Crazy Love (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Today's agenda is
to vote on a special resolution to hold
CEO Noh Gojin responsible for his actions
of tax evasion and employee bullying
that caused
Gotop Education's management crisis.
We'll start the voting process now.
Now I will announce
the result of the voting
on CEO Noh Gojin
taking the consecutive term.
Out of the total votes, 64.1% opposed…
What? 64.1%?
…his consecutive term.
Therefore, since it did not satisfy
the required two-thirds quorum,
it has been rejected.
What happened?
-What happened?
I guess your solidarity
wasn't as strong as you thought.
Well, I'll get going now.
Regardless of the result,
you aren't qualified to be the CEO.
That's right.
Deputy CEO Oh Segi will inform you
of a very important fact.
Please go ahead.
I thought very hard
before deciding to stand before you today.
In the end, I concluded that
this is the only way to protect Gotop.
Currently, CEO Noh isn't
capable of managing Gotop.
-What does he mean?
CEO Noh Gojin is currently suffering
from amnesia.
How could that be?
I'll submit as evidence
the diagnosis that CEO Noh Gojin
has amnesia due to a car accident.
-How can this be?
Do you mean I'm unqualified
to manage Gotop Education
because I have amnesia?
Please ask me anything.
I'll answer you all.
Mr. Noh, please stop acting.
You're making a mockery
of the shareholders.
The one who is making
a mockery of the shareholders…
is you,
Deputy CEO Oh Segi.
Please come in.
-Who is that?
-What's going on?
-What is that?
-There are so many.
-The amounts are significant.
-That's too much!
In the name of investing abroad,
he siphoned off
billions of won to a paper company.
Oh Segi.
Please stop.
It's over now.
I'm sick of pretending to have amnesia.
I pretended to have amnesia
to deceive you.
-What do we do now?
-What's going to happen now?
-I can't believe this.
-How could he do that?
-This is terrible.
-My goodness.
Don't fool yourself thinking that you won.
It's not over yet.
What's the reason?
Why are you going this far?
What do you think?
Pretending to have amnesia?
Wow, what a nice, fun surprise.
You're a genius indeed.
You came up with such a clever idea
even when you were injured.
Don't change the topic
and just answer my question.
Why did you do it?
I trusted you so much.
You're no different.
You didn't trust me either.
You shamelessly pretended to have amnesia
and spied on my every action
behind my back.
Stop playing the victim here.
You make me sick.
-Oh Segi!
-You find out yourself!
Why I am doing this.
What you've done wrong!
Find out with that great brain of yours.
But I'm sure I'll destroy you before that.
Mr. Oh Segi.
You've been reported for breach of trust
related to Mos Company.
Please come with us.
I'm hungry.
What brings you here, Ms. Baek?
I want to recruit you, Mr. Oh Segi.
I'm sure you heard of my news.
Yes, I did.
But you still want to recruit me?
I felt bad for you.
If I had known about your plan,
I would've told you
that Mr. Noh was faking his amnesia.
Please become the deputy CEO of Baek Edu.
Don't be suspicious.
We're friends, you know?
As the CEO of Baek Edu,
I don't want to miss the opportunity
to hire a great talent like you.
we have the same goal, right?
Mr. Noh.
You can't take your eyes off me.
Because I'm so handsome.
You're not calling me a narcissist today.
What will happen to Mr. Oh--
He'll have to pay for his wrongdoing.
go to Ganghwa Island sometime.
Ganghwa Island?
I want to show you
to my grandmother.
Do you want to sleep here tonight?
What are you imagining?
I meant, literally,
just sleep here tonight.
You even have your own room here.
Oh… You're right.
If I didn't have you,
I don't think I would've been okay.
Thank you.
It turns out that the bullying
and tax evasion accusations
made against Gotop Education
CEO Noh Gojin were not true.
As this incident was
a malicious attack against Mr. Noh Gojin,
consumer boycotting
against Gotop Education
and membership cancellations
have also stopped.
Mr. Noh Gojin donated to
our Children's New Life fundraising event.
So it was a really great help
to the children's heart surgery costs.
Although our CEO seems
cold-hearted on the outside,
he is such a warm-hearted person.
He did not bully his employees.
Mr. Noh
even paid for my son's surgery cost
and the accumulated hospital charges too.
He's so kind to his employees.
Mr. Noh donated to single-parent families
through our community service center
and provided rice and daily necessities
to the elderly who live alone.
There are so many donations I made
that I was not aware of.
To be prepared for an incident like this,
I spent your money very carelessly,
as much as I want, as I wish,
very well. Don't you think?
Mr. Noh!
I'm sorry.
I just did as I was told to do by Mr. Oh.
I had no idea that
the second ledger set was forged.
Mr. Oh said it was for Gotop,
so I just did as I was told.
I knew all along
that you were the one who leaked
my study guides to Ilpum Edu.
That's why I planted
erroneous questions in the study guides.
Fortunately for me,
you took the bait.
Mr. Noh.
Please forgive me.
To be honest,
life was getting too difficult.
So to survive…
I was just trying to survive.
If you try to kill others
so that you can live,
others will also try to kill you
so that they can live, Ms. Ma.
I'm telling you up front.
Don't even dream
of going to another company.
I'm going to do
everything in my power to stop you.
Because someone like you
should never be allowed back
in the education industry.
I'm also going to sue you for defamation.
Ms. Ma.
Ms. Ma!
Gosh, she left already.
What's wrong?
She left her son's toys.
I'll take them.
Okay. Thank you.
You have to cover up my dark circles well.
-Here you go.
-You're all set.
-Thank you. Good work.
Wow, you're really doing a show after all.
My goodness. You're here.
So what now? I said Ms. Ma would
get herself into big trouble one day.
-I did a long time ago.
I said it all. And Mr. Oh too.
Didn't I say he seemed two-faced?
When? What you said was
Mr. Oh makes Mr. Noh behave.
In any case,
men and melons are hard to know.
Gotop is a big mess without me.
By the way, where is Michelle?
She should be here making a "fuss" by now.
-I haven't seen her much recently.
-Why not?
She collapsed. She hasn't come
to the research team meetings either.
She must be really ill.
She wouldn't even answer her phone.
She isn't ill.
That's because she is on a diet.
But who knows?
Maybe it's because of Mr. Oh.
Mr. Oh?
Michelle was interested
in Mr. Oh, you know?
She must've been in utter shock
because of what happened.
Oh, I see. Is that why?
Chabae, you look really good though.
Something exciting going on?
Everything is always exciting for me.
I'll get going now.
I have an in-person lecture too.
You aren't drinking this, right?
I'll take it.
I was going to. What are you doing?
What was that?
Why is he so confident all of a sudden?
His own show?
I'm not envious at all.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
Do you want to tell me something?
About Ms. Ma--
I don't want to hear anything about her.
If you did something wrong,
you must pay the price.
Otherwise, people wouldn't reflect.
But still, a lawsuit--
I don't think you have the luxury
to worry about others.
The second round of the audition
application process starts today.
Aren't you going to apply?
Oh, that. No.
-Have you given up?
Then why do you act as if you don't care?
Well, I thought about it,
and it feels a little unfair.
Whether I pass the audition or not,
people are going to say
that you've got my back.
So I'm not going to audition.
Why not?
To go to Baek Edu?
I won't audition elsewhere either.
Then, how will you become an instructor?
I'm not going to answer that.
Hello. I'm the Masked Korean Teacher.
From today, let's have fun
and enjoy studying Korean together
starting with the basics
step by step, okay?
I know that you find the Korean grammar
from the Middle Ages most difficult.
I'll simplify it for you.
What goes in this blank?
Based on the way it sounds.
In general, they spelled things
phonetically based on the way it sounds.
A long time ago, they used to spell
everything based on the way it sounds.
Okay, they put a side dot on the left side
of the character to indicate a tone.
Like this. This is a side dot.
Make a note, okay?
If Sina sees us, we'll get in trouble.
I got it delivered just for you.
It's sushi, which I like so much.
It looks so delicious.
-What about Sina?
-She is sleeping.
Let's wake her up to eat.
No. I want you to eat a lot, honey.
Gojin buys her many nice things anyway.
That's true.
It's so good.
-Isn't it?
Even if you get it delivered,
it still tastes as good.
I want some too.
Okay. Here you go, honey.
-Isn't it good?
You're here.
What's with your expression?
Were you waiting for someone?
No. I thought you were Ms. Gong.
I'm curious about
what's happening at Gotop.
I was wondering if something happened
to Mr. Noh Manners again.
I feel a little nervous lately too.
What if something happens at Gotop again?
I feel bad that
Mr. Noh Manners is surrounded by people
who despise him so much.
You're right.
It's like it's okay for me to hurt him,
but it makes me upset
when someone else hurts him.
Oddly, I was upset when I saw
the video of an egg getting thrown at him.
Right? I was upset too.
People's minds can be
quite silly, you know?
Now that we stopped
taking revenge on Mr. Noh Manners,
we're feeling sorry for him.
You're right.
I'm really glad
that we stopped what we were doing.
If we were getting revenge
in the midst of all this,
we would've felt so terrible.
It's stressful to despise someone too.
You're right.
I'm not sure why I despised him so much.
I know.
I agree.
Are you all right, sir?
-What do you mean?
-Mr. Noh didn't get dismissed
at Gotop's extraordinary general meeting.
So what?
What if he retaliates?
It still wouldn't be enough even if
Mr. Noh Manners bows down to thank me.
He survived thanks to--
Look who is here. It's Lee Mikyung.
I trained you
and made you the top instructor,
but you betrayed me and went to Gotop.
You traitor!
It was you, wasn't it?
What are you talking about?
Don't pretend as if you don't know.
You're taking revenge on me, aren't you?
What are you talking about?
Having a bad day?
Why are you talking it out on me?
You did the same thing to Mr. Noh before.
That's why you're doing this to me too!
Can you explain?
The text…
You sent me that text.
What text?
It wasn't you?
Why are you putting on a one-man show?
What's wrong with you?
Gosh, then who was it?
Hey, Lee Mikyung! You…
What's with her?
Gosh, why is everyone
from Gotop annoying me?
This is the CEO of Baek Edu.
We're here to meet with Mr. Noh.
Yes, sir.
Please go ahead, ma'am.
I'm here to meet with Mr. Noh.
What brings you here?
We recruited Mr. Oh Segi
as Baek Edu's deputy CEO.
Baek Edu will handle
all his legal issues going forward,
so please send
all related matters to our legal team.
I thought I should
tell you that in person.
That's all I had to say.
I'll get going now.
I'm so relieved.
I was very worried
that Noh Gojin would get destroyed
because of a mere tax evasion charge.
It won't be any fun
if you get destroyed too easily.
I haven't even gotten started yet.
Why are you going this far?
I told you already
that I'll never forgive you.
Mr. Oh Segi seems as upset as me too.
That's why I really like him.
Watch me
and see how I destroy
both Gotop and Noh Gojin.
Watch me with eyes wide open.
Everything that will happen from now on
is all because of you.
How do you like the deputy CEO's office?
Thank you for being so attentive.
I like it very much.
I'm glad to hear that.
I just
met with Mr. Noh.
The only thing that's left
is to destroy Gotop.
What's your plan?
There are many ways, of course.
I'll take away their talent
and restrict capital to their affiliates.
What about the public opinion?
Many companies use
the viral marketing strategy.
Viral marketing?
There is no other effective way
than turning the truth into a lie
and turning a lie into the truth.
I don't care about malicious comments.
Noh Gojin wouldn't budge at all
even if we attack the Gotop instructors
using malicious comments.
since he suffered from it himself
12 years ago,
he'd be completely immune to it.
You got a point there. Understood.
What's the reason?
What's the real reason that you betrayed
Noh Gojin who you considered a brother?
You don't have to tell me
if you don't want to.
It's sufficient for me to know
that we have the same end goal.
He killed my little sister.
Noh Gojin is a murderer.
Please look into
Mr. Oh Segi's family details
and find out why his sister died.
Yes, ma'am.
You find out yourself!
Why I am doing this.
What you've done wrong!
How many times do I have to repeat?
You've been doing this for years!
Gosh, I really can't get any work done.
We had to come back because of this?
You have no common sense, man.
You can't install a camera on a tree.
It's facing the wrong direction too.
Are you in your right mind?
People work so carelessly.
Finish up quickly!
Pardon me.
What are you doing?
Who are you?
I'm the owner of this place.
Oh, that's a forest fire
surveillance camera,
but we installed it incorrectly.
I'm sorry. We'll finish it quickly.
Hey, hurry up.
How long
has that been installed?
I'm telling you again.
But I don't know who Ms. Lee Sina is.
Do you know who that is?
Who is it?
He called me "garbage."
Noh Gojin, you scumbag.
I swear I'm going to kill you.
Why are you so upset?
Noh Gojin, that punk,
terminated my contract.
Do you know what I've done for him?
I'm the one who built up Gotop.
I'm the one! Kang Min!
Wow, he's a real scumbag.
He threw you out
just because you made a mistake?
I'm going to…
that scumbag.
-Did you just laugh?
-That's a little unrealistic.
You can't kill anyone.
I doubt you can even
bump him gently with your car.
What if I do hit him with my car?
Hey, our friendship is very special.
We built our friendship
in the gambling scene.
We know each other quite well.
I guarantee you. You can't do it.
You know why?
Because you're chicken-hearted.
You punk.
What if I do?
I said, you can't.
What if I do?
I'll eat my hat if that happens.
No, even if you just
bump Noh Gojin gently with your car,
I'll pay you a big bill. Sounds good?
That was a joke. I take it back.
You can't just take it back.
Watch me.
I'll show you what I can do.
Darn it, why isn't he picking up?
I made a bet with someone.
You hit me…
because of a bet?
I'm sorry.
Forget it.
So who is this punk?
He goes by Dr. Cho.
I don't really know his real name either.
Some say he is a hidden son
of a conglomerate owner
or a businessman from the States.
In any case, he's known for being loaded
with cash in the gambling world.
Everyone has borrowed money from him.
That's how I got to know him too.
That's all.
He's never visited you?
That's how things are
between people who met while gambling.
Oh Segi
visited you, right?
What did he want to know from you?
He asked me if I'm the one who sent it.
Sent what?
How are you holding up?
I'm all right.
It was you, right?
You're that punk
who sent me that anonymous letter.
Anonymous letter?
What is it?
Anonymous letter?
I'm not sure what it is either.
He just left after that.
That's all.
I'm sorry.
Your passcode is still the same.
Trespassing someone's home
is a crime, you know?
I heard you're at Baek Edu now.
You're so capable.
Thanks to you.
Ms. Baek…
is very upset with you.
What about
the anonymous letter you received?
You asked Kang Min about it.
Kang Min is your source?
Aren't you supposed to be a genius?
You believe
what that gambling addict rambled on?
No. But my belief is based on evidence.
What you did
that night.
You're a murderer.
-How does it make sense
that a scum like you is instructing kids?
-What are you talking about?
-You killed her.
Oh Sehee.
Did you say, Oh Sehee?
What? You don't remember that either?
Because of you,
my little sister died.
Oh Sehee…
was your sister?
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
Please forgive me.
Forgive me just this once.
No. I'll never forgive you.
You'll never get to work in this industry.
You killed my sister through
those horrible, malicious comments.
My sister didn't commit suicide.
You killed her, you murderer.
I'm going to make you feel the same pain…
that my sister had to experience.
Here you go. Show this to your mom, okay?
-Here you go.
I wonder if my son ate his meal.
Oh, right. I forgot my phone today.
Can I borrow your phone?
Here you go.
Hello, son? It's Mom.
Where are you?
You already got back?
You finished early today.
Did you eat?
Okay. I cooked curry for you.
Heat it up and eat it, okay?
And before you go to the academy,
can you bring my phone to me?
Okay. Thank you. Bye.
What a nice son.
My daughter gets annoyed
when I ask her to do something.
He's a good boy. He and I are very close.
Have a good day.
Thank you.
-What are you doing?
-I'm organizing the delivery packages.
-I'll do it.
-I'm almost done.
Are you all right?
What you just testified
is all true, right?
Yes. Am I finished now?
-Yes. Next, please.
-Mr. Kim.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Please have a seat.
We want to ask a few questions.
-When the explosive set off yesterday,
where were you and what were you doing?
As for me,
I had a show that day,
so I was at the studio with my team.
Any odd happenings recently?
Odd happenings?
Yes. For example, death threats.
No, nothing like that.
I see. Oh, right.
Please take a look.
What's this?
Three months ago, all the employees
of Gotop received this e-mail.
All the employees?
It's a method
often used by hackers these days.
Once a person checks the e-mail
and a certain time passes,
it gets deleted automatically.
An employee from the PR department
found it odd and took a picture of it.
Isn't this…
practically a threat to kill me?
Well, that's what it says,
but no one reported it to the police
thinking that it was just a joke.
No one?
Fortunately, we believe
it's unrelated to this bomb incident.
Pardon me for a moment.
Oh, really?
Anyway, okay. I'm hanging up now. Bye.
The culprit has been caught just now.
Please come this way.
He's the one who sent the explosive.
This kid did it?
Hey, you. Why did you do that?
He said he won't say anything
until his mom comes.
He's been keeping silent.
Whatever his reason may be,
please punish him.
Sir, but he's just a kid.
It wasn't my son. I did it.
Are you all right?
Why did you do that? What was the reason?
You made my mom suffer.
I saw everything on her phone.
Hey, son. Just have a seat, okay?
Come on now.
You don't remember me, do you?
I was your secretary.
You were… my secretary?
Although I quit in less than three months.
You didn't even treat me
like a human being.
You never even bothered to look my way.
I sent it to take revenge on you.
I'm the one who sent the cut-up teddy bear
and a headless mannequin too.
So my son didn't do anything wrong!
Why is it so slow today?
Why isn't Hyesun here yet?
That's odd.
Hey, you guys!
Ms. Gong. Is something wrong?
-Oh, gosh! Something terrible happened!
Is Gotop under search and seizure?
No, not that.
Hyesun's son is in big trouble!
What? What brings you here, ma'am?
We're like you, Ms. Lee.
Don't you remember
that I did a handover to you?
Hello. My name is Lee Sina.
I was newly assigned to this position.
Oh, you're that secretary?
Yes, it was me.
Hyesun, Eunhee, and I are
former secretaries who couldn't endure it
and quit in less than three months.
You know how much we suffered,
felt wronged, were tormented and angry
because of Mr. Noh, right?
That's why
we took revenge on him.
We're truly sorry for shocking you,
but please forgive Hyesun's son.
Please forgive Hyesun's son.
Oh, I see.
It's so unoriginal.
When you read the e-mail,
it gets deleted automatically.
That's why it's hard to trace it.
Hey, over here.
What's wrong with you all of a sudden?
No way. Are you in shock or something?
The fact that all my employees
didn't tell me about
an e-mail threatening to kill me
must mean that they wished me dead, right?
Wow, so it is true. You are in shock.
Don't be so dramatic.
I think they just thought it was a joke.
No one told me about it.
Not even one person.
All my employees
took the culprit's side.
You're here.
Sir, you have guests
waiting in your office.
Who are you?
I'm sure you don't remember us, but we're…
your former secretaries.
Please forgive us.
Hyesun didn't do it alone.
We were all in it together.
Well, as for me…
I even did worse things.
The day you got into the car accident,
I damaged the surveillance cameras
at your vacation house
in Gangneung.
I did that because I was so angry.
I really worked hard.
I really gave it all I got to please you.
She's right. We really worked hard.
If you're really sorry,
pay the price.
I'm not going to forgive you.
Hire a lawyer immediately
and get ready for a lawsuit.
That'll be much more beneficial to you
than what you're asking of me right now.
Can't you
forgive them?
The former secretaries.
No, I won't forgive them.
Then, can you forgive the kid at least?
He's still young
and he did it for his mom--
That's their problem, not mine.
Please let it slide just this once.
Why should I do that?
Then everything will get better.
No, I won't do that.
But can't you let it slide just once?
We endured
working with you every single day!
Whose side are you taking right now?
I'm not taking sides…
But you almost got hurt!
I was just a little startled.
Can't you consider
the secretaries' feelings just once?
They aren't ill-willed.
They've been scarred because of
your insensitive actions and words.
So it's okay to send
a homemade bomb if you've been scarred?
Then what about me?
What about me?
Why… Why is everyone doing this to me?
How can you take their sides, not mine?
How can you not take my side?
I suppose you aren't
any different from them.
What's wrong?
What happened? Tell me.
Mr. Noh Manners--
I mean, did you
get in an argument with Mr. Noh?
Just tell me. What did you argue about?
I think Mr. Noh is here.
Don't play hard to get
and accept his apology, okay?
What are you waiting for? Go get the door.
Ms. Na Sooyeon?
It was a long wait, wasn't it?
I have something that's precious to you.
Who are you?
What are you doing to Lee Sina?
The person you are calling is
not available. Transferring to voicemail.
Lee Sina!
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