, damn it.
Watch your language.
I'm going to catch you. Just you wait.
- Please calm down.
- It's nothing serious.
Don't worry.
Where's Dr. Bong?
The Major Crimes Division
needed her testimony
because she discovered him first.
It seemed like he hadn't slept
properly in days.
Do you know why he left the house today?
Something seemed to be
weighing on his mind.
Then he left home
saying he had to check something.
Check something?
What if Gwang-sik figured something out…
I'm going to go check on something.
…and he was checking it out to make sure?
The killer was someone he knew.
What if he followed the killer
to use psychometry on him,
but it ended up
being the other way around?
Is that why he was killed?
why did he drag himself
all the way here as he was dying?
Was there something
he wanted to tell Bong Ye-bun?
Gwang-sik told me something
before he died.
I didn't know what he meant at first.
Dr. Bong.
figured it out.
The blackouts?
I think Gwang-sik figured out
who the killer was.
He must have tried to confirm it himself.
My guess is that he saw blackouts
among the killer's memories,
which gave him a clue.
He must have seen something
the killer wanted to keep a secret,
which pushed the culprit to kill him.
Because Gwang-sik found something on him.
He probably came to tell you
that the blackouts contain a clue
that can help catch the killer.
But aren't the blackouts created
simply by closing your eyes?
Could there be more to it?
Maybe there's a trick.
A trick?
I did think something was off.
You may be able to stab a victim
with your eyes closed,
but how could you approach the victim
without seeing where you're going?
I tested it out,
and it's impossible to reach the victim
with your eyes closed.
were his eyes
only half-closed or something?
But I didn't see any gaps
in the blackouts that I saw.
They were completely black.
There's probably a trick
to create blackouts
even with your eyes open.
But what could that be?
You want me…
to touch Seon-woo's butt
and find that out, don't you?
I'm still suspicious of him.
The guy in the rain poncho
disappeared near his place.
And he had blood on his hand.
Don't touch him.
Gwang-sik died trying to check things.
Isn't that all the more reason
for me to figure out the blackout trick?
You can stay with me to protect me.
We still don't know anything
about the blackouts.
Touching him won't solve anything.
So don't touch him.
There has to be another way.
For now,
make sure to keep away from Kim Seon-woo.
We still don't know anything
about the blackouts.
Touching him won't solve anything.
But I have to touch him
if I want to get any information.
He's probably not the killer anyway.
Dr. Bong.
Detective Moon…
He's only like that
because he wants to catch the killer.
I hope you don't resent him too much.
Do you think so too?
Do you think I'm the killer?
Then touch me.
I don't care what anyone else thinks,
but I can't stand
you suspecting me too.
I don't need to touch you.
I believe you.
You're not the killer.
Kim Seon-woo
is with Bong Ye-bun right now.
You can't leave them alone together.
Keep an eye on Kim Seon-woo.
See if he does anything fishy.
So the two of them are together right now?
Then I guess Dr. Bong
doesn't think he's the killer.
She didn't see anything unusual
except the blackouts when she touched him.
The answer definitely lies
in the blackouts.
Are you saying you can't kill someone
with your eyes closed?
That's not it.
You can stab someone
with your eyes closed,
but how can you find your way
to your target when you can't see?
If you know exactly where your target is
and know the location inside out,
it would be possible, no?
That wouldn't be enough.
I couldn't do it when I tested it out
on my rooftop with a sandbag.
But maybe it's possible
to approach a moving target
by sensing their movements.
I want to test that theory out.
You and Gwang-sik were pretty close.
You must be devastated.
He was also psychic
just like me.
That brought us close.
And we both helped Detective Moon
with his investigation.
So there was someone else
who was psychic besides you?
Gwang-sik could perform psychometry
by touching the legs.
the serial killer is psychic too.
The killer is psychic?
Which part of the body
does the killer have to touch?
I don't know.
On the night of the meteor shower,
the killer was standing
far away from the cow.
Then you don't know
exactly what kind of power he has?
That's right.
This is my place,
so I know where everything is inside out.
Okay, we're ready.
- Detective Bae, turn off the lights.
- Yes, sir.
Why turn off the lights?
I want to experiment
under the same conditions as the killer.
He only murdered people
in dark places with his eyes closed.
You have a point.
- Turn off the lights.
- Yes, sir.
All right.
Get started.
My target is Detective Bae.
I'll try to react to his movements.
It's me.
Let's try again.
It's me again.
Are you sure you weren't targeting me?
No, I was targeting Detective Bae.
No. You definitely hold
a grudge against me.
That's not what's important right now.
It's very important to me.
As Detective Moon said,
it seems impossible to approach
your target with your eyes closed,
even if you're familiar with the location
and can sense the target's movements.
Captain, I have a favor to ask you.
Could you go and take a look at Gwang-sik?
You know we don't have the authority
to investigate this case anymore.
How can I take a look at a body
that's prepped for an autopsy?
That's why I'm asking you.
I bet his body has different stab wounds
from the other victims.
How did he know about this
without even seeing the body?
It's just like you said.
Gwang-sik's stab wounds
are definitely different
when compared with the first victim.
The first victim, Kim Si-a,
was stabbed randomly.
So was Seung-gil.
It was as if the killer
had never stabbed anyone before
and didn't know
where the vital points were.
In Lee Ji-suk's case,
he even used a cable tie on her wrist.
He was using a tool to make up for
having to keep his eyes closed.
Until this point,
I thought he was stabbing
with his eyes closed.
But look at Assemblyman Cha.
He's gotten less sloppy
and a lot more precise.
He evolved.
Most importantly,
he stabbed Dr. Jung
precisely in one of the vital points
to make it seem like a suicide.
That would have been impossible
if his eyes were closed.
The minute I heard
that Gwang-sik mentioned the blackouts,
I knew that his stab wounds
would be different
from the previous victims'.
Gwang-sik was stabbed
right in the vital point.
So the killer stabbed him
with his eyes open?
Most likely.
Gwang-sik figured out how the killer
created blackouts with his eyes open.
Our goal from now on
is to find out what that trick is.
I feel so bad for poor Ae-ran.
I feel even worse for Gwang-sik.
I heard that Hwang, the cabbage farmer,
was questioned
at the police station this morning.
Why would they question such a nice man?
He had a pretty big argument
with Gwang-sik over the cabbage prices
during the kimchi-making season last year.
The police seem to believe
that he could've held a grudge.
- My goodness.
- Unbelievable.
They'll have to investigate
the whole neighborhood then.
It's a complete mess.
What do we do?
It's just unbelievable.
I guess the Major Crimes Division
suspects him as well.
He'll be released soon.
They have no justification or excuse
to hold him for long.
This kid
is you, right?
Yes, it is.
Then you must have had
something against Assemblyman Cha
due to the Mujin redevelopment incident.
There are a lot of people in Mujin
who held a grudge against him.
I'm only one of them.
There has been another murder.
We're just investigating
everyone connected to the victims,
including Mr. Jeon.
So please cooperate.
And here.
We have a search warrant.
Look in there as well.
Over here.
Excuse me. That's mine, not Mr. Kim's.
That's General MacArthur's.
They couldn't find anything.
Perhaps he already disposed of the weapon.
No, the murder weapon
should still be in the house.
He had no time to hide it anywhere else
because he ran into me last night.
He could have thrown it out at daybreak.
I watched him all night,
and he didn't leave his house.
Then what's going on here?
The Major Crimes Division
couldn't find the weapon,
but it's still somewhere in the house?
He wouldn't have hidden the weapon
where it could be easily discovered.
He would've hidden it
in a place only he knows.
We need to monitor him more closely.
We don't know when or how
he'll try to dispose of the weapon.
Why do you keep cleaning the same spot?
I have a lot on my mind.
Should we close the hospital early?
We have no patients anyway.
No, I think it's best to keep myself busy.
I have to go to my workshop
to work on an order.
Could you come with me
if it's not too much to ask?
You want me to come with you?
I need company
if I want to avoid suspicion.
You need an alibi.
I'm sorry.
I don't want to use you like this,
but the only person I trust…
The only person
who trusts me right now is you.
I'll go with you.
Typical Bong Ye-bun.
How can she be so reckless?
Now we need to use finer sandpaper.
See this here?
At the final stage, you need to use
the 320 or 400-grit sandpaper.
I didn't know there were
so many types of sandpaper.
When sanding something,
you need to hold it like this
and secure your wrist.
Like this.
I just wanted to demonstrate.
Sorry for startling you.
Not at all.
I'm getting the hang of it
now that you've demonstrated it for me.
You should answer it.
It seems urgent.
Then excuse me for a second.
What do you want?
What is this?
Did you tail Seon-woo?
I already told you it's not him.
I'm here for you, not him.
I was worried about you.
Dr. Bong?
Worried, my foot.
Stop with the nonsense and leave.
Why did you hide?
Is it because you don't want to upset him?
Do you like him that much?
Or do you just need someone to date?
In that case, you can date me.
I'll go out with you.
You're a real jerk, you know that?
Where were you? I didn't see you outside.
I took a little walk
while talking on the phone.
Let me.
It's chilly in here.
Thank you for today.
Take care on your way home.
You wanted to see me, sir?
I told you to stop investigating
the serial killing, did I not?
Yes, you did.
So I've washed my hands of it.
Then who's this?
Your twin brother?
It's me.
Let's forget about
the Major Crimes Division
and other things for a second.
We're all detectives, aren't we?
I think it's a detective's duty
to catch a culprit.
Our fellow villager,
who was alive and well until yesterday
is now dead.
So how can I sit back and do nothing?
I can't do that.
Let me disobey you this once
and keep investigating…
the serial killing.
What are you doing?
We've been tipped off
that a gambling ring will show up
at the Gyeongsan Soybean Festival.
We have to go and patrol there
until the festival ends.
We just had another murder.
Our town is in bigger danger.
Do you not get it?
The chief is sending us there
so we don't humiliate him
in front of the Major Crimes Division
by trying to interfere
with the investigation.
I'm staying here to keep a watch
on Kim Seon-woo so you all can go.
Look here.
The chief will be there in person.
Let's lay low there for a few days
and resume our investigation
once we get back.
It'll be a tactical withdrawal.
Take a look at these guys.
Are you going to get them fired?
Then let's at least prepare
for our absence before we go.
Am I flying?
What are you doing?
What's happening?
What's this about?
Answer the following questions
carefully, okay?
Was there anything suspicious
about Kim Seon-woo during his stay?
I'm not sure.
Any strange objects at home?
I don't know.
Any signs that he's hiding something?
Not really.
Who's the skank my husband is seeing?
I'm sorry.
I didn't sleep well last night.
There's something
we need you to do for us.
Watch Kim Seon-woo's every move
and report back to us.
In particular,
the weapon he used to kill Gwang-sik
would still be in the house.
You know this knife, right?
Try to look for it.
I can't do that. I'm scared.
You speak to spirits all the time.
How could this be scary for you?
Spirits at least make me money.
Murderers are just scary.
I can't do it.
What are you doing?
You said we needed to go somewhere!
Why are we here?
Seriously, what are you doing?
When you commit a crime, you do time.
What's my crime?
Obstruction of justice.
When did I ever do that?
You kept following me around
and interfering
with the serial killer investigation.
Going on about psychics and butts.
Are you serious?
Let me go right now!
This is a clear abuse of authority!
I'm trying to save you.
I know you, and this is the only way.
Why do you think
Seon-woo will try to kill me?
You'll be in danger,
no matter who the killer is.
The killer got rid of Gwang-sik
because he was getting in his way.
You're no exception.
You're the only person
who can figure out his blackout trick.
You need to be alive to catch the killer.
Still, you can't do this!
What are you doing?
Give that back!
This is the safest place
for you right now.
So be patient.
I'm going to question her myself tomorrow.
Don't let her out no matter what.
Yes, sir.
Wait. Detective!
You can't leave me here like this!
Come on!
They're waiting for us in Gyeongsan.
- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.
Do you think we're going on a picnic?
I didn't have breakfast.
Let's get going.
Have you looked for the weapon?
I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here.
It's okay.
Sorry. I'll close the door.
Why don't you use a paring knife?
This works better.
Would you like
some apple?
No, thank you.
You go ahead.
Excuse me! Detective Kang!
Detective Kang!
Over here.
Why are you in there?
I have something I didn't tell you before.
What is it that you didn't tell me?
There's something
that Gwang-sik told me before he died.
What is it?
Excuse me?
He meant the blackouts.
The truth is,
there are psychics in Mujin.
I thought Gwang-sik and I
were the only ones
and suspected he was the killer,
but then he was murdered.
So that means
there were three psychics, not two.
But now there are two left,
me and the killer.
And I might be the killer's next target.
We need to figure out
the blackout trick to catch the killer.
Officer Kim, are you there?
It's true. Please believe me.
Let me touch your butt.
My what?
I'll prove that I'm psychic.
So let me just touch your butt.
What are you… Officer Kim, get in here!
Just once…
Ask her family to pick her up.
Yes, sir.
What was that all about?
"Make sure she stays put
and takes her meds on time"?
It's nothing.
Who is it?
Hi, Seon-woo.
Right now?
You can't!
Yes, I'm free now.
Are you crazy?
Okay, I'll be right there.
You're really going to see Seon-woo?
That little…
Hi, Bong Ye-bun was just released
and is off to meet Kim Seon-woo.
What is it? What's going on?
Captain, I…
I have to go back to Mujin right now.
Did you not hear what I said?
We're going to get fired.
Bong Ye-bun's in danger.
Like, actual danger?
She could be in danger.
Are you worried about her
as a detective or a man?
Then you should go.
Will you be okay?
I doubt we'll really get fired,
although our pay might get cut.
Sure, paychecks are a huge deal for us.
But you're doing this
for something bigger than that.
Hi, Seon-woo.
I thought you'd come alone.
I met Mr. Park out front.
The neighborhood is dangerous these days.
I saw Dr. Bong
walking all alone in the dark,
so I thought I'd escort her here.
I see.
And I wanted to see you too.
Thank you.
- Are you all right?
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, no.
- You should go to the bathroom.
There's one in the church.
I'm okay.
You might have gotten burned.
You should go.
I don't know where the church bathroom is.
Could you walk me to the entrance?
I'll be right back.
It's to your right once you go inside.
I'll leave you here then.
Come with me, Mr. Kim.
I'm scared.
It was Seon-woo?
Dr. Bong!
What's going on?
Run! Hurry!
Please help me.
The serial killer is here.
The only person I trust…
The only person
who trusts me right now is you.
Run! Hurry!
Seon-woo's dead.
What are you going to do?
It'll be painful as I'm reminded of this
for the rest of my life.
I should never have helped you
from the very beginning.
Please don't come back here ever again.
What are you…
I'll catch him on my own.
We need to catch the serial killer.
Bong Ye-bun, I figured it out.
I figured out the blackout trick.
I don't care.
I was happier
when I didn't have this lousy power.
You're the only witness
who's met the killer twice.
Bong Ye-bun!
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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