Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e14 Episode Script

The Future Is Cardboard

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ All laughing ]
I think the leg x-tenders
were a success!
I'm a giant!
[ Growls ]
Is this what it's like
to touch the clouds?
thought Kelsey.
Although she was perfectly fine with her height,
it was nice just
to be tall-ish.
Whoa, Kels. You're, like,
the same size as me.
Craig, I need more cans.
JP: I'm really glad
we live in a time
where a T-Rex
can be a ninja.
Me, too!
There's a box
near the stump!
where'd this come from?
It says "Build me."
maybe it's a stray.
Wait, Craig!
It could be a trap!
[ Clank! ]Nothing inside.
But look at it.
So smooth.
So boxy.
It's soperfect.
For kicking!
[ Imitates cat screech ]Ugh!
Both: Toilet! Toilet!
Toilet! Toilet!
Stop! Don't you see the
potential this box has?
What's the point of a cool box
if you can't play with it?
Oh, we're going to play with it,
all right.
Whoo-whee. There.
What do you guys think?
It's a chair.
It's a recliner
with a cup holder!
Yeah, but how are we supposed to
play with a chair?
Meow, I gotcha.
[ Clapping ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Southern accent ]
Well done. Very well done.
I left this box here
to test your skills.
And I must say, you did not
disappoint. May I have a seat?
Sure.Ooh, a recliner!
Wow! Very nice.
Is this a cup holder?Yes! It is!
Who is this guy?
The name's Carter Brown,
Cardboard Connoisseur.
I'm a creator of cardboard
contraptions, large and small.
And I've been watching you,
And I know you are
an incredible builder.
You have what it takes
to help me
with my greatest
cardboard creation yet!
A couch?
Welcome to new
Cardboard City!
Look at the size
of this place!No way.
Ohh.The inside's even better.
Of course, you can only get in
if you have the passcode
to my state-of-the-art
security system.
Boop, boop, boop.
[ Imitates buzzer ]
Whoops, I put in
the wrong code.
Boop, boop, beep.
Follow me.
So how did you get
all these boxes?
My dad does a lot
of online shopping.
He might have a problem.
First stop,
the card-cade.
I've re-created
my favorite video games.
My personal favorite,
Mrs. Pack-Box.
Haha, all right!
[ Gasps ]
What happened?Um, nothing.
And if you're tired
from all the gaming,
we have some ultra-comfortable
beds that I designed myself.
Wow, surprisingly comfy
for cardboard.
Whoa! Is that?
Ho-ho-ho, yes --
a cup holder!
[ Scoffs ]Hey, Kelsey, you should
try jumping on this.
[ Groans ]
Of course,
there are kids out there
with a little extra energy
they need to burn off.
So I've installed a gym.
A jungle gym!
[ Grunts ]
Ooh, all right, here I go.
25 in a row.
One[ Crash! ]
Seriously, guys?
Carter, I'm really sorry
about the damage.
Don't worry,
I built this place
to withstand even
the clumsiest kid.
Check this out.
New Cardboard City
is supported by a complex
packing tube infrastructure.
And now
for the grand finale.
Craig, can I offer you
a cup of water?
Water in a cardboard city?
Seems impossible!
[ Gasps ] How?
The cardboard should be
soaking wet with water!
One word -- duct tape.
this cup is amazing!
This place is amazing!
Youare amazing!
I dunno. How come
there are no other kids?
Sadly, not many share
my love for cardboard.
That's why I need
your expertise, Craig.
I want you to help me
make this city mobile!
Then we could show everyone
in the creek
the true potential
of cardboard!
As in, a moving city?
[ Gasps ]
The leg x-tenders!
We just need to tweak
the strings a bit,
but once
everything's in place,
it should work perfectly.
I knew there was a reason
I chose you.
[ Sighs ]
There's nothing on.
And this paper-corn
is really chewy.
Hey, Craig. How much longer
is this gonna take?
We're wasting precious
sword fighting time.
You do that every day.
I likedoing that
every day.
Guys, don't you see?
This is a chance to bring a fort
to every kid without a tree.
This is way more important
than just playing around.
Play time is sacred.
There is nothing more important.
If I wanted to sit around
and watch TV,
then I can just go home!
Well, maybe you should!
Then at least you won't be
breaking stuff
and embarrassing me
in front of Carter!
[ Spitting ]
Fine! We're going!
[ Whoosh! ]
JP, let's go.
Yeah, being a cat
was more fun.
Aw, that looked rough.
Don't worry.
Once we get this thing
up and running,
I'm sure
they'll understand.
[ Grunts ]
More like card-boring.
All these trees
look the same.
It's too bad
we don't have Craig.
He usually has
that nifty map.
Maps are for kids who like
cardboard and cup holders.
A warrior always knows
where they are.
I'm right here,
you're right there,
and that means that
the stump must be
[ Sniffing ]
A-ha! Huh?
Another cardboard city.
The plot thickens.
Carter: Still thinking about
your friends, huh?
I just feel bad.
My friends are out there
playing without me.
Craig, there's a time
for work,
and there's a time
for reminiscing.
Guess what time
it is right now?
[ Sighs ]
I know.
But this is how it starts.
They under-appreciate you.
They undervalue you.
And then they make you
look like a bad guy
just because they can't
see your potential!
[ Normal voice ] Because she
can't see your potential.
Hey, there!
Welcome to Cardboard City!
My name's Zoe. What brings you
to our humble town?
We kinda got lost
on the way back to our spot.
Do you think you could
give us directions?
It's a stump.
It looks kinda like a tree
but with its head cut off.Yeah, see,
we were at this place called
New Cardboard City
Wait. Did you just say
New Cardboard City?
Yeah, this, uh, kid named Carter
built it.
[ Gasps ]
Carter Brown?!
[ Grunts ]
Systems ready, Craig?
[ Strumming ] Check!
All strings online!
[ System powering up ]
Boop, boop, beep.
[ Steam hisses ]
Zoe: We used to play
with Carter,
but our city was never enough
for him.
He always wanted it
to be taller
or have drawbridges
and a faucet.
He was really into that
for some reason.
We told him we didn't
want to play that way,
and he stormed off in anger,
never to be seen again.
[ Heavy footsteps thudding ]
Another cardboard city?
Perhaps now you'll see what
cardboard is really capable of!
Wait. Wasn't -- wasn't
that guy Southern?
What are you doing?
Don't do this, Carter!
Packing peanuts! Aah!
[ Spits ]
Now do you see
what's possible
when you let
greatness flourish!
What are you doing?
Get off!
You're gonna break it!
Ugh! [ Groans ]
Boop, boop, beep.
No! He must have
changed the code!
You're going down, monster!
Aah! Waah!
Ohh! I don't know
what the plan was!
Carter, this has to stop!
My friends are down there!
They deserve this. They couldn't
appreciate my genius.
[ Groans ]
I should have just gone
and played with Kelsey and JP.
Even if it meant wrecking stuff,
it's better than --
These hands were made
for building,
but maybe they're not my hands
right now!
Maybe they're the paws of a cat
who's unsatisfied with his home!
I am unhinged cat warrior!
This toy stinks!
Where's my food?!
What's going on?!
[ British accent ]
"Feel the wrath of my blade,"
said Craig in a British accent,
as he dealt a decisive blow!
Craig!You guys!
You're okay!
Listen, I'm sorry
about earlier.
I realized that
I like building stuff.
But it's no fun
without you guys.
I'm sorry, too.
I don't think
you waste your time
building cool things
like this
weapon of mass destruction!
Yeah! You didn't tell us
you were building a giant robot!
Gimme one good reason
I shouldn't turn you
into papier-mâché!
Don't you see,
I did this all for you!
You could have been
my cardboard queen!
Get outta here, Carter,
before I paper cut you.
[ Panting ]
I'll be back,
you'll see!
One rainstorm,
and you'll wish
you had my brains
and my duct tape
and my heart.
glad we're still friends.
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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