Familiar Wife (2018) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Jong-hoo and Ju-hyuk, come.
Say hello.
I will be back.
Let's meet the new employee.
She'll be with personal banking
starting tomorrow.
I'm Seo Woo-jin, sir.
Right, Ms. Seo Woo-jin.
She's from HQ's global sales team.
It's her first time working at a branch,
so she'll need your help.
Shall I formally introduce myself?
Sure, go ahead.
You're quick to understand.
I like it.
Let me formally introduce myself.
I'm Seo Woo-jin.
I've been waiting for this day.
I've wanted to meet you.
I'm being totally for real.
And ta-da. This is a bribe.
-An iced Americano, your favorite.
How did you know I liked iced Americanos?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
We should also introduce ourselves.
First, you'll be reporting to her.
Team Leader Jang Man-ok
from personal banking.
-I'm just saying this out of concern--
-You're single, right?
I'll refrain from talking about marriage.
-Your hair suits you.
-Really? Thank you.
This is Team Leader Byeon Seong-u
from loans.
I like employees
who are good at their jobs, so--
I'll be sure not to make mistakes
and make us do overtime.
-Thank you.
And next to you are
Choi Hye-jeong and Joo Hyang-suk
from personal banking.
Hello. Let's go, personal banking!
Have some coffee.
The two have been switched.
A mocha
and a vanilla latte with an extra shot.
How did you know how we like our coffee?
She must be a psychic. I got goosebumps.
An angel came to me in a dream
and told me.
You're new, right? Nice to meet you.
You're amazing.
And this is our security guard,
Jung Min-su.
-Hello. Thank you.
I'm Yoon Jong-hoo from loans.
It's very nice to have you here.
It's very nice to meet you too,
Mr. Yoon Jong-hoo.
Thank you for the coffee.
Next to him is the shy guy of loans,
Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk.
Hello, Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk.
I look forward to working with you.
Nice to meet you, Ms. Seo.
She's really something.
Mr. Cha.
Are you in there?
Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk.
Are you in there?
I'm coming in.
I was sure he was here.
What a shame.
Yes, Ms. Yang?
This is Cha Ju-hyuk
from the Gahyeon branch. How are you?
I was just wondering
if there were any openings in loans
at other branches.
There aren't?
No, it's not that.
Then please call me if anything opens up.
Thank you, ma'am.
You're finally here.
I was going to leave
if you weren't here in ten minutes.
I didn't know if you were
taking the bus or the subway.
But I'm great at guessing.
I haven't heard that in a while.
It's strangely touching.
Seo Woo-jin.
Yes, that's me.
After all that back and forth,
I'm standing in front of you again.
Why are you doing this?
You can meet a better man and be happier.
Why are you doing this?
I know.
I feel bad for myself too.
But what can I do?
I can't control my feelings.
When I came back to 2018,
I realized that this could really happen.
And I had a thought.
Maybe the right answer
is for me to live my own life
and for you to live yours.
Maybe I should pretend nothing happened
and go on with my life.
But after thinking about it again,
I realized I was living a happy life
thanks to you changing our fate.
Otherwise, I would've been miserable
and angry all my life.
You said that's how I was.
So this time, I will save
How is that thanks to me?
You were able to build a good life
because you never met me.
You shouldn't be with me.
I'm bad luck to you.
What are you talking about?
We can work things out together now.
I said no.
You're really playing hard to get.
What's wrong?
Can we eat something first?
I'm so hungry.
Okay, let's do that. Let's eat first.
Should we eat that, then?
It's been a while.
Fresh tteokbokki and pork cutlet?
-You can eat whatever you want.
-Yes! Sounds delicious.
Ms. Jang is coming.
Do we want to eat with her?
Where? She's not there.
It's not going to be easy.
Wire 50,000 dollars to the US?
-Is the recipient a Korean citizen?
You can send up to 50,000 dollars a year
if you're Korean.
It'll be a unilateral transfer.
You need a routing number
for US transfers.
You need to fill out an application form.
Just a moment, sir.
Excuse me, Hye-jeong.
Where's the overseas transfer form?
It's not there.
-Over there.
-It's that way. Thank you.
No way. How did she know?
She must really be a psychic.
I know. Should we ask
for a fortune reading if we get closer?
Thank you for waiting.
Here you go.
It's as if she's been working here
for months.
She adapted so quickly.
Please fill out the parts I marked.
-Are you even listening to me?
-Thank you.
-Be quiet.
Get back to work.
You're no fun.
We have a new employee. A woman.
You should be interested.
In the beginning,
why did God create man and woman?
Date and get along well.
Love each other, marry, have kids,
eat, and live well.
Mr. Byeon, I'm really hungry.
May I take lunch first?
Thank you.
Hey, I'm not done talking.
That's a very bad habit of yours.
Not you, Hwan.
Ms. Jang, can I take my lunch too?
I'm so hungry
that I can't even talk right now.
-All right. You may go.
-Thank you.
Mr. Cha, wait for me.
-Food tastes better when eaten together.
-I like eating alone.
What's there to like about it?
What are you eating? Warm sundae soup?
I'm going to have cold noodles.
That sounds great. Nice and cold.
I'm going to have hot sundae soup.
Come on, let's eat together.
I can't eat alone.
I won't say anything when we eat.
The radish kimchi here is good. Try it.
No thanks. Just eat.
Playing hard to get has become a habit.
Forget it, then.
I'll eat it all.
It looks delicious.
It's hot!
You have to let it cool first.
You're always so impatient.
I almost lost my tongue just now.
That was hot.
What is it?
I should've asked for more sundae
instead of intestines.
I don't like intestines.
There are only two pieces of sundae?
No way.
You don't have to do this.
I like intestines.
Yes, really.
It's hot.
It's Ms. Jang.
There must be a lot of customers.
I don't think I can eat anymore.
I have to go.
-Have a little bit more.
-Just one more bite.
You eat it all. It'll be a waste, okay?
You pay.
She's going to get hungry.
What are you thinking?
This weekend?
Yes, I think I have some time.
It is you, Ju-hyuk.
It's me, Hye-won.
So I joined the orchestra there,
but it was boring.
I guess I was homesick.
I missed my family and friends.
I see.
I heard from my friends
that you're still single.
It's not like you missed your chance
being abroad like me.
Why? You're more than qualified.
I just feel more comfortable alone.
I used to like you.
You know that, right?
I see.
You had bad taste in men.
I haven't seen you in a while,
but you seem different.
You seem a bit cold.
You used to be so gentle.
You're right.
I've changed, right?
Yes. Is work that hard?
I should go back to work.
I'm sorry.
I took up too much of your time.
I'll go after I finish this.
Okay, bye.
It was nice seeing you.
Be happy.
And don't give up on cello.
Ma'am, here's a napkin.
Thank you.
It's okay. Thank you.
Customer number 437,
please come to counter two.
Customer number 438,
please come to counter four.
-How may I help you?
Please check my account.
Sure, I can check your account.
May I see your ID first?
This isn't mine. It's my husband's.
Can you print out the transaction details
for the past two months?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
But transaction records
are personal information.
I'm afraid I can't look them up for you.
But I'm his wife.
Something is fishy.
I think he's cheating.
Please, hurry.
I'm sorry.
Privacy regulations are strictest--
Okay, fine.
Then can you check
if there was a wire transfer?
What's her name?
I'm sorry, but that's not possible.
You have to come with your husband--
You think he'll come here?
Would you, if you were him?
Why can't I get anything done here?
Did you plan this with him?
Did he offer to buy you something?
Oh my god.
What is up with that woman?
You're out of line.
Take care of your issues
with your husband at home.
Please don't take it out on me here.
Take it out on you?
What did you just say?
You little…
That's enough, ma'am.
-You're too worked up.
Who are you? Let go of me.
I'll let go if you promise not to hit me.
Are you kidding me?
Do you want to die?
Mr. Cha!
Are you okay? Let me see.
I think it's swollen!
It's okay.
It's okay.
What was that?
What do you mean?
You usually don't step up
in situations like that.
You were like a bodyguard.
How could I watch
when a colleague was about to get hit?
Stop talking nonsense and get to work.
You too, Hwan.
A colleague.
A colleague, you say?
By the way, about Woo-jin.
Wasn't she so cool?
When she grabbed the lady's hand,
I was so surprised.
She didn't back down.
She does seem to be like that.
She's really something.
I find strong women like her attractive.
-Would she want a younger boyfriend?
-No, she wouldn't.
Get back to work, punk.
Stop it.
Wait for me!
Thank you.
Thank you.
You don't take this bus.
I'm not going home. I have plans.
Is your head okay? What if there's a scar?
It's fine. I have a strong head.
I heard something break.
Let me take a look.
I'm sorry. Why did you step in?
I could've avoided getting hit.
Does it hurt? I'm sorry.
Don't get me wrong.
As a colleague,
I would've done the same
for Hyang-suk and Hye-jeong.
Is that so?
Sure, you would've.
Shall we listen to some music?
-No thanks.
A mosquito! That stings.
Aren't you going? You said you had plans.
Yes, my friend's house is this way.
What? Is there a problem?
I know you don't have plans.
Are you going to follow me home?
Can I go to your home?
Then should we cook something?
Okay, fine.
I'll stop chasing after you.
But do me a favor.
Maybe this.
Mr. Cha.
Which one is better?
Well, I think it depends
on who you're buying it for.
You said it's for a team leader?
Yes. The one that was good to me at HQ.
Can you pick one for me?
Which one's better?
Everyone has something white.
-Like this checkered pattern.
How about this one?
I like it.
Hey, Sang-shik.
What is it?
Please gift wrap this one.
-Thank you.
What is it?
What's with this weird vibe
so late at night?
Hold on.
Just until Ju-hyuk comes.
I only got 30 minutes today.
Can I hear it later?
-No, you can't!
No, you can't.
I really need you today, Jong-hoo.
-You can't go.
-Please stay, Jong-hoo.
You're our only human shield.
Should we reveal everything at once?
Or one at a time?
Let's just do step one.
What are you talking about? What shield?
What is it?
Just stay here until my brother comes.
-He's here.
-You're here! Hi.
-What's going on?
They called you too?
I don't know what's going on,
but she said I'm a shield.
A shield?
Are you going to tell him
that you're dating?
Did you know?
How did you know?
What are you talking about? You two…
That's amazing!
I'm on board, so just go for it.
You two are perfect for each other.
I'm so grateful to hear you say that.
I've been going through a lot
these past few days.
I didn't know how to tell you this.
Her belly will be showing soon.
What did you just say?
What did I just say?
I mean…
I think I fed her too much.
No, not that. What you said earlier.
She's getting full, so her potbelly--
-Please help me.
-Her belly?
-Let's talk it out.
-Her belly?
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
Please don't kill me.
Let's talk like intellectuals, Ju-hyuk.
Okay, let's talk it out.
I'm an intellectual, so I'll use my words.
-Come here.
-Why should I go?
-Hey, Ju-hyuk.
-Let's talk it out.
-You're dead.
-Hey! Ju-hyuk!
Ju-hyuk! He's so fast!
The door is closing.
What's going on?
Are you having second thoughts?
You said you were bad luck to Woo-jin.
Get it together, Ju-hyuk.
Get a hold of yourself.
What are you doing?
Since I'll be sitting all day,
I'm stretching in advance.
You'll get used to it.
I should try it too.
Is this how you do it?
-Twist like this.
-Like this?
We're having a team dinner tonight.
-It's a welcome party for you.
-Of course, I know.
Okay, I got it.
I'll call you.
Yes, Mr. Cha.
Ju-hyuk, go on a blind date.
I just talked to my wife.
My sister-in-law's friend
knows a nice girl.
-She's a pharmacist.
-Mr. Cha.
Thank you for thinking of me,
but I will decline.
Why? Are you afraid you'll be rejected?
No, Ju-hyuk. You're still good.
Have some confidence.
Right, Ju-hyuk.
Since Mr. Cha is being so considerate,
you should go for it.
You never know. She might be the one.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
I appreciate it, though.
I need to talk to Hwaseong Industries
about their loans.
-I'll leave you to it.
This is a great chance for you.
Why does he hate it so much?
I don't get it either.
It's not like he's lacking in anything.
Why don't you set up a meeting
without him knowing?
That's a good idea.
There might be a spark
once they actually meet.
-I agree.
Should I arrange a meeting?
Should I just do it?
No. I'm against it.
I'm totally against it.
Well, what I mean is…
It's just that you can't
push people into a relationship
without their consent.
It's an invasion of privacy too.
Something's weird.
You're right.
I have feelings for Mr. Cha.
No way.
For real?
Totally for real.
What is this?
No way!
No way.
Why are you so surprised?
Since when?
I'm sorry?
It hasn't been long since you got here.
Was it love at first sight?
I don't know. How should I say it…
But why?
I mean, what about him?
-He's handsome.
-Oh my.
He's kind.
And isn't it so cute how shy
and awkward he gets sometimes?
He has a nice voice.
And most importantly, his eyes
are just so sexy.
-I feel like I'm being sucked in.
-No way.
She called him sexy.
She's totally smitten.
When I see him
talking to customers from the side,
his nose is sharp,
and his shoulders are broad.
Isn't he so manly and sexy?
Am I the only one?
I'm glad you didn't notice.
Let's go.
I guess certain people
are meant for each other.
-That's right.
-You're right.
I think she's blinded by love.
I don't know about other things, but sexy?
Now that I think about it,
I think he is a bit like that.
Broad shoulders…
He's not. Right?
How interesting.
Woo-jin just got here.
How did she fall for Ju-hyuk so quickly?
Mr. Byeon, did you notice?
No, not at all.
I was so surprised earlier.
They say every dog has its day.
How can such luck come to Ju-hyuk?
I'm disappointed in Ms. Seo.
They just met. Isn't she being too rash?
Aren't you being too rash?
The amount of time doesn't matter.
You're being crazy.
You're right.
I approve of them.
For someone who's always nice
but indecisive like Ju-hyuk,
someone who's straightforward
like Woo-jin is perfect.
I approve.
Me too.
They're a perfect match.
Come here.
Yes, sir.
We've been talking.
You and Ju-hyuk.
We'd like to help you out.
What do you think?
I feel so reassured all of a sudden.
Mr. Cha wasn't very enthusiastic about it,
so I was unsure.
What? Then let's forget about it.
Why would you pursue him--
Don't mind him.
Yes, let's give it a try.
The marriage rate is decreasing as it is.
Let's think of it as serving our country
and give it a shot.
If it goes well,
buy me a suit for the wedding.
once he helps out,
you'll be a couple in no time.
You're the one who helped
Mr. Park at the Cheongdam branch.
-Of course.
-But they got divorced.
Last month.
It's okay to get divorced.
Anyway, good luck, Woo-jin.
I can already picture the two of you
walking down the aisle.
I'm sorry?
-Let's have some noodles.
-A wedding already?
Don't get ahead of yourself, Mr. Byeon.
No, you two look good together.
Then shall we do our best?
Yes, let's.
Mr. Yoon.
Ms. Seo.
What you said about Ju-hyuk earlier.
You meant it, right?
Of course.
How could I joke about that?
Okay, then I'll help you.
From the moment I saw you,
I had a good impression of you.
I also had a good impression of you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I really want you to be my sister-in-law.
Hold on.
Yes, honey.
Mugyo-dong octopus?
Why? Do you want something spicy?
Are you pregnant again?
Is it that woman from the airport?
Or someone else?
Move over a little more.
Go on.
My gosh.
You two look great together.
It's like a work of art.
Even from the back.
Her innocent looks complement him.
You look like a couple. My goodness.
What's wrong with all of you?
Please don't.
Please stop.
-Ju-hyuk, come here.
-Yes, sir.
-Help me move this plant over there.
One, two… Hold on.
My back hurts so much.
-Can you help me?
-Yes, sir.
-I need to move this plant over there.
Move it nicely together.
My back hurts so much.
-Please move it nicely together.
One, two, three.
What's going on?
They're doing something together.
Something's fishy. Are you flirting?
We're not, Mr. Cha.
We're really not!
-You should go first.
How could he do that?
Ju-hyuk, you're here.
You know our client list?
I forgot to report it to you.
Right. That's pretty urgent.
-It is.
-Show me.
You stay here, Woo-jin. We'll do it.
Have a good time.
How can I have a good time?
Let's talk.
Mr. Yoon.
Be honest.
What's wrong with everyone?
Why is everyone trying so hard
to set me up with Woo-jin?
Why are they doing this?
I'm not sure.
That's what everyone's doing? Really?
Don't act like you don't know.
You did the same.
You really want to know?
Tell me.
I thought you had zero luck,
but it suddenly fell into your lap.
Woo-jin said she had feelings for you
in front of everyone.
It's not like you don't feel the same way.
You can fool others, but not me.
I'm sure you're interested in Woo-jin.
I could see it in your eyes.
Oh my god. Is she out of her mind?
Be honest with me. How do you feel?
Do you really not like her?
Are you sure?
Please don't say things like that.
It's not like that.
What's wrong with our Woo-jin?
She's ruining her chance
of getting married.
"Our Woo-jin"?
"Our Woo-jin."
All right!
What's wrong with our Woo-jin?
Our Woo-jin.
I know, right?
What's wrong with our Woo-jin?
Our Woo-jin.
Let's welcome Seo Woo-jin.
Let's celebrate the blossoming love
of the Gahyeon branch.
Hold on.
Cheers, you two.
What are you doing? Cheers.
That's right.
Mr. Cha can't hold his liquor.
Look at this.
She's full of love for Ju-hyuk.
You're being too obvious, Woo-jin.
She's not the only one.
I also think Ju-hyuk…
Please don't.
You two should go out.
You look good together.
No, Mr. Cha, Mr. Byeon.
Don't be like that.
-It's not like that.
-All right.
You're getting shy again.
It's really not like that.
Can we eat first?
The meat is burning.
Okay, let's eat.
Why is it so hot in here?
Is it because of the grill
or someone's love?
I'm so jealous.
There's a time for flirting.
Of course, there is.
I'll tell you in advance.
If you become a couple and get married,
I'll give you 1.5 times
the amount of vacation days.
I'll bet my life on it.
That's nice!
I'm already married.
Do it again.
That's quite a perk.
Ju-hyuk, try to get along with Woo-jin.
Why are you being like this too?
It's really not like that.
Okay, I got it.
Gosh, you're so shy.
Let's eat up first.
-You didn't eat it.
Love is in the air.
Ju-hyuk, stop. Stay right there.
Hwan, why are you there? How rude of you.
Get up. Switch seats.
Ju-hyuk, since you're up,
sit next to her and eat.
Mr. Cha, no thank you…
It's nice to sit together like this.
Hey, Hwan! Get up.
Don't do that.
Come on!
He's moving already.
No. Sit here.
Why are you doing this? I said no!
I said no! Why are you being like this?
Please don't do this!
All right, then. Get home safely.
-See you tomorrow.
-Thank you.
What's wrong with you?
Shut up. Stop it.
I won't talk to you.
I'm leaving.
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
Mr. Cha.
Let's talk.
Can we really not be together?
Do you feel that strongly about it?
I thought it would work out
if I put in the effort.
Because I knew
why you were acting like that.
But now, I feel like I'm bothering you…
and that I'm being selfish.
That thought occurred to me
a moment ago.
I'll ask you one last time.
Can we really
not be together?
If it's not possible,
I'll give up.
I guess it was too one-sided.
I'm sorry.
Let's live our own lives, then.
Let's do that.
Hello, good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Cha.
Good morn…
I bought some rice balls.
Anyone want some?
I haven't eaten yet.
Mr. Byeon, you don't need to eat?
-No, I'm fine.
-What about you, Hwan?
I guess you don't eat this.
I want this.
These are the special interest rates
for next month. Take a look.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
-Mr. Cha.
You put the documents in storage, right?
-Yes, sir.
I wish HQ had a meeting every day.
Isn't it nice to get off work early?
It's been a while since it's been just us.
Want to get dinner?
-I'm in.
I'm so hungry.
My wife went to her parents' house,
so I'm free.
I'm sorry.
I have plans, so I'll get going.
What? You should eat and go.
It's been a while.
I'm sorry. I have dinner plans.
Next time. Enjoy your dinner.
See you tomorrow.
Let's all hang out next time.
Today, it'll just be the three of us.
-Should we?
-Okay. Bye.
Doesn't it seem like
Woo-jin has given up on Mr. Cha?
Something doesn't feel right.
Darn it.
What was that?
-Hey, Ju-eun.
-Did you just get off work?
I did earlier. I was just…
-What about you?
This is nice.
It must be so refreshing.
When you have a sip of beer after you run,
and your throat tingles…
It feels so good and refreshing.
I told you to buy a can.
Do you want a sip?
No, it's okay.
Don't tempt me.
I don't want anything
to happen to this baby.
What? Baby?
Are you serious?
It's something to celebrate, right?
Will you have the wedding after?
No, we decided to do it quickly.
We'll just invite our family
and close friends.
-You have to come.
-Of course, I'll be there.
Thank you.
By the way, are you seeing anyone?
With that face of yours,
there's no way you aren't.
With this face, there's still no one.
It's a mystery, isn't it?
You're right.
Are men blind?
Not even someone you're flirting with?
Is it because you have high standards?
I don't know if I have
high standards or low standards.
Or if I'm just blind or my eyes are bad.
It's nothing. I'm just talking to myself.
By the way,
I talk to myself these days too.
I talk to the baby.
Isn't it amazing?
I'm not usually like this.
My fiancé is excited too.
He can't believe
that he's going to be a dad.
Do you want to meet him?
-Right now?
Sang-shik said he was making a call.
What's taking him so long?
I can't even send away customers.
-Steamed egg, please.
-Steamed egg?
What's the point of having two friends?
One's a klutz, and the other
is an idiot who throws away his luck.
They want a steamed egg.
Hey, you can't take that order.
-Why not?
-Come in quickly.
Whisk the eggs. Chop the green onions.
Hey, stir this.
Stir it.
What's going on?
Why are you guys there?
Where's Oh Sang-shik?
What are you doing here?
-How do you two…
Do you know each other?
There are customers. What's going on?
Honey, you're here.
My friend.
-What a small world.
This is why you shouldn't be a bad person.
So, they're siblings.
And recently, they became friends,
but she became their colleague.
She even had a crush on him.
Anyway, I guess we're meant to be, right?
I got goosebumps when I heard about it.
She used to live in that neighborhood
when we lived in Daejeon.
Did you know that? She remembered my face.
-You didn't, did you?
I didn't.
Anyway, it's really interesting, isn't it?
-When is the wedding?
-At the end of the month.
Save your date. You're the emcee.
Also, honey.
We can skip everything else,
but I looked into taking wedding photos.
It's about 1.5 million won.
Are you crazy? We can't afford that.
I'd rather renovate
the food truck with that money.
Shouldn't we at least make an album
to commemorate our wedding?
I said no.
If you agree to it, I'll kill you.
Objectively speaking, Ju-eun is right.
It won't hurt to listen to your wife.
Listen to her.
We'll do the photoshoot for you.
I'm pretty good at taking photos.
-You guys?
-That's great.
You guys can take the photos.
It shouldn't be too hard.
Sounds good. Terminal Park this weekend?
Works for me. Woo-jin, what about you?
I would be so grateful
if you could come and help me.
I'm not that good at makeup.
Okay, I'll do it.
They used to fight all the time,
but now they're getting married.
You never know what can happen
between two people.
But Ju-eun is so smart.
They'll get back on their feet
once they get married.
This is why a man
should meet a good woman.
Of course,
women need to meet good men too.
I need to borrow a camera
from a photographer friend of mine
so I can take some nice photos.
I'll be going now.
See you tomorrow, Ju-hyuk.
Goodbye, Woo-jin.
Jong-hoo, let's just…
Are you
that uncomfortable around me?
No, not at all.
You are.
I'm sorry.
I have to keep seeing you at the bank.
After some time passes…
will I just
become numb?
Will I see you as just a colleague
and an acquaintance,
as if nothing happened?
As if we've never had
those memories together.
Will that happen?
I had a close friend at headquarters.
She works for a bank in Hong Kong.
She keeps begging me to come.
I was worried about my mom,
so I didn't even consider it.
But I am a bit curious about it.
What would you do?
I'm not sure.
I never get offers like that.
Wouldn't a Hong Kong bank…
be a good opportunity for you?
Do you really think so?
Just as an experience.
Don't worry. Yes.
Of course, I will.
You're my customer.
A gift?
I already have it for you.
Don't worry.
I'll come by at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.
I swear, rich people are the greediest.
You're watching this movie again?
Aren't you sick of it?
You'll memorize the lines.
You always watch this movie
when you want to cry.
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
I just like melodrama movies.
Don't be ridiculous.
You like comedies and documentaries.
I know what you like.
So you're going to watch this
and not a drama?
Yes. I'm going to watch this.
Okay, then.
I wonder what happened.
Did she get scolded by her boss?
Woo-jin, where are you?
Ju-hyuk and I are in the neighborhood.
I'll pick you up if you haven't left yet.
I'm already on the bus.
I'll see you there.
Okay. See you later.
Did she leave?
Yes, she's on the bus.
We were too late.
We should've planned it with her earlier.
Can we really not be together?
Around 10:10 a.m. today,
the 170 bus and a 2.5-ton truck
collided near the bus terminal,
causing congestion.
Many passengers
were seriously injured in the accident.
The 170 bus…
Make a U-turn there.
-What U-turn?
-Make a U-turn there. No.
-Wait, pull over.
Stop the car.
Where are you going?
-What are you doing?
-Get out.
-I'm sorry.
-What are you doing?
-There's no time. Get out!
What's wrong?
Where are you going? Hey!
My car!
Damn it.
Damn it.
Around 10:10 a.m. today,
the 170 bus and a 2.5-ton truck collided,
causing passengers
to be seriously injured.
How can you drive like this?
Are you crazy?
You almost caused an accident!
Get out!
Get out of the car!
Sir, please open the back door.
Get out!
I said get out!
You won't get out?
One second.
I know I'm shameless.
I know it's wrong.
And I know I shouldn't.
But I can't do this anymore.
I don't know about anything else.
I don't know about a conscience or guilt.
But I'm sure of one thing.
It's that…
I love you so much.
I'll make you happy.
I'll keep that promise.
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