Enheraf (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Who are you, ma'am?
Sorry, Fawzeya,
for not writing your name
on the envelope.
I know that you cannot read, dear.
How did you come into my apartment? Huh?
Come on now, Fawzeya.
I know you're smart.
That's not the question you should ask,
bur rather:
"What do you want?"
What do you want?
200,000 EGP, not a piastre less.
And you'll have the SIM card,
and we'll both forget
this ever happened.
She's brazen too!
What do you think of the car
I sent to pick you up?
I'm in this damn thing now!
Do you have the money?
-I do.
-Don't play games with me!
Huh? Why would I play games with you?
My goodness!
Listen, get this over with
and tell me where I'm going.
You better be by yourself.
I am.
-You're so cruel.
-You're the one who's most cruel.
Get out of the vehicle,
and you'll see me right there.
Are you Zekra or it's all in my head?
Yes, Zekra.
My, my! What brings you here,
in the middle of nowhere?
My legs, Fawzeya.
I thought we'd meet here,
away from the noisy neighborhood.
I don't like noise, you know.
Don't you think this
is a better meeting place?
Yes, true,
it is.
Did you make the call?
My goodness!
How stupid of me!
Where is the money, Fawzeya?
I have it, dear.
No need to ask.
You can have it all.
There you go.
There it is.
-My, my!
-Should I count the money or trust you?
You can trust me or count
the money if you want.
Do whatever makes
you comfortable, ma'am.
Hey, lady,
where is the SIM card?
Will you tell me
or let me slit your throat?
-I I
-Where is it, speak?
I didn't do anything.
I just want the money.
I just want the money.
Where is the SIM card?
I'll slit your throat.
It's there in that bottle.
Are you playing me or telling the truth?
I swear to God it's in that bottle!
To hell with you!
Now you have the money
you were dying to get.
You're unbelievable!
How could you do this to me?
Just wait and see,
I'll show you.
is that my SIM card or not?
Stand still,
otherwise you'll be electrocuted.
A click of this button
will give you a small electric shock.
Whereas a click of this button
will give you a big electric shock,
that'll be the end of you
and finish you.
You're out of your mind.
You're insane.
What do you want?
Tell me what you want already!
Have patience, Fawzeya.
Have patience.
Why are you in a hurry?
Listen to this music,
it'll make you calm, relaxed,
and make you loosen up,
so you can speak comfortably.
I want to know the truth, Fawzeya.
-The truth about what?
Come on.
Everything I told you
when we first met
was true.
I didn't lie about anything.
I just kept a small detail from you.
I arranged for Daboor and Hadeer's
marriage myself,
so he can have children
who would light up my world,
and bring joy to my heart.
Come here.
What was that?
This isn't right.
Go play with Mommy Fawzeya.
This isn't right. We're both
your mommies. Go play with her.
-Go and I'll reward you with chocolate.
Come on, dear.
-Don't say no.
-What's the problem?
-Go. You love Fawzeya.
-Come here, darling.
-You love her.
-Don't you love her?
-Go play with her.
Do that and I'll serve you lunch.
-She gets you the semolina cake.
She's like your mommy.
-Go to her.
Come on, dear.
I realized that bringing
some random woman
to have a child
whom I can call my own is pointless,
for the child will go back to her
in the end.
Yes, you're doing it!
Keep going.
Step on the pedal.
Good morning.
Watch out.
Keep going.
Why are you crying, Son?
You'll get the hang of it in no time.
Don't be scared.
Just ride it straight. Yes.
Watch out lest you knock into something.
Great job.
You're doing it.
We're almost done.
This is the final round.
-We're done here.
Bring the kid up
so I can play with him a little.
No, his mother told me
she wanted to give him a bath.
Tell your wife to bring up the little
girl so I can spend time with her.
I'll get her for you.
I'll tell Hadeer to bring you
the little girl to keep you company,
-just wait a little.
I'll tell her, Fawzeya.
What's this about?
Where are you going?
You said his mom wanted him.
Never mind.
Fawzeya, I'll take him on a ride
and bring him back.
Will you take him on a ride
or take him to your wife?
-Goddamn you both!
-I'll bring him up. Ok!
I got Daboor married
so he'd have children I can call my own,
but I realized I got him married
so he can have children of his own.
And I
was out of the equation.
So you asked Hadeer
to kill her children.
If I had suggested that to Daboor,
he would've turned me down.
He wouldn't have agreed.
Daboor loves his children a lot,
but he loves the Strox drugs even more.
He could forget his children,
but he couldn't forget his drugs.
You're a mess.
My goodness!
Am I talking to myself?
Hey, Daboor.
Yes, dear?
I don't want the kids here.
You got it.
I'll find Hadeer another place
where she and the kids can go.
I don't want them at all.
What do you expect me to do, Fawzeya?
-Throw them out on the streets?
Bury them under the ground.
-Under the ground?
I'm not talking about the cannabis.
But rather the ground
where dead people are buried.
-I'm the one
who decided that these kids
should come into this world.
I'm also the one to decide
that these kids disappear off
the face of the earth.
Don't be cruel, Fawzeya.
They're little kids.
You want me to kill my own kids?
I know they're little kids.
Think about the coffee place
that I'll sign over to you
and register in your name.
Mr. Daboor's coffee place.
Mr. Daboor smoking hookah
-Mr. Daboor?
Mr. Daboor
Mr. Daboor
has more money than he can count.
He digs in his pockets,
and money comes out.
And buys that crap
called cannabis,
and that other crap
known as the Strox drug.
Think about it, Daboor.
When will you rid me of them, Daboor?
So Daboor chose to kill his children.
A real man
Daboor is a real man indeed!
I didn't let Daboor do it.
I started thinking and planning.
I'll go and finish them.
Don't get your hands dirty.
Their mother will finish them.
How can their mother finish them?
Say something sensible
that would get through my head.
My, my!
Those drugs are the only thing you need
to get through your thick head.
How can we make this happen?
We'll overpower her,
and pressure her
until she agrees to this
and kills the children herself.
Even if we subjugate her
and she kills them,
she'll report us to the police.
-Won't she?
You know why?
Because we'll do
what people do these days.
We'll film her with the phone,
and twist her arm.
She won't be able to say anything
or tell on us.
Hey, Daboor.
Get to work.
Get up, pretty woman.
Get up, woman!
-Get up!
-What is it, Daboor?
-Come here!
-My goodness!
Shut up!
Come here.
-Keep shouting and scream louder!
-My goodness!
-My goodness!
Go ahead, Daboor!
-Give me your hands.
-Tie her up, Daboor.
Tie her up, Daboor.
That'll do.
Tighter, Daboor.
-Tape her mouth!
Stop resisting!
Stop, you bitch!
Didn't I tell you not to go to her?
Didn't I tell you not to go to her?
Didn't I tell you not to go to her?
It doesn't concern you
whether he comes to me or not.
Electrocute her, Daboor.
We kept torturing her
and electrocuting her
for more than five or six hours.
Kick some more. Go ahead.
Hey, make way.
-Kick some more.
-Let me tie this lowlife up.
Make way.
There you go.
There you go, bitch!
I brought you home
from the street, you lowlife!
You scumbag!
You scumbag!
I brought her the kid,
I placed him in water
mixed with potassium hydroxide.
Did you fall asleep?
Make that tighter!
Lower your hands.
-Do your thing.
-If you tell on us, I'll kill you!
Shut up!
Hey, come here. Come close.
Come on.
Give her the kid.
You're killing them!
This is so you wouldn't pin it on me,
you lowlife!
And then I brought her the girl.
She also drowned her in the water
mixed with the potassium hydroxide.
Daboor was filming the entire thing.
Don't cry, woman!
Shut up.
What are you doing, you moron?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Why are you filming me?
And then,
we made her place the children in bags,
put them in a suitcase,
and threw them in the wastewater stream.
And you said she took her children away,
robbed you,
and left.
I had to do this
as a preemptive measure
before people start asking
about her or her kids.
But she turned out
to be smart and sharp.
She went behind our backs
and managed to run away.
She ran away.
So Hadeer
will spend the rest of her life
at the mental-care facility,
and Daboor took the fall
and he's going to jail.
And you're wearing red lipstick
in mourning!
And all you're concerned is with whom
you get married or divorced.
And all you think about
day and night is
the color you would dye your hair
brown, red,
or black like your heart.
No! No, Fawzeya!
You're tougher than that!
I want you to die standing!
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