Destined with You (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Once you disappear,
everything will be all right.
You better leave now.
I called the cops.
Sin-yu, wake up.
Aeng-cho, I'm sorry.
Sin-yu, stay with me.
Abdominal trauma.
Unstable vitals due to heavy bleeding.
What's his blood type?
I don't know.
- Test his blood type for transfusion.
- Yes, Doctor.
- Sin-yu.
- You can't come in here.
Are you going
to practice archery tonight too?
No. Today…
I'll watch the fireworks.
Young Master!
Young Master.
Master wishes to see you urgently.
The exam is soon.
I don't even have enough time
to learn martial arts and war tactics.
But marriage?
If you pass the examination,
you'll be sent to the northwest border
and serve there for over a year.
We can't make
the Deputy Scholar's girl wait that long.
I will not marry her.
Do you wish to die?
I wish you'd loved a courtesan.
Then after you got married,
you could've made her your concubine.
How dare you love a lowly being
who is worse than an animal!
What will happen if I strip her naked
and sell her to a troupe full of men?
If you do not win over the Deputy Scholar,
I can assure you
that you won't get
to see her face ever again.
Do you understand?
You said you would come earlier.
Let's run away.
It doesn't matter where.
Anywhere's fine.
Why didn't you pack anything?
I have seen the future.
There is no place for me beside you.
You will protect the king, win honor,
get a wise wife,
and continue your family line.
That is your destiny.
I do not want
such a destiny.
You cannot go against your destiny.
You do not know until you go against it.
I know without going against it.
Running away with a lowly shaman
and living hidden in the mountains
will not make a happy life.
Are you saying though I wed someone else…
and cherish an affection for her…
it'd still be okay with you?
I should have told you this first.
My affection for you
isn't strong enough for me
to secretly run away with you.
I did as you ordered,
so please go back.
Let's go.
Are you Aeng-cho?
Let's go to the palace.
Is this the spell book you wrote?
I did not write it myself.
Somebody must have compiled
what was passed down by word of mouth.
No wonder it was not effective.
I need to birth a son.
Let her stay in the western quarter
and give her anything she needs.
Yes ma'am.
You must not be spotted by anyone.
you will be beheaded.
There are things I need for the spell.
I must to go to the marketplace.
Why are you in the palace?
What is it?
Your affection isn't strong enough
to tell me the reason?
That was a lie.
That was not the reason.
Ever since I first saw you,
not for a single moment--
What are you doing?
You are truly beautiful.
Would you like to try?
I hit the target.
Isn't it fun?
Are you going home?
Good day.
They say there is
a cunning shaman in the palace
weakening the energy in the air.
Have you heard about it?
Take care.
Curse the crown prince.
I want my son to take his place.
Black Magic Spell
will make the person
who cast it pay in blood too.
Then make your choice.
Will you pay the price
or will you make
the person you love pay the price?
Was his name
Jang Mu-jin?
Capture the wicked shaman
at once.
Yes, Your Highness.
- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.
Burn every single spell book
that contains this sly girl's spells.
Yes, Your Highness.
It was not I who cursed the crown prince.
Do not stop the torture
until she confesses the truth.
I… did not do anything.
Then just say who did it.
Do you really wish
for me to speak?
One who made him vomit blood was you,
by not noticing
the arrow aimed at your back.
You know who is behind--
Shut your mouth!
I will cut off your head!
Whoever makes my heart stop
will die in agony
when the waning crescent moon rises.
Generation after generation,
they will face early deaths.
In the end,
that family will perish.
If you are not afraid,
go ahead and kill me.
Lock her up in a well
and to contain her shamanic powers,
seal it with goldenrain tree.
Yes, Your Highness.
What if she spills our secret?
Do not kill her,
until I get my hands on
the last spell book she wrote herself.
Yes, ma'am.
Wake up.
Grab my hand.
I was forced to put a curse,
but I could not do it.
Run away.
If I run away,
I cannot protect you.
Is this the price
you had to pay
for using the Black Magic Spell?
She made a promise.
What concubine Jung wants
is the last spell book you wrote yourself.
Give it to her…
and leave with me.
I cannot…
trust them.
Trust me.
You have been following me?
If I take her with me,
I'll be rewarded with 500 gyeol of land.
I cannot miss that opportunity.
Aren't you
afraid of the curse?
Once she is caught,
she'll be executed by dismemberment.
If bulls tear her apart,
humans won't get cursed.
It will be fun to watch.
You cannot go.
Are you going to fight with that injury?
Take the wooden box!
Yes, sir!
Ransack it quickly.
I think she ran away.
Let's go.
Shoot her.
Does the curse scare you?
I will handle it.
I will do it.
Were you still alive?
Leave that woman…
to me.
If you help that woman,
your family will be annihilated.
Let him be.
Did you
fool me
to steal the Book of Spells?
I said whoever kills me…
would be cursed.
I will
accept that curse gladly.
You would have been dismembered.
I cannot let that happen.
If… there is a next life…
let us…
be happy.
- Charge to 360.
- Charge to 360.
His heartbeat's back.
Wrap it up and move him
to the operating room.
Yes, Doctor.
It clearly was Na Jung-beom.
We checked the elevator's CCTV.
Did you catch him yet?
No. He abandoned his car
and ran away on foot.
We're tracking him down,
so we'll catch him soon. Don't worry.
I'll give you this smartwatch
so you can call me when you're in danger.
What happened?
- Sin-yu…
- Poor Sin-yu.
Excuse me…
Are you
Sin-yu's girlfriend?
What happened?
Were you with him when this happened?
Why did Sin-yu
get stabbed with a knife?
Did he run into a robber?
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
I'm not okay.
How did it go?
The surgery was successful.
He's moved to a ward.
You can be at ease.
Don't stay here.
You should go in.
His parents came.
And I felt like I couldn't stay with them.
It feels like everything's my fault.
If it weren't for me,
Sin-yu wouldn't have been stabbed.
How is that your fault?
It's the criminal's fault.
I think this all happened…
because of the curse I put on him.
I shouldn't have been with him.
I should've stayed away.
I should've listened to Eun-wol.
It's all my fault.
Don't blame yourself.
What happened was a crime.
It was definitely not your fault.
You must be very shocked.
You should go home and rest.
Is there any place you can rest?
If there isn't,
let me accompany you around
until he's caught.
If you stay with me,
you'll be in danger too.
I won't let that happen.
Stand up.
Let's go somewhere else.
I'll go home.
I heard that the surgery went well.
What will Hong-jo do?
I told her to use
all of her leaves and rest.
They just started dating.
I can't believe this happened.
And they were even together,
she must've been shocked.
By the way, why is he still not caught?
I know, right?
I'm so scared.
Let's all be careful, just to be sure.
Ms. Ma, you will
commute with me from now on.
Su-jeong, Sae-byeol.
Make sure to get off work together.
Or drive her back home.
Okay, I will.
Why did you get involved
with him in the first place?
I didn't know he was a freak!
Don't tell me
you instigated the stabbing, did you?
He dumped you and went to another woman.
It could look like you did it out of envy.
I never did any such thing.
I told you, I still love Sin-yu.
Stop crying.
You'll wear yourself out.
You should go grab some food.
I won't eat anything
until Sin-yu wakes up.
My boy is already ill,
and why did such a thing happen?
Something is definitely off.
What is?
It's strange.
That girl Sin-yu is dating.
How could she not visit even once
after she left the operating room?
Maybe she's too shocked
and might have fainted somewhere.
Wouldn't it be safer to stay at home?
I can take days off and stay at home too.
I got the smartwatch,
and in case of an emergency,
I can request for protection.
Don't worry.
What about Sin-yu?
I think it's better for you
to stay by his side.
If we stay together,
Na Jung-beom might come to us again.
I need to stay as far away as possible.
What if something happens to you
while you're alone?
Don't you worry about yourself?
To me,
he comes first.
Can I ask you a favor?
Please keep me updated
on Sin-yu's condition.
I'll check my phone once a day.
Let me ask you a favor too.
Let me accompany you
to wherever you're going.
Just leave it.
Are you awake? Are you okay?
Where is she?
Do you know how long you were asleep for?
We were so worried about you,
and the first thing you say is…
Don't worry. She's fine.
Where is she?
We met her once
in front of the operating room
and we haven't seen her since.
Can I have my phone?
No. Don't contact her.
I want my phone.
I said, don't contact her.
I heard everything.
You got stabbed because of her.
It wasn't her fault.
How was it not?
If it weren't for her stalker,
this wouldn't have happened to you.
Sin-yu. You almost died.
You've got to rest for now.
Don't think about anything else.
She must have her reasons for not coming.
What reasons?
How could she not visit him
when he's like this?
He got hurt because of her,
she should come and apologize at least.
First message.
They say Sin-yu is getting better.
He started eating.
Don't worry too much.
Hong-jo, make sure you eat well too.
I'll call you again.
Second message.
Where are you?
How can you leave
your injured boyfriend alone?
Come quickly.
I miss you, and I want to be with you.
What are you doing?
You know,
just thinking about stuff.
You've got to eat and cheer up
to stop the racing thoughts.
If you don't have an appetite,
I can make you some noodles.
Aren't you scared
of having me here?
Your mom and I lived next door
when she was alive.
I was there
when she celebrated conceiving you.
She was like a sister to me.
So you're pretty much my own daughter.
And mothers don't have fear.
If the stalker comes here,
I'll run him over with a tiller.
Don't worry about anything and rest well.
- I will.
- Let's have some noodles.
Thanks to you, I'll have some too.
Are you okay?
Can you walk?
Please don't come out.
I have to drop by City Hall.
Just quit it already.
Do you have to hand in
the resignation letter yourself?
Even if I quit,
there's a process to follow.
I can't just quit right away.
You can't drive.
Let our driver No drive you there.
Come back home when you're done.
I will.
And I got bodyguards for you,
so don't be startled
if someone follows you.
- Father.
- If you don't like it, stay at home.
What do you say?
Sin-yu is getting discharged today.
He seems to be fine,
so don't worry too much.
Hong-jo, are you doing fine?
It's secluded there, but always stay alert
and carry the smartwatch with you.
when you check this, can you call me?
I'm worried about you, and…
It's nothing.
Enjoy your stay there.
What brings you here?
Where is she?
Are you sure you're good to walk around?
I asked, where is she?
I can't tell you.
Please do.
Do you think Hong-jo's hiding for herself?
I know she's gone
because she doesn't want me in danger.
Still, I need to know where she is.
What will you do after your leave?
I'm still thinking about it.
He might get in danger again
because of me.
I can't continue working in City Hall.
If they fail to catch him until then,
I'll request a transfer
and go to a community service center.
But then you'll miss him so much.
I must bear with it.
I won't see him.
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after the tone.
I'm back at my home in Seoul,
in case you're worried.
Call me when you hear the message.
Calling is fine.
I'm in pain.
I'll only get better
when you blow on my wound.
Don't you miss me?
I miss you so much.
The third message.
Mr. Jang got discharged.
Why are you staying hidden?
Meet me one last time.
If you don't,
you will never be able to see Jang Sin-yu.
Just you wait.
Sir, please drive fast.
How can you come here alone?
Don't worry.
They're bodyguards that I hired for you.
How did you know about this place?
Jung-beom said he'd come here.
Then why did you come here alone?
I thought
he might harm you if I didn't.
If I'm so precious to you,
why did you want to leave me?
Because you're so precious.
Because I care about you so much…
I was afraid
I might make your life miserable--
There's no such thing as a curse now.
You said a death would end it all.
I was dead.
When I was dead…
I saw everything.
What did you see?
In this life…
and in the past life…
I love you.
Subtitle translation by: Kim Yeeun
Promise me
you will never disappear from my sight.
Who is it?
- My parents.
- What?
If you accept this,
we're in this together.
Who is Ms. Ma?
That's me. Who are you?
You became braver.
Do you think I'm here to build friendship?
You have no idea what will happen to you.
You don't know either.
I know because I'm going to do it.
Ripped and synced by
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