Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Kang Eun-hye is here right now.
You're so pretty.
That's the signal.
He always hogs the cool stuff,
and we just clean up after him.
I'll go take care of that guy in a jiffy.
So just wait here for a bit.
-Don't get hurt.
The gods of heaven and earth!
Help me hear the voices
of the wrongfully murdered.
Guide them to me.
Kang Eun-hye says
she knows you feel guilty about her.
She says you should stop your evil deeds
and to pay for your crimes.
That's how you can truly
repent for what you did to her.
Please, stop.
Please stop here, Director.
Director. I can't do this anymore.
I'm doing this to end it all.
So you
and I
can all be free together.
Ending everything here isn't the way
to set Kang Eun-hye truly free.
It's to punish the one who killed her.
Come on…
He's so cute.
Damn it.
Damn, that's hot.
-What's wrong?
-You little…
-Nice job.
That hurts.
Why do you keep getting hurt?
-Father, are you okay?
He just escaped from captivity.
Do you have to cuff him?
He's being arrested for drug trafficking.
My god, drugs.
-My herniated disc…
-We need to go to the hospital first.
I saved you when you were meant to die,
and there you go
shortening your life again.
The spirits saved you, you ingrate,
but if you throw their kindness away
and continue to sin,
you will soon meet your end.
No, Mr. Shaman.
You need to pay for your crimes.
I'll take care of you when you're in jail.
This is the last chance
the spirits are giving you,
so confess to everything
and beg for forgiveness.
If you don't, you'll be bleeding
from your ass for the rest of your life.
Drip, drip, drip.
Let's go. Come on.
This way.
Gu Tae-su and Uncle have been arrested?
Didn't you say you'd take care of it?
I'm sorry.
But Chairman Park owns
the biggest portion of the project,
so he won't talk so easily.
You think he's going to stay silent
when the Jakdu-dong project
goes off the rails?
Do you think he'll continue to play dumb?
I'll take care of it on my end
so there won't be any trouble.
I'm going to hold you to those words.
If I take care of this my way,
you won't escape unscathed either.
I'll be back
on the next attorney visiting day.
Did he say you should tell me
to keep my mouth shut
until the apartments are all sold?
You're the one who'll lose the most money
if this project goes bust, sir.
Tell Mr. Cha this.
He's never going to become
the president of Choekang Company
until he gets me out of here.
If you leave me like this,
Mr. Cha and you are both over.
I know, right?
So why did you keep a ledger on me?
The ledger…
Mr. Cha tried to kill you
over something as little as that report.
What do you think he'd do if you derail
the project his succession depends on?
-You don't need me to tell
your fortune to know
what's going to happen.
The antidote.
A wonderful leader who took
his life to take responsibility
for the cancellation of the Jakdu-dong
development project.
Unless that's how
you want your life to end,
you should keep quiet in here.
The day you open your mouth will be
the day you'll bring about your own death.
It looks legitimate at first,
but the relationship between the developer
and the construction company is suspect.
Rumors say the Jakdu-dong land
that The Shovel of Sinmyeong purchased
is actually owned by Cha Seung-won,
the CEO of Choekang.
So the cartel invested all the money
they made selling drugs
into this, right?
This seems off.
And Park Dong-gi is still invoking
his right to silence.
We should find those who sold the land
to The Shovel of Sinmyeong
and ask them one by one.
Those shameless scumbags.
-Look at this.
-Sinmyeong never gained prominence
because it didn't have a downtown
that it could center itself around.
This year, we will make that central city,
which is going to propel
Sinmyeong's development.
Developing Jakdu-dong will propel
the balanced development of Sinmyeong,
help increase its population
and assist it to function
as a regional government expand.
Of course, we'll need the government
to loosen regulations
and give it attention…
I heard Chairman Park's been arrested,
should we be here doing this?
At a time like this,
you smile in front of the camera
so those moronic investors rest easy,
and we can proceed as we planned.
But what if we go forward
and Chairman Park opens his mouth?
That's why I'm out here in the middle
of nowhere playing up the media.
The groundbreaking ceremony
will be moved up.
If we start selling the apartments
right after,
you'll get back much more
than what you invested.
Everything's going according the plan,
so don't worry.
Of course.
I knew it'd work out
if I trusted the two of you.
-Come take a look around.
-Yes, let's go.
The water tastes great.
I heard you weren't feeling well
after catching Gu Tae-su.
You should be getting rest,
what are you even looking at?
It's Hye-jun.
Yes. Take a closer look.
This familiar forearm.
I've got you, you scumbag.
No, that's not a mole,
I just got something on me.
You jerk, you're dating Hye-jun,
aren't you?
Confess now,
and I'll let you off the hook
as long as you break up with her.
I can't live like this.
Han-jun, I…
I can't listen to this any longer.
You think I'm dating this idiot?
I have high standards.
If I ever date this idiot,
I'll clean this whole place
and wash my hair every day. Happy?
Wash your hair every day?
-Maybe it really isn't true.
-It isn't.
No, it isn't.
-You think so?
Are you freaking kidding me?
But why can't Su-cheol date Hye-jun?
Su-cheol's a really nice guy.
Do you think I don't know that?
Hye-jun's my one-and-only baby sister,
and Su-cheol's my bro and best friend.
So what if they start going out
and then break up?
Whose side am I supposed to take?
So you don't have severe sister issues.
I thought you were a pervert.
-Are you crazy?
-Come on…
Come here for another punch.
Now get this done already.
You should have taken it easy, Mayor.
She should have taken it easy.
She went crazy for the drugs
and just wouldn't stop struggling.
I was only going to scare her.
Who knew she'd die so easily?
Let's say you killed these three.
Do Jun-ha, Choi Yeong-seop,
Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
But you didn't kill Kang Eun-hye.
The mayor, Lee Myeong-jun, did.
I killed them all.
Your statement completely
contradicts the recording.
Are you sure you killed Kang Eun-hye?
I got a call from Mayor Lee Myeong-jun.
He said Kang Eun-hye overdosed on drugs
and fell unconscious.
Thankfully, she woke up,
but she said she didn't want
to do that kind of thing ever again
and threatened to call the police.
So I tried to take her phone
and ended up killing her.
Then why did you burn her body?
To destroy evidence.
You were trying to destroy evidence
but put the body in the sewers?
I didn't have time to take it far.
I was going to leave it in the sewers
and take care of it later,
but the police found it first,
so I called Choi Yeong-seop.
So you called Choi Yeong-seop
to frame him.
When I helped him kill Do Jun-ha,
he said he would repay the favor one day.
Have you ever seen a perp confess
to everything like that?
It's possible if he feels
deeply guilty about the victim.
Does that look like the face
of someone who feels guilty?
I'm new, but even I think it's weird.
You're right.
Why did you put the white shoes
on Ms. Kang's feet?
Is it because Ms. Kang
resembles your mother, Mr. Gu?
The two are completely different.
Is that so?
They look quite similar to me…
Both your mother
and Ms. Kang
never understood how you felt and
ended up leaving you.
They're different!
They're different.
My mother ran
because she was afraid of my father,
while Kang Eun-hye sinned.
I've only punished the sinners.
We put back together
the lines left on the cloth
and found two names,
Kang Eun-hye and Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
Who told you that
these people were sinners
and that they should be punished?
Auntie Im, the shaman you serve?
Or Cha Seung-won?
Neither of them
ever told me to kill.
Why are you trying to take all the blame?
I know Auntie Im took you in.
You might think she helped you,
but that's not true.
She's only using you.
She is a criminal who manipulates you
with her false rhetoric
to carry out murders.
So tell us. Tell us who it is
and why they're doing these things.
Keep mouthing off like that
and you might end up dead
like your brother.
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong.
He was your brother, right?
Prosecutor Han was Ms. Han's brother?
Ms. Han…
is the victim's family.
So that's why she became Han the Ghost.
Because of all her anger and grief.
Life is so unfair.
Bastards like him
should be burning in hell.
Damn it.
Now that I think about it,
not everyone I killed was a sinner.
There was Prosecutor Han.
I'd forgotten about him.
That's right.
Why did you kill Prosecutor Han
when he didn't do anything wrong?
He got in the way.
Choi Yeong-seop confessed,
but he let him go on the grounds
of insufficient evidence.
He was too righteous.
If he had just prosecuted Choi Yeong-seop,
he'd still be alive.…
I do feel bad
about killing your brother.
After all that crap
about punishing sinners,
what did you just say?
You killed him because he was righteous?
You murderous bastard!
Hey, you scumbag.
Lim Yeong-ju.
Your mother would weep in anguish
if she found out
you became a murderer.
Right? Do you have any idea
how much your mother looked for you
after what happened to your father?
Don't you have any pity?
Think of your poor mother
and tell us the truth.
Prosecutor Han and everyone else,
I killed them all on my own.
It doesn't have anything
to do with Auntie Im.
Hey, why are you all so down?
Did you still not get a confession?
I had no idea.
I'm such a bad colleague.
Pretend you don't know anything about this
until she tells you herself.
Don't be obvious about it.
We shouldn't get worked up
and ruin the case
when she's being so strong.
What is it?
Come on, did something happen to Ms. Han?
-What is it?
-Damn it.
Do you think you can continue
with the interrogation?
If it's too hard, I could--
No. I can do it. I'll do it.
I'm going to control my temper
without punching him and finish this well.
But let's call it a day today.
I think you need some rest, Jae-hui.
Would you like to have dinner with me?
I have something
I want to talk to you about.
I'm sorry.
I can't today.
I want to go see Jae-jeong,
and I have someone I have to meet.
Is that person Mr. Nam?
When I think about how he must be
feeling the same way I do right now,
it makes me worried,
and I want to be there for him.
He's such a stuck-up know-it-all
that I'm sure he's somewhere
hurting over this on his own.
Bye, then.
Can you not go?
Ever since you met Mr. Nam,
you keep finding yourself
in danger and getting hurt.
I'm worried that he might hurt you again,
Mr. Cha, do you…
I like you a lot, Jae-hui.
This wasn't how I wanted to tell you…
I was trying to stop my feelings,
telling myself that I'm happy
just being your friend,
but I get jealous when you smile
as you talk about him,
and when I see you worry about him.
It's a little hard.
You were already having a hard day.
I shouldn't have told you that.
Don't let it concern you.
Shall we go back in?
Mr. Cha.
I am so grateful to you.
I don't think I could have endured this
all by myself if it weren't for you.
You don't feel anything more than that.
Okay. Next time we meet,
I'll maintain
my boundaries.
As your friend and colleague.
I finally caught the bastard
who killed you.
I'm sorry you had to wait so long.
I'm going to catch everyone
who was behind him too,
so don't worry and wait for me.
Next time,
I'll come with Jang-mi…
I mean, Jae-hui.
The truth is…
Jae-hui and I…
The lights…
You're not angry, are you?
You're scaring me, you punk.
When this is all over,
and I'm allowed to be happy,
I'll tell her then.
I knew he'd come.
Jae-jeong, you heard, right?
I caught Gu Tae-su, that scumbag.
It was thanks to Mr. Nam
and how he never gave up.
I'm not going to give up either.
I'm going to get to the bottom of it
just like you wanted.
I'll be back again.
The number you have called cannot be
reached. Leave a message after the beep.
Mr. Jo.
Oh? Inspector.
The boss isn't here today,
so what brings you here?
Where is Mr. Nam right now?
His phone was off.
He said he had an outside appointment.
Are you the only one here?
I don't see Mr. Kong or Ms. Nam.
They say new converts are the worst…
Look at those pretty fireworks.
When did you prepare this?
-It's pretty.
-It is.
Hye-jun, who made you this pretty?
Su-cheol, who was it
that made you so handsome?
And you're smart.
And you're nice
and a great cook.
Who's a pretty boy?
Who's the best?
But what if
Han-jun finds out about this?
We'll be screwed.
Nam Han-jun
isn't coming home today.
Where's Mr. Nam headed right now?
I can't tell you. Han-jun thinks I erased
the GPS tracking app on his phone.
-We can't tell you.
I'll just tell Mr. Nam
that you two were just kissing--
-He's going to Gangwon-do.
He went to a camping ground
that has a view of Dong River.
A camping ground?
You think it's weird too, right?
He shudders when he has to go
to a non-luxury hotel,
but he forks over money
to go there every year.
Do you want me to tell you the location?
No, that's okay.
I think I know where it is.
-Your secret's safe with me.
You two can go back to
what you were doing.
I want to go on a trip too.
You do?
Let's go to Gangwon-do.
-Right now?
Okay. If you say you want to go,
then we have to go.
-Come on. Let's go.
-Shall we?
-We'll go camping
-And have a barbecue.
Both of you go back to your posts
before I tell the boss everything.
I'm not going to stay quiet
if you run off again.
No hand-holding!
No kissing!
Back to your posts!
Let's go.
Be careful.
Let's begin.
This isn't a good sign.
Damn it.
Han Jae-jeong, that moron. What's to like
about all this inconvenience?
This is why I don't like camping.
All right. Wait.
Han Jae-jeong.
Are you really going to be like this?
I didn't know she was your sister.
I already had feelings for her,
so what can I do?
You can't put up the poles
before you put the pegs in.
You know how to set up a tent so well.
But how did you know I was here?
I was at your café earlier
and your sister told me.
What's she doing, testing my self-control?
What did you say?
I asked you if this place
wasn't too hard to find.
I see. I used to come here
with Jae-jeong a lot.
So you were taking care of his things.
I had no idea.
Thank you.
I shall find a restaurant
that's right up your alley, Mr. Profiler.
-Somewhere really trendy.
-Somewhere that's totally hip.
Somewhere you'll get countless likes
if you upload a picture of it.
But legal.
Of course somewhere legal.
But no more nature-friendly places.
No more camping
where you can hear the water deer cry.
No. I'll cater to your tastes.
The client is the king, after all.
It's because I regret
that I didn't say yes more
when Jae-jeong begged me to go camping.
No need to thank me.
And, you know,
I come when I think of Jae-jeong.
He used to pester me
to go with him all the time too.
It was a habit of his,
don't let it weigh on you.
I wish the three of us
came together back then.
Then it wouldn't have taken us
such a long time to meet.
I guess we were destined to meet.
Come on.
Come on. Stop it.
This is so nice and relaxing to take
a walk and breathe in the clean air.
Gu Tae-su's been giving me
a headache all day.
Gu Tae-su…
confessed that he killed Jae-jeong.
Wait. Did you interrogate him yourself?
You should have had another detective
or Mr. Cha do it.
Why would you do it yourself?
Because I'm the one who wants
to know the truth the most.
You're unbelievable.
I held back my urge to kill him
to do the interrogation,
but he said he was in it alone.
At this rate,
we won't be able to prosecute
Auntie Im even if we arrest her.
It's because he's been gaslighted
for such a long time.
We need to make him doubt Auntie Im
if we want him to confess.
That won't be easy.
When has it ever been easy?
I really missed that smile of yours today.
Come on, you're coming at me like that
without any warning?
You can't do that.
I've been controlling myself
very well so far.
Well, the case isn't completely closed,
but we did catch Gu Tae-su,
so can't we just date like normal people?
I'm just saying that's how I feel.
I don't think Jae-jeong
really approves of me.
I've had so many accidents
since my visit to the columbarium.
I haven't had anything to eat
all day. Stop growling.
To really relax, you need to eat well too.
Let's just go up that thing
and then go eat.
Come on, let's go.
I heard it's really nice up there,
with a great view.
Hey, wait for me.
Here you go.
Hey, what is it this time?
Granny pants again?
You look like a tree.
All right.
This is the one. Go put it on.
What? No, wait…
It's perfect.
Shall we try this?
Thank you.
-It's good, right?
-This is good.
Open wide.
It's fascinating everywhere.
It's hot, isn't it?
Mr. Nam. Dance.
Like this?
It looks like it's raining flowers.
Did you know this?
If you catch a falling flower
while thinking of someone you like,
your love will be reciprocated.
Who on earth comes up with those things?
In the end, all flowers wither. So why do
people give them meanings like that?
It's beautiful because it's momentary.
And even when they're gone,
you still remember.
Us being here together today,
the memories we have with Jae-jeong,
it's all there in our hearts.
It means a lot to me.
Did you just see that?
Did you see how this landed right here?
It really did.
I also really wanted to see you today.
I thought about how you
must be missing Jae-jeong a lot like I do,
and how you'd want someone to comfort you
root for you,
and pat you on the back.
I just couldn't take
how much I missed you.
You did well.
I'll tell you instead of Jae-jeong.
You did well, Nam Han-jun.
I'll forgive you for everything
and give you my blessing.
That's what Jae-jeong would have said
if he'd heard what you said before.
About how you've already fallen for me.
You said yes.
I like you,
Are you up?
I didn't have any coffee.
Try this.
It'll warm you up.
What a peaceful weekend.
Something always comes up
when you say things like that.
No way.
-Mr. Shaman.
-What is it?
Cha Seung-won is up to something.
Mr. Shaman. It's bad. Where are you?
Come to Minamdang by 12.
By 12? Yes, okay.
I knew it.
I guess we'll have
to drink coffee at Minamdang.
But we can still have a cup of tea…
What are you doing?
Holy crap.
Why is he back so soon?
Why does he have to be so diligent?
He went all the way to Gangwon-do.
Why did he come home in the morning?
He's going to kill us if he finds out
we stayed out last night.
Do I look like I've had a good sleep
instead of having fun all night?
Yes. Your skin looks so fresh.
You're so pretty. You really are.
But that won't change the fact
that he'll kill us.
I made preparations just in case.
Over there.
That? There?
-Are you sure we can do this?
-Of course. Don't worry.
Kong Su-cheol.
Nam Hye-jun.
Jo Na-dan.
Why isn't anyone here?
-Sit over there in the middle.
Kong Su-cheol.
Nam Hye-jun. Jo Na-dan.
Boss, I'm here.
-Hey. You're here.
The cakes sold out yesterday.
You're here early.
My signature drink, please.
I already made it.
He's a smart one.
Here you go.
Thank you.
-Where's Su-cheol?
-He's not here yet.
He's seriously becoming lax.
What about Hye-jun?
I don't know.
She's still usually sleeping at this hour.
Right. She always sleeps in.
Hold on tight.
Your favorite thing on the menu.
This is good.
It's nice and filling in the morning.
Hold on. Wait.
-I better wake Hye-jun and give her some.
-Mr. Nam.
You have cream on your face.
Gosh. This is so sweet.
Just a minute.
I'll wake Hye-jun and be right back.
My legs went weak.
Nam Hye-jun.
Hey, Nam Hye-jun.
Where is she?
What? What do you want?
Why aren't you working?
My goodness.
You washed your face when no one
made you do it? What's going on?
Where's Su-cheol?
Su-cheol is coming in late
because he was up all night.
Up all night? Why?
You told him to find Auntie Im.
While you were having a lovey-dovey time,
Su-cheol kept an eye
on Auntie Im's temple all night.
That's right.
He must be tired.
I'm here.
I haven't had such good sleep
in a long time. I feel great--
Hye-jun said you'd be tired
from being up all night.
That's right. I'm so tired.
It's a miracle I'm still standing upright.
I'm so tired.
Mr. Shaman, I've got big news
Gosh, this is tiring already.
There's been a huge influx of projects
about the Jakdu-dong project.
And lo and behold, there are rumors that
the Land Hunter Team has joined
the Shovel of Sinmyeong.
-Land Hunter?
They're famous real estate
planning fraudsters.
But why would they
be joining this project?
They probably want to play up the media
to boost up sales as much as possible.
Worst come to worst, theyll sell
the apartments and run with the money.
God, those fucking bastards.
Do they have any idea what hell people
have to go through to buy an apartment?
This is crossing the line.
But it's Choekang Construction.
I'm sure they won't--
The shareholder's meeting is coming soon,
and coupled with Uncle's arrest,
my brother must be in a rush.
Mr. Shaman. An acquaintance of mine
has invested in the Jakdu-dong--
Unless you want your name
paraded in the media,
pull your investments now.
Yes. There's something urgent
I have to do, so…
Right. Mr. Shaman, I also have
something urgent to tend to.
I'll get going then.
Why are you lagging behind?
It's just that you told me
to keep my distance.
Are you stupid?
-Come on.
-Wait for me.
Come on.
I'm getting a whiff of something
from those two too.
When is the groundbreaking ceremony?
It's been pushed up by two days.
The sales schedule has been pushed up
to the day
after the groundbreaking ceremony.
I don't think we'll be able to find
evidence that'll let us stop the project
before the sales begin.
What? But that won't do.
All those innocent people
will be robbed of their money.
We need to arrest them
before that happens.
-What, do you have an idea?
-We'll strike during the ceremony.
-The groundbreaking ceremony?
I'll send the evidence
from Gu Tae-su's laptop to the station.
But we don't have a warrant for that so
it might put Jae-hui in a tricky position.
I can use it if it's an anonymous tip.
Bingo. Aren't you just adorable?
-We can get the warrant, right?
-I'll look for a way to make it work.
Why do I get the feeling we're a
bad influence on them?
People always pick up bad habits
the fastest.
Look. Someone sent our team a package.
I wonder who sent it?
It's been there for a while now.
Then shall we open it
and find out what's in here?
Hey. What's this?
A USB drive?
There's a card here too.
-A card?
-What does it say?
It says they want to report something
about the Kang Eun-hye case.
-The Kang Eun-hye case?
Then shall we take a look?
-Shall we?
God, what the hell is this?
-Those sons of…
-I can't believe these bastards.
Those fucking scum.
They ought to be flayed. Those bastards.
Oh, god.
Mayor Lee Myeong-jun.
It was an anonymous tip.
Just in case,
we checked to see if it's real,
but the video shows no signs
of manipulation.
Arrest them as soon as we get a warrant.
Lieutenant, you're in charge.
And the rest of you, assist
Major Crimes Investigation Division Seven.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
We shall begin
the groundbreaking ceremony.
On the count of three,
please break the ground as a symbol
of your wishes for the
success of this project.
One, two, three.
I heard Uncle's been arrested.
I wonder if that old geezer
can take prison at that age.
Hey, you…
Hey, worry about yourself.
Even your dad's shareholders
think you're crap.
Who do you think you are?
I guess you've got someone
watching your back even without Uncle.
Mr. Shaman said he's going to kick
everyone's ass. Wait a bit longer.
We'll commence the ceremony to pray
for the safe completion of the project.
We ask that our guests take their seats.
On the 25th day of the 4th month
of the year of the black tiger,
we pray to the gods of heaven and earth.
Today, after all the effort that was made,
we take our first step to begin
the long-awaited Jakdu-dong project.
These offerings were prepared as a sign
of our heartfelt dedication to you.
We pray that you watch over the project
and help everything go smoothly,
without accidents.
Why are their two shamans?
Auntie must have prepared a big ritual
for the groundbreaking ceremony.
You fool!
Auntie Im, your prayers
have been rejected by the spirits.
I know how human greed is limitless,
but the gall to wreak havoc
while using the spirits' name.
This is true.
Yes and now, to introduce
our contestants today.
On the Red Team,
the wonder of Yonghae-dong,
Shaman Nam Han-jun.
What a cutie.
And on the White Team,
the defending champion,
Auntie Im of Buja-dong, Im Hui-suk.
Drop the beat.
-Yes, Mr. Shaman.
-You can do it.
-Yes, good luck.
On this 25th day
of the fourth month
of the year of the black tiger,
we pray to the gods of heaven and earth.
Here, the most viles leeches gather
to suck the blood of the people
under the pretense
of the land development project.
With your rage toward
these offerings of deceit, I ask you
to give me your power and help me
put these scum behind bars.
I pray that you look upon us.
You fool!
How dare you speak your lies here!
You scoundrel! How dare you judge me?
You think just because those people
look up to you from down there,
and you look down on them from up here,
that the world is yours to command?
You're just a criminal committing
every crime that can be imagined
under the spirits' name.
Just a criminal.
Do you truly wish to die this much?
Do you not fear the spirits?
The one who should be getting lost is you.
Prison is the place where you belong.
The depraved soul who sold drugs
to make illegal contributions
to the mayor of Sinmyeong
to start the Jakdu-dong land
development project.
This man!
He approved the project in record time
and rushed to pass a truly ridiculous bill
through trickery.
The depraved soul who turned a blind eye
to these underhanded deals.
The villainous shaman
who took the spirits' name in vain
to commit all sorts of crimes
for money.
You villain. Tell me then.
Who led this pack of crooks?
Their leader is
the scoundrel who sold his land
to the government
for a ridiculous sum
and is trying to become
the chairman of Choekang company
by committing real estate fraud.
Yes, you.
You, right there.
I'm sorry,
but there is no cure
for antisocial personality disorder.
The only thing to do
is modify his behavior
through continued counseling and lessons.
Stand up.
Hey, get up.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Do you think it makes sense
that a head of a conglomerate went ahead
with a business worth hundreds
of billions over what a shaman said?
I had been pretty naive.
It looks like they're trying to pin
everything on Auntie Im.
Did you look into Cha Seung-won's past?
It's full of all sorts of urban legends.
A friend who died unfairly 20 years ago
is still roaming the realm of the living.
Don't you think we might be
able to find new evidence
with your profiling skills and my memory?
I will find where Auntie Im is
as quickly as possible.
I'll need to leave a warning
to those bastards who ruined the ceremony.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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