Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Find the Unique Solution

My phone.
Come on.
-Oh, no!
-Call an ambulance.
Someone call an ambulance!
-My gosh.
-Hurry up!
-Is she dead?
-She got run over?
-What do we do?
-She got hit by that car.
Is she badly hurt?
I can't believe this happened.
No, I'm telling you. The call
went through for about five seconds.
Please check again.
-Please hurry. Thank you.
-Your call cannot be completed…
Can they find her?
They're looking into it.
If it's true that her phone did turn on,
they can track down the cell tower.
I should look for her again.
It bothers me how her phone
turned on and off again.
It's as if Hae-e was asking us for help.
-Thanks. All right.
-Your call cannot be completed.
-Drink this, and we can go out again.
-You will be redirected…
Haeng-seon. Hello?
Give that to me. Is this Hae-e?
Yes, I'm her mom. Who is this?
The hospital?
Excuse me.
Let's stay strong.
We need…
to protect Haeng-seon and Hae-e.
We're men. Right?
Sit down. We don't know
how long this will take.
Don't worry.
Hae-e is a strong girl.
I can't believe this.
How could this happen?
Why would this happen to Hae-e?
Mr. Choi.
What do we do?
-Mr. Choi.
She had numerous femoral fractures,
so we operated on them.
The surgery was a success.
Thankfully, there's no brain hemorrhage.
But the problem is cerebral edema.
For now, we just have to wait
until the swelling goes down.
I'm sorry to say this,
but she's currently in a coma.
A coma?
When will she wake up? At what time?
She won't sleep forever, right?
We have no choice
but to administer medication and wait.
I'm afraid I can't tell you
how long it'll take.
It could take a few days
or even years, although that's rare.
Her condition may not improve.
Still nothing?
Damn it. I'm about to lose my mind.
Guys, if we don't hear from her
by lunchtime,
let's share this on social media,
ditch class, and go look for her.
Okay. I can get the hockey team
to give us a hand.
Good. Call everyone.
Sun-jae, you're coming too.
There are no announcements for today.
But Hae-e…
She was in a car accident.
She received an operation
and is in the ICU
at Ganghyeon University Hospital.
Please pray for her quick recovery--
Lee Sun-jae!
I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It's quite spacious.
I've never been to a VIP room before.
You didn't need to.
They don't let people visit the ICU often.
But you're allowed to stay with her here.
She needs to hear your voice
if you want her to wake up soon.
Yes. This is the time to accept
your rich boyfriend's help.
Right, Jae-woo?
Yeong-ju, you should go to the store.
I wish we could be away,
but we have too many regulars.
I definitely won't be as good as you,
but I'll do my best.
So don't worry about the store
and focus on Hae-e.
Jae-woo, go with her.
No, I'm staying here.
I have Mr. Choi and the nurses,
but Yeong-ju will be alone.
You should go.
Why are you here?
School isn't even over yet,
so how are you guys here?
Ma'am, the anesthesia
hasn't worn off yet, right?
She'll wake up soon, right?
She's too impatient
to be lying down for too long.
She'll wake up soon.
She'll say, "Surprise!"
-Are you her mother?
We're from the Jungbu Police Station.
A suicide note?
Are you saying she jumped into the street?
Yes, we're afraid so.
We found
her suicide note on her phone.
That's hers, right?
This can't be.
Hold on.
How could you conclude it as suicide
solely based on this memo?
The driver already gave us
their testimony.
And the dashcam
showed her running
in front of the car deliberately.
That's just ridiculous.
Why would she do such a thing?
Maybe it has something to do
with her turning in her exam blank.
You know how stressful
college admissions are for students.
Do you really think she did that
just because of one exam?
I just don't believe it.
That she submitted her exam blank
and attempted suicide.
But most importantly,
I had no idea about any of this.
I didn't know what she was going through
and was swept up
in being happy in a relationship.
It's because I'm not her real mom.
Don't beat yourself up.
No one can read another person's mind,
no matter how close you are.
I should be the one to blame.
Come to think of it, that morning,
it seemed like she wanted
to tell me something.
I should've caught on to it.
What do you think she wanted to tell me?
-Thank you.
Yeong-ju, what do you need me to do?
I'll go to the grocery store.
Can you write down a grocery list?
Jae-woo, don't hold it in.
Your emotions. Let them out.
I know you've been holding back
your tears since you were at the hospital.
I know it was for Haeng-seon.
But she's not here right now,
so you can let your emotions out.
It was always me.
I was the one who always startled them.
I was the one they always had to look for.
And I was the one who was
always sick and bedridden.
And every time,
Haeng-seon and Hae-e kept me safe.
But seeing Hae-e…
unconscious in bed…
makes me sad.
Despite being her uncle,
there's nothing I can do.
That's not true.
You're worried sick about her.
Cry if you want. It's okay.
I can actually keep a secret.
I'm sure Hae-e will understand.
She will wake up.
Let's believe that she will. Okay?
Don't worry.
Sun-jae had good scores to begin with,
so no one will suspect him.
And no one can accuse him
since there's no proof.
Even if things go awry,
it won't affect you, ma'am.
I've told him to keep his mouth shut,
so please don't worry.
I'll call you back later. Goodbye.
Sun-jae, what brings you to my office?
What's the matter?
It's our fault.
Hae-e jumped in front of a moving car.
And it's all our fault!
How is she?
She received surgery.
But she's still unconscious.
How badly is she hurt?
Will she wake up or not?
Do you wish she wouldn't wake up?
Lee Sun-jae.
How could you say that?
Mom. Let's…
Let's just tell the school…
and take the punishment.
Doing that
will help me face Hae-e when she wakes up.
Lee Sun-jae.
Calm down and think rationally.
We're almost there.
One year…
In six months,
you can get into your dream university.
-That's what you want, not what I want.
Yes, I want it!
Because it's about your future.
You have no idea
how vulgar and critical our society is.
Your career is everything out there.
Hang in there. We're almost there.
So tell me.
Are you happy?
You have a great career.
So are you happy?
Why did you leave first?
We just said goodbye to Hae-e.
Reply if you read this.
Mr. Choi.
How's Hae-e?
They need to keep an eye on her.
Things aren't looking great.
I see.
Right, the academy called
about next week's math camp curriculum.
I forgot that I had
to speak with the director.
I organized and delivered the ideas
that came up during the meeting.
Someone would like to interview you
regarding the camp,
but we'll see what happens.
Have they already announced the dates?
I'd like to push it back.
No, they haven't.
But I doubt we can
since we've already booked--
I wasn't up for it from the get-go.
I'm sick of putting on a show.
And I don't think I can focus
on the camp preparations.
Postpone it, or better yet,
cancel it if you can.
Please let the director know.
But sir…
Let's do that. Thanks.
Hello, Director Kang.
No, he's just a bit busy.
The math camp will go on as planned.
I'm afraid I'll be the only one attending
the curriculum meeting.
I heard Hae-e attempted suicide.
How frightening.
Then again, it's par for the course
in this neighborhood.
She looked pretty strong on the outside,
but I guess that wasn't the case.
It wasn't even the CSAT,
but one midterm exam--
That's enough!
That could've been me.
That could've been me!
This one is too easy
to be a killer question.
But the students could be confused
if we omit it.
How about we move up the latter questions?
-Mr. Ji, can you take a look at this?
-That could work.
-I'll be back.
-It's the presentation you asked for.
-Can you switch the top and bottom ones?
-The top and bottom?
Mr. Ji, for the merchandise,
we have a copy of Mr. Choi's notes,
a stopwatch, and--
-Which one had the highest demand?
-The first one.
Then let's go with this one
for the Golden Bell merch.
-Here's the draft of the questions.
Okay. This looks good.
Let's see what Mr. Choi says.
-I'll be back.
Hello, Mr. Choi.
Did you speak with the director yet
about the math camp?
Well, I did. But he wouldn't budge.
He said the venue was already booked.
He was adamant about having
your comeback event.
Is that so?
You can leave the preparations up to me
and just give the final confirmation.
Doing this will benefit you.
This is a crucial time for you.
Fine. It can't be helped then.
Okay. Are you at the hospital?
No, I got kicked out.
Haeng-seon said she can't sleep
with me around.
I'm going to go back tomorrow morning.
Get some sleep, or you'll get sick.
Okay, thanks. I'll leave you to it.
See you tomorrow.
What is it?
You picked up.
I didn't think you would.
Are you drunk?
Why did you call?
Why did I call?
I'm not sure.
I just wanted to talk to someone.
But I had no one to call, so I called you.
My life is so boring, isn't it?
You're drunk.
-Go to bed.
How did I end up like this?
How did I end up like this?
I'm scared of what I've become.
How far will I go?
How much worse will I become?
Do you know
what went through my mind earlier?
"I hope she just dies."
"That would be better."
What do you mean?
Who's "she"?
Jang Seo-jin.
Consider yourself lucky.
You're getting a massage
from a former national athlete.
I still don't understand, Hae-e.
Is it true?
Did you really run into…
What is this?
The weather is lovely today, Su-a.
Study hard.
Get some sunlight and take a walk
every now and then. Okay?
There's a nice walking trail
behind the school.
All right, have a good day.
Good luck, Su-a!
Hey, it's been a long time.
I've been meaning to call you sooner,
but I've been busy
helping my daughter prepare for college.
How's your clinic doing?
I called…
because of my daughter.
I think she has
stress-related anger management issues
due to college admissions.
It's a common symptom found
among students preparing for college.
They're violent and compulsive.
In serious cases,
they hear and see things as well.
Keep a good eye on her
and see what her symptoms are like.
All right.
I have your midterm results.
Come up when I call your name.
If you have any issues,
talk to your teachers.
-Ko So-yeong.
Hey, I overheard something
in the teachers' office.
Hae-e got the lowest midterm score.
Her Reading exam was blank.
-Beats me.
Maybe she was rebelling
against her fake mom.
Do you think the accident--
What is this nonsense?
What are you guys yapping about?
If I hear you gossiping about
things you don't know about again,
I'll crush you.
-We were just…
-We're only talking.
The driver already gave us
their testimony.
And the dashcam
showed her running
in front the car deliberately.
I overheard something
in the teachers' office.
Hae-e got the lowest midterm score.
Her Reading exam was blank.
Sun-jae, you can't avoid this forever.
The exam was exactly the same
as the material you gave me.
Lee Sun-jae!
Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Hey! Do you really want to kill yourself?
Yes, I do.
So just leave me alone!
Get lost!
Snap out of it, you bastard.
Snap out of it.
That's enough!
Let go of me!
Let go…
It says only one student is absent,
so why are there three empty seats?
Who isn't here?
Whose seats are those?
I missed another class.
I was really determined to study.
This is exactly why…
my mom told me
to choose my friends wisely.
Was that funny?
You're an idiot.
What is it?
What's with you and Hae-e?
Does this have something to do…
with how awkward you guys were?
You're so frustrating.
I don't know what this is about.
But just face it head-on. Don't avoid it.
Imagine if Hae-e saw you like this.
Do you think she'd want to wake up?
Do you?
Where are you going?
Mr. Jeon.
Hey, Sun-jae.
What is it?
Well, you see…
I have something to tell you.
So what exactly do you want to tell us?
It just doesn't sit right with me.
About the so-called suicide note…
This isn't how she normally talks.
She addresses her uncle as just "Uncle,"
not "Uncle Jae-woo."
She also doesn't use that many periods.
She's always very brief with her words.
-Kids these days are unpredictable--
-The trash bag.
The store employee said
she bought one that day.
That's not something
a suicidal girl would do.
I also found something odd
-on her palm--
I mean, Hae-e's Auntie.
It turns out you are her aunt,
not her mother.
And you made her run errands
on a regular basis.
I heard she delivered food
to your customers.
She only did that when I was too busy--
Beating and swearing
aren't the only means of abuse.
When kids
from problematic families run away
and we painstakingly find them,
they always beg us
not to send them back home.
Watch what you say.
Have you ever seen her family before?
You're generalizing this case
based on a few prior cases.
You shouldn't do that.
You're a cop, for goodness' sake.
Come on. I wasn't accusing her of that--
I don't mind.
You can misunderstand me all you want.
Just please reinvestigate.
I really don't think
she attempted suicide.
Why would she have this on her palm?
What could this be?
Could it be paint?
No, it's not.
I couldn't get it off with wet wipes.
It's brownish orange.
I thought it was from a pen,
so I told Jae-woo to bring
all the pens from home this morning.
But none of them were this color.
-So this appeared after she went missing?
None of this makes sense.
Going missing after buying a trash bag,
a car accident in another neighborhood,
and that weird suicide note.
Everything is just too odd.
One minute.
Hello, Director Kang.
Mr. Choi, I called to ask you
for a favor regarding the math camp.
Could we accept 100 more students?
The parents have been calling nonstop.
Before that, I was meaning to call you
about something.
What? What for?
I know Mr. Ji asked you
to delay the math camp.
I don't think
this is the right time for me.
I know it's already been announced,
and booking a new venue won't be easy…
Hold on. What delay?
This is news to me.
You want to push back the date?
Didn't Mr. Ji tell you about this?
No, he didn't.
But it's too late
since we announced it today.
The next one
is a geometry problem
that many students struggle with.
It has been spotted regularly
in the June and September mocks
as well as the CSAT.
So make sure you review it.
Now, let's move on to sequences.
That's enough.
How many staff members
do you need for the Golden Bell?
We need to know in advance.
We need four staff members
and two more for the boards.
Sure. Please make sure Mr. Choi
shows up for the final rehearsal.
Yes, he will.
Hello, Mr. Choi.
Where are you?
I'm doing the first rehearsal…
What's wrong?
Were you always like this?
You never talked to the academy,
yet you lied through your teeth.
Have you always been like this?
Slyly controlling my role
in the academy as you want?
I would never.
I just knew they wouldn't understand--
Who are you to assume that?
I never wanted to do
this math camp from the get-go,
yet you encouraged it.
And now you've lied to my face.
You crossed the line.
You deceived me, you know that?
You're right.
I apologize for lying to you.
But I did it for you.
How so?
This is a huge event.
Changing the date due to personal reasons
will only kill your credibility.
This comeback wasn't easy.
I couldn't let you ruin your reputation.
Don't try to justify your actions.
You thought I was a joke--
That's not true.
I didn't want you to become a joke.
You were never like this.
You'd starve for days
and receive IV drips just to teach.
You always worked endlessly
without taking a break.
You were always professional
and never let your private matters
affect your work.
But you were swayed by Ms. Nam
and kept making exceptions.
Seeing you like that
flustered and upset me.
I'm not being swayed.
I'm changing.
Did you think I was normal back then?
They'd call me the Trillion Won Man,
yet I was empty inside,
slaving away at work.
I couldn't even digest my food and would
return to my empty shell of a house.
I'd toss and turn in bed, trying to sleep,
then repeat everything again and again.
You think that's who I really am?
You miss the old me?
I don't.
But this change won't benefit you.
Who are you to determine
whether it benefits me or not?
-Mr. Choi!
-That's up to me to decide!
I decide my future in this line of work
and what I value in life!
As of now, Haeng-seon and her family
matter just as much as my work.
So don't complain.
What's so great about her?
It's not like her kid died or anything!
What did you say?
How could you…
Mr. Choi, what I meant was--
I guess I never really knew you.
If that's what you think,
then I can't work with you anymore.
This is the end for us.
Mr. Ji, I don't think this is right.
In his burst of anger…
Come on. You guys have a long history.
You've been working together for years.
You're like family.
Maybe just give him some time
to cool down…
Mr. Ji.
Is this really happening?
He quit just like that?
Maybe it's just a lover's quarrel.
I don't know anymore.
Judging by what I just saw,
they're pretty much getting a divorce.
Hello, this is Detective Bae Jeong-su
from Ganghyeon Police Station.
I'd like to ask you a few questions
about Mr. Jin I-sang.
Are you free right now?
Yes, that's correct.
That was around the time
when I found out that he was Chiyeolsucks.
Why didn't you report him to the police?
I didn't see the need to go that far.
And he promised that he'd stop.
What are you doing?
Are you suspecting me?
I have a solid alibi.
This may be offensive to hear.
But I'll be honest.
All these metal ball cases
have only one thing in common.
It's you.
You were at Nation's Best Banchan
when a metal ball was shot.
Lee Young-min stormed out of your class
right before he died.
And in Jin I-sang's last call
to his friend,
he said you had found out
that he was Chiyeolsucks
and that he was going to lie low.
I'm sorry, but may I look at your hands?
What are you doing?
There's a witness in Mr. Jin's case.
According to the witness,
the joint of the suspect's
right index finger
was calloused.
The callus must have formed
from repeatedly pulling a slingshot.
That's what we assume.
They would've pulled it back
like so.
Mr. Choi.
This is a personal question.
Do you happen to know a Jeong Seong-hyeon?
"Jeong Seong-hyeon"?
I'm afraid I don't.
Then how about…
Jeong Su-hyeon?
Jeong Su-hyeon?
After what I've done for you!
He's the only person I can trust.
He's the only one I consider an adult.
Should I confide in Mr. Choi?
I thought the same way, Su-hyeon.
I wanted to protect
the only trustworthy adult we had.
But he abandoned me.
And he forgot about you too.
-Please, Mom.
-Don't you dare call me your mom!
Am I really your mom?
Then why did you tell the school,
"My mom got hold of the exam paper,
so please punish her"?
-How could you do this to me?
It was all for your sake!
Go home.
You have exams next week.
Can I just…
stay here?
What's this rumor
about the exam questions leaking?
Before Su-hyeon died,
she told her school
about the exam questions getting leaked.
The principal just swept it under the rug,
but all the students found out.
Tell me about it.
You're Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.
She also said she took your pen.
I gave it to her.
So it's hers.
How could you sleep
when the exam is in two days?
Don't you know you're my only hope now?
I know. I was just so sleepy--
You should've fought it!
How will you get into a top school
with such a weak mentality?
Come out.
-You're sleepy? Then wake up.
-Come out! Go!
Mom, I won't sleep.
It's so cold. Please let me in.
Mom! Please open the door.
I can't believe you fell asleep again.
Get up.
Go study if you're awake now.
There's no decisive evidence
that the defendant intended
to murder his mother.
Furthermore, there's a possibility
that the mother decided to end her life
over the loss of her daughter.
As for his charge of matricide,
I find the defendant innocent.
I'm Kim Su-hyeon.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Kim Bo-ra.
I hope we get along.
I'm Shin Ji-hye.
I'm so delighted to be
your teaching assistant.
I hope those feelings don't change.
What's your name?
I'm Ji Dong-hui.
It's an honor to serve you.
"Serve me"? I'm not a king.
I hope we get along.
-Can you let go?
-Your name?
-Kwon Yun-hyeong.
-Kwon Yun-hyeong?
-I hope we get along.
Mr. Choi.
Thank you.
I used to have the same exact pen.
Really? My sister gave me that.
How fascinating.
Not many people use this brand.
Do you happen to know a Jeong Seong-hyeon?
Then how about…
Jeong Su-hyeon?
Hey, this won't do.
We need a few more side dishes.
Our trays look too empty.
We need to maintain our sales
even when Haeng-seon isn't here.
Then should I buy more groceries?
But first, let's wipe this.
We're not open yet.
Are you a celebrity?
It's not as spacious as I thought.
It looked big from the outside.
But the rent must be expensive.
Judging by its location, I bet it is.
How much do you make?
What is your monthly net profit?
Are you thinking about
opening up a store nearby?
Do I look like I would?
By the way, did Haeng-seon go somewhere?
I don't see her.
Does Hae-e not come here that often?
Are you Haeng-seon's friend?
What's your name?
Nam Haeng-ja.
Open your eyes, will you?
It's me, your mom.
What's going on?
Where have you been all this time?
I was in Japan all this time
and flew here. So what?
How could you be so irresponsible?
Why is my daughter
unconscious and hospitalized?
Hae-e, your mom is here…
Didn't you miss me a lot, my dear baby?
She was bombarding me with questions.
I had to tell her.
Open your eyes.
My poor baby.
Drink this and refresh yourself.
I mean,
how could two sisters be so different?
Does Hae-e take after you
more than her mom?
It's neither.
Maybe it's her dad.
I don't know. My head hurts.
How could she just show up now
and be so shameless?
There must be a reason why she came now.
Who knows?
Maybe she could help Hae-e
recover quickly.
I'm not sure.
Do you think so?
-What's with your face?
You look haggard. Is something going on?
No, everything's fine.
You're obviously lying.
You don't look too well.
Tell me.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
It's nothing.
After being acquitted of his charges,
he never left his house.
And I never saw him again.
A few years later,
someone moved into that house.
It turned out that his uncle
reported him missing and moved in.
-Does the uncle still live here?
-He sold it and moved out.
It's been well over five years.
I know it's wrong of me to say this,
but missing or not,
I was glad that kid disappeared.
He'd shoot metal balls all the time
and put me in a pickle.
-"Metal balls"?
The residents would complain
about someone shooting metal balls.
It drove me crazy.
Turns out he was the culprit.
I only found out later.
Looking back,
none of his family members were sane.
-Come on.
-You're truly incredible.
Another firm had given up on the case,
saying it was impossible.
But you won,
and at the Supreme Court at that.
I was just lucky.
Come on. Everyone in this line of work
knows how competent you are.
Shouldn't we celebrate this over dinner?
Sure. Then let's have dinner…
Excuse me.
Hello, Ms. Jang.
This is Sun-jae's homeroom teacher.
How have you been?
May I ask what you're calling about?
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
you need to visit the school.
What? Wasn't Sun-jae in first place?
He's not even in the top 30.
No one from Class 1 is on the list.
This must mean the "unfortunate incident"
has something to do with Sun-jae.
Maybe he cheated.
-Something's going on, right?
Hey, it's me. I was just about to leave.
What do you mean?
Someone leaked the midterm exam?
The education director?
Who did she leak it to?
This way, please.
-What do you mean?
-So what happened?
It's me, Sun-jae.
Please help Mom.
Do you want something to drink?
I'm sorry, Mr. Choi.
I overreacted.
You always took my words
into consideration,
consulted me often, and treated me well.
So I think I felt entitled
and crossed the line.
I'm sorry.
I really shouldn't have done that.
This job means nothing
if I'm not working with you.
I have no reason to do this.
I will never cross the line again.
Please give me the chance…
to serve you again.
Get up.
-Mr. Choi.
-Get up, Dong-hui.
I overreacted as well yesterday.
I was too sensitive.
I shouldn't have treated you like that
when you've stood by me
and dedicated yourself to me
for the past six years.
Mr. Choi.
Let's forget what happened yesterday
and start anew.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Take a look at this.
Doesn't it look similar
to the stain on Hae-e's palm?
Yes, I think so.
There's a fountain pen
that Mr. Ji always uses.
It could've been that ink.
When you first mentioned Dong-hui to me,
I honestly thought
there was a misunderstanding.
But I don't know anymore…
about what kind of person he is
or why he's by my side.
According to the witness,
the joint of the suspect's
right index finger
was calloused.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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