Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e14 Episode Script


[theme music playing]
[Marcille groans]
[narrator] Laios and crew are returning
to the surface.
[Chilchuck] I just don't wanna lose
any of you.
[Laios] Me neither.
[narrator] While their bonds
are growing ever stronger
Let's go back in time a bit
-[shaky breath]
-[Mr. Tansu] You're finally conscious.
Are you feeling all right?
Your injuries weren't too severe.
I had to use goat's blood
to replace what you'd lost.
It'll do for now,
but you should return to town soon.
It's good you weren't still in the water,
or you'd have been fish food.
You should be thankful
to whoever pulled you out.
Are you thinking what I am?
[continues sniffing]
[Kuro] I know this scent.
Elf, tall-man, half-foot, dwarf.
The ones who stole our treasure.
I had a feeling it was those guys!
[Mr. Tansu] The revival fee, please.
Enough for the goat's blood is fine.
That's right, we were
assaulted by some fish-men.
[melancholy music playing]
I guess we must have died again.
This is plenty, thank you.
[Kabru] They're adventurers?
-Aren't you
Need something?
[Mr. Tansu] Let's go, Namari.
Oh, right.
-[Rin] Got a soft spot for dwarves?
You have no integrity.
[Kabru] Hey, I don't use someone's height
to determine
whether or not I hang out with them.
That so?
-[horrified scream]
-[both] Huh?
Our food is gone!
It got stolen by those guys again!
Are you kidding me?
It's so weird.
They always take all our food
but none of our money.
Maybe they keep running out of it?
So annoying.
We really should teach them a lesson.
What's the plan, Kabru?
There's no choice.
Let's go back.
Wait. You're joking, right?
Shouldn't we go after them?
[Kabru] We don't have any food though,
so we shouldn't go any further.
How about we admit defeat for now?
Like that guy said before he left,
we have to be thankful
that we're alive at all.
[all sigh]
If that's what you wanna do,
I guess I'll stick with you.
I will too.
If you promise you won't give up
on finding those filthy criminals,
then I'm fine to return.
I promise, Rin. Thanks.
Kuro will do what Mickbell does.
Oh, man.
I can't believe we're not making
any profit this time.
[Kabru] Hmm
There's so much fog.
Hey, be careful, everyone
[Kabru] This fog didn't occur naturally.
This is from a monster.
A fish-man?
There are so many of them.
I guess there's no choice.
Come on!
-[fish-man 1 yells]
[battle cry]
The way it uses that axe seems familiar.
This swinging motion.
I know it all too well.
That's right.
This is
[fish-man 2 yells]
Everything's fine.
Just calm down.
It's me.
[Kabru] This fog is illusion magic.
The confused one
with their weapon drawn is Kuro.
And the one zoning out
across from him is Holm.
He has a habit of freezing up
when things get a bit crazy.
The one who ran off is probably Mick.
So, the one that poses the most danger is
She's already in mid-chant.
She has the power
to turn us all to ashes instantly.
The only peaceful way
to stop a chanting magic-user is
[startled gasping]
[Kabru] Rin.
You get it, right?
This is all an illusion.
[Kabru] It's too bad she looks like
a monster.
Now then
in order to stop this fog
that was conjured
[pained groan]
[pained groan]
[water splashes]
This isn't the right one.
Those who attack with weapons
aren't casters.
They're always observing things from afar.
That one!
Oh, no!
[fish-man caster blabbering]
[terrified screaming]
[corpse retriever] All right, all right.
We surrender!
So would you mind letting go
of my mage friend?
[both gasp]
Wait a minute
[Rin] They are the corpse retrievers
from upstairs!
I don't think this reunion
is just a coincidence.
You guys followed us, right?
[Daya] What What do you mean?
It's more profitable to retrieve corpses
from a deeper floor
'cause the Island pays more for it.
[Kabru] We were angry about
our stuff being stolen,
and while we were trying to get back,
we went to a floor
that was above our skill level.
So all they had to do was follow us
and they would find
more profitable corpses.
So annoying.
But you were a little too late.
[Kabru] When you found us, we'd already
been revived by someone else
and we were heading back to the surface.
It made you panic,
so you decided to use illusion magic
to turn us all against each other.
You're a little off base.
What we wanted was for you
to catch up to the thieves.
Having you kill each other
would have been the best scenario.
But it's really a shame.
We didn't think you'd die so quickly
from being attacked by mere monsters.
[corpse retriever laughs]
You little
In-fighting and stealing
between adventurers is a crime.
I'm reporting you to the Island Lord.
[sighs deeply]
How about we make a deal?
[corpse retriever] It'll be wasteful
for you to go back empty-handed.
Two of my party members
were unfortunately taken out.
Deliver them to the resurrection office.
You should earn a decent amount
of money for doing that.
Those two are just unconscious.
[corpse retriever] We'll testify
that they got attacked by fish-men.
As for splitting the reward,
we're gonna take 40.
No, 30 percent of it.
How's that?
It's a pretty good deal, isn't it?
All right. I'll do it.
[sarcastic laugh]
-Damn you
Yeah, that makes more sense.
I'm glad he did the right thing.
[both grunt]
[both groaning painfully]
[both gasping]
[terrified gasping]
Humanoids are so easy to deal with.
Every single dwarf, gnome, and tall-man,
they all tend
to have identical weak points.
They move their bodies
in the same way too.
[Kabru] It's too bad monsters
aren't like that.
Kuro, go find Mick
and bring him back, will you?
[affirmative bark]
-[Rin] Kabru.
What about him?
Please let me go. I swear to you.
I didn't know about any of this!
You don't aim to lift the dungeon's curse,
nor eradicate the monsters in here.
The number of people who make a living
by stealing from others keeps growing.
Good people from this Island
will leave if this continues.
[Kabru] That's why I can't forgive
people like you.
Have mercy.
[caster screaming]
[water splashing]
-[Rin] Kabru.
Oh. Sorry about earlier.
It was the first solution
I could think of.
-[Rin groans softly]
What are you saying?
You know what? Never mind.
Okay, if you say so.
I feel like we're messing up
and not actually making any progress.
You're right.
And this is the result of all of that.
It's really the worst.
You could stand to be
a bit more encouraging?
There's no point in sugarcoating it.
This is just the best we can do
for right now.
The Island Lord only sees this dungeon
as a profitable tunnel.
If the gold runs dry,
he thinks that monster leather and bones
would be enough.
[Kabru] But no one's gonna
dive into a dungeon
that's been thoroughly searched through.
Maybe 'cause the get-rich-quick
dream disappears,
or the spirit of adventure
isn't being met.
The population starts to decline and then
dangerous monsters pour out
of the dungeon.
That's how a countless number of towns
have been destroyed.
We have to lift
this place's curse and fast.
The world doesn't need monsters
and dungeons.
[Rin] Yeah.
I'm starving.
Being revived does make you hungry, huh?
-[Mickbell] Kabru! Check it out!
-[both] Hm?
Those guys were carrying
some pretty valuable things on them.
All right.
Let's only take their food
and then sink the rest of it.
[Mickbell] What? Why sink it?
If we take just everything,
it means we're no better than they are.
Once we're all finished,
how about we eat a little something?
[in unison] Let's do it.
[all] It's time for us to dig in!
[Mickbell] Those guys were eating good.
I guess corpse retrievers get paid a lot.
Yeah, when you're making your own corpses
to take back.
And the Island Lord
hasn't caught on to that?
There are actually inspections
when it comes to payments from the Island.
[Kabru] But it seems like those guys
were getting around it.
It's honestly more likely that there are
a lot of people working together
behind the scenes.
Sounds like corruption.
They're digging their own graves
by doing that.
Should we try to report this?
I wouldn't expect the Island Lord
to come up with a good solution.
Only rookies like Doni
will be affected by it.
[Mickbell] If the Island Lord bursts
after stuffing himself,
I wouldn't mind at all.
I'm pretty sure the elves would step in
and take his place.
Yeah, so we still need him
to act as sort of a middleman.
We're dealing with a dwarf and a tall-man,
and an elf and a half-foot
What are you muttering?
Those are the people in the party
that put the ghost-warding spell on us.
[Mickbell] Ugh, the ones
who stole our treasure.
The ones who stole our food.
There aren't very many parties
with an elf in them.
We might figure it out
if we narrow things down.
Maybe it's Doni and Fionil?
It's hard to believe that those two
were able to make it to the third floor.
[Kabru] Having only
four party members is odd.
It's more reckless than anything.
Hey, Holm, or Rin.
Look closer at this ghost-repelling spell.
Wait, you still have that thing on?
Oh, yeah, it's evidence.
That magic's not in my area of expertise.
Let me see.
"Honor student."
It's like something
right out of a textbook.
The spell is pretty weak.
A magic school student probably.
Everyone from there all read spells
in the same way.
I'm confident it was an elf specifically.
I see. Is that so?
Wait. "Magic school student"?
This all makes sense now.
[Rin] Huh? What does?
[Kabru] Oh, sorry,
I just realized something.
It's only a speculation, but if I'm right,
it would make me really happy.
Come on, Kabru.
Stop beating around the bush.
[Kabru] All right. Well
It's gotta be the Touden siblings' party.
Those two, huh? Really?
They didn't seem like the type
to wanna do crime.
So, why them?
First, the younger sister of the duo
used to be a student at a magic school.
Didn't an elf put
the ghost-ward on us though?
And those siblings were tall-men,
weren't they?
Whoa, I'm not done yet.
Just keep listening.
[Kabru] The elf and the younger sister
in that party
looked like they got along well.
They seemed like they were maybe
childhood friends or something.
I'm guessing that they were at least
classmates at the same magic school.
It's rare here for someone
to be from a magic school.
Not to mention an elf.
Hmm, it isn't that it's impossible.
But to only base it off that
And besides, Kuro said he only
smelled one tall-man, didn't he?
Siblings would have had
two different scents. Ah
Could that be the reason
they're recklessly exploring
-with such a small party?
-[Kabru] Exactly!
They lost either the brother
or the sister,
and wanted to go save them.
But the party had a dispute about it.
That's what I gathered,
considering we saw one of them
in a new party.
[Kabru] It seems like they'd been
having disputes about goals and income.
And because of this, it's highly possible
that people left the group at some point.
And that put them in a bind,
so they took our stuff.
You're finally starting
to sound convincing.
[Kabru] Told you.
Kuro said he also smelled a dwarf.
Isn't that right, buddy?
I did. Definitely did.
[Mickbell] So isn't it weird
that they apparently
still have a dwarf with them?
They must have a new dwarf tagging along.
[Rin] Do we know exactly
who this party consists of?
Let's see.
[Kabru] The tall-men are Laios and Falin.
And there's the Eastern man named Shuro.
The dwarf we saw earlier is Namari.
And the elf is Marcille.
I'm not positive,
but I think the half-foot is Chilchuck.
If it is the Touden party,
then that means Shuro, Namari, and one
of the siblings aren't there anymore.
And the new dwarf
may have joined their ranks.
I see. So that woman
from earlier was Namari.
Do you know anything, Daya?
Only her name. Since she's famous.
She's the child of someone
called "Weapons Dealer."
What a name!
He's who dealt with all the weapon
and armor exchange on this Island.
[Daya] One day, he disappeared
after he was found embezzling money.
It was that incident that ruined
the Island Lord's image of us dwarves.
Ever since that happened,
a lot of us dwarves faced hardships.
Including myself.
I doubt any sane dwarf would choose
to take her spot in a party.
Whoever it is is insane then.
Mickbell is right.
They smell dangerous.
I know a couple of details
about that Chilchuck guy too.
He's delusional in his old age.
And seems to think he's the representative
of the half-foots on this Island.
[Mickbell] When he makes a contract
with someone, he's like,
"Go through the guild
and pay me a broker's fee!"
-He's a greedy little bastard.
-[sinister laughing]
I'm not stupid enough
to join under terms like that.
If the guild found out I hired a kobold,
they'd definitely say something to me.
You wouldn't want that.
You like working for me, right, Kuro?
Mick feeds me.
He's the best boss I could ask for.
I bet he is working the poor thing
to the bone for peanuts.
You shouldn't say things like that
just based on speculation.
Hey, the Eastern tall-man
is from the same place as Rin, isn't he?
[Mickbell] Does that mean you know him?
Don't lump us together
'cause we're both "Eastern".
Not all towns speak the same language,
you know?
Besides the name Shuro
isn't even from my island.
Then let me share what I know about him.
[Kabru] Even there,
he always managed to stand out.
He came to the Island
with some people from his town
but decided to join the Touden party.
He didn't seem like he was a mere peasant
and wanted to use the dungeon
to test his strength.
So he eventually left the party, huh?
Don't think he'd be concerned
about money or danger.
What if it was actually both siblings
that left and him who stayed?
No, that's not right.
It's pretty creepy how well you remember
things about people, Kabru.
Why do you look so excited?
'Cause I am excited. This is so fun.
[Kabru] There are lots of people
on this Island
and everyone acts
with completely different motives.
But when all those separate actions
eventually come together,
it becomes a historical moment
involving a large group.
I thought it was a boring case of theft,
but I think things
are gonna get real interesting.
So I really hope it's the Touden's party.
Because one of my greatest wishes
is to be there for the moment
when their mask finally comes off.
You got some kind of grudge against them?
[Kabru] They'd done nothing
to me personally.
But in the past, they made quite
a bit of money from gold stripping.
But most of their earnings
were given to their party members
who were too injured to explore.
A happy ending.
It's a moving story
if I didn't tell you all the rest of it.
[Kabru] They weren't actually
still injured
and just pocketed the money.
They never went back to adventuring.
Now they sell illegally manufactured goods
on the Island.
"I shall bestow my kingdom
to whoever defeats the mage."
Those were the words of a man
who claimed to be King of this country.
[Kabru] But whether or not
you're actually given everything,
this dungeon itself is a relic left behind
long ago by the ancient elves.
There's no doubt you would gain
a great amount of influence.
That's why
I really don't think those siblings
should be the ones to inherit it.
They don't seem to care about that.
They're not leaders.
Just like the Island Lord.
We completely get it, Kabru.
We already know
you're the only one fit to lead.
And you'll drive out
that stupid Island Lord too.
Well, if we're still having trouble
with random monsters in here,
we've clearly got a long ways to go.
Yeah, you're right.
We should probably start heading out now.
I hope that we can return
without any more incidents.
Whoa! What the
[Holm] It's blade fish!
Don't let the fish distract you!
The real danger is right under our
[threatening music playing]
[Kabru] A Kraken? No, a Sea Serpent!
Rin! Get away!
[Rin] I can't
I can't summon her
in a situation like this!
Weird stuff could get mixed in!
[Kabru] Stay calm.
You've got to do something, Kabru.
It's not moving in a complicated way.
Discern its movements,
find its carotid artery.
Where even is that artery?
-Excuse me.
[gasps] Tade!
My Lord, if you please!
[water splashing]
-My Lord!
That was simply incredible.
Are there any stains on your garment?
You must be tired.
Shall we rest here for a meal?
No. We press on.
[Hien] Our Lord's being quite bullheaded.
It's only because he's head over heels
with that Northern woman.
-[stomach grumbles]
-Ah, Tade is feeling extremely hungry.
Are you hurt anywhere, Kabru?
-I've changed my mind.
I think if we boiled this,
it might be delicious!
-[Kabru] Excuse me.
I would like to thank you for saving us.
We would have been goners.
[Kabru] I'm Kabru.
May I ask your names?
[Shuro] You may not.
We're just passing through here.
[Kabru] Sorry for eavesdropping.
But I think you were looking for a woman?
Do Do you have any info?
[Kabru] Just as I thought.
I was right about that.
You're in luck.
We may be able to help you out
-in your search for Falin Touden.
-[Mickbell] Kuro, cut it out!
I told you to stop making that face
because it's scary!
What the heck's gotten into you, huh?
[narrator] And with that,
Kabru and his party
will be continuing into the dungeon.
Back to the present with Laios's group,
two days after deciding to return home.
[Laios] We hit a dead-end?
[Chilchuck] Another dead-end.
I'm so hungry.
[Marcille] I'm tired.
[Chilchuck] So thirsty
[narrator] They are currently lost
and on the verge of death.
[closing theme music playing]
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