Call It Love (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Why didn't you tell me sooner?
It must've been hard by yourself.
Now that I know…
…if you could give me some time--
What are you doing?
You should be mad.
"How could you do this to me?"
"You had so many chances to tell me,
so how could you deceive me like this?"
You should be yelling at me.
You just got stabbed in the back.
You got played by a woman
who was determined to deceive you.
Why are you sorry?
Why are you looking at me like that?
But in the end,
you couldn't take your revenge on me.
I wasn't ruined.
Right now, I'm just…
I'm sad.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
My family found out everything.
I wanted to keep them
from ever finding out.
I wanted to keep that hidden for you.
But they found out.
I really don't think…
…we can see each other anymore.
You're on your way, right?
What time will you be here?
This is our new
part-time office assistant.
-She'll be starting tomorrow.
-I also
look forward to working with you.
If I said I didn't,
would you even believe me?
What if
I decide to team up with Mr. Cha?
Do you trust me?
So could you just leave then?
But if you happen to run into her again,
please just avoid her.
I don't like it.
You being around my family.
Go and take revenge
on her now, if you have to!
At the very least, trip her or something!
You should be out to ruin them.
Why do you ruin yourself like a fool?
You know how
sometimes you can tell a lot about someone
just by the way they walk?
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I know for sure.
I just wish
you could live
comfortably in your own place.
Are you sure
I really came here to see you?
So I was the only one
who didn't know my own feelings.
You really shouldn't like me.
If you don't like me,
then there won't be any problem.
I'm asking a favor.
really like you a lot, Mr. Han.
To the point where
I wish everyone else in the world
would just disappear
and only the two of us would be left.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
My family found out everything.
I wanted to keep them
from ever finding out.
I wanted to keep that hidden for you.
I really don't think…
…we can see each other anymore.
It's so cool.
Pretty good, right?
You're right.
Let's go.
What do you want for dinner?
-Trotter and buckwheat noodles?
-How about it?
-I'd love that.
Sounds nice, right?
-Should we head out?
Come in.
I mailed you the result report.
Okay. I'm almost done reading it.
What did CEO Han say?
He hasn't been around since lunch.
I thought you knew.
So I was thinking about postponing
the afternoon meeting.
Dongjin knows there's a meeting, right?
Then let's stick to the schedule.
He'll make it on time.
He's never fallen behind with work.
Your mother didn't tell you?
It wasn't through me,
but the house has been sold.
I heard they just need
to pay the remaining balance.
I see.
The person you're calling
is not available at the moment.
Where are you?
-I had some things to take care of.
-The results are out.
You have to check it for us
to send it to the companies tomorrow.
Where are you?
I'm on my way.
The person you're calling
is not available at the moment.
Please call at another time.
This brings back old memories.
This place
suits you really well.
If I lived with you at a place like this,
would I have the same look
on my face as you?
You seem at peace.
You even look younger than me.
I regretted it a lot.
Despite everything,
I think you were the person
who loved me the most.
Ask what you need to ask and leave.
There's nothing pleasant
about digging up old memories.
I don't like talking about it.
Why don't you like it?
I used that thing
you left with me as kindling.
I burned it.
Are you sure?
Did you really burn it?
Getting rid of it was the only way
I wouldn't have to see you.
The person you're calling
is not available at the moment.
Namil, what did she say?
She told me to go ahead and do my worst.
What else can I do?
I'll have to oblige and do my worst.
Then, are you really going to
report her to the police?
You know you could get mixed up in it
if things go wrong, right?
I'd like a separate table
with the total number of paying visitors
apart from the other visitors.
You want to exclude
complimentary guests, right?
-Paying visitors are more meaningful
to the participating companies after all.
I'll make the adjustments.
Kang called to tell me that
he'd treat us to an extravagant meal
for the all-hands get-together.
Apparently, he's sold
a lot of campers at the fair.
His booth had been the most popular booth
throughout the whole fair.
I know.
So he's just nagging me
to host camping fairs every quarter.
Since his company and ours will be busy
by the end of the month,
I was thinking maybe next week.
What do you think?
Then, the week after?
…want to take some time off.
H-How long?
I think it's my first time
seeing CEO Han take leave since I joined.
I joined the company in 2019.
Isn't this a huge change of heart for him?
A change of heart?
It certainly is.
What is it?
The camping fair finally finished today.
The accounting is done,
and the results are out.
Even I'd take some time off.
Come on, the look on his face
wasn't something like that.
Great work today.
Good work.
-Have a good evening.
-Yes, great work today.
Goodbye, everyone.
-Have a good evening.
-Have a good one.
Are you quitting the company?
Was it a resignation instead of a leave?
I'm just cleaning up.
You're acting as if you're not returning.
So I'm scared.
Give me a week.
I have some things to take care of.
It won't take long.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have
meddled in between you two.
That's not why we broke up.
And Ms. Sim
isn't that kind of a person either.
She had a good reason for doing that.
I understand.
So did she tell you everything?
I'll tell you later.
Let me know if there's
anything I can help with.
All right?
Well then…
Hurry up with the cleaning
and let's have a drink.
I asked him to have a drink with me,
but he wanted to stay sober.
There was a lot of
work to do during the fair,
so he seemed to be doing just fine
as if there was nothing wrong.
But he just shut down once the fair ended.
I haven't seen him have one proper meal.
And I don't think he's sleeping well.
Sim Woojoo came to me and said
that she wanted him to be hurt less.
And for that,
she had to be the one to tell him.
I didn't understand
what she could possibly mean by that,
and I hated her for it.
But it keeps bothering me.
Maybe I shouldn't have told him.
I mean, what does
being less hurt mean anyway?
She could've chosen
not to hurt him from the get-go.
I'm sorry.
I keep telling you things about Dongjin.
I feel terrible
when I think about Dongjin,
but I also feel scared
like a coward.
I'm afraid…
that he might decide
to never come back to work.
What would I do then?
I'm so pathetic, right?
You're just honest.
It's very much like you.
Hey, wait…
What do we do?
I can't seem to catch a taxi.
We can walk if you don't mind.
Maybe we'll catch one while walking.
I mean…
So you don't drink anymore?
Once I started feeling less guilty,
it felt okay not to drink.
That's good.
Don't worry too much.
Dongjin will be fine.
I think he'll be okay this time.
You know, Ms. Sim is different from me.
"I'm going to make sure he's hurt less."
"I want to hurt him less."
I couldn't do that.
That's really tough to do.
And that means she loves him dearly.
So there's no way
Dongjin wouldn't know that.
The number you dialed
is no longer in service.
Please check the phone number.
Could I have
some ointment for wounds?
That'll be 6,000 won.
Ms. Park Wonkyung.
As you can see here,
one is for mid-day.
Take this one after a meal,
and take these
before breakfast and dinner.
-Have a good day.
Mr. Kim Dongjin.
-It's an eye drop. Use it before bed.
I'll ring it up for you.
Yes, ma'am.
Are you back in Tongyeong?
Yes, of course.
We came to work together.
Yes. Don't worry, ma'am.
I told him everything today.
I won't see him anymore.
You just can't.
Even if the whole world turns upside down,
it's something you just can't do.
You understand what I mean, right?
Is Haesung
going to be late today too?
I wouldn't know.
Call her.
She won't answer my calls.
I just think it's weird
that she won't show her face all day long.
Things aren't cool.
It's better not to see each other
than to fight.
You should know better.
Don't you think you should know better?
Let's eat.
Why don't you eat some more?
Soak the dishes when you're done.
Woojoo, I'll do the dishes from now on.
I'll make breakfast too.
Anyway, I'm just letting you know.
And I'm going to stop working
at your pharmacy.
I'll keep working
until I find another job.
You should find someone.
It won't be easy
by yourself during lunchtime.
Will you be okay alone at the pharmacy?
I'm sure it will work out.
I've been waiting to find the right time
to have it out with Woojoo.
I was going to yell at her
so she couldn't even make a squeak.
The more I thought about it,
the angrier I became.
And it was the first time in my life
that I could rightfully yell at her.
"I can't let this chance slide by."
"I should look for a good moment."
That's what I've been thinking.
It seems
that I must really love
my dumb sister, Sim Woojoo.
And I mean a lot.
I've just been having these thoughts.
I wish I had matured sooner.
Instead of singing, I should've prepared
for the civil service exam,
got a job, and made some money.
Then she wouldn't have
thought about taking revenge.
Then she wouldn't have met Dongjin either.
You don't need to take it that far.
She can't even cry in front of us
because she feels so bad.
Ugh, I don't know
why I feel so sorry about that.
Sim Jigu is all grown up.
That must be a home run.
The three of us are going to move.
Did you have to hurry on over
just because I said we were moving?
Why suddenly move?
Do you have money?
Can't we move if we have no money?
Excuse me. A bottle of soju here.
No, it's okay.
No, please give me a bottle.
It's not for you. I'm going to drink it.
I've been searching for a few days
and picked the most decent ones
among them.
Pick a place you want to move to.
It's a 40-minute bus ride from here.
Forty minutes from Seoul is pretty decent.
Mom said she could help us
with 20 million,
and I can open my savings
and cancel my insurance
to withdraw up to 40 million.
All you have to do is just pack and move.
Do as I say.
I'm not trying to fight you.
I'm just trying to be
the older sister starting now.
I should have done this sooner.
We'll move to a new neighborhood
and start fresh.
Then things will get better.
Or should we just keep living here?
-That woman's son--
-Don't call him that.
Mr. Han Dongjin.
His house and workplace
are all around here.
What if you run into him on the street?
Obviously, you won't even say hi.
So you'd have to pretend
not to see him and ignore him.
Can you really do that?
Would you be able to do that?
I wish I'd run into him.
I wish I could at least see him like that.
I'm sorry.
Let's just move.
You can't live in this neighborhood.
Mark my words.
I'm moving.
And if I move, you're moving too.
Wow, Sim Jigu.
Have a seat. I just need the soup.
What about the others?
They weren't in their rooms.
Both of them?
Who are you calling? Woojoo?
If she's at the store,
tell her to get some green onions.
When I said that I hated
how you looked dumb from behind,
I was lying.
At first, you looked lonely.
Then I felt bad for you.
I really wanted to give you a hug.
I'm just saying.
That's enough beer.
Is it something serious?
Have you been able to reach my mother?
I can't get in touch with her.
She changed her number
and isn't coming to her house.
-Did she--
-Find another man?
That's possible.
I'm sorry to suddenly
show up and ask this.
What are you sorry for?
You don't remind me of Heeja.
You're your own person.
You don't have to talk about your mom
with such guilt and difficulty.
She came by the other day.
I was about to go see you regarding that,
but you showed up here instead.
Sometime last year,
she suddenly came here
and left this with me.
I didn't want to trouble myself,
so I wasn't going to open it.
But it turns out that it was a will.
She came looking for this,
so I told her that I burned it.
Such a greedy woman.
I tried to dissuade her,
but she wouldn't listen.
I know you've had a hard time
all your life because of your mom.
So I was worried I'd be stressing you
with an unnecessary burden
and wanted to get rid of it.
But I kept thinking about the children
of that family whom I don't even know.
I'm sorry.
No. Thank you.
For giving it to me
instead of discarding it.
OCTOBER 5, 2021
Last year would mean…
It's before the funeral.
This family probably has no idea
such a will even exists.
You left first, leaving me alone.
So now, I only have him next to me.
Where did you get the money?
I didn't steal it. It's mine.
What about this house?
How many times
do I have to tell you this house is mine?
Go on ahead. I'm meeting someone.
Guess who I'm meeting.
Aren't you meeting Haesung at the bank?
Go ahead.
Do you know or not?
Know what?
Never mind. See you later.
The kindest person
in our family is Haesung.
She'd pretend to hit me,
but she never really hit me
even as a joke.
Except for that day.
Just tell her you're sorry three times.
Then she'll accept your apology.
She forgave even me,
so I'm sure you'll be fine.
I'll keep that in mind.
See you.
Excuse me.
Are you Mr. Sim's daughter?
Hmm, I guess you are.
-This is outrageous!
The will doesn't mention my name anywhere!
I've done more than enough
for him as a wife,
and he couldn't bother
to even leave me a penny!
The only asset he has left is that house,
and even that is left to his kids.
I'll send the rest to your phone,
so give me your number.
Come on, relax.
I'm just trying to help
you and your family out.
I don't need the recording.
Get me the will.
You don't have it, do you?
The person on the other line is you.
Darn it.
This is why you got your house taken.
You're so stupid.
Stop trying to be smart.
Just use this recording to sue that woman.
I'm giving you a chance at revenge,
so all you need to do is say thank you.
I've already taken my revenge.
I'm warning you.
Don't even think about
suing that woman with that.
Or I'm going to sue you too.
Don't do anything.
Don't mess with anyone.
I mean…
What is the matter
with the women in that family?
Ugh, darn it.
Are you going
house hunting again today?
There are so many houses in Seoul.
There is no end no matter how many I see.
When you finally see some place nice,
you find something wrong with it.
If there's one thing you like,
something else will bother you.
You won't be able to move
within the year at that rate.
If you find something
that you really like, just get it.
My neighborhood is pretty okay.
And it's not that far.
It's too close. I want to go farther away.
By the way,
that man has been staring at you.
Do you know him?
It's the handsome pharmacist.
He's my sister's friend.
Let's go. We'll go home first.
See you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
Did you have dinner?
It's not time yet.
So let's go have dinner together.
I'll buy you something delicious.
How about steak?
No, Ms. Sim Haesung.
Could you please have dinner with me
and stop being angry with me?
Okay, let's go.
Follow me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Come on.
Rice and soup are not the way.
No, this isn't right.
Let's stick to our routine.
Since when did we go out to have steak?
Will you stop going on about that routine?
If I talked to you in a serious manner,
I thought you'd be even more upset.
I wasn't looking down on you.
I was secretly scared to death.
I know.
All day long,
I keep thinking about what it would take
for you to stop being angry.
-You want a pat on the back?
Forgive me.
I won't do that again.
I'm sorry.
I'm not sure what you won't do again.
Okay, fine. Just eat.
I'll tell you my thoughts after eating.
It's going to take a while.
Why would you two have hidden
something that big from me?
Was I that untrustworthy?
I'd sometimes think that.
But then I'd think,
"No, this is on those
who kept it a secret."
As I watched Woojoo withering away,
I realized she was the one
suffering the most.
So I'd calm down a little.
But I was still mad at you.
Honestly, it's not like
what you did was something so terrible.
So why was I still mad at you?
Why am I still upset?
Because I wronged you.
It's not that.
I think…
I was being jealous.
When you said
that you've felt sorry for Woojoo
since you were 17…
I felt so bad for her.
But in my mind, I was thinking,
"Ugh, I'm less important than Woojoo."
"To Yoon Jun,
I'm second to her."
"Then do I have to be jealous
of my sister for the rest of my life?"
"That is too horrible."
What are you even saying?
You're just the same as Woojoo for--
I don't want to be the same.
I want…
I wanted to be a woman to you.
I'm not asking you
to pick who's first and second.
I'm just…
I'm saying that I'm giving up.
We're moving out.
Let's just get together twice a year…
and live our lives like that.
I thought I recognized someone.
I must be mistaken.
Why are you standing there like that?
If you haven't eaten, come eat.
You didn't try to call me, did you?
Gosh, I changed my number.
-This is my number. Save it.
I've been getting
a lot of unwanted calls lately,
so I changed my number.
When I was 13…
when you first started having an affair
with a married man
and you didn't come home days at a time,
do you know
what I'd been doing by myself at home?
I kept on looking…
at myself in the mirror, for hours.
I was relieved.
I was like, "Thank God."
Because there was nothing
I took after you.
It's not like I tolerated
all that because I had a lot of patience.
And I wanted to do away with…
…that good-boy image
on multiple occasions.
But I didn't.
I just wanted to be seen
as my father's son.
That's why I didn't address you as Mother.
There were times I really wanted to.
But I restrained myself.
Did you have a drink?
Are you drunk?
I'm telling you
that I was unhappy.
I'm telling you
that I've never been happy.
Everyone lives like that.
I'm not happy either.
Let's talk tomorrow. I'm tired.
The will.
I have it.
I wanted to head over there
to return it to them
and apologize a hundred times.
But I thought you should know first.
It's all good now.
Wait, are you really
going to give it to them?
Do you want to see me die?
That's mine. It's ours.
Dongjin, your mom can't live without that.
You have to live without it.
There's a will that Dad left to us.
He left…
that house to us.
I found out today.
That woman had been hiding it.
If we want to get the house back,
we have to report her to the police.
But then, what about him?
She's his mom.
He said that his mom was his weakness.
I feel sorry for him.
It kills me how sorry I am for him.
I don't want him to suffer anymore.
I just wish…
he could live peacefully from now on.
I want him to be happy, Mom.
We can be happy without the house, right?
I'm sorry.
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