Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e14 Episode Script

Paragonimiasis Effect

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Dr. Kang, are you all right?
Doctors are humans, too.
We can get MERS, too.
If we're unlucky, we can die from it.
You know that?
Dr. Kang!
Mr. Gu.
Bring me N95 masks and gowns.
-I will go in.
-You can't do that, Teacher Kim.
You are the control tower
of this hospital.
Please think it all through once again.
I will go in.
I will go in there.
I will go in the emergency room.
Please let me.
The doctor they need right now
is me.
I will
go in there.
Please let me.
Dr. Kang.
Hold yourself together, Dr. Kang.
His vitals are 100 over 70, and pulse 120.
But his temperature is 39.8 degrees.
How could he have been working
in this condition?
What should we do, Ms. Oh?
What is his temperature?
Dr. Yun.
Tell me about his vital signs
and temperature again.
They are 100 over 70,
pulse 120, and 39.8 degrees.
Dr. Yun.
Inject 200cc of normal saline per hour
and give him fever reducers.
Would that be enough?
It's just syncope.
I think it's because he's very dehydrated.
Let's let him rest
and hydrate him for now.
He will feel better
after getting some sleep.
Where is the patient
with acute appendicitis?
She's over there.
By the way, Dr. Yun is not supposed
to be here, is she?
If the patients are confirmed
to have MERS,
she will be excluded
from Chairman Shin's operation.
That's too bad.
She worked so hard for that.
Please lie on your back for me.
Let me press your abdomen.
If something goes wrong,
you might regret this decision later on.
Are you okay with that?
I didn't care.
At least in that moment.
I will go in.
I wanted to be with him.
I wanted to stay with him.
In that moment.
-Please hurry.
Manager Jang.
Do we have suspected MERS cases?
They are just suspected MERS cases,
but the emergency room
has been shut down for now.
Then why aren't you wearing
a protection suit yet?
It's not here yet.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Is anyone in there?
Excuse me.
Hello, sir.
Who are you?
How are things in the emergency room?
The patient with appendicitis
is not looking good.
Her fever and physical condition
are getting worse.
It seems it's been advanced
to peritonitis.
When can we operate on her?
I'm not doing it without protection suits.
Where are protection suits?
Don't you have them yet?
Teacher Kim.
I just heard from
the public health center.
They will bring protection suits
in 30 minutes.
Dr. Song, did you hear that?
It will be here in 30 minutes.
Go prepare for the surgery now.
Am I finally going to see
Dr. Song performing a surgery?
You will finally perform a surgery
for the first time in our hospital.
Why did Dr. Kang have to be
in the emergency room?
I will go prepare for the surgery, then.
Dr. Yun.
Take care of the patient
for the next half hour.
As soon as we get protection suits,
Dr. Song will do the surgery.
Get the patient propacetamol by IV
-and administer antibiotics.
-Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Yun, here.
Excuse me.
Chairman Shin's condition has improved.
His fever dropped to normal
and his lungs sound good.
What's wrong?
Did you come up here by your own will
or did Dr. Yun call you up here?
What do you mean by that?
I'm curious how
Dr. Yun found out that Dr. Kang fainted.
They didn't call it in
to the second floor station.
Dr. Kang fainted in the emergency room.
I don't really know.
I'm only here because Dr. Yun paged me.
Are you saying that she called you first?
Yes. That's right.
I see.
Oh, my.
The busy man has finally showed up.
How are you feeling right now?
That cheerful female doctor
put me under this and that
and I feel much better now.
She's good at what she does.
She'll be my first assistant
when I operate on you.
Is that so?
Then why did someone replace her?
Did I upset her?
The truth is that we have a problem
in the hospital, Chairman Shin.
Excuse me.
May I
go in there as well?
That can't be done.
Please sit tight and wait.
My children are still young.
The older one is only in middle school.
The people from the health center
will come and take measures.
Please be seated and wait.
Mr. Gu.
Please take a seat and wait.
Do you want this? You must be hungry.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Su-jeong.
What are her vital signs?
It's around 90.
The body temperature is 35.8 degrees.
It's gotten much better since
the admission, but it's still low.
-Give the patient another blanket.
-Yes, Doctor.
Have the protection suits
still not arrived?
They said they would arrive in 30 minutes.
Excuse me.
You can't be doing this.
Let me go in there.
My children are in there.
Please move aside.
Calm down, sir.
Let go of me!
Please move aside.
Please let me be with my children.
You can't be doing this, ma'am.
There are rules to follow.
Please let me be with them.
Let go of me!
I don't want to die here.
I don't want to die here.
Let go of me!
Let go!
Nobody's dying here.
Nothing has happened yet.
It hasn't even been confirmed
that the patients have MERS.
Please contain yourself.
And what if it really is MERS?
What are you going to do then?
Then you really shouldn't leave here.
If you run out of this room
without any clear solutions,
you'll put everyone else in danger.
Is that what you want to do?
If you make a scene one more time,
I'll tell your girlfriend
about what you did
the moment she wakes up.
You will be ashamed.
Dr. Yun.
This patient's blood pressure is dropping.
I see.
How long does it take
to make a definite diagnosis?
It'll take about 24 hours
before we can make
a preliminary diagnosis.
Tell me when that happens.
Then, I'll leave the hospital
or find a new hospital to be treated in.
Aren't you afraid, Chairman Shin?
Why would I be when I have you?
not the kind of disease
a general surgeon like me can handle.
It's got a very high fatality rate.
If I was meant to die,
it would have already happened
20 years ago.
The fact that I'm still alive and well
must mean that I'm not
meant to die that easily.
Go on.
-They must be looking for you.
Twenty years ago?
When are you going to tell Teacher Kim?
I will tell him after the operation.
Don't say a word until then.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, I understand.
I'm sorry. We got informed too late.
It's okay.
How many protection suits did you bring?
There were 20 of them
at our health center.
We brought them all.
Dr. Song.
I don't even have an assistant.
How am I supposed to work alone?
With Dr. Do treating Chairman Shin,
-I can't operate by myself.
-Don't worry about that.
I'll be the assistant.
-You will?
-That's right.
Open the door, Mr. Park.
Dr. Nam.
How did the anesthesia go?
Okay. You can start.
-Stop shaking.
-What are you talking about?
Aren't you going to start?
There you go.
His fever went down a lot.
Dr. Kang has been working too hard lately.
I guess so.
May I have your attention?
Employees from the public health center
have arrived.
Each one of you will be
taken back home soon.
Even after you go home,
you may not go outside until we have
a definite diagnosis of the symptom.
You will be monitored
by the public health center
until you are off quarantine.
We only have one vehicle
from the public health center,
so we will
first take home
the diabetic patient.
What about the kids?
We'll take care of this.
Will you stay out of it?
You always have to put kids first
in any emergency situation.
What on earth is this?
A diabetic patient is
the most vulnerable to MERS.
We will send
the diabetic patient home first,
then move on with the children.
I see.
In that case,
when will I go?
I think you will be
the last person to go home.
You sleep like a baby.
-Are you disinfecting me?
-Put the mask on.
-Don't take it off.
Mr. Gu, what's going on?
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
We finally have the diagnosis.
-It was
It was
It was not MERS!
We are clean, Teacher Kim!
Dr. Song!
Dr. Song!
It wasn't MERS!
We are clean!
Go, Doldam Hospital!
If it wasn't MERS,
what did that patient have?
Give me the blood test result.
The blood test result.
Oh, yes. Yes.
My gosh. Teacher Kim.
-Is the result out?
Their first diagnosis is negative.
Thank goodness!
That's a relief.
If it's not MERS, what was it?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
Why is his eosinophil level so high?
Eosinophil level?
Wait, that means
Have you had any raw freshwater food
two to three months ago?
-Freshwater food?
No, we had no raw food.
We don't even eat sashimi.
What about marinated crabs?
Is that cooked?
Marinated crabs?
Were they made with freshwater crabs?
Oh, right.
Your mother brought some
because you like those.
It was before
you went on your business trip.
She said those crabs were in season.
When was this?
It was right before my business trip.
It's been about two months.
Mr. Park, let's examine their sputum.
-Their sputum?
-I think they have paragonimiasis.
That's why the eosinophil level
was so high.
I'm an idiot.
Why didn't I catch that?
My gosh.
I can't believe
you made the decision to send her in.
If she was unlucky,
she could have missed the operation.
I couldn't stop her.
I see.
That's how
the MERS turmoil came to an end.
It was just a case of paragonimiasis
caused by unfermented marinated crabs.
When did you wake up?
Just now.
Your fever is gone.
You look better, too.
Are you dizzy?
Or do you have any ear pains?
You had three cases of overworking.
Lack of sleep, lack of water,
and lack of nutrition.
Why were you so stubborn?
I can't believe you lived here
for two months.
It was you, right?
What was?
You were with me this whole time.
You held my hand.
You must be hungry. I'll get some food.
You must have dreamt it. No.
I don't think so.
Are you sure?
I think so.
What are you doing?
I am checking to see
if you are lying or not.
Look, you just avoided eye contact.
I didn't.
Oh, right.
It was paragonimiasis, not MERS.
I see.
Yes. It was because of
the unfermented marinated crab.
So it was paragonimiasis.
It's funny, right?
Yes, it is.
Fine. It was me. I was by your side.
You also held my hand.
I was checking if you had fever.
Do you know how much you were burning up?
It went up to 39.8 degrees.
It went as high up as--
What is this?
I'm dizzy.
Let me stay like this for a while.
If you're dizzy, you should eat.
You should eat
lost all my power to resist him.
Darn paragonimiasis.
Ms. Woo?
Hello. I'm Woo Yeon-hwa,
and I'll be working as a pay doctor here.
I look forward to working with you.
What's going on, President Yeo?
She used to be a resident
at Gangwon University Hospital.
But I thought your nationality
was Chinese.
I'm an international student.
An international student?
You must come from a wealthy background.
My mother is Korean.
I see.
Then why were you admitted here
looking like a homeless?
I was a medical resident who fled.
You should have told us so.
Back then, I didn't want to be
a doctor ever again.
It was too exhausting for me.
Why did you change
your mind all of a sudden?
Because of all of you.
When I saw the staff
working at this hospital,
I thought to myself
that I want to become a real doctor.
This is good news.
A familiar face will be joining us.
Isn't that right, Teacher Kim?
So, what's your specialty?
It's GS.
She even studied general surgery.
This is good.
Even foreigners apply for general surgery.
The domestic students
should learn a thing or two.
They all go to dermatology
or plastic surgery for money.
They almost never apply
for general or cardiothoracic surgery
This isn't right. Korea is supposed
to be a medical powerhouse.
My goodness.
You have a fair point, but it is not
the appropriate time for that.
Is that right?
I'm sorry.
I'll consider myself an intern
and try my absolute best.
I'm looking forward to working with you.
You were a resident?
I'm here as a pay doctor,
but think of me as an intern
and boss me around.
Is that so?
I like your mindset.
How strong are you?
I'm pretty determined.
You're even determined?
Hello, Doctor.
Hello, Yeon-hwa.
She used to be a resident
at Gangwon University Hospital.
On top of that, she was a GS.
Is that right? General surgery?
-This is good news.
Starting today,
I'll give you all kinds
of valuable advice.
Can I call you by your name?
Of course.
You can call me whatever you like.
I'll take good care of you, Yeon-hwa.
-Be careful, Yeon-hwa.
Seo-jeong's also known as Crazy Whale.
-You little
-What? It's true.
Dong-ju. Do you want some pizza?
Where did that come from?
I got it last night.
I just heated it. It's hot.
Eat all you want.
From now on, snacks are on me.
I'm serious. 100 percent.
Thank you, Dr. Jeong.
Do you want some, Manager Jang?
I'll pass. I'm on a diet.
Come eat, Yeon-hwa.
We should eat while we can or--
We have traffic accident patients.
All are seriously injured.
See that?
This is what happens.
They'll be here in three minutes.
Three minutes.
Take your time and unpack your things.
-Until later.
It's good to see you again, Yeon-hwa.
Me too.
It's a TA patient.
She's a 35-year-old female driver.
It looks like she smashed her head
into the steering wheel.
Her blood pressure is normal,
but she's vomiting.
She's experiencing a severe headache
and dizziness.
What about her vital signs?
It's 100 over 65, and pulse 120.
It could be hemorrhage.
Execute drops of maxolon,
then I'll do a brain CT on her.
-Yes, Doctor.
-One, two, three.
The glass window broke
and got into her skin.
I'll take a look at your arm. Stop crying.
Are you experiencing any other pain?
No. Please get it out.
Pieces of glass could still be in there.
You need to get X-rayed.
-Mr. Park. X-ray scan, please.
-Yes, Doctor.
-What's the status?
-He's experiencing shoulder pain.
-It hurts!
-It's dislocated.
Sir, your shoulder seems to be dislocated.
We have to X-ray you.
-Get on it, Ms. Eom.
-Please get us a wheelchair.
It's you again.
Please go wait on that bed.
Teacher Kim
Teacher Kim
My goodness.
Mr. Gu.
Is it a cardiac arrest?
This patient has a pacemaker.
How are his vital signs?
Systolic 60 and 40 beats per minute
with no spontaneous breathing.
What should we do?
Please page Teacher Kim.
I'll start with intubation.
Let's move the patient.
What are you still doing
with the Ambu bag?
Get him on the ventilator.
I was about to do that.
Ms. Oh.
Mix dopamine with dobutamine
and execute drops of 10cc per hour.
Get Isoket ready
and use it when
his blood pressure increases.
Insert a Foley catheter
and check his urine.
Yes, Doctor.
This is the ABGA report.
I think you should see the patient.
This is the ABGA report.
It's a respiratory acidosis.
I'll do echocardiography.
and ejection fraction is very low.
It's 25 to 30 percent at best.
You said you have done
an ECMO operation, right?
-Yes, I have.
-Not you. Hey!
I'm asking you, In-beom.
Yes, I have.
Okay. You'll be the surgeon.
Seo-jeong, you'll be the assistant
and page Dr. Nam.
Ask for the ECMO machine as well.
Yes, Doctor.
What are you doing?
Will you help me?
With what?
What is this?
I want to give a Christmas present
to someone whom
I can't give you the name of.
Which one looks better?
Christmas gifts?
Isn't it romantic?
Exchanging Christmas gifts
and warm hugs?
I'm sorry.
If you have
a secret crush on someone,
why don't you make a move
with a Christmas gift?
No, I'm okay.
Do you think so?
Is this better?
This one looks nice.
-Needle, please.
Guide wire.
Pass me the smallest dilator.
The next one.
I will put in the cannulas.
Are you sure this is the one?
-I'm asking, is this the correct one?
It seems Dr. Do got confused for a moment.
Infusion line has a red label.
I see.
I must have gotten confused
because I was focusing.
Stop it.
Dr. Yun, switch places with Dr. Do.
-Ms. Oh, assist the operation.
-Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Do.
Follow me.
Answer me.
What's the difference between
veno-venous and veno-arterial in ECMO?
Veno-venous is used
for respiratory failure
while veno-arterial is used
when there is also heart failure.
-What was the operation for?
-It was for veno-arterial.
Why do we pull the drain line
to right atrium?
Because when the ECMO flow increases,
there is a possibility of IVC collapse.
Why does it matter?
There might not be enough
returning blood to the drain.
You know it that well!
How could you make such a mistake
with cannulas?
You probably thought
anyone that knows the technique can do it.
But you clearly overlooked one thing.
not just about inserting cannulas
but also about physiology.
You may
deceive me with your words,
but you can't deceive me with your hands.
A surgeon's hands never lie
about his experiences and efforts.
lied about something
that you'd never actually done.
And you attempted
to slip a trick over on me.
I won't ask you
why you had to do all those things.
do not degrade yourself
by making yourself expendable.
Are you coming from the airport?
Of course I am.
Chairman Shin is in the hospital.
Where is he now?
How is he doing?
He's not in this hospital at the moment.
I heard he was hospitalized.
He's at Doldam Hospital,
which is a branch in Jeongseon.
In fact, that's why
I wanted to meet with you.
Is something wrong?
This is what I was concerned
about in the first place.
Don't try to scare me.
Just get to the point.
It seems your artificial heart
has a mechanical problem.
For this situation,
we should replace your artificial heart
instead of changing batteries.
But this is not an easy operation.
Are you kidding me?
How could you let him
have such a risky operation
in a small hospital?
I tried to persuade him,
but he didn't listen to me.
That's why I asked you to come all the way
to persuade him.
I know
how stubborn he can be.
No one can reason him
out of his obstinacy.
who is his doctor? Is he good?
He is Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim?
I'm not sure if you remember him or not.
He used to work at Geosan Medical Center
under the name, Bu Yong-ju.
Bu Yong-ju?
Are you talking about that lunatic?
What's wrong?
Are you getting cold feet?
We have to remove your artificial heart
and replace it with a new one.
That's a very rare case.
We don't even have exact numbers
for the success rate.
It means there are only few cases
for the operation.
You should be honored, then.
I'm giving you
a chance to perform such a rare operation.
Are you not feeling confident?
If it's not that, you should do this.
May I ask
why you have
absolute confidence in me?
I already gave you my answer.
I'm a patient who struggles to survive,
and you are a doctor who struggles
to save a person's life.
We are two men of tenacity.
That makes the chance
of me surviving go up.
Every doctor
tries his best to save
a patient's life all the time.
Do you think
they will do the same
when billions of money are at stake?
-Cut the chatter. You're doing it.
If you're the one who operates on me,
I would at least have no regrets
even if I die.
We will do a CT scan on you
tomorrow morning.
And we will conduct the examination
that's been delayed
because of the MERS incident.
In nine days,
we will perform the operation
on Chairman Shin.
We will remove his artificial heart
and replace it with a new one.
-Dr. Kang.
You will be removing the batteries
in the abdominal region.
They were transplanted two years ago,
so they must be stuck tight
to the fibrous tissues.
Once you remove them,
I will begin to remove
-the main device right after. Okay?
-Dr. Yun.
You will be the first assistant
as originally planned.
It is all about speed.
Make sure to be well prepared.
Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Do.
You will be Dr. Kang's assistant, okay?
Yes, Doctor.
Before the operation,
we will simulate
the procedure three times.
I will let you know
as soon as the schedule is fixed.
So keep that in mind while you prepare.
That's all.
Are you all ready?
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
Cut open his chest and insert a cannula.
Set up the heart-lung machine.
These must be done in three hours.
Make an incision
into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue
and remove the battery, the TET,
and the controller within 45 minutes.
Do we have 45 minutes
for both incision and removal?
No, it includes the closing the incision.
Don't forget that the patient
is 72 years old.
We need to reduce the surgery time
as much as possible.
I understand.
Change positions.
Remove the existing artificial heart
in two hours.
Install the new model in two hours.
Stop the bleeding in one hour
and close up the chest in one hour.
The total surgery time
is 9 hours and 45 minutes.
That's not good.
We have to do it in seven hours
to minimize the damage from the surgery.
let's finish setting up
the heart-lung machine in two hours.
Let's finish replacing the hearts
30 minutes faster
for each process.
We still have 45 minutes to shorten.
Then, I'll finish my work in 30 minutes.
From making an incision
to removing the battery, the TET,
and the controller,
I'll do it in 30 minutes.
Seal it up, too.
I'll give it a try.
That's not good enough.
-I'll pull it off.
We still need to shorten 30 minutes,
Teacher Kim.
Any good ideas?
The preparation of the surgery
is going well.
It seems that everyone thinks
it will be successful.
I think Chairman Shin believes so, too.
Unexpected changes can happen anytime.
By the way,
how much longer do I have work here?
Until I say that it is enough.
Until then, swallow the pill.
I'll get in touch soon.
Do not degrade yourself
by making yourself expendable.
Thank you.
This one is for me,
but the other one is
not for me.
What am I doing?
Forget it.
Are you leaving now?
Yes. I'm a little tired.
I'm going home to rest.
I see.
I'll get going.
Dr. Yun.
There's another package for you.
What is it?
I'm not sure, but it seems to be
from someone who wants to spend
Christmas with you.
What is this?
It's all right.
Can I talk to you for a second?
You said she would like it.
Most women usually like it.
Maybe she's not one of them.
Does she like purses?
What's this?
It's my Christmas gift for you.
I heard this kind of gift
makes women happy.
Take it back.
Do you not like it?
I don't want to receive it.
Take it back.
What do you mean
you don't want to receive it?
I didn't imply anything by saying that.
I just don't want it.
Do you hate me that much?
As a man
am I not good enough for you?
-It's not like that.
-Then what?
How do you
really feel about me?
like you.
-Then, why?
the deeper my feelings grow,
the more I think of the accident
that happened five years ago.
And that's not right.
I shouldn't put the accident
before my feelings for you.
That's disrespectful to you,
and I feel bad for you.
So, Dong-ju,
-we cannot--
-I wouldn't mind that.
There has been
only one thing that I wanted from you.
And I just heard
the answer I wanted to hear.
That's enough for me.
As long as you have feelings for me,
everything else doesn't matter.
So please
Seo-jeong, please
Can't we be together?
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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